12 the oxarnlnor Friday May 11 an television guide FRIDAY EVENING VIEWING 000300 NEws HOLLYWOOD SQUARES DEFINITION POLKA DOT DOOR 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW CBS NEWS ADC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME MATH PATROL 645 READALONG 855 WRITE ONI 700 DATING GAME EIGHT IS ENOUGH TOM AND JERRY AND FRIENDS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW TIC TAC DOUGH DELTAHOUSE TheDeltasmuslcome up with miracle after they enter Mutly in col legs beauty contest and discover that Dean mar has fixed the outcome NEWLYWED GAME ALMOST HOME GONG SHOW PRICE IS RIGHT 730 DANCE FEVER NEWLYWED GAME EVENING OUT HOLLYWOOD SOUARES CIRCUS Cel Dodd and Sherisse Laur ence welcome Marios Mad Halters comedy iuggling with hstsThe Dionnas BalsncingPole Act The Reynoso Pirates of the Sky anchor andM lmbas Baboons £LECIXION 79 Candidates from the six Hamilton and area ridings in the May 22nd general election will be questioned by reporter Ken Lawrence Tom Cherington Is program erltor MAGlc SHADows DOB NEWHART SHOW 800 DIFFRENT STROKES Mr Drummond and his family recall the hllarlous incidentsandneardissslerslhalhaveoccurred inlhstdsyssincoWlttisandArnoldcametolive ummond penthouse 60 mins ALL IN THE FAMILY When Ar chie and Edith arrive at their daughters new California home for the holidays they discover that all is not paradise among the sunshine and thepalmtreestorMIkeandGIoriaSpoolelpuest starsRob Reiner and Sally Struthers Conclu ota onehome Isode THE INCREDIBLE HULK om Banner discovers doctor performing opere tions to gain control of patients minds which puts him next on the doctors schedule 60 FRIDAY NIGHTMOVIEThePower Stars Art ï¬nale Susan Howard OLYMPIC PROFILES smut was YEARS an at Italy in emer of 1941 found the Germans poised on the eastern frontiers ot Hitlers conquests Bri tain the only tree country stitllightlnginEurope was isolated and cut oil from the continent In Moscow the population had no thoughts ot how the lmperlsllat countries at the West would fare In their private conflict Hitler and Stalin had wmpc MOVIE WESTERNADVENTURE Grand Duel 31340 II FRONT PAGE HALLENGE PLANETOF MANMounlaInHeritage The Appalachians lnlhisprogrlm Newfound land whose rock is part of the Appalachian system provides the location for onthssita study ot geological history of this ancient eroded mountain rang 00 on THE BEST OF DEAN oi the entertainment industry past and ONIONth tudIngFrankSInalraOrsonWellss Ella Fltxgerald Jack Benny Louis Armstrong Johnny Carson lfld AnnMargretrwlll be shown performing with Dean Martln in scenes train the variety series one of the most succesatut In the ottelsvlslon hrs LIONAAneveningolmuaicwlthLiona Boyd and her friends Chet Atkins David Claytoanhamss Hagood Hardy and the Can nrlisn Brass 60 mine THE DUKES OF HAZZARD bankolHauardisrobbedandDaiiykidnapped sndBo LukeandUncleJessehavetobreakout of fall to rescue her Guest star Arte Johnson mine MOVIE DRAMA Son Rise tracts of Love 1019 COUNTRY MATTERS The Black Dog In this story by Copperd love at first sight In Edwardian England ends in darkening moral struggle and the need for sacrificial THE LOVE BOAT 930 FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE wit Niohl Rlder 19798tars DavidSelbyPernellRoberta 1000 STARSKY AND HUTCH DALLAS Afraid thetPam and Bobby will produce the lirst Ewing grandchild Sue Ellen tries to adopt blsck markel baby 60 MISS WINSLOW AND SON THE MIGHTY coNTINENT Heyday Fever Part Historian John Terraine slded by Peter Ustinov tells of the evolution of ope in the twentieth century NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 MONTY PYTHONS FLYING cmcus 1030 KOWALSKlLOEB REPORT ALL THAT GLITTERS 61 00 II NEWS CBC NEWS CTV NEWS NEWCATION OF MIKE MC MOVIE COMEOY VII Your Three Minutes Are Up rare 120 NEWS 1127 NEws 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOWHost Johnny son Guest Calvin Trillln 90 mlns NBA BASKETBALL PLAYOFF AME MOVIE SUSPENSE VI They Only Kill Thelr Masters STREET TALK NIGHTMUSIC The Mendslaon Joe AlIStars 1145 THE PROFESSIONALS Rooue George Cowley works closely with the head of Special Branch to bring about the arrest and conviction ot major criminal who has for many years contrived to escape ustlce witness wholssblesnd willing to testllylsshot deadas he arrived In London so mina 150 MOVIE DRAMA The GoBetween tan 1200 OMOVlEDRAMAl Black Mar tBabies 1971 aMOVIESCIENCEFICTION Illustrated Man was 1210 ROCKFORD FILES 100 THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 110 MOVIE DRAMA Flood 1978 130 NEWS 200 MEDICAL CENTER MOVIE MYSTERY The Underground has 1974 MOVIE c0MEDY is Where Angels Go Trouble Fol lows tees 300 MARCUS WELBY MD 330 MOVIE DRAMA Born Losers leer 400 MOVIE DRAMA Mary Scotland teas BEWITCHED historically speaking today in history May 11 1979 Canada paid the Hudsons Bay Company $11 million for its territorial holdings in Ruperts Land and the Northwest Terri tories 109 years ago today in 1870 This extension of Canadian boundaries without inviting the opinions of the inhabitants had led few months earlier to Louis Riels establishment of Metis republic in the Red River colony This was suppressed by military force and as result Manitoba was set up as full fledged province 1854 Ottmar Mergenthaler inventor of the linotype was born canadas stog Traveling Shows Provided Medicine For Upper Canada In the early days of Upper Canada in fact until the middle of the 19th century it was even more difficult to see doctor or dentist than it is now Things were bad on the Prairies too The famous missionary John McDougall had to wait nine years to get an aching tooth extracted The problem in Upper Canada was that there werent enough qualified medical men There were only 40 in 1815 The field was wide open for quacks and they were popular because they provided the only entertainment malty pcoplc cvcr saw The quacks traveled from com munity to community like circus bringing large tent that was used as theatre During the performance the doctor would appear on stage and deliver high powercd pitch about the medicines he could provide They were usually in bottles After the show people would line up and buy the medicines from the socalled doctor and his assistants Business was very good The evenings were also enjoy ablc However some people protested The Toronto Patriot published an editorial in 1838 that read Quacks are an intolerable nuisance in any country where empiricism and radicalism go hand in hand It is monstrous that our government should allow the province to swarm with these pcstilant vagabonds every one of whom is Yankee loafer The campaign was successful and College of Physic ians and Surgeons was incorporated on May 11 11139 It also examined candidates for provisional licenses to practise medicine in Upper Canada Dr John Rolph had founded medical school in Toronto in 1821 but he became involved in the rebellion in 1837 and had to flee to the pounds for his arrest with reward of 500 He was allowed to return to Canada in 11113 and resume his school which later became part of the University of Toronto Tillllt EVENTS MAY 11 1606 Poutrincourt and licscarbot sailed from La Ro Chtllt for Port Royal 1615 Captain Richard Whitbournc was commissioned to establish order in Newfoundland 1690 Force from New England captured Port Royal 17150 icncral Dc Levis made final attempt to force Qucbcc to surrcndcr 1880 Sir Alcxandcr iall bccamc first Canadian High Commissioncr to Britain 1902 TM Railway now ntario Northland bcgan construction froIn North Bay to New Liskeard 1938 Governor General Lord Twccdsmuir began tolIr of Prairies thornton by Mrs Holt 4589298 Sympathy iscxtcndcd to thc family of Lloyd McDonald RR who passcd away on April 21 in Royal Victoria Hosilal Barrie Lloyd filrmcd in Essa Township with his brother Roy on the homestead where he was borIl and aittcnd ed the Mount Pleasant Public School and later Cookstown Continuaton School He leavcs to mourn his mother brother Roy and sister linnifred who is at home and Luclla Elphick neighborly news of Alliston llc was priklcccascd by his fathcl James Scrvlcc was held at Stccklcy Funeral Homc in liarrlc Iollowcd by in tcrmcnt at Thornton linion cnictcry on April 24 Congratulations to riin tnrr who was apart of it Bar rIc curing tcam which won the Slmctic District Coopclativc lIoph on April 12 at Barrio Ivy bY Joan Jennett m238 Jack Hirons spent couple of days this week with his mother Irene Hirons 1867 The Treaty of London granted Luxembourg status of permanent neutrality 1880 Sir Galt was ap pointed Canadas first high commissioner to Great Britain 1920 Oxford University passed statute admitting women to degree programs 1949 Israel became the 59th member of the United Nations barries story May111967 Ven Read rector of Trinity Anglican Church and Archdeacon of Simcoe was Barries 1966 Citizen of the Year Archdeacon Read was chosen by panel of judges in recogni tion of service to the communi ty that went far beyond the ministers normal role Woolworths enlarged store was officialy opened that morning while hundreds of peo ple lined up outside to await the opening of the doors Government officials from 22 nations visited Barrie in an ef fort to find out what was being done to promote industrial development at the municipal level They were participating in weeklong tour of Ontario spon sored by the world bank Progressive Conservatives of Simcoe Centre gave Arthur Evans unanimous support as their candidate in the coming provincial election Contract to build Barries revolutionary new Allandalc Heights Public School was awarded to and Kennedy Ltd of Barrie with bid of $382122 Kathy Heels competing in the Midget division set three records to lead an assault on 15 records at the annual Central Collegiate track and field day Kathy who was awarded the field day championship in her division set her records in the 60yard dash 825 seconds lWyard dash 131 seconds and 1hr 220yard 319 Seconds Tcn records were set by the girls while the boys established five new marks The flowers on the altar in Christ Church on April 29 were in loving memory of MrsWard Mrs Jim Kovaxs mother and on May flowers were in memory of friends of Mr and Mrs Rudd Barbara Goodwin of Toronto spent the weekend with her father Ernest Goodwin Mr and Mrs Malcolm Wilson of Barrie spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Wilmer Wilson Dorothy Poland Dorian Parker and Jean Jennett at tended the euchre party at Sim coe Manor on Saturday night Minnie Arnold spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Keith McYanel of Barrie The Doctor Says Funnyteeï¬ng inthelegs By PAUL RUBLE MD Dear Dr Ruble dont know just how to describe my ail ment Sometimes wake up at night with chilled feeling and my legs jerk for about five min utes have warm bedding Could this be poor circulation It happens about one night weekMC If we could harness all the energy expended in the restlessleg syndrome we might make sizable contribution to the worlds fuel problem You describe it quite well The condition is difficult for the patient and puzzling for the physician who hears about it for the first time At least it was to me People frequenly wake up at night with funny feeling in the legs They may feel cold warm heavy and fidgety The cause is not known but there are reports that indicate it may run in families One thing is clear It is not circulation problem nor is it caused by faulty nerves Tests for both these factors are usu ally normal It can be related to various medical conditions in cluding anemias and diabetes also to stomach surgery Unfortunately with medicine as with anything else the less we know about problem the less we can do about it Restless legs fall into this unhappy category said the problem is not circulatory Yet have seen patients helped by blood vessel expanders and relaxers nerve pills You will run into lot of other possible cures elastic hose propping the feet at night massage and the like Any one of them might help and be worth try have to say though that the chances are you will end up with the same jumping and jiving of your legs If anemia or diabetes are in volved treating those con ditions will help Some people may get other leg symptoms like cramps from taking strong diuretics Dear Dr Ruble The surgeon treating me says have her niated intervertebral disc in the lower spine He says surgery may be needed Is there new method of treating this without surgery and why want my sur geon talk about it Why havent more advances been made in thisPFG If doctors jumped on every new surgical or medical band wagon that came along wed be in bad shape There is in fact new nonsurgical technique for treating such protruding disc problems But is it good The idea is to inject certain en zyme substance into the area with the hope that it will in sense digest the unwanted gotruding disc tissue It is ing studied There are draw backs such as severe allergic reations In other cases where it has been tried the resulting pain relief has been small So as unpleasant as the pros pect may seem to you con ventional surgery is the only sure method that offers max imum relief Dear Dr Ruble What is epiphoraHD It means abnormal flow of tears usually from blocked tear ducts that prevent normal drainage The Greek trans lation sudden burst The cure is opening the duct sur gery or treating any infection present BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Plan play before bidding WEST 0KJ1087 842 010 4AJ95 Vulnerable Both Dealer South West North East South 2V Pass Pass Pass Opening lead 10 By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag When South played the four of diamonds from dummy on Wests 10 at trick one he violated the old rule of play that says Cover an honor with an honor There are exceptions to that rule but none to the really important rule which is to plan your play before playing to the first trick Once South ducked that 10 of diamonds he was sure of his contract provided that West held both the ace of clubs and king of spades for his spade overcall West shifted to trump at trick two South drew trumps and played out the ace and another diamond East won and led spade South went right up with his ace and cashed dummys two last diamonds in order to discard his queen of spades Then he conceded the third defensive trick to the ace of clubs If South had played the queen of diamonds at trick one Eastsking would have forced Souths ace East would gain the lead in time to establish spade trick for his partner before diamonds were set up ASK IS IXDCIIS You hold 10965 Your righthand opponent opens four hearts Louisi ana reader asks if we would bid four spades vulnerable Yes we would We are taking chance but every one has to take chances if he wants to be successful at the bridge table 51113 daily crossword ACROSS 36 Speed Answer to Previous Puzzle measure Campus abbr building 39 Jumps Totally 41 Flatbottomed 10 In line boat 12 Copper 42 Pieces of 13 Kick type paper 14 Falls back 45 Eye covering 15 Existed 47 Insurrection 16 Prig 48 Group of ten 18 Superlative 49 Disconcert suffix 50 Ripped 19 Thrash soundly DOWN 20 Overpass 11 Biblical 29 Felt sleepy approach Suns disease 33 Spile 24 09° 53 12 Ba 35 Forceful blow discussion Harness 17 Wheel rack 36 Grind tooth 25 Triad attachment Sun aside 37 Van 26 Fats Insane 21 scmhem 38 VP 29 Fabulous Campus area constellation ark beast Mastery 22 C31 sound L°d° 30 Power wds 23 Keysmne 40 Make de5Igns 31 Reputation Tax agency state abbr 32 Kind of abbr 24 Without joy 19005 an marble Day of week 25 Stair part 5M9 33 Froglike abbr 26 Regans father 42 R650 Printers measure amphibian 34 lndiscreet 35 Madame 10 Part of the ear 28 Vegetables 27 Womans 43 Center name 44 Greek letter 46 Soil lt abmloeBede oeol CYour Birthday May 12 1919 Lucky breaks or fortunate op portunities could come through Others this coming year Pay particular attention to Situa tions involving loved ones TAURUS April 20May 20 Those things you do for or with your family today bring you the most happiness Theyll share your enthusiasm while friends may dampen your high spirits GEMINI May 21June 20 Hold ing things inside you will only Winthrop 16 THE BIRTHDAY CAKE ORDERED You HAVE TEN OCLECR MEETINE WITH THE TRAFFIC CONEULTANT You HIRED harbor resentment Talk openly about what you feel Youll reach the understanding you had hoped for CANCER June 21July 22 Dont just verbalize about things do them You could let golden opportunity slip through your lingers if youre all words and no action LEO July 234mg 22 Your sell interests are certain to be satisfied today However you may put out much more money than you can comfortably afford Dont go OVErboard VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Though loved ones will offer the support and help you need you could unconsciously be hypercritical of their behavior Dont hurt their feelings OF THE SERIOLPS ILLNE56 IN THI5 QQLJNTRY iTCS =30 NOWwWHEIZE LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 friend who has been lucky for you in the past will prove to be so again yet because of negative attitude you may not even realize it SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 You are likely to receive greater reward for your achievements today than you may have in the past Be wary however jealous person might try to undermine your victory SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Youll fare better today with humanitarian thinking than you will with selfserving thoughts Dont give in to the latter CAPRICORN Dec 22Jen 19 You will profit today only if you keep things under your hat Spilling the beans or passing ARE YA 605 THE I9 TH MESS465 YA WANT ON IT IS HEP Frank and Ernest In Short Ribs HEAR HOW NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 our or THE HOSPITAL ALREADY HARRY HON DID ITGO GRAB POORJiELPLESS NATIVE GIRLS AND CARQYOFF 10 51419 GETOFFMAN WAS JUST LUCKV MAHAOBO TO SAVE MY ALL BLADDER MAYBE IM PL16HIN€r TH15 THle LITTLE TOO HARD IF HE COULD 7ET HERE ON TIME YOU WOULDNT on unflattering information dis solves your gains AOUARIUS Jen 20Feb 19 This could be c0nstructive day to work out agreements in matters requiring teamwork However dont involve people who didnt produce in the past PISCES Feb 20March 20 You will receive the credit or reward tor performance you made today Be certain in return to acclaim coworkers if they de serve it ARIES March 21Apr1119 Shar ing your time with close friends should make this pleasant day fOr you Dont let some ones breaking promise spoil your enjoyment ONE SHOULD ALWAYS BE ABLE TO LAUGH Ar ourserr In pg Is Faro HUHiWHATwES GOAL LISTEN TO THE CROWD THAT LOT Your Wedding Invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanoutservice gt GET you SOME VITAMIN FROM WITCli DCTOQ KNOW Ptqu FOOTBALL THAWS SIi SWAGGEPIN HUMILITY