snap4 ï¬cfldufersde FREIGHT ARCHIVES BUILDING so min for 40 the examiner Wednesday May 1m 38 tendon PC LIVING ROOM SUITE coumorsmor FltUm CONSTRUCTION TENDERs FOR NEw Formerly Bod Boys 544 BAYFIELD ST YOU PAY FOR HIGHWAY 26 NEAR MIDHURST ONTARIO SEALED LUMP SUM TENDERS plainly marked New Archives Building will be received by The Archivist at Simcoe County Museum Archives Highway SOFA 26 one mile west of lunctlon of 26 AmLY swVEl ROCK Hi we 27 northwest of HIGH BACK CHA 30 nfil 400 IOCOI Out of town coll collect OTTOMAN FREE DELIVERY 39 MW YOU GET MORE THAN THE MERCHANDISE WHEN YOU BUY AT UNCLAIMED FREIGHT OBIG SELECTION OF BRAND NAMES OKNOWLEDGEABLE COURTEOUS SAL HELP 00 SATISFACTION 30 DAY LOW PRICE PROTECTION SERVICE FROM OUR OWN SERVICE DEPT OFAST SERVICE IN STORE FINANCING BRAND NEWBUNK BEDS Special Consideration will be to Senior Citizens Mothers Allowance Pen sioners Disability Pensioners time Thursday May 31 I979 Drawings and specifications will be available to General Contractors upon deposit of Sim cheque made payable to the Architects Documents may be picked up at the Simcoe County MuseumArchives Building or at the office of the Architects Boigon Arm strong 6i Curlew Drive Don Mills Ontario Phone Alb 445 6840 on or after 200 pm Thursday May IO I979 Deposit will be returned if drawings and specifications are returned in good condition within IO days of Tender closing Bid Bond in the amount of $10000 will be required with each Tender 50 P9r formance Band will be required of the successful General Contractor The Owner reserves the right to RELIGHTING OF accept or reiect any or all Tenders Reeve Howard Campbell 30 electric range Chairman islandsmrodmwmmeswoe 99 withauto aces or extra strength from Black glass door Archivist My9 complete with mattresses MINISTRY OF HOUSING ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION McCLARY SA 350 BIG 132 cu ft allfrostless REFRIGERATOR 18lb capacity washer handles all wash $38988 temperature cycle You can preset oven to turn on cook turn off Black glass oven and storage doors Clock with hourtimer MOFFAT Save320 12cubic foot chest freezer CORRIDORSANDSTAIRWELLS BARRIE OH2 8i OH3 Reference Tender BOSTS I079 Tenders will be received for the above until I200 noon Wed nesday May 23 I979 by the Central Branch of Ontario Housing Corporation 47 Sheppard Avenue East Suite 514 Willowdale Ontario M2N 228 co the Branch Manager from whom details and specifications may be obtained or telephone 2269150 quoting Reference Number as above position water saver The lowest or any tender not ALMOND controI heavydufy necessarily accepted speed 2h motor Builtin separate cold controls adjustable refrigerator shelves plus dispenser TOWNSHIPO oor racks Bi freezer with lot beds of room for organlzmg frozen with adiustable cold control WEST GWILLIMBURY Eve waher ock reduced sliding liftout storage balanced TOWN OF BRADFORD Every refrigerator in stock lid Chip and stain resistant white SURFACE TREATMENT TENDER mama to re SOME ITEMS SIMILAR T0 ILLUSTRATIONS liner SEALED TENDERS clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned 1I IleII vented 1T liolp waited 71 Ilelp wanted 76 empWmen Wamed 0me 19 in until l2 NOON WEDNEsoAY mall 2122 Aucno sALs AN GEM TS MAY 79 old girl anytime ENERGETIC GIRL as domestic to live will no cleaning no 6365 OPPlYlng OI approximately of furniture household articles 55050 gos PRIME antique pieces office equip AUCTION SALE SATURDAY MAY I2 WAREHOUSE in at Big Bar Point July and August menl some new pm Tor 2450015 SAND yvaehckscnds Jacith ancé Ssplimber No miscellaneous for ESTATE OF CLARA BATES 89500 9°IS RSIK In Ill TEN STREET BIUIYFOICSQI Drive Downsvllecw Sgtgrigé MARY WHITE Paris Alhslon lus 1850 ons WASHED CHIP BARBIE NTARIU LADY WILL DO Cleaning 33 50 per to be held norh Ol Allison COOP 12150 STONE We have an immediate giggghgumgfnggm Norm Pleasecail SATURDAYMAYl9th Household lurnishinss and ems Ministry REAL ESTATE LTD requirement for Warehouse RELIABLE DAYCARE nvaname commencing on am older items include Bow front Transportation and Com Manager The SUC gt home Allanctalc area Large fenced in Located Cl 250 Allan Sf in the China cabinel in excellent municoions specmcaï¬ons REALM sagsf candidates respon ergphoigdnï¬zzt lumhes prowded Hamlefof LefrOYI2mies easiof condition Duncan Phyfe ex All tenders must be on tender snbllities Will be shipping Hwy No II off the 4th com or tension dining room table and forms which are available at the recelvmg material control lnnisfilTownshipTerms cash chairs bedroom suite sealer Township of Innisfil Municipal EChZITUlnQ Id mmerlo Vernon Ayres Auctioneer Chesterfield and chair set hump Offices Stroud Ontario on ing 19wï¬on gab My9 back trunk oil lamp top of flat Lowest or any tender not Real ESTCTC Sales People This pojtiond rjquires on back cupboard fine china cups necessarily accepted organize in ivi ual with ond saucers cm 9055 DEMPSTER ReqUIred NOW ac capable of homemade quilts and blankets Supt of Roads contromng both the dressers chests etc apublicw Because of our planned expansnon we have work and the paper SICI Mfft24 lectc openings for new or experienced salespeople ngh dung ohhe swell mgfncï¬ï¬gidgkg 12 Townsgï¬zjénmsm income for hard working IndIVIduols We are offering career 360 at No 35 BARR ONT refrigerator Viscount apart GROH WE posmon wnh on above ment SIZe freezer wmdow air CerkAdminism°r average salary to the suc C°ndlll°nen Clore Jewell w°°d Township of Innisfil Trainlng Program cessful candidate Please call mm 00 C°°k Slove Wih bad Stroud Generous commission sp It for an interview Aucnou SALE Ond WWW I6 Air conduitan om 731020 DEBBIE MICHIE 3rd MAY 1919 no and property to be sold Cemm location MURDOCH SERVICE HURSDAY MAY IOth I979 oinottlio menstrualan ardloicntmday Nlte IhgoetCmedlln at pm subject to executors approval Plus many articles too numerous to mention Everything in good condition Estate and auctioneer not at Embassy Hull Barrie Ontario 630 PM SHARP to be field for MR THERRIEN 0F BARRIE due to renovation and redecorations Sale to consist of various antiques furnlture and nisoeloneous household effects including Pine Harvest Table Several old dressers Cedar chest Curio cabinet China cabinet Marble top washstand Round oak Call MR THOMPSON CENTRE co LTD Ferndole Drive Dorrie Ont MyIO 7374630 Ledon unto BI NGO KNIGHTS or COLUMBUS EVERY TIIuIIsosv MI EARLY sIRos 730 BARRIE LEGION IIALI responsible for accidents or loss John Ball The Auctioneer RR No2 Alliston 7054354189 MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Requires competent OMECHANICAL PRODUCTION ENGINEER INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER INNISFIL PARK BALLFIELD 05590 help our Ohm revolving games table Drop front desk Drop leaf harp SLYIIIcnITAiIocunoLssRvo scr No9 AND PLAYlNG OMECHAHICAL DRAFTSMAN MoleFemale consnudion superimendem in table Plant stand Hall table Hall stand Oak table chairs My9 FIELD IMPROVEMENTS Reporting to our chief engineer we require three additional he day to day adminisrmion Bentwood hall tree Brand new picnic table with chairs and 7gnd QUOTATIONS WILL BE AC engineering graduates or technicians with several years related and operations of large footstool Brand new Chesterfield suite Brand new sliding CEPTED BY THE UNDERSIGNED experience These individuals will be involved In product construction proiecy The iob patio doors 68 doubleglazed and insulated complete UNTIL 230 PM FRIDAY MAY design process and equipment selection iig and fixture design Wm require the ability to with screens and frame never used New Bell Howell PLAYED 0H ALI REGULAR GAMES ll I979 FOR IMPROVEMENT methods mechanical drafting etc ideally the successful ap moimam files and smoom proiector and screen Green Star lb hp lawn tractor with WORKS TO THE BALLFIELD Plimnls WI worked oppllclm m°l°c9 min flow of paper work etcPleose 42 mower and sn0w blade Quantity of padded folding AND PLAYING FIELD AREAS ponies and be lomilior with Paslcs 9nd metal working reply in writing to BOX A33 malls Uuontily ol good plywood Electric lawn DISCARD 5A OFINNISFILPARK processes These are three new challenging posmons for ex TheExominer Borrie mower Adding machine Typewriter Various pieces of sponsored by Ahemoon pARTlCULARS EXPLAINING perienced hands on individuals to IOIn an eXCIIlng fast My China Depression and Brass plus many items too numerous WA St Andrews REQUIREMENTS OF THIS growing manufacturing company in Barrie Salary open Apply to list Refreshments available Terms Cash or cheque with presbyerian church PROJECT ARE AVAILABLE AT in writing stating salary requirements to pg NCED CONST UCT IéjN suitable lD Chargex 8r Mostercharge Slfllldly nu CHURCH SEAtED TENDERS Clï¬frgy THE MUNICIPAL OFFICES KOOLATRON mnusmrsnn 3322siiéietesuii5853139mg PCEH°JW° MusII Mtmiu min °°d LARRvmonnow 230 3Ayvflw DR Iions experience and salary wanted to If you have something to sell consignments are now being taken fer THE DOWNTOWN CENTRE FriCchy 630to pm recelved by the un ersigne RECREATION COORDNATOR BARR ONTARIO Box no The Examiner Barrie in the near future Phone today 105 7370819 Ms Saturday 830 to to am until I2 NOON WEDNESDAY 333 73 133111 Film 53 Alipicc uusouis smrIIoiIt WWI E°° PM MAY 23rd W79 lor MY L4H 4Y8 Sulqunis to Show our lt0lIeSS plant woulws comma My9 Crushing hauling and system Car nNiSSiry We vill train MA 7if spreading on various Township NookwitnhiydgllclnhodmlglfgnoilIQLRRanO if MY9vll Mm roods approximately 38200 gifthfwfz OPENING Mar 26 13 40 Bell Farm tons of 58 CRUSHED GRAVE Road UnItIS CHILD CARE COUPLE Q°ed Recognized AIR FORCE atmswmsil 3J° EQUPMENT NW iioï¬oi provides Heroic hours field suooort Jh no ers Div WANTED couple preferably with no children as assessment ggfwgsjmmsm mom BOW AUthorlly agglslfuarlz DEE Loaomol wmmn quomï¬ons for me CONTRACT 79 16 Home Friends mar all followin will also be received home parents Child core training and experience vita RESTAURANT GENERAL helpers Home 30 Worsler St Barrie alter ELECYRKAL located in York Region near Toronto House all expenses paid Snligra02253iylotgggyeï¬naggrgéiï¬gmï¬e Wednesday Emma we in trio um 1200 NOON WED MARINA May mm at 30 FARM SALES murmur POWER OUTLETS ESTATES ANTIQUES hapni on Thulsday interment Barric Union Cemctcr salary in range at $20000 and weekly relief Must be able work closely with agency staff Resumes will be accepted up to NESDAY MAY 23rd I979 for Supply and apply CALCIUM New Penn Restaurant kastown If leave pm south side Simcoe MATURE RESPONSIBLE person to St opposite Gray Coach Sealed tenders will be received Daovsn preschoolers in my home REAL ESTATE MWthdylbdshlo TUSTlN William AI rm rlSlOtnl on nrol by the City Clerk untIl pm May25 I979 and should be forwarded to evmmgs can 73 bech annals TUDSGM MM 8m W79 WHmm msm CHLORIDEfor USII aVAsuE OIL Monday May Hm W79 me PLACEMENT TEAM andSpm m°mm° JACKPOT $200 SW °d II tlon of electrical outlets Dorothy sniwor of Barric Lov no lamrr r0 VOL Iris Family end Children Services of York Region ï¬gt$fl 53ng offgrgs MONDAY MORNING MAY Nth at lo am at COUNTRY LIVIN ol gloom Dam on and Wm me CW so Marina RESTAURANT 28 Hey9025 hielotus Lovrng son or Mrs Anni Trumblrt oi All items to meet Inlstry g5 in won Ray73 0309mm 30o un op St East Barrie Sale of all chattels Wm mlmmnmu WWW Wane and Im Rom Trans onmion and Com Lokeshore Dnve Barrie on 3° TAXI DRIVER wanted toorive evenings Including all cutlery Silas5mngv hinowure pg pans RCA Tusltn Dear brother at Mariorir DU aria and or weekends Musv be mature neat freezer new Colds free er WTF monl at Madame Thomas and James municotions speclcalons WOWMFNOI OIIIIIIO appeance 9° Vm WC 00l Universe both of anrrio and Dredmoasod Den Items and must be on tender Specllcmon and nd Telephone 728 6288 refrigerator KelenatOr refrigerator SSP refrigerator wpie ms Resting at me Jcnntll Fumrul forms which are available onhe dowmems may be obtained tin Saganclyclggiï¬ouilirmaaniomliit 56 Bmmlmj Wh° relrgemmr ng coffee heater RUMMAGE SALE flhvlrrodisfftigtr1ggdl all sidele Township Offices Stroud from the office of the City Clerk Myii my rammed phone 705 no 55 soup heater GE Immersion heater Hobart meat slicer Moffat maï¬a know the moorl on Thursday Mag loin rIl Omario City Ho 84 Comer mm is int IllF WANYED Someone who Mes we alvb 009 3rlna stove HotDomt anll Hotoomt frver Toastmaster toaster FRIDAY MA mm am on 80 fa Onaï¬o VOLKSWAGEN with the public lot permanent part bigrrANxT TDSJDEIVytEaronl gogmlanowadrlgt slice Can opening machine table chairs No of booths his Lewes fr any Len or no Lovrvetsl or any tender not tme iton No ex erencr neessarv necessori acce te MECHANIC W5 Hwy °pw°l me kgm iCrlltzpl Elfoltfitrf AJTJSS cwmer LOSh reglser NCR s°°ls c°d°9r I0eI MyT DEMPSTER necessarily OCcepted Istet iI gt Mu my expenanced gkrigiSséudeagrDccgt ggpgrsvonmg SUmS WW Gem and MW PM automaticcoffee maker Remington adding machine sign 20 For pickup7234745 Supt of Roads BRJ Straughan wnh was Guaranteed anossnomme BayhemMaH iloon to gmvgalano Bistgilor ispciéal Inside tUp dispensing machine Above items are all in Al My2 Pub weka Ciyyckgrk impar wens we in weele wuss HAYMAN EXPERENCED COOKFffWN Ania oer responsibilities have list we 93 Wd 1d 99 °l °5 Terms lt0le cheque Deadline for classmed Township of lnnislil City Halli shift for steak house me on Sonal GliVrV large tr icks BUT wi enti icatior 50 MOTORS LTD 297666 In 9960 P0 36 Rtsiavm SIOMEHOVL Lwanl to driv tor yOu It word ads Stroud 84C° Slef Toronto Closed Mondays leDunloDWesi You to om me out to give sommo aiEIISSnfTYAEVEENING MAY 10 at dpprox pm at ELMVALE 71h hillagents Gmh Barrie Ontario Myll ALUMNUV SDNG NSTLLEQ 9°00 We 90 am i5 LTD Elmvale Complete It umTs Helper with ton truck or van Ask tar 1416 eel 1440 lviorkl or 30 10 homo em all or TOP COMMISSIONS Sell anywhere ClerkAdmmISVOIOrv Ravi 37 0309 PE 00K to dSPemi 30 head bred Open heifers Prop of Wayne Hickling meLU lime sideline Calendars day preVlOUS Township of lnnisfil MW I979 BABYSITTER REQUIRED dailv two FULL TIME CASHIERS lot afternoon waiter times redo mi cp Der Barrie gerffegfc°$l 9fledlabelsiapes ball St My49 lt children aged three and five in Codr and mldnighl Shlf Apply to Gulf Gas son to the manage Newlcaalogzléwles etc Our 27in year noon SOIUIdOy rou ington Scnioorlerea Telephoneno 3153 Bar soc Baytieta St attundles Reshiu Fart we A7 lt My9 Onawa available Alco BOX 3772 My9 MM