the oxamlnor Thursday May 1979 WellingtonDufferinSimcoe Battleground Tory west vs Liberal east Neustadt NORMANBY MARIAN CHAMBERS campaign manager Liberal candidate says Win or lose election great onceinlifetime ex ORANGEVILLE Win or lose campaigning in federal election is once in lifetime experience for Harry Greene the Liberal candidate in WellingtonDufferinSimcoe wouldnt trade this ex perience for anything said Greene 56 Greene former Royal Canadian Air Force Spitfire pilot and former director of datacentre operations for IBM Canada Ltd is the owner of the Canadian Tire Store in Orangeville The store purchased by Greene in 1972 has quadrupled in size since Greene bought it Although he has never been politically active before Greene says its time business people made their views and their experience available to the country Busniess people must speak up and not just grumble behind the scenes said Greene Stories by Nancy Figueroa They have to put their money where their mouth is EXPERHINCED PROBLEMS Greene views his experience in large and small companies as definite asset to political career He has experienced the problems of the small self employed business person in cluding the problems of financ ing and the pressures of rising rents taxes and energy costs His work with IBM has also led him to understand the pro blems of large businesses he says Particularly interested in Canadas economic problems Greene said Canadians should spend more money Cana dians are the greatest savers in the world and are heavy in surers he said We are cautious thats part of our heredity but our money should be out at greater risk Despite difficult world condi tions Greene said Canadas WellingtonDufferinSimcoe riding is not Conservative stronghold but is riding pre judiced against socialism says Jeff Koechlin New Democratic Party candidate Koechlin 43yearold ac countant from Mulmur Township in Dufferin County is treasurer of the Duffcrin Simcoe NDP Provincial Riding Association and secretary of the NDP WellingtonDufferin Simcoe Federal Riding Association He says it is unfortunate the prejudice exists The NDP really does offer an alter native he says We can go in state our beliefs and well find that people are willing to listen He says the NDP unlike the Conservatives and Liberals have developed comprehen sive policy to deal with Canadas economy The policy includes shifting of the tax burden from individuals to cor porations the creation of price review board with power to roll back unjustified price in creases and the formation of economy has done well coni pared with most industralized countries Throughout his campaign Greene has knocked on more than 15000 doors He says he finds most voters concerned with the economy unity and leadership and unemployment We are fortunate in this riding said Greene There is very little unemployment The opportunity to work is available here Greene is often questioned about party leadership Peo ple are either for Trudeau or against him said Greene Trudeau always calls spade spade though You know ex actly how he feels Greene said voters are uncer tain about where the other leaders stand on the issues People cant stand uncertain ty said Greene Trudeau is strong leader who will not cave in to the un warranted demands of the pro vinces stroung national govern ment is mUSt in Canada said Greene We need strong na tional government to ensure that all Canadians can share in the benefits of the country he said Canadian development fund to build secondary industry Koechlin secretary treasurer of beef cattle operr tion in the riding says the issues in the riding are farmers dependence on large corporations inflation and unemployment first time contender in federal politics Koechlin says his concern for the human condition led him to keen inv tercst in the political process and the NDP Koechlin says Canada is sliding into the kind of lepcir dent food situation known to many underdeveloped nations In 1950 only 50 per cent of Canadas food exports were in crude or unprocessed form he says By 107071 per cent of our exports were in the crude form Further he says 90 Canadian fruit and vegetable processing plants closed their doors between 1001 and 1074 As well within the next six years Canadians will witness the demise of the canned tomato industry says Koechlin Canada needs strong manufacturing sector but it cant be built at the expense of agriculture and the food in dustry he says In the long run it will be Canadian con sumers who will be hurt the most by neglecting our own food producing resources For years the Liberal govern ment promised food policy to deal with the serious problems in our food system but it was never produced says Koechlin We can not wait any longer he says Canada needs food system oriented to self reliance He says the approach of the NDP is to stimulate the economy to make more money availale to lower income peo ple Koechlin is also concerned with unemployment in the riding especially among women and young people His campaign manager Marian Chambers says Koechlins primary concerns are with the economy as it af fects the unemployed the working people farmers women minorities and other oppressed and deprived Cana dians Harry Greene Liberal hopeful The riding of Wellington DufferinSimcoe is still Tory area says Allan Ross return ing officer for the riding The riding new this year in cludes parts of the former ridings of PeclDufferin Simcoe represented by Ross Milne Liberal and parts of WellingtonGrayDuferin Waterloo represented by Perrin Beatty Progressive Conser vative The new riding formed after redistribution subsequent to the 1976 Representation Order in cludes about 60 per cent of Beattys former riding and about 32 per cent of Milnes former riding Penny Dickens New Democratic Party coordinator for Ontario said the area has never been represented by their party She says however the party is taking the riding seriously 055 said the represented by Jeff Koechlin has little chance of being elected The NDP have never been very strong there he said Marion Chambers Koechlins campaign manager says however the NDP is choice She said the party will continue to grow in Canada Harry Greene Liberal can didate says he will have his best chances in the east end of the riding Were into some pretty strong Tory areas he says Some of my best friends in the area are diedinthewool conservatives The fight say most residents is strictly between the Con servatives and the Liberals The Conservatives will pro bably take it because of the party and the attachments of the people But when you look at the two men Greene fits the riding better than Beatty said one Orangeville businessman mean Beatty is chain pagne and cocktails Greene is good cold beer Every Canadian over 18 eligible to vote in upcoming election All Canadian citizens age 18 and over who reside in Canada are eligible to vote in the May 22 federal election All voters however with the exception of some rural residents mUst be on tlu voters list If you re eligible to vote and are not on the list you must call your returning of ficer In WellingtonBufferin Simcoe the returning officer is Allan ltoss 161913382521 If you re not on the voters list and youliveinan area with population of less than 5000 you can still vote election day You must however be vouched for at the polling station by voter who knows you and who is on the list for your area copy of the voters list is posted in urban and rural poll ing divisions In addition in ur ban areas voters list is mail ed to each household If your name is not included or if there are any other mistakes WellingtonDulferinSimcoc voters must contact ltoss before Saturday Senior citizens the disabled the ill and others unable to vote election day may vote May 12 and the Monday and Tuesday immediately preceding election day at an advance poll Ad vance polls are open 12 noon un ti18pm Those unable to vote either election day or at an advance poll should call ROSS to make arrangmenls to vote in his of fice In Wellingtonlufferin Simcoe riding there are 219 polling stations at 53100 voters said Ross Polling stations will open at am and close at pm Instructions on how to mark ballots are posted in the polling station and in the polling booth Beatty young member bg issue ALLISTON At the age of 22 Perrin Beatty was one of the youngest members of parlia ment Today at age 28 Beatty is interested in attracting other young people to politics At recent all candidates meeting at Banting Memorial High School Alliston Beatty told students to be informed of whats happening in Canada The issues will affect you he said Keep informed of the things you feel are important to Canada In 1967 there was mood of optimism by young people about the future and feeling of good will between the English and the French said Beatty Young people knew there would be jobs when they graduated he said But its different now To day therc is mood of pessimism in many areas he said Unemployment said Beatty is problem in Wellington DufferinSimcoc dont think the government owes anyone living but it does owe everyone chance to earn living said Beatty Thre is something tremendously wasteful about paying people not to work He said onequarter of the Canadian labor force is under the age of 23 but they are one half of the unemployed Creating new jobs for young Canadians is particularly ini portant with the large number of students who will soon join the labor force he said proposal by the fonsen vatives of major tax cut for middle and lower income Canav dians would increase conv sumer demand and would re quire industries to hire new workers he said Another way the govern ment can boost employment is to aggressively promote Cana dian goods both at home and around the world said Beatty Beatty former member for WellingtonGreyltDufferin Waterloo riding is considered the incumbent in this election The riding of Wellington DufferinSimcoe includes about 60 per cent of his old riding About 32 per cent of the new riding was formerly held by Ross Milne Liberal Beatty says the Liberals have made tremendous waste of tax payers money He claims the Trudeau government spent $60000 on brief cases allocated Conservative candidate The May 22 election is the 31st since Confederation Redistribution since the last general election 1974 has two districts main unchanged ballots increased the number of electoral districts to 282 from 264 In British Columbia there are 28 districts an increase of llC Alberta with an increase of two has 21 districts Saskatchewan and Manitoba each have an increase of one for 14 districts each Ontario has an increase of seven for 05 districts Quebec with an increase of one has 75 districts The Northwest Territories with an increase of one have Nova Scotia was unchanged with 11 districts As well New Brunswick with 11 Prince Edward Island with four New foundland with seven and Yukon Territory with one all rc Within the 282 electoral districts there are about 08500 polling stations and about 14 million eligible voters In the last election 136 million were eligible to vote Of those 97 million or 71 per cent of the all eligible voters cast About 275000 people including 109000 enumerators are employed across anada for the election Enumerators appointed by the returning officer in each electoral district prepare preliminary list of electors by door to door canvas of their polling division Enumerators are paid 40 cents name for the first 200 names of eligible voters and are paid 00 cents name tor every eligible voter exceeding 200 As well for typing lists of eligible voters they are paid five cents name Enumerators are paid an additional $15 for attending an cnumcrators meeting and $15 for gas and other expenses Ideally an enumeralor with 300 names would be paid $185 Those qualified to vote must be 18 years of age by election day Canadian citizen and residing in Canada Those not qualified to vote include JeanMarc Hamel chief electoral officer and John Dewis asSistant chief electoral officer the returning officer of each electoral district except where there is tie vote on judicial re count judges appointed by the FederalGovernment tcxccpl for citizenship judges prisoners persons restrained of their liberty of movement or deprived of the management of their proerty by reason of mental disease persons dis qualified froni voting under any law relating to lllt dis qualification of electors for corrupt or illegal practises Candidate on track RANGEVILLE Ever Since Harry Greene Liberal candidate DufferinWellingtonSimcoe jumped on the elec tion train hes been on the right track say his supporters Greene former spitfire pilot makes his campaign head quarters in bright red caboose on the lot of his Canadian erience Election who can cant vote Tire Store in Orangcville The caboose was chosen because it represents the method used by former politicians and because it was cheap says Greene We were never sure when the election would be called he said Renting office premises seemed too costly The cauoosc was purchased in London at the Canadian Na tional ltailways reclamation yard There were varying degrees of wrecks in the yard and we had our pick of which one we wanted said Greene money for study on washroom use in Ottawa and wasted millions in lottery program called LotoSelect He said if the Conservative party won the election it would have tough job to turn around the federal govern ments $125 billion deficit Beattty says Wellington DufferinSimcoe voters will benefit by mortgage interest and property tax deduction pro gram recently announced by the Conservatives If elected the COHScrvatives would initiate program mak ing mortgage interest payments deductible to max imum of $5X0 year The deduction would apply only to interest paid on the first mortgage on principal residence in Canada In most cases this would allow the tax payer to deduct full annual in terest costs on mortgage of up to $50000 Local property taxes would also be made deductible to maximum of $1000 year he said For those who rent this program would nlltkt home ownership easier to achicvc he said Although the plan is estimated to cost $400 million in the first year and $10 billion in the fourth year Beatty said Conservative government would offset the cost by cut ting wasteful spending He said the plan would pro vidc major stimulus to the sluggish Canadian economy particularly in the construction and home furnishings in dustries Beatty said Canada is in need of change Spring is the time for new beginnings thats why Im standing forelcction The caboose cost $500 plus $450 to move it from London to rangeville Greene isnt sure what it will become after the election but service groups and individuals have enquired about it For now however it will remain in the Canadian Tire parking lot or ashphalt row refers to it as Greenes son Steve