16 the oxarnlnor Thursday May 1m Berts king of trappers HIGH LEVEL Alta CP Bert Croy is one ofthe last sur vivors of avanishing breed In fat he is considered the king of northern Alberta trappers This is fiercely competitive roughandtumble business that last year netted Alberta trap pers about $63 million There is no room for the weak You have to be tough as nails to survive the biterly cold nights on the rap line the dan ger of crossing frozen river where the ice maygive wa any moment or the long trek through deep snows when your snowmobile quits miles from home You have to be good if only to survive Bert Croy isnt just good Hes the best NEEDS N0 LABEL In this frozen north country famous for its legends and tall tales there are many who lay claim to the trapper king title but it is typical of this bearded bushwise Peace River trapper that he shrugs it all off with laugh Croy 45 who covers 160 kilo metres on his trap line daily has been around too long and has seen too much to call himv self king ofanything It is the fur buyers the men who haveheard all the tales fromCroys peers who acknowledge him as undisputed king of the hard men who call themselves trappers He is the king beyond ques tion says Gordon Belcourt one of the largest buyers in the north Croy is not the best because he makes the most money In fact many make much more His reputation comes from the fact that he produces day in day out week after week that hes on the trap line He never misses day He says he manages his line SNOW AN INSULATOR Snow is an excellent insulator keeping croplands warm and providing refuge for small ani with keen eye to maintain its delicate ecological balance He comes from family of 14 that earned its living trapping If they trapped the line dry they starved Its our living our bread and butter he says WORKS FOR BALANCE Two years ago Croy took 5700 t48ngloff the line The fol lowing year he concentrated on mink because he knew the mink would deplete the muskrat pop ulation if not checked Trapping just takes the ter rible cycle out he says ex plaining how he tries to keep population levels stable to re duce the natural cycle of over population followed by disease and neardepletion If find anything think is diseased Ill have it tested If its diseased Ill trap it out Croy is one of the last oldtime trappers who still has the skill to trap beaver under the ice few even try today And even fewer trap the wary northern wolves with any regu Iarity When he claimed his home stead 17 years ago Croy walked the 45 kilometres from High Level There were no roads He spent the first few years with out even cabin sleeping in rough camp under big spruce Today he owns more than 800 acres of land and is clearing it to begin farming Despite his rugged back ground Croy does give in to some modern conveniences Where it once took him eight days to walk the trap line he now does it in one day on snowmobile More trouble in Tehran An Iranian revolutionary militiamen pistol in hand ducks for cover Wednesday in downtown Tehran as security forces exchanged gunfire with rioting prisoners in the citys central ail Officials said the prisoners seized control of the iail Tues day afternoon and held some guards as hostages before releasing them unharmed AP Photo Bob Hesketh and at Prince promotes racial harmony Britalns Prince Charles mingles With group of youngsters at the Com FARMERS PRODUCTIVE monwealth Institute in London Tuesday where he presented them with Belgian farmers number only awards for posters they had made to promote racial harmony The children 35 per cent of the Belgium were from Leicester England AP Photo workforce but they produce 85 per cent of the countrys food HARPER TIRE 0000 rank mals because it is about 90 percent air invite you to help Toronto Humane SOCI¢ty We will donate five cents for every ROMAR 9O label you send in during thenext months The Toronto Humane Societys present building in downtown Toronto has been expropriated and new home will cost lot of money Heres how you can contribute just by choosing ROMAR 90 for your dog Collect the labels off your ROMAR 90 cans and send them to us with the coupon below Well then send the Toronto Humane Society Building Fund ï¬ve cents for every label Cdmmercials from town crier CHESTER England CP The town crier wearing his tra ditional red cloak blue pan taloons and crested cap called out his daily announcements from the steps of the ancient city hall Then he launched into commercial Elderly citizens listened in horror as town crier Tom Clarkson told them just where they should go if they wanted nice juicy hamburger with Choose the ng ht re onions It sounded awful said 74 yearold Arthur Jamieson Shouting about hamburgers after he had just finished giving the times of the services in Chester Cathedral This kind of blatant commercialism is right out of place in historic city like ours Councillor John Price said he would raise the matlter bjeforle New Car we receive the full city counci an as them to lay down an ofï¬cial Radial Performance each Whatthls means is that you can give your pet the real beefy policy on commercial town cry at Popular Price nsianed nutrition and deIICIous taste of ROMAR 90 and know that mg Chester is major tourist centre and attracts many over seas visitors We have to create the right impression It has reached the point where young people sigh Oh No when the town crier says Oyezf Twon crying is an ancient tradition not sales gim mick am merely using little initiative and enterprise to help pay my way Tom Clarkson said Advertising earns me about £30 week which goes towards maintaining my very expensive costume turn out twice day come rain or shine to keep tradition alive Why shouldnt earn an honest penny for myself charge nothing for making appeals for charity and my ad vertisements are in good taste part of the money you spent is being donated to really worthwhile cause in the bargain Youll be helping to pay for new land and new building that beneï¬ts dogs and other animals not just in Toronto but all over Ontario as well Thats ROMAR country so its really ï¬tting that ROMAR 90 should be the one to come up with nice idea like this Right Spats BR7813 WHITEWALL Fiberglass belts and polyester body combine to give you soft cushioned ride with the long milea and handling benetits radial design Hundreds of Sshaped grip blocks in the tread provide biting edges for effective skid resistance Theres economy too Viva radials roll easier than conven tional tires This saves you money at the gas pump WHITEWALLS Deluxe All Weather Belted spokesman for the British Heritage Association which Belted ï¬re Performance each sponsors the town crier said he at Economy Pnce installed thought the criticisms were uri founded We employ Mr Clarkson and pay him salary but he has to provide the uniform If he has the initiative to take ad vertisements to cover his casts then good luck to him Its not as if he earned large amount of money from advertising and conditions Heres real value leader fiberglass belted whitewall tire that gives better mileage more traction and greater control than biasply tires Fiberglass belts under the tread put more tire on the road for better traction more even wear T0ugh nylon cord body withstands punishing road E781 WHITEWALL WHITEWALLS Label iswmh to the T0I° Humane SOCe This n° tl he himself is great tourist at traction Polycushion 78 40 Great Tire For Cars each that Don Need Radials Instalied 56015 WHITEWALL Gives mans best friend hand To ROMAR 9O HUMANE SOCIETY DONATION PO BOX 1716 TORONTO ONTARIO M46 4A3 tenclosc labels from ROMAR 90 Dog Food understand that for each label will be donated to the Toronto Humane Society Building Fund CORRECTION in Soars Steak Spectacular advertisement on Tuesday May the Rainbow Trout should read 1795 per lb package not I759 as stated Also in Soars advertisement at Tuesday May the Premium Quality NoWox Cthion Vinyl should read I299 per square yad not 299 as stated We roger any inconvenience this may have caused and satety at an attractive price Goodyears triple tempered polyester card provides strength against impact and bruise damag1 while givin you smoot quiet ride even ribs in the tread prowde steering sta bility and positive traction Name mils F08 OMS CAI It vsttmmmus AND REG usso City Prov Postal Code Street Apt No HARPElullig 34 ANNEST Nikki 1266443