23 397ï¬Â¥im¢ grant71 the examiner yvednosday June 28 1978 DOMINION FROZEN BUDGET1 PLY CONCENTRATED UNSWEETENED MACARONI CHEESE ORANGE JUIOE KRAFT DINNER TOILET TISSUE living NEW YORK AP popu lar song of few months ago suggested that short people have no reason for living Now comes magazine study in dicating short men live longer than taller fellows In its July issue Science Di gest reports that US presi dents shorter than five feet eight inches lived an average of 802 years while those taller thansixfeetlivedanaverageof 666 years 02 Along with presidents the magazine studied the life spans of successful businessmen bo xers and baseball players to tal of 750 men were studied The magazine concludes that the shortest men in each grouping lived longer than the tallest group Among boxers for instance 18 who were shorter than five feet eight inches lived an aver age of 718 years while 16 taller than six feet lived an average of 647 years Among baseball players 22 who were shorter than five foot 83 inches lived an average of 769 years while 30 who were taller than six feet one inch lived an average of 662 years Among successful people 43 men under five feet eight inches lived an average of 82 years and 97 men who were taller than five feet 11 inches lived an average of 748 years The average height of US men now is five feet nine in ches the magazine says The article offers no sugges tions on why the short men it studied lived longer than the tall ones CANADA NC WHITE LIQUID BOUTIQUE PLY BILLY BEE HONEY KLEENEX TOWELS SOIL AND STAIN REMOVER SPRAY WASH A4533 159 PRIDE OF CANADA BURNS HAM CONT OUR REG PRICE 179 oun REG PRICE oun REG parcs 122 ROY MEGARRY New boss of Globe TORONTO CP Roy Megarry 41 has been ap pointed publisher of The Globe and Mail succeeding RS Ma lone George NM Currie presi dent of FF Publications Ltd said Monday the appointment is effective Sept Malone 67 will continue as chairman and consultant to the FI newspaper publishing com pany Megarry was formerly vice president of corporate develop ment for Torstar Corp direc tor of The Star and director of lorstars film printing and electronic data base publishing companies Megarrys has spent most of his business career in the elec tronics and communications in dustry where his interest has been mainly in the areas of fi nance trouble shooting new venture startup and acquisi tions He is on the editorial ad visory board of Cost and Management Magazine and serves on the planning com mittee of the Ontario Educational Communications Authority TV Ontario He recently was appointed to the communications research advisory board of the federal department of commu nications ChoHenge in trend IRNl0 CPI Many Car nadran newspapers and broad it AITUF It IIJII HLE PEEK FREAN Eiscuns ISLITPE REIURNABLT BOY ILI PEPSI COLA it It Htjbl SINGLE BONDED ICED TEA MIX WILKINSON RAZOR WW 01 A530Wrilr BICKSNIREELISH ozflia Ieggï¬Iggi Joan Fieldens Hints from CLUB HOUSE SALAD OLIVE 89c 12 FL we WATERCRESS Watercress rs one of the more elegant and rn recent yearsone of the most ITS abundant of salad greens Store away from light and heat To keep wash well shake water from the LTH IL 7774 lazuli NW 01 cEAI pwcf leaves and refrigerate in tightly covered Jar up to days good source of Vitamins and and wigym ounces igcalorres Maybeborledaspotherbsand aredelrcrousm saladsusuallywrthothergreens 50 FT us 16 FL 00 3° ROLL 02 BTL PKG gt PRODUCE 0F USA MEXICAN PRODUCE usA HIGILNETI JOEL il WHITE TUNA GARéAotigaiios may Watermelon Mungoes g6 For Your Holiday Weekend rial2129 It Plums ISUNNVFRO7FHIUIJEEJHATEf rSTHAITlSI Eu GRAPE JUICE SOUR CREAM lb as CANADA NO Santa Rosa PRODUCE 0F USA gt Viiw ONTARIO NO casting stations are becoming HEIN IAYIIMI ulteriorw 49 less Inltrfsled in the news of BA RBECU SAUCE GEIIya PRODUCE OI SOUTH AFRICA PRODUCE OF NEW ZEALANO other regions posrng chal lenge for The Canadian Press John Dauphinee retiring gen eral manager of the national news gathering cooperative said Dauphinee who begins pre retirement leave Friday after 42 years with CP the last nine as general manager was honored at dinner given by the 110 member newspapers of the agency The narrowing of interregion interest is matter of concern because it comes at time when what happens in the various clearcut regions of Canada needs to be understood more widely on national basis he said Recalling that CP was estab lished 60 years ago by its Eng lisharid Frenchlanguage char ter members to bridge the gaps between regions Dauphince said must reverse the trend by making the overall story so interesting so bright and so informative that it will be ub lished and will be read an lis tened to ll 74 PKG ma Sweet Green WW LIL 00 gt rorso Pe ers Oranges mirirlliTIIIETI on POWER PRICED SPECIAL rorr Morton on rrrr IIJIII Poer Pmcmsrrcut WITH MUSHROOM ormvo immoro IIAIII Mm Il rm EAtiETTl SAUCE Wer Irtr ml SHAMPOO mm ASSORTED VATIIIT III BETTY CROLKEII HOUSE GATIDI Lb FROSTING MIX $85 95 RAID SPRAY its 249 mm lOFL oz itiMrio IlTI REIURHABII Bonus CANADADRY INCH PKt or so 39c GINGER ALE 229 HOME PACK SIRAWS ENVIROIAC PLUS 50 DEPOSIT COCA COLA Ill IOTt RIIURNAIIII Ilttllll Truly Canadian Im MI Al 35A HtJn il vt It Jr lrt Â¥III ASSORTEDTARIETIESm INSTANT PARTY TYME OZ COC TKG 77 Itth Leo or troy ROBINSON PLAIN CUPS OH IIAIIOAIN PACK on 9NIIIAIHI PM éiiEAM CONESQG 32962 DINNER PLATES No1 39 TOP BREED 3550mm 40f EESBIIJNER 559 wwn