Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jun 1978, p. 4

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Wednesday June 28 1978 NEWSROOM 7266537 CIRCULATION 7266539 serving barrle and simcoe county Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited to Baytield Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 Bruce Rowland publisher ADVEITISING 7266537 CLASSIFIEDS 72824 More open to public Ralph Snelgrove chairman of Four Seasons Radio the owner of Radio Station CKBB spoke to council Monday night He almost didnt Speaking to Barrie City Council is more than just matter of showing up and asking to be heard Snelgrove was phoned by the city clerks office Fri day and asked to submit written outline of what he intended to say by pm Monday Snelgrove refused as he and anyone else should rightly do The reason for the request is unclear But apparent ly it is policy of council that all those wishing to ap pear hctore council file written notice with the general committee about what he or she or they intend to say General committee will then recommend whether or not you may actually appear before council to speak your piece The Examiner is all for efficiency in government But lets get efficiency where it counts And there is no need or good in this kind ot efficien CV Anyone should be able to appear before council to present an appeal or petition or to make suggestion just as anyone should be able to speak with the mayor or aldermen We can sympathize with aldermens desire not to have time wasted with cranks and bores But city council must not only be open to the public it must appear to be open to the public The present system certainly does not appear to be open to the public Council should routinely set aside half hour at the beginning of each meeting for the specific purpose of hearing from those who wish to be heard Sure there may be cranks and bores appearing But that is risk of the system we eiijgy system which is set up for the benefit of the governed not the governors Parliament HHl By STEWART lacllll ttawa Bureau Thomson New Sct ice The governments legislation for con stitutional reform may be vague in some Spots radical in other spots and downright inciimprehensiblc in still other spots but its astoundingly clear ill one area And that concerns the future of the Senate Lnder Prime Minister lrudcaus plan for revitalized Canada the Senate as we know ilwouldgokaput Just likcthat kaput Now if there is one thing that horrifies Honorable Senators apart from the thoughts of working on weekends its the proposition that their hallowed lTpper House go kaput As Senator Jacques Flynn the Tory header in the Senate put it so succinctly its stupid lf were senator would be inclined to agree As jobs go its one of the better ones paying some 511300 year with such perks as free travel an exceedingly generous vacation plan secretarial help the possi bility of dandy directorsliips and even or casional opportunities to practice public Speaking Some even take the odd trip to Ottawa All this could be wiped out under the Trudeau proposals What this government has in mind with the kapuling of the Senate is new House of the Federation with mixture of ineralprovincial appointees to look after the regional and linguistic interests of the country write your mp mpp It you would like to write your Member of Parliament or Member of Provincial Parlia ment printed below are their mailing ad dresses If you send us copy of your letter it might be suitable for our Letters to the Editor columns After all if there is matter of concern that makes you want to write to your MP or MPP if it is not personal matter it should be of interest to your friends and neighbors too FEDERAL Dr lyMrd MPNorth Simcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa0nt Ion Mlno MPAAPoelDufferinSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont Sinclair StovonI MPA YorkSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont Gin Mitgu MPrrGreyASimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont PIOVINCIAI Georg Taylor MPPSimcoe Centre Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto Gordon Smith MPPSimcoeEast Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto Gum McCoy MPPDullorin Simcoe Queens Park Toronto Senate upset with its fate Most observers agree that while the Senate may have played useful role in Parliaments legislative activity it has not constituted an effective forum for thc discussion of lglflliilllilSfl concerns says the government by way of breakitig the bad news to llotiorablc Senators After studying alternative means of achieving these goals the government tiow proposes that in place of the Senate there he created House of the Fuieralion in which ili provincial and federal lgislaturcs can each choose members and i2i the distribution of seats would be weighed to ensure that all provinces and regions could he adequately heard Frankly had always thought this lS what the Senate was all about it just shows how easy it is to misunderstand our institutions Anyway when Trudeau dropped this bombshell waited for the explosion from the mental artnouries of the 73 Liberals lT Conservatives one Social Credit and the three others who form this somewhat cc lestial commune Hut didnt want to get too close to the action you dotit know what its like to approach an enraged Senator so waited for other more courageous com mandoes to storm the barricades lhetllobc and Mail fulfilling its reputation as Canadas national newspaper was one of the first on the scene and to put it mildly it found Senatorial morale at disturbing level This was indicated when Senator Flynn mentioned probably in passing that were doomed HIRE WARNINGS Here is what the newspaij found jections include claims that the tnewi house would obstruct the work of the Commons or that it would be impotent that it would be filled with party hacks that it would lack continuity lack independence and lack ex pertise And the newspaper went on to say that most Senators interviewed agreed the shift of members after each provincial or federal election would impair the Houses ef fectiveness Boy if this doesnt impress Trudeau dont know what will When you get all Senators agreeing that the demise of their livelihood would impair the effectiveness of anything its time to take note we want your opinion Something on your mind Send Letter to the Editor Please make it an original copy and sign it The Examiner doesnt publish unsigned let ters but it you wish pen name will be used include your telephone number and address as we have to verify letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste The Examiner sometimes has to edit condense or reject letters letters to the Editor are run every day on the editorial page Send yours to letters to the Editor The Exumhor Post Office Box 370 BARRIE Ont MM 416 the examiner BUSINESS 7266537 SCOOPS SEND THE FOLLOWING TELEGRAM To THE AMERICAN CONSERVATlVE NEWSROOM ADVERTISING Sean inlay managing editor Len Sevick manager Randy McDonald City editor SALES Sheila McGovern aSSislnnt City editor Bert Stevens Bill McFarlane wire editor Barb Boulton Scott Haskins sports editor Julie Franks Marina Quattrocchi photographer Dana Graham RE PORTERS Acton Smith John Bruce Leo Renzella Paul Deleon Steve Skinner Pal Gucrgis Carl DeGursc CLASSFED SW Bun RulhBlaissupcrvsor Freda Shinner Karen Atkinson Peggy Chapelt Stephen Nicholls Betty Armor Claudia Krausc Dave Fuller Dana Homewood COMPOSING ROOM BUSNESS Jack Kerncyloreman Marian Gouqh accountant Dorothy Eowtand Gait Mc Partand Saunders Lorne Wass VikkiGrant WIHCadogan MarionCyopcck San me Bill Raynor Ed Alicnby lame Hamel Yvonne Sierps Sharon Templeton Ron Glitter lR SSROOM Don Ncnr loremnn Fred Prince Harris Blanchard llruin Mort CIRCULATION Bill Hatkes manager Steve White John cox Alva LaPIanle Elaine Porter victor Cordeiro PatMerson Glenn Kwan asst foreman The xaminer is Member at The Canadian Prev if Pi and Audit Bureau of circulations tABCt Only thr Cdnflfllnfl Press may punlish news stories in this newspaper credited to The Mayoralert Prue Reuters or Actnu trance Pressc and local news stories DllhlluhlU the trimmer Pubiisheddatlymxcept Sunday and stalutoryholidays WEEKLYhy carrier 90cenis YEARLYpycarricr 546 60 BYMAILBarrip $41180 SlMCOE COUNTY $1650 MOTOR THROW OFF SJVaycar ELSE WHERE IN CANADA S38 SOdyrnr Copyright registration number this rumtnr sl Montreal The ariwrlisrr nonw that the iitilimrr umil not no liable tor damqu am th out ol Irror in flVtltlnl he on the ntriruirit mill for the spare tually orrupird by that portion of ttu irtrrtivrnerit in whirh the Dirt or urnti whether error Wt not there shall he no liability tor mm irivrtirm Any alwnrtiwmn beyond the amount pmrl tor no it irt Irrlinlvrnmit OF COUPSE COULD HAVE DONE This 10 YEARS AGO BUTT WASNT lN TROUBLE l0 YEARS AGO Your business Hy IN IINI IIfiv Business and otisumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Sen ici antidas pension system is ill deep trouble The reason is fundamental inflation is becoming steadily worse and todays con tributions wont match tomorrows reqitircincnts lint National llctiltii and Welfare Ministcr Monique liegin the cabinet officer who is supposed to deal with such problems has disarmineg simpli solution Let all pension benefits be millMd so that they will go up tti time the toiisumct lricc index goes up That recalls the famous liiic of Marie Caveat em ptor By LEONARD NOBLE One catiiiol help but be impressed by the manner iii which orrcctional Services Minister Frank llrca has taken over control of his Ministry There were many fusts initiated by him Some to reduce costs others to give the prisoners sense of value to themselves and tothccommunily His work programs were appreciated by prisoners because not oiin did it reduce the amount of time they had to serve as result of their participation Ill them but they saw purpose iii what they were doing as benefit tothe community When oraitgc juice and coffee prices began to climb out of sight Mr Urea ordered that these beverages be replaced by grape juice and tea which not only held institutional costs down they reduced them Oticc again as the cost of food spirals up ward the Minislcr has stepped into the breach to correct the situation As he secs it prisoners are like any other family of modest income facing rising prices No longer is it proper to throw out leftv overs They can be made ittto soups and stews The average family doesnt have three roasts of beef week so hes cut that down to one in addition more inexpensive foods like chicken aiid hamburger will appear on the menu along with day old bread herc will be no reduction in the size of the portions of food served to inmates but ef forts will be stepped up to ensure tlial there is no wastage of food he said Not only will there be stricter application iiiiiiii ioii LilTTEtlDAY iosroii iii titty CAMPAIGN Antoinette on being told that the French peasants had no bread Let them eat cake Where was the cake to come from Where is the tnoncy for unlimited pension increases to come from lhrough investment of pension con lributions Returns on investment just rcnt keepittg abreast of price increases ill this cta of firmly entrenched inflation Funds that are invested conservatively which pension savings must be as dictated by law aitii by cotinnoti prudence are showing negative yields wlhrough taxation lts doubtful that taxpayers could support heavier load and enough money couldnt be diverted from other spending programs even if the Dreas firsts impressive of food allowances but as well in the issuance clothing atid linen supplies Prisoners will have to wear out their Fshirts and bed sheets before they are replaced The most innovative approach to date is to chargc inmates the sum of $5 per day for room aitd board if they are setving an inter mitictit sentence lltts is sentence whereby they are released on daily or weekly basis to gp to work and come back to jail iii the cvcti ing or on weekends depending on the order until they haVc served their time By paying something for his room and board the prisoner feels he is contributing something to society thus giving hitn reason to strive for greater ambitions thinks Mr Urea Much as it is all for tile good can imagine complaint or two froin sotnc of the prisoners What doin Herbie inquires loc Dont bother the Joe teplics licrbic Im writin letter to Frank llrca Yeah says Joe Whatzilsay lm just tellin him to leave things the way they were instead of makin new plans every month answeres Herbie Like dont care that the grub aint as good or we get tea instead of coffee dont evcit care that got ta wear patched uniform or my sheet got hole iii it You tell him llerbic chimes in Joe Dal aint dc point says Herbie in disgust What im getting at is dc fact dat derc aint no more peace and quiet in prison anymore Guys are volunteering for jobs guys are even paying to live here Now dat aint right After all Joe dcrcs some tittgs in life dat are sacred To LEGISLATOR5 WilO 5QUANDEll TilX MONEY Oil Pension system in trouble and Begins idea wont help rovernmcttt would ever stop other pro grams which it wouldnt By printing more money That would dcvaluc the dollar now 80 cents US to succession of new lows lrllllCSSlllC What Monique itcgin wants is the same thing that evcryonc else would like to make inflation painless As public servant she has bcctt able to achieve that goal iarliamcntatians voted themselves along with 583560 public ser vants the right to receive unlimited pension increases lrotit the public treasury to offset iitflat ion forever Earlier this year the government disclosed an unfunded liability future debt in other words of $5870 million pertaining to these unlimited indexed pension benefits for people ill the public sector Thats equivalent to debt of bit more than $10000 per public servant Now lets apply that totodays labor force of 1051000 Result debt of about $1 to billion maybe bit less because publicservice salaries are hi ghcr than avcrage imagine for moment that anada could accept such staggering public debt in order that all workers iniglil achieve the same peace of mind and financial security that public servants enjoy now its out of the question Such deficit would knock our titiccnt dollar dowti to few cents scild inflation soaring to Brazilian levels and leave anadizins far worse off than ever be cause the value of savings would be almost wiped out lilNNleitllT llvcn lll indexed universal tanada Pension Plan which was never intended to be the sole source of income for retired people is twining tilt of money Based on current actuarial projections assuming the currcttt rate of contribution is maintained contributions will be insufficient to cover benefits iii ltltLt and the assets of tile Plan will be exhausted by 2000 Auditor lcncral ii Miicdoncll reported late last year Surely Monique Begin and the other politicians all of whom are equally free and easy with schemes for spending public ntottcy must realize that inflation is the fundamental problem Unchecked inflation is changing the nature of anadians froin prudent savers and iii vcstors to gamblers speculators and hedonists if it had the will to lo so the federal government could lead the resistance that would ultimately stop inflation by halting the scandalous waste of public mottcy by lightening the tax burden tints restoring the incentive to produch and by taxing away inflationary wage aiid profit increases llul the will doesnt exist Like the French royalty of two centuries ago Canadas rulers of tixlay are too far removed frotn reality to make the ho rd decisions that re needed The Inmimr claims ropyriuht on all original newt and advertisma material rented by its employees Ilnd puntstun the newspaper National idvrrtisinq oilir OutMi torooto RM Illi 140 nlhnarl tlll in im rirqlrcrit oi its st units or other From the legislature Old problem in new ways By DEREK NELSON Queens Park Bureau Thomsrm News Service TORONTO ftry Honest idirint wanttn mention Quebec here again for six months fit one am sick of the whole busmevis of having Conferieratirm veil or river asunder every ew weeks But the Ontario legislature doesn take its sense of priorities from me They continue to raise the same old problems although sometimes in new ways Two of the most recent incidents came last week First there was the old them of lets bribe Quebec to stay in Confederation that seems to motivate the federal government when it develops policy What is at stake is the location of new automobileassembly plant and what in centives should be given to get it to locate where government wants Ontario is competing not only against American locations which is understandable and Quebec equally understandable but alsc against deliberate bias on the part of Ot tawa The other issue is Premier William Davis socalled retaliation against Quebec for its discrimination against Ontario comtruction workers That is Quebecois can work here On tarians cant work there But first the autoplant hassle The federal government has designated much of Quebec as depressed territory and digible for department of regional economic expansion DREEi grants One grant area even includes suburban southshore Montreal which seems bit extreme no matter how you cut it Ontarios industry John Rhodes is rightfully miffed by the desig nation And that isnt the worst of it WHO KNOWS No one in Ottawa will tell him why suburban Montreal is down for DREE while far worseoff areas in Ontario in particular the eastern counties and the Niagara Peninsula are told to handle their problems on their own The DREE grants give Montral the edge interms of acquiring the auto plant isnt it just wonderful how Ottawa helps keeps the country together And then theres Davis retaliation against Quebec discriminating against our con struction workers The premier wants the Supreme Court to nile that Quebec is being nasty and not real buddy in Confederation Howstupid SOLITIUN How much better if Ontario retaliated concurrent to fighting the matter out in the courts About 1500 Ontario construction workers will be banned from Quebec jobs Meanwhile about 6000 of their people work here wonder what Rene Levesque and com paiiy would do if mob of 6000 suddenly unemployed construction workers descended on the steps of the national assembly building in Quebec ity lll bet the reaction would be more urgent titan it will be to twoyear slog through the courts against government that doesnt even believe iii the Supreme Court Enough said Canadas story Montreal mystery By BOB BOWMAN Motttreal is Canadas biggest city and the strandlargest Frenchspeaking city in the world Yet there was time when it was ghost town mystery in Canadian history Jacques Cartier was the first explorer to see Montreal then the Indian village of llochelaga in 1515 it was an important community and the lndians appeared to be mmparalively welloff The men were tall intelligent and friendly They took Cartier to the top of Mount Royal from where he could great deal of country including the Ottawa River lhey explained the geogra by to him and appeared to recognize samp es of gold and diamonds which he showed them They in dicated that these precious metals could be found in the territory The lndians at Hochelaga treated Cartier almost like god and people who were ill touched him hoping they would be healed Champlain may have been the next ex plorer to reach llochelaga on his first voyage to Canada in 1603 His colleagues stayed in the QuebecTadoussac area getting furs but Champlain began his trip up the river on June28 When he arrived at the rapids that became known as Lachine there was little evidence of the community described by Cartier There was only small village of wandering Algonquins typical of all of Canada that was known at that time Some historians believe Cartiers description of liocheia was exaggerated to impress the kin an persuade him that colonization woul be worth while it is also possible that Cartiers diary was altered by others because it was not pub lished until after his death There are mistakes of nautical information in it that great navigator such as Cartier would not be apt to make and Tourism Minister

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