hawkestone by Muriel Hart 4872030 Memheis of the Womens Iii stitue will meet tonight at the home of Mrs llarold Itunn at Roll all will he Bring hiend Motto There is no maehinerv to replaee friend will be commented on by Mis John Banhiiry The program will be Piihlie Relations by Mrs Roy Gray and she will introdiiee Mrs John Brown piihlie relations of fieei tor the provinee Mrs Brown is from Vashago and it is hoped that there will he good attendaiiee Memhers of St Aidans Angliean hiireh Vome met June 14 at the home of Mrs Hat Devotions were given by the president Mrs Len llall Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved report was given on the lliironia Deanery held in Elmvale on June of whith our members attended The rest of the meeting was given over to planning the an nual hake sale haaar and white elephant sale in the church basement July 13 at pm and to catering for wed dingSatiirda Tim lerme had the misfortune at cutting his leg while using ham saw ltLttltr The won ieqiiired several stitiehes Graduation exereises weri held tor the kindergarten pupils at Guthrie Seliool liine 13 at to the program enacted the kindergarten and Grade pltlllls was very well done lixultelttt III Rhymes degree were presented teachers Mrs Ielo and Mrs Blight There was good atteii danee of parents and grand parents Mr and Mrs Ian Ieiiiiev ot lldnioiitoir lt are spending thrieweek aeatiiin visitinLi their parents Mr and Mrs Tim Jtllllt of Ilawkestoiie and Mr and Mrs arter ot rl tra The attended the Jeiiiiev reunion at the town hall on June 11 and won the prie tor the eoiiple minim the longes IIisanie Mr and Mrs Her inipsoii ot lxhridge visited her mother Mr Leslie lerinev the past week Svnipath is evpressed to Mrs Frank Harrison lranees and Tom in the death ot Mi Harrison time it good crowd etiiotetl the senior eitiens lllllifl pitme held Memorial Park on Iiine lit at in tontests games eroqiiet horse shoes and ltttltltt were enjoyed tItIlIlILi the ater noon oe ot thanks is tended to the eonii1ittee iii charge of ii anueineiits halt slinkut was held tor Mrs John tiippaue and Idllls Jasoi Join and Melissa llill liine ti the home at lrs liiiIcitiippiise Man units vli presented and Mrs iippize Iiiitlil lttlitlttl the lxWIass The Ilill IIiii taiiiil of tit horoiiijh lltl Mis lItI and the John Iutltiltllt and it tended Ititl IKtllt siippei at the home nt Mr and Mis triai liar IItt iii ri Cochrane 4246637 The izioiflilj iiieeiiiLf of the Ladies II and Aoiiien lts Sioiiar swat5 was IlII it the home of Mrs lï¬iiite IIrluai June at It Ill Mrs Mar Iais led iii rlevo tions heieavl porn No Im Still Mr liriite lfrhzar president wleeniiietl iiiiit preseii Roll tall wa answered with th wnitl rehiilw taleti from verse iii the Iiihie with it nltltilitl and one lrltt Minutes or the las nieeiniK were read and avIoptHI Ilie tnasiiirns report wa ltitl anl Eieeeitteil lnhle IlIIZ was piepaied Mrs Itoiis lipekiiian diie was siiiiLy Mrs ttliia Meiiai and Mrs Leona Mile ealleil lIt IUIIIIIII lt iii companied Mrs Innis ltyekiiian on the organ llapp hirthilaj uieetimis Mr sun to two iiieiiilters Meetinu elosed in the usual maniiei tollriweil llIIltlI $lttl In Mrs Edgar and Mrs Miske ongratiilatioiis to Mr and Mrs ltenil torhraiie on the birth of halt hog at the Itotal Vietoria Hospital in Itariie This is the tirst flltitltltlllltl Ioi Mr and Mis lliitth lhoinpson of Allistoii and the sixth piaiid ehild tor Mr and Mrs orir oehiane Mi and Mrs Itoiialrl lliihheit of lIterhoioiiith eelehiaterl their 23th HtItIlllL anniversary It In Motor Inn Ihoae atteii dint were Mr and Mrs No1 rr rhrantn MI and Alls Harv Rxhiaiie Allw tiIoria tooILe and IIIllIJII the iziooiiis mother Mrs ILinilv lliihheit from tariitn Mr and Mi Keith liirnhiill Miss Pats luriihnll Itll Iiiinhiill Mr and Mrs alvni Metee IIltl Iluihaiir and Mr and Mrs Mervyn Itenne by Mrs Jennett 4240238 Mr and Mrs WihnIi Wilson spent last weekend in London nt Mrs Vera Miller and Ileood of Utopia Belle Miller oI Harrie and Mrs Poland oi lhni llIttl were dinner giiests with Jean lI inett Illtt4 CANADA GRADE BONIMART chicken quarters Delivery Service Now Available On instore shopped Grocery Orders WED THURS FRI SAT UP TO 430 pm EACH DAY SERVICE CHARGE $100 ALLDRESSED FROZEN Gusto pizza 2402 PKG 32FL 02 JAR LACHINE STANDARD FROZEN CONCENTRATED PINK OR WHITE Sunsaueeze or plcnlc 1212FL OZ Aï¬ulRllIJIIAVIIR Fresliie Drink Mix moo HUSI Iced Tea Mix HlliUlAR Colgate Toothpaste RAINUUWIIR WNIII Rite Serviettes IlllNIMAHI it INLN WIU 0351 AluminUm FOII Wrap Johnson 01 Baby on rm Shampoo or 99¢ Creme VUIIE Rinse mimtmn $119 Charcoal Briquels Itsme Canadiwveeko Celebrate itIJunezsJulyL PLUS 30¢ DEP PER BTL 99 MotherParkers TIN 99 $219 ADV PAIRNJA ASSOHIIU VARII IIIS 89 $189 15 El Roll 4511 PLA SI 150 ml PLASY I0 LI MARY MILES 1LBPKG SHOPSYS thfltD salad or CDIE SICIW 24 Oz Tin Robin Hood 187 01 or 530 gr ASSORTED VARIETIES ASSORTED COLORS Swans Down bathroom tissue ALLPURPOSE GRIND coffee Callfornla Perlette SEECIIESS grapes 79f PRODUCE 0F USA CANADA No GRADE PRODUCE OF Radishes Outspan nave 112s ONTARIO GROWN CANADA No GRADE Greenhouse OPEN NICHTLY TILL 10 RM min iivt In IM wt but In owl nln tlltINIIi iiant lIlI tinv iiiivun itin llt Ittt ttAI ieii EIUIIUI lltit IIII ttl wttmtamv IItNI ntn IdH unit iiiow lIiiiAI mm iilu iim TOWERS FOOD CITY PLAZA ALL ITEMS AVAILABLE ONLY AT LOCATIONS LISTED LIMIT PER FAMILY SHOPPERS CHOICE ORANGE FRUIT PUNCH 0R GRAPE Drink Crystals $109 Cloverleaf CIIUIIK light tuna fISh 6v202 TIN ASSORTED VARIETIES Bicks relish Seedless Cucumbers EACH 602 CELLO PKGS MEDIUM cnown CANADA 525 Assorted LB Tropical Plants EACH ALL STORES CLOSED SATURDAY JULY 1ST 1978 so our employees maycelebrate the Dominion Day holiday with man families Barrie Food City HIGHWAY 2627 BAYFIELD ST BARBIE EVISCERATED Steakettes MARY MILES SLICED de Bacon CANADIAN QUEEN Pork Sausages SCHNEIDERS SLICED Cooked Ham CHNEIDERS COOKED Olde Fashioned Ham SCHNEIDERS SLICED REGULAR BEEF OR THICK Bologna CANADIAN QUEEN COOKED Midget Dinner Hams FEARMAN HOT OR SWEET Italian Style Sausage NU rum FABRIC SOFTENER $149 I28 01 364 REGULAR GROUND BEEF 8i SOYA PROTEIN soya burger CONIAINS APPROXIMATE IRE SAME AMOUNT OI VITAMIN AND MINERAL NUlRIENIS AS AN EOUAt WEIGNI OF REGULAR GROUND BEEF cake mix 65 gï¬oï¬o PRODUCE USA moouce OF REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA new CROP 39 DOZ 69¢ 39¢ $399 BONIMARI CHOICE Dessert 39¢ Derby Pears rm Dog Food BRAVO PIAIN Wll MlAl MONARCHIOOW VIC lAUlE Ollt 50m CREAM ONION Pop the examiner Wednesday June 28 1978 21 MARY MILES IIOZ TANGERINE on WHITEi laundry basket EACH WITH $500 PURCHASE PROCESS CANADIAN SINGLES 102 Kraft cheese slices 49 1602 PKG BONIMART RECONSTITUTED 48FL 02 TIN FRENCH CREME CINNAMON DANISH APPLE STRUDEL OR COCONUT CREME Dares biscuits 1602 PKG 145 TO 5° 39 Mar arine run Sauce JEI PU WNIII ORENUII MAYOR IOI GAVllA Ioi wu Kralt no 9c Real Marshmallows Whp 1310 69¢ RlACI numoun cream Mozzarella $149 PKG NIIISON IiAvonio SA aumn Cheese CllllSl 5m mun DARRIOUI on HIGNlINlR 29 33 MEAT Mll IROIIN IAMIll SIII Fish Corn Plus D2150 Chips good place to shop for chickens $229 $109 3351 3201 199 PRO LESS THAN WEEKS LEFT to redeem your pink tapes and purchase your LifestyleiDinnerWare completer pieces until Saturday July 15th 1978