gt amassswwi ï¬rst aid to homes By HieIll lllll UVTMRllttihl The expressway is only block away and pollution trom the cars is ruining my aluminum siding The flat whiti paint gets gray blot It SIIIVII llLLINUSON Not only does this make luiiidsoine lounge or seat but its sensible solution toi all sorts ot storage You ll hnd that its marveloust handy tor keeping bags ot hriquet tes lutnttuic pads croquet sets tootballs toys garden ches which wont Soap doesnt clean it away The living room area of one of the apartments Mlllli ill nor does paint thinner rinse frequently Willi the hose lll warm weather tut can see the pollution steadily cating its way into the aluminum My neighbor has Vinyl covered siding which isnt attected at all What can put on to at least slow tools or even sinatt barbecue The bench pictured was iiiuippcd wrth heavy duty Itlti to tvkt it mobile lts easily moved either into the sun or shade lor seating napping or sunbathing The big cointort teature is that down the late ot tlttiiiLt by thepolhition ltttltillitlltl switching to gloss oil base paint beheyc it lil otter iiiore resistance and the gin stiitace will make it easier to washclean Il Kl We bought home with nised stationary awning ubiIdit its extra long where even six looter isnt cramped tor space The principal material us ed in building the bench is ttich etteiioi plywood itzt makes tor easy budding and its something that Alll Withstand all sorts ot outdoor How titt paint them ltol needanuiideicoater tciiiinc all the rust tt7litt with pastetypc riiooxei or sanding Then it ltktit you use rust inhibiting printer like ltustoleuin youll neutralie the re niaining iust lts preterable to tollow with blush coat ot compatible paint isk you weather for many years Its project that can he btiilt with success by anyone who can wield hammer and mw lhe casyrto lollow pat tern eliminates all guesswork To obtain the easy to follow storage bench pattern tho examlner Friday Juno 23 1978 11 enior citizens complex Si HllAtll Niall new All unit senior citiens apartment building on the shore ot Nottawasziga iay rucntly held its otticial open ing Several political dignitaries attended the opening including George Metague minister ot the environment and Richard Stanburysenator Ken llainelin manager ot the Simcoc ounty and tirillia Housing Authority isiotiM told The lIxaininer the apart inciits have been occupied since January llanielin says the naming ot ll ULI lttl bid llt some old in illlttl ltltll Iltiizl will link littt when ltitl up ttct clcittiiiit and saiilliitt ott iii liketopaiii theiii black ltlit what kind ot paint catiwithstandheat tile tftioil ltustoleuni tgiilitg is tised ly tie lilaila number 422 send Ni please add itiic extra tor pistage and handlingi by chequ or money order to The Ilxaniiner Harriet Iattern Department ttiitti St atherinc St Montreal IM Ilitl Lti the apartments will take place in the near tuture He says special ceremony with the presentation ot plaque will take place then llaiiiclin says one ot the most attractive features ot the new complex is its location oii the bay Residents have their own access to public beach area The apartment area is 50 square teet The average living room is to by teet and the average bedroom is tune by It leet The apartment building has other teatures such as laundry tacihties garbage disposal and alouuge The exterior ot the new Alunit senior citizen complex Garden notes For those who enjoy garden ing there is garden plot on the grounds for use by the tenants The bathrooms are er uipped with grab bars over bath tub and the tub has nonskid surface The bathrooms tile floor also has nonskid sur lace The building has two patio areas One is located outside the lounge The other is on the end ot the building facing the bay llamehn says the residents enjoy the open space and lll ItLl Harrie Horticultural Society the ttiilullti Horticultural Association held its annual ttititllllltli at Queens tinersity in Kingston lune to IheieweietodclcgatestiointheLJT societiesiottntario lhelheiiiewas llttll ti tlLit Itdti iiitieeito liy Horticulture larke ot tittclph presided Marklc reported in outdoor tlower and Vegetable growing was leaps and bounds toininon Itond Membership in hor llttllitlldl societies inttntario tll ltTtwas it thaiid Ill 1077 it was iooo be llltltlt llttistl£tlttl societies trying hardei to meet lllttltttldtltl tor grceii thuiub iiitoiination iltht doe not allow tor many details ot this tnost lti leiiiiiii iiiiiiitilioit oiie ot the best ttl held by tho asaw itioit ll sinikeiswerc inost inspnatioiial liitl eltl laureate ot lanitoba secretary titisinci ot the lanitoba litilllt ultuial ssociatioii set the pace tte man ot gitat hutnan teeling hulily tzittcd and deeply conneriicd tor his tellow nieii His poetry went oei big He has itteii new book ot poetry called ii ittuood and copies ill be ailablc tioiii llll raw he tiicliec hortuiiltiirists ere represented by Jacques grounds around the building The apartments were con structed by the General Morr tgage and Housing Corporation tCMH which paid 90 per cent of the cost and the provincial government which paid the re maining it per cent Hamelin says the operating costs are shared by three levels of government with federal paying 30 per eent provincial paying 421 per cent and municipal paying 71 per cent The project is administered by the SiitA in Midland Hamelin says the project resulted from requests for winner was lainswick second prize Stayner tourth prize prie opens in Wasaga Beach senior citiIens apartment com plex by Wasaga Beach residents llamelin says all the residents in the building are loealpeople Several of the residents er pressed their enthusiasm met life in the building to The Ex aminer One woman who has been 1H ing there since lteceinber says she and her husband just love it here The apartments are tilled at present There are residents living in the building IIKIII9tgt Strong interest in gardening evident at annual convention tiroltwiiiship third London and titth pri7e tiuelph ttrolow nship won many prizes litsltit lhe lniyersity ot luelph has come out with some tellcnt selllearning courses and Professor Mcchh highly ruomniended these to societies The intario Horticultural Association this year tor the tirst time presented two new awards tor outstanding hor ticultural work by business or industry The tirst went to liico Metal ot sudbury who hayc Alone wonders to restore the hayoc wrought by mining The second went to MacDonalds liestauiants whose places ot business are usually er attractively landscale tarrie Society would say Amen to restaurant is great booster ot llorticultuie tering lhe lrilliuin Put that as the local aiidoliit presented to the woman llt tintarin who has done most tor horticulture in WT was tl by Mrs lilSlt McKay ot ltichinond llill liarries own Norm Synott as given the Aw ard ot lerit but he wasnt there to receive it tion to growing things LH elt hit his itts tl iltyo lt Hilton ot tiuclph was giyen thehilrcr Medal tor ltlltllllt There is not any where near the goiciiiiiieiit slttilmll Ioi hoiticultuie iii Quebec that there is iii tintaiic and itllllltlil but progress is being made and the pictuie is tIIt otttatittlt ltt llxuiis past president ot the Noni Notia ssoeia tion ot trden lubs brought report trotn that part ot oiii country It toowasencouraging There was also good representation from the Mens tiililttt ttubs ot inerica and England The Home ot llor lttlllllllt ti llt director ot horticultural and agricultural uixltlttN issuicd all societies that his ministry would do eieiythinti possible to support their work They have tltldlly increased grants substantially and the whole lone wawa willingness toeo operate lheie were seminars on most everything good society does programs tlowcr shows junior work use of Ilttttil photography propagating growing plants under light en and cyen on andahsin lhere were some excellent society displays first pric Tamarack Woods lO7unit townhouse develop ment at Bayview Drive and Little Avenue holds its official opening Sunday from am to pmt Con structed by Headway Corporation Tamarack Official opening Sunday his many many contributions This is the highest award the associat ion can go titllilt Ald llrnie ltotinans llt loyce tells me they liie had rhixlixlendron iii their yard for eight years This is something tor Barrie Richard Melton of tiro 487 It grows water lillies tor the pools at ro Park and has some for sale all the above ntiinbcr that will save shippingand postage He has many colors Sorry to report oiii head tour bookcr Wyn llllis is in hospital and meanwhile her calls will be taken by toruier booker liloreuce liockhart Tit toil and Martinit lguireiice 726 tiTtttt Next bigerent is the tLfith rnnicrsary Tea at sunnidale tentre This is the societys only social cyent ot the car and we hope to see the whole of ltarric there As you prepare to leave for summer holidays please remember many of your neighbors must stay so ticl week we shall discuss this important matter threebedroom townhouses in five different models All are ten tal units Examiner Photo Woods consists of twostorey Jun or vua