zi gt Bible of home building The first step for anyone interested in building their own home should be to pick up copy of Residential Standards says the Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation tCMHCi The book outlines municipal and provin cal standards builders must conform to such as lot size and distance from the street Its the bible of house construction said Ed Perrynian of the Barrie branch of the MHC We call it our brains The book is free from the Barrie office 70 Collier St Perryman recommended builders obtain copy of the building standards before star ting construct ion Residential Standards is published by the National Research touncil and sets out the minimum requirements for houses built under the National Housing Act Tamarack Woods 107unit townhouse development at Bayview Drive and Little Avenue will hold its official opening on Stin day Headway Corporation project Tamarack Woods offers twostorey three bedroom townhouses in five different models All come complete with stove fridge carpeting and private patio communal playground and tennis court will also be added for the use of residents Free soft drinks and hot dogs will be given away during open house hours from am toB pm $159000 to home owners The Housing and tYrban Development Association of Canada thttAt New War ranty Program has paid over $150000 to new home purchasers announces 12 Assaly chairman total 896724 covers return of deposits to purchasers for builders unable to make Eva Murphy left playing the part of insurance man George Bailey and Pat McGuire as Pap exchange words during the play Overlaid part of the Senior Citizens festival of the Arts at Eostview Collegiate Thursday The festival which featured arts and crafts exhibits ran in conjunction with Senior Citizens Week Examiner Photo Data available to police OTTAWA Pi anadian police involvod in any investigation criminal or not have been able in recent years to gct data from social insuranCc files often without giving areason Most HtMf detachments and about 800 police forces could rcqucst information from the commercial crimc branch unit at Ml headquarters in Ottawa The request was passed from thcrc to thc Unemployment lnsurancc oniniission ttTlCi which provided whatcvcr data was sought royal commission into RtMi wrongdoing has been told the WWW con sidered themselves exempt from the confidentiality provisions of unemployment and social insurance laws The late prime minister Lcstcr Pearson assured anadians in loot that their new social insurance cards needed to gct job in Canada would not turn into idch tification cards Police tax collectors immigration of ficers customs and excise men and other officials have had access to the information Five worth $100000 MOHRISHITHG Ont tli htvc tickets each worth $100000 were drawn Thursday in the Wintario lot tcry draw The winning ntiiibcrs wcrc 7007M in series 47 9027 in series 17 20030 in scrics 34 83081 in series 30 and 0014 in scrics tit There was total of 02370 prizcs for more than $25 million in prizc money The next draw will be liily it ill Elliot Lake Takes look at dispute OllAWA ttfii onsumci Affairs Minister Warrcn Allniand indicated Thursday his department will look into the dispute between two nicat packing com panies and thc anadian Food and Allied Workers Union Stanley Knowles tNli Winnipeg North entrci asked Alhnand in the Tommons to conduct an investigation because he said the cooperation between Swift Tanadian Jo and anada Packers Ltd could have serious effect on the price of meat products Mostly sunny today Cloudy Satur day with showers or thunderstorms Low tonight 10 high Saturday 25 com homo toffho Exqmlnor cu 7266639 for homo dollvory Tamarack Woods ceremony Play featured at Arts Festival $150 more for plumbers refunds or complete sale of home under agreed terms Another $62305 has been paid to pur Chasers where the builder has failed to cor rect construction defects during the first year of occupancy The New Home Warranty Plan provides for the return of purchasers deposits in cases of builder default assures that con struction defects during the first year are remedied and provides for the correction of major structural defects for five years ti Senior citizens apartment new 4lunit apartment building for senior citizens at Wosaga beach recently opened The apart ments offer modern living for the residents in addition to lounge and two patios the complex has garden plot and access to beach Story and photos on todays Homes page Examiner photo lOHONTO Tli llunibcrs across Ontario voted by 82 per cent Thursday to accept $150anvhour wage increase over twoyear contract averting thc thrcat of province wide strike Agreement was reached only hours before the legal strikc dcadlinc llunihcrs wagcs will rise to $1470 an hour with some variations in different parts of the province Sinc gets apology OTTAWA thfi Sinail Business Minister Tony Abbott apologized lhursday for saying that tonscrvativc financc critic Sinclair Stevens made fast dollar by luring Canadians into investing in the ill fated Hank of Western Tanada Abbott apologized in thc Tommons for inferring that Stevens actcd uiicthically or improperly but immcdiatcly added It would be impossible for me to withdraw thc very legitimate point that shareholders were encouraged the purchase of shares was advertised and subcscqucntty they lost moncy Stevens said the ministcrs allegations were totally unfounded Thcy reflect on my charactcr my code of ethics and ultimately on my position as nicmberof Parliament he said Last month Stevens was forced to apologize in the Commons foi saying there were reports that nine Libcral Mfs iii cluding cabinet ministers had spcculatcd on the falling Canadian dollar llc withdrew his statements saying he had no proof Doubts approach right OTTAWA Cli ltthl Commissioner ltHSimmonds said Thursday night that he has sometimes in darker moments felt that druglaw enforcement by police is so ineffective that perhaps another approach should be taken Hut Simmonds said making drugs legal would be coniplcte copout and he would not advocate it until cvcry enforce mcnt means had been exhausted His comment came as he told the oin mons justice committee the ltt MI feels the power to open firstclass mail in drug and national security cases is csscnt ial Also before the committee were Director General Michael Dare of thc lttMi security service anti Assistant Ionimis sioner lom Venncr director of criminal invest igations in the force The committee is considering bill that would give the HtMl the powers they are seeking 14 In em Woman taken to hospital after accident Royal Victoria Hospital ambulance attendants cover Marie Steeves with blanket after putting her on stretcher The Barrie woman was hit by an automobile at about 1230 pm on Essa Road Thursday She was treated and released from hospital on RVH spokesman said today Barrie police are conti nuing their investigation Examiner Photo Merchants want time to comment on jump in parking meter rates ld itoss Stephens will ask city council Monday to put off decision on ttltttitSillL parking inctci rates until thc ltowntown Hoard icprcscnting merchants has chance tocoiiitiiciil on the increases 1ikclciiciiuli boardcliairiiiatis1ud it board incltinglhiirsday Aid Stephens conii cil rcprcscntatnc on tltt board told llltll of hisplanscailicilhiswcck The increases approved by councils gentrat committcc this wcck were lllt sub lttl of lengthy discussion during the metting itncial committee rccoinnicndtd to couii ll that fees for one hour inctcrs go to 30 cents Improvement name dropped The Downtown lniprovcincnt Hoard has changed its name to thc liowntown Hoard lhc cliangc was made at lllt board inch mg lhursday to climinatc thc ncgattvc impact of the word improvement in thc namc said Mike chvcnuti board chairman an l1t ti from to cents that two hour nictcrs go io0 cents an hour from llt its and that fees foi l1t and Him llltlti riiscd to tticciit an hour 11 oni livc ccnt lhc coiiuiiitlec also recommended that parking iiiitct 10ltlliitl tints iiicrcnsc to $15 from $2 and fines toi parking in prohibited artas should be increased to Sit from So Ald Stoplicns attempt to get twohour iiittcrs in tho downtown shopping arca was defeated attcr ld lillllt ltotman said the idea of haiing onc liotii nictcrs in the shoppv my aim was to kccp ltllll iiio iiig bccuusc thcrc arent enough parking spaccs available lctci Mcliityrc board member said he tuls lllt low ltltlll nicrcliants an twoliottt iictcrs in the area He icfutcd Ald littltlltltLS argument that twohoiii nictcrs would add to thc mctcr tccding prohlciii in the downtown area saying meter tccdcrs arc different problem than lack of parking facilities and they must be handled lit different way 1clnty lt urged thc board to hold special niccting next week to outline general parking policies to pttstttl to council before the in crcascs llt ipprovcd by council llastc isot the utmost he said Taxpayers invited to visit Tyndale Camp Wednesday The Harrie recreation dcpaitniciit 1S holding an open housc Wuhicsday at tyndalc lark anip thc citys $423000 park on the south shore of Kcnipcnfclt Hay Recreation department staff Will be on hand to coiidtict tours organize childrens ac livities and answer quest ions about the park The city bought the camp in February from the Jewish Wclfarc Youncil of Toronto Plans to operate rcsidcntal camps for children familics and senior citizens Wcre abandoned earlier this month when only three registra tions were received The open hottsc will run from pm to in city residents are invited hatliingsuits lyndalc Park ainp is located at the end of lvnhcad ltoad just off tiock Road in the tollcndal area about three miles south of thccityliinits to bring takc ltigliway 11 south to oxmill Road then right at flock ltoad ltccrcation department staff says it would likc llarric residents to become familiar with the tremendous potential of the park For more information all the recreation dcjmrtincnt at 7204212 Ext 277 match others in pay scale Barries top city administrators are making as much or more than their counterparts in five other On tario cities regardless of popula Believille borough The population of each city is shown in brackets Guelph and Peter tion The figures shown in the table below were collected over two days by The Examiner from municipal offices in Niagara Falls Welland $41051 SHAW 070 $41270 $27320 531340 No comparable $292 position $31 000 $31000 $21771 $24721 $29713 no comparable position $24 330 320 319140 mom $19333 $18299 $20299 $17900 $11400 not available Figures for municipal employees in Chathamtpop 38500 and Orillia pop 22500 are confidential ac cording to municipal spokesmen SHAH 377320 $31340 99243 525463 $28463 $28400 5347 395$ X1433 $11050 $215070 $19090 $21788 98639 520539 no comparable position $2431 $28330 $3M 3373307 536 930 $19006 $77 958 99058 $31400 $37700 $29580 $34980 $27537 $19 319 $73113 99319 321319 523860 3280 $27545 526 445 $24611 available 573413 $27835 $24835 not available $26806 $31900 On eyear te rm given in jail riot sentence 19yearold Harrie man received one year jail term Thursday after county court jury found him guilty of mischief in connec tion with riot at the Harrie Jail last December Judge lare made the sentence con secutive to the threcvyear term John Bortand began serving in Marchfor armed robbery Hradlcy Lozon and Garry Madore also charge in connection with the riot were ac tuitted by the jury after almost five hours of clibcrat ion Lozon 22 of Mutton remained ih custody on other chargeswhilc Madore is to have bail hearing today Madorc 24 of Toronto is midway through provincial court trial in Harrie on charge of possession of con cealed weapon They were charged with mischief by wilful damage in riot at the 134ycarold jail on Dec 1977 Six othci inmates were also charged and have pleaded guilty receiving sentences ranging frotii probation to nine months in jail trividence given at the threeday trial in cluded testimony by three guards and Lozon Horlands actions during the riot in four jail corridors were the focus of much of the testimony of guards Ronald Johnston Hrian Pope and ieorgc Jordon They said he was seen smashing prison fur nishings and using broken metal piece to chop at furnishings and wooden door in his corridor Johnston testified he saw Horland throwing pieces of broken toilet and sink ONTRADIIINS Contradictions aroSc in the testimony of the guards involving the actions by Madore and Lozoii lordon said he saw Lozon jumping on table and then stepping from it as it broke tinder crosscxamination he had no explana tion for police statement he made and testimony he gave at the preliminary hear Referendum bill passed ing both of which named different inmates as the one seen stepping from the broken table He also testified he saw Madore jump on and break bench and hurt mug at the cor ridor grill Pope who was in the same area as Gordon during much of the riot testified he didnt remember seeing Madore near the bench and didnt observe Lozon doing anything 11 legal Johnston also said he failed to see Madore do anything although he said Lozon hurled broken porcelain at the grill Lozon took the stand Wednesday to deny taking part in the riot which he called stupid and said wouldnt get any of the in mates anywhere He said the guards were mistaken in say ing he was involved and said confusion created by the milling of inmates and poor lighting could have led to charges being laid against innocent inmates Once the verdict was in Judge lare said deterrents are needed to stop prison inmates from rioting He said there arent enough guards in jails to stop inmates once they decide to riot unless inmates are kept in almost inhumane condi tions of absolute confinement He said sentencing Harland was difficult because of his past history the product of broken home and person who has spent much of his life in institutions since the age of eight Judge lare called Horlands situation pathetic and made strong recommenda tions that he receive psychiatric assessment He refused to make Harland pay restitution for the damages he caused in the riot saying he has been in jail too often to establish any kind of employment record or savin Jail officials originally cstimat damage at $10000 but Tom Cleary assistant Crown attorney said Thursday that actual physical damage to the jail amounted to about $100 by Quebec Assembly QUEBEC ttPi The Quebec national assembly passed early today what could be one of the Parti Quebccois governments most important bills Bill 92 setting up the framework for Quebecs independence rcfercndu ni Firefig hte rs work for fou hours containing tlam es in attic of house Harrie firc officials are invcstigating the cause of an early morning fire which lcft two familics on Hayfield Strcct homeless Fire Ihief Jack McAllister says no decision will be made on whcther to call in the Ontario Fire Marshals office until more work is done at the scene of the fire Flames were spotted on the roof of the scmidctachtxl building on Hayfield Street just north of Sophia Street at about 150 am today he said Firefighters worked for almost four hours to contain the fire in the attic portion of tilt and 120 Hayfield St and had to louse thc IOOlSOl nearby buildings to prevent the fire from spreading he said With buildings in close proximity on either side of the burning buiiding there was high risk of them becoming involvcd he said The fire caused extensive damage to the upper section of the building said hicf McAllistcr but no damage estimates can be made until the owners are reached John Arksey of Amelia Street in Harrie owns 118 Hayfield St whilc Marathon ltcaltv in toronto owns 120 he added Attila Traynor Veronica Baker and their sons vvclc tlvmg in thc lioitsc at the time of the fire and cscale with only the clothes they were wearing SMICLLIIISMOKIC ltobcrt Traynor 11 told The llxittttltltt his family ran from their house at 118 Hayfield S1 after hearing what sounded like hail on the roof and smelling smoke At the time of thc fire his mother brothers Joe 10 and Keith 10 and an uncle were in the house Veronica Baker and her fiveycarold son lived on the second storey of 120 Ha field SL at the time of the fire and escapu in their iiightclothcs Im Wearing what escaped in said lraynor who said police wouldnt let any of the families get back into the house for pct sonal possessions hicf McAllistcr says damage to the Hcondstorcy of the building resulted when the attic roof caved in although flames didnt reach that floor He said firefighters covered furniture on the main floor with salvage sheets in an at tempt to save what they could fund for Mrs Baker and her son has been started by Pauline Louis family friend and appeals are being made for furniture and clothing People wishing to make donations can call 737 000 lraynor says he is now living with friend while other members of his family have found temporary refuge in So hia St home They have lived at 118 Hayfie St for almost 11 years he said Fire officials are interviewing witnesses to determine where and how the fire started Hriaii Costello 14 of 122 Hayfield St said he didnt see smoke or flames next door when he arrived home at about midnight from graduation party fostello said he smelled stiiokc in the front room of his home but couldnt detect where it came from until police pounded on his fami 1ys door and told them to get out in case the fire spread David bag of Florence Street told The Ex aminer he was in restaurant down the street when man came running in at about 150 am yelling fire Dagg says he saw flames coming out of the back of the building and yelled warnings to neighbors Chief McAllister says it will take time to determine the fate of the partialtyburned building The owners will have to see the damage and decide whether its worth the cost of replacing the roof or not he said For the first time in their history we have given Quebecers an instrument to decide their future Premier Rene Levesque said after the vote was taken Union Nationale members and illdtptlltlttll Fabien Roy joined with the government in voting for the referendum law while the opposition Liberals voted against The result was 59 in favor 17 opposed Where do you think ontortalnmant Ilfoatylo homes won 13 comlcs 2° dasslflad 14 to we