Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Dec 1979, p. 29

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IHDOITMOHTS 101 91 stagscan Itsapartments tor rent PERIAI VVIC RS IIII In em III II ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED COLORED APPLIANCES BILLiI RD ROOM TENNIS COURT to weekdays THE MAYFAIR Nicest apartments in Barrie One and two bedrooms available with many features Bernick Dr 7372519 TF LETS FIGHT INFLATION RENT REDUCED or bedroom luxury townhouses Choose location near shopping centre schools churches marina From $299 mthly No dogs References to pm 7262361 or 7287798 WELLINGTON PLACE APARTMENTS 135 Wellington St Spacious 123 bedroom suites Convenient Clean building To view call 7267153 FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 726 0988 weekdays ONE BEDROOM apartment available immediately Recently redecorated Married couple only Telephone 728 6929 BRIGHT NEW bachelor downtown parking and appliances included in rent heat and hydro or not $175 monthly Available Dec 151 Lease required Call Toronto 416 249 0241 alter 5pm CENTRAL bedroom apartment with walkout to back lawn adults please husband and wile prelerred one years lease required available January $225 monthly 726 6283 ONE BEDROOM on bus route available January Stove iridge laundry lacilities lirst and last months rent no pets Call alter 726 6725 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT available January 15270 per month in cludes lridge stove heat hydro Phone 726 6271 alter ONE BEDROOM apartment 5225 men thly includes heat hydro retrigerator and stove Telephone 7264520 alter pm ONE BEDROOM apartment Penetang and Duckworth Streets Quiet rcsponsi ble persons only need apply Telephone 7265487 BEDROOM APARTMENT Available immediately inspection welcomed Ap ply at 11 Cundles Road West or phone 728 9151 betoreép LARGE TWO BEDROOM apartment Midhurst garage heat and hydro in cluded $230 monthly Available January 1Cal726 S689atter6pm BEDROOM Apartment to rent mat ried couple Stove relrigerator heat and parking Pay own hydro First and last required $225 monthly Telephone 7268993 FURNISHED BACHELOR Apartment $150 monthly heat and hydro included First and last required Baylield and Grove area Telephone 726 5713 LARGE THREE bedroom apartment on Highway 11 and Little Ave Heat and water tree No pets $274 plus hydro 72876340 ONE BEDROOM Apartment downtown $200 monthly Fridge stove utilities and parking included 726 2910 BEDROOM apartment tor rent good location on Santord Street $250 monthly includes utilities and heat Telephone 726 0288 FURNISHED ONE bedroom apartment $175 monthly includes everything 7313128 17houses to rent MIDLAND MEWS TOWNHOMES 778 William St Midland One months free rent Three bedroom townhomes available Please call 15269936 MWF024 NEW bedroom home garage Cundles and St Vincent area 5375 plus utilities Option to buy Available immediater Relerances alter 437 3713 ONE BEDROOM Iurnished all utilities included $200 monthly Ideal tor bachelor Willow Park Motel Telephone 728 8706 BEDROOM HOUSE tor rent attached garage in lnnislil Township Available immediately Telephone 436 4912 THREE BEDROOM house tor rent relrrgerator stove included 5275 men thly Alcona Beach area Telephone 4361321 THREE BEDROOM House Oro Reasonable rent to tenants Telephone 417 1411 TWO BEDROOM House tor rent very clean tridge and stove included $750 monthly plus utilities First and last months rent required Available ini medialer Call Lou Kelly Ltd 436 5111 NEW BEDROOM home garage Cundles and St Vincent area $375 plus utilities Option to buy Available int medtately Relerences 4873713 alter pm FOR RENT Large bedroom house Available immediately Broadlonmeit throughout Large tront and back yard Rent $250 per month plus utilities First andlastmonths required Cali424 6146 TALL TREES Three bedroorn sidesplit baths den lamin room with fireplace linished laundry room relerences required Available January 1726 3728 PRETTY storey broadloom down stairs bedroom Streiid Close to shop ping bank separate dining garage large treed yard ltrst and last 5325 4361701 days 7373258 evenings wee ends TH EE BEDROOM house with extra room garage on Duckworth available immediately fully carpeted no base merit S3801ncludes heat hydrolirstand last Ieasa required 737 2699 THREE BEDROOM Farmhouse monthly Call Mrs Zambon 228 3946 BEDROOM HOUSE tor rent Anne and Letitia area Retrgerator and stove $325 monthly plus utilities Available January Telephone 7280751 alter pm 7111 line responsmli S310 SPACIOUS and BEDROOM LARGE BALCONIES OVERLOOKING BAY STORAGE LOCKERS ENSUITE SAUNAS EXERCISE ROOM AND GAMES ROOM CLOSE TO SIMCOE PLAZA PUBLIC BEACH YACHT CLUB IDEAL FOR RETIRED PEOPLE RENTAL OFFICE HOURS 7269580 37 JOHNSON 5mm 111111111 Mws1r KKNEFF 11 to weekends 17houses to rent THREE BEDROOM Farmhouse miles from downtown Barrie Telephone 416 536 8083 Toronto THREE BEDROOM townhouses tor rent Garage and basement Four ap pliances Close to school shopping and bus route 726 4338 ANGUS small country home with garage and acreage Suitable tor couple Relerences Available immediately $180 monthly 424 0306 FOUR BEDROOM house tor rent New Lowell $250 per month plus utilities Phone 737 2293 alter6 pm 2orooms to let ROOM FOR LET 1N CHALET Horse Shoe Valley piece bath shared kitchen lacilities outdoor type girl need only ap ply 5130 S35 6027 alter six ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman lun ches packed light laundry done Tele phone 728 6182 LARGE ROOMS suitable tor two peO ple also single rooms and shared kit chen 726 6392 FURNISHED ROOM tor rent 525 week ly linen supplied centrally located Telephone 726 8358 or 728 8484 LARGE CLEAN furnished rooms Downtown Bus stops at door Shared kitchen living room and bath Parking 737 1000 FURNISHED ROOM woman prelerred Share whole house with other tenants Cable TV parking on bus route John and Bradtord 436 3195 COMFORTABLY FURNISHED bedsil terkttchenette Private toilet shower Available Monday to Fridays ONLY Suit gentleman with established home elsewhere and who returns home weekends 726 8998 21room and board LOOKING FOR BOARDERS in my home use at utilities available In Angus Available January For more information call 424 5071 23otlices stores tor rent 1200 SQ FT OFFICE SPACE 54F Maple St Avatlableanytime7281743titl 7pm 728 6899 atter7pm MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites immediate oc cupancy short or long term 726 3400 Angeloll 1000 SQUARE FEET airrconditioned otlice space for rent with parking spots available immediately Telephone 726 7130 NEW PROFESSIONAL OFFICE Pres tige area Ample parking 1100 sq It Bell Farm Rd by Georgian College Duckworth Cloverleal 726 0231 APPROXIMATELY 600 square leet Ot otliceshowroom space available tor lease immediately on mezzanine lloor ol The Downtown Centre Call 726 9642 tor intormation 24space for rent WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM etc 108 Victoria Street 1590 square feet Gross lease everything included S475 mon thly Apply Stewart Wholesale 728 3051 PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 1000 18000 sq lt tully Sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks drive in doors 14 ll 18 it clear part at large ex pandittg industrial mall 726 7130 9000 SQ FT M1 industrial space tor lease Ground level steel burlding highway 400 exposure at Essa Rd inter change 18 teet clear drive in door 550 available Contact Omar Morrow Road Barrie Ontario 705 726 2681 FOR LEASE on SALE industrial space and warehouse Telephone 726 3400 Angelotl 750 SQ FT OFFICE Storage Space also 500 so It storage Corner InnislilSt and Jacobs Terrace Available im mediately Telephone 737 1606 or 424 1020 HIGHWAY 27 tour miles north of Barrie 7500 square teet or more lenced in drive indoors use for storage manulac turing or automotive SI 50 per square loot 737 4958 RETAIL WAREHOUSE for lease 7200 so it righton Highway 11 near Orillia Suitable tor home furnishing outlet Owner might consider participation Call 416 742 4079 26accom modation to sha re 9th OF ORO 15 minuteslrorn Barrie or Orillia Wahser dryer sauna hot tub Non smoker prelerred 5150 per month 487 5862 or 726 5767 32cars for sale AUTO INSURANCE and home insur ance Competitive rates Call JOIIT Nelson Insurance 728 9571 9a 9p 1978 CHEVROLET blue door hardtop power steering brakes windows V8 certitied Excellent condition 54200 or best otter Telephone 737 0249 1972PONTIAC Twodoorhardtop new paint Best otter Can be certified Call 424 5025 alter pm or anytime on weekends 1972 AMC JAVELIN sports hardtop SST lloor console buckets rustprooled 24 mpg 5775 00 183 Anne St 728 9636 easily certified LOVt MILEAGE I974 Pontiac stenne Brougham 728 8334 1°75 CHARGER condition excellent Call 737 1059 anytime 1974 BUICK LESABRE excellentcondt tion air conditioned Michelin radials body excellent certitied $1500 lirm 3221582 no toll lrom Barrie 1971 CADILLAC Sedan de Ville rebuilt enginepower equipped plusair in good condition 52 600 Telephone 716 2688 1972 PONTIAC Laurentian 2door hard top PB PS V8 New paint and tires Certilied 51000 lirm Call daytime 736 3869 nighttime 728 6010 1972CHEVELLE Idoor hardtop P5 P8 307 motor New paint and certitieo Catldaytime 716 3869 nightime728 6010 I969 PLYMOUTH tor sale for $200 as is TelephoneJN 1951 1972 VOLVO statiort wagon automatic good shape $1500 Telephorte 456 3536 1971 LEMANS sport coupe power steer ing in good condition Must sell best 01 ter Telephone 0829 alter rn 1971 OLDS DELTA 88 Royale tour deer hardtop A1 COIdIflOn power steering power brakes arr tilt AM FM eight track spotless Calgary car Asking $2850 436 2009 1972 PINTO speed radio 5595 cer titted Goooconoition 728 72o7eyenings 1971 MUSTANG II tour Cylinder automatic buckets console excellent condition new path certttied $1595 or $1 495 belore Christmas 4361491 1974 MUSTANG II will certify Fully winterized with snow tires Green color 47000 Body good Runs well $1800 Call George days 728 2485 evenings726 2815 1975 FORD TORINO best otter call Bruce 728 3921 Or Marg 435 5536 Part mmc Ir 32cars for sale GREAT GAS ECONOMY VOLK SWA light bluedark speed con 1977 RABBIT blue radio dition 1976 AUDI 100 LS blue metallic dark blue in terior AMFM radio fuel inieclion automatic showroom clean 1978VW CAMPER beige AMFM radio standard shift Ideal unit for trip to Florida Immaculate condition 7370100 Auto Hnus Barrie 60 Fairview interior impeccable 1974 CHEVY Biscayne 1973 PLYMOUTH station wagon Body work paint iob undercoating on both 7286182 67 CAMARO 350 300 hpi standard good condition Extra parts Steve 487 3035 70 METEOR door automatic V8 302 engine 8295 as is Good running condi 11071135 6322 or 4245949 72 METEOR 500 door hardtop V8 certified automatic $525 Radio power steering power brakes new master cylinder and brakes 435 6322 or 424 5949 68 CHEVY NOVA cylinder new paint iob door automatic new brakes cer titled 5595 Gas saver Telephone 435 6322 or 424 594° 75 PLYMOUTH GRAND FURY door automatic power steering power brakes radio new paint iob certilied S695 435 6322 or 4245949 1973 PLYMOUTH SCAMP slant six re cent body and paint iob AM eight track certilied Asking $1200 or best otter Telephone 728 8960 1977 MINI $2795 For inlormation phone 4240738 1973 OLDS ROYAL plates door hard top many extras asking $900 1972 Cadillac as is runs well loaded 5500 7281136 evenings or 7371221 $350 1972 TORINO SQUIRE WAGON 56000 miles very dependable Mechanically sound New tires battery and exhaust Call 726 2001 73 DUSTER 318 motor excellent condi tion New paint iob New snow tires Low mileage Woman driver $1700 or best olter Phone 726 2049 1968 DODGE CORONET for sale as is $200 in running condition Telephone 424 0203 WWW ECONOMICAL 1970 cylinder Maverick automatic transmission New paint Ideal second car 5550 as is or will certity $650 or best Offer 728 0559 33cars wantedto URGENTLY REQUIRED For Borrtes Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS 176 BRADFORD ST 7284272 WFTF TRACY WANTS cars and trucks tor wrecking and parts top prices paid DESPEWB 19199899 HUME WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Hon da Auto Sales 17 GowanVSt 726 6488 COLE BROS Cars and trucks WANTED tor wrecking Fast pickup Phone 435 6322 days 424 5949 evenings JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 726 8711 TOP PRICE lor top cars Toke Motors Limited 119 Bradford Street Barrie 72B 8111 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED Top prices paid Free immediate pick up anytime 436 2900 LATE MODEL SUB COMPACT WANTED preterance for rust proof Honda Datsun 210 Corolla Looking tor best car in $3500 range No dealers 728 6331 alter6p arttrucksrand trailers TRUCK CAPS STANDARD BOX ALUMINUM FIBERGLASS 33900 59500 installed ALL MODELS AVAILABLE 0110 MOBILE HOMES lTD Hwy 11 miles north ofBarrie 7261651 J16 1976 GMC ton pickup power steering power brakes 42000 miles 53950 or best otter 728 8234 1969 JEEP 14 TON electric angle plow Winch to 8000 lbs $2000 Itrm Call 424 5460 alter pm 1975 DODGE VAN 44000 miles six cylinder automatic custom interior Contact Bank 01 Nova Scotia 72670692 1975 FORD 250 Ranger wheel drive and plow excellent condition Has to be seen to be appreciated Lic J29285 Telephone 526 8788 days alter pm 526 8946 1974 FORDWINDOW Vannewtires engine excellent condition Call 728 2202 tromgam to67plm 1976 DODGE TRADESMAN van new tires will certify 458 4514 1976 CHEV with 366 V8 and speed transmission and speed rear axle cab and chassis only As is Best otter Telephone 436 1811 1978 CHEVY TON good condition power steering power brakes automatic transmission 305 hp Call anytime 458 9912 Cookstown 1971 GMC ONE TON VAN 290 Cubic inch cylinder 21 mpg it head clearance Excellent mechanical condi tion Makes pertect camper Trade tor best car oilered7371342 1971 DODGE WINDOW VAN 5500 or best Oller Sold as is Telephone 7281179 alter pm 19711 TOYOTA LAND cruiser 4x4 A1 condition Low mileage Extras Telephone 728 1284 1979 GMC TON six cylinder automatic transmission power steering radio rear step bumper snow tires 000 miles Must be sold this weekend linancing available 728 6444 alter rn 36a uto accessories SNOW PLOW ft hydrolic with mount tor Chevy plus pump Complete 5550 Set ot Cooper 1100 15 4x4 tires and6 bolt Chevy rims 5150 complete Bruce 726 1311 37motorcycles 1970 BMW MOTORCYCLE 600 cc low mileage $1600 or otter as is 416 729 2186 WANTED used motorcycles Town Cy cle 100 Tiltin St 726 9544 HONDA 175 street bike excellent con dition $225 or best oller 458 9815 424 5802 38snowmobilesu 22 years of dependable SONIC Your headquarters for Kawasaki 050104 Service Ports ltiWAY MOTORS ll No1Shnty lat 1011s 7285693 022 nits14 my siE ciJ vi OBridles ORIding wear ROBINSON HARDWARE 11 DUNLOP 512 7282431 38snowmobiles ARK Montt Kcart 67171197771715 Christmas Special THE WOODPECKER IS KNOCKING HOLES IN ALL HIS PRICES OPEN 99 DAYS WEEK mm NOAHS snore Professional All Breed Dog Grooming Free Pickup and Delivery BOOK NOW FOR CHRISTMAS 683 MAPLE AVE BARRIE 7267332 30 Off all items lf Many handcrafted gifts CEDARPINE WOODCRAFTS Li Crown Hill Ont 7288217 Home of the Woodpecker PRACTICAL GIFTS For All The Family Slippers Shoes Snow Boots Evening Shoes Hand Bags Gift Certificates NORMAN FAMILY SHOES 24 DUNLOP ST 7283881 Put DENIM under your Tree this Christmas BIG BLUE JEANS ANDRE MICHEL HASH ROADRUNNERS Jean Connection We also carry dress pants blouses sweaters Located at 40 MAPLE AVE Across from Loblciws 38ésnowmobiles SNOWMOBILE REPAIRS All work done on the premises by FactoryTrained Mechanics We specialize in Bombardier Products repairs to other makes also Carbs cleaned adiusted PullStarter recoils repaired Cylinders rebored to exact clearance Engine ignition timing to exact specs Drive belt spark plugs for most makes MotoSki Soles Service Repair CANAM Motorbike Sales Service Repair BARBIE MOTOCROSS CENTRE LTD 51 Ellen Street next to Tandy Leather 7264112 BARRIE 726 059 train PalmB CETRE HRISTMAS SALE ltr MANUFACTURERS REBATE $100 Rebate on1980 Apollos $150 Rebate on 1980 Galaxys $150 Rebate on 1980 340 TXs Complete line of Linn Clothing Parts Accessories Sales Service 20 OFF TX Track Trail Snowmobile Suits 20 OFF leather Top Snowmobile Boots While quantities last PLACE CHRISTMAS ORDERS NOW Rebate Good Only to Expiry Dates Closed Wed Afternoons MWD31 Open days week 510E ARCTIC CAT SNOWMOBILES 34 in stock 1980 Machines Accessories and Clothing New1979ElTigre$2489 Now1979J¢guur340 oil iniection $1959 9mm SPORT HAVEN MARINE 3°miom Closed Wednesday Open Sat till pm 1978 Super Stock SNO PRO 440 never raced No reasonable otter refused Hi Way Motors Gasoline Alley 728 $693 1979 7500 PLUS BLIZZARD only 190 miles Hi Way Motors Gasoline Alley 728 5693 1973 SNO JET 295cc Excellent condi tion I969 Skidoo Olympic and double trailor $800 or best otter Will sell separately 424 5802anytime 1978 ARCTIC CAT JAG 3000 for sale cover hitch speedo Good condition 51295 Telephone Oro 487 3148 40articles for sale 15 Used Refrigerators 13 cubic leet white from $139 to $179 Adair Volume Sales 21 Mary Street Barrie NEWTOBARRIE RC HOME DELIVERY 750 ml bottles by the case Pepsi Cola Orange Crush Hires Root Beer 7Up Wilsons Ginger Ale Dr Pepper Diet 7Up Pepsi Tonic Bitter Lemon Soda Collins Mix Free Delivery 7372981 MWFJ25 40articles for sale ZENITH 20 PORTABLE COLOR 11 solid state only $598 Under $6 wkly Starting January 80 Order lontte getolreu 12 black and white One hour delivery KRAZY KELLY now next door to The Highway 90 Meat Market 61 Forndale One houtdelivury 7371182 TF POLY FOAM cut to srze Barrie Tent and Awning Company has great stock ot poly loam to thickness Pro mpt service reasonable prices 34 Baylield Street downtown RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT for sale Meat cooler upright coke machine cash register meat sltcEr ice cream lreezer catering eqmpment 936 2588 ORGAN 1978 Hammond Romance 123 and bench excellent condition Asking DTICe $1200 Telephone Alliston 435 7363 alter Sp CHRISTMAS SALE glass china foreign stamps heritage and craft items 71 Vancouver Street NEWAND USED OFFICE FURNITURE Desks chairs andliling cabnets Great prices Adair volume Sales 21 Mary Street Barrie SPECIAL 7265721 RE UPHOLS TERIN 529900 ruplrclstrn chestsrtiold end their Labour and Fabric included tit 15 yards at our Orlde solution of Fabrics yr IVINIII guarantee rimubip For free hime estimator call 10 Day Service STONES UPHOLSTERY MWrIF 7374322 40articles tor sale FRAME and 1101151 COLLAR MIRRORS 72896 ELECTRONIC ORGAN electrohorne double keyboard vibrato and rythmn panel $800 Acorn lireplace S75 aluminum awning with posts 48x78 S75 Telephone 728 5341 ELECTRIC GUITAR Simpsons model good condition lists tor 5100 sell for 550 Ask tor Jean 436 2612 DIAMOND ALUMINUM VINYL CO siding soffit fOscioetc 7264644 026 ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized Sales and Service Free Home Dernonsltd lions 18 Alliance Blvd Unit 19 728 3392 AUTOMATIC VYASHEHS dtyets dish washers lreezers frid es ranges micrc Ovens ariyinake any gy 7371195 AUDITORIUMS AND HALLS OIACIOUS ATMOSPHERE MURRAY HALL ONLY Mi from Bani Christmas New Years parties Banquets Receptions etc Upto ISDpersans 7289902 or 7260817 MWFAl9 ACTON BOOKKEEPING AND TAX SERVICES TAX RETURNSbusiness personal Set up maintenance Of books including FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOW AVAILABLE COMPUTERIIED BUSINESS SYSTEMS Including in ventory general ledger etc Call 7265218 am8 pm CARPENTER mpeiiemed Pennyor garages decks rec roorris free estimates Bill Johnston 726 9708 GENERAL CARPENTRY re rooms add trons alterations Free estimoea Co REYNOLDS 726 3853 CUSTOM DRAPES mode ivm you elected moteual lOyeouerperence 728 3715 DRESSES Flt made by JOSIE AOUIHO Speltialz rig in print ts gowns and altero Irons 42 696 11 Phone 726 6273 GIFT THAT IASTS ALL YEAR jolly way to remember yourfriends and relatives this Christ mas is tO send gilt subscriptions of The Examiner They are easy to Order They lost all year and the cost is small compar to the pleasure given Eoc gift will be announced in your name with beautiful card in full rich colors Order Now DO IT BY writing to The Circulation Dept of The Examiner or Dial 7266539 40articles for sale FIREPLACE AND stove coal seasoned tirewood and kindling Simcoo Building Materials 12 Sarieant Dr 728 1773 SLAB WOOD Will do snow plowing Oven ready rabbits Phone Ken 7289367 TWO UTILITY TRAILERS suitable for ski doos etc 5130 each Telephone 728 6532alter5p BARRIE TENT AND AWNING C0 of lers complete repair serVice on tarps tents trailer covers awnings boat covers etc Also zippers medium or heavy weights Foam cut to size 123 Sinch thickness 34 Baylleld St next Clarks Home Furnishings downtown TITANIC TOSHIBA Incredible 50 month warranty $789 Order lonite get free portable Under $7 wkly starting January 80 KRAZY KELLYS now next door to The Highway 90 Meat Market at Femdale 737 1182 Now TF ALLJET CHIMNEY SWEEPS NO MESS NO FUSS REASONABLE 7267693 or 7263820 MW RANDY CHILLMAN CHIMNEY SWEEP Fast Cleort Professional service REASONABLE RATES INSURED 81157282073 Res 4873072 YEOLDE CHIMNEY SWEEP dirty chimney is seriousfirehazard FREEINSPECTION Vacuum Brush method 7370740 MWFJ21 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUOHIHQ SPECIALISTS rooting and rooftrg repors Shee me work MOFIII VetsllUte Nor 424 1956 FIBREGLASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS REPAIRS boots snowmobiles anything fiberglass Free estimates Low winter rates Workmanship guaranteed 424 5802 PETER HEHSTRA 7372871 Custor bui fireplaces patios home fronts in sor porches himteyepOit Freeeslimotes VIC WATSON fireplaces and masonry for 190 esirnatea 0116 7281599 FIIEWOOD SEASONED RED OAK wood for sale nlflv up or deitiet Telephone 7281938 SEASOHED illED Trim S7 14 cord pine up 577 dei 741 577 10gt 919 irewocj on pro is 1705 351 2522 D12 Long the examiner VVVedrtesday Dec19 191p 29 Come and See SCOTTY For Personal Service and the Best deal Anywhere CHRISTMAS BARGAINS SPECIAL COMPONENT SETS AMlM Stereo complete with track and Record Player $159 One Only USED WIINGER WASHER $69 DISHWASHER cy Harvest Gold only used $189 DISHWASHER Cdn Admiral cy full warranty only left $349 COLOR TV 20 Magnosottic full warranty while they last $469 LAMPS all styles BUY ONE GET ONE FREE store No money down in financing free delivery BARRIE NEW AND USED FURNITURE LTD 202 DUNLOP 7374774 Closed Mondays Thurs Fri om to pm ECCLES ST DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RING 5119 new local paid $950 Sell $600 835 253l CARPET 100 nylons3 99 sq yard 9x12ss39 95 Adair Volume sales 21 Mary Street Barrie COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER 10 ton 3phose water cooled with dual compressor 51 500 Col JIM 7372432 TF FLEETWOOD STEREO three speed record changer eight track tape two speakers MANN Guitar Amplifier Both good condition 728 3704 HAMMOND 24 key organ with bass notes music and bench included like new condition Call 3221111 between 30p alters 30p 322 2641 FIREWOOD Mixed Hardwoods S40 bush cord delivered 436 4505 alter hélp Just look over the ads below The ad vertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest lob possible 100 DRY HARD WOOD SEASONED 16 FACE CORD $35 FREE DELIVERY 4872113 SPECIALIZIHG in lrarning trimming decks fencing rec rooms oddilions etc 737 1588 after HAHDYMAN basements and garages lecmd trash and tunk remored Small movingtobs4873I4l HOME INSPECT IOH SERVICE ALLOW ME TO INSPECT THE HOME BEFORE YOU BUY AVOld those unpleasant prises Inspection of normal house 525 SUF Call Simcoe Home Inspection 4584760 er 021 HOMEIMPIIOVEMENTS RBPCONSTRUCTION Houseraisnxg four lotions 7110v0lb15 additions Phat 436 2955 otter rri NORTHEPH CAPEHTBY Specgluing ITt tenor work Rev rooms kitchens both Gorris panelltni finish work 726 9002 STAN KHICELY MASONRY Brick block and stone wcrlv chimney repon Ftteplot 500l11 Peeestimate 705424 5158 MODELTRA REPAIRS TO TRAINS and road racing Free estimates The Trainmon Hobbies 110 Dunlap 723 1505 MIBICIISTIUCTIONS ACCORDION guitar piano organ begtri rev and Olranced Two months tiol itsttu ment loaned for home practice Canada Academy ofMutiic 121 Boyfeld 728 I799 BARBIE SCHOOL OF BRASS Professcno in strucion trumpet trombone french lloti Special attention to beginners Arthur 9ng 77 084 good Christmas gilt Please call 737 2414 CONSONANT STEREO excellent condi tion make otter 10 speed bicycle 5100 Set ol ski boots size also skis 350 com plete Telephone John 326 3554 Orillra GRANDFATHER CLOCK 40articles tor sale Reupholstering DOLLARS liecover it Yourself Wide selectOn of discount fabrics FOOm cushions Tools both amateur pTOIBSSIOnOI Needles threads twines Bultons mode to order omplete line of upholstery Supphes UPHOLSTERY SUPPLY SHOP Div of Fabric Drapery Mill outlel Just north of GeorgionMoll 73741510 TF FRENCH pROVlNCIAL End tables cherry wood antique chair matching lootstonl 726 3470 RIFLE Remminoton 788 caliber 22 250 With deluxe TASCO 4x32mm scope EX CELLENT VARMINT RIFE Like new $225 or best otter Call 458 9538 ask tor Rick HAMMOND PIPER ORGAN 5725 Very condition Makes perlect made in England excellent condition some inlay work in wood Asking 5750 Phone Ken alter 6p 487 2956 SONY STEREO Sensational AM FM receiver custom turntable $343 Get free speakers Under $5 wkly starting January 80 KRAZY KELLYS now next door to The Highway 90 Meat Market at Ferndole Onehoutdcltvery 7371182 1F WESTERN GUITAR $25 Sears eight track stereo S35 Bayer Black Panther skates boys size S75 all in brand new condition Also Fisher skis With 444 bin dings $90 776 5953 alter BIKE CCM Gran Tour Deluxe mens 10 speed options like new S90 EN CYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA with bookcase$l25 436 5394 CAMERA CANON FTB with 50 mm 18 lens case included In excellent condi lion rarely used 5150 Telephone 728 3171 COUNTRY SKIS Buy direct trom wholesaler Final clearance ol Canadian made tibreglass Nordicas and larvenins complete with fibreglass poles and Firm Gripp bin dings Ski sizes 195 mm 225 mm Retail on ski only was $7995 While they last on Iy $59 25 With poles and bindings Thurs day and Friday nights only Pen taster Inc 92 Davidson Street No phone calls please PIANO FOR sale upright in good condi music lion $350 Give gilt ot Telephone 726 9938 alter and see the many gift selections for the mechanic in your home at affordable prices v1s11 it MASTERCHARGE cmm OPEN MON T0 r111 AM 530 PM SATURDAYS 4171 71111 Eb PRATT MOT08 SUPPLY co no 39 High St Barrie 7285911 012141921 AC GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular MorcelPolvin GuitorStudio 7261489 PROFESSIONAL GUITARIST glvmg lessonsin classrcol pOleOI and rack Call Gary 7269098 SIMCOE DRUM STUDIOS Lessons by professional drummer Exp in studio recordtng TV etc All styles any age Keri King 726 2903 lELLlNGA PAINTING and decorating In tenor exterior Work uoranteed Es tablished 30 years 726 2603 DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING InleltOT exterior paper hanging custom Hotb Satisfaction guaranteed 7266008 pAltlTlNG PAPER hanging experienced Free estimates JACK RICHARDSON 77683 BARKEY PAINTING Interior and extenbr Referenres available Free reasonable esti matcs Teleghone 737 1087 PICTURE FRAMING 11 OATES 82 Dunlop St East Uslom liamiiig of all types We stock many SIEOS Phone 728 3270 CALL JIMS SNOWBLOWING for clean driveway 726 9859 or 737 2345 DOUGS SNOWPLOWING Rosidontol and Commercial Snow removal service 4radto dispatchedtruclts 72B 8460 Man SllOwPLOWlNG Commercral and Residerttol Reasonable rates Coll Larry 7264599 COMMERCIAL lat or small Also Haulage Call on AUCTIONEERS Pro mptservice 737 0879 DRIVEWAYS And lanes plowed Reasonable roles THE WEED MAN 7372771 SNOWPLOWING 24 hour term Ila lob too stroll 726 0997 arADs suowmowmd Residential land orrrerciol Reasonable rates Prompt SEYIICE Radio dispatched 7287896 SNOWPLOWING Residential and small duslrtol Phone 73771576 SNOW AND ICE removal from roofs etr Also sncwplowing Prompt 4873141 11 EYNOLDS IV SERVICE Repairs to color block and white TV stereos etc All makes andmodels 424 6181 SlitICU gnawwas awe

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