12 the oxamlner Monday Dec 10 1079 television guide MONDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 NEWS TIC TAC DOUGH CARDL BURNETT AND FRIENDS POLKA DOT DOOR 628 NEWS 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW cas NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS RHODA JEREMY 645 READALONG 655 WRITE ON 700 CANDID CAMERA 240RanRT PM MAGAZINE HAPPY DAYS TIC TAC DOUGH CIRCUS Hosts Cal Dodd Shensse GuestsZoppasandtheRosmBackRidersBilly Van portraying Daleclo Randy and Sylvras Perch Pole act and the Kerry and Company Balancing Act STREET TALK DONT ASK ME FAMILY FEUD MAUDE 730 3100000 NAME THAT TUNE NEWLYWED GAME ACOSMic CHRISTMASAnimaieu atoryoithreeelian beingswhocometo Earthto over the meaning of Chrislmas JOKERS WILD OCEANS ALIVE Pelicans MAGIC SHADOWS Man Wllh Mll Perli BOB NEWHART SHOW MAsH 800 LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE When telephones are installed In Walnut Grovathe snoopyMrsOlesonlistensm onherneighborscallsendlearnaasecrelthat threatens lo destroy the marriage of Jonathan Garvey 60mins COUNTRY CHRISTMAS An allnew celebration of music and family get togelhers starring David Soul Barbi Benton eita rm and others 60 mm CHARLIE BROWN CHRIST MAS Charlie Brown and Linus search for the realrneaning olChristmaswhilehlsplaymales busy themselveswithihe moreworldlyaspacts he holiday season 240ROBEHT Thibscareer seemsto be over when he loses his sight alter high epeed crashand two dopedupkidsine cerium gas elation into deadly inferno Repeat 60 ill PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED Angie and Brad wrestle with dilemma when Theresa gives up her weekly kitchen poker gamefor genuine casino lever via topic Atlan Cit lb BEST KEPT SECRETS CHARLIEs ANGELS GRANTSOFBRAZILFosIunngKmq Pals and the golden stars of Brazilian soccer from 19351970 60 mine 830 THE GREAT SANTA CLAUS CAPER Raggedy Ann and Andy debattlawirh Alexander whoharborssplottolakeoverSants Cleua workshop and turn it into modernized 60 where everythin is for sale HE SENSA IONAL SEVEN TIES Pierre Trudeau weds Maggie Lt Calley isfoundguilty andthe CharlasMansontrIalare wnglhe highlights from 1971 HE REAL STORY 900 MONDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES ShesDressedToKill ta79$tare anal kerJohnRubinstein MASH AbrawlatRosiesbar putsRoaieinthehospitalandthe4077thdoc tors are pressed into service as temporary WOOIIIIBODBS MONDAY NIGHT FOOT LL Pittsbur Sleelers vs Houston Oilers EIGHTI ENOUGH NICHOLAS NICKLEBY PART II CAGED WOMEN 930 WKRP IN CINCINNATI Bailey Quarters gels promotedtoonair newscaster and Lee Nessman has difficult time accepting the fact hell have to share the airwaves with WINKRP IN CINCINNATI Bailey Quarters gets promolodto Dnair newscaster and Les Nessmen has difficult time accepting the fact hell have to share the airwaves with MONDAY NIGHT MOVIE THXlfsa Stars Robert Duvall Donald Pleasance 1000 NEWSMAGAZINE III LOU GRANTCousinAndrewgoes onirialformurderandlheTribuneslallfeelathe strain of covering the story because of Don ovans close relationship to the defendant nclusion 60 mine BEHIND THE SHIELD GLOBAL NEWS UPDATE 1001 FAMILYBuddysfriendisconsrderedloo weird by everyone elses standards and this almost destroys their friendship 60 mins 1030 THE WATSON REPORT With rick Watson ROLE CALL 1100 am NEWS 000 NEWS ON NEWS THE REAL STORY 1120 NEWS NEWS NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOW cas LATE MOVIE iunnvo Ruby Harryts caliedin byanoldfriend tolook alter her nephew who has been picked up by the police following an attempted car theft Repeal MCMlLLAN AND WIFE The Fine Art Of Staying Alive Stars Rock Hudson Susan Saint James peat iii PARTY GAME QUESTION PERIOD MONEY TALKS 1145 THE TWO RONNIEs NEWS 1125 1127 1200 DALLAS KOJAK detective with drinking proh Iem inadvertently causes him to lose his pistol his gold shield and the life ofhis best friend 80 MERV GRIFFIN Guests Henry kler David Brenner Susan Ana ach NEWSTIME TENTA IVE 1215 MIND YOUR LANGUAGE Jeremys language class is interrupted one evening when local council oliiclel comes to explain that the Queen and Prince Philip will We brief etc at the college PHOTOGRAPHYGOLDMEDAL AWARDSDickVanPattenandJoyceDeWitt host the 58m annual Pholoplay Gold Medal Awards based on the publics choice of their favorite performers movies and television ï¬MOVlEWESTERNPV Red Sun 1012 100 TOMORROW MOVIE DRAMA Va Diary Anne Frank 1050 MEDICAL CENTER 130 to GONG SHOW 145 NEWS 200 MOVIEADVENTURE The Jackals 1951 historically speaking today in history Em 101979 nglish inventor Robert Wil liam Thompson patented the pneumatic tire 134 years ago to day in 1845 although at that time rubber was too ex pensive for the invention to be practical Selfeducated Thompson also designed an electrical detonator for blasting powder fountain Dec 1957 Innisfil Township had its first lady council member elected and new Reeve at elections pen the first portable steam engine the ï¬rst refabricated hy raulic tlle daa steam powered engine rubber wheels which was theI first workable tractor 1520 Martin Luther publicly burned the papal bull excommunicating him from the Roman Catholic church 1830 Poet Emily Dickinson was born Swedish chemist and 813 tropist Alfred Nobel 19 The United Nations Gen til Assembly adopted the unive aideclaration of human rights 1964 Dr Martin Luther King was awarded the Nobel PeacePrize barries story for the 1958 council Mrs Mary Law became the first woman council member and Mr Charles Sproule became In canadas story Newfoundland Money Crash Brought In Canadian Banks Newfoundland might have joined Canada long before 1949 had it not been for variety of circumstances Chief Justice William Smith who helped to frame the Canada Act in 1791 was in favor of confederation of all the British North American colonies He was supported by the Duke of Kent who had been commanderinchief of the garrisons at Quebec and Halifax but no definite moves were made Lord Durham whose report led to the Act of Union in 1841 was also an advocate opportunity was neglected Newfoundland sent delega of confederation An ideal tes to Quebec in 1864 when the actual planning of confederation began but most Newfoundlanders opposed union at that time One of their reasons was the completion of the transAtlantic cable in 1866 looke east to Britain rather erhaps more than ever before Newfoundlanders then west to Canada There was another opportunity in 1894 when two com mercial banks in Newfoundland declared bankruptcy on December 10 There was financial panic that led to suggestions that efforts be made to join Canada This time the Canadian Government was not receptive although Canadian chartered banks established branches in Newfoundland for the first time Newfoundland currency became closely tied to the Canadian dollar but confederation was resisted until the end of World War 11 Even then Joseph Smallwood and his colleagues had to work hard for several years to bring about the union that probably should have happened in OTHERS EVENTS ON DEC 10 Two ships carrying deported Acadians sank with loss 1791 of 1200 lives 1813 US troops burned Newark now Niagaraonthe Lake lawDonald Smith was appointed as special commissioner to deal with Louis Riel at Red River 1880 House of Commons began considering new plan to build CPR transcontinental 1885 First issue of Ottawa Defoe editor 1929 First airmail was flown to Arctic Evening Journal with John posts 1939 First Canadian Division sailed from Halifax 1949 Supreme Court of Canada became final authority for judicial matters 1954 Canso Causeway was completed 1957 Royal Commission was pointed to study price nisfil Reeve defeating Reeve Allan Todd In his report of building per mits WJ Blair of the Town of Barrie Planning Board stated that the release of mortgage money permitted building con tractors to take out permits for dwellings to keep key men employed during the winter Permits for general building and improvement of properties were increasing in additon to two large permits of over $1500000 Barrie Public School Board appointed McBain and Salter as architects for the ex tension to Oakley Pk School Preliminary plans for the addi tion included six classrooms and multipurpose room The annual dinner and enter tainment in conjunction with the CNIB wa one of the most enjoyable of the season Enter tainment was provided by the North Collegiate Glee Club the Sweet Adelines and Wally Ken nedy soloist Mrs Ernest Moore of Grove St was the winner in the inter national Color the Kids con test She was presented by the Birds Eye Division of General Foods with three Birds Eye Dolls as memento of the occa sion and an RCA Victor Per sonnel TV set Visits to the studios of two craftsmen were on the itinerary of over 40 members of the Sim coe County Arts and Crafts Association who went to Toron to by chartered bus They visited Miss Yvonne Williams an outstanding craftsman in the art of stained glass win dows The group then journeyed to the studio of Mrs Seguin who worked with mosaics and enamelling on cop per Finals began at the Barrie Curling Club for the OKeefe Trophy with eight rinks qualify ing The Barrie Flyers geared up for second match with the Toronto Marlboros after defeating them 30 in Toronto The team hoped to have 20 points in the league standing spreads in taming and shing before Christmas SECRETARY SALARIES INCREASES BLASTED BINGO UP WASHINGTON AP Con WORCESTER England SAN FRANCISCO AP Secretaries earned salary in creases during the fourth quarter of 1972 survey shows Secretaries in 11 large cities eamed an average $414 hourly hiring the fourth quarter com pared with 8398 during the previous quarter In 10 medium cities average salary increas fed to$341 from $335 sumption of oil in Latin America rose an estimated 68 per cent in 1978 says the annual report of the InterAmerican Development Bank The report says Mexico and Brazil increas ed consumptIOn by 108 and 97 per cent respectively and the Central American countries as group were up six per cent CPI Rev Robin Woods Bishop of Worcester said in recent message to his diocese that he is troubled by dependence upon games of chance in raising money for charities The bishop said he finds it sad that many people seem unable to give unless they haveachance of gain II The Doctor Says Fluid must drain off By PAUL DONOHUE MD Dear Dr Donohue My doc tor says have open angle glaucoma would ap preciate an explanation In terms can understand VC The eyeball contains fluid which among other things keeps it in the shape you notice The eye manufactures this fluid which is prett neat trick in itself Because fluid is manufac tured continually there has to be way to drain off excess If this didnt happen wed all have glaucoma which is build up of that eye fluid Fluid pressure buildsfor one of two reasons Either too much is being made or too lit tle is being drained off Doc tors determine which problem exists by eliminating the other one If its not one it has to be the other The canal that drains off fluid is located in the corner of the eye angle if you prefer geometric terms If fluid build up is traced to this corner problem then the glaucoma is called narrow angle glaucoma If the pressure builds because of ex cess production of fluid it is 0an angle glaucoma since the angle drainage problem has been eliminated The drainage system is OK but is being overwhelmed by the ex cess fluid like drainage ditch during heavy rain If the drainage system is at fault drugs can be tried to keep it open or surgery may be necessary to open it up The other kind fluid over production is more sneaky and the build up can be gradual and go unnoticed It is treated with drugs decrease fluid production Periodic eye tests for glaucoma are advised whether one has symptoms or not Dear Dr Donoltuc What is meant by the term superinfection KF superinfection is one you get while taking drug to fight off another different in fection They are not common but are always watched for especially in patients getting large amounts of medicine such as penicillin The organism causing the superinfection is one resistant to the drug being given The term super doesnt mean the infection is more severe titan any other kind only that it comes on top of another one An example of superinfec tion would be taking an tibiotics for urinary infection and developing vaginal yeast infection Dear Dr Donohuc My hus bands last blood test showed an abnormally high amount of chlormicrons Please explain what this means Mrs MAN am sure you mean chylomicrons and you are the first reader to ask about this Chylomicrons are very small droplets of cholesterol and triglycerides blood fats that are normally transported in the blood to the liver for fur ther breakdown By six hours after meal there should be few if any Chylomicrons in the blood An increased amount may call for special diet low in fats BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Bidding proper contracts NORTH 0109852 85 OKQ OQ875 EAST OKJ7 QJ92 0853 OJ SOUTH 0A43 9K7 0A107642 OAK Vulnerable Both Dealer South North East Pass NT Pass 1210 WEST OQG A10643 0J9 010642 Opening lead Oswald We are going to devote this weeks articles to hands that presented little or no problem in pla but did resent real pro lems in idding Alan The bidding shown in the box is simple and appar ently of little interest Souths onediamond opening is emi nently correct as is the Spade response and the twonotrump rebid Norths raise to three notrump is also correct He sees that his kingqueen of diamonds are olden cards Oswald hen this hand was played in Master Pairs event only few South play ers got to this nice contract Invariably heart was opened South took his king cashed the aceking of clubs and dummys high diamonds and queen of clubs Then he came back to his hand with the ace of ades and ran the rest of the iamonds to make five odd Alan There were two rea sons why only few Souths gt to play the notrump game me opened one notrump bid we disap Tove of hearti ly North wou 11 show spades and wind up going down after queen of hearts lead by East Then some North play ers rebid three clubs after Souths diamond ning and two notrump re id South would then bid three spades and North would go on to four instead of bidding three notrump dain crossword ACROSS 45 Compass point Firmament 47 EnVironment Eli agency abbr Glide on snow 49 Grind With the 12 Cry of 188 Surprise 52 Irritable 13 Fantastic trick 56 Flee 14 Boat gear 57 Terminal pole 15 Sink down 61 59 16 Part of 7059 owe 62 Unit 17 Gram for 63 Grain for grinding 18 £252 64 Doctors group $323M 65 Compass 20 Veices 90 22 Fast aircraft salme mm Speed 24 Filthy hut mgzsue 25 Annoying insect 28 Vacation spot DOWN 30 Omeletlike 34 Alcoholic mgggcflfd beVeage Oriental chief 35 Cogwheels Fak 37 Greek letter stares open 38 Verse mouthed 39 Reference compass 000k paint 40 Shade tree Baseball 41 Actor Barry player Mel 43 Dip 44 Diminulire suf Actress fix Farrow Answer to Previous Puzzle muflflflm BEE HIIIII BBB III Eli BEE IIEIII BIZ EIIEBB GEE BRIE DEBBIE HEB ERIE BRIE 5mm III HE El EEEEE EBBEBIIE MBIIB WEBB In HEB EB EBB BE SHINE 35 Peach state Brilliance of success abbr Kind 36 Ocean liner 10 Knockout abbr males 42 Curly letter 19 Time lane 44 Take meal abbtl 46 Chases ball 21 Causuc 48 Holiness Submnce 19 Cultivate 23 Slekepmg 50 Sisters SlC ness 24 Poncho var 3336 25 Jack Tars 54 dank rotu erance 26 Naked on camel 27 Hymns finale 55 Slangy 29 Ana affirmative California 56 Depesson In 31 Grotto poet 35 32 Mouniam 59 Lubncate pass in lndia 60 Summer time 33 JOin abbrl that Frank and Ernest Bornlco Bode oiior 010m cBirthday December 11 mo Gains could come to you this coming year from areas youd least expect so remain positive and open to all things no matter how unusual they might appear Youll come out fine SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Rely only on yourself and youll be freer to Utilize unexpected opportunities thereby slanting the odds In your favor for attain ing tough goal GET LOAD OF THESE HEADLINES ELWOOD Short Ribs goo FIRE GETTING illllllllll For Better or Worse Winthrop IVE 607100 Now you CONSARNED RABBIT 300 KMLUELUJ HA6 ASKED ME TO INTERVIEW YOU CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 friends wellmeaning advice is more emotional than logical It you need counsel seek opinions rrom outsiders who can separate the two AQUARIUS Jen 21Feb 19 Youre trifle too susceptible to other peoples opinions today You could be led down the wrong path Follow your Instincts not their views PIBCES Feb ailMarch 20 Keep everything realistic and out in the open In your dealings today The truth might hurt but not accepting it could halt what you hope to accomplish ARIES March 21April 19 Early mistakes could at first have you In dither today but dont let this lntlmidate you Set about repairing them and things will STAMPS FEET IN PUBLIC OlmbyNEA In Vu Rog Us 910 DO CHLL THIS 9° STUFF Ill OKAV OKAV MY HANDS mi smg launM in uric OH genn FIND timer you MIND HOLDING THIS WHILE PAISE turnout fine TAURUS April 20May 20 Someone you were depending on could let you down today It you still need help youll be pleased to know its available from trledandtrue pals GEMINI May 21June 10 It you find yourself with more chores or responsibilities than planned on today just make certain you dont sacrifice speed for efficien cy You can handle lt CANCER June 21July 22 Things may not go as smoothly as yOU had hoped today yet good advice from an experi enced person can iron the wrin kles out if you follow it LEO July 23Aug 22 If youre Christmas shopping today stay clear of the sparkling things Stick to practical items for your family Theres less Chance of 1111110 Wili A9 FOR WHICH POGITDI OURE rennywu IMJ hon us hi cur Go ON SAY WHAT YOURE THINKIN 81 QUALIFIEOI WHAT THE FfRéT CHle CHILDREN HAVE 90MB 5A9 NEWS gettl stucn VlltO Aug 23Sept 22 Because of ntment some onthespot decisions may be called for today Use your head instead of your emotions The answers will be easy LlBltA Sept 2Oct 23 host tancy to bargain little could cost you money you didnt have to spend Youll have to speak up when the opportunity to negoti ate presents itself SCORPIO Oct uNov Be extra careful with whom you do business today especially Of those acquaintances about whom you know little It in doubt dont mix pals and business NEARSIBHTED WHERES NO aUSTIcE 3006115 wHERE women GET FRT moreNGROw LOVE MNDLE81 SOMETHING SAW SATURDAY MOPN ING Itosen Ieruwi atomic BIG KID GOINOUTTO PLAY BALL