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and gaudy neon to lind the real unornamented ï¬rm or the Christmas season Re ear DOLPH THE REDN SED REINDEERThataIeolashyreindeerwhoae ChrIetmaa epIrItiedampenedbecauaehIsehIny noes has made him the laughing stock at all gnawIlla 80 mine LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY Laverne and Shirley and therr cohorts at the brewery awmq into action to present the annual ant show at the plant BUCK ROGERS IN THE 25TH CENTURY in THE INCREDIBLE HULK WILD ANIMALS OF THE RLD Alrican Snakee MOVIE DRAMA Seven Golden Men 1383 KING OF KENSINGTON while coaching contenders lor an upcoming boxing tournamentLarryie distracted bythepresonce atanelderlyrnanwhohaaetartadtohangaround Centre BENSONPlaguedbylallingprcturesand rnIeaIno Speeches Benson and his cohorts at theaxacutIYemananntrytoplncatatheahostol rmer governor IE1 THE REAL STORY EB SOME MOTHERS 00 AVE EM AS Betty approaches har delivery date Frank tries to assume the responsibilItIea ol tatherhood 900 DING CROSBYS MEMORIES OF CHRISTMAS LOU GRANT JOHNNY CASH CHRISTMAS JohnnyCaehwelcomeahIetamIlyandlriendalor acelebrationolChristmeavthedaytheaeaaon and the eteta OI minduon twe musical holiday special GueatataraTomT HallAndyKaulman Murray 60 min BARNEY MILLER Iudua who dose beaark and attacks an attorney quest t2th precinct LIVE IT UP Mary Lou Finlay diecovera that the tar and nIcotIne readinge on Cigarette packs dont tell the whole truth Jack McGaw goes to parachute School and drops out Alan wonda learns how to tell Jokes SPEAKING OUT 89 WINTARIO DRAW 930 EDWARD AND MRS SIMPSON 39 SOAP COLUMBO Columtzo aneSIIQBIOS when the owner at protest team slam and the cluea paint to the ma Iaer ot the team 90 mme 1000 KATE LOVES MYSTERY When Kate learn that elan woman was member at an therapy group She tame the group In hope at home SUSDOCI but her lite Ia endangered when It diacaured that she oner 60 mrna THE ROCKFORD FILES ALLSTAR TRIBUTE TO IN GRID BERGMAN An evening devoted to ontertaining and honoring one or Hollywoods mIstbeautitulandtalentedleaai ladraawlllbe staged by the Variety Clubs internatIonal the harity organuation ol ehowtol VIctor Borne Frank Sinatra Goldie Hawn Cary Grant and Jamal Stewart will pay more to mend Berg 60 mma 2020 DTHE GREATDEBATE mama and Dr Stanley Greben Renewed Paychother PM NEWS 1030 KOWALSKILOEB REPORT 1100 NEWS cec NEWS mm NOV39 1979 thursday tv EYEWITNESS NEWS CTV NEWS THE REAL STORY EMOVlEDOCUMENTARYPH MOVE DRAMA The Visit 1964 1120 NEWS 1125 NEWS 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOW Guest haul Dawson 90 mIns CBS LATE MOVIE COLUMBO The Greenhouse JUIIgleRay Milland guest stars as wealthy man who convmcee his nephew t6 break his trust lurid In order that he may have money in support his expensive habIts Rapnazl BANACEK TheGreatentCoIlectIcn OITher All vars George Pepparrt MIkeFTI Haunt ï¬M VIECRIMEI White mat I949 DIRTYGAME EB QUESTION PERIOD o3 IN THE INTEREST OF ONTAmO 1145 THE DUCHESS OF DUKE STREET LOIIYSB gwos birth to Charws CHOOSE YOUR CAR THE AUTO MARINE IND 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