of the examiner Friday Nov ao1e79 All Stock Reduced All Sales HMO Prices Below Wholesale Cost Complete Stock Must Be Sold Hours Tues Thurs Sat ll am to 430 EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS the TRAVEL SHOPPE 43 Dunlop West Next to the Theatres HOLIDA DRES SING he gown svelte striking an unforgettable classic for that unforgettable time 913 Dunlop St Barrie 7285195 David WaltnerToews Poetvet writes gt By MARY DELANEY Of The Examiner Everyone is familiar with James Herriot author of All Things Bright and Beautiful All Creatures Great and Small etc the veterinarian who became writer In Barrie there lives writer who became veterinarian David WaltnerToews tpro nounced taves as in wavesi is poet before he is veterinarian As he explains it Writing be it poetry or fic tion is my first love Everything else feeds into that His roots are in the west He come from Ukranian Men nonite extraction and lived the first 19 years of his life in Win nipeg Mennonites he says range in philosophy from right wing to left wing like any other religiousethnic group Those on the left look pretty much the sme as everybody else guess you could say Im on the left Like many of the Mennonites who were refugees from coun tries like the Ukraine now part of the USSR David and his famly are part of the world wide Mennonite organization that is very involved in the world and its problems unlike that branch which lives in col onies cut off from society The Russian revolution shocked them into the realiza tion that you cant cut yourself off from the rest of the world without dire consequences he says In 1967 WaltnerToews left Canada as his Centennial pro ject and travelled the world meeting and working on route with Mennonites in many coun tries He ran out of money in In dia and spent several months working there on Mennonite aid projects On his return in 1969 he went to Goshen College Mennonite School in Indiana to study English and creative writing There he met his wife Kathy CULTURE FOR SERVICE The motto of that school is Culture for Service It also one of the mottos of David WaltnerToews life When the time came to go into graduate program he decided against it feeling that course to be almost selfish of little benefit to himself or to society Grad school was writers wnting about writers It got further and further from reali ty guess it was its own reali ty It bored me He had little interest in the theories of writing then or now He was getting away from the stle of long freeform poetry which tends to dominate the style of younger poets Theyre more therapeutic than good poetry what is the meaning of life that sort of thing In his writing as in his life he was eager to get back to more concrete realities He started with job in graphics long way from pulling calves out of cows but soon decided on new career was looking for an occupa tion that was humane way of making living He learned early on that writing especial ly poetryis not the way to try and support wife and family He chose to become veterinarian BACK TO CANADA And so it was back to Canada for David WaltnerToews this time Saskatchewan where he earned his degree in veterinary medicine Since then he as worked in Saskatchewan and in the Peace River Country of nor thern Alberta Since July he has been in Barrie with his wife and two children working for the Allandale Veterinary Clinic Being vet he says is good for the head But it is also very demanding He wishes he had more time left over to put all those good warm feelings to use cant say vet work is full But it gets pretty exhausting physically The work drives him hard often keeping him up all night Calves like human abies are rarely born at civilized hour But he likes working out on the farms rather than keeping more regular hours as small animal vet He was raised in ulitiatrian atmosphere and has transferred that practical sense to his work preferring to work with the animals of the farm than pet budgies and poodles That is not to say he doesnt like these animals He has cat himself Fluff Dont let her name fool you though Shes an SPCA cat from Grande Prairie Alberta shes tough He treats every imaginable kind of animal not just cats NOW OPEN Under New Management DYCIIS MEAT MARKET Complete facilities for the Choicest Quality Meat Speciolizing in Personal Attention Freezer Beef Pork at Competitive Prices Custom Cutting and Wrapping 150 COLLIER ST BARRIE Next to Geos Variety Phone Weldon Dares 7285339 ladies Gentlemen We draw your attention to Jack Webb Clothings MENS NIGHT ONL Christmas Gift Shopping Free Gift Wrapping for Men Thursday Dec 979 71 0pm LADIES Come in and fill out file card pick out some gift ideas send him over well do the rest Refreshments homo ublishes seco book Poetveterinarian David WaltnerToews left is helped by Oro farmer Miro Vicic as he gives cow her worm pill WaltnerToews second book of poetry is on sale in Barrie Examiner Photo and dogs pigs and sheep He gets the exotic creatures too like boa constrictor with sore nose It kept bumping in to its glass cage ANIMALS Animals including the human animal play an impor tant role in all of David WaltnerToews writing His first book of poetry uses almost entirely animal imagery and is titled That Inescapable Animal referring to the animal in man call it the id or whatever Elephants mice rhinos and bears are all used The poet is seen as an octopus in this poem from the early book The poet is an octopus softbellied vulnerable leaping through sea of troubles leaving behind these splurts of ink when fear attacks The imagery he uses is very concrete so the people who are reding it have something to hold on to Many people seem to have false image of poetry as being very abstract cerebral he says His poetry as well as his prose deals with concrete sensual subjects that form the essentals of life using imagery that is very understan dable even graphic dont think Im writing for other he says Writing is communication If youre not communicating youre not do ing yourjob Readers will glean different meanings or feelings from his poetry Thats how it should be Writing should contain something he calls resonance depth that allows the reader to go over the work several times each time getting new ideas or thoughts But primarily it is to be en joyed If it makes the reader think all the better Id like to think my poetry is something to relax with beside the fire When hes not working as vet or writing Daid WaltnerToews is with his family They are without doubt the biggest in fluence in his life and in his writing He writes about the initial stags of love for his wife about his fears before their first child was born the joys and challenges of fatherhood and the simple daily tasks of being husband and father His second book The Earth Is One Body is dedicated to his wife When cook the borscht It is not because love my wife When scrub the floor am not helping out the little woman do not do the dishes Out of generosity live here too The birth of his children the micracle of life and ultimate shared experience between man and woman affected him profoundly and became source of inspiration for many poems He writes At concep tion the poem was not poembut mindsperm niggl ingintobody His feelings durin his wifes pregnancy will soon be publish ed in book part of PhD thesis on the male experience in pregnancy and childbirth These are the experiences that concern David Waltner Toews and make his writing universal in subject matter and expression At 31 he has left behind the narcissistic explora tions of youth and questions on the meaning of life Now he knows what life is about He is living it he is writing it David WaltnerToews SE COND BOOK OF POEMS The Earth Is One Body is available at Tritcs Book Store Other poems and short stories have been published in Fid dlehead Greens collection of Canadian short stories Number One Northern col leciton of poetry from Western Canada and in variety of Canadian magazines people places Angus Bazaar The Catholic Womens League of Our Lady of Grace Church Angus is holding its annual Christmas bazaar on Saturday December from 10 am to pm It will be held at Our Lady of Grace School Roth Street in Angus There will be bke table sewing and crafts country store and tea room Sinterklaas Dance The DutchCanadian Enter tainment Club will hold Sinterklaas Dance at the Em bassy Hall Barrie from 8301 Saturday December Music will be provided by Danny Lahaies Group Tickets are $350 per person and are available in advance from the following John Roubos 7285328 Anton Jorritsma 7262016 Continental Specialities 7285741 and Stayner Meatpackers 4283006 DeafMime Theatre An amateur deafmime group from the Ontario Mission of the Deaf will perform songs and skits with the hands for both the hard of hearing and the deaf to enjoy on Saturday December pm at the First Baptist Church corner of Clapperton and Worsley Baptist Church The First Baptist Church welcomes everyone to their Christmas bazaar and tea Saturday December from 10 am to pm babysitting service will be available now No drunks on flights 065 Ann Lenders hope you gave Sally Starstream chance to sound off passengers As frequent air traveler Ive had ample opportunity to observe what goes on am well aware that FAA regulations forbid intoxicated passengers from boarding planes So how do these obnoxmus drunks get on how responsibility is it to prevent this thought it was up to the agent at the boarding gatc Also what is the captain rcsponmhility other than flying the plant and swing to ii that the aircraft reaches its destination safely It seems to me the flight attendants an more interested in puxhing drinks than tending to tho mds of the passengers Im eager to hear what you LUV90118 th LagJamcr Dear Lag rhokw hlli personnel at TWA American Hranilf and Initwi aim untamed Mary Rose Notl 2i public relations rijirrurititm at are Field ithe worlds husth This consensus is as follows If illipflflir is Visibly drunk the gate attendant mil not allot him to board He will be offered coffee and instructed to take later flight Becaw of the new IOUDILIlp hoarding passes drunk may sh by the gait attendant but he will be dealt with if his co ition becomes apparent to flight attendant These passengers are watched carefully given no mort liquor and the airplane personnel try to keep them rnrillifitd and under control The notion that flight attendants push drinks is absurd The airlines do not make money from drinks In first class the drinks are free and no tipping is allowed In coach the liquor is sold at nominal pllCtS If an obstreperous passenger is aboard the uiptain will contact the dispatch office and authorities will meet the flight and takc the offensnc party in hand As person who has logged more hours than many flight attendants can tell you that most airline personnel doa re markable job They are extremely hardworking and re main courteous and pleasant under conditions that would try the patience of saint Dear Ann Landers Seven montlm ago made deathbed promise to my mother that would keep my 22yearold brother in our home until he married Herbie has job and paid $25 week for room and board for two months Then he bought motorcycle and couldnt afford to pay US for awhile His bike was stolen within three weeks so be borrowed our car without permission and totaled it Herbie wears my husbands clothes without asking smokes like chimney and has burned holes in couple of Johns good jackets He also has fallen asleep smoking pot and burned the bedroom rug My husband says if dont get that kid out of here HE is going to leave The memory of my promise to my mother haunts me What should do Torn Dear You fulfilled your promise to your mother when you took the boy in He made the arrangement un workable because of his behavior The Bible says you are your brothers keeper but it doesnt say you are supposed to keep him until he bums your house down and ruins your marriage Throw the bum out Pollxs Pointers Lampshades lose ruffles DEAR POLLY have an old silk lampshade that has turned yellow and would like to clean it Please tell me how to do this MRS HS DEAR POLLY My large lampshades need cleaning and they are made of rough nubby material that do not think can be immersed in sudsy water One is the frilly Earl American type Do you have any su ges tions IRLEY DEAR READERS Mrs might have her silk lampshade dry cleaned but do not think it will remove the yellow look that has doubtless been caused by air and age Such shades may be washed IF no parts are glued Often when silk or silklike shades are old they wilkl split when cleaned or washed so anything is very ris If this nubby material on Shirleys shades is stretched over stiff paper as rather imagine they would be the only suggestion could offer would be to try cleaning them with doughlike wallpaper cleaner If the frlll shade is completely sewn together washing in deep suds might be tried but would be very fearful of how the ruffles would look If such cleaning ls attempted it would he gamble the ruffles would have to be smoothed many times during the drying process POLLY you will nnt this letter since the ight attendant her Now id like to speak for the DEAR POLLY Pleated lampshades have become so ular these last few years and am sure others have look for simple way to dust them just as did for so long Now have discovered that clean astry brush does the trick beautiful ly The shades can be lig tly touched with the brush but at the same time it goes down deep in the pleats MRS AIB NO FRILLS Last Minute Portrait Package II lo 2sux7u ll Clapperton near Points Book 38 ADULTS FAMILIES CHILDREN No sitting fee No folders No extra charge per person ONLY OUR REGULAR PROFESSIONAL OUALITY Choose any combination of Three Example 2A plus lBor IA l8 lC etc etc larger sizes ovoiloblei 44xs STEINGARD PHOTO STUDIO 72699