ZOA the examiner Coronet Bracer 124 oz VSQ Brandy oz oolgaard Anisette Egg White Shake well with ice and strain into cocktail glass Coronet Stinger 14 oz Coronet VSQ Bran dy 02 Ooolgaard White Creme de Menthe Shake well with cracl and strain into cocktail glass VSQ Bull Rush 14 02 Coronet VSA Bran dy 11 ozl Ooolgaard Apricot Brandy Juice of L2 lime Shake well with ice and strain into cocktail glass gar liSh with red cherry Brandy Alexander oz Coronet VSQ Bran dy oz Oolgaard Creme de Cacoa 02 Cream Shake well with cracked ice and strain into cocktail glass Sprinkle with nutmeg Abbey dashes Angostura bitters 11 oz King Arthur Gin oz Orange Juice In 02 Grant Torino Italian Vermouth Shake well with cracked ice Strain into cocktail glass Top with maraschino cherry Between The Sheets 14 oz Chemineaud Brandy oz Captan Morgan White Rum oz Leroux Triple Sec oz Prepared Lemor Juice Shake with ice Strain into chilled sour glass Decorate with cherry Autumn Leaves oz Leroux Green Creme de Menthe oz Chemineaud Brandy Stir with ice Pour into cocktail glass Sprinkle with red pepper Banana Daiquiri 02 Captain Morgan White Rum 02 fresh lemon juice 12 fresh banana tsp sugar Mix in blender with one cup of finely cracked ice Blend till creamy Serve in chilled champagne glass CloverClub oz King Arthur Gin 114 oz Prepared Lemon Juice 14 oz grenadine 14 oz Table cream 15 per cent Shake with ice Strain into chilled sour glass Decorate withacherry Clover Leaf oz Prepared Lemon Juice 114 02 King Arthur Gin 12 02 table cream 15 per cent Shake with ice Strain into sour glass Serve with cherry 114 Daiquiri oz Captan Morgan White Rum oz Prepared Lemon Juice Shake well with ice Strain into chlled cocktail glass Decoratewith red cheny Pink Daiguiri is tinted with bar spoonful of grenandine Bimleg 02 King Arthur Gin 02 Leroux Triple Sec 114 oz Prepared Lemar Juice Shake with ice Strain intc chilled champagne glass Serve with green and rec cherry Hot Buttered Rum 112 02 Captain Morgan Golc Label Rum oz lemonjuice tsp honey tsp butter ground taste Rinse an Old Fashionc glass mug or pewtci tankard with boiling waer tc heat it thoroughly Put in but ter honey cinnamon and cinnamon lemon Pour in rum then fill tocmkangass with boiling water while stirr mg NOTE Captain White Rum is sometimes substitued for Gold Label Brown sugar or maple syrup can be substituted for honey Should be served with small silver spoon Morgan Manhattan 114 oz Seagram SVO oz Gran Torino Italian Sweet Vermouth dash of Angostura bitter Stir With ice Strain into chilled cocktail glass Serve with cherry NOTE Rob Roy is simply Scotch Manhattan Martini Regular 214 oz Seagrams Extra Dry Gin 12 oz Noilly Pratt French Vermouth Stir with ice Strain into chilled cocktail glass Serve with an olive Can also be made with vodka Moscow Mule oz Bolshoi Vodka ginger beer juice of 12 lime Put several ice cubes in 10 02 glass or copper mug Add lime juice and drop in lime rind Add vodka Fill with ginger beer Stir gently and serve thin strip of cucumber may be added as garnish Old Fashioned Over cube of sugar in an Old Fashioned glass Pour drops of Angostura hitters Muddle sugar with oz of soda water Add ice cubes and oz Seagrams VO Decorate with fruit and serve with cocktail pick NOTE You can also use Scotch brandy or rum Cherry Daisy Leroux Cherry Bran oz Chemineaud Brandy 14 oz grenandine oz lemon juice soda water Shake with crushed ice and pour into 12 oz glass Mix with soda water Serve with1 straws Box Car Add dash of GrenadineJ Shake well with ice and strain into cocktail glass with sugar frosted rim Orange Blossom Sour 12 gz Schenley London Dry in Juice of orange juice of 1o lemon tsp Fruit Sugar Shake well with ice and strain into sour glass Garnish with red cherry and thin slice of orange Eveline 112 oz Schenley London Dry Gin oz Ooolgaard Apricot Brandy Juice of lime Shake with ice and Strain in to cocktail glass with Greenl Cherry cocktail glass 02 Stock Sweet Ver Gin Shake well or use electric The 901d Medal mouth Juice of lemon blender serve in large cham nghde OZ Orange Juice tsp of Fruit Sugar pagne glass 12 OZSChenleyOFC Shake well with ice and Over ice cubes in highba strain into champagne glass Silverr izz Millionaire glass add your favoriie mixer Decorate with red cherry addleggwhite 34 oz Ron Carioca Dark fresh water soda gingerale Shake well with icestrain Rum of colal Rusty Nail into highball glass fand top oz Oolgaard Apricot 11 oz Lon John or with ice cold soda to Brandy RObble Burns Grahams lgSIack Bottle 02 Ross 5109 Cl 112 02 Long John or Scotch Carioca rappe Juice ofllime Grahams BlaCk Bome oz Glayva Scotch Li 1190 Ron Carioca White or Dash of Grenadine Shake Scotch queur Gold Rum well with ice and strain into OZ StOCk Sweet Ver Shake with ice and serve in 1ge scoop of orange wine goblet mouth cocktail glass lemon or lime sherbert oz Stock Dry Vermouth dash Benedictine Gold Canuck Shake With ice and strain 112 OZ Schenley CFC Complete 02 gaar prico Rob Roy BrandV Decoaï¬inng 02 Cream 14 02 Long Job or Shzake with crushed ice andl Coordlnatlng Grahams BlaCk Bome serve in Cocktail Glass withl Services S°cmh red cherrv 12 oz Stock Swwet Ver mouth St Lawrence Special Choose from an outstanding selec tion of excellent quality material and patterns from Canadas finest suppliers Personal service on large or small enquiries Over 15 years Drops Angostura Bitters Stir with ice and strain into 1202 SChenley ORC oz Grapefruit Juice small egg white tsp Maple Syrup Draperies 63° Grahams Black Bottle Scotch oz Oolgaard Cherry Brandy Hi hland Flin experience in custom draperies $1 Shake WE Wlm Ce ans tram tracking and installation makes us 02 Long J0 or mtOCOthallglass wellqualiï¬ed todospecialtywindows Gin Fizz 12 02 Schenley London Dry Call Jill Petrie Noam Drive Barrie 7268637 23 50 LOCATIONS IN ONTARIO MILLION DOLLAR TOY SALE OF NAME BRAND TOYS GAMES We dare you to compare Lowest known price in Canada MFG LIST PRICE He waIks Sits begs on your command 1978 SEARS CAT PRICE 1978 new STORE NORTH BARRIE PLAZA STORE HOURS MON CLOSED IAY P1313105 0F was wro 1030 am pm POOLS 10232Lm FOR mung CHRISTMAS 7264606 930 mm pm BARRIE