news roundup Bill designed to give more access to data UIIAWA ltfl The Commons gave speedy second reading approval in principle Thursday night to bill designed to give Canadians greater access to information the gowrriirient collects with their tax dollars After less than two hours of debate MPs unanimoust agrer to send the freedomrofinformation hill hailed by sgrikisrnen for all parties as major reform to the justice eoiniiiittei for clause bywclause study Iiitrlilfltlll sources say the bill should be passed next spi mg and could come into effect in year In the meantime Prime Minister lark has instructed publir servants toabide by thespirit of the law by giving the piibbi and especially MPs and journalists more in for mation about governmentprograms and poIiCIes lark who has promised anadians more open govern inert asked deputy ministers to encourage open and Itnpliliktltt behaviour among public servants IIl Ihtlll£llfi Ia dealings WlIIl the public Energy package agreement reached rllihlliNlliN Itli Alberta Energy Minister Merv Ieitrh said IIlllIVIrI an agreementrinpriiieiple on new energy package has been reaehed with the federal ngtlIl merit The maior stumbling block he said in an interview is fedeial proposal for an additional tax on oil company prof its He said the agreement is Slllllttl to satisfaetory com pletion of taxing arrangements lillItIl said txttpl for some areas Wllllll need to be ironed out he doesnt forsee much difficulty lll settling the Alberta tIIi oil pricing impasse Survivors benefits law passed OIIx itli Legislation to continue survnors benefits to widows and widowers between the ages of 60 and its given royal assent and became law Thursday The amendments to the Old Age Security Act passed by the seiiate on third reading earlier in the day affect some ooo people who have lost their pensioner spouses IIitllltl legislation provided for siiivivors benefits to end six iiionlhs after the death of spotise receiving the tIIllg pension The aiiieiiilineiits allow payments of up to $300 month to continue until the surviving spouse reaches the age of lift Assent to the bill was given by Mr Jusiee Willard IZstey deputy toliov ien HdSchreyer Fighter talks may start next week ttlIAWA lli Minister Allan MeKinnon hopes to begin cabinet discussion of his $23lllllltlll fighter plane proposals next week MeKiiuioii said lhtirsday the gmeriiiiieiit still plans to select the winning aircraft by the end of December He hoped his reeommendations would go to cabinet committee by iiit Friday before he left for NATO meeting lll Brussels lieneral Dynamics has just signed revamped contract adding Slim million to its industiialrbenefits offer and IeDoniiell Douglas spokesman says his firm is making minor changes in its bill IlKiiinon said he is silkmt with the Misting Iiftilll General Dynamics and liDoniiell Douglas ieiieral Dynamics is still fighting criticism of the too engine in its single engine plane McDonnell Douglas has been hit with lawsuit by Northrop the maior subeon tractor on the IVIHA and defence department letter that might affect the company offer Defence ALI lIlON withfinalists Greenhouse operators concerned OTTAWA itlI tinenhouw operators already staggering under rising energy prices fear the federal goveiiiiiient may knock them out of business when it an nouuees its new oil price agruineiit Rob Daudliii IrEssev Kent Ont said Thursday The industry thinks II is on the verge of being told to pack II in Malibu told Agriculture Minister John Wise during metingot thctomiiioiis agriculture committee They need assistance to stay in business Their sur ivaI is important because they can supply some fresh vegetables oiitsideof the usual growing season ONLY days left to the December 2nd draw Royal fashion Wrapped from head to toe in clothing Britains Prince Charles hands together Thursday He was visiting the dustfree area of factory at Hollinwood England which produces silicon chips for solid state electronics AP Photo protective Clasps his Must save lagging tourism SAULI STE MARIE Ont lCPi Ontarios failure to keep pace with growing demands for highAquality tourist accommodation and reasonable air fares must be reversed to save its lagging tourist industry Larry Grossman the provinces industry and tourism minister said Thursday We dont have enough facilities and some of those we do have are in poor condition or in need of modernization lrossinan told the Northern Ontario Tourist Outfitters Association The minister told 300 delegates he is urging the federal government to make air travel more competitive and less expensive by encourgaging tour operators to expand into the advance booking market especially in Northern Ontario Needs of disabled under review OTTAWA CPI The Commons gave allparty support Thursday to establishing select committee of MP5 to re view the special needs of the mentallyand physicallyhandi capped in Canada MP5 endorsed government motion setting up the com mittee after Liberals and New Democrats challenged the federal government to be prepared to accept extensive recommendations from the committee In introducing the motion Walter Dinsdale PCBrandon Sourisi said the committee must try to eliminate the jungle of confusion and the lack of coordination in the re liabilitationfield The committee is one of four select committees the government outlined in the throne speech on Oct cg WW s22 tea tllllt Llitit den What deal Ponderosas hearty or popular fiIet of sole dinner for under loiitiemsca Liiitici $3 Ieal Deal ll leh your ldOUllIE and am both extracut ribeve and tiit st tlz dinners come complete slIl steaming iaked potato oven fresh will dIILI our allyoucaneat salad bar Government reps targets OFA finally throws punch TORONTO iLfi After winding up for two days dele gates at the Ontario Federation of Agricultures annual con vention finally got chance Thursday to throw punch Their sparring partners were three representatives of the On tario government targets of much of the ire of the 500 dele gates during the threeday event Lorne Henderson minister of agriculture and food Harry Parrott minister of the en vironment and an energy ministry spokesman showed up for breakfast with the delegates on the conventions final day Their appearance was appro priate because the theme of the day was The Politics of Agricul ture concern of Ontario farmers who now realize that what happens outside the farm gate is more important than what happens in the field Although government bureaucracy had been ridiculed during the convention the ministers were greeted warmly by most delegates Interunion battle erupts TORONTO lCP bitter interunion fight erupted Thurs day at the Ontario Federation of Labor convention as dele gates accused police of strike breaking at Northern Ontario BoiseCascade lumber plants and elsewhere in the province After angry debate punc tuated by booing cheering and cursing some 1600 delegates endorsed resolutions deman ding that SolicitorGeneral Roy McMurtry issue an order that all police forces be instructed to cease and desist from all anti union activities Meantime McMurtry said police intervene in picket lines to protect both sides Ac cusations of police strikebreaking were the height of irresponsibility and crock of nonsense he said At the convention OFL presi dent Cliff Pilkey made public charge of misconduct lodged with the Canadian Labor Con gress by the striking Lumber and Sawmill Workers Union against the nonstrikine United Paperworkers Union Both unions represent differ ent groups of employees at BoiseCascade in Kenora and Fort Frances The complaint to the CLC alleges that the inter International national union called on police to help its members barge THE BARRIE HE UNDER 53 MEAL DEAL KING EDWARD CHOIR AND WITH NARRATOR JEFF REID PRESENT AN EVENING OF CHRISTMAS MUSIC CENTRAL COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM 815 PM TICKETS $400 ADULTS $200 STUDENTS SENIORS CONTACT CHOIR MEMBER OR CALL 7284287 extracut ribeye steak dinner through the loggers picket lines during their strike which began about 17 months ago Pilkey made the charge pub lic after paperworkers union representative Frank Tallarico accused him of waiting months before throwing the OFLS sup port behind the loggers He told Pilkey if he could not be there right away then stay the hell away altogether ALLED 0N POLICE Pilkey said McMurtry had in formed him that the paperwor kers union had called on police to break the loggers picket line and that the loggers strike would have been over long time ago if the paperworkers had not gone to work Dont come to this con vention trying to make the of ficrs of the OFL scapegoats for your inaction Pilkey said prompting protest from Gil bert Hay Canadian director of the paperworkers union who said the charge with the CLC should not be discussed until haaring is held Home Auto Life Busmess arjeant Insurance gt IOO Boll Form Rd Barrie ON BOYS CHOIR They reassured farmers who quizzed them on many issues and Parrott even got round of applause for rebutring farmer who demanded an easy solution to waste disposal problems PROMISES SLPPORT Also high on farmers lists were nuclear energy and im port quotas but Henderson got roar of approval when he promised ministry support for key federation demand to change the agricultural code of practice Once an urban dweller moves out into rural areaihe isi just going to have to learn to live with the odors the noise the inconvenience that goes with living in an agricultural community the ministersaid Farmers have criticized the code because they say it is abused by municipalities desir ing to limit farm operations near urban areas or even singleresidence The tone of the convention was set early when retiring YOUR FOR AS IF YOUR HO PRIOR T01961 EB II NNNIX IKIIUAU MEMBE TORONTO 2347 PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE YOU NOW QUALIFY FOR THE GOVTHOME IN PROGRAM Rebate up to $500 ROOF VENT INSTALLATION Suburban Ito the examiner gt Friday Nov 301979 president Peter Hannam of Guelph opened the event by lamenting the lack of input by farmers into decisions that af feel them Canadian governments have regularly a$isted in agriculture but for the purpose of supporting other industries 10 WW Machine Rental Availo SIMCOE CARPET WHOLSTER CLEANERS 36 Elon St lurk HOME LOW AS ME WAS BUILT AND IT IS YOUR 01 STOREY SPECIALISTS 0CMHC APPROVED FIBERGLAS MATERIAL OMEMBER BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU FULLY INSURED 8i BONDED OCONSUMER PROTECTION OMETRO LICENSE A00161 Yonge St $25000 $1000 Prize 1r llI 60 $1000 prizes $10 Prizes WAYS TO WIN 12000 510 prizes unlit1 WINNING NUMBER DRAWN 00 00 WAYS TO WIN wring WINNING NUMBER DRAWN 943 4373w rizes WINNING NUMBERS DRAWN $25000 000000 $25000 000000 $25000 000000 000000 $100 Prizes WINNING NUMBER DRAWN 0000 t50000 Win fall NOWA NEW DRAW EVERY THURSDAY ONE CALL WILL TAKE CARE OF ALL Carpet Furniture CLEANING 7284761 IIII SULATION ONLY FIBERGLAS MATERIAL USED me Insularon ltd RICHMOND HILL 400 Newkirk Rd New serving Barrie Area cAu courcr 8845758 Winning Numbers November 29th Draw WINNING NUMBER DRAWN 69433 09433 or commercml interests that would benefit from agriculture said ition patter prepared by oration staff POLITICS ELltsIVlT The paper said farmers nei ther had identified nor under stood the politics of agriculture blo REG1531927 WAYS TO WIN OTIOIV poles of tickets t0 next draw 165972 PRIZES AVAILABLE WORTH $1434000 $10 $100 and $1000ticliets maybe redeemed at Ontario branches at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 310 tickets may also be redeemed at participating Wintano retailers within one weeli of the draw win tail prize tickets must be claimed within one week of this draw and only from deSignated Wintarvo Mntall retailers