IIIproperty lorlsale IIIproperty tor sale WILLsoII REAL ESTATE LIMITED 119 DUNLOP ST 7261938TORONTO 8844133 APPRAISING AND FINANCING OPEN UNTIL pm MINUTES WALKING distance to shopping tram this bedroom brick bungalow with new broadloom and cushion Iloor Rec room deep lot paved drive and extra large garage Call Harold Davis 7261938 or 7287543 Na 1912 PERFECTLY LOVELY JOY TO SHOW Hurry $121000 storey custom built marble tront Entertainmentsue rooms include dining room with chandelier Family room all kitchen with stunning marble tireplace and walkout bedrooms bathrooms Call Mary Morrison 7261938 or 7289933 MLS 3313 CLOSE TO THE LAKE Asking $39500 10th at Oro bedroom bungalow wrth lull basement walkout to deck Call Norm McMillan 7261938 or 7268957 MLS 3340 GLENWOOD BEACH AREA lnnislil landscaped building lot on quiet sole street miles Irom Barrie and approved tor septic Buy now with 53500 down tor spring building Balance at 117 M15 7214 Call Ian Caunce 7261938 or 4362072 N29 252 YONGE ST BARBIE 728m1 BOLE LTD REAL TOR 55 COLLIER ST BARBIE 7372101 CLOSE TO SHOPPING bungalow with single car garage rec $52500 bedroom raised room lenced lot broadloorned throughout $28000 mortgage at 10 until 1999 Call Al Beacock 7372101 SUNNIDALE ROAD level Ienced lot only minutes tram side split situated on large lawn and otters rec room garage years old Only $49900 Coll Al Beacock 7372101 BEAUTIFULLY TREED building lot in Ora Township Located on private road with lake access Priced at only $23900 with easy terms Call Al Beacock 7372101 ONLY $28900 Excellent bedroom starter or retirement home just south ol Barrie with large 100 16511 lot and single garage Call Al Beocock 7372101 SHANTY BAY Completely renovated storey home Iireplaces baths loft overlooking the family room which has 29 ceilings Large lst Beacock 7372101 REAL ESTATE LTD REALTOR mortgage at 10193 Call Al N29 PRAISALS AP HEAD OFFICE 98 BAYFIELD 51 7284067 ALLANDALE OFFICE 35 ESSA RD BARRIE 7372880 EUROPEAN OFFICE RAADHUISPLEIN 5980AB PANNINGEN HOLLAND TORONTO 416 8899487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL PM AGENTS FOR sroun CONSTRUCTION no MIOHURSTISTATES NAOMI DEVELOPMENTS no WILLOW lANDIHG MIDHURST REID BUILDING LTD PRATT CONST LTD MULTI LINGUAL SERVICE Paul ArItour 7263897 TomCairns 7280653 Chuck Lambert 7288001 Jim CanciIIn 7371597 Larry Brewer CRA 7289745 ery Mogill 7263864 Simon Baakhuilen 7373795 Lorry De Wilde 7283253 Mike Namilton 4873001 Polar Bracalonte 7263916 DanWoodward 4361524 07 business opportunities PICA shopathome wallpaper point unique Corby Adam 7286829 Pater Guhhels 7282425 Bill Evans no toll 3221575 Bert Cull 7286334 John Cohvall FRI 7267726 Don Allan 7372020 Doug Batter 7283274 John StruiIi 7263555 Bill Sakaris 7371586 Jim Harris 7267173 Frod Reynolds 7285333 07business opportunities PAPER service invites tranchise inquiries from those interested in home decorating For only $10000 you can buy the security of your own business We alter proven sales training program and widespread advertising through the national papers For further information call Phil Bambury PlCA PAPER LTD 4164533979 16apartmentslor rent WELLINGTON PLACE APARTMENTS 135 Wellington St Spacrous bedroom suites Convenient Clean building To view call 726 7153 IF lETS FIGHT INFLATION RENT REDUCED or bedroom luxury townhouses Choose 10011071 near shopping centre schools churches tnarina From 5299 111119 No dogs Reteiences 110 in 7262361 or 7287798 THE MAYFAIR Nicest apartments in Barrie Two bedrooms available wrth many lectures Bernick Dr TF 141144 BARRL wxir muiikiyii sgsctlit 196 tciii iiiii Mme min whither and 11 gzi 111 11311436 14 TWO BEDROOM anarinent tor rent apply at 11 uncles Rd or phonp 728 9131 between LARGE TWO bedroom apartment close to downtown or bus route Retriairator stow lakndri tailies First and last 1h5 ret Ni Lxls 70 olsalter 4p THREE BEDROOM APARTMENT laundry toolties tr doc and stove parking teiuea back yard lklnT and again ENC month asailabit December It 1370636 LARGE ONE bedroom tcfttishec apartment stumbli tut fa rs or scum married couple ch live or pets 3235 UN has tunes 28 8348 ONE BEDROOM lot itoe working Ir only retiioeiativ napets 178221 I6apartments tor rent MODERN LUXURY VERY LARGE and bedroom apartments for lease Quret adult building No pets Reterences 7289682 90 HOLGATE Apt 102 TThSTF BARRIE ANNE GARDENS 259 Dunlop St suites available included contenient Spoiictus Utilities Idiotion 72a 5771 IF FLIRleHED ONE and mu bearmll apartments amabi Littal Addts only Tloiwsawcvxaais ruREE BEDROOM apalltlcnt ubiw duplex adul1 bu Du switrln Strrl Rat coin hydro 5110 Page laumti tacilites includes 5311 man thlt 728 183331101 11 LARGE BRlGHT Ebcdoort aDatIlin carpeted parking stmi Ettq111147 a1 utilities included 5384 10151 46 aneanu Sttiel aia Iabli December Te isobaric 76 9819 81181 TWO BEDROON1 Apartment by burst Lmk STONE TFJgt park 76 wall 3381 37 1416 MISSISSAUGA COURT Two bedroom apartment tor rent 01 Ora appliances sauna laundri 9411 ities parrimg Close to shoot and bus routs Available Dewitbc Telephone TJNOI ONE BEDROOM apartment aiia labie imniwiately Rmcniy reoexorittea Morriiamuplcctu Tuivpncili8 899 TING BACHELOR apattntens at what cited SIN per manh tenant Days awn heat and hydro triage and stoic includes Telephone 776 738 alter op Itt BR 5HT NE bacheiar sample cache anaaoplialces 14 stxi Wren1 ca JJG hidle or not 55 tonttii Ava abi Sci 51 Les EQk reel Call taionc 416 485369 or 418 349 041am Sp rt Isapartments tor rent AVAILABLE iMNEDlATELY neuritich1 apartment S261 includes Image stave heat and parking Aduts only new laundry room bus stop loca tion 778 Salsalter6 30 ONE BEDROOM Apartment tor rent Pa rtsw ck area Available December 1st Heat hydro triage and stove nClJd ed Ample parking Pets welcome rst and last months rent $190 474 0486 THREE SINGLE BEDROOM Apat merits tor rent Fridge stove $774 and S230 monthy Telephone 778 4016 ONE BEDROOM newly decorated $775 monthly includes heat hydro triage and stove Call 774 4570 alter SELF CONTAINED bedsitting room apartment Queens Park area Sealer citixen preterrea Call 778 4631 un1l pm ONE AND TWO Bedroom Apartments lrom S238 SOmontnly Close to downtown in modern building Fridge stove heat water and parking included Phone 7269717 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY One bedroom apartment close to bus ter minal downtown Barrie $705 monthly Spotless condition stove retrigerator heat and water supplied Rarkhg extra Adults only Apply Bil Leabeut Jewellers 57 Dunlap St 778 3343 ONE BEDROOM apartment on High Street $700 monthly Fridge stove utilities and parking included available immediately 776 7910 COSY ONE BEDROOM APT south ot Barrie Unlurnishea modern one or two adults private broadloomed $170 per month Available immediately Call 436 7071 betore6 In Two BEDROOM apartment in downtown Barrie Adultcouples only in cludes heat and hot water Relerences required Phone 776 6774 between and rn I7houses to rent Central Mortgage and Housrng Corporation 3BEDROOMS BEDROOMS TELEPHONE MONDAY HAWKESTONE AREA near lakelront bedroom bungalow double garage lireplace lull basement $300 per month plus utilities 487 7933 Oro ONE STOREY three bedroom house to rent tamin room dining room laundry room available December 10th 5375 plus utilities Phone 7289234 ask tor Murray FIVE BEDROOM house two car garage near lake available immediate ly phone alter 436 3647 HOUSE FOR RENT Shanty Bay available December 15 $750 monthly Nopets 7289838 WASAGA BEACH Farm home to rent on 100 acres at land Three bedrooms two washrooms ex cellent condition Reasonable rent Available immediately Contact Miss Shore 416 449 5880 ATTRACTIVE CLEAN two bedroom house appliances and most lurnishings included Essa Township 10 minutes tram Barrie Available December Ist S225 424 0314altel6p COTTAGE Ideal tor bachelor winterized lurnished or unturnished $175 monthly Phone 778 8706 THREE BEDROOM two storey in Allan dale $300 monthly Casey Van Kessel representing Taurus Real Estate Ltd 737 3000 CHALET STYLE home on acre lot in Midhurst S400 Reterences Phone 728 4935 70rooms to let LARGE ROOMS suitable tor two peo 019 Also single rooms and shared kit chen Teephonc 776 6392 ROOMS T0 RENT Furnished kitchen tacilities 77 Mary Street Apply 101 Dunlap St at Papas Fire Pit 7287333 CLEAN AND responsible male or lemale 530 weekly 7781770 LARGE CLEAN Rooms near bus stop central location Students welcomed Telephone 737 1140 or 778 6781 ROOM AND BOARD tor gentleman lun ches packed liaht laundry done Telephone 778 6187 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room lor rent Downtown Elderly gentleman prelprred Phone 728 4287I FURNISHED ROOM share whole house with other tenants cable TV parking on bus route John Bradlord ariia com plctcly turnished kitchen 436 3195 7Iroom and board ROOM AND BOARD Icir young lady In private East and home On bus route Home privileges Telephone 776 0061 73ollices stores tor rent 1200 SQ FT OFFICE SPACE 54F Maple St Available anytime 77817431ill 7pm 778 6899alter7p MODERN OFFICE splice tor lease small or largo suites immediate oc UpanCy shert or long term 776 3400 Angelou 1000 SQUARE FEET air conditioned attice space tor rent with parking spots availableimmediatvly Telephone 776 7130 NEW PROFESSIONAL OFFICE Pres tiqe area Ample parking 1100 so tt Bell Farm Rd by Georgian Colleen Duckworth Cloverleal 776 0711 PRIME RETAIL Commercial space 1600 so It Penetang St Vincent With doctors otlices and drugstore 776 5171 ldaysl SECOND FLOOR ollico on Dunlap Street available immediately slys monthly includes heat Call Simon Beekhurzen representing Lou Goedemcmdt Real Estate Limited 728 4087 OFFICE AND Statagt Space tor rent 716 60370r 738 6217 74space tor rent WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM etc 108 Victoria Street 1590 square tout Gross lease everth no tnclUdccI 34s men thly Apply StcwartWhalesale 778 3051 PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 1000 1800051 lt tully sprittklered transport and Ight truck loading docks driw doors Hit 18 clear pitrtol large ex Dancing nguslrial mall 26 711 150050 FT STORAGE soon tar lease truck 1111CIT1LL 18 ll it St Toll9mm 716 3401 Angels 9000 SQ FT inausti space tcr lease Goutd lewl stee bulldino 010111441 400 expDSuC tt Essa Rd ine change lsleecliar drvi 410001 560 mailabie Contact Omar Moier Road Barr Omar 0111 2681 OR LEASE OR SALE iliust is space and warehouse Teliptoc 7161le 9810 RETA WAREHOUSE lc em 100 sq right on ghwa ll ttnar Cr Ii Swrilc ter home liirIishma own Owner migtl consdiri pailcpitw Ca114ts4240° 50 SQ FT 0F CE Storage Space also 500 so 11 storage Corner Innist and Jacobs Terrace Available led aleli Telephone 7171676 or 43410 2S9arages TWO BAY GARAGE FOR RENT 0N LARGE LOT IN ALLANDALE AREA 7269420 IThouses to rent THREE BEDROOM townhouses tor rent Garage and basement Four ab alliances Close to school shopping and bus route 776 4338 ANGUS small one bedroom country home su=table lor couple Capable awn maintenance reterence available Novemberl $180 moï¬hiy 474 0106 1T 15 POSSIBLE Rent on new home can go towards your down payment For inlormation cal Mrs Boyce 178 5107 74 Hour Service THREE BEDROOM townhouse wel designed and spaciouslmrnazulate ca ditibn eat in kitchen with stove and triage baths garage enCIosed pat available December Phone 778 9387 or 728 3875 RENT TOWARDS OWNERSHIP to qualitied applicants Three and bedrooms February possess From $300 monthly Call Frank 7371711 Virgo Realty Ltd THREE BEDROOM HOUSE located on Anne 5t near Letitia Heights trreplace tarnin room big back yard Call 137 3173 alter Chuck or Gina TWO UNFURNISHED apartments avaIable December Isl ground tloor 5730 second tloor 5700 Heat and hydro included First and last requied Work ing ternales only Telephone 778 6570 BE DHOOM TONNHOJzE Daps lully Droajloomed cenrally located garage tried Ava table anytme Rent per month Call aller 7243 THREE BEDROOM Home with den Tall Trees subdiwsion $350 per month 726 995 alter THREE BEDROOM Homes one bedroom apartment 3140 one single unit 590 studio or work shop 70 75 Dll heat and hydro included Highway 93 Orr lake area 327 7485 THREE BEDROOM semi Road area $375 monthly December 1st 737 7070 Cundles Available Société centrale dhypolheques et de logemenlr FOR RENT TOWNHOUSES IN BARRIE $29100 31800 to $34500 CALL YOUR LOCAL REALTOR OR 7284811 BETWEEN 830 430 PM FRIDAY TThSF5H 26accom modntions to shn re GIRL prelerably non smoker to share bedroom apartment $175 monthly Modern clean highrise 108 Edqehill Call Brantlord 5191 753 7780 SHARED ACCOMMODATION tully tur nished house centrally located stereo sauna hot tub lull kitchen lacilities on bus route $150 per month 776 5767 32cars tor sale AUTO INSURANCE and home insur ance Competitive rates Call John Nelson Insurance 728 9571 9a 9p 73 CADILLAC SEDAN DE VILLE many extras Can be certitiod Asking $2600 Call 737 3992 1978 CHEVROLET blue door hardtop power steering brakes windows certilied Excellent condition $4200 or best otter Telephone 737 0749 1966 BUICK LeSABRE door 300 power steering power brakes new paint and tires western car many new parts certilied 7785701 1974 BROWN CAMARO 70000 111135350 barrel tour keystone rims two sum mer radial tires tour BF Goodrich radial TA tires two winter radials Asking $3000 424 9949 I955 CHEV door standard Western car 58000 original miles Many new parts including brakes tires spr ings and more Best otter Telephone 737 4840 1974 CHEV MALIBU 7dnnr V8 power SEIFITTQ pnwer Drakes radio rrnr win dow 10109 new ritrlials snows 5111011 Will Prtily 728 7161 1975 CHARGER DAYTONA excellent condition 57750 7371059 Inspect weekendsonly 1978 TOYOTA COROLLA 1700 blue standard 36000 miles snows new mul tler Excellentconditian Bestoller Cer tilied Apply 25 Steel Street Barrie 1978 VW RABBIT Diesel two door deluxe modal Wide wheels sun root AM FM stereo two extra rims With Conti snows rustprootcd excellent con dition Mark alter 728 4573 1973 PONTIAC VENTURA Hatchback V8 engine good condition low mileage 726 1694 I978 CHEVROLE blue door hardlop power steering brakes windows certilied Excellent condition 34700 or bestotter Telephone 737 0749 I974 CHEV new tires brakes shocks $1300 certitied or best alter Phone 737 2717 1976 CUTLASS SUPREME door hard top V8 automatic power steering power brakes AM FM radio 1975 Dodge Dart door hardtop sports slant automatic pow9r steering radio 1977 Chevelle Malibu door hardtop V8 automatic power steering radio 1971 Oldsmobile Cutlass door hardtop V8 automatic power steering power brakes radio power windows All cars certilied ROBERT LLOYD AUTO SALES New Lowell Phone 424 9820 or 474 5156 1977 VOLKSWAGEN RABBIT door standard transmission Michelin rad ials 75000 miles winterized 538 728 6552 FORCED TO SELL by November 30 either 1977 or 1975 Plymouth Gran Fury excellent condition door power steering and brakes automatic cer titird Asking $1800andtl500 728 8906 1968 CHEV CAMARO cylinder stan dard steering and brakes in good condi lion Bestollor 436 4381 1967 CORVAIR two door 6cylinder 110 horse 60000 original miles 6000 body and motor $600 as is 778 7697 LEASE BUY 1919 black Corvette ex cvlvlnt condition sun root Call 776 5664 alter or 731 0340 during business hours URGE NT must Sell Mans Isc autumatic radio writer ziJ incluitinii snows low 111902111 LlCllllTIT condition It Idkr closisntliii 1033101 911119738 9714 1975 Pontiai Le Dower starrind 1974 PONTIAC ASTRE good conditiOn 50 000 miles $1700 or best otter Phone 4311735 ask tor Dave 1974 TOYOTA COROLLA Standard low mileage excellent cond tior 5145 trip Call 7761900 Cail boMein 1050 1971NOVA ai11rt1atc git0d body we as iss or bosoltir 37314931 198 FORD LTD BROLIGHAM color condition autimatc air cono ironed pawl brakes steer no and runs claws Many extras Must see to ap priiiae Certiled $4 950 Phone 726 7840 192 cLVMOUTH SCAMR SPEC AL rebuilt eiaini rum rits 5510 Bes otter Call 38 5135 78 DODGE 4yi iider autumnalL radO lronwhee alive IFJIC Apr ntmens beautlul condition Lir NSDOJL $4995 Ne down painlent bank terms 8383 wenin over months Bay Citi Mttfirs 4S BradlodS 1187773 2Sgnrages 37cars tor sale 1976 PLYMOUTH VDARE Deri i=r stationwaoon 18001rhdes $1470 1974 PLYMOUTH SPORTS SUBURBAN sa tronwagon exceiect condition 97 7210 Can 2940 74 CUTLASS SALON 82306 5006 cordtier veiow bucket seats im maculae nteriOr radial Snow tires and rims Atteep 778 8936 I976 ASPEN 34 002 95 power steer in power Drakes automa ad lady or ve Carlilied $310 435 57 1977 FORD GENADA door 78 power steerinc and brakes radia tires rad highway 19399 shape HsGe a1C out willcertily 72651211 1975 FORD EL TE 78 power brakes power steering 091719 model was coated one owner It certity S7 40 Phon9737 17438119150 173 VALANT cylnce automac power secr no 53032 In 195 10 9000 clean condition certilied Asking $1350 0r bestolrer 487311 1965 BEAUMONT SS Converible taur speed all original $7500 971006726 1908 1975 COMET MERCURY door titied exteicnl condition 778 8378 263 900d omit an cer low nlleaae GAS SAVER 1969 CHEiELLE Fou door lady driven Bes cash otter Call 4745015 alterSpm Oranytime on weekends 1975 DODGE CHARGER Power steering power brakes new paint best ollrr Certiled Call 474 5075 alter ciranytime an weekends COLLECTORS DREAM 1965 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER Two or hardtop power seats Nb rusl Msut be seen to be ap precrated Best cash otter Sat ous YODIIES only Call 474 5775 alter or anytimeOn weekends 1977 PONTIAC Two door hardtop new paint Best otter Can be certited Call 474 5f75 alter prt or anytime on weekends 1968 CHEv VAN Good conditvon $1100 certilied or trade tor car at equal value Can be 51 at Harry Ser ViccCcnlre 776 3718 1967 CHEV in good lfonditbn Four new Racial Michelin Iras plus two snow tires six cylinder Phone 474 0318 33cars wantedto buy TRACY WANTS cars and trucks tor wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 776 8487 WANTED Cleanusedcars Barrie Hon an Auto Sales 17 Gowan St 726 6488 COLE BROS Cars and trucks WANTED lor wrecking Fast pickup Phone 435 6377 days 474 5949 evenings JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 7768711 TOP PRICE tor top cars Toke Motors Limited 119 Bradlord Street Barrie 728 8111 34trucks and trailers 1979 DODGE VAN white 318 power steering power brakes AM FM cassette insulated and panelled 20 000 kilometres 57 100 4361967 1977 FORD F750 Camper Special power steering power brakes 360 V8 66 000 original miles Insulated cap Cerlilied 32400 728 7749 brllore 7281493 alter 5p MUST SELL 1979 Ford F150 speed with overdrive 307 Includes camper AskrngSSjOOtrrm 718 9289 1973 GMC TON 380 V8 standard transmission with cap As is $800 or best otter 728 6808 1969 JEEP ton electric angle plow winch to 8000 lbs 37000 tirni Cal 474 5460 alter 1977 FORD PICK UP cylinder new paint 39000 miles certiticd $3500 or 01 ter 435 S774 78CJ7JEEP cyl AMFM radio radials under coated tree wheeling hubs plus much more As new Lic NMY 03 Only 11000 miles $6995 No down payment Bank terms S49 19 weekly over 48 months Bay City Motors 45 Bradlord St 778 7270 1976 DODGE ton Club Cab power steering power brakes new tires and exhaust rustprooted heavy duty suspension 48000 miles cartilied $3250 726 4213 197SGMC VANDURA automatic power Steering and brakes Best otter Phone Bradlord 7754 5311 during business hours 36auto accessories FOR SALE One llent side truck box to sun ton dual wheel truck 76 Danae 3001 Call7261444 37motorcycles 1970 BMW MOTORCYCLE 600 cc low mileage $1600 or alter as is 416 729 2186 WANTED used motorcycles Town Cy cle100 Tittin St 726 9544 OWNER DOES NOT WANT TO SELL 1977 1000 cc Kawasaki lull wind iammer SS With lowers much more Wlll sell to good home $7800 tirm 7283672 ï¬lesnowmobiles 197SART1C CAT PANTERA 340 A1 condition low mileage many extras well maintained Call 7783713 alter pm weekdaysanytimo on weekends 1976 440 OLYMPIC PLUS Ski dno inex cellent running condition needs some exterior work Will sell with Wiscot dou bletrailer $800 728 3672 1971MOT0 SKI Mini Snow 792 very good running rendition $3011 1974 RUPP American 30H wide track it1 tion new cail low mileaor 5860 436 2283 I971 NORDIC snowmobile new motor and Bombadire double trailnr $5071 728 9402 1975 YAMAHA GPX 431 like new 31050 726 2786 22 years at dependable serxice Your headquarters tor Kawasaki Salu Sonic Parts IIIWAY MOTORS RR No Shanty Iay PHONE 7285693 D22 BOMBARDIER MOTOSKI CLOTHING Your Keep Warm this Winter Centre BARRIE MOTOCROSS CENTRE LTD 51 Ellen Street next to Tandy Leather 7264112 Closed Wednesday afternoons 11028 Buy early and save 40articles tor sale BEDROOM SUTE music tci wtr Madbï¬ad draw dresser ror 500 Childs dosi 51 Dr cat teemalirrSDS 78 494 EUR COAT mink DEBth ortcyi StetI $375 728 4941 GENDRON BABY 31tgtS15 car shell car seat 55 to 716 car 08 910 IENITN 20 PORTAILE COLOR saa or S598 Undo Sc Sta January 8C Ode oir to SC 95001 bocri OJoe 3e 41v It be in Me hlle edae Ore 3e Ei TF iIllarticles tor sale SIBsnowmobiles Sm ARCTIC CATSNOWMOBILES in stock 1980 Machine Accessoriex and Clothing on In at pre Free tinoncing until Jan 80 SPORT HAVEN MARINE mansion TF 9than wear ROBINSON HARDWARE 81 DUNLOP ST 7282431 PET SHOP Professional All Breed Dog Grooming Free Pickup and Delivery BOOK NOW FOR CHRISTMAS 688 MAPLE AVE BARRIE 7267332 40articles tor sale TRADEIN ORGANS 8i PIANOS KimballSwingerSOO 51295 Electrohome Rhapsody $995 Electrohome Contessa $650 Lowrey Teeny Geenie 51195 Forfisa3010 5895 HammondPiperl $1195 Hammond9922 52850 Hammond1124 2850 PLUS MANY MORE FEATUR Hammond 124212 $1895 year 52 Free Lessons tor the whole tamin with purchase of new or used organ Financing available through Scotia Plan or Dunlops Revolving Charge Plan MING HAMMOND ORGAN CENTRE Hayfield Miin 7313512 Open Mon to Fri 930 to 930 Sat to SD27H gt POTTERY and WEAVING HEATHER NORD 8i JUDITH SHARP present their CHRISTMAS SALE of handmade articles Friday Nov 30 10 am9 pm Saturday Dec 10am5 pm 76 Finlay Rd Midhvrst 7280136 N30 Two lloors at used appliances andturniture CLARKS HOME FURNISHINGS TRADEIN WAREHOUSE is now located at the rear at the Discount Store 40 Baylield St Good stock 01 used retrigerators stoves automatic washers and dryers wringer washers black and white TVs dish washer stereo Appliances guaranteed lor 30 days Good chaice ol chesterlield sets space savers doven ports laye seats recliners chests of drawers wardrobes kitchen tables chairs rollaway beds bed outtits headboards season priest DI WHEEL AND SNOW radiai 7289793 ALLIS CHA iERS 712 tatdr with mower tiller srowblower bade etc years old 57 75 Allis Chalmers 8112 12 hp garden tractor mower 51195 Three piece wh bathroor se corrprrte with taps 61 $1710 Dec pink balrroorn set coiv Detewitr taps 5110 New radialtire and rimtolitToyota$75 7761294 MODERN pece liv rig room suvte and ZENITH componert stereo tr built 8acx and recorder 737 27 CHEN CAB NET JNTS in good Ilrd Ca 1268597alr4 In TIRE HR7815 Table terms set good condition 17 garden allarticles lor sale COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER 10 ton 3phasa water cooled with dual comprossar $1 500 CalJIM 7372432 TF BE 3E iEvE7 CHESTERFELDaV ar scrar Eliil€QuaISB TITANKTOSHIIA new com to We DEJN NW¢CQ 93 upon No 3678 05 613806 or bes otlir 3799 i7 e1 mflablg undgi My Marty 72 52 lower ac xxAzr KELLYS nov next Aggwxfwsi dear Highway 90 that Marke wasir w$2 stoic 099 37 76 coz $1516 pagniapunq Auaw smi 11° 11° 03 151311 SIH 11V NI SEIOH ONIIDONII SI IIIIDIdCIOOM 3H1 broads sowisquQ TURN AROUND FOR GREAT SALE Put DENIM under your Tree this Christmas BIG BLUE JEANS ANDRE MICHEL HASH ROADRUNNERS Jean Connection We also carry dress pants blouses sweaters Located at 40 MAPLE AVE Across tram loblavrs 7374322 JaspadpooM our 10 aon titscu no 11111 limo 1113M SUVIDUOOM iNIdIIVGD SAVO 66 NJdD PRACTICAL GIFTS For All The Family Slippers Shoes Snow Boots °Evening Shoes Hand Bags Gitt Certiticates NORMAN 1414111 511015 24 DUNLDP ST 7203881 40articles tor sale 20 GXIOO 81°34 and gotatroo 17 RCAXLIOO2tor1 Only 400 willy starting January80 One hour delivery KRAI RELLYS 461 DUNLOP nut to Hwy 90 Meat Market 13171187 TF SKI SUITS boys s11 18 light blue red and white strip young mans site 40 34 navy yellow strip size 40 34 navy red strip pertch candition $30 each Two pair CROSS COUNTRY BOOTS mens siler and perlect condition $15 each 436 5990 BOYS 10 SPEED BIKE 550 Oil Iurnace 350 single stainless steel kitchen sink large bathroom sink small bathroom sink Heavy duty electric oven to build in coppertone with clock and timer S95 Counter top burner large and small 575 Three radial tires one H7Bx14 twri H70x14 436 2283 DOWNTOWN FABRICS Fabrics at dawntaearth prices Finish your Christmas sewing for home gills DOWNTOWN FABRICS SCoIIier St 7262741 N30 WOOD LATHE motor chisels $175 one hp motor $75 new tires on rims F78x14 $70 industrial lloar polisher and accessories $100 one new snow tire E70x14 $10 one 15 rim 55 7789407 SPRAY GUN cup with hoses and gauges $150 Call7371775 DINING TABLE mahogany 42 diameter win one teal With tour mat ching chairs Good condition SUitable tor apartment $450 776 3748 alter yiiic or cola TELEVISIII Introduces MAGHAVOX TVs 2074119 5499 7372533 zumtd TThSJ24 TWO TRAYNOR speakers with horns rYSC 9sl PV head 700 watt two SHUREmixesPnoneGary7769098 SHUFFLEBOAFDS used l7x6x77 PINBALJ ECJDCIOHID phone 137 7533 between rr pm 776 7370 trotr 6159 UpRGHT AND 5700 74 regulaon we pro pong tabe and accessorves s4 me Dodge Coupe certitied 737 7217 RE CASE salad coaler propane Darbeque commercal triage Hobart gistwasher relrigefahaft JH eleCIK casr reg ster double star water Dumb tablesald cra rs 456 743 BIRD CAGE SS carpet sweeper $7 1110 suts 17 $5 each girls whte skates tiS mer ssaes re 11 and 17 $5 pair girls winter coals 9179006 condition $4 and $5 kitchen chairs Drown vinyl $15 tirc rims $5 yellow single bedspread s4 Phone776 6365 TEN PiNBALL machines Good work vng Order iaious makes and mode S37 tow 717 4888 737 4445 examiner Thursday Nov 29 1979 17 GIFT THAT LASTS ALL YEAR lolly way to remember your Iriends and relatives this Christ mas is to send gilt subscriptions at The Examiner They are easy to order They lost all year and the cost is small compar ta the pleasure given Eac gift will be announced in your name with beaulitul card in Iull rich colors Order Now 00 11 BY writingto The Circulation Dept 01 The Examiner or Dial 7266539 doarticles lor sale Clearance Used Colour TVs 70 portable lrom 375 $795 76 cansalc lrom $175 $395 Reconditioned and Guaranteed Budget plan available We dLltVPF We service all makes ol TVs Visit Barrie TV and Appliance 80 Dunlop Street East 778 4797 PIANO two year old apartment silo Willis with bench pertert condition $1500 0r best otter Call 7263386 weekends or alter6 weekdays VACUUM CLEANER cannisler type Regina 7262918 GUITAR FOR SALE Fender Mustang Best otter 7781973 alter ask tor Don LADYS BETTER QUALITY winter coat 772741 like new Dresses 7017 2717 Handmade leather purse almost new Mans new Carson suit Case idealgitt 776 5000 RECONDITIONED TVs tully guar anteed Huge selection and and ccilor849 and up 2BEssa Rd 737 7533 BARRIE TENT AND AWNING CO at ters complete repair servrcv on tarps tents trailer covers awnings boat covers etc Also zipprrs medium or heavy wriights Foam cut to size inch thickness 34 Baylicld St next Clarks Home Furnishings downtown SONY STEREO Sensational AM FM receiver turntable $2143 Got tree speakers Under SS wkly starting January 80 ustom KRAZY KELIYS now next door to The Highway 90 Meat Market at Ferndale onetiOUideiiimy 7371182 IF POLY FOAM cut to size Barrie Tent and Awning Company has great stack at poly loam to thickness Pro mp1 sirvice reaSOnable prices 34 Baylield Streeldowntawn RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT tor sale Meat cooler upright coke machine cash registermeatsl1cer1ce Cream lrcexer catering eqmpment 936 7588 BENCH SAW 173 hp motor 330 Unitux adding machine 60 spinning wheel S35 Coleman stove lantern and cooler $75 mounted latr trout $10 single drawer Illlnq cabinet $10 one pair at snowshoes $15 one exercise rowing machine $119 new used twice $50 487 3223 ALUMINUM CANOE very good shape 5350 JACUZZI swrmming p001 tiller good shape mo 7er 8111 SHUFFLEBOARD REGULATION size excellent condition sroreboard rocks wax included 57000 or best allrir Call alter 726 9063 ELECTRIC DRYER Excellent only lion Wringrir washing machine IIRP new also wooden dresser with six drawers with mirror Telephone 776 8391 anytime KENMORE STOVE and REFRIGERATOR CODDEIJI 30 range andlScu It retriqerator S75010r pair Phone 474 5084 alter ONE PAIR Goodyear SuburbariJe snow tires sizi H7814 exrellirit crinditiim Call 728 648130 5p GIRLS 10 SPEED BWE $75 chain saw 875 Dalsun and Toyota rims various lengths at baseboard heats 770 volts chainlinktence and poes 7371089 QUANTITY ol metal and glass attice partitions 31 16 PhiN Lu Smoke Shop Clapperlor st ourno business hrs 726 6774 FOR SALE one pair 04 used rims and tires 15 inch sill Razorable Apply Keri Elliott 0797 TOP OF THE LINE range and retrigerator Westinghouse six years r11d whiteexcellentcondition ssoo Call 458 9676 ELECTRIC TRAIN SET scale three warking engines sewn cars lots at track on plywood Asxirg $45 Call 776 0837 around illboats and motors BOAT REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES wood and timglau TOLLENDAL MARINA 7264950 IARRIE TF EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414