Tony Panacci Examiner Sports Editor Fans hard to find If you think Georgetown is great hockey town wait till you get to Barrie theyre hockey crazy up there That is comment heard time and time again from Georgetowners when told them was moving to work on the Barrie Examiner So far in my three months here there has been little eVIdence to substantiate that comment If the people here are indeed hockey crazy It is the ones playing it ALLTIME LOW Time and time again have ventured to the arena to see people all ages playing hockey the Flyers the Colts major atoms major midgets and so on down the line All the games have had one thing In common small crowds Very small crowds An alltime low was hit Saturday night when no more than 60 fans filed into Dunlop Street Arena to see the tarrie Flyers do battle Wlfh the Georgetown Raiders in an important Intermediate The Intermediate hockey game league is the equnalent of the old Senior league in everything but name Im told that there was day when we or more fans could be seen at the same arena cheering on the Flyers The ColLs are not faring much better at the ticket window Last week was good one as 2341 fans were at the arena to see the locals do battle With the Streetsville Derbys amateur hockeys answer to the Broad Street bullies Aside from that one game although the olts have run various theme nights in the hope of drawing fans the stands have been close to empty for Junior games JlST FRIENDS As for minor hockey games they are mostly attended by parents sisters brothers and friends very close friends The fact that makes the dilinima even more puzzling is that all the above teams are winning their fair share of games and playing very entertaining hockey So why are the fans not coming out to watch Barries hockey teams in action have only pondered that question for the past few weeks Jim Short has been wondering what it takes to get the fans out to the arenas since 1975 Short is your basic hockey man Ile ran the Flyers for many yeais has been involved with minor hockey teams and this annum is the manager of the Junior Colts Ill get together with hockey men and we talk about whats keeping the fans away Short said And we have never come up with an answer STOPPED AFTER II WIN Short was with the Flyers during the glory years when they were packing the arena He said the fans stopped com ing out to the Flyer games in t975 the year after they won the Allan in Things were going just great we developed good following and then all of sudden the fans stopped coming out Short said They say that it goes in cycles but this cy clc has lasted quite long time now All the ingredients for drawing fans seem to be there Bar rie has very competitive teams good arena with plenty of parking and fantastic popcorn from the concession booth cant figure out why the Intermediate League is not drawing Short said The competition certainly scents to be there At last glance the Flyers were in third place in the seventeam league tied with two other teams The olts have also been playing very competitive hockey The 91 loss they suffered at the hands of the Derbys last week was the only onesided hockey they ha vc been involved in since they trounced the lowly Acton Sabres month ago Neither the oits or Flyers are losers Short said Even if they were losing more than winning but playing entertaining hockey the real hockey fans would come out to see them The question simply put then is Are there any real hockey fans in Barrie racean results IIIIIIIIIIIIII EILNOY it is IOSTTHI FIRSTtNDIHE RAGTIMEROIIIIIE MOON FLASHER BRINIKDALEOIIS TIMII or Also WEE tHEIILE SEION BILLY To so to tho 1120 20 GEMINI LASS IOIEI MAY Hot1s NOEI XO EXAIIOR SEIOND ND IIII lion GEEARE so so Ito GOODBYE HARth It to GENIENNHLIIRAD 3m TIME ALSO ROISOVER HILII STARMOSI IIAOEH DAN RYth EXAtlitR pm i2 2o DAILY DOlRlIi paid no TIIIHDII HI II 3750 MlssttlatltZFROSI 21Iw Mil llltl AltttYKNIiItt Ho Ho DORVAI 7o TIME tlfl ALSO OLINTESS IIIIIARO PASIIME RUTH WELCOME PARTNER LONEIS DREAM PERFECT BLAZE TRIAlTOR If paid 326 Io FOIRTII III All YORKY 7o lo to REII ltA MAI so Ito Showland hangs on The feature seventh race at Barrie Raceway Wednesday The Garnet IIIcIZachcrn Memorial Trot offered field of seven top trottcrs for the 3300000 annual invitational race Al the half mile post Ron Waples was the first to move out with Ihamcsvicw Speed and at the three quarter pole was challenging the leader Shawland Dawn The two paced as team passed the three quartcs as Scott Rowe took Historic Way four wide around the last turn in his bid for the top Through the stretch drive Shawland Dawn hung on to nip her at the wire in 207 In front of an excited crowd of bettors very happy owner Robert Garner of Harrie was in the winners circle to receive the silver tray and winners blanket from the lclichcrn family UNCLE RAY III TIME Ill ALSO ROUGHSIIOD GLO GAL HRIXIKSIDE JOEY DLANE REID ARGI ES STAR StRATHED STILLARS JOY EXMTOR II paid 76 oo FIFTH lI TROT IIIE S650 JtSTIA spun no so io ARMRROOIISERYER 30 2t VICTOR ELRY to TIME l2 ALSO FLAME MESSENGER LA SAL LY HYRD JOHNNY DAWN LORI StRAItHED TRIE LEES LANG EXAITOR 54 paid 10 Ill SIXTH ND MILE S500 DItIIESS 9th 60 2o ANlltO 420 St AFTON HEART 80 TIME ll ALSO SIR WETSEL SIIIAWAY HORTON FROST IIILI DALE StRAILIIED DEANSSDLYKE EXACIOR IJ paid 2t SEVENTH llTTIOI TROT MILE H000 HISTORIC WAY 1200 an it to SHAWLAND DAWN no it till KEYSIONE GRAPHIC tin TIMII AISO THAMESYIEW SPEED POTEN IIAI HIIKSHOT HANOVER GAITISIE FIII EXAtTOR 76 paid 27 III EIGHTH MILE 3300 HITENNE ROYAIIII 20 III 7011 MIDNI IF DIRECT it til so GIISYHIH NIKKI 780 TIME ll ALSO EDINIHRGH CASTLE HIG HHE WATIERS Mllt WHAT SMITH AAlON lAMll ItXAt You II pdld No so NITHI ItE IIII 13 BEN StOTl lit 20 so SKIIIER KAYJO III No HOIEEIHI IEtllll 890 IIIE It ALSO SNAI TIMI AR GODDESS lIED YANKEE SPIRES AY MIKE fl RRET LINIIOR tpaid To TENTH III Two IEN DINSSOR II til so IARAMIE JIDtiI tti All ii In WIRELANDSDINII JTtt TIIE ALSO IIAIIE GREEN REIl llA SIENIER ti FROI ltK RI I7 GEORGE KAIAS SHUNT TRI ITOR It paid the TTFNIHNLI 9qu II Dl SIIIJJNI QOflhGQdc Get this Sony Stereo System Against firstplace Kings Oro battles bk to earn big draw Although the 775 Murray Hadley right seems to have big smile on his face as he races Penetang player for the puck the game played in Oro last night was serious business Oro Flyer goalie back home to help team earn tie It was moment to savor for EDMONTON CPI Pete Peeters came back to the city where he wasnt wanted recently and made point Peelers playing in his 14th game as National Hockey League goaltender recently helped the Philadelphia Flyers gain 22 tie with Edmonton ilers the quiet 22yearold who played his minor hockey in Edmonton but got the cold shoulder frotn the hometown junior and professional teams and so took his talents elsewhere Im pleased said Iecters who capped 28save perform Simpson and Harris best of the decade NEW YORK AP Simpson who rushed for record 2003 yards in 1973 was named the top player of the I970s and joined Franco Harris at running back on the National Football League Team of the Peewees beatBase Barries Sargeant ReadyMix major peewees trounced Base Borden in an exhibition game at the Base Arena Tues day night Andy Barton had two goals while John Morris Glenn Williams Troy Vair Peter Daniels Ronnie Bowes Jeff Bell and Michael Lefave each scored once for Barrie John Warman tended net for Barrie Decade announced today by Pro Football Monthly Simpson who rushed for more than Iooo yards four times in his nine years with Buffalo Bills before being traded to San Francisco 4tlcrs after the 1977 season was se lected the NFL Player of the Decade Harris the Pittsburgh Steelers superstar owns the Su per Bowl records for overall rushing lilott yardsi and single game rushing 138 yarilsi Named the quarterback for the team of the 70s was Roger Stauhach of Dallas owlioys Others named to the offensive team were wide receivers Fred Biletnikoff Oakland Raiders and harlcy Taylor Washington Redskins tight end harley Sanders Detroit Lions centre lini Langcr Miami Dolphins tackles Ron Yary Minnesota Yikings and Art Shell Oakland and giiaiils Tom Mack Los Angeles Rams and Gene Upshaw Oakland The Oro 775 twice fought back from onegoal deficns to earn an important 22 tie against the Penetang Rings in Junior action Wednesday night The ï¬s had the better of the play in the first peiiorl of the game played in Oro but were stonewalled time and time again by Penetang netminder Bryan Lethbridge PENETANG SCORES The visitors got on the scoreboard first with art owan being the marksman The goal came on the powcrplay It the it mark of the opening frame The 77s got pimciplay goal of their own the It ii mark of the period to get even Iiii ray lark was the iiiarksiiiiii got on again it ih Dave Symc comerting ot play set up by Di Forbes OIIO OITSIIOL Oro igt oiitsliot in hc game but Is prcioiisl Incii tamed tizltuzik is red hot Although Ilie game featured sonic Picaiy hits there was no dirt play or lights which was in great OYIIgtI to the List i1me the two clubs met In Oro ll tins game ttio took eight nznnrs while lizictang assessed Inst ioui llllltltl and Doug Shelsw ell set him up In the second period Penctang began to take com mand of the game but Orvi no minder Rick titlbank was up tii the challenge as he stole the spotlight from his titlHlth it he tie is big one for Oro is Punching is III top spot tl the league tiiaxeiilitiist is in so the other end of the rink mind iilmi iih lire right Pcnctang did get the only behind thiii goal of the period when iouazi The 77s hau iiiolier tug got his second at the mark Early In the third period Oio game Sunday night is Iiiel totiiauiiliiirsf Barrie oOp Midgets defeated Aurora 51 in York Simcoe minor hockey league game at Dunlop Arena Tuesday night Barrie took 40 lead before Aurora hroke Barrie goaltender Way nc Lynns bid for shutout late in the third period Gary White scored oOps first goal assisted by Bill Magiiire Terry Tilleczek made it 20 for Barrie with the assist going to Bill White Jim Foulis put Barrie ahead by three assisted by Keith Penna and Rob McNabb Kevin Tustiri scored Barries fourth goal with assists to Gary White and Rob Rinncard McNabb put the game away for CoOp on his goal assisted by Penna and Tilleczek The midgets next game is Friday night in Bolton they UMP If you must Imanu at Ctb moniti interest 55500 00 SIN7I6 rmi €03010 $550000 St 373 98 Tail SLIM SAVINGSS 221122 iNIE REsI TES SHED RA SLA finance at 15 lbmcmih mime twice fought back from onegoal deficits to earn 22 against the firstplace team in the league Examiner Photo offer good till Nov 30 Beat High Interest Rate Charges see us before you buy your new car or truck from anyone else Youll save when youlbuy and when you finance your car through Georgian Pontiac We have the connections to save you money Credit terms to qualified purchasers GEORGIAN PONTIAC I45 BRADFORD ST 7261885 Correction In last Thursdays edition of The Examiner story in the sports pages incorrectly stated that Barrie Blues lost 6659 to Midland Friars in Simcoe County Mens League basket ball game with the headline reading Friars play best defeat Blues 6659 In actual fact Midland defeated Georgian Grizzlies by that score and any references to Blues in the article were actual ly Grizzlies The Examiner regrets the error PROTECTIVEEYEWEAR FOR ALL SPORTS Draw winner The Allandale Golf and Coun try Oldtimers held their draw for set of gold clubs Monday night The winner of the draw is Eleanor Cameron of Shanty Bay Road who was holding ticket number 686 ancc with great save on closein shot with seconds left to play and kept his status as the only unbeaten goalkeeper in the NHL Ile was selected the games second star and got round of applause from sellout crowd of 15433 including his father mother sister and an assort ment of other relatives Its the first time theyve seen me in person in an NHL game sc oreboard SPORT SAF fashionably OCkeV timg it it on designed for weai onandotftie lh IllI ini no Wills rm It 21 In court in prescriptionor piano tr Winminu ii oi i7 14 lenses SPORTS SPECprotective in izs oNtEItFNt yi PUM frlm 2t 32 Norris Incom iffaclhiiiald1an It 3o wraparoundrabies made to II HIOIHIL ltv lit 29 Ioiiireil It ma in in hl1j Tullhie mring LA go 2o aCCUmlllOddfC pleSCfplOl 37508 Id fs 57 loioiiln Iasliiiigloii as well as plant lCIISCS Iltsl vi ii mg rituiiilljf my in fmj fsj basketball PROTEC the safety framefor menonprescription WM 12 fl 37 toliiado NY Islanders wearer lllll HISIOII anioinii Winnipeg NBA grimy It it 3t Tawny Games Guyankiw rivpgr 97 Combined with polycarbonate lenses Will absorb It uI tit II ifhl Iiwau ee 87 ii iana Manama 91 71 MffjIf1fhm J9 mums Impact and flex topzotecrtho wearer The only lens Sttrtilllt II gt mm Mmmm IfhlIitrItIpIIlfl izo wnmmgion you need to See safely iiciec lIIlIII ONIERLNI Atlanta Irv Portland Sit Patrick Duismii ymm Wk INIIU Houston llil levcland III lhila lti to til in girlm INN All WVW San legit 114 Golden State GEORGIAN MALL MEDICAL Ans BLDG Atlanta II to IN 7n Ioa IIIIIILIII it tJ In Seattle 127 Phoenix Ill 7268891 21 WHLINGION Islander to Ti it WWW HI Intercollegiate 7264941 mammal lt Ehihitioii Smyttie Dixision Maine itil St Marys To SHORNEY GIFT CERTIHCATE FOR CHRlSTMAS itiioiier to all IHIM 11 MEANINGTUL BARRIE COLTS VS BURLINGTON COUGARS TANDY lEATHER SPONSORS LADIES NIGHT LADIES FREE THURS Nov 2979 330 pm DUNLOP sr ARENA SKATE SHARPENING 75 per pair THURS FRI SAT ONLY SALE ON HOCKEY STICKS SHERWOOD 221c 20x BUY ONE REG PRICE GET FOR $I°° NORTHLAND KITCHENER JOEA CANADIAN BARRIE COLTS VS DIXIE BEE HIVES MEET THE PLAYER NIGHT Fri Nov 3079 830 pm Dunlop St Arena SKATE SHARPENING IS AVAILABLE DURING NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS 19K rertecn mcvec se of sieve comocaems or Sop to new Sony stee eceoei I25 watts De craore wt suoetaoe perto owe me ieamcite are amoete sections PSHS oiiec awe sen acomaic turntable sysen aria 90 ot the new compo SS €58 way species super Sony System at saveg HEALTH INSURANCE while outside of Canada 63995 GoAhead buya issued and confirmed by our office representatives for OMUI UAL OF OMAHA LLOYDS or LONDON CO OP HEALTH SERVICES ONIARIO BLUE CROSS Ellflillll Illllls no ONTARIO Iiiivs TRAVEL 7284700 DUNLDP