the examiner 5mm Nov 173979 Deer Deer was contributed by Canadian artist Hagop Khoubesserlan to benefit the United Nations Childrens Fund It is one of several cards by Canadian artists and is printed on l00 recycled paper Spock criticizes child care experts KINGSION int ltli Childcare experts muscling in on pa rents have made the job of child rearing more complicated than it should he says Dr Ben janiin Spock The worldrenowned pediatri cian said Monday that experts in trying to help parents have frightened some to the point their and where they approach children in hesitant almost apologetic manner This is especially true tor sensitive and collegeeducated parents he told Queens University audience Education is often an im pediment to raising children Too many theories can louse you up Spock whose book Baby and Child Care has sold 28 million copies since its first printing in 1946 said the difficulty most parents have with toilet train ing is an example of their ap prehension Uncet cards feature dsi anadi Available in Barrie cards by artists from around the world with messages in the five official languages of the This painting entitled Toboganing is by an anonymous Canadian artist and is contributed by the National Gallery of Canada for use as Unicef Christmas card It was painted in the l9th United Nations the Unicef desk diary and calen dar illustrating childrens art from around the world and beautiful selection of notes sta Nov l9th l979 Sheisoffering 20 on PERMS STREAKS SPECIAl GRAND OPENING MAUREENS HAIRSTYLING Maureen is pleased to announce the opening of her Solon on is Mary St For appointments Cdl 7374811 STEINGARD PHOTO STUDIO II Clapperfon St near Points BUY GET FREE SAME SIZE Adults Family Groups Also NO Sitting Iee for our children and student packages tULLV LlCINClD UNDII nil LLIO PRIVATE ROOMS FOR PARTIES 126 Collier St Barrie 7266030 century Unicef cards are available this year in several Barrie locations Laurence Sewing and Knitting Centre Dunlop St East Mel Brass Clothing lnc Bayfield Mall and Cusdens Phar macy 48 Collier Street Offered as well are tionery birthday cards and mix and match set for every occassion Send Unicef cards because every child has the right to smile peOple and places UCW Sunday UCW Sunday will be celebrated this Sunday at all are WEICOme churches in the Dalston HillsdaleCrown Hill charge campers Hillsdale at am Dalston at 1015 am and Crown Hill at 1130am November 19 at Unitarians Christine Johnston of Don Heights Unitarian Congrega tion will be speaking about Uniarianism in Southern On tario The Ebbs and Flows of 134 years at the Georgian Col campers are welcome Sunnyhrae 730 pm the The Barrie Boomerang Cam ping Club will meet Monday pm at the Sunnidale Community Centre There will be refreshments All On Monday November 19 at Sunnybrae Interested Parents Group will lege business building Sunday W959t dlSCUSSlOU ï¬lming November 18 at 11 am Guests with leaders McBride and Doug McBride Topics ars guidance services at Central and busing problems Bring your questions and concerns Cable The Barrie Horticultural Society will sponsor the follow ing programs on Cable Preparing for Christmas and Spring in Barrie Green houses November 19 at pm Nov 20 at pm Nov 26 at pm Nov 27 at 630 pm Nov 28 at 730 pm and Nov 29 at pm SnoVoyageurs The SnoVoyageurs Club of Barrie will be holding their November 20 at pm at the Club House on Snow Valley Road The general public is in vited to attend For further in formation call 1265377 or 4365575 Angus Pot Luck The next meeting of the Angus Horticultural Society will feature Christmas Pot Luck Buffet Tuesday November 20 at 730 pm at the Simcoe Street School Library Everyone is welcome especially new members Senior Citizens The Barrie Senior Citizens Friendship Club is holding tea bake sale and bazaar at St Georges Hall Burton Ave on Wednesday November 21 from great way to enjoy sunny Florida your own luxury condominium Condos offer lots more space the luxury of separate livingroom the convenience of two bedrooms and two bathrooms great way to enjoy combined couples holiday or the perfect choxce for family vacation See the expert your travel agent and ask torTreasure Tours brochure with details of this new economical way to holiday in style 8N5 WEEK FROM LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS sviyi luxury condominium holiday is Simply more at every thing for less money Based on adults including car Choose your condominium holiday on the beach or on golf course Step into world of luxury in Indian Rocks Beach and Tarpon Springs on the Gulf Coast YOUR TREASURE TOURS HOLIDAY INCLUDES Return airfare With meals mlth and complimentary bar Air conditioned car With unlimited mileage for the duration of stay Fully air conditioned two bedroom condominium accommodations as booked Transfers and baggage handling Treasure T0urs Tote bag and ticket wallet Treasure Tours Representative Saturday departures Prices quoted are per person adults sharing Prices quoted may vary acc0rding to departure dates and availability at time of booking All holidays are subiect to the terms and conditions listed in the Treasure Tours Brochure Prices change Dec 1579 NOT INCLUDED Canadian and airport departure taxes Hotel taxes and service charges iehsureTourK 1232 Wave 41 Maple Ave Barrie 126397 montth meeting on Tuesday 2t04pm 066570 06 6300 Who should call to clean my carpets this Holiday Season It WIN Wang Jiobile Steam Cleaning System Hotter Water cleaner quicker drying time Efficient deeper more true cleaning Quiet mobile plant outSIde you can work in the same room Economical savings passed on to you RIG DEC610 7265579 7262002 CALL lAnn Landers Pick uncle outofhat Dear Ann Landers My closest friend is getting married soon and needs your help in making very important deci SIOII Harriets mother left her father when she was just toddler Her mother has remarried and Harriet thinks the world of her stepfather even though she loves her natural father very much and him all the time Harriets mother is very domineering person She insists on paying for the wedding selecting the reception hall etc She also wants her husband to give the bride away My friend IS no match for her mother but she has made one thing clear if she cant have her own father walk her down the aisle she will not permit her stepfather to do the honors The question is this Would it be proper if Harriets mother walked her down the aisle Or should Harriet walk alone Please dont suggest favorite uncle because she has so many she doesnt want to risk hurling anyones feel ings Friend if The Iuzzlcd Bride Dear Friend It would be inappropriate for the bride to walk down the aisle alone or with her mother suggest that she put the names of her uncles in hat and ask you to draw the name of the one who is to walk her down the aisle Then no one will be offended Dear tnn We raised our only grandchild in loving home We saved the money her father sent us for her sup port When the time camc she was able to go to college and have car On her 18th birthday we went to lawyer and had everything put in her name She met and fell in love with boy who didnt have anything We fed clothed and loved him as if he were our own Now they are married and he has come to our home demanding that we give his wife the balance of the money We refused so they are not speaking to us still feel that to give them this money would be the same as throwing it away But is withholding it worth the price iram And Gramps Dear Cram and lramps There are some conflicting statements in your letter For example If you put everything in your granddaughters name on her IRth birth day why do you still have the legal right to withhold the money from her Of course it would be sad if the young woman squandered her savings but its hers to do with as she pleases Better talk this over with the attorney who handled the transaction when she was 18 If possible the money should he transfer red to the granddaughter and not her husband just in case Dear nn Landers Your letters from Mamas Boys and Daddys Girls made me decide to write you one about Mamas Girl need help When was going with Cathy she always said her mother would come first and now shes proving it We havent had an evening alone for six ecks Either her mother is here for supper or we are at hot place Last Sunday Cathy got the flu and went to her mothers house to be nursed back to health am by myself Where dol stand Lancaster Ia Dear Lan Second to your niothcrinlaw which is where athy said you stood before she married you You cant say she didnt warn you Bub Consumers Advocate Nolegal lobhgaï¬on By JOY WOOLANI couple of months ago received by mail an album of records had not ordered these but my name and address was clearly typed on the label and thought that someone had arranged that be sent gift Now have received bill for $1595 with warning that unless this is paid within fourteen days the matter will be put into the hands of col lection agency never ordered the records but have played them often Do have to pay $1595 No you do not and you have no legal obligation in respect to the use of these records or their disposal since the package was clearly addressed to you If it had been ad dressed to someone else and mistakenly delivered to your home you would have had to return it to the Post Office This is one of the regulations under the Consumer Protec tion Act which benefits all of us Unfortunately not many consumers know its details For instance skilful doortodoor salesman may easily persuade person to buy vacuum cleaner Partial pay ment for this appliance may also be obtained However when everything has cooled down and the fami ly budget has been examined the prospective purchasers may realize that they do not want it The Consumer Protec tion Act allows 48 hours for the consumers to cancel such purchase This should be done by registered mail and the postmark is considered the recission date This cooling off period as it is known only applies to contracts made and signed at place other than the sellers regular place of business Also evgry itinerant seller must be registered and bonded under the Act so when consumers are approached by door todoor salesmen of driveway paving encyclopedia aluminum siding insulation housewares cosmetics and so forth identification should be checked Even those who sell fundraising articles should be pro tected by having the appropriate charitable organization registered under the Act for any doortodoor selling There have been occasions when children particularly have sold items as tokens of donations to charitable institution and this is not true Any one selling merchandise costing more than $50 on credit must provide the purchaser with written statement showing the total finance charges the annual percentage rate being charged and also the additional charges which will be levied if the purchaser defaults on payments This legislation is good for consumer it is up to us to Pollys Pointers Get white DEAR POLLY Do you know of anything that will clean white Panama hat MRS DEAR MRS JR Of course the age of the hat may have something to do with the final result One authori ty suggests that the hat be entirely covered with thick paste made with gloss starch and water Put in the sun to dry and then brush thoroughly Be sure not to satu rate the hat so go easy on the water POLLY DEAR POLLY Rather than waste any leftover waffles place paper towels between the small square sections put them in plastic bag and then in the refrigerator The next day pop these squares in the toaster and they taste as good and fresh as they did originally PATTY DEAR POLLY If you need free clothes hamper for baby just attach pillowcase to clothes hanger with two diaper pins This makes great bag for babys dirty things Such bag can hang on the shower rod in the bathroom VAH le Wree Choose from an outstanding seleo tion of excellent quality material and patterns from Canadas finest suppliers Personal senite on large or small enquiries Over l5 years cxpericme in ustom draperies tracking and installation makes us well qualiï¬ed to do sper idlt windows 7268637 23 Complete Decorating and Coordinating Servnces Custom Draperies Bedsprégads Call Jill Petrie Noam Drive Barrie