Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Nov 1979, p. 18

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IIrriction sates IIIauction sates PIFHER AUCTION SERVICE lTD 7264841 KNOWN FOR SERVICE AND EXPERIENCE LARGE ESTATE CENTURY FARM AUCTION SALE SATURDAY NOVEMBER 17th at to 30 sharp for the Estate at CLARENCE COULTER at Lot Can Essa Twp km east of Alliston on Hwy 89 and km north 700 acre farm house and barn and sale of full line of older farm machinery inc tractors Ford 8t Allis WD Farmall 706 diesel NH No 67 PTO baler full line of cultiyation haying and haryesting equipment bale eleyators drag disc potato diggers and graders tillers Massey 7t binder Int drag plow farm wagons excellent Massey manure spreader bar side rake horse drawn mowers drag cultrvators IHC fertilizer drill Iurrow Cockshutt trayl plow many collectibles inc gas engine Imperial ail antique gas pump sealers fanning rnill cream separator wheel trailers large quantity of new and used lumber posts and firewood etc entire antique contents of the farm home inc outstanding pine cupboards harvest tables Findlay oval cookstoye cap tains pressbock plank bottom and rocking chairs gramaphOne brass and iron beds washstands dressers chests sideboards cream cans large dinner or school bell cracks pictures and Irames taleware antique glass and china ail lamps sealers box stove collectible bottles etc etc plus much more Feed and seed large quantity of mixed clover seed 4500 bales of chaice mixed hay I300 bales of choice wheat and mixed straw T960 GMC truck large quantity of firewood etc etc FARM 200 acre farm fronting on roads with house and born Will be offered for sale at approx pm subiect to very reasonable reserve bid Terms SIO 000 deposu day OT sale balance in I70 days or on closing For more information contact the auctiomzer MONDAY NOVEMBER l9th at 30 sharp for Mr and Mrs Charles Press of Stayner and Mr Tlarnerston oI Thorn bury in the LIONS DEN 84 Huraritario St Collingwaod Ont Sale of antiques collector items moior and small appliances modern furnishings carpernter handymans and garden tools etc aritiquechina glassware crystal etc Valuable mahogany break front hino or curio cabinet excellent mahogany bedroom suite red ltVlrIg roam surte rocking pressback chairs antique backing cabinet orl lamps power lawnmower dressers washstanrls chests ariclerninsterrugs etc Terms cash RESCHEDULED AUCTION WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 7lst at noon for MRS BETTY CASKENETTE at Black Bank Ont miles east of Honeywood or miles oI Creemare Ont Sale of house furnishings antique and modern including RenIrew cookstnye box store Quebec heater trunks decorative iron beds dressers chests washstands antique wooden beds sewing mailiino living room suites electrical appliances electrical supplies geese rabbit cages dishes china glassware bedding linens garden and hand tools electric motors new boy wrncfow cords of firewood picnic table etc Plus room full of antique furnishings and collectibles etc Teirnscash property sold IMPORTANT ANTIQUE ESTATE AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY NOV 28th at 30 in sharp Ior the Estate of the late VERDELLA ALLEN of Clarksburg Ont Sale wrll be held in the LIONS DEN 84 Huroritario St Collingwood Ont Sale of all genuine antique rcrllectrir itoins full line of excellent major electrical appliances etc ttl Queen Anne dining room suite with round table yaluobli Victorian sofa new Hidarbed Axminster rugs cap rains plank bottom pressback rocking chairs coal and wood Ontttx walnut parlor hall tables lamp wicker excellent antiqui rIrrssors hosts washstands antique bedroom furs nituie books cracks excellent blanket box posI office desk excellent refrigerator 30 HD stove etc fine antique china glassware crystal large quantity of silver pieces bedding liarirlywork etc Also included in this sale are the furnishings from the home of Mr and Mrs Russ Campbell Terms cash Don miss this one Having an auction Book your auction well in advance with the auctioneer who knows the value and the buyers Now booking sales for spring and summer T980 SCL No Nl6MP 50 77777 public notices SITpublic notices THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BARRIE NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF By law Number 79453 of The Corporation at the City of Some to close Part of the road allowance known as Hart Drive situate upon Part of Lot 24 Concession in the Township of Vespra now in the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe designated as Part an Reference Plan Number SIR 9034 TAKE NOTICE that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Barrio wrll alter the publication of this Notice at least once week for four successive weeks in The Examiner at its regular meeting to be held at the Council Chambers at the City Hall Barrie Ontario at the hour oI sesen oclock in the afternoon on the 26th day of November t979 consider and if deemed expedient pass Bylaw Number 79 l53 to close and stop up and convey Part OT the road allowance known as Hart Drive being Part of Lot 74 Concession in the Township of Vespra now in the City of Barrie in the County of SIITTCOO more particular ly desigriated as Part on Reference Plan Number SIR 9034 AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person who claims that his land Will be pierudicially affected by the said bylaw and who applies to be board shall be heard by the Council of The Corporation of the City of Barrie either in person or by his Counsel Solicitor or Agent THIS NOTICE was It st published on the 2th day OI October l979 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BARRIE by its solicitors BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE l30wen Street Barrie Ontario ANY PERSON interested may see Plan of that part of the road propitsed to be closed in the office of the City Clerk City Hall 81 Collier Street Barrie Ontario during regular office hours 026 N2 lo PROFESSIO AL DIRECTORY ANGUS ROSS BA JESSIE BRYSON Rgciwmi uch remit Teacher of Piano Singing Theory Pupils preparedfor examinations of the Royal Cansomatmy of Music Iiictirntwin in Thong and row Al tutu rq iii TiLltTV Toronto All guides and CT Studio 21 Bradford St or RC Si 30 Vs 72847I8 ROSES ROSE Chartered Accountants Lot tI grruv Itch Hitrcv POWELL JONES C0 Saint08 Row Chartered Accountants Tivisttrlt eolhl II DunlOL St East Collier St Barrie Barrie Ontario 7284949 Telephone 7287464 Hand Full Of Cash Is Better Than GARAGE Full of STUFF Place an examiner WANT AD 72824 ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Cards of Thanks $600 minimum 40 words additional words cents per word Births InMernOriamno verse $600 Verse lper count line extra 23 cents Coming rents $343 per cblumn inch 81 births BOCIfd otthantis MEELE Thi an socs ti arm to we tiara train ay air Sta far sti JTc ia sJiriwi PCTE rtstarr H2120 ii pi ursIs rmiir rn ir tt ii 53m ii the 333 TFHAITCS My uml trI donation Rowe rri Luv iv rryirratr wgiirycggrrir irti am tr mi my hi irttsu ttir ii Kgggtr Liam tilt pas wiw Dc intgrivgt ri tryr libnflfii no EH FUNmi NI ivsri ail ii nrigi Thy firm rit 0t Cin yvrirtt trcistnt Sorts Thur and ii ha years Eimivanctftsie Pratt WATSON The tam ly or we late Henrietta EIliLl Watso wishes tr Drrss their sinciAre appreciation and thanks to TTTFlV many rriiat yes both here And in Enuiand rrirzncs and oriaetu Ciqhhcirs tor the iaiy ads of kinct HSS telegrams criras mossaum or drilincc ACiUS of sympathy tiira tributws Illl fanatic1 the Orrarci Heart Furtntnn aurina trimr recmi Nrt WNW 11 sea loss at dear write mother aract me all at mothir and Traintqrandinother Smiqiai 14 trianks to the Ladies Quilt rig Club rm senior Char and the Urchwomeh of St ldealhs GIIDS Anglican Church Barre the doc CAROLE JFSSll Elizaooiri it lti SNV degyu 330 WT Sfflhylifv Potal Victoria Hospital Barrie on John SDQQIS tor his SpiriluniVUUidaKL Totsany Nitlt niber WM Jessir and the STECKICy Funerai Home r0 mg mmlh Va 540 friendly service May God btess all at i1 Cnrciwi in tilr 82nd your Door viiittirr at ill an archwilt rit LISTUfiP you chi Watson inrttimI fly rr of Hawkestoni and litt Into Dr ROTIFT Cardwrill Suryiycd also or lllt orandr hildrcin ricrrtcts may call at tii klfy Funeral Home if WarSIcr imi mini ittrr in Thursday Si The Allandole District it in tn rtD cu rtlfrtr Niivvmbvr to It ii lniTtt Barr Union Guldes Browmes FJVHT it so am recs riiciniirint dorm WHOM am my armys err Llriurns Th Inc in mm oiriri mi gt9 nary S4 ifi PHONE 718 iAit GOOD NEWS SORY Whin you a1 Tilf rtri cit yor cyi 1d IDDWS rTrithr are it Iir Barry Jriii In ly Trii mic in ivqi mgr trinrlt iiwcoming events nos ttidy hri niacir tci nnact on Crrnrer chiflmax Tea Balm siic ii SATURDAY NOV 17th LOE ririi Blnrk Jir On Tues fm Nrirr iiiii mi Quen St George Anglican Church EllerTlTll Hrisoitirt Montreal Oucbnt Bum Ave Granville Jack Liyii trioriy onort husband at aniil Boloyrict initttr ot Sandy tMrs loooaoopm Fnii BTVT it Home AI Lin cit AdultsSTChiIdren 50 Nisriviiii Griirr Redmond ot Athens iiirt Isriiin Mrs React Burtoni OI Baked goods books candy tllllty fins ir Itrit LiVinoarnn crafts TISh Pond and tliil it irt any Hiinttior Doinii Jiin bob 5mm rovided rttrf irk Srryi at Saatliinrt Funeral 9p N16 urnii Iczri Ovitiir on Saturday litti nt it in Creriintioo may hr mntc to Canadian riii iir Snr nitr orro lIONS ciua ANNUAL TURKEY SHOOT Date November T7 I979 Time To om pm Place OBriens Sports and Marine On Line and Shanty Bay Road Women Welcome 027N2391016 MQPnN FiIIl At the Royal Victoria up itl Barrii on Wednesday NUVbrttlnW 11 Islt Edith Wriltenden DUNNT witty at Niirtiort Moran in her Tltt yrlar LOTint innttrer of Frank of Of tiiwa Jack or Lonrtrii and Peter at Bar Vniu tiroiictiriottirgr ot jitjhf grand riiiiiiiiii sistrr nl Frnist WolIindiin at Miiriui st amt whom Waltanctei at Bar FriLWJS it ny call at Steckloy Flirtwra Hiirhi iii virsliiy Street Bar riii attir in Thursday Sorvrcc in the lTleDtl on rTUFEIflr November 17 at 30 ttTwVtunT St Marys Cemetery finr ii si desired memorial aiino ny It iiinctci in Canadian Cancer ty rii ttii iyal Victoria Hospital an int Piiiiiimbriinrr Fund QUOTA CLUB OF BARRIE CHRISTMAS BAIAAR Tea Bake Sale and Guilt Draw TRINITY ANGLICAN CNURCII HALL Collier 5t Barrie NOV um pm to prn N91416 877 in memormms MARSHALL in toyinzi memory at liJV tnthiii and firnncttnther Samuel Grainini writprissrd many Nov to t977 in no it country graveyard littt the tieritii breezes blow iris tin or triVici so dearly iriit ist tars M10 not rt spec ial Iii no ti iiir tninds trircinyswi intttiinkiithini Are yrirytmrdtotinrt FridayNov30Bpm sadly missed by son Bob daughter in hm June wflmmlldm Todd and For ticket reservation phone rcmnii 72865310Iter pm $35060ch n789l4l5l62122232829 TRIBUTE TO TUT examiner patterns Shirtdress Savvy PRENATAL CLASSES for UNWED MOTHERS To register please phone SIMCOE comm DISTRICT rirArTrr UNIT 7269300 Ext 236 WFTF churchill by Mrs Saunter 4563999 Mrs Carolyn Angus of Gilford was the demonstrator at housewares party It the home of Mrs Douglas Hughes Neighbors and children had an enjoyable afternoon IiZIt The Christmas bazaar spon sored by the Anglican Church Women experienced the largest crowd over illitl the greatest financial success The com munity hull was decorated for Christmas and the tea tables were graced with red and white cloths Patrons zimo from as far away as Trenton Toronto Weston rind Harrie Dorothy lukloy of ltutrit won the gold vniil lilirrikvt and Tracey Lyriri Ziolki iii tiiltiiril the handmade pliiccmzrts IthNZH lll The bramo mums it the Iiiitiiil tliurili much admired by Ltlttilt It planted by lllt Iriglit trimin this Scptiriiliir tii iiizirk the contort rind of lltt congregation June and family Liiilvy and Stuart prrpiricd lltt ground ind hus band PHI provided the brim0 beauties zrrid helped with the planting tip or the hut in the Wrights SIZES 820 Plamfi TO ittft gtTIiE suitit 839 in gtll f€jgt with tame STELNTI ig CheSis vicich be Mrs Hartley FvnnsotThiirii more so Mule Spotty tan is bushes in the leriOcr solid cloi knit triited Church Womtn iiii Vases NOVLIITITLI Mrs lTuiiis as in lb former llltlillttl when living in tales The Hiilliiw gt some ours as Mrs Tinw Iigiiiirt it Yuikir ltiiriii gtpttil November wili hcr viiusiiis Ifil irid lilliitliiin IICAIII lttlttit It lt tluskii lit ltlltl tir lu it linirii tiispitnl Mr and on It haw lclllltlttl Oliit iiiim in tLh my in Iis Tog unit iiiiiitj Mrs Illtktt said Itt iii iitlIIIfItII thmg 0er ye going Jp il Illl tgti ipni iit ilcisirt LAD pi 539 555 update Qur Ittt tlyirig iui stirli piiii MSSDE with Cu NETT FALL tiittii lii lllltli erH Nttilii CATILCG Oie Wu MW of it in 100 Sires us 95 5i lIiIllll ilitlt ilwruti atte ccss mug $1 Ilt xiv it illl 127 Mum Dome 5150 pIiILt tl iwtnii IlaPatchwork Quilts $150 litltli lZSQurcl Easy Transfers $150 Hill Mt lltitit BOSIeatcnSiles 3856 $150 llutti iii tlii titii itii 131Add8ofl Quit iliiflliiiili $150 to each aatteiash CUEQOE at monei order Ad 35 93c pattern tot llSTCiBSS mail hancling pun plainti Size Style Number your Name Ad dress Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept Tho Erarim I09 Crockfml MIISM 39 1lfldrTJ itt or alliston by Jean Hand 4355378 Rev and Mrs Rndlo Jccnmpzinud by Mr and Mrs Almrin Baivtcr have returned from threthch bus tour to California Lila Hislcip Visited recently with Mr and Mn MacDougall in Piirr Hope also with her daughter Barbara Jane and Lzrrr Swanson and family in Mississauga Steve and Elrp€lh Milne visited zi flit ItiSI week with Dr rnd Mrs Villizrm Mian and firmin ILll Sound Alice SIITCIITIC has returned from it Ttk visit with her family in Ettlltld rind Truro NS ind Sherwood Margaret Atwood inovolistt from the llll0ll district was in Burlington lst weekend aiitngrzipliing her new book LifeRotiiroMuii Congratulations to Mrs Cecil Scott It on Saturday November ii celebrated her Qtst birthday Marcella Hufnggcl Alliston and her sister Velma Samuel of Mount Forest visited last week with friends iii Dundzilk Win Thompson accompanied by Elizabeth Mnffrit and baby Timothy spent last Thursday with Wilfred and Flossie III kstvr ll Iturelizim Parents of Kenneth Tnkstor itKChOT at Banting Ron and Katherin nee Iillirimsi Pegg and family Fleshcrton moved last Satur dziy 1011 new lypurchased home in that town Ron teaches in the Grey Highland School in FlEShttltttt Lois Jackson Winnipeg Man is visiting her parents Trumrinn and Don Asaph Her father is patient in Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alliston Lois is also visiting her mother iiilaw erzi Jackson and brothers Lloyd and family Alliston Don and family Shelburric ENTERTAIN The Sunshine Club entertain ed the residents of the Good Samaritan Home Thursday afternoon Guest soloists were Mury lwens and Susan ilzisstiird accompanied by Miss Dczilk on Iltt piano sing sririg was enjoyed with Irene Mszister at the piano Hzippy birthday was sung to five resi dent members Lunch was served by Phyllis Darling Kathy Russell MillgiltOi Stoltz and Eileen Hunter The Allistiiii Womens In stitute mot in the Institute Hull Friday afternoon with 17 members in attendance Tresi dent Lec Kinnott conducted the meeting Elton Stator gzivc Cur rent Events Jean Leslie gave 2i talk on Family and Consumer Affairs Rollcall was answered by Hints on lIconomizing Lunch was served by the four hostesses Friday morning two busloads of Senior Citizens left Alliston to spend the day zit the Royal Winter Fair number of South Simcoe Young people are Sh0W ring and judging ill the fairon ioutb Day In the afternoon zi buslozid of Senior it irons were off the Ice ilpitdtS zit Maple Leaf izirdens Dale Lloyd son of Mel and Helen Lloyd of SlitllillllTL and grandson of Hec tor Lloyd of Mansfield is with the group of skaters this your Community sympathy goes out to Nollie Ryuri wh received recent news of the passing of her brother Bill Ryan in Slici bury Lloyd Small and his mother Lilzi Small visited Sunday afternoon in Mzirkilzilv Hospital with Jack Hurgrzive brother of Lila Chris and Ruth Iltmfl Kelly and ireg 0f Sliolburiio visited Sunday afternoon with their aunt Mirry Hand Mr and Mrs Frazer of Victoria BC zirc guests of Ed and Ruth Smith They are do east to tllttid the Royal Winter Fair Ed rind Ruth Smith recently were on trip to Boston and visited with Eds granddaughter at Mount Royal 0kg Mass churchil by Mrs Saunter 4563999 Congratulations to Marilyn outts who won the prize for the ligzlicst academic achievement lust ycrir at Innisfrec Valley College The prize was presented November at graduation dinner at Golf Haven Country Club Gilfrird Marilyn is now attending DCIIv tioiizil school ill The Visage iisriictics Avenue Road Toronto Burbaru Kcll hlitdS the Hit it the ChurchrllGrltord pastoral charge meeting regularly on Sunday evenings The group is currently selling liurcli calendars Other of ltCOlS are Anne Campbell vice president ilon Atkins secretary and Janet Jack treasurer Syriipcithy is extended to Joy Christian in the death of her mother Alberta Christian on October 23 after it long illness Mrgt Christian who lived in this community must of her platv was descendant of Irish pioneer Andrew Miscnmpbell who got Lot It concession it from IhtClrm ii in 1812 LII FUR STIIMTIS PETERBURHLGH Ont iCP The KawarthaPine Ridge Lung Association IS offering it 23 mask that supplies asthmatics who have trouble breathing Cold air Willi warm riir heated by the per sons own body plastic valve systerii llTSldt the front of 2i SITIII or svwatcr used to bring the cur intii thi face mask and let it out afterwards the examiner Friday Nov 16 1979 17 Get to Know Your Community Who got mairied What was the score of the ballgame last night Where was that fire When is that sale Why are your taxes going up How do find out whats happening im my com munity If you read the examiner youd have the answer to these questions and more We devote special section each day to whats hap pening in the smaller communities around Simcoe County PLUS our regular world news city news sports women financial comics classified ads and editorial sections Read the examiner daily Telephone 7266539 or home delivery

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