Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Nov 1979, p. 10

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theexaminer Friday Nov 161979 televiion guide FRIDAY EVENING VIEWING EVENING 600 EB NEwS Tic TAC DOUGH CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS POLKA DOT OOOR 628 REM 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE tn cas NEwS ABC NEwS NEWS RHOOA JEREMY 645 READALONG 650 wRITE ON 700 CANDID CAMERA THE INCREDIBLE HULK PM MAGAZINE HAPPY DAYS TIC TAC DOUGH DETECTIVE SCHOOL STREET TALK KIDSWORLD FAMILY FEUD MAUDE 730 DANCE FEVER NEWLYWED GAME FLAPPERS in leopard nh Ma st Impotlatl ioiairirt iv the chat rus runtir llrrh Mi weeps iv ll poutR irrw JOKERS WILD GRAND OLD COUNTRY It Snow Fir TIGER CAT FOOTBALL 79 HIGHLIGHTS 15 MAGIC SHADOWS mom or rr it 308 NEWHART SHOW MASH 60 8869009600 9966 it at ted by 800 MOVIE OF THE wEEIlt Bridge TI Frt III irii It riiiiin ran 47 ARCHIE BUNKERS PLACE A1 is gt1 itl llrJlJI edgyi1 luck when Mitre Lil ma nill grurilmri 0ij Ihow up or his diuirsiop iiii tyrant1 iiig rt THE DUKES OF HAZZARD the Dukes tatII It lll1llllllllnu wallow trom hit man ti tiild not to be iiiin unploasnril ctrnu imii llm wood on 61 CELEBRITY COMEDY FOOT BALL CLASSIC la in 74 rItrebo tlea Infludlflu low TlilHrIt littn Rtllii Fan le red paw at tamer Blur Eco can are II tootblli 19 3493 Iraq 8m Reynolds xxaa Ma Harrier mu PROGRAMMING NANNOUNCED IN SEARCH OF ea FANTASY ISLAND am maLag 2was 93320 Iowa Last 60 Ii MOVIE COMEOY SemiTough 830 FRONT CHALLENGE PERSONAL SPACES 900 TOMMY HUNTER SHow Vamrr Quests wright an Carrot eater Ft Sm reputes DALLAS Ellie is atraid let JOEU IEIJ 4L her oreaxl alter he reveals he as or beta and lo his tirst wile er Corame mortely All hrs THE FRENCH ATLANTIC AFFAIR WWII ihrque and the threat at It no one at sea surround the unsuspecl mg passeraea on luluy line whlch has been silently seized by ruthless cult leader nd hi3 lunaticnl lollower who demand minions ransom StIra Telly Savalas Zszed aIdCeh PAGE MorelI Pm in Pt II at three part series ié WORLD IN CONFLICT Sale or the Catluy An in depth report on the daroIIrren mamtacurmg and sale DI rat tors 25 THE LOVE ROAT 1000 THE ROCKFORD FILES Mqrar reaming her role 0t vulnerable prostitute Rita Capk IVIC tails in love with Jim Quantum much to the Chagrin at his lather any 60 mm TRAPPER JOHN MD DALLAS EILe is strand to tell Jaci about the lump in her breast atter he reveals he was married belnre and lell his lost wile whor aha became mentally III Part 60 13 PROGRAMMING UNANNOUNCED EXPLORERS nl E5 GLOBAL NEWS UPDATE NEwS Henry Morton 1001 BARETTA Beretta clashes with an MOI lealuua newspaper woman and almost ruin his attempt to close In on mob cautioned rnmny scheme 1100 El NEws CBC NEWS CTV NEws JOURNEYS IN TIME MOVIE COMEDY Everything you always wanted to know about sex 197 1120 NEwS 1125 NEws 1127 NEwS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHow Host JDIrriy Coszr Guest Bob Hope 9C El CBS LATE MOVIE me mam STALKER The Knight MuGGS When muleom Ibcul be converted NC Sc IQYO people rowed mt In prwiecl are murdered Peoeal FIFE 797 513 Ernest or he Vera Miles MOVIE MYSTERY Whatever Happened to Aunt ce 10611 PARTY GAME IF OUESTION PERIOD ea MAC 1145 THE RETURN OF THE SAINT Grim circumstance takes the Saint to the magical Cly or Fieronce pursumg the killers at close lend whose abduction in lhe Alps the Saint witnessed 80 min 1200 MOVIE BIOGRAPHY able And Lombard 1975 MOVIE DRAMA Give Hell Harr 1075 MEHV GR FFIN Guests Include Beverly Sills Tony Randall and Malcolm Forbes 12 15 9MOVIEDRAMAm Airport SeventyFive 1975 1245 NICE SHow LIKE YOU 100 THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL MOVIE FANTASY Slddartha 1973 130 NEWS EB GONG SHow 200 In MEDICAL CENTER GE MOVIE DRAMA Car petbaggers 1904 220 MOVIE tADVENTURE Underground 1941 235 MOVIE ORAMA Body and Soul 1947 300 MARCUS wELBY MD 400 in BEWITCHED 420 MOVIE DRAMA People Next Door 1970 OI2 The historically speaking Wbarries story Noycinber to NJ Ftllllltl III llic iiii ulcic having coiisiIixiiili ilitiiciilly lltllVlSlllltl their lllltlsyyllt ii ic cording to Stewart Page Bar llt Iigriciiltuiltl representative tor North Simcoc He stated that thc weathcr had been most canadas story Whatever Ricls Faults He Was lirzilc To The End Louis Riel is probably the most controversial figure in Canadian history It is possible to portray him as Visionary champion of his people and martyr It is also posssible to portray him as demented scllseeking ltitlll man who was willing to kill all the white people on the Prairies One thing cannot be denied to achieve his own ends Riel was brave He inherited this from his grandparents and parents who were among tllc outstanding pioneers of the plains After the rebellion in 1885 he was found guilty Of treason on August and sentenced to hang on September 18 Ills lawyers provided by Quebec might have saved him if he had been willing to plead mental illness but Riel refused lle said that his work would have been for nothing if he had been mentally incapable After the verdict lllcre was an outcry from many parts of the world Riel was examined twice by doctors including special commission They found him account able for his actions The hanging as postponed biit eventually Prime Minister Macdonald said He shall hang though every dog lil Quebec barks iil Ills favor So Riel mounted the gallows on November 16 1885 and made his final brave speech The hangman was an old enemy and as he fastened the rope around Riels neck he whispered Do you know me Louis Ricl It is my turn today tlllllill IIVICNIS IN NOVEMBER 16 1686 Shipbuilding began at Quebec to carry timber to France ttltt lierrc loubcrl who claimed to be 113 years old died at Quebec 1858 Judgi Regbic arrich ill British Columbia to keep order during gold rush 1869 Louis Riel and Red River rebels met to fornl provisional giwernlliclil 1876 Joseph Iiiiboril of Montreal was buried with police Iiiid military protection after being found guilty of possessing prohibited books ltlttt lloiisc ol tollimolls passed Electoral Redistribu tloil Rill Swords into ploughshores unfavorable during the plcdec ding montll and that very little harvesting had been done Iprcnditllres on relief for the previous week particularly for food indicated considerable reduction from the correspon ding week of 1936 There were about 150 families on the relief rolls Barries total expenditure on relicl which included food Iucl clothing shelter house hold remedies was $22775 The 73th anniversary of hrist Church Ivy was cclcbratml with two services being held The clnirch was suitably decorated with plants llow crs and evergreens good time was had by all at the Simcoe ounty KOlldllllll which took place iii the southwestern section II tllc Oiinty under the supervision of Gallic Warden Rule Sun nidlile orners Three hundred hunters clad ill wide variety of costumes and armed witll everything from 22 rifles to the latest in highpowercd rifles undoubtedly enjoyed them selves The day was ideal for tramp through the bush and that was possibly one ol the reasons there werent more wolves sllot There no snow on the ground milking tracking impossible The wolves also had II good time except for the one shot by Kenneth Houghton Barrie barber 29 North Street Mayor ll ti Robertson who had been Il member of the Town Council lor many years im nounccd he would seek third term as Mayor of the Town lie was elected by lcclliiliiltloil on two previous occasions No op ponent had announced himscll Iis coming olit igliiilst Ills or ship who it was gcilcrlill Irelin ed had rendered liithlul Iilld coilscient lotis service Pennsyliei Stole Secretary ol Revenue Howard Cohen tosses shotgun into livid blast turnoce or the Belhlehe Wednesday other sources huge electornogiiet to iom other firearms being carried to Steel Companys plant at Steelton Po Part of soventon arsenal confiscated from criminals and the firearms are to be melted down and lorged into Cort struction reiiilorment bors under stole program AP Photo The Doctor Says Blood vessels may be at fault it PHI lIIIrlttl HI llml lli IloiiohiiI Irn col ttllrtll itmii my Hwearrold daughter Rho his sudden oii llltill1 OI llrll or lltl lcb The art no tha rcsul Ii lIIIIIIIIlL or bowling lhcy arc iil tlivii lI Iinc selitrn IIIIIII on tilr leg wlicz lil il hiii or the limit llcr sldtl dkttl what in itlltl lull lll liillrn Stir Lll nu II no one lit in liruisi Shr Is the dont hurt and ladi III II tcw rims hale IIll clicd ltltllltill books but cIIn lttl In rlnlkl Dr to lhl phI llllltillfllll ll healthy otliciusc and izy pefili This tfllh liki minor complaint liii hall is it lllltllll Iiill is It Such bruising can nicIIii ci tliIi detect III the blood to scls thcmsclvcs or it delicicncy ol ceiliiii small cells lltitl clrcii lIli in the tIerIdstriIini callcrl platelets ll lhl prolilcm lll with lltt blood csscls hc bruises tend to be on litill sides of the ltll siniilltniicously ll is pIiclIt problem briiiscs would occur III the site ol lttllltll bumping lliitclcts cause blood to con gIIil when any cssIl is clit or tlillli1tttl ll there are too low plitclcts bruising Ill occur trnin tlic smallest bump lc with llllllllill plilllltl the siliiil lest humps ctiusc tiny vessels to be damaged llilt they are quickly scaled and we notice no bruising ll your daughter has been zlniined and her blood clotting liictors have been lotiild Idc quote she may lilll into that large category ol people whose bruising cannot be explained more serious sign would be heavy and prolonged ilicnslruiil bleeding Deal In loiiohllc have it herpes infection Are there any kind ol vitamins good for this isii hi kiwi ii iiilzllnct or ll IslilsIis1 allici lllt iliscnsc Ictiw ls bcrc kftll tr iniciit ill Is ellcctiI lilt litlpi ltis lilttlllll lmJiczso nd the chill tlitl hc sluili Iiotiml lic iii tttll rvlvs Iltlrl llti ililfliil tlt lIij rcnieilics licc liten iicrl lllLlllE iron lllll ether to ip plx tlic tliililJl drug Illtlllllltlllil llicrtmrenormllt ItttItc trintiiic ls tor llltt skii illlltlllll Tlltlilillllllllllt works lor herpes ntecion oi theme rcicnl It ifli splc llLal tll ll Llltlisr ll liiim proliiisiz bill it is not itiiilIIiigiInrnltlsc lnlilcttIItiuIlnilsilcrliiig itc iIIlililc the onl ic copied lititiiiciit is Illtllll cli Ining oi the llltl zireii lliiiiiii Iilc not cllcctnc IllIr Ill lloliolllic have illlll illiconiliiriolilo Itching 1tlllltlllll zit thcopIn iitLs tll my nose Illsii it tnlili Illtl ly doctor cills ll csliliu litis re otl tninilinr with llll itlltl what is best llll it It ill it In iiintoliiy tll one is taught that tlllllll is hc cnlriiicctoIiiy passageway In your Is it is llll tllllttltt to your nasal passages It is meansinllzinilniition conlillon ciiiisc III In Iliiiiinintion III the entrance to the niistil passages is thc llilllll Iil pulling out nIIsIIl hnir lhc hairs should be clipped not pulled liitIci the ciiiisc the best protection is till thin lilili ol ptlllllilllllil or boric acid All antimicrobial ointment may have to be applied lor several days tiillll tllc Inlcction silli sides Yestlliiilit is is ticlitiiblc nuisance BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Reading opponents style NORTH QQJQ V642 910753 0A82 EAST 0532 VAS 9Q842 011073 SOUTH OAK1087 VJB OAK 0954 Vulnerable NorthSouth Dealer South West North East lll6 WEST 064 VKQi0973 OJ96 exs South Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag West opened with the king of hearts and East overtook with the ace The Professor studied the dummy to plan the entire play of the hand He didnt like his chances but beggars cant be choosers He was pretty sure that West held the king Of clubs for his heart overcall What could he do about it See if you can figure out how he made his contract You are looking at all the cards The Professor was only looking at them in his minds eye and had hoped for the right combination Getting back to the actual play East led back heart West continued the suit and the Professor ruffed He drew trumps stopped in his own hand Then he led low club toward dummy West played the six and the eight was played from dummy East won with the jack false card and led back diamond South cashed the ace and king of diamonds and was pleased to see West follow Now came club to dummys ace dropping Wests king and club back After moments thought the Professor finessed his nine and was home Why did he finesse and not play for the drop As the Pro fessor explained later he knew that East liked to false card daily crossword ACROSS 42 Made used to 44 Mythical herb 46 Poultry Breckenridge product Legend 47 Famous Time time 50 Cereal grain abbrl 52 Tell tales 12 Female 55 Alley servant 56 Intirmities l3 Firslrate 58 Fertilizer comp wdl 59 Mine product 14 Gallic 60 Polynesian attirmalive god 15 Inner prefix Questions 16 Soltening 62 Sunflower dewce state labbrl t7 Chirp 63 Lohengrin 18 Snow runner bride t9 Beside ipreliiil 64 Bemg Lat 20 Regimens 22 Spy grow DOWN labbtl 24 Pass through Mesdames Sieve labbr 26 Horal Jerk lcolloq 29 Hurries Hazed 33 Capable Trouble 34 BY tenth Family 36 Coch lat member 37 ALAN 0t Belonging to The Raye you 36 Arab cum ExplOSIie 39 armory in abbrl DIIC Care 49 Pius Answer to Prewous Puzzle 10 COUrtroom 38 Woltsbane procedure 39 yank Ovenums 4i Mine workers Crow unth labbrl 2i It Is Icontri 43 Seine 23 IndignaliOn 25 Teheran 599 Dan lDl name 47 Nut SI 26 Chances 48 356 27 Wind charactw nSleel 49 Unwrap 28 SWISS mourl 51 onem tamGEr Song 30 my 53 Displeases one Ger 54 Other 32 Show slider 57 M39 we 35 MUSICB role syllable 58 Actress West AStIOGra Bernice Bede Osol ARIES March 21April 19 Shitting conditions lend to work to your advantage today 100 could be brought Into IOlnl venture that otters you surpris ing gain TAURUS April 20May 20 Invohernents where you will be working in coniunction with part ners will be the ones Ottering the largest rewards today They could even be ot 50ch nature GEMINI May 21June 20 too have the knack OI Utilizing yew talents to their tullest advantage Thus you should be able to take Small opportunities and turn them into large Ones CANCER June 21July 22 Don deny yourselt any opportu nities tor SOCIaI today too ecutd be the Me or the party It yeti let yOUI hair dOVyn bit LEO July 23Aug 22 Treat mallars whicn mean something to yOU tinancially Or materially optimistically today Your posi tive attitude Will Carry you Over ihetop VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 To advance your sellinterests today let yOur sense 0t humor supersede your assertiveness V0ur not has mare power than punch does LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 New possmilities tor personal gain are exceptionally Strong today Breaks could come Iinepecledly through unusual SOurces Ambitions yOU hope to realize can be achieved today SUFDYIS ingly perhaps not In the manneI which you first enyrisioned CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Good things could happen to yOu today through triends and acquaintances you know SOCIaI ly Be alert tOr protilable tips AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Be tenacious Put Iortrl yOur Desi ettort but also trust your luck in competitiye Situations today Dame Fortune is slanting the Odds toward you PISCES Feb 20sMIrch 20 Your iudgment regarding large Issues IS ouite keen today You shOuld be able to see the whole picture where others see only small lraoments November 17 1979 Several things you have been hoping tor are likely to be real ized this coming year Luck Wlll play part Your practical approach will do the rest SCORPIO Oct 24May 22 The more trying the Situation the more pronounced y0ur leader ship qualities will become Youll know how to do things as they shoUld be done today SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 €Dl€$SlCD AN ATOMIC WAR HEAD and SPON haurz HOLE THE SLIDE H5523 CAPTAIN =B 15 ON TArzeET 17235580 AT LAISr Li DJ END 70 THAT IEDCLEE FRE THE DOOUS DA QOCKET ToLD ELLg To Ian OFF niiSi LOEEKEND RND LET ME TRKE THE KIDS FOR PI For Better or Worse SARCAfiM ILL BECOME6 PERSON WHO CANT EVEN LACE l5 OWN SHOES WHEN GET TO BE PRE5IDENT ILL MOVE TO TANGANYIKA Winthrop HERETKY Tiiie I9 ONE OF SWIZZL iiit TKYI Me To altréirloliiilcy TRUE BUT NEVER INHALE FleascnirriON F0 OXYEEN TABLara nuflul runu KEEPOWN 51LVE9 TEIZ WERE EELLIN OUT TO TH SAVE You GOLD MY sun AND IM cusrauezv Bugs Bunny Frank and Ernest WELwa ARE SET FINANCIALLV FOR LIFE Born Loser Andy Capp

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