lt Slessor beats Huntsville 63 The Slessor and IerIaIIt Ia Jor VlIrlgrts got two goals trorn John lonagm to lead then to VIItor owr Hunt lllt III penalt rnarIHl game up north Wellnesrla IIILhl Imrrie built up it lead It the lirsl period It talu neor III game ahu ma llltlli take minor penalize and Hunt suite 12 JUN llllllh xlo hall at cellent game tor llarrii tll IIIL on and llIlllL up two other lrtnt lr Donald and lï¬oh IIIII Peewee contest he ItlLIII of II goaltender Iivlneda nighl ZIIIIl1llltilUIIll Head Ilv Xiattti Imunm IiIIrl lhor IllIIII litlit one lltltIlItl stfiltlt In IoII Sumoi Hotkm lmauiirinattl llIeIe tl enough scoitnu tipptitltllttlts IIIrIi IIIant Urey Bertram had one goal each and SH Veal Keith lenna and filer tirgenor set Itporlrail It an Ide open attaIr mth Harrie tirint It shots at the Iluntsalli n4 ltlll the horm side had to shns at the lame goal The victor IInprows Imr Ills record to an and tan lhex ltil tv ltlllltl IIIIprou thi IIIarI aheI tin llIl Ventrimtre owla alter lllIIli lossIs Iltlttlrl It shirts It IlIt lliol nloll net and lhornhili hall tarIIr Iohn Harman Hpial to the ldsl on all shots to rerord lllt shutout The Major ItIzwes next see action lllll Illt host llith Inond llill Saturda alternoon sports calendar 11 Ilhl locke NJ pm tIItIaI IIIIIIor ll Leanne 13pm III III IIlltlltl IIIll ltsllt In lhornhill hunderlnrds at Barrie tolts HIM larrIe tp Ia Ior Iiduels at lhornhtll IlarrIi Iwll anmla Iinor Iiduets host ltIth IIarIIr IIIItid ttnhlwr lorkers Bantams at ltich InoIIl llIIl YorkMilan HotLe Imagin raceway llll ltt llltt tll ltl III tl IllillHllUl IIII Mr It lttIIHIIItI IIII Itltl II It tIIIlIiIItitl llIIII lI IIIIIIIUI IIII Hm If III IIII tlltti IIutl III It til Iil Iii III ttllllt tevt Itttt MI IIIIItIttIIIII tlll Mn IIII lIIllltl1III lllt III lt Ht1lIllitltllttlttxl lxlii lgtlt ttt IllltI1ItIl Ixm III In IIIIII llll mu tll Illt IIi II II ltII tu tll ttttIIlt III llt IIIIiItIIl lttlI III Illl lIltl It It spoottest slnglnest danclnest characters to ever call themselves ateam yx ATII9PM WAN lufl wn WITH 7269944 MON TO THURS WI SNOW EACH NIGHT PM ONLI hJARIYKNIAaICAICJQNv gt1ArinulSMMwNVCM9i hthIlQHS um we menam nunrs NIDUOH muIvru results Int llltIIII Hill It IIIII ltltIW IItrlItlllIt Kilt Iltil lltl ltt It It III VIII twt Itl llit tl III IIIIIIKII iw liit st Illt Il ltzol III vim III lIIII ixII lllIIIIIIIIl IIIIIIII lIi Itvt ltt lt Il latl Ilh hi Ill ltltt II Ill ttlw1 llIIIIIlt llll IllI MW 1in stlilu tilsviltltlttlt IllItIll tr IlIl Iv INI ttIII IIVIILIiII It It ttgtII Il IIII tttlt= IIII taI II2gt lllI1 IIIIlltIU llt IIlI IIII MIII tllltl lllllllth at MI IIIIH Iw Ill tt lsH kttt tIt 2Ill IIIH III IIllttItt Mlll IIC ll III ll H4 tll lt ltlii III tt lllll II IIII IIIIII tItIi IHIIH wu lftlt l1IIiv In lltlll It It llI tv ItI IIIIIIIlIt litll lltlll lll It ll tlll Itt tlttllll1IIIIllll ll Itll lllll Itl IIIgt wow animus 7269944 THE FISH THAT SAVED PITTSBURGH HIRING Vllwmufll ILIWRIIIKN WA IIIIE KEUWLLJwn Vliéh HI IWSNVIE FINAL W10 HEIRISACIS NKKLKS WOr MIUNMJN thAALiNLNNVG vtwaIwannuM svmnc mew umuwiousiiuIm Vins MW Amati all summit HUI tltllfl mitt IIIII and um Firm nan marina Elli trim RElllltIl thtlltl llllli LISI Etitilttrll tart an mm IIILDI not are an an IIIst mm RICHARD me low Imp no new Smut nmlmmrm lama Heather Day grade student at Central Collegiate is midair as she does an Aerial cartwheel Heather and about 32 other students par ticipated in gymnathon to raise money for new set of uneven parallel bars and coil board They hoped to raise approximately SIOOO last night The apparatus will cost SI 700 Examiner Photo by Peter Roberts Oro Peewees take win downing Stroud squad lhi Ilo Morrison Peewees Stephen larsons ho also had took their first HII in York an assist Warren Saukiw and Simcoc play do nmg Stroud 1H Andy Boyd Michael Iide was In act Ion luesday night the only Stroud player to score The ro goals ere scored scoreboard hockey smith tls ttIIttttt Iillls IsIIIII tutu ltll lligt4lv litsllll it Vltltlli Int tints It II lman IiI va luniuhi raw III III II IIJII lino It IIIslrit II taIIuI RR STROUD NOW OPEN WED THURS FRI TILL 930 PM BARRIES LARGEST SELECTION OF CASSETTES TRACK TAPES INSTORL SPECIALS AT SUPER PRICES NAPANEE 0pm wa ASGCW nfn KIEAID wy nu HAHAV 7ti We ac OtHRANE 0mm HuNlEHJ 3mm A=°wf AN we It In av gtt1NVvkiitfl AL It 55 Ig In Asia If I7 HAGA SPECIALS ON THURS FRI SAT MON WHILE QUANTITIES LAST 54 DUNLOP ST WEST tor tranchise Intormation Please Call Our Franchise Director At 416 2455400 LIMIT OF ONE TITLE PER CUSTOMER WHILE QUANTITIES LAST Other ï¬ne Circle of Sound locations mfjoaaf OM AAERSOWN watfigj Storey scores for Shorneys Bruce Store deteated shorneys tptictan 86 III IluIonIa Senior Hockey League shootout last night In the even Ines other match and Masonary dumped Allandale Holt and Count luhTt Storeys Jim File as the dominate lorce In that game as ll scored tour times and also neared on Iuo other markers Single makers tor the Inners ere scored Ieter Par IIdue Illll Fahey Ihit lInero and Hand File Ieter Bertram set tllt three ot the goals Midgets lose to Oshawa lllhe Barrie oop Major lIdeets had the ind taken out ot their sails by tough tshama club losing 62 in Triple action at ltunlop Street Arena last night itshaua scored three unanswered goals in the Iirst period to take commanding lead Mike Hoffman put one home for Barrie early in the second period to get his taam back Into the match The goal was set up by Brian Smith THE COZY CORNER CLUB 77 Appearing Thursday Friday November l5th 16th TV RECORDING STAR RON McLEOD THE LINCOLN COUNTY BOYS Appearing Saturday Nov 17th DANNY LAHAIE LIC LLBO 4363623 SACIvtE NP lCNN NE AHAPINES Nélaffl ENANL 3m John Bohbette scored three goals in losmL cause to Shornets 1th Stew Illlt lloh Hepburn and lloh llrett pttkktllllfl one each lohn Imder recorded three assists and Brett had No Allandate Jumped oil to lead agamst Iasoltaty but the latter controlled the rcnIaInde ol the game llrent Boutn as the ML shooter tor Masonar scoring tIce Greg Iltenden had In and Jim OBrien and lid ockhurn one each lour ditterent shooters found the mark tor Allandale Iith onme Ialone orht Adams Brian Mctann and llltk Sanders all tIll tllll game mod EAGLES tucha Tonight Motel AT 5AMs BOB SEGER morn moves BOB SEGER Night Moves Sunburst Puget More SATURDAY NOV 17th run only THE EOLLOWING ITEMS ON SALE AT ADVERTISEO PRICES OR LESS WHILE SUPPLY LASTS FRIDAY SATURDAY MONDAY ONE EACH PER PERSON 99 AT saws ONLY Sunspot Rock Roll Novel Tokphono Hood Gama SLEIM 399 SO MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT DU FFYS THE QUIET PLACE On Exhibit Now Fine works of water colors and drawings by PAT HART Presented by Leo llgac and WCLARHS DUNLOP AND MULCASTER SANTANA Amigos Let It Shine Gitcno Dance Sister Dance Take Me with You More ton SEALED IONG nu SIEIEO WWWWNW HERB ALPERT The Long Run In The City Bop Till You Drop Go Home Anwm King Of Hollywood Hoor Girl ICont Win Dont You Anni Mad Mess Up Good Thing Mom SAMS ONLY REIGii Head Games Love On The HdlYWOOd lovo Hum Mind Demon Mamas Boy Ive Never Boon In Love More Woman More AT SAMS ONLY 91v 74 we 4404pan 54111 11 ratio IWIGWUV saws omv WM xumqj singable songs Choose INVEST NOW DIAMOND NEEDLES TO Dunlop St Barrie AI sun own 9W BREAKFAST IN AMERICA Also All These Supertramp Ps casswnwmss Wfltllll Supertrump then In The Quad Mummi THE wno Gnomi Hm Waterloo wwn 503m 1° may Fernando Honey Honey and Dog And Mo DoIDoIDoIDoMotol 449 Who ï¬lm AT SAMS ONLY 3139 449 RAFFI SINGAILEI MORE SINGA IMF SONGS ILE SONGS 00¢ at Mt t2 DAV AIIENDDuM lt CLC ms at sun 2qu pm pg gnu MR Sut ANS v1 Mfl MORE AT ONL 449 from large selection of classical albums including Mozart Beethoven Schubert Tchaikovsky Haydn Chopin Bach Strauss and 399 UM oodItonolty goo anteed lor One year AT SAMS ONLY STORE HOURS MomSat cm part Friday can part Ouadrophonia Tho Origi nal Soundtrack Recording of the 899 SAMS SANTA CLAUS PARADE SPECIAL sharp 01 the point on Sams hood