Vu swim MW Upsidedown effort Steve Limen Grade student at Barrie Central Collegiate goes through his routine on the rings as part of Oln effort by himself and 32 other students to raise money in gymnathon Wednes day night at Central The money is to be used to buy new uneven parallel bars and coil board Examiner Photo Election urged Iran may free some hostages The Iranian governnien was reported preparing today to me all hostages held in the Embassy in Tehran except white American males but the Ioslem militants holding the Nassau angrily denied captives would be released and niiniter of pandering to world public opinion CBS correspondent Handy Daniels reported Iinister ylxihassari Bani Sadr told him in an inter view that all women and blacks would be freed very soon He did not say exactly when from Tehran that Foreign this would take place liowever the occupiers told Tehran Itadio Something like this will not be con sidered riur conditions are known We do not except our recognize any statement stairiiients as broadcast by Tehran radio and television or statements we issue during em bassy press conferences IKS IEUl El We denounce any iiegotaiioiis concerning the hostages release before the lniitd States ext raditcs the deposed shah We remind government officials to pay at tention to internal problems connectul with the people instead of negotiating abroad and paying attention to international public opi nion iiur action stems from the will of the pens plc and the leadership of Ayatollah ltuhollah Khomeini without anyone telling us what to do The state department said siy or seven women and one black marine were among the 02 iiiericans held hostage in the embassy since Nov hit it was assumed that by blacks Bani Sadr also meant the 30 non hostages most of whom are dark skinned Iakisiani and Indian employees of theembassy Should replace FLAC members Ity IIIIHIY IllIHI if The IIaiiiiiier The Siiiicoc ounty Board of Education should replace resigned members of the French Laiigiiage dvisory ommittee through an election within the fracophoiie community surrounding Ieiietanguishene says tliei liitario ministry of education Hoyviy er sonic people liist to llit iSstie say the francophone ratepayers may refuse to take part in any etiort totill the vacancies Siy members of the committee which is charged with advising the board on matters concerning the education of francophone students resigned after the ministry decided in iictober against building separate and distinct secondary school for the French com munity The six said separate school is the only way the use of the French language could be pioperl encouraged in fracophone children Reward offered in area death Provincial police are offering $10000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the brutal IItllltlI last tab of Michael Itichard Traynor The 37 year old Iainsw ick mans dead body was found Uct 1078 III bush area four km east of Barrie near St inccnt Street lraynors hands and feet were tied yyitli copper wire He had been shot twice in the chest itli 31 calibre weapon Iolice described the murder as brutal execution type slaying Tray nors ite lieverlcy reported Iicr has band missing Sept tit of that year Sh said she last saw him in the Simcoe IIoteI Iiaiiic at midnight on Sept 12 After investigation police said they have evidence that Iraynor may have been seen about Ila in Sept fit on Worsley Street Constable Itoii ioldeii of Barrie OPP said police want help tracing Irayiiors movements after Sept Anyone who may have seen Iraynor during that time should contact Itairie ttll at 7266484 or call the nearest police department inside story Confusion over funds tontiisioii reigns supreme iii the Simcoc County Board of Education oiiices over tiiii ding ot French school iii Iciietangiiishcnc While ilic board bclicy cs one thing about the ministry of educations Iciictaiigiiishciie proposal the ministry itsclt belicycs anothcr lhcic is also the question who is going to pay Sec the Today page Central grad in action cntral collegiate graduatc Ill Little will bc on the starting oiiciicc oi ilic cadia ciiicn when they do battle with the Western Mustangs ii the tollcgc Howl Saturday Illlt in his third car at cadia was chosen an all coiiiciciicc ottciisiyc lineman this past year hobby lliill back play iig III the atioiial Hockey Leaguc him an eight ycai unfair to the World llockcy ssociaiioii scored his first two goals of thcscasoii iii the Winnipeg lcts triumph oyci tlic Washington yapitals Wednesday nigh Scctthports pages index today background lifestyle onenainment sports ooruicstv guide 20 dassiï¬ed 2123 uppiement Woolworth pages The unprecedented move was not covered in the Education ct forcing the board to ask the ministry for guidance before making any decision regarding the commit tee In letter delivered to the board Wediies day the director of the ministrys regional of fice serving this area said the Education Act states that resignations cannot be submitted in way that jeopardizes the committee The board therefore has the right lohn Storey said to replace the six who were elected at large by the francophone ratepayers Hoard director Irving Ilarris following the Oct 10 resignations said he was aware that some members of the francophone communi ty were against the re establishment of the committee condemned as toothless by the six who resigned While no date for an election was set liar ris told trustees during regiilxi board meeting Wednesday that the committee should be reestablished as quickly as we can He said the committee is the boards of ficial line of communication with the Iran cophoiie community NOT MEETING The nineman committee has not met since the resignations were submitted because the three remaining iiiciiibeis who are trustees appointed by the board do not form quorum In the opinion of the ministry there still is French language committee even though it doesnt sit Storey said Cyprus force stays till June TIAWA ili tanada will keep its peacekeeping forces iii yprus at least until next June but it is not happy with the Slltlttr lion External Affairs Minister Flora Iacv Donald said Wednesday Miss Iaconald said she fears tanadians stationed on Cyprus have become permit iicnt part of the local economy rather than just pcacekwping toicc Alf bundled up Actress Cheryl Ladd casts side glance Wednesday night from the midst of bundle of fur at din ner held at the Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena Ms Ladd attended the event featuring Rosayon Carter as guest speaker in behalf of mental health AP Photo Tax formula studied ilyllyl toiiiicii yin tltklli iy SH lttllttl or iio lo ippioyc cw ior basing liitoii oii liTi housing yaliics lt acccpttsi It pr itll oi Ilstiltï¬s ii it in accused Irans foreign 115th year No 262 Thursday Nov 1979 20¢ Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery 95 Weekly the examiner serving barrie and simcoe county Liberals sweep byelections now six straight PQ losses Santa listens intently as Jennifer Sawyer of Barrie tells him all about the things she would like to see under the Christmas tree Hundreds of curious children Hurry up were next Pho to lnnisfil gets official OK for watersewage project By NASTY IIGlIIIttH The Eaminer BARCLAY Iniiisfil has received up proval by the ministry of the environment for its l0ngawaited water and sewage pro ject There are however many conditions at tached The approval is conditional on acceptance by the ministry of the final plans for the pro yect If however permits council to pass any rer quircd bylaws carry out any borrowing and enter into any agreement necessary for the project but does not permit it to enter into construction contracts One or more final approvals will be issued by the ministry when the council submits detailed plans for all or part iii the works satistactory tothc ministry This approyal is only preliminary but Fo others taxes would remain constant or be reduced If accepted public open house sessions to answer questions about the new system will be held throughout the township The new system could be in operation for 1980 ta purposes Santa Claus coming Santa Claus will be back on downtown streets beginning Dec tit and possibly some weekends before says Peter liliiiy re of Barnes downtown board The announcement was made at regular meeting of the board today Santas appearance will coincide with the return of special night hristmas shopping hours downtown hich also starts Dec 115 Meanwhile tanadian flags which have been perched on City poles throughout the spring and summer ill be taken down this week Iclnty re said llcmoy al ill be for inter storage incidents with the flags dropped sharply this year McIntyre said with iiist one ot two thefts reported The board also decided to donate SL000 towards the Itame laycee Santa ilaus paradconllec Operating costs shared The Simcoc tounty Board of Education and the village of Shanty llay ill share the operating cost for new general purpost ream being biiili idiaceiii iii shaiiiy Ila Public School The board and the community also shared the cost of constructing tlie building Indcr plan accepted by the board Wednesday during regular iiieeiing at the Education Centre the community will pay 40 percent and the board do per ttttl of din operat iiig expenses The formula ltttltlltiIS tot he approy iiiiatc amount of iiiieiiicboardw1i iictl1c building UNLIMIUl to yiiIIJitill use Tl agreemcnt ill be catitiiti agar in liiic tompletioii of the ii playi iooi iseyptmed by let finally it has come to pass said irant An drade deputy reeve But still there is lot of work to do oun Kathe Jans said that if the ministry realized the urgency of the project it would have been approved much earlier No one seems to Know IISI how great the need is ior sewer and water project in Iiiiiisfil Iowiiship she said The project will stretch along the lakeshore from the First Line to thc IJth Line If is pectcd to be completed in thrw stages The first stage will cost about Slit iiiilliiiii and will include sewage treatment and water filtration plants as well as service to the area between the Seventh and Ninth Lines The second and the third stages ill spread north and south between the Iiisi Line and the 12th Line extra May set hearing date ltichaid tlarkc representing Harrie police commission chairman Eldon liiitr said today he hopes to have an iiiitario Supreme Court hearing date set Friday The hearing will be to determine it it Ontario Police toiiiinission is the right group to handle conflict of interest allega tioiis surrounding the lutITlt ComttIlSsIIiti The original hearing If the matter was adjourned let 13 Ald iord Tyfills askid the commission last Friday to reconvene iiie hearing because of an alleged delay in get ting the date set Hospital death tall 20 IIII Itin Ali Firemen pulled the body of male nurse irom ibi ruliblt ii an cploded hospital wing today and authorities put the tiiial death full at 20 Two of three women rescued t3 hours after an explosion ripped through the coiid floor of the hospital Tuesday were listed in serious conduioi today third was pulled from the vicious in good ciiiidi lion liiyestigators said the disaster may have been caused by giii2oi rriiyiiiri of gases ill lltt heart siii LItt flit siiiiiil1isv cond iloor Most oi the people killed or Ital worst disaster of the fil tt Iiiitlll crushed when ltt liispii il collapsed tiiiivii ills Wild dog seized HAIUIAY wild dog zilai tlittlli Beach residents say killed la Lens and four ILIIlis as sitl ll iifliiilk kt it ll llii iiaiiy incurs oi at ltSlltIll tttlliSltf iip liiiici theliog Liiiin iiil iiiii 3lti loultiy lrotet ci Iguana iy iicers have no right it Iitr iontiu II Corne he to The Examiner Call 7266537 for home delivery were there to get glance and maybe talk with Santa when he arrived at Georgian Moll last night Examiner No No No This isa commercial for an oil company Youre supposed to sound kind gentie and sincere premise to pin it up an animals UllICQtS can however sci the dog if an affidavit is signed saying the animal has been seen in the act of killing Wed ieidJy tliiee residents including tiirai ori iiipbell signed the affidavit Iini tnat dog get Univ of blood hes ï¬tdhfl Yo go foi niorif said lis ampbell it disgrace that the township did not owe the dog when notified of the pro bleni it created and Mrs amphell It itiidge bylaw enforceiiicnt officer said hiweycr ciiiildifl pick it up because it wash seen by an animal ontrol Miner and hayeii the pciiiissioii to go on tinowners land He told Irs fampiwll and the iitheis however that if they signed an affidavit saiiiig lie dog caused tlii death of lhi rlii litus and tiiikcv the dog niiitll ii ll thi ting ill lit iii to iisliip for at lc is liiiwia Relations course move aleiiiliers of IIiiftt oiiit iouiit ii hayr l4tl invited itlllllf tzuiiiai relation progiaizi material and llwtl yiiiiei siil missions by the Siizaoi iil1 board of Ediiiatiiu The iiiii iron board cl ti iari llo iliiix be and he lxiaid icstxiiisi ii the ltiilitll rot Hi letter iiciiiiiatzoii of ll liiiiiar llildluln piogiaiii ih mine cu IIZIIllIg seyeral Imelzs tiflii The iliilf ir yoiil ippt iii yii iala liiwiisriip icsoiutioi railing for the cancellation oi the program which deals with emotional and sexual relationships Hetctier lefltl Hays Ihe litiilti llllfytS iI is acting iii if fix iiieit of students as well as following urrtciiliiii EUIitlltit for hiiittai ryliiiii1s ype UNI si rit by hi liriiyawialiisr oil1o tl lli iiwi sad ne iil continue monitor iiiig liougrwi the lieii tls tia re Ixiiilli lit ltfwl lisroi ii lit titSires aridii liirEi Iota iiii iii Nor progr mievr to piouded ui la tlltr piii laim ltt QIEIlEt tl The Iarti Qucbccois was trounced by the liberals in three byclcctions Wednesday making si straight byclcction losses since the party came to powci ilircc ciiisagotoday The winners called it yictory for iiiia diaii unity and tor the renewed ftsfcralisni of liberal Leader laudc lly iii llic losers blamed iedcralist st arc iyllt described by Premier Ilcnc Lensour as political terrorism and generally poor tttilytiiilt and social conditions yy lIltli arc the lube of practically cycry goycriiiiiciii in oii li iiicrici They also blamed the Montreal transit strike and tliicais oi yyaIkoiiis by ooooti sclioolteaclicrs iiid hospital workci iid they blamed IIIItIIiIl dissciisioii within the lt itsclt illustrated in licyost and Kliiisiiyiiitiiyi rulings by the fact that some party workers refused to get bchiiid the pro plc who won the nominations attci hard fought battles The oiin thing nobody could blame this time was the English otc SIIttttlltll I5llS Ilic It working class stronghold of laisonnciiyc in castrcnd Montreal has negligible English speaking population that is only per cent of the total yet it icll With eight polls still to be counted today Iaisoniieiiyc gave Liberal tieoigcs ltlIllIi llttt yotes compared with 7320 foi Iacqiics Ilcsiiiaiais of thc lt Ircyost mainly riiial constituency north ot Montreal with 43 per cent English speaking population clcctcd Solaiigc liapiii Itolland yyiili whopping 2i3iii iitcs while the IQs Iicrie Harvey picked up Haiti Nineteen polls remain to bc Counted thci llcaiice Sud the small town iiid farm coiiii try in south central Qiiclicc with paltry it fit percent English speaking population elected Liberal Ilcimann Iatliicu oyci Itayiiiond lltilSHtI of the with it final count of ill to lnl ll Ireyost and Maisonncuye were both III It hands after the 1970 general election wliilc Rtaiicc Sud was held by independent lIibicii lte who moved on to lead the federal solt ial redit party last spring ONT lClllifl SIyll The by election results will time little effect on the His comfortable majority in the Quebec national assembly The standing is IQ iytl Liberals Bit tnioii Nationalc ii In dcpcndenisi Vacant llut the victorious Liberals were quick to interpret the votes as clear reaction by Frenchspeakiiig Quebeccrs of the His goal of sovereigntyansrwiation Canada again raps Vietnam UNITED NAIIUNS CPI anada has again sharply criticized ietiiain foi its at grcssive role in Cambodia telling the Iiiitid Nations on Wednesday that anadiaie are outraged over the mass starvation and death in the country anadian delegate Doug Itoche told the general assembly that the humanitarian relief effort and the handling of refugee pro blcms are only temporary relief The situation in ambodia is deterioi atiiii Itoche said If there is to be ainliodiaii Iti tion in the future the international IiItiIIIlIl ty must act to solve the socxal and political problems Education entre or one of the boards irea offices Board staff will make themelves available to ttillnflllfil with IIJtSlillIIs he said Firemen to hospital MISSISSAIYLX tint ili Eight firemen went to hospital early today after they sucked in mouthful of hydriuliioiii acid lying in pocket iii metres from derailed tanker leaking chlorine The firemen not wearing gas riiaslm were exaniiiad by doctor at the site who recommended they go to hospital precautioi They walked into vapor cloud Il chlorine an official said The levels are Iltlllfl more intense at the scene The eight futtighten suffered veer eyes and tightening of the chest but ranked away from the site iindei their own power llllfI worker in lit area donned gas inasl Ilydioi lilorii acid highlycuriositi substance forms when chlorine iiiiyws itii moisturi Dionne father dies iiltllf IiAY tint IIi iliya liioiiiie 7i father of the Iiionne quiiiiiple this early odaj at his home in Forbes 17 kiloiiiiiies east of orh flay léilltii ineiiiiei said Dionne wa not feeling well las night but hi death He ipviltrygtavl Poi years ago ii the middle of the Iiepitiiiri the birth of it ideiiiii sisrr iii Northern iiiitario farmhouse made headlines around the world Ilirei of their iiiiuplet are still aliye and liviniiS interline near Iontreal weather Wet snow along wit increasmg southerly winds today Highs freez ing to Flurries overnight heavy at times near the lakes Laws to Mainly cloudy but somewhai milder Friday Highs to4