Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Nov 1979, p. 6

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wwrfl lt wwze£ WWi wsqmw £1 fill and indiiJr puts out ha the public will pa for Donitumiogoxemmeni Consumer complaints the examiner Wednesday Nov14 1939 battle additives lillVlr ll lllllsllllld should take concerns about food alfrlitiyiu to inrliitr instead of turnirigyust to government for more roiiiols federal health official says In Alw lorrisoii head of the health protection branch in NOW OPEN Under New Management DYCKS Mm minim Complete facilities for the Choicest Quality Meat °Speliali1iiig in Personal Attention Freelei Heel Pork at Competitue Prices Cusmm Cutting and Wrappth ISO COLLIER ST BARRIE Next to Geos Variety Phone Weldon Dares 72853397 thZVSWONE 066310 Who should call to clean my carpets this Holiday Season flfldiflf Mflhal trading atobile Steam Cleaning System Hotter Water cleaner quicker drying time Efficient deeper more true cleaning Quiet mobile plant out5ide you can work in the same room Economical savings passed on to you IHIRVGfiVHDICLfiMWV 7265579 7262002 CALL tic told meeting of provinCIal community nutritionists that indUstry would probably respond quickly if consumers were prepared to put their wallets where their mouths were and buy additive frec foods Morrison was commenting on the preliminary results of ilflttdl survey conducted last summer in which majority of 17ooo consumers said they would pay more for food without chemical additives But he klll increased public fear of chemical additives has lNtll coupled ith more government regulations He said an 1877 report by the inland revenue department lillii then managed public health matters stunned govern mcnt officials by saying more than half of 108 food products tistcd had betn adulterated sample ol powdered chocolate for example included flour llilIHl with rtkl dye sample of pepper was 25 per cent flour llllI was roasted to disgmsc the Color Morrison said new attitudes have developed to complicate thc issue til loud lidflllthS lll said HIPthird of meals now are eaten outside the home and by the ciid of thc littllls that will rise toso per cent And this will have some effect on regulatory controls llt also discussed public cancerphobia brought on by ncwer research and campaigns to create riskfree world linprovcd techniques in analytical chemistry permit idch tification of staggering variety of substances although their biological consequences remain mystery He said researchers can find dozens of microorganisms in plain tap water without understanding the health implications of those findings And because of better research methods scientists can discovcr potentially dangerous factor about chcniical that has provcn to be perfectly safe for many years Morrison said the public has schizophrenic view about scientific technology Jhilc pcoplc applaud scientific success in performing things unheard of century ago there is increased fear about technology because it has not brought peace and stabilty to the world Morrison said people want zcro risk in the food supply but arc willing to take othcr risks llc said 3000 Americans died on motorcycles last year and lhc inachincs wcrc not banned lltNll WP It has taken eight years but author Germaine Greer is mounting her second assault on the bes tseller list She began the decade with With book on women artists Germaine Greer proves point The Female Eunuch con troversial feminist clarion call the echo of which still lin gers This month she ends it with The Obstacle Race com Leapin leopards Leopard skin pattern is the common point in this trio of swimwear designs from Michael Rubichaud of Montreal The coverup jacks are black velour and the hats are wide and airy straw CP Photo pcndium of and tribuic to female painters over the cen turies The book is aptly named Ms Greer had to hurdle few ob stacles herself before getting it Fefiip with large increases of insurance prem iums Phone US lzor insurance roles which have not increased For yoar can or Home gimme INSURANCE AGENCY LTD AUTO HOME MARINE BUSINESS BONDS LIABILlTV BOILER GROUP BOND LIFE DlSABILIYY 7269941 41 Owen St Barrie printed and distributed by ol lins Publishers in Canada First found people only wanted anothcr Femalc Eunuch from me she said in an intcrvicw this week whilcl only wanted to explore the lives and works of women painters The second problem was that although made lot of money out of Female Eunuch ended up with nothing just lot of dcbts sort of financial black hole Without the encouragement of publishers or the money to hire researchers Ms Greer plotted solo pennilcss coursc through Europe FillNl WORKS Over the years she found works of obscure women artists and learned details of their lives IINWANTEO HAIR Gone Forever Mrs Bars 30an Ebclolog Therapist Permanent removal from lice and body twtxows stede Sale guide short wave method Medime approved Feetonsultanon and test eoommi cumc 7263132 Stairs Experience Marin atom and Arm er Locust Amara What shc discovered amazed and saddened hci the search for femalc do inci proved fruitless You will not find Leonardo da Vinci or Michelangelo among women she said They were not in the same race too many obstacles What found was women who had suffered who hail cho sen art ovcr life and had lived miserany becausc of it And yet here and there in some museum or storcroom she found works of passion and irony proof she says that artistic creativity is nonsex ist life forcc By thc end the book had cost about smooth to compile but at 332 93 copy 4tycarold Ms Grecr should see sonic rcturn despite early reviews that havc called it an indictment of men and history of boring paint ings Ms Grccr said she was shocked at the Canadian selling price During taping of CB televisions lakc till to bc aired Novtfin she suggested women protest the price it costs $2 in thc 133 and either buy it in groups or head for the li brary Ihc bstaclc oursc grew out of the famous 1971 debate with American novelist and ad mitted sexist Norman Mailer She found herself caught short whcn Mailci dcinanded thc namcs of women artists and facts about thcni wanted to talk about thcni wanted to prove therc was such thing as fcinalc creativ ity but just didnt have any information to back me up Teachers kid problem Dear nii am it years old and thc nothcr of tout tlii oldest son is My husband is thc hcad coach of liiiscliaii and track at my sons high school Ilc also tiaichcs chemistry Our son is natural ithlctc and nto track was the teachers kid all through high school and know how rough II can be People were ifraid to talk to inc becausc of my fathers position was loucr and il unhappy Coaches kids are not considered par of hc tcim llicv suffer the tortures of thc dainncd My son warm to pal ticipatc in track this year but hc docsn ki what hr letting himsclf in for Should lct hiii hate to stt lllt lmv go through his cntirc high school illl iih Ill ti acutis Iothcr In Florida ltcar Iothir llic lonc of your lcttcr was niozc tlllilllilliil than rational so dccidcd to clictk ll outw lll llic iliiiattti Sun Times sports dcsk By slimr tllilllll icachul illlmfl Sandra liailcy licid your lcttci to lltl iiid iskc toi an op nion Sandra said many coiichcs kids irc sports IIlililtil front curly childhood hich is uiidcrstandalilc cry olin thcy do play on tlic school tcanis ind utc iicithci liatcil llil lyilitiltii by tlicir tiuiiiiiiiaiis lso the coach usually bends oxci backwards not to show favoritism to his own kid My advice is stiiy out of it Mother The prolilcins you had in school had nothing to do with tlic tart that your dad was tcachcr went to cntiiil iligh in Mom tity lowa with Bill Brandcnbcig llis niuthcr taught llllli tlicrc ind Itill was very actn and ncycr lacked for llliiltls lcir nii Landcrs Our only son was iiiirricd cigli nion ths ago will call his wife Susan although tliit is not her ltill name My son ncvcr gcts lirciikfiist at honic lwcausc Nusi cii joyslutciiighl and cant gcl out of bed in thc iiioriiii so he makes himself coltcc and toast Susan gocs to her niothcrs every day Slic Likes licr iaiii dry although she owns an automatic washer because her mother docs hcr ironing The girl nccr cooks dinncr She eithcr moochcs something from hcr niothcrs housi or picks up junk it the itch pii parlor or tliiiicsc riir ryout Her house is dont ask lhc girl iicvci Illilkt thc bed Dishes can sit in thc sink for thrw days My son ncvcr complains bcciiiisc ho is will llow longdo you think this marriage will last llis Motlicr Dear Motlicr liongcr if you stay out of ll liicsituatiiu as vou describe it is tcrriblc But believe it or not sonic meii dont attach much innxirtancc to housckccpiiig or ltttli mg My advicc is kccp quict and offer no suggcstions illltl Lo help What gocs on in their llottst is strictly their business Dear Readers In case aiiyoiic wants to know what hop pcncd to thc Washington physician who was accusch of killing ti anada goose with his puttcr hilc play iiig golf til the ongrcssional ountry luli Wcll hc paid Shoo llllt for killing the bird out of scasoii and now he must liit his peers tit the club WEB Heroic failures Hy ERMA IHIMBIXK If there is comfort in someone ilscs iiiisciy llic ltook of Ilcroic Failures should niakc llll author sicplitii llll legend in his own limo Ilc lists such failures as The lcasi Succcssfiil ltoliolits Anonymous meeting cvcr hcld Staged in liclfast Northern Ireland in 1974 it cndcd in lttkllllll brawl aftcr $847 had been spcnt at the bar The Least Succcssful Iclcvisioii lrograiii was shown in Francc on Aug 14 1378 It was an intcrvicw with an Ar menian woman on hcr 40th birthday in which shc discussed the way she met her husband An opinion poll sliowcd not single vicwcr watched it The Worst Iloming Iigcoii cvcr released was sct giiilioriii in June 1933 in England It was rcturncd by mail dead In cardboard box ll ycars aftcr from Brazil started my own personal book of lnpzuallclcd lailiiic so years ago dcfy Pilc to top thcin The Most lndcrratcd asc of Ilu and Water ltctciiiioii was treated without success In July 1932 In April Iml dclivcrcd an eight pound four ouncc still The Ittll for lhc Biggest lailurc Ilvcr litcorded tr thi lcparlmcnt of Motor Vehicle llrivcrs lcstinil Program in curred in 1939 My daughter on her 13th itllllllildl ll ltill made lturn in front of policc olfiiii parallel port ml with two wheels on the curb lllll front tilltsi ran oyci the ixainincrs foot and asked Does this nitiii dont get iiij liccnsii The Most illscrablc Mcal IIvtr Scivid at lliniily lhili cring was Ihanksgiving dinner which hostHl last ymi Without bcncfit of glasses thought So was llll weight airl not the plltl of tlic turkcy per pound and coolerd pound lurkcy ina filmdegree oven for 23 lllllilllt llitli scrwri it to niolhcrinluw wlio oliscrvcd Yourc no picilv lllllllllll to cook this rottcn The Worst idea for lravcling With ling it lio ls Lonivi to White Shag tarpit gots to my husband who cm at It plastic arrangcnicnt iii bush couplc of liiil and How lakc leaves The dog atc tlic airaiigiiiiciil and nic tilt in husbands loot tack to Mr Iili he listed tlic licast Acciiiatcly lain lcd Museum lthibit ever It was Roman gtlllli tiiili minted bctwccn 133 and litti It was iiiipiivm until nincycar old kid pointed out it won iiall pla llt lokttt given away by soft drink lllll lfccl bctlcr already IW DIA MONDW EM BER IS DIA 0N1 TI ER NS 25 070 ill Rl ll llltll llh till 11 il II II llIIIKI LEIRN BARR SHUPPINO LN RI 7ltrl3l2

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