Pi and Audit Bureouot COMPOSING ROOM pubhsm up The Examiner is member at roe Canadian Press 1C 17 ADVERTISING BUSINESS Jack Kerney toreman sum and Circulations iABci Only the Canadian Press may re publish news 92ch ra 5y mactome en Sewn manager Marian chqn accountant Gtenanan asst torernan samyory holldays this newspaper credited to Associated Press Reuters Of ADIZï¬alve CVrd SALES DetvaM Donsaunders France Presseandtocatnewsstoriesoublisneo The Examiner Aden Smith VHHGVB Lorne Wass WEEKtsY mtmnle The Examiner claimscopvrlohonB°9¢ derlsm m° WarneHay CON wiitcaooqan created by itsemplovm Md Wbltsm WNW VEARLV by carrier serwn borne and mcoe count 59 WW wa ron number 703815 register 61 Wednesday Nov 14 1979 Marion Hardy am Raynor 59 CWY° 9m mm FWD R0 GM MAIL Ba National advertising oioces 650mm 51 Toronto 1710 ca uotisne by Cono ion ewspopers ompony am mom on EMHMDV Mom Is lb 80 field Str Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 UL Janie Hamel my The adverts agrees inai the publisher shall notbe iiabieior amaoes on ee am CLASSIFIE Halkes manager 553 mm Mcoggcgou log out or errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the $0069 in Andy Haugnton assmant manager Yvonneswrps many occupied by that portion ot the advertisement in which the error Bruce Rowand pUbISher 14 1C Esqugael supervsor 0W9 8° PRESSROOM MOTOR THROW curred whether such error is due to the negligence ot its servants or other Jareticae M31511 Plan AI Hanson toreman wise and there shall be no liability tor non insertion 01 any advertisement l53 WNW ANA th ment NEWSROOM CIRCULATION ADVERTISING CLASSIFIEDS SWINE Ian MatMurcny Same Burton EgaNéalgcissi toreman ELSE wasI r3056 19 b11161 me 3th 92 2tfghadtéeeidlterew dam of an My er re 7266537 7266539 7266537 7282414 7266537 Cheryl mm Mme men ww Decision needed on joint airport tetore anything further is done on anew airport for this area we think the cities of larrie and Orillia should get together on the question of joint use When the airport idea was first raised Orillia seemed interested in shared facility llowcver about yer ago Orillia looked again and decided joint airport was not priority for that city In recent months Orillia has maintained that attitude but at the same time has sat in on meetings discussing possible airport site Wily the airport site report near ing completion tit should be ready for release within monthi its time that Orillia puts its cards on tlietable Our own preference would be for Orillia to get involved The existing facility at Lake St John near Orillia may be adequate now but any new airport will he built with the future in mind The Lake St John airport too is lllrsltlltfl towards any major expan sion in the future if that is what Orillia lis in mind By combining forces Barrie and Orillia could work together to build regional facility with benefits to thcentiieaiea titlier municipalities have agreed on joint airport tacility and the esults have been positive For ex ample ilidland leiietanguishenc and Iiiiy lownship have shared arrangement at the expanded lluronia Airport in North Simcoe The joint municipal arrangement not only shares operating costs but helps area development through the airport facility Make no mistake there are ad vantages to be realized from any new airport recent study showed that of 800 major industries 680 said they wouldnt relocate in areas where no adequate airport was available Neither Barrie nor Orillia should be left in that kind of compromising position And our area is one of only two in Southern Ontario available for 80 per cent airport funding through the provincial municipal development program Whether Orillia chooses to par ticipate in any new airport is of course up to that municipality What we are suggesting is that Orillia weigh once again the ad vantage of any airport to their city and to the region as whole and come up with decision one way or the other If they want involvement so much the better If not then Barrie can decide on its own airport What we dont want is any delay arisings out of doubts about rillias intent Its in everyones best interests to come to hard decision so that the matter is not left up in the air one moment longer than necessary letters to the editor Sir trust you will permit me to reply to the charges by Alderman Mills that our eliiployces pose as official enumeratois for the city of Harrie as reported in The Ex aiiiiiieronttctolicrflit Im may emphasize that criion Direc ltl1gt Limited does not instruct or encourage its eiiiiincrators to represent themselves as city employees IZach enunicrator carries an identification card hearing our company name in large letters and carries looseleaf hinder on which the company name is pro niincntly displayed on the front cover The ciiiimeiators are local Barrie residents employed by its on temporary basis If one of these ladies hs tried to create the impresr sion that she works for the city of Barrie it was without our knowledge or approval We have no iin to conceal the iact that we are private enterprise Vernon Directories Limited is member of anadiaii thamhcr of toniiiicrce and of the Association of North American Directory Publishers should point out that we maintain at the Barrie haiiibcr of oiiiiiicrcc complete library of our Ontario city directories valued at ap proximately SI This is provided free of charge as scrvicc to the public as well as to members of the liaiiibcr The term city directory is widely known and used throughout North America to describe our kind of publication The first city directory on this continent was published in Philadelphia in 1703 Vernon Directorics fist publication was the Guelph City Directory of 1804 and the company now produces direc torics for to Ontario communities The Barrie directory has been published regularly since 1023 Iliilc II is true that our headquarters is in Hamilton apprmimatcly 30 per cent of sales icvciiuc remains in Barrie mainly iii the form of wages paid to local enunicrators INTERPRETIN who gain useful parttime employment every time the directory is revised In case there is any misunderstanding about the type of information solicited by our enumerators the questions asked relate sole ly to the householders name wifes name address telephone number occupaton place of employment and home ownership Most of these details are readily available to anyone in the telephone directory municipal assess ment rolls and voters lists The usefulness of city directory lies in the fact that this in formation is organized and printed in various sequences for easy reference Ihc fact that our regular subscribers in clude the mtiiiicipal offices fire and police departments ambulance services libraries hospitals newspapers churches charitable organizatons and radio and television sta tions indicates believe that city directory serves useful purpose in your city Inclusion in the directory serves useful ptiipose to the individual as well helping to speed the response of emergency services helping to clarify confusion between people with similar names frequently used to verify identification at public libraries for exam ple and to substantiate home ownership Back issues of directories are often accepted by the courts to establish place of residence and to support property claims Most communities welcome the service we provide including the temporary employ ment offered to fairly large number of ciiumcrators We are perplexed by the at titudc of Alderman Mills and would respect fully suggest that he contact the undersigned if he has any specific complaints Yours sincerely Vernon Directories Limited Norman Ford General Manager Regan announces candidacy By IIIV AliKITRtIllIR WSllltilttf itll After months of playing the role of the sleeping giant in Republican politics Ronald Reagan is wak ing up The former actor and former governor of talifornia this week becomes the 10th person to declare his candidacy for the 1980 Republican presidential nomination But although last through the gate he is fiist III the minds of Republicans main taming comfortable lead over other con tenders despite the fact that he has been staying on the sidelines throughout much of thcycai Now he is ready to throw himself into the campaign After foriiiale announcing his candidacy he has scheduled NO day time we want your opinion Something on your mum Send Letter to the Editor lease make it on original copy and sign it The Examiner doesnt publish unsigned let ters but it you Wish pen name Wlll be used Include your telephone number and address as we box to erin letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste The Examiner sometimes has to edit condense or reject letters Letters to the Editor are run every day on the editorial page Send yours 10 Letters to the Editor The Exoniinu Post Ofï¬ce Box 370 Milli Ont state tour that seems certain to draw the spotlight from the handful of other Republicans who have been fighting it out in the early days of the long race to 1980 Analysts say Reagans choice of an ex tensive and potentially exhausting tour is designed to put to rest any suspicions that the candidate now 68 is being slowed by age AGE AN ISSIE If elected next November he would become the oldest person ever elected president And the fact that he would become 70 just one month after the inauguration has helped make age vital issue in his candidacy But as well as proving he is not too old for the job he also must prove he is not too old hat His place in the party in recent years has been as the leader of the conservative wing But that was not good enough to win him the nomination in 1976 and his efforts to wrest the party nod from thcnpresident Gerald Ford resulted in deep divisions among Republicans As his continued popularity indicates he aptxirciitly has held on to much of the support he had in 1976 particularly in the con scrvativc south and west bible thought Great is my boldness of speech toward you great is my glorying of you am filled with comfort am exceeding joy fill in all our tribulation oriulliiaiis Only the peace and love of God can put to rest the pains and sorrows of life am come to heal the broken hearted Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world Rejoicc God loves you The one who has claim on otll life has plans for It By 1112mm sensors Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO Number one position on any environmentalists hit list is held by multi national base metal producer International Nickel lnco And maybe for good reason lnco smelting facilities contribute about three per cent of gas oxides in this part of North America that go towards producing acid rain In fact some say one per cent of all man made sulphur dioxide emissions worldwide pour out through the 1250 lnco superstack in Sudbury Ontario has six major sulphur dioxide polluters three of them governmentowned Ontario Hydro coal generating plants near Sarnia Toronto and Nanticoke Add what they emit to what Falconbridges Sudbury smelter and Algoma Steels Wawa operation produce and you get hefty 1788 tons day being pumped into the at mosphere measure of the Inco problem is that it alone adds another 3600 tons day down from 6300 tons in 1970 TWO VIEWS There are two equally valid views of what this is doing to the environment in terms of the main worry nowadays acid rain Environment minister Harry Parrott notes that if we eliminated every Ontario source of sulphur and nitrogen oxides it would have virtually no impact on the continuing damage to our lakes Thats because the oxides blow incredible distances before combining with water to come to earth as acid rain On the other hand as environmentalists argue it is obvious that on volume alone lnco is major factor in the escalating acid rain threat worldwide The real worry is not the loss of few lakes but cumulative acidifying of the soil and damage to plant life over the next couple of decades By JOHN IIARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst second Kennedy in the White House could be possibility now that Senator Edward Kennedy has made his longdelayed an nouncement to seek the presidency Wherethe third and last surviving Kennedy brother would stand on most international and domestic issues is outlined in his book Our Day and icncration which will be published November soth Ted Kennedy as president would presumably try and retain those basic liberal and progressive positions which he has held as senator Ted Kennedy administration would not be copy book of the famous 1000 days of the late John Kennedys brief administration It would be less idealistic certainly in its official statements in time when govern ment is not only held suspect by the American voters but when they want less of it Ted Kennedys main planks involve more outlays by the state chiefly with his promise to bring about program of national health insurance But his traditional liberalism put into new legislation will certainly be tempered by the times if he were elected There would be no fullblown newly sloganized era like those of his Democratic presidential successors These were the New Deal of Franklin Roosevelt the Fair Deal of Harry Tniman the New Frontier of his brother John Kennedy and the Great Society of Lyndon Johnson ITlE BADNEWSDAVID is you IZE some to HAVE TO ave UP YOUR DEA or DROPPING THE CHILD TAX EXEMPTILN AND BABV BONUS worn EARNING OVER $35000TTIE Gilli NEWS 18 MAUREENS PktoNAtlT lnco sulphur emissions top environmental concern FROM THE LEGISLATURE LOWER FIGURE And that explains why environmentalist pressure groups and the political opposition at Queens Park believe lnco should be or dered to reduce emissions to 750 tons day The figure is quite arbitrary for while first used in an environment ministry control order in 1970 its origin is uncertain 1975 internal lnco document obtained by MPi Floyd Laughren NDP Nickle Betti indicated the company felt it could reach 1500 ton level with present technology lnco says 750 tons would require new multi billion dollar smelter But lnco did not do that and the reason it gave the ministry is that program which is not economically and commercially feasible is in fact not technologically feasible NO TRUST Critics of Inco including Liberal and NDP politicians here and environmentalists say that isnt good enough If the technology exists it should be used regardless of cost they say The costs of not doing so from lost tourism to devastated forests and agriculture are just too high And many dont believe Incos claims that it would be hurt financially if it went to the 150010n level Laughren for example says Inco em ployees will risk lost jobs to enforce 1500 ton control order The current 3600 ton control order expires in 1982 Before then the government is going to have to decide whether we can afford to allow lnco to pollute further at current rates Ted Kennedy administration would be less idealistic The New Deal of the mid1930s and the Great Society of the mid and late 19605 greatly increased the size of the Washington federal bureaucracy to administer the new programs On other key issues Kennedy is on record in his book Energy policies should be made in the living room of the consumers instead of at the wellhead and in the board rooms of in dustry 0n urban aid he says the cities should not be robbed of tax revenues because the vic tims have been the elderly poor the black the Chicano the innercity youth gun control Kennedy contends there is solid evidence that controlling guns can bring down the crime rate Senator Kennedy also wants more aid to what he calls the efficient family farmer rather than to the agribusiness con glomerates looking for ways to invest their substantial profits Like his brother John Kennedy the Senator would maintain high level of military strength and during the SALT II Strategic Arms Limitationi debate in the Senate has been supporter of that treaty By STEWART MaclEOD Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service Perhaps enough has been said on this subject but do wish that Prime Minister Joe Clark could convey bit more confidence when he sets out to justify his approach to the coming referendum ianuebec It continues to make me feel uneasy The youthful prime minister certainly is on solid ground when he says that under the previous Liberal government there have been too many OttawaQuebec confrontations and that these may have aided and abetted the cause of separatism in that province There is no doubt that former prime minister Pierre Trudeau is fiercefighting federalist whose knockemdowndragemvout battles with Premier Rene Levesque helped polarize the separatist sentiments in that province And he clearly provided the premier with highprofile target as Levesque took advantage of every op portunity to point out the obstacles of feder alism And no one can argue that the separatist tendencies in Quebec increased during the Trudeau era regardless of who should assume the blame And few could argue with Clarks objective of proving to Quebccers that there is national government ready to demonstrate its willingness to get along with the provinces GRIP FIRM Since he has no power base in Quebec the prime minister could scarcely be expected to engage Rene Levesque in headon combat over separatism His laidback approach was reasonable approach in the circumstances It still is Its just that sometimes the prime minister gives the impression that he doesnt have firm grip on his own policy that he may not fully comprehend all the nuances of his handsoff approach Yes he continues to expound it in the strongest possible terms but he also did this with the proposed Israeli embassy move even when most of the country realized it was to put it mildly ludicrous proposition So far as the Quebec referendum is con cerned the prime minister has the same set of stock answers for all questions relating to his non participation In the Commons he tells Liberal questioner that the very aggressiveness of the propaganda campaign which was waged by that the Liberal government contributed appreciably to the More meaningful measures needed by PM on Quebec PARLIAMENT HILL growth of separatism in the province And he goes on to say that the previous govern ment would force its views on the provinces bringing on unnecessary confrontat ions While the Liberals perhaps can be faulted for suggesting that tlarks noninvolvement is national disgrace the prime minister perhaps can be similarly faulted for implying that the election of separatist government in Quebec is due mainly to theme Trudeaus alleged intransigencc TOO EARLY stispect that most Canadians will agree that the new policy of nonconfrontatioii is basically welcome change from the previous spats btit apart from this its too early to access Pierre lrudeaus affect either pro or con on the separatist movement And the same thing could be said about Joe ClillksIlOllrl110lt111t11l There are times when the prime minister appears to be in full control of the situation arguing convincingly that what we have to demonstrate is that it is possible for us to make progress by specifii steps by demonstrating our good faith rather than talking about our good faith An tinassailable approach But then the prime minister can raise doubts in your mind by talking about his interference in the referendum an odd remark for the prime minister of the entire country And at other times just when you think he has confident grasp on the Quebec situation he will proudly and rejxatedly point to federal initiatives already uii dertakcn giving the provinces jurisdiction over offshore mineral rights and lotteries Perhaps my doubts will vanish when more meaningful measures are announced But in the meantime cant help thinking of 11161 boast by the then prime minister John Die fcnbaker Ihev say we are not the party of French Tanaia they forget it was as who introduced bilingual cheques and simultaneous translation in Parliament Hurricane evacuation largest ever recorded By TIIE CANADIAN PRESS Two evacuations caused by hurricanes are the only ones in North American history that remotely compare with the massive gvacuation of people from Mississauga nt The movement of about 220000 people from the city just west of Toronto was caused by chemical train derailment that threatened to release poisonous gases into the air On Sept of this year 300000 persons were evacuated in Florida when Hurricane David hit Just nine days later 500000 persons were uprooted from their homes along the Gulf Coast fleeing from Hurricane Frederick However the numbers in those two disasters were harder to calculate than the Mississauga exodus because of the large areas involved Even the continents two greatest historical disasters the Chicago fire of Oct 1917 and the San Francisco earth quake of April 18 1906 dont match up Both of these took many hundreds of lives whereas the Mississauga accident has yet to take single life But both together left about as many homeless as there now are temporarily in Mississauga Exact figures for the numbers forced to flee their homes in Chicago and San Francisco are hard to pinpoint History records only that 90000 were left homeless after the Chicago fire and about 14000 homes were destroyed by earthquake and firein San Francisco In Halifax on Dec 1917 1000dicd when ship carrying 2500ton cargo of high exv plosives blew up in Halifax harbor About 10000 were left homeless More recently In May 1950 about 100000 inhabitants of lowlying areas near the cities of Win nipeg and St Boniface in southern Mani toba were evacuated after dikes holding back the storming Red River burst or overf owed By BARNEY IETROI BELGRADE Reuteri Icons may no longer be revered as religious objects in Communist Yugoslavia but their cash value is worshipped by both local and international thieves The stealing of ancient icons and other art and cultural treasures and smuggling them out of the country is thriving business today often made easy by inadequate security measures Many medieval churches and monasteries particularly in the southern Republic of Macedonia and along the Adriatic coast have been robbed of much of their wealth ac cumulated over many centuries Even big city museums are not immune to thefts Two men recently tried to steal valuable icon from Belgrade museum in the middle of the day They were caught but others have been successful in similar incidents When another Belgrade museum was robbed of great number of gold objects last year police were unable to discover how the thieves entered and left the building without trace An employee said it was posible that the doors had been left unlocked overnight This unidentified man wore gas mask during evacuation of Mis sissauga Monday Evacuation was one of greatest in recorded history CP Photo In Edmonton on March 1979 about 18000 residents were evacuated from 700 squareblock area after gas leaking from ruptured liquid petroleum gas pipeline set off series of explosions and fires In Texas City Tex on April 10 1941a nitrateeladen ship blew up killing 1200 and forcing most of the community of 15000 to flee the resulting fire and toxic fumes CIILORINE LEAKED On Dec 11 1976 the leak of chlorine gas from chemical factory in Baton Rouge La led to the removal of 6000 students from Southern University and 4000 residents from nearby areas Religious icons target of Yugoslavian thieves This prompted the museum director to complain about the lack of funds for in stalling proper alarm system The influential magazine Nin says guard could still deter local thief but it is not difficult to imagine what happens when professional thieves from abroad reach our museums The magazine says there is evidence that the interest of international thieves has been amused and they are active in Yugoslavia group of Yugoslav specialists meeting to discuss ways of preventing thefts smuggling and the illegal trade in cultural and artistic works suggested recently that rich foreign collectors posing as art lovers tour various historical monuments and then commission thefts tourist guide using nail clipper lifted Picasso from museum in the Macedonian capital of Skopje and smuggled it in the sleeve of his jacket to West Germany There he was caught and the painting was returned Four icons were stolen from ninth century monastery in southern Macedonia But with the help of Interpol the icons were found in West Germany two months later and returned