prove 71help wanted MEDICAL SECRETARY New physician requires exv perienced Medical Secretary Duties to include answering phone appointments billings typing 60 wpm to be tested and other tasks Applicants must be dedicated and good with people Send application including resume to TNORNLEI III WELLINGTON ST IARRIE ONT UN III NI6 PART lwi tE RSON for musir start fbiir plrtr Winn and some piano iirr more rur and IlnJS Con tart At Unwrier Nolans Harimotvd rliiin Cell li 177 IE iN roam ard non or rrmriqri tor ruinysittmti aethJrirr or vidtiyrz DIT1 prnlurrii Drtervanr Minim ii win 166 217 IN CUEERIHITHJFANT Nititt ie tor 77 mil limit my mind arrt ii It Itll ti ii randy you tlil till 58M itllT l7 Ii IECISTEPED NURSE BETHLYRICS must have urrrrit Ontario Registration yinrs experience and some super ItSitII iyperienre prrterred Phone tor ipprritiiirnt Tin Villa Nursing Home Aiiilaiid 576 1218 Mrs Faulkner lyillFR NAIIRFSS experience tinterriirt lull Hid part time Apply in HOV1rIITdOliIflrYSdJITlllTlHIQINGY HQ Alliaton ITXAL itlSlJLATlON Company dinbi ten and inltius 4517 WIN ilVlDUTIan lhin experience Income limited only by tar Ii it In wirk 778 6703 Hvsales helpagents FANTASTIC OPPORTUNITY Earn up to $500 weekly and more as our agent explaining government insulation program Management potential MR NORTN I4I6636ISSI N24 TOI OMMISIONS Sell anywhere part IlYIItiIlIll timii sideline Calendars irt ï¬ner ialtwn printed labels tapes ball OLtIS attire supplies etc Our 77th year New JIIIIXIUI wmlable Alco Box 3777 Ottawa FLEXIBLE HOURS Average 76 01 Sit on per hour showmq our tiiiitilii Christmas line to your friends 4an iiuiqtihrir For personal interview all illlil 11 104 ask about new OTIUIV DIJII Isrivtrade schools APPLICATIONS NOW BEING AC CEPTED EOR TRUCR DRIVER TRAINING Full or parttime training for class licence Placement assistance For application and interview call AIA SYSTEMS ii2514215 MWFNIA 76 em ploy ment wanted IRONING Picked up and Delivered Only $250 per basket Call anytime 45896 MWFNI4 DAY ARI in my home St Vin cent Grove Stirht area Telephone 716 iéI 77 10an NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ESTATE OF BERTHA VIVIAN BILLIALD TAKE NOTICE that all persons having claims againstthe estate of Bertha Vivian Billiold late of Bayshore Village RR No Brechin iii the County of Simcoe deceased who died on or about the 28th day of August I979 are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of November I979 full particulars of their claims after which date the estate will be distributed havmg regard only to the la ms of which the undersigned shall then have notice DATED at the City of Oshawa this 24th day of October I979 HUMPHREYS HILLMAN 36 King Street East Oshawa Ontario Li 7L1 Solicitors for the executor JOHN AUBREY PATTERSON O3I N7 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING lilliifl iiillM 7374 5114 Clown1 Iiitiiivuiv ii ii In iii page IYUS ly lp iii to unidiva publi at FILULIIOIi oi Clihlv Cliiiuy itituï¬hwwx wbiiti must be in by pm 1Iy prim ii DULNHOYMH alntirrErNi IthAiIIItI MAiDlAiA LitAYHtIrJlKIS ii iiu Nth Lit MANI rimi wli llr ix IN ME HUMAN tualil ni aiza VJ war ii Hi vi we Mlli 11 llpl xiv in CIASSlIlID ALHIHIISING win3 ITRIIttuli ash fl sxivuIl uu appy past mttmi t1y ii Inifls IIX our wvJ iniei iie uwo mom com pal wold iiii mi $1 54 Si tomwt io mum is pvt mild pm inserton lcat 496 MLIYIpI idRd lions may be ordered what ii oiituiuliuri when EnlisEucIovy roults bai ad Method at Emitring lower than 34 tJl oOii In 24 went Each lIIIHl abbieuaiwi at at mnibeu 0k uu as iopa on words ERRORS ANDKORQECKNS All ohono insertion oidois are ariopvd as nrwaiiianca to the adu oer the Classiï¬ed Actuarme ngoiimgnr quires DJIIIIS4 to kiidly chock their Mortigemont mentionN after Iiist wuar tion in only hot any error or omission may bi tmltfld bafurw iii in order that some may be iectitiod for tho Iollowing day puuicutiun Th Elammai is responsible for only one mainLil priiitod iisoition at any advertisement and than only to the uncut at portion 3E ad that mix rho misprini Er run which do not lasso the value of the ads semant on not elgtblo for coirc not by dial gcts tho Examiner rescues thaligh Eassiv white or leisct any we it ads PHONE 28 JAN EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 72824I4 78tenders Canada Mongage and Housmg Corporation TENDER CANADA MORTGAGE AND HOUSING CORPORATION FOR SALE DOUGLAS TOWERS ORILLIA ONTARIO CANADA MORTGAGE AND HOUSING CORPORATION SEALED TENDERS plainly marked as to content and addressed to the undersigned will be received up to 200 pm local time Doc 18 I979 for the purchase of an uncompleted 60 unit apartment building known as Douglas Towers SE Corner of West St and Fittons Road Orillia Ontario Forms at tender required can be obtained by prospective tenderers at the address shown below The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted Any and all enquiries regarding the project and requests for appointments to inspect the property are to be addressed to Manager Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation 650 Lawrence Avenue Toronto Ontario M6A IB2 dhvpotheques et de logemeni NI4I5I6I7DIOIII2 79auction sates 79auction sales AUCTION SALE Complete dispersal of Hardware Stock RentAll Equipment for STROUD HARDWARE RENTALL to be held SATURDAY NOV I7th commencing of II am sharp Located on Hwy No II at the lOth Can of Innisfil Township in the village of Stroud across from Stroud Arena The undersigned has received instructions to sell the followings HARDWARE ITEMS Quantity of various sizes bolts nuts lags shields nails screw nails drills door knob sets belts rolls of wire plus various other hardware items point etc RENTALL EQUIPMENT AeriIier adding machine applicance carts bolt cutters carpet kicker car stand axle card table sets cement mixers cement saw Come Along Compactor Concrete vib drain auger impact drill drywall gun electric exerciser belt extension cords flaring tool gear puller electric Torcan heaters propane heaters oil heater hedge clippers hyd jacks screw iacks It alum step ladder 40 ft extension ladder lawn fertilizer spreader Lawn Boy mowers Lawn roller liquor dispensers pipe cutters pipe dies stand Pop rivet gun hand post hold auger sump pump gas pump Ramset gun ring compressor disc sander belt sander vib sander all purpose saw Skil saws Remington chain saw scaffolding sections tile cutter torque wrench shop vacuum cleaner wallpaper steamer weed sprayer wheelbarrow wheelchair wheel puller impact wrench chain saw sharpener key cutting machine keys other small hand tools selection of glass Terms cash Cheques with ID No reserves as owner has other interests and is phasing out the hardware rental business Anyone looking for good tools or hardware should attend Lunch and coffee will be available Small hardware will sell first at It am sharp VERNON AVRES Auctioneer RR Stroud Phone 436 922 or 4365l for further information Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents or loss ROOSTERS SALES BARN AND PLEA MARKET All sales cOnducted indoors at 254 YONGE ST PAINSWICK Phone 7372431 AUCTION SALE Saturday November I7 at pm Contents to include furniture appliances antiques dishes stereo set television new clothing tools hardware and paint Misc new furniture Jim NaPier Auctioneer N9 SNOWMOBILE AND SNOW EQUIPMENT AUCTION Saturday November 24 at II am To include new and used snowmobiles accessories trailers clothing blowers and whatever winter recreational and work vehicles are available Refreshments available Consignments welcome Sale to be conducted by JIM NAPIER Auctioneer FOR INFORMATION AND TERMS PLEASE CALL 737243I Terms cash or certified cheque Cash deposit balance payable by Tuesday Nov 27 at pm NI4I62I 23 Enter today Enter Often WIN WEEKS IN COSTA BRAVA in the examiner SPANISH HOLIDAY CONTEST DETAILS available at these pirticipoting businesses MARRS NORR NEARIIOUSE NCNARD ERESII PRODUCE IAYEIELO OPTICAL CC PANT SNOP IARRIE LEATNER GOODS RRAIY RELLYS ORARRIE PAINT WALLPAPER ROUNOAIOUT ROLLER RINR IARRIE WITYOURSELF CENTRE LINltAIR NEATING TNE PLUMBING SUPPLY MYSTRA RROTIIERS ELECTRIC SIMCOE CARPET UPNOLSTERY CLEANERS SEXTONS SNEET METAL NEATING MUNCNIES ITALIAN SANDWICN IAR GNLINGEORD MOTORS LTD PETERREINO SPORTS LTD °IELLERS muss GROUP STORE GEORGIAN MALL IAYEIELD MALL DOWNTOWN SLRERISE FRUIT MARRET IRISTDN TRAVEL ADAM DOORS 0m AWARE SNOE REPAIR the examiner Announcements WKWWIWWMATWJJW SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Dodi Notices Engagements Cards of Thain So 00 minimum 40 Wdll additional words ll cam 90 word S6 00 Milo no vernal $6 00 Verso per count lino extra 23 ants Carving Events $3 OJ par column with hectic tilbirths MondaysCtuIdslair oltace Tuesdays Childislullotgrace Wednesdays Childistutt at woe Thursdays Child nastartoao FridaysChiIdisIovino andgivina Saturdays Child works hard tor its living And child that is born on the Sea bath Day Is lair and Wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen atways want to know wnich ay ot the week was their birth date Keep this and other important inlormation for your childs luture An Examiner Birth Announcement will Include the name at your child the day of the week month and year at birth the weight and other Vital information printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Fernin Albums The rate tor an Exarmner Birth Notice is only So to PHONE 778 24 GOOD NEWS STORY When you an nounce the birth at your child in The Ex aminer clippings of the notice are available for Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mail your triends and relatives in those for away places Place an announcement alter birth Call The Examiner Classilied 728 2414 83engagements McCLENNAN BEAUCAGE Mr and Mrs James McClellan ol Barrie wrsh to announce the lorthcoming marriage at their daughter Heather Margarate to Mr Allan Robert Beaucage son at Mr and Mrs Sam Beaucage Ol Parry Sound Wedding to take place Saturday November 241979 at oclock in Collier Street United Church 85deaths BRYSON Pearl At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Tuesday November 13 1979 Pearl DunSmore in her 90m year beloved wile ol the late Edward Bryson Dear mother of Stanley at Barrie Helen Mrs George Dowsettt ol Lac LaHache and Maurice ol Dorval Quebec Dear grandmother ol Murray Paul and Laurie Sister at car don Dunsmore and Irene Mrs William Morrison Predeceased by three brothers and two sisters Friends may call at Slecktey Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie alter pm Thursday Service in the chapel on Fri day November to at Interment gulhrie Cemetery HAMMOND Frederick John retired maior at the British army 19471959 at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Monday November 197° Frederick Hammond in his 59th year beloved hus band of Pam Hammond at Barrie loving lather ot Mrs Carol Cooper ot Barrie Colin ol England and Clive ol Barrie dear grandlather ol Claire Louise Max ine Darrell and Russell all at England and Tanya ot Barrie Resting at the Jen nett Funeral Home l5 Bradford Street Barrie Visitation from Tuesday 312230 pm Service in the chapel on Wednes day November 14 at Interment Barrie Union Cemetery MARLING Gladys Beatrice At the Doctors Hospital Toronto on Tuesday November l3 I979 Gladys Beatrice Marling in her 86th year beloved wife of the late Melville Marling Dear mother of Ormand at Toronto and predeceased by Hortense Grandmother at Peter and greatgrandmother of Ryan Friends may call at the Hughes Funeral Home Cookstown alter Wednesday Funeral service on Thursday November Is at pm Interment Alliston Union Cemetery Donations to the charity of your choicewould be appreciated MORRIS Pompili 55 Mortgage Broker and resident at the Willowdale are since 1953 died on Thursday November He had heart attack while playing Bad mintan Mr Pompili devoted much of his free time to the growth and development of the Dutch Canadian Credit Union where he first served as Loan Officer in the Credit Committee and later as Treasurer on the Board of Directors As such Mr Pompili was widely known in the Dutch Canadian community Mr Pompili was born in Holland on April 1924 and grew up in Amsterdam where he received an education equivalent to senior matriculation in l952 he and his wile Ann emigrated to Canada and took up residence in Toronto in 1963 he started his own mortgage brokerage Company in willowdate It was his ex perience and knowledge of the real estate market that led to his election to the Board at Directors at the Dutch Canadian Credit Union He is remembered by the Credit Union as the person who located both their present and former ollice buildings The family suggests that expressions of sympathy be in the form at donations to the Cana dian Heart Fund PAUL James Anderson Suddenly on Saturday November It 1979 private service was held at the Funeral Chapel at Miles interment Mount Plea sant Cemetery Toronto 86card of thanks POTTS For the kindness shown dur my my stay in 3A at Royal Victoria Hospital My heartfelt thanks to Dr Porter Dr Beaton Dr Turnbull the nurses my wonderful neighbours and triends Marie Potts 87ln memoriams JOHNSON In loving memory of dear husband lather and grandtather Eric who passed away November 14 1976 Silent memories true and tender Just to say we still remember Your loving wile Frances and lamin altcoming events PROGRAMS ON CABLE SPONSORED BY BARRIE NORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Preparing for Christmas and Spring in Barrie Greenhouses November I9 200 pm November 20 800 pm November 26 400 pm November 27 630 pm November 28 730 pm November 29 300 pm Tho Alana District Guido Brownian prount Christmas Tea Bazaar SATURDAY NOV I7tb St Georges Anglican Church Burton at Granville Iioo to 300 pm Adults SI Childmt 50 Baked goods books candy crafts fish pond and babysittin provided N16 QUOTA CLUB OF IARRIE CHRISTMAS IAZAAR Too Ooh Solo and Quilt Dravr TRINITY ANGLICAN CIIURCII IIALL Collar St Barrio NOV 17th pm to pm N9 l4 l6 TRIBUTE TO TUT Friday Nov 30 pm For ticket reservation phone 72865 after pm $350each n789I4I5I62I 22232829 PRENATAL CLASSES for UNWED MOTIIERS To register please phone SIMCOE COUNTY DISTRICT NEALTN UNIT 7269300 Ext 236 WFTF Best safety record says CPR MISSISSAUGA Ont CF Canadian Pacific Railway whose chemical train derail ment caused the biggest evacuation in Canadian history says it has the best safety record of any North American railway 522 train accidents for every million locomotive mile The company will spend more than $300 million on equipment maintenance and modifications this year said Fred Draper CP Rail news director About 6670 freight cars from fleet of 65990 plus 250 locomotives will be refur bished Just before midnight Satur day night chemicalladen cars of CP Rail freight left the tracks and many burst into flame The accident resulted in the danger of poisonous cloud of chlorine gas being released into the atmosphere and 223000 people were evacuated The accident was apparently caused by an overheated wheel bearing that lacked adequate lubrication Draper said each train receives mechanical inspec tion at its point of origin and at points along the rail system where CP Rail takes over cars from another railway Mechanical inspections include inspection of all bearings There are two basic types of bearing plain and roller About 44 per cent ot CPRs 65000 freight cars have the safer rollertype bearings Draper said TRAIN MOVES SLOWLY Every 200 kilometres train crews perform pullby inspec tion with crew members stan ding on each side of the train as it is pulled by at about 10 kph In addition all CPR employees at trackside or crews on other trains are re quired to inspect moving trains Crews on moving trains must inspect both sides of their owntrains Draper said CPR will have installed 16 hotbox detectors across their system by the end of 1979 Stimson CP vice president said Monday that the presence of such devices which electronically scan train under carriages for overheated axles and bearings could have averted the largest evacuation in Canadian history Sincel974 more than 3000 overheated undercarriages have been detected by hot boxes Draper said CP Rail has an established emergency procedure to deal with calamities such as the Mississauga derailment he said Canadian railways are governed by Canadian transport commission regula tions covering the transporta tion of dangerous commodities such as the chlorine styrene toluene and propane which were on the derailed cars The company sponsors train ing seminars for staff and can draw on the resources of organizations such as the Association of American Railroads The association involved in the standardization Of pro cedures and safety regulations in the North American rail in dustry has sent two represen tatives to the derailment site CALI EXPERTS IN Deckert of Toronto and Gary Cole of Winnipeg were called in by CP Rail L0 consult on the tactical problems facing emergency crews trying to ex tinguish burning propane cars and to seal leaking chlorine container Officials said Tuesday night that giant rubber and steel plug was to be fitted into the onemetre hole today hoping that the tank car could be repressurized In the event of an emergency the contents of the cars affected is determined through the detailed vaybills that acr company each train Draper said The crew then tells the dispatching office what the train is carrying and what has happened The office advises the crew on procedures and notifies all personnel required to deal with the emergency by Georgina Mitchell 4563232 The First Lefrny Girl Guides held their Halloween Party tober 30th when they all came dressed for the occasion Prizes given for the funniest costume to Jackaline North clown with big feet the scariest one was worn by Christine Richardson green dragon the most original Cris Sawyer Mexican girl They played games Did you ever try to run contest by threading shiny pumpkin seeds on string In competition and bowling with apples as pins and pumpkin as the ball Good time enjoyed by all ESTIMATES PUBLISHED EDMONTON CPI Esti mates published by the Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Associ ation for 1978 show Western Canada had total of 4437000 registered vehicles about one third the Canadian total Al berta showed an increase of about 85 per cent in registra tion of passenger cars The fig Jres are preliminary estimates Get to Know Your Community Who got married What was the score of the ballgame last night Where was that fire When is that sale Why are your taxes going up How do find out whats happening im my com munity If you read the examiner youd have the answer to these questions and more We devote special section each day to whats hap pening in the smaller communities around Simcoe County PLUS our regular world news city news sports women financial comics classified ads and editorial sections Read the examiner daily Telephone 7266539 for home delivery