Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Nov 1979, p. 7

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Draw packed house The touring group Up With Peo people Thursday night with their performance at auditorium The group played variety of music as these bobbysockets show Examiner Photo Ad gets hundreds of calls Everyone Santas helper ot everyone wants to be Santa laus but almost everyone wants to be his liclpci still tllll Two ails placed iii The lillllllltl antid Santa Hans and ititcd Santas iti Iy Helper icsiiltcdiniiioretlianonchiindrcd phoni calls to the layficld lal but of those rallyis oiin six want to he Santa lliiiis llltlll want to heliis helpers til the six one is woman and of coin4 shell hayi the same opportunities is the llllll sis filiiiiia Stciihcns children ltillttil ltlll District Governor Aubrey Oldham bottom row second lioni lelt paid Visit to the Rotary Club of Barrie at meeting Thursday night Other members of the club executive seated in first row are John Parsley secretary Bill Linton presmlent Al Macmillan Vicerpresident and Police commission counsel says No delay tactic in hearing By DENNIS LANTHIHR Ht The Examiner The hief Justice of Hntarto is the only person who Could poi the tame police commission case on the emergency list an tintario lolice tominission official told The Examiner Thur day Brian Johnston legal counsel for athe Unlitllfl commission said Richard larke representing Barrie LOllilillSSlttli chair man Eldon Greer would have to arrange meeting with the thief lUSllCt larke had written letter to Johnston indicating both of them Ulllll approach the diviSional court registrar to get date established it larke approaches the Chief Justice soon the date for the Supreme ourt hearing could be set by December it there is much further delay Supreme ourt hearing would probably not beheld until the New Year Johnston said DELY SKlIllltlt larke asked for the delay during the let inquiry into allegations involving the Barrie lolice ommisston The case was then adjourned when tlarke was given permission to ask the fllllitllli Supreme ourt hethcr the tiitario commission ple thrilled an audience of about l000 he Central Collegiate iiianagir if those whove applied to bc or Santa most are in their nodtwenties with the exception of one itiaii who is about To Age weight height sex Stephens requisite is that the person he jolly dcpcii dahlc friendly and liaye strong love for NI rs It is important also that Santa be friend Iy with the children and the parents she says nd jolly the person must he jolly Having rejected the pro vinces final offer Thursday teachers at Ontarios 22 com munify colleges also voted against strike action move described as confusing and disappointing by the president of the Georgian ollege local Faculty here believed that if they voted against the contract offer they had to give the bargaining team strike man date said Doug iaukroger president of local 330 of the On tario Public Service Employees Lnion Fiftyeight per cent of the colleges teachers voted in favor of strike action after 63 per cent had voted against aclt cepting the offer laukrogcr told The Examiner today Provincially some 73 per cent of the 6301 teachers voted against the offer made by the council of regents an artn of the ministry of colleges and untvcrsifics that governs com munity colleges But only live schools voted itt favor of strike action iauktogcr said Were little disappointed it docsnl mat The oiily pic Visits club George Haines treasurer The men in the back row are all directors From left to right are Earl Rowe Ken Firth Rob Hamilton Dave Wilson Don Cripps and David Brown Ex aminer Photol could delve into the conflict of interest charges Qolegecantiaci Teachers vote against strike in the other colleges If you turn down final offer you have to back that decision up he said Were not even sure what this means to our position from legal pointofview Lnion representatives will meet today in Toronto to con sider the vote and decide what the next step should he Negotiations do not begin again automatically iaukroger said Angelo lcscc with the coun Ci of regents and member of its negotiating team said the council is disappointed in the outcome of the vote By law that was our fitial ol fer he said today The next move is clearly up to the union It has to let us know how they want to handle the situation The regents offer calls for 65 per cent wage increase in the first year of twoyear pact and per cent iit year two The union wants to per cent iii year one and eight per cent in year two plus costof3living allowance iaukroger said the average salary of teaching master is 324098 yearly ith $2821io being the top salary and 514500 the low The average salary for high school teacher is $34033 according to union figures In 1974 the average college salary for teaching master was 817200 while the high school average was $1321Mi If the union accepts aii offer similar to the one voted down college teachers will fall behind high school teachers be said tnotticial totals ithc actual count will take place early next wecki show that 39M voted down the offer and Lilith voted in favor About 51in lid not vote At Georgian 2o of 232 eligible voted iaukrogcr said Planning for the future is what downtown board changes are all about Downtown hoard members decided to restructure their group at session edncsday night lot of time in the past has been wasted handling issues which could easily have been looked at by subcointnittecs says David Smith hoard chair man more forward approach will be taken by the board one Six Barrie aldeimcii will request today the recom citing oi the commission hearing because of alleged delays liy tlarkc Johnston said that it no action had been taken by the end of Noyenzbet he would recommend the comtiitssion remiw cite the hearing But Johnston Sulll he has no reason to beliey Clarke is intci tiotiaily delaying and will tell commission otticials that when they call with the local alderniens request it just looks like he tlarkc is terribly busy ilfl Johnston the examiner Friday Nov 197$ TH IQlllt The tildermei asked tor an inquiry last spring after ld tiord liiis raised questions about chiirtnait Eldon lrocrs in volyenieiit itli an alarm company hich handles operations it the police and fire station They ilSU wanted investigated possible monopoly by that company and the matter ot closed commission meetings The Solicitor generals otttcc originally recommended the in farm commission handle the allegations but that hearing was delayciittct liaftci just two hours Blowing up storm Dave Mulholland practices with the rest of the North Collegiate Concert Band on his trombone for song in which he plays solo during Elementary school among projects senior elementary school for Barrie is among the pro jects listed in the Simcoe County Roman atholic School Boards five year capital works forecast made public during special session of the board Wednesday All the items on the list including the Barrie school on tap for 1982i have been included on forecasts in previous years and all are subject to alteration or cancellation dependaig on need said Bill Bolgci the boards dircctor The forecast is planning document for the ministry of education which funds the major portion of any project he said Six construction projects are listed including new school at Bradford that should be opened by September litttl school iii southwest Simcoe for 1982 the Barrie school and ad ditions to schools in ollingwtxid Elmvale and Angus The need to purcltasc sites for thc tiircc new schools aiid the need for four portables is also listed report by the committee charged with establishing the five ycarplan was presenth and accepted by the board Reason for changes Board looks to future which will allow planning two and three years down the road Smith said Board members decided to expand from eight members to 12 and to separate into two ma jor committees and gcncrat executive commit tec line of the major committees will be responsible for promo tiott the other related to plaitii intl The general executive com mittcc will correlate activities aitil he charged tilt the respon weet rofits in chocolate Sales major fund raiser for school PFOIGCPS My IlRIH Illll It It The laniincr that little til you The weather goes sotii the snow begins to tall and many school yliltllttl across the county are going dooi to door selling chocolate to lilSt money for their tllltlS There are two sides to the fund raising story that ilic yiittlldtly that pioduccs cliocolac light bulbs nylons oi spct lyll items for the children to sell and that ot the school which uses the money to ltllltl progiaiiis not tundcd undci pioyiiiua giant and purchase tsiiizpnieiit it would not otherwischaw lioiii the company side there is pioit to bc lilltlt and itii iizyoiyc tlicnisclycs iii the tuttd iais2iig business orid liiicsf tliocolac of taniplicltioid is one of thc lttt country it dt dd garnered st iiitllioi in sales year ago tliioiigl piogt ltolici illdticld sales iiiiici to this lil oi llllltlllit said diiiiiig Etytll iiitei New school llc supplzcs many of nc schools It iiiicoc touizfy lll cliouiiiatc iird helps their sci up silcs piog lit iliml to kick oii titty illSlfifltil itisc lic kzds tot licptoictt ltt IlttHH ls Hit candy tan or boy coaimt iiiiioiids flit school tll Licts iyylytttIS who it pats toward itltlcit qiiipiiciit school it it oi iiiy titllllltl oi protects but hay rig tic vlti ixci go door titiot descitbnl as iicccssaiy cy by Gerry ladlcéd priitciptV oi St loiizcas lllyittl School liaiiic i1lic ot the cony school lil1lltlhtity pc LiliHltiyllaH iiig liil ltoicci iitzctii of he lvoiia curtain boail told The ani thoiigh lilll that satcy oaaf by copatdvcii in iiist 31 school childrci isk ii lttiitt iisc pcisoidly is ii tlti lt the tte going door mo lio ill yll tor stilt tin hc itiittsi fhc cu itioiicy ft or ijicial protects luir ticioit low cavhc we its we could iiyZtl iltll tt lit itt PM lyl it ll Liteul lliili siitiitcidc wt bat ie ilt the public school board said the lack of policy of fund raising is replaced by the disgrcssion of individual schools which for tltc most part litiiit fund raising drives to once year lTlll lthltltTS nd many schools switch front product to product in dif terent years hile others try methods other than door to door selling such as bakc sales he said We dont have people calling in from the community say mg erc bugging them Thomas said If they did start to call things might change St Monicas ladlicld said parents of children attending the school are beginning to look for others ways of raising money that could replace the doortodoor sty lc The school fuiid raising program tor this year ill begin iii the new few days year ago St Monicas made SW he said It all the chocolate ordered by ytakley Park Public School is sold the students wot have Hillttltyl about 5350 said school principal it 22 ics tliildtcii iiiitdie lit iglth sold ll liowcci Lttlfl in their area and made $17m said al ltruckcr principal Allan Bell of lnnisfil ential Public School licfroy would not say how much money September campaign was ratstd in the schools While not every parent is sold on the idea of door ltHliitil sales the reaction has been predominately positive Bell told The Examiner He also said any parent who phoned in would be told how much money was raised Doris Dunn principal ot Steele St School said lllt schools children do not go dmrtodoor to ra isc money NU llIKNKI We could make lot of money like that we know but we dont think school should promote that tj pc of thing The school does attempt raise money like the others but uses white elephant liakc sale as lllt vehicle each February to accomplish iie same tiltlttllt she said But the same problei laces all schools today To Lliaxe special piiigiatiis the school needs extra thorny just couldnt hayc them it wciiidi hoe fund raising activities said iakiej laiks iles Students divvyup 700 school principal al liltlvktl icws the whole eicise is iy tor the children learn as well is This year iLlliyl txirsmg cf tort by lliiidife llciglits Public School ws organsell and vlyllllltllsltaiyl by the students cotiitczl senior slliilttfs iili tiny tor otherwise unaitoidatile decide how should extras licstiett They The students col iectoi te iiioiicy disrttiuul the ysfltl awarded pvtes group at yiiy iiioiicy may be obtained The tirade scyez him ll tiicii scliitilii=tu and or the counci yer ciicqtir sigiing itihoi chesttatui iloiic with stair lite idyisor the entire cant paigii ltrtickcr told the fix littlilict inddc llcighs is ill one maiiy Simcoe oiiiztx schools tli conduit son liittti it iliiiil Millitr typo ii lill raising tiltttitt liincy gath red is use to buy 3ens hat ciiiino in tiuglt ustzii the schools budgc fitting some licld trips xluv tiillIDTtttt and at ilittltliilc the choir Ulilliill2s that are high oil the piiiiiiy The campaign helps us ltUi ll is itill ti lfiilTitiii expiiciice and it pulls he kids together Bruckci said lliilfl tcccii cry sailtom oiiinvcr prers are sea mg lit uttznirnis vpuri hased using hc lTItt sibility of financi and budgeting APPLY Tftt Lliltlx Persons can now apply to the city clerks office to sit on the downtown board as of January Eligible persons have to he taxpayers or be employees of taxpayers Smith told The lixr amincr They have to be it ithiii the downtown board arta iscparalcd by the litltlt liairy on the cast and High Street on the West it corporatiiig ollicr Street lunlop Street and small pot lioit of ltaylicld Strcct lt has been expandch because more persons seem to want to participateSmith said Specific protects and promo lions will not be discussed until the new board iiicinhcrs have been found Smith said Next regular meeting ot the downtown board is Thursday morning Thursday practice in the band room at the school All three of the bands at North Col legiate which are all directed by Sharon Sibr thorpe are practicing for concert that is to be held on the evening of November l5 Examiner Photo School commencement exercise Saturday Ttll Secondary Schools annual tall coiiiincnccincnt exercises will take place Saturday beginning at it in thc schoolscatctoriuiii Those students graduated alter the 1978 Tit academic year ill rcccivcl tiitario secondary school diplomas Individual achievement awards will also be presented Liberal MPP speaking All Stong liberal critic of the justice policy secretariat will he the guest speaker Friday at the annual meeting of the Simcoc cntrc Liberal Associat ion The meeting at the Sunnidale ominunity cntrc begins at ii in Stong is from the riding of York entic Canoe club meeting Monday The ltarric aiioc lab will elect new cxcucttyc at meeting Monday The session is being held at the Sunnidalc ommiinity tentri at to in Also on the program is aii cqiiipment display Computer course starting Anyone out there with minimum exposure to coin pitters who would like to learn more may take part in oncrday seminar being stagcd by Georgian ollcgc 12 beginningat loa iii The seminar is designed to offer information iii non technical language Demonstrations will show how coiii puttrs can actually work for us in our industries osl of the sciiiiiiar is $3 and registration is lllltllHl for For information contact Al Macmillan or lim Jackson at tbccollege Whos driving van llltflr The big question in lnnislil these days Vhy is the dog catchers wife driving the animal on not truck all over town To set matters straight says nun Katic laiis that Isnt the dog catchers wife It ltiaiic lliidts lniiislil lirs zyoiiian dog catcher She has bolstered the township ioiiipliiiicnt of animal control officers to two Youth Appreciation Week Mayor Ross Archer Signs proclamation declaring the week of Nov ll to l7 Youth Appreciation Week which is an Optimist Club protect On the left IS Bruce Shipley director of the Optimist Club He will work With Chris Gariepy zrightl as they Wlll both be cochairman of Youth Ap preciation Week Exominer Photoi

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