yumv run Wmaaur the examiner Saturday Nov 179 chasesequipment Pressure monitoring system donated donation of $4850 from the Auxiliary to the Royal Victoria Hospital has purchased central pressure monitoring system for the Coronary Care and Intensive Care Units of the hospital Above Millie Boorman left sees the system in opera tion Millie is the chairman of the Remembrance brance of friends or relatives who have died In stead of purchasing flowers the money helps pay for hospital equipment such as the monitoring system With Millie Boorman are nurse Kathryn Morrison of the CCU and patient Beatrice Wall of Barrie Examiner Photo Fund fund of money given by donors in remem Bob Hesketh and Spats have already helped us to raise $5000 °° for the Toronto Humane Society continue to donate cents for every Romar 90 label you send us between now April30th1980 more Gives mans best friend hand Spats and thank everybody who supported the Romar 90 label otter earlier this year Your response resalted in $5000 donation to the Annual meeting Women representing all of Simcoe County gathered at the Color Say goodbye Mr Goodbar TORONTH itli Goodbye Mr Goodhar married swingers and sleeping around Promiscuity may have run its course Although sex is more openly talktd about and more accessible than generation ago society may be becoming more conscriativc in sexual at titudcs survey by the Toronto Star confirms what experts in the MOM have been suspecting backing away from in discriminate sexual relations and return to the ideal of re niantic love with one person Today the greater shift is to ward concept of sex with al fection says York Lniversity psychologist Esther ircenglass The old double standard has given way to belief that sex with one partner you love is all right for both sexes SEtllNl TlltllillTS After the euphoria of liber ition that contraceptives pror idcd little more than dcc adc ago women are having some sobcr second thoughts about their relationships with men major change in the 60s and Tits was the increase in fenale premarital sex says Dr Irecnglass The younger the person the greater likelihood she would have sex before marriage But sleeping around has re gained its libertine taint of being in bad taste as peoplc weigh their new freedoms against more practical consid erations Dr Greenglass who is work ing on book about sex rolc Simcoe County Museum for the annual Womens Institute Day McKennaJones Trinity Anglican Church Barrie was the setting for the September 22 wedding of Debra Lynn Jones of Barrie daughter of Mr and Mrs William Henry Jones and Kevin John Patrick McKenna of Midhurst son oer and Mrs Thomas McKenna of Midhurst Following honeymoon in Barbados the couple is residing in Barrie Photo by Pro Toronto Humane Society Building Fund and the Romar people have decided to continue The fund is still short of its final goal so theyll donate cents for every Romar 90 label you send them between now and April 30th 1980 Its an opportunity to give your pet the real meaty nutrition and delicious taste of ROMAR 90 and to Support the Toronto Humane Society in their important work to the benefit of pets all over Ontario The money will help pay for the new building which they will soon begin constructing Just save your ROMAR 90 Lois Robertson retiring from Apple Tree Studio wishes to thank most sincerely all her customers friends and suppliers who have made the operation of Apple Tree Studio such pleasure for the past few years the coupon printed below Romar 90 its the one that gives mans best Th6 triend hand Isnt that right Spats To ROMAR 90 HUMANE SOCIETY DONATION Box t7t6 Posta Station Tomato MJG 4A3 Label isW° on0 to theTor Humane SOCe Jill Petrie is assuming ownership of Apple Tree Studio and has some very sparkling plans for its continuation ï¬ne handmade quality will be maintained and full personalized service will always be available for past and future clients the same Deï¬fng 4m Stille Custom patterns from Canadas finest suppliers Personal service on large or small enquiries Over 15 years experience in custom draperies ds tracking and installation makes us well qualiï¬ed to do specialty windows 7268637 23 NEZlJBliSZTlfame Choose from an outstanding selec tion of excellent quality material and stereotypes says women are more conservative than men Women have to be more conservative than men because marriage still has different meanings for women she says Komcnstill Likcintoac count the social position and economic security that comes with mate selection TAKIlelts STHlS She says that they will ccn abandon their romantic idcals recognizing that they Usually take on through marriage the economic status and social level of their husbands lts males who tend to bc norc romantic and to idealic their mates more today she says Women still cant afford ro iiiaiitic attachments to then who are not potential marriage partners especially because womens years of marriagcability are less then mens Thelma Mctormack York lnivcrsity sociologist explains why men also are becoming more conservative although less so than women She believes that men many of whom supported womens equality at first have since felt threatened by the growing movement for equal rights among homosch uals Mll RHTREATS Macho man is uptight again and has retreated into con servatism she says The biggest factor in shaping current attitudes even re garding sex is not feminism but economics savs Ms Mu Cormack Simcoe Wl meets at museum For some it was the first visit and they viewed the artifacts with keen interest For others thre was always something new to see The afternoon program was chaired by Mrs Maguire of Minesing past president of the Simcoe Area Wl She reviewed the history of the museum and the part the WI has played in the 50 years since it began The continued support is appreciated After welcoming the guests Mrs Maguire introcuccd the chairman of thc lcchccrtlw ill from South Simcoc This group modelled hats acr ccssorics etc bringing forth laughter and applause The ex cellent commentary for the ridiculous styles added to the humor and left no doubt as to the use of the styles modelled BenJoy Fashions of the tirillia Square Mall presented the fall and winter stylis modelled by Mrs Maude Freeman of rillia Mrs James licard of oldwatcr and Mrs Drinkill of Elmvalc They mov ed quickly and capably from change to change in styles that suited the larger figurc Mrs Maguiie gave suitable ruling on changing fashions in womens clothing through the years Joining the women for part of the afternoon wre the Grade Three students of aklcy Park School in Barrie and their teacher Mrs lilaclherson They are studying pioneer lite by experience The little school house was their classroom for the day and they were leaning by doing ringing the school bell and writing on slates as thcir ancestors would have done The day was closed off by thc women of Simcoc North serving apple cider and cookies peOpIe and places November at and la with honic baking and llillsdale lot at Dalston and fancy work at the 11ml Hall 30am at rnwii Hill lhisi lcrris Lane on Vlcrinisday November from 24 pm lall Supper The Dalston lnited lhurchs tall suppci will be hcld on Saturday November with sit tmgs at pm and till lll Tickets are for aduls $3 Tili for childrcn and arc aiilablt to tailing TltvtiHitt liancc ltiiirlraising dancc tor tlic lilterKillliililtl program of lht Barrie and District Association for the Mentally Retarded will he held at thi building 173 Bayticld St on Saturday iixciiiber from til am Twelve dollars per couple lll cludis buffet cash bar disc Jockey and door priis all Jury Shaw itTiiiiiz for tickets llallowccii llancc Thc liariic French Nursery School will he haying Hallo wccn Dance Saturday Nowinherit front lil frlU of $12 per couplc includes door prizes midnight snack and dist jtitkt ostamcs ari up twinal TiclLcs axailabm at 7hr door or by calling Ruth lniuci at iiimil or ii llalc 77 300 Son and Plttlst The Dalstorrlliilsrliili it will have Song and Praisi ices at each church on suiirtay Ann Landers Just give her hugs anyway Dear ltll Landers Your answer to Tongue Tied in Appleton bothered me it as good but think that niolhcr nwds more help if you remcmbcr shc iskul tor adv ice on how to answer her year old daughter who said know lm rotten kid but it your iault you raised me You told her in cftcct to tell the daughter shc could changc iiid make something bcttci oi hcrsclt it coursc she can but sliccan do it lot ctisicr with her mothers hpr lhavc fcw Stssvstions for the mother that will case tense and unhappy situation Neyei engage in shouting match with your daughter lt shc screams bite your tongue low or your mice and say anything you feel compelled to say in oicc only slightly above whisper It you cant manage that tell her quietly that you will discuss the siibicct with her when you are calmer Then do it Ncycr lcthcr reduce on to ltll You an an important pcrson too thn she gets out ot hand scnd lttl to hcr room dcprnchciol it pro ilcgo but dont lct hcrdctcat you Let her know you loc hcr Tcll her the iicxt time she ragcs at you that there is nothing she can say that ill cause you to stop loing her You may not like lici behauor but shc is your daughtcr and you arc committed to lo mg her so let hcr know she might is well stop trying to alienate you illont worry there ill be times illll you cant stand her but rcmcmbcr yourc probably not loiblc all the time cilhct Touch litr lot This is important When shes glued to TV and you pass by hci chair rcach out and pat her iivc hci lots of hugs and dont be put off by licr groans or pulling away Trv not to tlllltlt too often Suggcsl if you must but dont be on hcr back about ccry llllit thing Saw youi tins and donts lot the biggies and MAKE THEM Slltlx Ii Stop blaming your husband for not spending time with her if he is stand iilllSll and gonc lot that is his problem and his loss You arc responsible for your relationship with our child and you cannot control anyone clscs attitude or hchavior When ou reprimand licr if you must in your newly ac qtiired quict oicc choosc good language lixamplc liiid your offcnsivc behavior unacccplablc It will be far morc effective than You arc rotten kid Remember that is tough ago Its not easy to grow up and this baby you rocked in your arms is finding it more diliicult than it was in your day Dont worry about what other people think liistcn to HER No matter what slicsays all she wants is for you to low hcr other if liiiir Hlos llccti llicic lcal lothcr Thank you for thosc cxccllcnl guidclmcs Mothiirdaughtcr relationships arc never easy for wide variety of reasons Any mothcr who says My daughtcr never gave me moments trouble or single heartache is not levelling honestly hclicvc that it is not possible tor daughter to completely understand or appreciati her own mother until slic has daughtci ot hcr ow Consumers Advocate New home warranties Hy JOY UHIAND We bought our house last year and Her time it rains hard water pours from the ceiling down the interior wcst walls of the house It was built in the spring of Hit and was coycred by the llll Warranty Act but cannot get any replies to my letters to the huildcr of the house and am sure that something has gone wrong during construction What can do You should report in detail your complaints to the Toronto Regional Office of the llllA New Home larranty Pro grant at 251 onsumcr Road Suite No 1120 lillowdalc M2J 4T5 If necessary the official services of thc otportr tion may be required and conciliation inspector will mediate the problem This action will cost the consumer $50 fee but if his com plaint is valid this amount will be refunded Should the result he unsatisfactory to ithcr the consumer or the builder an appeal may he launched with the ommercial Relations Appeal Tribunal which is Stmijlltiltlill body under the Ministry of Consumer and ommcrcial Relations For many years consumers were offered warranties Wlill the purchase of appliances automobiles and many ser vices but their most expensive and lasting purchases houses did not have any worthwhilc guarantees Consumers continued to ask the Ontario government for warranties on houses and suddenly the Ontario New Home larrantics Plan Act was enacted in June ltiiti to all new homes or condominiums whcrc purchasers sigiitd agree ment of purchase and sale on or after January tst ltiT ltllhlSTICRIIl Builders have to be registered altcr lhc orporation has checked their financial ability and their technical skills Now consumers need not worry about expending money on motel accommodation because the builder has not com plctcd the house by the date agreed upon onsumcrs are also protected for fivc years against major structural defects to maximum of Szoooo lownpaynicnts too are covered the Vendor will givc consumer Deposit Receipt copy of which is sent to thc orrxiration This document proVidcs evidence that all payments were made before taking titlc to house so if the builder gets into financial dill icultics and the purchase tran saction is not completed the purchaser could get back up to 320000 Therefore it is wise for consumers to purchase new homes from registered builders under the lllliiif Plan on sumcrs should report cases of bad workmanship to lilliAFs hcad iffHt which is at ltib Bloiir Strcct West loronto MiS 2Y6 for thc orporatiiiiiss furthirr scrutiny The ilSl of regislcrcd buildirs is constantly bcing updatch and consumcrs may grit copy ol such list if they contact lllliAt are family scrviics Admission is 73 cents lntariaiis The sullyct of the Sunday Horticulturi Xiiviirihcr meeting of thr lnitarian Fellowship at Georgian ollcgi will hi nitarian children and religious education and no lecture by In Willinot an originally aiinounccd lir Yzllniol wili appcar nrrgt Sui day at lhc usual llml it in Edgar Scry ice Pastor Bouncy will be gutst speaker at spicial sir The tarric Horticultural Nitétl will sponsor tour to the itt Ullittits it Mapli Leaf Gardens on chnslay Noycadicr Thi bus lcaw thr Wcllingiiii llotcl at pm iriiHiS to Yorkrlalc and goes to thi show at Ito in Total cost is Sii Ji for childrin $12 in for adults for wild or ted seats To ltStlLf call Florenci lirxkhar between it and lt1 til Mil Maigarcf Laurcnri at TziitiTJi or May Max will at 78 824 tt at the Edgar iciapa wional cntrc chapel Sunday November at to Pastor Bonito is from the West liro tapist hurch All wclcoriir WEIGHT WATCHERS The Authority Garagi Salt The Siniioi tiiunty foiianuiitt rissociaoh hold garagi xii oi lllii if iNiiihcr at ll Suiziyilali Road from iliit toty ll tl liltiXilliiitl Ribckalis iilf Vii il lxxigmxiil be haying titiaai YOURE THIS CLOSE TO lOSING WEIGHT FOR lNFORMATION All 7265505 ilitrli