examiner patterns The Vested Suit examiner someday nov 197919 DONT BE SOUGHT SITTEN Without your copy of Printed Pattern the examiner Be sure and keep posted on all the latest happenings in your area Its all in the examiner TO START YOUR SUBSCRIPTION IUST CALL 7266539 ASK FOR CIRCULATION We Wont Keep You Waitin The classrc but contemporary vested Ioolt SUITS YOU to Neatly shirted nipped at the waist slurt Sidewrapped and flared this 15 terrific ITIO Printed Pattern I1681 1r Miss Si1e579 II 13 15 Size 11 bust 3312 shirt 34 yds 45 in vest 18 skirt 58 yds Get to Know Your Comm ni cheque or money order Add 35¢ each pattern for firstclass mail and handling Print plainly Size Style Number your Name Ad dress Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept The Examiner 109 Crocliford Who got married What was 3323im°° the score of the ballgame uItrecreation35 last night where was that wardrobe With our NEW FALL WINTER PATTERN CATALOG Over mo sires onus tree 5150 fire When is that sale Why pattern coupon Catalog $1 127Alghans Doilies $150 18i52l227£2lihailill are your taxes going up ISOSweatersSizes 38563150 ISIAddaBlocthuilts 3150 How do OUT WhCTIIS neighborly happenng my com THE ALUMINUMTHERMAL news munity IH oro Statlon CI bv 533238Wmd examiner youd have the SPECIALISTS Misslteta BtiehanaiiJlr and Mrs Douglas Pickering Mr an INITSI4JITIItIIrtlllttm aim iiyaIfIgirk1tII139llgllilfflilaï¬izixi TH SIZES AND STYLES Robinson Milton Mr and Mrs Robinson are parents of Mrs Merye 01d of Toronto whom many of us in the area know Our good wishes go with Mr TILT IN FOR and Mrs Robinson The community was sadden EASY CLEANING attire3tieratar penlng In the smaller eOUBLEGLAZING AItta ogliitiih of lHarriei in LUIS HEAT 2rtiss Traiam whs iiume tn Rims Vietoria NO PAINTING Hospita Barrie or many OR MANTENANCE rs Lfi sI rel to titanwith sit ill58 rm Cou nty PL ou reg ALSO AVAILABLE many years Miss Graham was born in 0ro Township sister of IN TRIPLE GLAZING Mrs Pearl Mertliur and world news news predeceased by sister lltllt brothers lBelI Joseph Jim and Robert tin hearing of the sudden death two nieces Mrs Dougls Pickering and Mrs Garfield Burton flew to Calgary to he with Miss Ruth Russell very dear friend of Miss Graham all TtILITTIlTIIl for the funeral which was held CI Saturday October 27th from Steckley Funeral Home inter ment followed in Oro Station Lnited Cemetery Ridge Road Mrs 1yIa Ralhbone daughter gt 31 oftheIateJosephGraham also flew front Thunder Ba and at MN tended the funeral spending few days with relatiyes While Be SPECIAUZING IN at FULLY LICENSED Miss Russell in this in It THERMAL BOW rr itin family and friends BONDED INSURED Lari retgurning to her home in underSOld WINDOWS PATIO Calgary DOOR KNOCKOUTS Eleven tables of euebrt were THROUGH BRICK OR ro res at the LUTTIIIIIITIII FRAME iNSTAIiAYIW centre Monday night High 11 ners were Mrs Dorothy Bullock Mrs Helen MeKay 2nd Mrs Grace Mawhmiiey Jack Pugsley 3rd Mrs tis IeGrand Ellwood Rtiiolds ASK ABOUT OUR ta Sutt in imas Pglttehdr trtivellingk IISIIIIJ CHIP INSULATION ne BOX REPLIES WhiI nd mil madeeoekilaerd 9963 be Showroom CT BrOdIord IBI numbers of the °deYiSeT as besde the chhon Hotel Gower Lloyd Sehrani soon as possible we accept no Ii liability in respect L55 mdif522 for home delivery SDNGSSOFWFASCAAmouwwwms in Iorwording such replies howeyer otherwise TF