Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Nov 1979, p. 18

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40IITICIES for sale 406 full ii Vitolot mi WO Luxury loom and fell upholclary loOwl with rbubla loom and felt surface cushioning Wkllmg box spring ml Lme monmw trait in Spring my lodelens $29995 altarticles for sale Barrie Titrniturr I7 MULCASTER ST BARRIL eoarticlestor sale COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER to tan 3phau wotar coola with dual compressor $1 500 Cd JIM 7372432 TEACHERS BRASS handball 4x7 S20 laquercd teachers bell 417 $10 handringer doorbell SIS large cowbell $15 small Swiss bronze bell SIS cast Bell Sl25 cast deck belt 838 cast yard belt 365 cast patio bell s40 desk Dell 34 pony bells on leather $8 50 Christmas bells straps S750 and $4 50 also large straps ot bronze horsehells Set at brass cutter chimes on steel S75 JACK SMITH New Lowell LDM IND 4241065 10 12 PERSIAN RUG excellent con dition aqua rose and cream colored $700 when new Asking $300 Call alter 424 1845 WINDOW SHUTTERS 11 pairs at Iouvered house shutters pairs it long pairs ll long Also combina tion wooden storm doors 72a 8271 alter CHINA TOILET with seal wall basin complete with taps and towel bars pink S25 Telephone 728 4193 MANDOLIN and case tor sale 20 also DArmond electric pickup tor mandolin like new 830 Telephone 737 1351 SONY STLRFO Sensational AMIFM racaivar custom turntable S343 Get free speakers Under 55 wkly starting January80 KRAZY KELLYS now next door to Tha Highway 90 Meat Market at Farndola Onehour delivery 7371 I82 TF GARAGE AND BACK SALE Sunday November 4th to m119 Sun nidale Rd Sponsored by Simcoe County Jewish Community Association FRIDGE stove and stereo Phone alter 300 737 3508 DRUMS tor sale brand new Remo Rota Toms l0 inch Best otter must sell Telephone 436 3224 after POOL TABLE prolessional type lull state as used in all pool halls $1600 includes Boston snooker and Western balls and cues cloth excellent table and slate perfect 10 years old 487 2622 all9r 6p FIREWOOO $25 PER FACE CORD Picked up mixed hardwood We also sell Wood Stoves and Fireplace Aids THE WOODBURNER PHON 4589636 N30 GAS STOVE tour burner harvest gold nearly new ROUND TABLE and tour chairs chrome legs red and black Telephone 726 I457 HANDCRAFTED PINE dining room table eightchairs condition orange corduroy sota bed With matching chair IT orangegold shag rug glass and chrome desk and chair end tables and book shell good condition twm Posturpodic mattress and box spring clean 726 5406 HARVEST GOLD 30inch stoveeloctric portable humidilier Zig rag sewing machine 24 inch stove white Telephone 728 2518 altere ZENITH 20 PORTABLE COLOR lm solid state only $598 Under $6 wtily Starting January 80 Order lonile gala free 12 black and while One hour delivery KRAZY KELLYS now next door to Tha Highway 90 Moot Market at Fomddla One hour delivery 7371182 TF WOOD AND COAL cook stove by Windham electric stove wicker arm chair antique hanging bell dresser chest of drawers other lurnilure 456 2201 RESTAURANT SINK tor sale tubs sla ntess steel good condition open to otters Telephone 728 3704 UMBRELLA TABLE large size with umbrella 525 double bed Size bedspread crushed velvet gold rust brown checkered S30 like new Iloor polishcr good condition $10 737 3732 alter or weekend WEIGHTS AND bullworker tor sale Telephone 726 6898 WOOD FOR SALE all hardwood cherry and maple Seasoned one year $40 per lace cord delivered Call Fred at 835 34l8 no toll from Barriel alter DUNCAN PHYFE diningroom suite pieces needs retinishing 3300 Telephone 424 1745 OIL SPACE HEATER 560 Good condi tion Telephone 436 S431 STORM WINDOWS in ditterent Sizes available 728 0539 FOUR LADDER BACK chairs antique reproductions in excellent condition Call 726 7658 FIREWOOD Seasoned hardwood Pickup 0r delivery LAKESIDE TREE EXPERTS 7260015 or 7283465 M26 30 GALLON AQUARIUM tully equip ped pair boys Bauer skates sire I2 worn twih pair girls beginner skates size It new pair girls tiguro skates Silel 728 UN 67814 SNOW TIRES and rims tor l97 volare warlorl 728 1488 iiiIboats and motors GULL YACHT BASIN hmmmnum miles noth of Barrie on Lake Simeoe between 5th 6th of Om Book now lor winter storo It Still mun tour 8041 TO 22 FT FROM IAIRIF TO INSIDF STORAGF 14 to 165150 16 to 18 5175 18 to 11 ms dlnrirn MECHANIC ott oim Yaw authorized Mercury Mmmlur OaaIar Marac IeetsforSelc 4872122 BOAT REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES wood and tltreglau TOLLFNOAL MARINA BARRII TF 7264950 42articles wanted CANADIAN SILVER COINS betore 1967 American betore I964 No collection too large or small Canadian stamps Old watches postcards iewellerv 7261663 evenings 726 3162 LOGS WANTED Pine Scrum Nt etc with lach diamciTS ii it with Logs Ltd tn Noi iwivv Iqs 728 5800 WANTED Approximately 20 teat SNOW FENCING Telephone us N15 42articles wanted CANADIAN SILVER CONSDetore 1967 American Detore 1964 Ho collection too large 0r small Canadian stamps Old watches postcards iewetlnry 726 3162 CASH FOR OLD FURNITURE books disbe Old pictures clocks odds and ends Prr 1950ilems 778 3234 Al ARTICLES NEEDED Appliances needing minor reoa=rs Call The SALVA TION ARMY 77B 3794 TOP DRICES PAID for good clean used furniture appliances Barre New and Used Furniture 737 4774 OLYMPIC COINS wantAd Will buy Sets or separate $50 per sit 737 0923 any time 407 309 evenings or weekends TOP PRICES PAID for gold and Silver Dental geld iewellery watches alsr cams and paper money and stamps 728 8895 Buyinglrir mrlalconlentonly 44dogs and pets MAYS POODLE PARLOR Proles sional clipping and grooming Chargex accepted Phone726 0061 DAFFON KENNELS Specializing in Boarding tor Big Dogs Coulson On taria Telephone 705 835 S223 BARRE POODLE Salon Shampooing and clipping at all breeds 264 St Vincent St 726 4744 POODLE TRIMMING prolessional grooming all breeds pick up and do livery 726 8798 Pet Studio TROPICAL FISH Best selection in town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edge hill Aguaria I43 Ardagh Road 726 0094 HOUND PUPS tor sale or trade two months old blue tick black and tan and red bone cross good voice Phone 728 6360 SIX MONTH OLD purbred brown male Miniature Dachshund has had all needles good natured with children Selling because at allergies 726 3605 FREE TO good home Four month old part Shopherdlemale pup Cal7374180 BEAGLE HOUND to rent tor deer season starting November tor season 466 2008 noon or alter soga rden supplies CHOICE TOP SOIL sand gravel driveway and septic stone 726 3928 or 726 1117 Sltrees and shrubs NURSERY STOCK TREES Dig your own While Spruce 510 County Road 3t 1st Iett otl Highway 27 726 9295 Elllandscaping FALL CLEAN UP Now is the lime tor protessional landscaping garden rototilled trees pruned snowblowing Telephone 458 9328 56camping equipment I975 AQUARIUS 22 motor home low mileage sleeps six lots at extras ex cellent condition313900 Call 424 0875 1977 SHAMROCK trailer on tandem With awning sleeps six excellent condi tion 65000 Phone 436 3024 Can be seen at 233 Nelson Crescent Stroud 57livestock for sale HORSES BOARDED large new box stalls teeding daily turnouts stalls cleaned minutes westot Barrie Ilth ol vespra $70 monthly 728 6574 THREE YEAR bay gelding 15 HH sad dle broken gentle $700 HORSES BOARDED Telephone 4873284 or 487 2954 REGISTERED POLLED Hereford bull for sale seven young Herelord cows with calves attoolrebred 458 4715 MUST SELL Large hunter pony gelding shown successtully at permit and schooling shows Owner outgrown Call Maureen 436 3254 or leave message at 4362713 Ishoreroom Tavern anytime 59poultrychicks DEKALB READY to lay pullets Farm fresh eggs Laying cages lor sale Craig Hunter Poultry Farms 436 1811 60teedseedgrain 1000 BALES of hay tor sale 51 per bale phone alter 705 435 7552 67truits vegetables APPLES Apply Kooch and Son Con cession Oro Closed Sundays 728 8489 GEORGIAN BAY MACINTOSH AP PLES $4 99 per bushel Bring your own containers Cancilla Fruit Market 17 Clapperton St 68personals We are trying to locate men leng ton pickup truck who at 530 pm on Tuesday October 28 1979 stopped to help maroon Oahtxa Taxi call stuck in the ditch on the 14th Concession Road lint east of 10 tidarood in Tecumuth Township There were man in the all at the time Please cal Mark Witter lawyer at 4169250421 colect N5 SHAMPOOFR POLISHER Ask for free home demonstration today ELECTROLUX 7283392 BOWLERS WANTED tor leagues lorm ing how Men women singles couples teams Call Kempview Bowl 728 vtol TELECARE Why light your problem alone Let friend help Call Telecare 726 7922 anytime AUTOS to Florida and all paints in Western Canada gas allowance Town to Driveaway Service 416 226 4616 BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION 56 Mary Street Open Mooday and Tuesday 100 300m and Thursday 30 30 pm 737 4222 736 9300 Ext 236 BIRTHRIGHT Are you pregnant and distresed Birthright really cares 166 Baytield Street Barrie 737 3550 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 778 6581M you drink thats your business It you want loguit that sours Call any time JAMES Psychic Artist Private can sultation psychic panes Aura por traits Y269512 RIDE NEEDED URGENTLY From Angus to Tottenham and ban For the alternoon shill at techiems Inos will share expenses It you can help call 424 6446 SLINDAV COMPANION retired person who likes to drive his or her car or mine Expenses delraveo Box BR The aminer Barrie RIDE WANTED back and tortn trom Barrm to Midland weekdays tram November to December Vlilt any gas Telephone 726 6733 alter 6p RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie lt mnutes Windy Hautharh 160 Female Companion Wanted year NO treelance wt ter seeks attrac five young woman to date or share ac commooation all read rmscalty talented or artst It possroe to Box 870 TheExam ner PEPIN ROGER Father ot slumi Death or anyone no no his whereabobts please cenact Cer Tam 31416 95 664 Monday to Froa 9a 1059 COMPLMENYARV MARY KAY Facial and nsttuvisn In orrect NALV procedure or more Novat on 3n noepenoin 3a es etr Benr rt Uurslr £606 68personals RIDE WANTED trorn Innislil Siaeroad and Hwy 400 to Airport Strip arr yes leer Monday to Er car snare cost 436 S975 70Iost and lound CHILDS GLASSES LOST in Queen Street area on Saturday Boys brown rims Please telephone 726 9717 GOLD POCKET WATCH wtlh chain and smali unite lost near West End Plaza or General Barrie area on Tuesday even 00 Reward 728 2566 DOC rusty brown part Spitz Terrer Medium site last from Algonquin st area Has collar and tags Not well Please call 72 WW alter Jo 7Ihelp wanted Avon Iiiosfil SCHOOL Sell AVON You set your own hours on flexible schedule Meet interesting people OPLN TERRITORIES Midhurstaroo OLittle Lake area Oro west of Hwy 11 Guthrie area Barrie Angus Wosogo Beach Flos Phone today and find out how easy it is to get started Highest commission Call 7289652 FSTF DRAFTSPERSON person who has mechanical electrical drafting experience Duties to include design layout drafting of assemblies parts for light fixtures RFVFL LUMINAIRFS 73 MORROW RD BARRIF ONTARIO 7370561 N3 PART TIME EMPLOYMENT Training Tuesday nights and one weekend month Grey and Simcoe Fares tersMiitia Barrie Armoury For tur ther information on Tuesday and Thurs day evenings telephone 728 3761 EXPERIENCED SUPERINTENDENT wanted to clean and maintain apt building Send resume to Box 889 The Examiner Barrie LOCAL BUSINESS requires partners in sales managment Flexible hours good benefits Phone for appointment 726 9574 CARPENTER andor Carpenters Helper required with Interest in log building Call726 1966 PART TIME MATURE Babysitter wanted in my home during the day One child one year old Cundles area Please call 726 6673 URGENTLY NEEDED Reliable per son to live in and care tor four school age children in motherless home No heavy housework Main concern is childrens care Call1435 407$ CENTENNIAL Auto Body requires or year experienced BODY PERSON Tele phone 726 0481 PART TIME CASHIER required Apply in person at Mothers Pizza Baylield Street Barrie AIR CONDITIONING HEATING MECHANIC or 51h year apprentice re quired immediater by union company Retrigeration experience helpful Full time position Telephone 436 2232 CHILDS PLAY uniquely designed line at childrens books and games is looking tor consultants No experience necessary We willtrain Noinvestment necessary Telephone 436 5306 or 436 4406lor message CORTINA TAVE Dancer to wait tables Thursday Fri day Saturday to Apply in porson 355A Baytield Sl PART TIME RECEPTIONIST needed at Barrie Racquets Club evenings and one morning weekly Telephone 737 3721 BABYSITTER in Allandale area re quired mostly weekends and holidays Telephone 726 2516 ELECTRONICS Bell and Howell Job oriented training leading to careers in electronics industries tinancial aid for those who quality while in school part time jobs and housing available For in formation call Bucks 416 694 0554 November and and 1705 7261834 November Sando NURSE AIDE permanent part time positions available immediately in small nursing home tor developmentally llan dicapped children and adolescents Own transportation For interVIew contact either Director 01 Nursing or Ad ministratonva 4p 436 1461 EXAMINER WANT ADS 728241 7thelp wanted gamma HEALTH SCIENCES POSITION Georgian College on exciting student oriented community college set amid the recreational areas of the Georgian Bay Region invites applications for the following position TEACHING MASTER DENTAL HYGIENIST PROGRAM To teach theory and practice to students in the Dental Hygiene program at the Orillia Campus QUALIFICATIONS An Ontario Dental Hygiene licence or the equivalent and minimum of two years experience Salary is based on education and experience minimum $14463 per annum plus benefits Applications will be accepted until November 16th 1979 Please send detailed resume stating background and qualifications to Personnel Office Georgian College 401 Duckwortlt Street Barrie Ontario L4M 3X9 CONTROLLER Blue Mountain Pottery division of Heritage Craftsmen requires controller for its Collingwood operation The in dividual will be professionally qualified accountant RIA CGA Blue Mountain Pottery is medium sized Canadian company manufacturing ceramic giftware with branches in the United States and Great Britain The individual will have several years experience in related position and be completely familiar with accounting practices in manufacturing concern The person will also have flair for administration and people management Compensation will be commensurate with experience Submit your resumein complete confidence to BLAIR VICEPRESIDENT and GENERAL MANAGER BLUE MOUNTAIN POTTERY MOUNTAIN ROAD COLLINGWOOD ONT 318 SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Required to maintain in the Barrie Orillia Midland area nonfood item in the retail grocery outlets This position is with Household Rental Systems Division of BoyleMidway Canada Ltd distributors of the EasyOff rug care program We offer base salary with commission company van expenses and company paid benefits Apply with written resume only stating past work history and expected earnings in confidence to MR RAY BONNAR 1338 THE WEST MALL ETOBICOKE ONTARIO M9C 1C2 WANTED SANTAS HELPER Mature dependable person who loves children Call 7267632 for interview PART TIME J5 JOB Mutuel cashiers and sellers Prefer mature individuals with experience handling money and working with the public ie banking accounting sales clerks etc Must be available every Wednesday and Saturday evenings Reply in person to Barrie Raceway Tuesday to Saturday pm to 12 noon lt 130 to pm N35 YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND WIN PRIZES T00 EXAMINER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN THESE AREAS Phone 7266539 IURUNIOI HIGH ST DUNLOP VICTORIAi DUFFERIN PUGET ST NELSON STEEL BRADFORD ST TIFFIN ST NO 2005 before 400 Bridge EUGENAAMELIA DUNLOP WPERRY EUGENIAIDUNDONALD PENETANG ST SHANTY BAY SHOREVIEW PINE CEDAR PAINSWICK Yes would like more information about an Examiner Carrier Route NAME ADDRESS PARENTS SIGNATURL AG riiovf Clip and send to The Examiner Bax 370 Borne L4M 4T6 1359 wallet ilfhéléttélttsd LICENSED MECHANICS GENERAL MOTORS OLALTRSHIP OIILLIA ONT neeirecthefolowbg MECHANIC FOR ELECTRICAL TUNEUP ATRAN AND AIR CONDITIONING REPAIRS MECHANIC FOR GENERAL CAR AND TRUCK REPAIRS Company offers wide range of benefits weakly guarantee No Saturday work For further information please call HAMILTON 7263564 EVENINGS MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING GEE SPECIALIST Graduate Engineer or equivalent in mechanical or industrial disciplines Responsibilities will include protect assignments in tooling fixtures metal fabrication and finishing Emphasis will been the immediate production problems Minimum three years experience in mass production of elec trical mechanical components Good communication skills energetic response and potential for advancement are pre requisites Send replies to Supervisor Employment Canadian General Electric Company Ltd 80 Bradford Strut Barrie Ontario L4M 4V7 THE VILLAGE or cooxsrown CLERKTREASURER QUALIFIED APPLICANTS are requested to submit their detailed resumes to the undersigned for the above position by November 121979 Preferences will be given to applicants who have completed the AMCTO course and who have municipal accounting and administrative experience Salary negotiable and commensurate with qualifications and experience MICHAEL SHEEHAN ClerkTreasurer PO Box 69 COOKSTOWN Ont LOL 1L0 WANTED SANTA Must be Jolly CLAUS Dependable and love children Call 7267632 for interview ARE YOU an Opportunist HAVE YOU been in sales more than years 0ARE YOU now earning more than $20000 yrly ARE YOU career minded If yes please send resume to NBA GREEN 920 Yonge St Ste 320 TORONTO Ont M4W 3C7 72sales helpagents 72sales helpagents SALES REPRESENTATIVE for established territory in the Richmond Hill Newmorket Bar rie area We are leading distributor of cleaning equipment and supplies Salary and car allowance Soles experience essential Please send resume DUSTBANE PRODUCTS 1694 MIDLAND AVE SCARBOROUGH ONTARIO MIP 3C2 ZENITH 12230 Htsitcsflliélbiéenté ENTER THE WORLD OF THE SELFEMPLOYED WITH ALL ITS WONDERFUL OEDUCTIONS OEDUCTIONS DENIED T0 ORDINARY EMPLOYEES lam in the business of providing beneficial services to people who travel and motor wont to hire someone to work with me in marketing these services will teach you all know about our business If you qualify my firm will pay you guaranteed weekly income plus generous commissions and bonuses ask for no capital investment but only honest intelligent effort If you are mature have the desire to Succeed and genuine in teresl in people you may be the one am looking for Full or parttime Use of car for short auto trips necessary Contact Division Manager Aldo Monno 29 Carlton Rood Barrie PHONE 7374267 N310l724 SANFORD ADVERTISING Experienced advertising salesperson required by This requires on creative sales oriented individual Automobile necessary Only qualified reply CONTACT Ml McRAGUE 7264822 Sanford Advertising position aggressive N6 FANTASTIC OPPORTUNITY Earn up to 5500 weekly and more as our agent explaining government insulation program Management potential MR NORTH 14166361551 N24 ii195 telltzagénté TOP COMMISSIONS Sell anywhere part timeitull time Sideline Calendars ad specialties printed labels tapes ball prns ollice supplies etc Our 27th year New catalogue available Alco Box 3772 Ottawa FLEXIBLE HOURS Average so 00 SB 00 per hour showing our beautiful Christmas line to your triends and neighbors For personal interview call 7051 322 1704 ask about new phone plan EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY tor in dustrious independent Contractor desirous 0t going into business for himselt Not tranchise Bldg materials andor lube experiencr helpful Write Airmail President dept CO PO Box 70 Sta Toronto On tario M46316 7strade schools TRAVEL AS CAREER Enroll NOW in our HOMESTUDY Master Travel Program without giving up your present occupation tor complete training as Rosarvationist °Travel DirectOr °Ticketing Agent Group Sales Specialist 0T0ur Manager oTiavel Agent Clip and mail this ad for full in formation or phone 4161 4812214 Dept T11 CANADIAN SCHOOL OF TRAVEL 2221 Yonge St Toronto M45 281 Name Address CITY Prov PC Phone N3101724 76employment wanted DAY CARE In my home SI vri cent Grove Street area Telephone 726 5623 JANITORA OR DOMESTIC work wantv Reteences Fully exper ence rleccimAEW WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 77legal DISTRESS SALE BY LANOLORO Goods equipment and merchandise in Tea Room and Snack Bar May be viewed by prospective purchasers between pm and pm Tuesday November 6th 1979 Deadline for receipt of sealed tenders Friday November 1979 Solo to highest bidder Place inquiries or mail lenders to SCANTI INVESTMENTS LTD Infield Mel 320 layfteId St Barrie Ontario Telephone 7267632 aln to pm Tartenders Ministry of Natural Ontalo Resources TIMBER SALES MIDHURST FOREST TREE NURSERY MIDHURST ONTARIO SdaNoJ 3500 cu ft mixed hard woods consisting of 294 pcs treelength material on landings Diameter range 27 Fuelwood Sowlogs SaleNo5 9200 cu ft mixed soft woods consisting of 715 pcs treelength material on landings Diameter range 16 Pulpwood Sowlogs Tenders shall be received up to 1200 noon EST Nov 79 Tender forms available from The Superintendent Midhurst Forest Tree Nursery Ministry of Natural Resources Midhurst Ontario LOL 1X0 Phone 7057286599 GROVES Superintendent N3 09995 sales MORTGAGE SALE MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLF HOUSE AND PREMISES Under and by virtue of the POWER OF SALE contained in certain mortgage which is now in default there will be offered for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION by Mr Bill Ruslond Auctioneer the sole to take place on the premises at the hour of 100 oclock in the afternoon on Wednesday the 7th day of November 1979 the lands and premises known as Unit 33 360 Blake Street in the City of Barrie more particularly described in the mortgage registered in the Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Simcoe No 51 as Instrument No 310 The property will be offered for sale subiect to reserve bid The Purchaser shall pay down to the Vendors agent at the time of the sale by way of deposit $200000 by cash or certified cheque and shall pay the balance by cash or certified cheque on or before the 7th day of December 1979 Adiustments are to be made as of the date of closing The Purchaser shall search title at his own expense On the premises is said to be erected three storey con dominium row house with brick veneer wall finish containing three bedrooms and an at toched garage Inspection of the property may be had from 1200 oclock noon on the day of sale Further particulars and con ditions of sale may be had from Mr Bill Ruslond 705 7454115 or from Walker Strothy Archibald and Seogram Barristers and Solicitors Box 438 Commerce Court Toronto Ontario M5L 1J3 DATED at Toronto this 9th day of October 1979 02027N3 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DlRECT PHONE 728 2414 Classified odvamsaments and notices for these pages must be receired by day preceding publication with tho exception of Classified Display advertisements which must be in by pm two days ptto to publication BIRTH NOTICE Sb 00 ENGAGEMENTS MARRlAGFS DEATH NOTICFS 40 words 36 00 Additional words Ilgts per word CARD OI THANKS 40 words 86 Add lionolwords ll ts par word MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse 660 With varse pet count line 23 cents per COMINCEVENTS $3 439 columnincr CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 24 wot mitiimw Cosh Discour Poles upcy paid Wirhir d0y One or two He 10 pe word irseiir Three corseu ue unions certs pa word mu $6 84 Six consecut re insert ans per par insertion total 296 Multiple Irse lions may be ordered SubleU to correiot or when sotitloclory results obtained Method at curving fewer than 24 words count as 24 words Each initial abbreviatior let numbers etc countos parole words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phcre nsetiott orders are orapted convenience to the advertisers Ttereve the Classvled Advert Iirg Oepaer quiras odyetises lo krdy rector te advettisemec immediately atar liist rse lion in only that any error or omss or 01 browned before or in ordai that some may be reciit ad lei tha lollowmg day poolratior The Elominr is responsible for arty are ncotecty pltted insertiar of any advert samen and thor mi 15 the an ol pornor of ad that involves tha Misprin you nthh do not lunar the value of the Mathsmart are no eligible for onec 90m by mob goods The dummy rasann therigr to classify rariu or raixt Oty nar PHONE 723 2414 Announcements ifa tififwix Sigt 81births HOWES Trevor and Susan nee Rodgma are pleased to announce the sate arr at the daughter Catherine Ruth born Tuesday October IW at Royal victor new tal Barrie wegt no Its 31 Proud grand parents are Nlr and ltrs Rodcmat has no and Mr and Mrs Lawn Non ch Etgand MlNNIK Tom and Janice inee Cowl3 are harp announce he sale val baby Sabrina Christine Mordai Octpbit 39 1079 at 1145 Rsia utor Hosp al weighing olbs on Prosd grandparentsae Mrs EPH Cowi ot Bowie and Mrs Jean wonk pl Slavwr Special thanks to Johnsand stattotm GOOD NEWS TORY When an nouncu the birth at voir to The Ex amt limp ttCK at mItCe are avalabu lot Bar Boos PamIv Tree Rewrcs atd vaur triittds and relatives Mesa an Jim Place umvmitt at tt 3i thi Exam Class le 85deaths NOAFV HJTr for Hhxpfiil BA iltrSIkI October It IS Hm Howe in his 61 year fili LSLJ at Kriiua rawtorg Dgit hither ttgtll 0t Lon don Itito and Barrie Don at OiliiJ lmk amt Buns Edmonton Shatrott uic How at Bariic amt Entr vas Ayotti at KSIssnIIda SltDlflhlV Cl Br LE Mrs Collis 0t Sudttuy Rota urs Crpps ol Barrm and Norman Clark at Ori Slatim Siir vivcd also by 30 grandchildren great grandchildren 2sistivs Fptli canton 0t and Nell Grihelr pl Itlatd On Prirtitciasi by onebrattor Jack Friitnns may inll at Kiclii FUmritl Rxtitl Home 30 orsli St Barrie allot Saturday Stiriii the mom Ol Monday Ntft1htt at Inlet mrnt Bittrp Lin on Ceviptir Combined service Rebekah Lodge and Cantons be held on Sunday at 30 It $01105 id memorial dona lions 7711 he non til Canadian Cancer Society DOAN Mull at the Rriitl Victoria HospJa Barrio on Thursday November 19W in mv 8817 year Em ma Prince MTI at the late Morrison Dita Ati thii litth tirtttiit clixlrmiiii molhiir Pearl itr shaniwnt pt Stroud Thllnlfl Mrs Sltiiitrdnth of Edgar elma Mrs of flame Doris Mrs Ctawtordl ot Cookslown and Elsie IMrs AldilSOltl ol Aiav Also survivedby grandchildren and otcaturandcliilitrun and sisters Mrs Laura Viikos Nle Ida Burch Ms Pearl Goldsmith Ms Lillian Hall and brother Goorczi Rim Friends may call at the Hiiitiiic Funeral Home Cookstuwn alter In Saturday November Funeral service and com mittal on Sunday November at Interment1horntonulti0n Cemetery In lieu 0t flOWtTS donations to your tavourilecharity would heapprecialitd RICHARDSON SARAH JANE at the Royal vict0ria Hospital Barrie on Fri day Novcitlbvrz low Sarah pthdTL sort in 74 84th yliT hIlnvd with 01 IIII late Walter Edimitt itiardsun dear Imitth ol Qirstmnt Idvcnl Payne and Margaret but 0t Tctiiiitii and the late Allen dear grandmotth nl niaiiy grand Cftlldrin and Inuit utitniiiltilctren dear SISI of Mrs Irene Clark at KesWioi Mrs Elizabeth Ittiiiiipsnn at Toronto Dick ol Painsvvick Cyril and Mauriio both of Toronto Rrslng at the Jennetl Funeral Home 152 BiailtmdStreet Bar rie Visitation Irotn Sunday at 20 at Ser vice in the chapel On Monday November at pm Interment 17710 Union Cemetery llRRV Smo mm mini iyiI lcriit Hospital Itiitlii 11 Thursday Noyi Ititiiv ly Snmli lilll my iii her 88th ytitl Kit ll nl tiii lati Rusml Pirr anitli ttt Itllir itl Cinrdiiii Perry viola int lniiiis Pitty and 10 Idlt ClaytiIl ptlly Drit grand itinttlci iil Liyliin liIry and Murrin Perry ilitlIytll1111lll If Craig Perry and DIIll it Dinr sister 01 Alvniiiii lllrltfliy LSliIlllLl Astiiituianrl lllt liiti Bartiiu illlp it Kathititle CFUIHI 111 Wlilqlll Gladys Wilson Jack ism itit klilhfi kitsnci Ritalirli III litttliit funiVitl tiimir IS Brililliiiit ltltl T1trriii VlslfillnH lriiii riiility ill ii In Kiiv ii in tti tmpirl itI Solutiliiy NIIvrtmir at Inli tlr Iiitttt it lllIllil Itiirtt Cfllt ti ry MAW FliIiibiltI Al Gruvi Park Hottii Barr lhurility Nrtvertitml 1979 EliIilllt tti quiiscin TJOIOVIU Wtfl oi lll lati Diivirl IIIy Maw intIii Witt ytal Dom llllll nl Willinll Mar iil Rami iiiil Mal llit Iris SwevriIt ol Bil In totil and Wu lati Isiahl Maw ylfllitlnlfiilfllT rII filiiiii Hill Rittirivl Kwi zit nthr lll Aliim amt Barry Mar anil tour iiithriiriil children Friinri rtty call at iliickli Funiira Hilrtii Street Bar VlI 1tlii vii Sal rm on Dirhi giy viii tllltlt1ll win Noyllllll Sat It lI riii iliiiii liniiiii CI ITtl IMHOFF Hirtm Joseph At his Tosldnncn In Strourl 0r Fri Nov 1979 Hertor lTthiOlf in his Mild ytar btlovoil husband of Evangeline ltTlIlOfl ol Strourl Loving tathir ol pitIlia Btflutlttnl ol Edmonton Alberta Donna Spinks nl Brentwnod Charlene at Allan Gary Steven Lynn and Ctiristiiii allot Stroud Dear orandtitthir of Michael and Jasrin Diitr brnlhiir ril tittlun it Tim mins Emory irtrt Brn both it IOTJVIU Gerralrl of Now LATlJtlmwCl itiil Cora Bright nt StrU irl plili it the llnnltlf Funvral Home lS Bldiflltrll SI Brirrir Visitation lrrini Monrtiiy at Srrrviri in thr haprl on Tuesday Nov at 11 followed by rrlttriil it 86card ol thanks POTTS For the kindness shnwri diir ing my stay in 3A rit Royal VlCTrtVIil HO$DITitl My f141ffl ttiillrt tr Dy Porlltr Dr Rrattin Dr Turtlhllll thr nurses my womtrrlul lmuihniiri and friends Marie Potts MIDONALD Tht lIntin of the Inn Rosi McDonald vyisr ti tliiirili relitliwS neighbors IFIITILI tnr tii ir kinrlnissIs floral IlbUlt and tiiirititili donations during thrr loss of our TUIth Special thanks to Hurstn stall If Hlln Shyinntiitn Ward and Dr John Philips Rry Ralph Gyirpi Laltmnqui nttd Skwitrrtu um ISJTif Tlllt Mi Dorlytlr an ly 88coming events BINGO EVERY MONDAY 8pm CANADIAN LEGION Branch 147 St Vincent St and Cundles Rd JACKPOT $500 CONSOLATION 5100 STF MODEL 11 If SI Layouts Exhibits Soles Clinics Raffles BARRIF ARMOUIY Sat Nair noonl pl 50m Nov noon5 pm Admission at door 0R0 LIONS CLUB ANNUAL TURKEY SHOOT Date November 17 1979 Time to pm Place OBricns Sports and Marine Ore Line and Shanty Bay Road Women Welcome 027 N2 IO 16 BEAVER RFBEKAH LODGF OIRISTMAS BAZAAR TEA I00F Nel Ferris LCM lath WEDNESDAY NOV 197 TIA pm 75 each Home baking foncywork etc 031N235

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