Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Nov 1979, p. 13

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the examiner Thursday Nov 1979 13 television guide THURSDAY EVENING VIEWING EVENING 800 or 61 NEWS TIC TAC DOUGH CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS POLKA DOT DOOR 628 NEws 830 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW CBS NEWS Aac NEWS NEWS RHODA FABLES OF THE GREEN FOREST 655 WRITE ONI 700 CANDID CAMERA CHIPI PM MAGAZINE HAPPY DAYS TIc TAC DOUGH BENSON STREET TALK DR WHo FAMILY FEUD MAUDE to rs 730 JOKER JOKER JOKER NEWLEYWED GAME LITTLE SPECIAL JOKERS WILD LITTLEST HOBO Hobo helpa roocuo Puma Ballerina who want to detect hor iron curtain captora III NASHVILLE SWING GuaIfI MInlon Gllloy Wandy Holcomba muncat flu to Chat Aikina MAGIC SHADOWS Call of the Part 808 NEWHART SHOW MAsH 800 BUCK ROGERS IN THE 25m CENTURY MUPPETS SHOW Guoat IorBoro TH WALTONS LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY Laverne and Shirley make plans for ma mamago of LavatnaI lather to their landlady BabIah THE INCREDIBLE HULK Iii THE SHAKESPEARE PLAYS nichard il Shokoapearaa dramatization ol the overthrow and murder oI King Richard ll of EnglInd by his Cousin Henry Bolmobroke alarI John Giolgud II John of Gaunl Derek Jacobi ao Richard and Jon Finch aa Otto LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY MOVIE DRAMA Sham poo 1075 830 KING OF KENSINGTDN Larry leI young coupia for once contaai Ind Inadvoflontly bocomoa Involved In contluct botwoon tuner and daughter oval arra od mamaoo NSON SOME MOTHERS 00 AVE EM Bacauaa Frank cant drIYo hII wifa Inuat accompany him on ma now too II Ialoaman tor farm products 900 aUINCY LOU GRANT In HAWAII FIVEo oiotIId by tho FIvoO IgonlI Ioarnat the Hawaiian undorworida narcotucamanufacturing IIb Ira falling apociocularly poaaibiy duo in In rmor within FIvoO 60 rhino BARNEY MILLER BARNEY MILLER dancau train govarnmoniownod atnp iornt and man who in convmcod no will burat inlo liam0I at any moment warm thinga up It the 12th and LIVE IT UP Allan Edmonda oxploraa cargo lying at the bottom of Canadal ialro and coaatai watara Mary Lou Finlay InvoItIgItaI oyoglaaa proacriptiona and Jack McGaw diacovorl that Our animal tnanda can bohava arkabl iiiro ooplo COIUM Columho traclu down ruthlaaI network oxacutwo 80 rnIna 930 CIIIES Anthony Burgona Romo BurgoIa II rocogmrad II one at tho moat gifted and varaaiIIa DI authora Ho raVIaIta tho dIaInct called TraI Icvore where no Iivod In Roma alIo whara DInto atayod whan ha came lrom Floronca He has Itoriaa to foil about tho Coioaaoum tho Ponta Milio tho Fontamani Irovr and John Koala young English poot of tho Romantic ara who died in 80 mlna SOAP On their first data at roadhouaa Billy and ma teacher ancountcr Eunico with another man and than his Iathor 81 with another woman SOAP 1000 KATE THE DETECTIVE THE ROCKFORD FILES aARNABY JONES it watch tor cliIntI miIaing daughter menu the Iiniator Induction of beautiful taanage girls for International alavo marital 80 mina 2020 NEWS 1030 KAWALSKILOEB REPORT 1045 THE SCHOOL THAT WE BUILT 1100 one NEWS CBC NEWS EYEWITNESS NEWS CTV NEWS OUTREACH ONTARIO Tha omo Conaori MOVIE COMEDY Rob blt Toot 107a 1120 NEWS 1125 NEWS 1127 NEWS 130 THE TONIGHT SHOW Hoot Johnny Carson Guoata Joan Rivera Dr Paul ich Douoiaa Fairbanks Jr 90 mina CBS LATE MOVIE COLMO Tho Conopiratora churning lriah poot who whiio fronting tor poaco group iI Ictualty doopiy Involvad in gunrunning Ropooi BANACEK Horn 01 Slightly Oilforont Color SIIrI Goorgo Poppard Anna Franck 8m MOVIE WESTERNADVENTURE ha Cowbo 1972 PARTY AME ID OUESTION PERIOD IN THE INTEREST OF ONTARIO 1145 SIDESTREET young one banned by two ovarlyrzoaioua police of ticarI who omploy baroly within the lawtactlca in an attempt to extract information from him Ropoat BO mlna 1200 MOVIE ROMANCE unflower I070 MOVIE ADVENTURE he uarlana 1070 MEFI GRIFFIN Guoat Includa Ann Bancroft Gono Haclunan Gano Wildor Cort Rainer 1215 MOVIE COMEDY Ecol 1969 MOVIE WESTERN Joe Kidd 1972 1230 MOVIE MUSICALDRAMA Carousegogse TOMORROW 130 NEWS GONG SHOW 200 II MEDICAL CENTER MOVIE HORROR Count Yorgagwplra 1070 In MARCUS WELBY MD 400 BEWITCHED historically speaking barries story November Isl 1940 The residents of Oro Station enjoyed thrilling spectacle when Warner Dave Lips former resident leaped from an aeroplane and landed by parachute in field north of the village He was employed by Patterson and Hill Aircraft of Barker flying field in Toronto and arrived in one of their planes The plane climbed to an altitude of 2000 feet when Dave climbed out and jumped Upon landing he was immediately surrounded by crowd of peo ple who completely forgot the muddy condition of the field and did not realize until after the excitement was over that they all had wet feet The coveted wings of pilot were pinned on the chests of group of young airmen under the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan at Camp Borden The group of pilots were train ed especially as singleseater fighters After receiving their wings they were told they had received the best training that could be given and ual in every way to the Stan ard of the RAF The Barrie Boy Scouts ex perienced successful year it was revealed at their annual meeting President Clarence Simpson in his presidential remarks mentioned the suc cessful Boy Scout Camp and the success of Apple Day The net proceeds of of Apple Day were $19825 Soldiers pay day and Hallo ween came together and men in uniform were out in force but police reported no untoward in cidents It was the quietest night in years quoth Chief of Police Alex Stewart although some citizens were of the opi nion he was little wrong there The Chief said there had only been two calls all night Thousands of soldiers thronged the streets but in the main were orderly There was con siderable boisterous banter but little commotion made In the afternoon public and separate school children received can dies nuts and fruit at party sponsored by the Kiwanis and Lions Clubs in the Imperial and Granada Theatres The tragedy of Cambodia young Cambodian mot outside one of the hosp child was pronounced Photo her holds her baby in her arms as she waits in line ifals at Cambodian refugee camp dead by the time she reached medIcal help AP recently Her The Doctor Say queston about living By PAUL DONOHUE MD Dear Dr Donohne dont think you will print this but you would be su rised how many le woul really like to so they could get their lives in order My specific question is how long can one ex to live when one has em ysema Im sure doctors have good idea 0M Medicine is not mathematical science because everyone is unique Each person has different do of disease and each has di ferent ability to respond to treatment One may have greater desire than another to take steps to help him or herself Such factors make such predictions meaningless This is especially true of em physema Air sacs of the lungs have been destroyed so that it is difficult for oxygen to pass through and into the blood Of ten it is com licated by bron chitis and tu leading to the lungs may be impaired have personally seen patients with severe emphy sema live to old age Some de cided to quit smoking for ex ample Some establish them selves with physician to get medicine and Ieam certain breathing techniques Emphy sema is not hopeless ailment except for the person who do cides to do nothing about it We should all be prepared to die and have our houses in or der emphysema or not One might debate the question as to whether knowing the day or year of death would be an ad vantage or disadvantage Dear Dr Donahue My husband has polyarteritis would like an explanation of it how it is treated side effects and results of the disease Can it be cured and what drug help MG Medicine has been scratching its collective head about this problem for years Pol arterites nodosa also call periarteritis nodosa is one of those strange illnesses about which we know little as to cause The larger arteries and nearby veins become inflamed The extent and location of the inflamed vessels are important factors in just how serious it is Vessels of the kidneys in testines or the muscles and the heart may show inflammation for example The symptoms de pend on where the in flammation is Joint pain is common as is abdominal dis tress Cortisonelike drugs are usu ally able to control the problem Dear Dr Donohuc am l2yearold irl in normal health but ately Ive been having an unusual discharge from my vagina It is mucous like and occurs about three times day maybe more Should see doctor have not started my periods Concerned Had you started your periods clear mucus discharge week or two before your menstruation might in dicate only that an ovum egg had passed into the uterus Since you are not menstruatin the discharge is more difficult to explain Let your parents know about the situation talk with your family physician will help de gide whether anything need be one BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Top point play NORTH 11 OAKIIGI 00 was 64 40119543 SOUTH 05 OAKJIoms QAOG Vulnerable Both Dealer South North East 80 70 Opening lead¢3 By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Nice bidding grunted West in manner that Im lied that he thou ht the bi ding had been terri le He continued Six dia monds is cold but if held one performed zero instead of top The play for seven was short and simple After win ning the opening spade lead South Iayed the aces of clubs and amonds ruffed club with dummys last trump cashed the ace of hearts dis carded club on the kin of spades ruffed heart pic ed Wests queen of trumps and aimed We dont blame West for being dis ntled He knew he had ha score and knew that he had done nothing to deserve it but we think that any pair which bid seven dia monds had bid very well indeed We are not qurte sure of how the bidding should have one but seven dia monds fine contract This hand was played in this summer nationals Golden pairs and six diamonds bid was actually trifle below average It seems that match point bidders seem to despise minor suit contracts and most pairs bid six notrump and made it on the nose It West held all three dia monds the seven diamond bidders would all be down one The sixnotrum bidders would have been own any number of tricks depending on more trump you would have the opening lead daily crossword ACROSS 48 Hun Answer to Previous Puzzle 51 Spring festival Journey 55 Away prefix aggfiu Group of 56 Row nuumfln 00 HIWKOYB Compass State point 59 Swift aircwft 3mm EB EBB 95 umuom manna 13 Rowing tools 80 Feminine manna 3an 14 Day Heb suffix can Emu Dunn 15 Freeway 61 Small valley fiflgggflnamfl 16 Loves Lat 62 Chinese drink gum 17 Steal 63 Scan EDEEBB BUBBIIE 18 Follow 64 Treetop home Emflflflfl BEIIIHE 20 Appropos am GUIDE 22 mm Dow 19 This Spy II Jacobs Km 23 Spike of com Printors WWWI 43 Naval officer 24 Flow commodity MP 45 Father Lat 28 Thailand Harness C°D° 5mm group 32 War hero attachment uW Wk 33 Erist Writing fluids 25 HPIY Image 34 Marsh False prefix 25 SING Home 49 Part of crocodile Kitchen 27 gingleda church 35 Man child appliance 36 Compass Batter 29 Opera prince 50 No Lu point Furious 30 Firstrate 52 Lacquered 39 Ones Fr Port of Home comp Wdl motalwara 40 Obstruction Auld Lang 31 Clot 53 am3 mu 42 Is nature of 37 Pouted Mimic 10 Dirt 38 Horse 57 47 Age 11 TV statuette command 47 Germ mam This coming yoor will be an oscoptlondyoctlvaomhyou wombflfmwhhltopportunl tfooto flnongot Iomo long doalrodlthourrowardswltl bo proportlmaie to your efforts Emmet Sornoonornayboaooitlngto Itod tho limelight by trying to talro crodlt for your accomplish manta Koop him or her off your 8109 Zoonies OwnVICEIKJI DIPa IF HAVE Tao MUCH TODAY CUT ME OFF wwwmm Youhoppygoluckyapldtcoud got into trouble today It youro not discriminating with your ooclal invitations Bo chooay rogardlngwlthwhomyouspond yourtlrno cameramanhum Dontbringhomeyououtsida woosandinflictthomonyour family Keep your conversation light and breezy and all will be lnnotime 3030 Jan ailFob This definitely not the day to rehash ImOIdering unsettled issue with anybody Dont bring up topics of conversation that relate to unresolved problems M8658 Fob zitMarch 20 Your chances for having most profitable day and bringing MIcHREL snio you MERE TO SHRHE THHT CHNDg wmi ELIZRBETH homo fottorthonuouai pay check are oxcolont Use the ontraatodoorupobilgotions MttlorchztAprluYour enthusiasm about something lmportanttoyournaynotgon uatottnoxcitomontymdoolro lnonowithwhomyourocloooty associated TAIIIUS April 10May 20 Be proparodforalotmororeopon olbllity or work than you bor galnodforwhonyouvolunioerto doaiobtodayuniossyouget the complete pichiro before hand oEMiNI May 214 20 Someone you may encounter socially today has chip on his or her shoulder Youro ust the person who might decide to DANCEDALL NIeHIWITH GUYDKEQSED use campfircuw Sm You ARE INTELLIGENT AND HMMA FiveLama WORD 61mm WITH MEAMIIKO TO Lsl Lid KNOW WHAT IM Itooniod up about today You wont need his or hor approval mum flSopt 12 Your enthusiasm is commendable involving shared project However dont go so far as to the entire financial burden Oopt 13Oct You got little miftod today because person for whom you are bonding over backward wont Ihow you the same consid oration £23 12 at TREKTIFB IN LEM ISNT MUCH FUN 311mm IM GNIN HEB THE PPERS lly VII Witi7 came IwNIKW Re new AWAY WHEN meson OIME UP laloaln hall Yrhomo

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