Staying power hallmark of young singers work TORONTO CF If its pos sible to fall in love with voice at least one contemporary mu sic journalist fell in love about three years ago That was when young Brooklyn NY singer named Jane Olivor released First Night her first of three albums Actually the voice was really all that music observers had to go on because Olivor then as now was determined to keep low profile Even today she rarely gives interviews and keeps her television appear ances to minimum Im not grabbing every tele vision Offer just because its there unless have the right song to perform dont want to do TV she explains The cutthroat entertainment business doesnt generally leave room for shrinking EVENING II NEWS HOLLYWOOD SOUARES DEFINITION POLKA DOT DOOR 630 Nec NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW 085 NEWS CNE 101 ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME III TELL ME STORY 640 BARBAPAPA 645 LETS ALL SING 658 NEWS 700 SUPERMAN CHlPe II PM MAGAZINE MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW TIC TAc DOUGH HEAVEN ON EARTH In NEWLYWED GAME t3 DR WHO GONG SHOW FEEL LIKE DANCIN 130 aONKERs NEWLYWED GAME FAMILY FEUD NOT UNTIL TODAY WHIRLYBIRDS experiencea ot pilota ot helicopter charter aervice iii MAGIC SHADOWS Great Expecta Parth BOB NEWHART SHOW Dr Bob Hartleycureathephobiaeotothereonlytounex pectedty develop one himeell 800 OPERATION LIFELINE Neuroeurpeon Charlea Wilaon ot Mottitt Hoapi tel Univereity DI CalitomlaSan Frenclaco ia the aublect ot thia lateat in the eeriee ot pro grama tocuelng on real doctors and their pa wl mine MORK AND MINDY Mont Ioo untamiliar with earthllng waye to go out on hia own movea into the attic ot Mlndye apartment over the Outraged oppoaition Ol her old loned tether BODY HUWN THE MAGIC SENSE dramatic international apeciet ex ploring the myatery and the beauty Ol our win dowa on the world thoee architectural wonders that give ua the ability to aee plua the dramatic atorlea at three people laced with ditterent eta to their aigrt 60 mine LAVERN AND SHIRLEY Lenny talla madly in love withLaverne but ahe doeent have the heart to tell himthet he la definitely not man at her dreama Repeat THE BODY HUMAN Anintormatlonal apecial exploring the myatery and beauty DI our eyee Alao look at three people laced with erent ihreeta to their ht do mine RAYMILLAND OWThetrialaend tnbuletlona ot drama proteaeor at an all girls ege till COPE LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY mm the girla advice to heart Lenny tinda aorneone with common intereate and lalla in love but its meme whom he chooeee ITS ROCK AND ROLL WORLD 830 KING OF KENSINGTONtm Ionrneya to Ottawa in queat ot the ahirt all the Winona beck Repeat NFL FOOTBALL SPECIAL ea Rama va Denver Broncoe TRIAL The aantimental atory at devoted young couple who reach peek emcr tional and legal criaia over the adoption at II child FOR THE RECORD SOME MOTHERS DO AVE EM Michael Crawtord atare an the incompetent and cleanerprone Frank Spencer Tonighta epi eode hea Frank on job aearch and he appliea aa uleeman tor an Ironmongery buerneea QUINCY Quincye decieion to remany ca uaee him to gueation hia obaaaeion with work aa he reltvee the tragic daya leading up to the death ol hia beloved tiret wile Repeat 60 IDVIE ew Ambition Pen III I979 HAWAII FIVEo Singapore aceneaeStevemtrieetoidentityand Dagahereinemegglerinheoeeotcleeringthe thursday tv violets but since 1976 Olivor 26 has demonstrated amazing lasting power Undoubtedly the only reason she isnt better known today is that she hasnt besieged the media for promo tional exposure The explanation is simple She finds it difficult to put her soft soulful artistry to words WHAT TO SAY People want to ask her about her music all the time says manager Jason Darrow The fact of the matter is she just doesnt know what to say During recent engagement in Toronto she consented to an interview Keeping the calibre of her performance in mind the reporter had expected to meet starchy serious artiste in stead he found jovial youthful woman wrth an in fectious smile name at no tan pereoriage than the Governor await Re at hra EDWAFTDVIIOoodOIdToedyEamm the Seventha tinal yeare are marked by hie struggle againat lllneaa and hie retuaal to allow hie tailing health to impede hla ettorte to award the eaee Dt Europe do mine BEING UMAN Thle epieode probe the queetlon why compared to other animala Eran devel ment Ia very elow so mine THE AV WE ARE The People at Quebec Speek In 1977 Rick Butler ol the Univereity Dt Ottawa travelled 7000 mllee through the Province ot Quebec armed with tape recorder talking with people on many toplceHeretumedleatyeertotindouthowmany Dlthem hadchangedthalrviewaThiaiethetirat wo onehour Brogreme OUIZ Ki SHOW 930 COLUMBO The world Ot Cheaa le Columboe next target aa he lnveatigatea the circumatancea aurroundlng the grave aaeault onetannercheaachampionwhlchoccuraonthe eve ot the match tor the world title 90 mine 1000 MRS COLUMBO When greedy buelneeemenagerotacelebratedclalrvoyantia literallyacaredtodeathbyalerrityingtelevlaion program Mra Columbo uncovera acme atar tllngevidence auggeatlng tout play Repeat 60 DALLAS Pam acquiree new triend Leanne but ie unaware at her ahady peat When JR aeea thetwo girle together he decidea We great opportunity to ruin both Ben Maxwella reputation who ia Clitt Barnea Decker and P6 at the aama time Repeat ea mine CLEO LAINE SPECIAL 60 wFAIRE ET DEFAIRE 1030 GRANDES RELIGIONS Le Judateme 100 II NEWS 96 CBC NEWS CTV NEWS EDUCATION OF MIKE MCMANus 120 NEWS 1125 NEWS 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOW Renew caraon Gueate Bob Uecker Bert Convy 90 if US OPEN UPDATE MOVIE ADVENTUHEDRAMA eadller Than The Male rear STREET TALK who ehould have In ea regarding the health at child NlGHTMUSIc Short Tum NEWS 145 CBS LATE MOVIE MASH teue OI light Dulba leada to candlelit reading at enewwhodunitRepeet DONTGONEARTIE TER 1957 Stare Glenn Ford Gia Scale THRILLER Contined to her wheelchair Sandy Marehall ia left alone in her apartment when her hueband Ieavea to meet an important client Terror noon atrikea aa paychopathic killer breake into her apartment Repeat do mine 1200 MOVIE CRME VI The mlachl Pa re 1912 MOVIE DRAMAPW Klngot rvln Gardene 1972 NERV GRIFFIN MOVIE DRAMA is lnelde Delay Clover race 12 10 THE DUKES or HAZZARD Luke and Bo truatrate Boae Hoop by hijacking hIa shipment ot Illegal alot machinea Then they have to decide what todowrth lhemand atllant Violate the atiti moral code of Uncle Jaeaa Repeat eo mine 00 TOMORROW 110 MOVIE DRAMM Caper ot the Golden tings rear NEWS GONG SHOW PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 200 MEDICAL CENTER MOVIESCIENCEFICTION Superergo and the Faceleee Glante Ian the examiner Friday August 31 1979 9A Dressed in tan slacks with matching cap candystripe shirt and laughably tiny bow tie she chuckled and said You were expecting 40 yearold baldheaded fortune teller rght The comment mildly selfef facing was reference to the cover shot of her debut album The tinted photo is stark whiteonbrown inconcert shot Olivors pained expression sug gesting mime artist with headache Her dark hair against dark backdrop is lost An old fortune teller thats what it looked like to me wasnt crazy about that picture only now do like it because it isnt typical its mysterious The journalist not learning until later about Olivors reti cence to talk about her musical interpretation asked what in spires the obvious passion be hind her vocals Her prompt re sponse suggested that she had anticipated the question USES FEELINGS cant discuss it Really Its hard to answer these things About all can really say is that use my own feeling about any one song use my instinct and let it take me where my mind wouldnt go The abstract terminology isnt typical Of the singers conversation In fact when shes not apologizing for avoiding the topic of her style she seems to delight in mild banter and puns Askher for example if she has any dramatic leanings and shell sting you with Sure when lean to the left Im very dramatic when lean to the right Im quite casual All depends on how you want to seemelean Nonetheless the drama un derlying her vocals is arresting Whether shes performing old chestnuts like Im Always Chasing Rainbows and Some Enchanted Evening or more recent tunes like Don McLeans Vincent and Adam Mitchells The French Waltz Olivor delivers with pure passion Manager Darrow discloses that immediately prior to per formance Olivor locks herself away just to psych herself up for the stage She remains on that level throughout and on leaving the stage apparently is unaware of audiences clam oring for more Darrow himself who has worked with Olivor for more than four years is hardpressed to expand on her intensity Film crew recreating early town PARROIT Ga AP Hollywood film crew is trans forming this Georgia commu nity of 250 into Northfield Minn as it was on Sept 1876 the day Cole and Bob Younger and the James brothers rode into town with larceny in their hearts Workmen have filled the towns main street with dirt torn down utility poles and built 19th century facades on store fronts In few days cast that in cludes Stacey Keach and David Carradine will begin filming the Northfield Minn raid segment of film called The Long Riders Were doing little faceliftlt ing on the town to simulate Northfield which is where the JamesYounger gang started its own demise when they tried to rob the bank says Bob Wer den unit publicist for the movie being shot by Huka Films The film is to be released next summer by United Artists iï¬ Actress Valerie Perrine and Randy Jones of Village People singing group clown around during break in the filming of the movie Cant Stop the Music Monday in New Yorks Greenwich Village Miss Perrine and Village People are among the stars in the film AP Photo Rain strikes Hamlet stage ELSINORE Denmark API Hamlet was done in by more than sword when gala per formance of the Shakespearen tragedy by Britains Old Vic Theatre Company in the cour tyard of historic Kronborg Cas tle was washed out by rainstorm Thunder and lightning Wednesday night added drama to the encounter of Hamlet played by Derek Jacobi with his fathers ghost on the bat tlements But the cloudburst halted the production in the first act long before Ophelia played by Jane Wymark would have been drovmed in the play best selling albums Breakfast in America Superlramp Get the Knack The Knock Live at Budokan Cheap Trick CandyO The Cars Discovery ELO Bad Girls Donna Summer Flash and the Pan Dynasty Kiss in the Out Door Led Zeppelin to Hot Shots Trooper Listings supplied by Sam the Record Man Barrie CA TCH THE DISCO FE VER IOWEEK DISCO COURSE BEGINNERS INTERMEDIAT COME AND fl DEMONSTRATIONS Of All COURSES MONDAY SEPT 24 PM AT BARRIE YWYMCA For further information Call 7288421 on FAIRVIEYI union