the examine Ann Landers Accepts gossip astact Dear Ann Landers Recently learned quite accidentally that the girl in my dentists office who cleans my teeth is sexually romiscuous discussed it with friend She said she had same problem with her doctors nurse who was known to hang around grubby bars do not want this girl to put her hands in my mouth sol shall not return to my dentist My absence is sure to raise questions because have been going to him for several years and he is social friend as well He will surely ask why he hasnt seen me in the office dont want him to discharge the girl on my account but feel he will if spill the beans How should handle it OldFashioned Dear tI What beans It sounds to me as if you are accepting gossip as fact and it may have no validity what socver The Bible says Samson slew 1000 men with the jawbone of an ass It sounds like someone is using the same weapon to ruin girls reputation And you just might lose fine den tist because of your gullibility Iear Ann was thrilled when saw that letter in your column lambasting the dullards who are guilty of the you know habit have relatives who use it in every other sen tence Why dont they listen to themselves Are they deaf Dont they hear it TV commentators newspaper and magazine editors and Wefirnesclay August 29 179779 TORONTO CP Appalled at the staggering dmpout rate mounting adolescent suicides and unemployment figures for teenagers James Allen has taken leave of absence from his high school teaching post to help young losers turn into win ners Allen has opened an unusual counselling service called Mo tivational Learning Centre The purpose of the nonproï¬t foundation of which he is man aging director is to help trou bled and drifting teenagers find more productive way of life And Allen has the most important tool rapport wrth the yotmg STUPIDITY LEARNED Over my 25 years in the sec ondary school system got the feeling that rt from brain damage stupi ity is leamed he says In my experience of ten underachievement in school is not the result of low in telli ence here are lots of bright but 00h DOMINION STORES LIMITED CORRECTION Store closed Monday Sept 379 Cucumbers should read Regular not sweet bored middleclass kids out there who have rejected the goals urged on them by their parents and society and have not yet foimd their own Look at all the furor over teenage violence in sometf the schools Allen sa Clearly these young peope need help coping and so do their par ents He sees his centre as bridge midway between the existing school guidance system and in Leaves teaching to help troubled teens stitutions offering crisis inter vention and psychotherapeutic help It will teach life skills in four areas academic achieve ment human relations per sonal identity and choice of ca reer To aid many gropers find the light at the end of the tunnel Allen has worked out Se quence of onehour counselling sessions These will be person to person 4267914 AVarioty of Concrete Lawn Garden Ornaments Everything from small frogs 130026855 etc to big cement tables and sit riounteryeight class see your weight loss in action counterweight For 171 cation rentrc near you 3039 weight 01 frce WHISPERING PINES Admiring physique Lisa Lyon fivefootthreeinch l05 pound story analyst for American Inter national Pictures admires her physique during workout in Golds Gym in Santa Monica recently The 26yearold Ms Lyon is keeping in shape because she is woman bodybuilder Recenin she won firstplace in Los Angeles womens bodybuilding contest AP Photo columnists have tried desperately to eliminate this earsore from the American scene but it persists in fact think its worse than ever Several years ago the Wall Street Journal printed clever little poem part of which read Yes know you know know Constantly you tell me so live my cars needed rest °Shopsy Old Vienna Sausage should read 500 grams not 18 ounces chairs Also an assortment of small large fountains bird baths jockeys lions and many more Hwy 93 V2 mile before K0A Cmpground Cruighurst lo miles north of Dorris Open days week Eliminate that verbal pest Please Ann print this letter Just seeing it will make me feel better Perhaps if the offenders read it for the 40th time it may soak in Weary Of You KNOW Dear Weary Here it is but doubt that it will make dent Speech habits die hard expecially when they provide an inarticulate speaker with timebuying device some thing to fill in while he is groping for the right words If had to choose between the two Id let the you knowers alone and eliminate the ones who end every sentence with right Dear Ann Landers During the last year for health and philosophical reasons have gone on vegetarian diet Most of my friends and relatives are aware of my new eating preferences but some are not How do respond to dinner invitation from people who may not know Should say am vegetarianwhven accept the invitation thus obligating the hostess to provide me with an alternative if she plans meatdinner Or should say nothing and try to bluff my way through the meal trains And Greens near and If the hostess doesnt know you well enough to prepare vegetable plate you dont know her well enough to impose the inconvenience So fake it friend Tastes changing restaurant owner says OTTAWA CP Peoples tastes are moving away from hamburgers pizza and soggy egg rolls says an Ottawa fast food entrepreneur John Laffoon who runs five fastfood operations says the public is becoming more dis criminating about what it eats There is trend to more va riety and higher quality in fast food he says People want more than bland sandwiches Laffoon practises what he preaches He is partner in two takeout restaurants that specialize in epicurean sand wiches soups and salads C°Veringf°r alcoholics cum MADE only creates 1e lllIAPEltlES problems 3in conference HAMILTON CPI Workers have to stop covering up for fel low employees with drinking and drug problems if addiction is going to be fought an In stitute on Addiction Studies conference has been told Peter Lea of the community and social programs depart ment of the Canadian Labor Congress and Ken Fraser di Iotal Decorator and coordinating Services home from an outstanding selection of excellent quality materials and patterns from Canadas iinest suppliers Personal servrce on large or small enquiries Tracking and installation as requtred Our 15 years experience makes us well qualified to do specialty WIlldOWS Call us now wont you Phone LOIS ROBERTSON or drop In to the Studlo 7268637 RR1 Hwy at Crown HIll Only Miles North of Barrio rector of organization for the Public Service Alliance of Can ada told the conference recent ly that covering up only creates more problems Workers punch timeclocks or do other things to protect workers with drinking prob lem Lea said We may win grievance for them but are we really helping the person Fraser said workers cover up for fellow employees to protect theirjobs and families We have to get the message across to union representatives and to management that cov ering up does no good Fraser said You have to take guy aside and in meaningful way tell him or her to go and get help Both Lea and Fraser said management should make sure the employee has somewhere to go for help And the labor movement has embarked on major program that will stress labormanagement cooperati on with community healthcare FRESH REGULAR specialists EMPLOYEE PROGRAM The program which refers employees for help comes out of policy statement on alcohol lb and drug abuse passed by the in lb bog PREDRESSED UTILITY GRADE rumrrrs 995 labor congress at its last con vcntion Fraser told the conference that the congress is stressing the joint labormangement ap proach because it believes that is the most effective way of helping the problem drinker or drug abuser He said that although some union locals have expressed fear of being coopted by mari agement the congresss model is designed to ensure equal rep rcsentation Ideally management repre sentalion should not involve the personnel department of com panics because they are associ ated with disciplining workers IYascr said He said the congress sees the need for proper program be cause entrepreneurs and con fidence men are getting into the field and selling programs to employers The conference also was told by former drug addict from St atharines Ont known only as Terry that parents must know the facts about drug before children will he DEVON SLICED RINDLESS BACON Brennns it SWIFTS MOCK CHICKEN LOAF 169 SWIFTS DUTCH SALAMI 169 SCHNEIDERS OZ GOOD MEATY TURKEY CHICKEN BEEF PIES 79 MEAT MARKET no gt OUAUIVMIATPERSONAI IIEDSIRVIGI 42 MAPLE AVENUE Mneï¬beo