Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Aug 1979, p. 4

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The Barrie Examiner is member of the Canadian Preu and Audit Bureau circulations ABC Only the Canadian Press may republish news stories in this COMPOSI GROOM pubhsheddalwletep canoes onccrismo USiNESS Craig 50 managmq calm Len sevmk manage Maran Gough accountant JGalgnK$gngoarman Sunday and newspaper credited to The Associated Press Reuters or Agerv Ponce Preue Ian Mummy my Deiva Mills Don Sauna statuIOrv holidays out local news stories published in The Dome Examrner BIIMcF L55 VikkiGrant WEEKLVbvcarrier RIE pop Ta 29 Wire 96 or Wayne Hay Connie Hart ngtrzaviligsan ¢5 ems The Barrie Eorniner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material Claudia rause Aden Smith Jean Bass 53 Wrav AR er rooted by in employees and published in this newspaper servmg borne and stmcoe county Skinner YE ca August 28 SotpenLN°S Barb ammo RGaVnor 59 Copyright registration number mars register bl ri is an ier Ron Ider Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited my swam av MAIL same oncy igueroa Ed Allenoy Lo Cone CI Cut AT ION Jame Hamel 54 The advertiser agrees that the pub isher shall not be liable tor damages arising out SIMCOE COUNT ctl Duo in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the were actually uped 16 Boylield Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 Bruce Rowland publisher Bill Halkes manager usan Kitchen CLASSIFIED Sexeinnile assistant manager Vvonneslerps $3900 P9991 Chane suocrwsor Bras ttowcrolt Freda Shinner my Lamanie P5555 MOTOR THROW 0F Richard Thomas Stephen Gauer Betty Armer camera operator that portion at the advertisement in which the error occurred whether wch er ror is due to the negligence of its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability for non insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount pond lor such Terry Field on 51 Sanea Peter Hs 03 Omewow Lisa Warry advertisement Cathy Hebther Jance Mono Elam pcre Esnggrahcaessy lawman ELSEWZEI OtfangNADA The Publisher reserves the right to edit revue clearly or repecl on advertise 7266537 7266539 7266537 7282414 17266537 pans From the legislature What about our highways Whats happening with our highways in Simcoe County Will they ever be upgraded to meet the needs of this area as growth centre for the province Simcoe County mayors from Barrie rillia Midland Penetanguishene and Collingwood posed those questions at meeting last week with Transmrtation and Communications Minister James Snow The answer was not forthcoming booruse the minister had none All he could say was the now familiar There isnt any money in the budget The mayors questions were not flippaiit nor are they new The mayors had good point with the minister that after drivers leave Highway 400 they must be content with two lane roads more suited to the horsc and cart than modern transmrtation demands Hate calls at an end Hy DEREK NELSON Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO Attorney General Roy Mc Murtry is crowing in triumph at the Canadian Human Rights Commission decision that ordered the crackpot Western Guard to stop playing telephone hate messages thBeingtthe one who first sgpght inclusion of pe men section in ederal code McMurtry now claims in rare release an important victory in the continuing battle against racism In calling for complete report on the overall transporta tion program for the area the mayors are challenging Queens Park to live up to suggestions for road improvements made several years ago We refer to the Simcoe Georgian Task Force study made in the mid 1970s which called for improved highway links bet ween all the major Simcoe County centres What has been done in the intervening years is precious lit tle It seems to us that there is no use in talking about growth area unless the province is willing to actually go out and do something to make that hope come true At the heart of that growth is transportation for com muters for business and industry It is time the province realized the tremendous potential we have in Simcoe County Its also time they paid more than lip service to helping realize that potential Inquiry at last After five months of indecision an inquiry is about to be launched into the Barrie Police Commission We should say almost launched It still remains for the solicitor generals office to make an official announcement That howcvcr it cxpcctcd Friday and their the longl awaited inquiry can gct undcr vnv In case anyone has forgotten the inquiry is to look into allcgcd conflict of intcrest charges betwccn Eldon Grecr police commission chairman and an alarm company owned byliis son While the iriquirys terms of rcfcrcnce are still to be set those terms should bc broad enough to get to the heart of the matter and clcar thc air once and for all Clearing the air is all anyone wanted in the first place Now at last lets get on with it llic proviiicc iicvcr rciilly had any choicc iii the mat ter llic policc commission and its mcmlicrs must be bcyorid rcpioucli and hc sccn by tlic public in that light And thats rczilly llzll tlic inquiry is all liliolll barrie andr Baptist services originally held in nearby Orange Hall were first held in the First Baptist Church on November l9 l876 The assymetrical massing and the pointed brick arches in contrasting colors of red and yellow brick are identifiable as an attempt at Gothic styling popular at the time of con struction Examiner Photo Pedestrian walkway planned for ancient Rome ROME APi Authorities here have drafted an ambitious plan to close off some of the best known parts of the city and mm them into pedestrians paradise off limits to traffic The lwacre area will encompass such tourist attractions as the Roman Forum the heart of ancient Rome the Colosseum and part of the Appian Way the reclined road opened in 312 BC 0n the paved roads surrounding the Colosseum and the triple Arch of Constantine trees would be planted and bcnchcs instalch we want your opinion Something on your mind Send Letter to the Editor Please make it on original copy and sign it The Examiner doesnt publish unsigned let ters but it you wish pen name will be used Include your telephone number and address as we have to verify letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste The Examiner sometimes has to edit condense or reject letters Letters to the Editor are run every day on the editorial page Send yours to letters to the Miter the heeler Post Office In 370 IAIIIE mt Emptch of cars the huge plaza also would boost new cafes and art shops The area for the proposed mall now is one of the most congested areas in Rome jam med with bunipertobumper traffic during the rush hours Among the streets bounding the zone are Via Fori Imperial Via del Teatro Marcello the Piazza della Bocca delIa Vcnta Via Ardeatina and ia delle Mura Latino SEEN AS VICTORY The plan by superintendents of the Rome municipal departments represents victory for ecologists archeologists and urban plamrers who have long decried the chaotic conditions in Rome They contend that the monuments and the twisting narrow streets many dating from the Caesars are in need of drastic measures for protection When the Colosseum falls an ancient prophecy went Rome will fall when Rome falls the world shall fall None of the structures has fallen yet but engineers say vibrations from paming cars threaten the stability of the 19Iyearold Colosseum and the nearly LTOOyearold Arch of Constantine Work may begin as early as October once the plan is approved by Mayor Giulio Carlo Argan noted an historian who supports the project But critics predict that the plan will fail as have other similar attempts The city has turned several piazms into pedestrian islands and at one point offered free rides on buses to encourage Romans to leave their cars at home But such moves have failed to make any dent in the traffic Your business By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service You wont find them on the curriculum of any school of business administration but certain concepts such as biorhythm cycles and Paretos law are finding an accepted place in business and industry Biorhythm is techni ue thats supposed to forecast peoples good or up days and their bad or down days and thus allow their activities to be channelled more ef fectively That may sound akin to teacup reading If it is though it means that superstition has been embraced by couple of airlines in Canada another couple in the United States some US business corporations and public utilities and substantial part of Japanese industry The concept is based on research around the turn of the century in Austria and Ger many Why do new ideas in psychology always seem to originate in Teutonic coun tries It holds that there are three distinct cycles in persons life starting at the moment of birth 23day physical cycle 28day emotional cycle 33day intellectual cycle When the three lines are plotted on chart representing time the highs and lows and especially their convergences which are considered most significant show up SOME SUPPORT Industry is taking close look at biorhythms according to Shell Canada Ltd employee publication Sphere In each case investigated results have supported the biorhythm theory fewer accidents problems reduced performances improvedi One transportation company ex perimenting with biorhythms found the accident rate among bus drivers to be cut in half during the first year When keypunch operators were switched to different tasks at their critical days mistakes fell by onethird It would be foolish to place all of ones faith in biorhythm cycle Human lives are ob viously affected by social environment family education and similar factors Biorhythm cant predict says Sphere It can warn you that you might be incapable of performing certain task on certain day It doesnt mean you should avoid your job or you should take cab to work because youre unfit to drive But you can take your biological state into consideration For example be extra careful when working with machinery or near any hazard dont make major decisions without some extra thought and dont upset yourself over things that really dont matter PARETOS LAW Vilfredo Pareto an Italian economist who lived from 1848 to 1923 devised principle that although it seems to smack of numerology is being used fairly widely in business as means of improving managerial efficiency ARENT mos BOAT PEOPLE JUST Tilt Most PATHETIC FOLK YOU EVER SAW Paretos law says The significant items in given group normally constitute small portion of the total the majority of the items will be in the aggregate of minor significance Its more commonly known as the 8020 rule and typical illustration of it would be that 80 per cent of the sales of business are among 20 per cent of the items it carries The ratio can be different perhaps 7525 and the two figures dont need to add up to 100 Example 65 per cent of businesss sales potential may exist among 25 per cent of The world today JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Tiny new Carribean island nations all of them smaller than the suburb of any large Canadian city are in trouble already The three in question Grenada Dominica and St Lucia all part of the Windward Islands group face political uncertainty and economic chaos Indeed one of them Grenada has ex perienced the first political coup in any Commonwealth Caribbean island nation with the overthrow of the former Prime Minister Sir Eric Gairy last March 13th by opposition leader Maurice Bishop Sir Eric Gairy was strange mercurial and dictatorial leader with an effective secret police in this Caribbean island closest to the South American continent and personal belief in UFOs unidentified flying objects Bishop the head of the ruling Peoples Revolutionary Government of Grenada was victim of that secret police And his father was killed by them in 1974 Grenada therefore is ruled by party and leader who came to power as they often do in Spanishspeaking Latin America with the seizure of power GRENADA RAISES WORRIES The Grenadan coup may seem like tempest in teacup But such prominent Commonwealth Caribbean leaders as Prime Ministers Forbes Bumham of Guyana and Michael Manley of Jamaica are now won dering if coups could happen in their larger countries Both are deeply committed to socialist courses for government and their economies In the case of Jamaica this has resulted in growing opposition at home and the flight of many Jamaican businessmen to the United States and Canada St Lucia to the north of Grenada and just south of the famous Frenchowned island of 90 YOU MEAN THE VIETNAMESE 0R JIMMY CARTER AND HIS FAMILY New look at farout ideas for business and industry its customers The point is that the most important part of an operation usually represents small pro portion of the total It follows therefore that good manager doesnt treat everything as equal but in stead concentrates the companys resources in the areas of sales production main tenance scheduling etc where they will have the greatest effect In concentrating on the important 20 per cent however no manager should be so foolish as to ignore the other 80 per cent Martinique is the newest Caribbean nation iind became independent on February 22nd ast One wonders why Its smaller than either Grenada or Doinican its new island nation neighbors in the same economic bind and has population of about 100000 As in Grenada and Dominica the party in power has socialist orientations which means an impatience to somehow end the depen dence economy of tropical island which like the others relies on mainly single agricultural product export for its income In the case of Dominica this has been limes and sugar and for all of them bananas Not only are they competing with each other as well as with major banana producing nations in the region such as Guatemala and Honduras in Central America but liberated workers will no longer toil in the banana or sugar cane fields Encouraged by their several socialist governments to believe this is not work but exploitation they drift into these small nations tiny towns looking for jobs which are not there Dominica which became independent last December 3rd has tried the hardest to diversify out of subsisteni agriculture by turning over 45 square miles of the countrys total of 300 square miles to major American development project SCANDALS ABOLND However the Labor Government which proposed the scheme has been voted out of office and the interim regime is now busy exposing scandals involving the huge development plan Successive efforts to form stable government have failed this spring and summer in Dominica as well as all efforts to change from the basic agrarian economy Indeed industrial development will con tinue to elude all these island states which have small work forces and no export skills in rt Actually one has more the impression that an ant has lost an argument with Steamroller Although he has described the Guard mouthings as the demented ravings of gibbering idiot McMurtry felt they somehow retained enough importance to justify chucking free speech out the window Even the Ottawa human rights tribunal conceded the messages are perhaps not dan gerous and nothing more than incoherent meanderings The commission doubted any rational individual would pay attention But are individuals any more rational than those Germans affected by the com parable rantings of Adolf Hitler and his supporters the tribunal asked To hear the message one has to know the number it plays on and then dial it both totally voluntary acts Even McMurtry admits there is problem in that where does one draw the line bet ween the need to protect groups from slan derous or racist diatribes and the need not to inhibit free speech His answer is the old standby about freedom versus licence that noone has the right to falsely cry fire in crowded theatre Unfortunately the anlogy doesnt apply in the Guard case Buildings are either on fire or they arent There is no middle ground But ideas the sub stance of the Western Guard recordings are not so clearcut ARE FALSE Obviously the Guard blatherings about Jews are false although truth is not defence under the code anyway But one worries that McMurtry lets the supposed truth or falsity of an idea influence his judgment This is the man remember who has ex pressed contempt for the Ulster Irish as group and attempted to prevent one of their political leaders visiting Ontario to dedicate church Hes also said police have no right to free speech Hes trying in an indirect manner to go after several religious or pseudoreligious cults because he doesnt like the way they operate And he once urged the press to censor itself over bomb threat at Queens Park SAD DAY McMurtry contends we all respond to what he has called the madman shouting in the marketplace who because noone sto ped to answer him had his thesis confirm as in controvertible It is fair to point out to McMurtry however that stopping to answer someone is not precisely the same as forbidding them speak And even if one concedes the McMurtry solution to the Guards drive is the best solu tion there is something fundamentally wrong with the attorneygenerals obvious delight in the commission decision Interpreting the news Iran oil sale stirs up furor WASHINGTON CPi It seemed like case of carrying coal to Newcastle There was the United States recovering from gasoline shortage but facing possible home heating oil shortage approving the sale of $47 million of heating oil and kerosene to Iran whose oilproduction cuts are partly responsible for US energy troubles When details of the sale became public last week it provoked an uproar of indignation particularly in the northeastern states which seem likely to be hardest hit this winter House of Representatives committee quickly called September hearing to make the commerce department justify its reasons for authorizing the exports California Gov Jerry Brown believed to be shooting for President Carters job sent telegram to Washington asking for answers to serious questions raised by the sale Carter who says he personally approved the exports apparently sees the deal in wider context As chance to make relatively painless gesture whose potential dividends might be enhanced prospects for future Iranian oil supplies Irans oil production has been reduced by about half this year as result of the revolution that brought an Islamic regime to power in place of the shah Western oriented despot whose regime had long been supported by the US government Relations between the US and the new regime led by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini continue to be uncertain The government in Tehran has refused for months to accept US ambassador SLPPRESS OPPOSITION Recently Iran has experienced new period of unrest as Kurdish factions fight for autonomy and the regime moves to suppress an increasingly vocal opposition In light of Irans huge oil reserves and its strategic location in the Persian Gulf it is in the US interest to see both stable and friendly government in Iran In move interpreted by analysts as an effort to support the Iranian government the Carter administration announced Friday that it is prepared to resume shipment of military equipment to the country The eguipment offered is mainly spare parts an ammu nition

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