awo hun accommodations to share 26 births 81 adoptions 82 boots motors 41 gm to rent 16 business opportunities 07 opts wanted to rent 18 camping equipment 56 article for sale 40 card of thanks 86 articles to rent 43 cars for sole 32 articles wanted 42 cars wanted 33 auction sales 79 coming events 88 auto accessories 36 commercial sale or rent O9 auto service and repairs 35 construction machinery 55 01property for sale 01property lor snle 37995 LUXURY LINK SEMIS 03 bedrooms fully broadloomed sodded front rear ONLY $1900 DOWN TO ONE MORTGAGE YEAR HUDAC WARRANTY Victoria Villgge Forlnt °ma° A024 25 29 SlH Prices and Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice Virgo Realty Limited Open Daily 16 pm ill OWEN STRE FIT 1811le ONTARIO 7373000 TAURUS REAL ESTATE LTD mum AREA OF FINE HOMES TOLLENDAL WOODS Magnificent home with view of Kempenfelt Bay from the Florida Room Large completely landscaped lot 3180 square feet of ELEGANT LIVING FEATURES Five bedrooms master suite is completely self contained Separate dining room 13x13 Main floor family room with stone fireplace and double glass walkout Private den off entry hall Large entry hall with open winding stair 28foot Florida room off family room Main floor laundry mud room Forfurlher information call LARRY THOMPSON Au31 Larry lhompson 7285219 Doug Renault 7280810 Hari Jain 7269915 Casey Van Kessel 4362452 357 Hatfield lSallIlt 72288800 IOIOIIIO IIl1t 8811171 Rmxll lrusl HA SELLS ORO BEDROOM FIREPLACES Wolkout off dining room to Icedor deck near the beach enioy country living dishwasher garage many trees in area Jean Barrows 7288800 O9305M Au29 FIN in homes First in senice Rotalliust 10ur ï¬rst name estate REAL ESTATE LTD MI REALTOR APPRAISALS HEAD OFFICE 98 BAYFIELD ST 7284067 ALLANDALE OFFICE 35 ESSA RD BARRIE 7372880 EUROPEAN OFFICE RAADHUISPLEIN 5980AB PANNINGEN HOLLAND TORONTO416 8899487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL RM AGENTS roe STOLLAI CONSTRUCTION lID WILLOW LANDINGMIDHURST REID BUILDING LTD MIDNURST ESTATES RUNCE LTD QUALITY HOMES PRATT CONST LTD NAOMI DEVELOPMENTS LTD MULTI LINGUAL SERV ICE Peter Bracalente 7263916 Paul Arbour 726 3897 Tom Cairns 728 0653 Greek lembert 7288001 irrt Cancflle 7371597 Larry Brewer CRA 7289745 Hurry Magill 7263864 Smelt Beeliliuixen 7373795 lorry DeWilde 728 3253 III Hockley 7371595 Demis Higgott 1533225 Fred Reynolds 7285333 Corby Adams 7286829 Peter Gubbels 728 2425 Bill Evans no toll 322 1575 Bert Cult 7286334 John Colwell 7267726 Don Allan 48 2412 Doug Baler 728 3274 John Struilt 726 3555 Bill Sakeris 7371586 Jim Harris 26 7173 in Beautiful Barrie ONLY HOMES LEFT V2 b01115 92x6 construction garage Head Office cottages to rent 27 cottages for sale 28 cottages wanted 29 deaths 85 dogs pets 44 employment wanted 76 engagements 83 exchange 48 forms for rent 06 forms for sale 05 01property for sale TRUSTEES CLEARANCE SALE FREE FRIDGE Barrie 737121 Site 7289999 Weekends 11 am pm farm machinery 64 farm machinery wanted 65 feed seed grain 60 financial 11 florists 89 fruits vegetables 67 garages 25 garden supplies 50 help wanted 71 home improvements 47 Illpropertyrlor sale DEADLINES BUSINESS HOURS The Ex WORD ADS SEMIDISPLAY houses to rent 17 houses wanted to rent 19 in memoriams 87 instructions 69 insurance 10 landscaping 53 leasing 39 legal 77 livestock for sale 57 livestock wanted 58 oljproperty for sale EMORY Al Calhoun 8352742 Mike Lysabild 7266054 Hannah Pentlond 7288028 Harvey Weber 4363815 Jim Bouchard 4365541 Lorry Wood 4873148 Dean Arbuthnat 7374720 Lois Nesbitt 7373466 Esther Kennedy 4245471 180 DUNLOP ST 7269933 ASK US ABOUT MGM Relocatlon Services LILWILKINSON 7289326 VICKI KENT 4365598 RON JONES 7268997 STERLING immunemin 16 DUNLOP ST 7266495 BELLEVUE CRESCENT custom built level side split Large master bedroom Lshaped family room and 4th bedroom on 3rd level pc81 pc bath FAO Heating Excellent condition Good residential area Asking $67000 To inspect call Reed 7285753 or 7266821 OPEN UNT mainland bedroom home 1938 MLS 1827 HOME FOR THE YOUNG EX Tollendal Woods neor Marina 4865 MLS 1806 ting repair shop 1369 sq ft roof and much more Please call WILLSOII 119 DUNLOP ST 726l938TORONTO 8844133 APPRAISING AND FINANCING LAKE JOSEPH Easy access off Hwy No 69 Year round fireplace 247 foot shoreline with docks garage cabin for guests Call Harold Davis 7261938 or 7287543 No 1829 CLOSE TO ORILLIA OR BARRIE In Ora bedroom aluminum siding bungalow Large kitchen full basement 100 150 ft lot Loads of privacy and only $44900 Call 726 wolkouts to balconies and garden Full suite dining room fireplace bedrooms baths and car garage Must be seen Asking $119000 Call Rita Scandrett 7261938 or 728 SERVICE GARAGE $53000 Excellent for car service poin Sunnidale Rd Gas heated Steel beam construction New Au30 REAL ESTATE LIMITED 2R tuiiltitu L8pm ine family room with stone ECUTIVE In beautiful treed Delightfully different with lack building on large lot on 7261938MLS1805 Au29 AGENTS FOR PANCOI CONSTR LEO PROCEE CON BARRY COLE 7287631 AL BEACOCKno toll 4873090 JOHN KUIPERS 7286724 ED WISMER 7261120 JOHN COLE 7288017 JACK WALL 7289850 MARIA EVANS 7261740 DICK RICHARDS 7285478 ELSIE WALL 7289850 BERNIE ROTH 7373664 Trust FAMILV VluI concealerore runner 252 YONGE ST BARBIE 7282291 00LE 55 COLLIER ST BARBIE 7372101 MONTREAL TRUST RELOCATION SERVICES FOREST HILL ESTATES ANTEN MILLS PlNEVlEW ESTATES OF MIDHURST LTD REALTOR UCTION LIMITED ALLISTON STRUCTION LIMITED ART MAW 7281346 RICK HAMILTON 7288698 DAN HENDERSON 7286065 STEVE VANDRICK 4364413 RANDY FORBES 4873550 ED BOWMAN 7267000 QUEENIE LITTLE 4361992 CHARLES TONNA 4563483 MURRAY STOVELL 4362306 BERNIE BLUM 4875540 152 BAYFIELD ST CORNER OF WELLINGTON BARRIE 7262611 Jim Quinlan 7260873 Carl Emms 7285124 Sydna McAskin 7281035 Judi Bean 7266114 Sandra Corner 4563419 Bud Law 4873375 Helen Hopkins 7281662 Rita Brewer 7286257 Irene Little 7374266 Patricia Lee 7371418 Jack Middel 7286799 Aileen Houghton 7264797 191 true 124 DUNLOP BARBIE Total Realty Serv1ce VVorrall Realty Ltd 7373200 MILLER LIMITED REALTOR 67 DUNLOP WESTBARRIE 7261881 TORONTO 3647941 Ross Burwell 4589248 Poul Mallory 7288796 Ken Miller 4873365 Ross Miller 7370313 Myrtle Coleman 7372853 Ted Moore 4589629 Gerald ONeill 7267733 Morg Wood 4873148 toa mat1 stw starMic 000 4872033 FOUR BEDROOM Oro custom built brick home oversized eat in kitchen spacious living room sedarate dining room baths mud room full basement with cold separate room double attached garage situated on over acre steal at $55900 ORO bedroom cottage on acre with lake access Try your offer Au29 PLEX 117 GUNN ST For sale by owner spacious bedroom suites Carpeted balconies modern kitchens Large green area apple trees and parking Sl27000 excellent terms Please call 7283603 524 INESON PERSONALIZED SERVICE 7284294 MWTTF PRIVATE SALE 30 LAY ST room house while brick split level lm maculate condition fireplace in living finished rec room Call 726 8057 for ap pointmentanly CITY HOME IN COUNTRY near Fenelon Falls years old bedrooms full basement large treed lot landscap ed Reasonable otter welcome Tele phone 726 3404 BEAUTIFUL HOME Private sale cen tral Elmvale bedrooms 12 pc and pc baths double garage large kitchen lovely corner lot Call 7370691 alter for appointment LAKEFRONT Private sale City location Large lot 65 327 Excellent beach area Double bay boathouse with Iivrng area above homes on property Double car garage $114900 Phone 726 7215 after 00 PRIVATE SALE New split entry bedroom large rooms attached double garage Choose rugs and colors Beau Iilul corner freed lot Anten Mills 7260056 PRIVATE Baycresl Dr Large tour bedroom sidespltt shaped livingdin ing room baths Family room fireplace Two walkouts car garage Lot 100 200 7261636 PRIVATE SALE MUST SELL lm mediate possessmn Country name close to Barrie Open concept family living Ideal tor children Large garden area and detached worksshop 728 8748 $72 000 FIVE YEAR OLD bedroom brick ranch bungalow on acre lot at Dalston Large country kitchen with dshwasher and ooodles ol cupboards Separate diningroom with walkout Master bedroom with bath and dressing room ensuite Attached car garage Minutes to golfing and skiing School bus atdoor Ownertranslerred Try an alter Call lneson 728 4294 Pratt Homes New home under construction in the Midnurst area large level side split with oversized double garage on well lreed lot choice at interior colors and flooran available For further inlorma lion telephone 728 1259 BAYFIELD MALL AREA $49900 bedroom split level brick bungalow Large corner lot baths red acorn gas fireplace nice looking home outside cozy inside After or weekends 7371841 $43900 PRIVATE SALE Recently redecorated older storey solid brick home conveniently located in Barrie bedrooms finished rec room lireplace in living room double paved drive mature freed lot fenced yard Telephone 726 2474 alter PRIVATE SALE bedroom raised bungalow on hillside large corner lot 10 interest carries for $372 month Finished basement $42500 Telephone 726 2864 origlots for sale Al ACRE LOTS In new subdivision fully serviced Permits to build homes 4161862 7365 or I705 458 9431 MIDHURST 13 and 23 acre lots $5000 Toronlo961 2745 nights HWY 26 ACRE building lot bush $28900 Call Dan Henderson 7372101 Rep ColeR Ltd 12mortgages pm the prevrous day 48 hours prior to publication CANCELLATIONS Acceted until am ominer Offices are open from 830 am to pm or noon Saturday for Monday lost found lots for sale 04 market basket 66 marriages 84 mobile homes trailers 14 money to loan 13 mortgages 12 rrtotorcycles 37 nursing homes 15 office stores for rent 23 Iilots for sale PLAN YOUR FUTURE Build your own home on one of these large 80 200 residential lots in Vespro Township close to Barrie Just $550 down and carries for $12910 monthly CALL LEON GARRICK REAL ESTATE LTD for full details 7263827 LOT FOR SALE 83 190 on Highway 93 Scenic view Telephone 726 0468 ACRES 10 minutes lrom Barrie $14500 Good financing Must sell Telephonenropt BUILDING LOT 16000 square feet located in Alcona Beach miles south ol Barrie Near Lake Simcoe 316000 Call 514 458 4195 litfarms for rent FARM FOR rent one hour lrom Toron to 10 acre plus bedroom home $500 monthly Available immediately Telephone 705 689 5663 07business opportunities MANUFACTURERS AGENT We have exclusive territory available including Simcoe County the Bracebridge Kawartha Haliburton Collingwood and Midland areas for QUALIFIED MANUFACTURERS AGENT to carry our line of very high quality building components Knowledge of renovation home improvement con struction and retail lumber yard markets definite asset No house accounts Existing accounts and leads or inquiries are yours No in vestment required Phone MR NIVEN 416 4416704 am to pm or 4164479625 after pm 51 09com mercia lindustrial lllllllllllSlll nu neeu industrial Commercial for sale or lease 7263422 TF 14mobile homestrailers RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALERENT Ports and Service Exclusive Dealer for Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glendette Shamrock Terms Up To 15 Years Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave 7289866 TF lSnursing homes APPLICATIONS Now being accepted for residents in need at rest home care 24 hours supervision Contact the JAY HARO Nursmg Home Coldwater 686 3307 Illa pa rtments for rent WELLINGTON PLACE APARTMENTS 135 Wellington St Spacious 123 bedroom suites Convenient Clean building To view call 7263827 or 7267153 TF LETS FIGHT INFLATION RENT REDUCED or bedroom luxury townhouses Choose location near shopping centre schools churches marina From $299 mthly No dogs References to pm 7262361 or 7287798 ONE BEDROOM adult apartment 5220 month overlooking Lake Simcoe 13th line lnnisfil Township 15 minutes from downtown Barrie 436 5264 DOWNTOWN One bedroom unlurnish ed apartment stove and refrigerator $150 monthly including water no pets or children First and last Telephone 26 8980 SMALL ONE bedroom basement apart ment Hospital area Available September Call ateer m7281188 or 737 2070 COOKSTOWN Three bedroom apart ment Available October 1st Call 416 775 6098 evenings 6t08 l2mortgages IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate 1st and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties Wed love to help you 10 consolidate debts low monme payments Home Improvements any worth reason To pay all existing or maturing mortgage Common funds tree adwce try us We have ready cash to purchase mortgages 129 DUNLOP ST EAST IARRIE ONT 7260981 24 Hour Phone Service MORTGAGE FUNDING 347 BAY ST TORONTO ONT 3633421 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc opportunity for menwomen 74 pasturefor sale 61 posture to rent 62 posture wanted 63 personals 68 christmos trees 49 plants and bulbs 52 poultry and chicks 59 professional directory 90 property for sale 01 sales help agents 72 the examiner Vteéneseet AeavetztJw property for sole or rent 03 property management 08 property wanted 02 public notices 80 resorts 30 room and board 21 rooms to let 20 rooms wanted 22 service and repairs 54 snowmobiles 38 space for rent 24 stamps and coins 45 summer properties for sale 31 swaps 46 teachers wanted 73 tenders 78 trade schools 75 times and shrubs 51 trucks and trailers 34 litapartments for rent 163 pa rtments for rent CENTRAL ONTARIO FINEST SPACIOUS and BEDROOM ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED LARGE BALCONIES OVERLOOKING BAY COLORED APPLIANCES STORAGE LOCKERS ENSUITE SAUNAS EXERCISE ROOM AND GAMES ROOM BILLIARD ROOM TENNIS COURT CLOSE TO SIMCOE PLAZA PUBLIC BEACH YACHT CLUB year lease available IDEAL FOR RETIRED PEOPLE RENTAL OFFICE HOURS 12to pm weekdays 11 to pm weekends 7269580 37 IIINSON mm 81111111 Mm THE MAYFAIR Nicesl apartments in Barrie Two bedrooms available with many features Bernick Dr 7372519 TF BARRIE ANNE GARDENS 259 Dunlap St suites available Spacious Utilities included convenient location 7265771 TF FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 726 0988 weekdays MODERN TWO bedroom refrigerator stove heat and cable $255 monthly Call 7371130 alter 6pm BEDROOM newly decorated Angus Utopia area $230 monthly plus hydro Telephone 726 6271 CENTRALLY LOCATED two apart merits one and two bedrooms fridge and stove parking for one car Call after Sp m7372966 JUST COMPLETED two bedroom apartments in triplex on John St Large rooms new carpet thorughout new ap pliances electric heat S250 and up plus utilities Call Player Real Estate at 322 19919a mtoSp BEDROOM APARTMENT Refrigerator stove utilities heal and parking included $220 per month Available October lst Telephone 7286384 GEORGIAN COLLEGE STUDENT re quires bachelor apartment or other boarding accommodations September to May Call Toronto alter in Man day to Friday 416 447 5363 FURNISHED BACHELOR apartment overlooking the lake sortable for one working person First and last months required $180 monthly includes parking Telephone 726 8420 BACHELOR APARTMENT downtown location in quiet adult building $195 monthly utilities included Available September lst Telephone 726 6633 BEDROOM APARTMENT 5165 First and last months rent Available September 15th all Mr Warner 7373484 SELF CONTAINED one bedroom apart merit Stove included Private entrance Available Immediately Centrally located Couples only Telephone 728 9668 alter or late afternoon TWO BEDROOM upstairs apartment available October 151 Rent $225 mon thly Payown hydro Phone728 7696 TWO BEDROOM Apartment in quiet adult building close to downtown $235 monthly Available Octoberl Telephone 726 6633 SUBLET September October bedroom The Mayfair $248 Telephone 726 2435 SMALL ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent stave refrigerator parking heat and hydro included Central location Available immediately $165 monthly Sun one person 728 4335 FURNISHED ONE bedroom apartment suit couple laundry room parking cen tral $225 monthly Available September Telephone 728 0755 17houses to rent BEDROOM detached houses Maple Grove Road Township of Innislil option to purchase with rent to be credited against purchase price Inquiries to 705 436 2887 IT IS POSSIBLE Rent on new home can go towards your down payment For inlormatton call Mr Jarvis 726 6805 24 Hour Service TWO BEDROOM homes Downtown $375 plus utilities Includes garage lull backyard and appliances Available im mediately and September lst Call Toronto 416 485 0697 or 416 249 0241 OPTION TO BUY Singles and semis from $325 Fridgestove First month re quired Virgo Realty 737 1211 THREE BEDROOM Townhouse in Allandale Garage baths use of 20 40 paol One year lease regurred 728 9577 or 726 2611 TWO BEDROOM house on Orr Lake iusl 15 miles north of Barrie Close to shopping all conveniences Immed ale possession S200 monthly322 1063 MIDLAND MEWS townhomes 778 William St Midland bedroorn townhomes Available September lst Call 705 526 9936 NEW LAKEFRONT HOME bedroom near Shanty Bay Lots of privacy No pets Availableimmedtately Telephone 726 5037 MAIN FLOOR 0F MODERN bungalow tnree bedrooms attached garage on large wooded lot minutes Irorn Barrie all utilities included $365 monthly aya Iable September 15 Colt 737 4144 MINESING One bedroom stove trtdge carpeted drapes Newly decorated September Isl June lst 1980 $225 monthly plus security deposit 773 7175 atter6 FARMHOUSE bedrooms bathrooms in Stroud area Available immediately Telephone 436 2457 TOWNHOUSEtor rent Joedronms S310 nontth Garage Tamarack wmcg Telephone7371376 l7houses to rent TAMARACK WOODS little Bayview Drive NEW TOWN HOMES IN PLEASANT COUNTRY LOCATION BEDROOM UNITS FROM Includes water charge Fully broadloomed °Gos fired forced air heaHng Early occupancy Tennis court Adiacent Molson Pork Call 7373992 MTWT NOW AVAILABLE NEW BEDROOM HOMES $325$340 monthly convenient location Call DEL REALTY 7370500 TF BEDROOM well kept home in Allan dale Garage triage Stove baths finished basement No pets Availablr September lst $425 monlh Call 7371403atter FOUR BEDROOM house lor rent WIIII garage Available September lst Highway 90 between Barrie and Angus $235 monthly plus UTIIIIIQS First and last 1416 659 3448 FOUR BEDROOM WATERFRONT EXECUTIVE Oro Station baths mam lloor tarnin room with fireplace seperate dining room eattn kitchen $550 month Available immediately Call Don Allan 737 2880 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE Available immediately Garage baths fully broadloomed no aDDllanCS first and last $315 monthly Telephone 737 I414 STROUDAREA Threebedroomcoun try home Modern decor Lawn and garden area No appliances supplied References please Available October 1st $250 monthly includes hydro 4361535 THREE BEDROOM HOUSE tor rent In Stroud near lake available immed atr Iy $275 monthly plus heat and hydro Telephone 436 1350 or 456 7418 INNISFIL bedroom housn compIrtt ly broadloomed eIQCFlC heat $275 mon thly plus hydro Available September 15 Telephone 436 1374 18apts wanted to rent APARTMENT WANTED or bedrooms for quiet middle aged lady non smoker non drinker in Or near Bar rie Reply Box 833 The Examiner Bar rte 19houses wanted to rent FURNISHED2OPJbedroomcotlagcor house Barrie area for months Premium rent Will be paid for sufftclent lodging Credentials Calll Rouse Willson Real Estate 726 1938 or 726 5437 20rooms to let LARGE ROOM suitable tor two proplr Also Single rooms and shared ktihcn Telephone 726 6392 ACOMFORTABLE HONEorrclrkdO business gentleman also BDKlFlrrl available close to biara Parkno 74 Vancouver St 737 788i 21room and board ROOM AND BOARD square meals day laundry done close to bus routi 728 6182 23otlices stores for rent 1200 SQ FT OFFICE SPACE 54F Maple St Availableanyllme 7281743ttll 7pm 728 6899atter7p MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites Immediate or cupanc Short or long term 726 3400 r4 Angeloll 1000 SQUARE FEET arr tendhoned office space for rent with parking spots available wnmcoxatcIy Telephorr 726 7130 OFFICE SHOWROOM Space 2000 so It Brock at Lorena Good parking Sprinklered Stew Emms or Bud Thomas 726 0661 NEW PROFESSIONAL OFFICE Pres llge area Ample parking 1100 so it Bell Farm Rd by Georgian Colicgr Duckworth Cloverleal 726 0231 OFFICE SPACE FOP PENT Downtown Bayled St Parrno and UTIIITIe Included Telephone 726 2772 dayso 737 234wronngs COOVSTOWN Olltce or store spaci for rent Approxmatey 500 square Call 4161 775 6098 overwring t7 23oflices stores tor rent RENTANOFFICE DOWNTOWN BY THE DAY WEEK OR MONTH OR YEAR OR TWO MAIN FLOOR EXECUTIVE OFFICE RENTALS Fully Staffed Equipped Furnished STORAGE SPACE Basement Area 7260988 518 24space for rent FOR LEASE OR SALE industrial space and warehouse Telephone 776 3400 Angeloll WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM etc 108 Victoria Street 1590 square feet Gross lease everything included 5475 mon thly Apply SlewartWholesale 728 3051 PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 1000 18 000 so It lully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks dFtVE in doors 14 fl 1811 clear part at large ex pandtng industrial mall 726 7130 1500 SQ FT STORAGE spacelor lease truck entrance 178 Tiffin SI Telephone 726 3400 Mr Angolofl 9000 SQ FT industrial space for lease Ground level steel burlding highway 400 exposure at Essa Rd inter change 181eet clear drive in door 550V available Contact Omar Morrow Road Barrie Ontario 705 726 2681 RETAIL WAREHOUSE for lease 7200 square feet right on highway 11 near Ortllia Was Farmer Jacks Furniture Warehouse Call 4161742 4079 RETAIL OR WORKSHOP Space tor rent Downtown area 3160 per month plus hydro Available Immediately Phone 776 2772 days or 737 2349 evenings RETAIL SPACE 1500 square feet main level also 3rd tloor meeting room plus apartment 1800 square feet Apply Adam Books 72 Dunlop East 26accommodations to share YOUNG WORKING man or studenl wanted to share luxury bedroom apart ment wrth young male Must be neat $145 monthly Baylield Cundles 726 3055 evenings GE NTLEMAN HAS turnishcd air condi tioned house to share Linen supplied Uusv of lacilitios Parking available Arena area Telephone 737 2756 even Ings PERSON To SHARE two bedroom apartment modern security building Baylield and Cundles area 3150 mon thly Includes hydro 728 7646 evenings 32ca rs for sale AU TO INSURANCE and home in surance Competitive rates Call John Nelson lnsuranconfl 95719a 1974 MGB excellent condition stereo Will certify $2700 ttrm Telephone 7211 1856 alter4 00p 1978 THUNDERBIRD with Air Con dittoning Luxury car In superbshapnat very reasonable price Please call 728 6612 1975 TOYOTA COROLLA speed Im maculate condition $2500 CEVITICdt 776 9321 1976 FORD LTD Landau power steer mg brakes DIV conditioning automatic 2door Phonr7261848 1972 VEGA automatic 74500 miles S750 WillcerMy 778 0801 1972 CADILLAC SEDAN dr Ville fully powered in excellent shape certified MUST BE SOLD Telephone 835 7917 evenings notoll from Barrie 1978 LE BARON certified Two door hardtop automatic power steering brakes windows track Ruslprooled Bestollcr Tellpthn 737 0825 alter 1978 CIVIC 45 ml per gallon speed hatchbark undercuatvd radio tac sudn mouldan $1500 1972 BUICK SKYLARY pomrr steering brakes radio 350 vinyl mot $600 or best 7269445 1973 CORTINA radio full price 3595 Low mileage Certified 728 7267 speed 1977 GENL IN speed 17000 miles Undrrcoaterl 33 000 Certified Phonr 776 4861 1977 FORD LTD 302 engine door ex ellrgrtt condition certified Telephone 456 23176 or 456 3471 after 1971 MG MIDGEI Convertible 5000 miles on reconditioned engine Exrrllent shape $1100 Telephone 424 0287 1974 PINTO speed rado certilied Phone 424 9820 or 424 5156 1976 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME VB auto PS FB AM FM radio Certttied Phone 424 9820 or 424 5156 1975 OLDS OMEGA 42000 cellent COTIUIIIOT 52900 737 1195 1972 MALIBU Hardtop cyl automalvc excellent condition as Is $1600 Telephone 778 9277 after 1976 CADILLAC SEDAN do Ville lully loaded tilt steering wheel perma shined ICOnleIOn 70515497866 1967 COUGAR XR7 mags new paint lob rebuilt motor and transmission automatic Sidtthrush $19oolrm Mint condition Telephone 728 6371 72 FORD CONTINL station Wagon SDIed standard 32 rr freshly under coated etcellenl SrCond car Certified 5995 Telephone 424 6606 1967 VOLKSWAGEN S300 1977 VOLKSWAGEN $500 as is 72 VOLKS transmission WIITI trans 611193525 Gas heater $35 728 30719 to ask for Pat 1971 VEGA S200 running condition Nord5 body work as 12 7371907131124 1970 MONTE CARLO new front brakes muffler and tail pipes good condmon $625 Dasui 510 recorcd rad new brakes Shocks 971d tires $150 728 7415 1977 PINTO automalc in ercellenl crm dltion 27000 miles new snows radio Telephone 717 0929 allr 5p 1969 BUICK uncerllfled $199 Telephone 737 2462 1971 VB VEGA 350 Z28 engine turbo 350 transrrlsmon headers and highrtse 750 Holley carburettor $2000 Telephone 835 2099 1972 COR JET TE whll 475 power slerrmg power brakes power windows LNFN cassette custom exterior and miles CY Telephone interior Teleprorte 726 2380 ask for Doug 1975 FORD LTD BROUGHAM air power trurk Intermittent wipers Rear defrszl Excellent and tlon Good mileage Will certify 46000 mic3 Must sell $2009 4361545 1976 MONTE CARLO power steering power brakes air conditioning 307 four barrel very good condlion $3400 er lifted Telephone 322 1499 1971 PINTO cyl autorrlallc 60000 miles good running condition $200 as is 726 7333 1975 RENAULT 12 standard very good condmon rado radian telephone 726 5486 anytime 1966 MUSTANG 289 automatic irr niacular condition Certified $7500 Ii Swap tor small pick up of equal value 726 $874 1975 NEFCIJRY MONTEGO spotless 74 owner rnrd urn size car This car rms br or an to be apprecIatcrt IC No ms 40 vJSAGA tO TOR SALES 259 Ema 117L770