Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Aug 1979, p. 13

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ISnursing homes APPLICATIONS NOW being accepted lar residents in need of rest home care 24 hours supervision Contact the JAY HARO Nursing Home Coidwater 6863117 16apartments lor rent THE MAYFAIR Nicest apartments in Barrie Two bedrooms available with mmy febtures Bernick Dr 7372519 TF MODERN lUXURY VERY LARGE and beder apartments for lease Quiet adult building NO pets References 7289682 90 HOLGATE Apt 102 TThSTF BARRIE ANNE GARDENS 259 Dunlap St Spacious suites available Utilities included convenient location 7265771 TF LETS FIGHT INFLATION RENT REDUCED or bedroom luxury townhouses Choose location near shopping centre schools churches marina From $299 mthly No dogs References to pm 7262361 or 7287798 11 thGTON PLACE APARTMENTS 135 Wellington St Spacious 123 bedroom suites Convenient Clean building To view call 7263827 or 7267153 TF FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 726 0988 weekdays MODERN Two beatcom retrigérator stave heat and cable $255 monthly Call 7371130 alter pm ONE AND two bedroom apartments close to downtown in modern building Appliances heat water and parking in cluded 523850 and 5270 Telephone 061467 BEDROOM ErrMt decOrated Angus Utopia area $230 monthly plus hydro Telephone 7266271 ONE AND two bedroom apts in triplex newly decorated new carpets ap pliances $180 and up plus utilities Call 3221991 9am 105pm or 3222044 BACHELOR APARTMENT close to downtown $175 monthly Fridge stave utilities and parking included Phone 726 2910 CENTRALLY LOCATED two apart ments one and two bedrooms lridge and stove parking lor one car Call alter 5pm 7372966 BACHELOR APARTMENT T0 RENT close to downtown all utilities included first and last required call between pm 737 4527 T0 SUBLET bedroom apartment $282 monthly Everything included Conve nient location Anne and Dunlap Sts Telephone 726 5771 ONEBEDROOM apartmentincIudes all utilities 8185 per mionthLCVall 737 3718 l7h9 to 599 TAMARACK WOODS little leyview Drive COUNTRY LIVING In BEDROOM TOWNHOMES WITH EARLY OCCUPANCY Gas fired forced air heating Some with ravine settings Tennis Court Adiacent Maison Park Rents from $300 per month HEADWAY CORPORATION 7373992 ThFSTF NOW AVAILABLE NEW BEDROOM HOMES $325$340 monthly convenient location Cel DEL REALTY 7370500 TF BEDROOM detached houses Maple Grove Road Township ol Innislil option to purchase with rent to be credited against purchase price Inquiries to 7054362887 IT IS POSSIBLE Rent on new home can go towards your down payment For Inlormation call Mr Jarvis 7266805 24 Hour Service TWO BEDROOM homes Downtown $375 plus utilities Includes garage lull backyard and appliances Available im mediately and September Isl Call Toronto 416 485 0697 or 416 249 0241 OPTION To BUY Singles and semis from $325 Fridgestove First month re quired Virgo Realty737l211 BEDROOM semidelached home in Allandale area Fully carpeted lull basement sunken livingroom garage $325 monthly Call 322 1991 9a 51 or3222044alter THREE BEDROOM Townhou in Allandale Garage12 baths Use lease reqlllred 40 pool One year Available September 1st 7289577 or 726 2611 MAIN FLOOR 0F MODERN bungalow three bedrooms attac ed garage on large wooded lot minu es lrom Barrie all utilities included 5165 monthly available September 15 Call 737 4144 EXECUTIVE TOWNHOUSE three bedrooms two washrooms heated garage Adults only Grove and Lounl St area Immediate possession Relerences required 728 1983 or 728 5463 BEDROOM SEMI DETACHED house tor rent available Septmeber For lur ther Inlormation telephone 736 9053 days alter 5p 728 3893 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE backing on wooded ravine lully broadloomed Little and Bayview Drive available September $315 monthly Telephone 7475 BEDROOM House in lnnlslil across tram lake completely brcadloomed electric heat stove and retrigerator $325 monthly plus hydro Telephone 4361374 BEAUTIFUL CARRIAGE VILLAGE Fort Myers Florida New mobile home lully equipped with lease to purchase or rent 705 726 2822 HOUSE FOR RENT in siran Highway 11 and concession $220 per month Barn usepossibileLCall 79183572018 MINESI NG One bedroom house quiet area Large lat First and last months rent Available until May 5225 monthly References required 726 3163 SEMIDETACHED bedroom large kitchen and living room lull basement heated 216 Shanty Bay Rd Available September 1st $310 monthly lirst and last Telephone 726 5047 alter 5p TWO STOREY SEMI bedroom large yard appliances Included Available September 1st Relerences required 726 $297 ANGUS Bedroom Brick bungaIOw garage tinisned basement available October ist Telephone 7288175 alter pm FOUR BEDROOM house lor rent two kitchens two bathrooms garage In In nlsliI Available immediately Telephone 436 4942 EXECUTIVE WATERFRONT Four bedroom Oro Station Available September Isl $550 per month Call Don Allan7372880 I7houses to rent BAYFIELD AND CUNDLES bedroom backsptit tinlshed lamlly room with lireplace 8325 monthly For inlarmatlon telephone 3268677 Orillia FOUR BEDROOM UNFURNISHED house for rent lireplaces garage 27 Payntz St Barrie s4oo montth plug utilities Available September RelerencesTelephone728wI Two BEDROOM house on Orr Lake lust 15 miles north at Barrie Close to shopping all conveniences lmmediat possession $200 monthly 322 1063 FOUR BEDROOM well kept home in Allandale Garage lridge stove baths tinlsned basement No pets Available September 1st $425 monthly Call737l403alter7pm 183 pts wanted to rent APARTMENT WANTED or bedrooms for quiet middle aged lady non smoker non drinker in or near Bar rle Reply Box B33 The Examiner Bar rie STUDENT WITH CHILD requires bright one or two bedroom apartment close to bus route Telephone lcollect 13252624 5ta7 pm l9houses wanted to rent or BEDROOM HOUSE in Barrie re quired by October 1st tor couple with no children or pets Call collect 4168842416 alter pm RESPONSIBLE COUPLE with child desires bedroom house Particulars clean yard quiet pleasant residential area Consider tallspring house or cat tage occupancy tor residents going south Possession September lst References Cell 519 9352418 NIProoms to let CLEAN BRIGHT modern Iurnished rooms Central kitchen Downtown loca tion Telephone 7371000 LARGE ROOM suitable lor two people Also single rooms and shared kitchen Telephone 7266392 FURNISHED ROOM lor rent Refrigerator and linen supplied Cen trally located Telephone 726 8358 or 7288484 LARGE CLEAN r31ms7tear bus stop central kitchen students welcomed Telephone7371140 or 7286781 FURNISHED ROOM central location abstainers only Apply at 77 Mary St ROOMS In private home access to lridge stove washer and dryer Ferris Lane area Telephone 7285969 21room and board ROOM AND BOARD square meals day laundry done close to bus route 7286182 ROOM AND BOARD lor young lady in private east end home Telephone 7260061 23oilices stores for rent RENTANOFFICE DOWNTOWN BY THE DAY WEEK OR MONTH OR YEAR OR TWO MAIN FLOOR EXECUTIVE OFFICE RENTALS Fully Stalled Equipped Furnished STORAGE SPACE Easement Area 72609 518 1200 SQ FT OFFICE SPACE 54F Maple St Available anytime 7281741 till pm 728 6899 alter pmi MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites immediate oc cupancy short or long term 726 3400 Angeloll 1000 SQUARE FEET airconditioned office space lor rent with parking spots available immediately Telephone 7267130 OFFICE SHOWROOM Space 2000 sq lt Brock at Lorena Good parking Sprinklered Stew Emms or Bud Th mas 7260661 NE PROFESSIONAL OFFICE Pres tige area Ample parking 1100 sq It Bell Farm Rd by Georgian College Duckworth Cloverleal 7260231 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Downtown Baylield St Parking and utilities Included Telephone 7262772 days or 7372349 evenings 1000 SQ FT OFFICE SPACE central location available immediately Telephone 7285191 STORE FOR RENT at 67A Collier St 5350 per month Including heat hydro and water Call Larry Thompson Rep LTD Realtor 7373000 32cars for sale PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 1978 91 power steering and brakes including lloor mats and snow tires Immaculate condition Telephone 7261328 1976 MONTE CARLO air electric win dows and door locks ladies car Good condition Cell 7287739 1965 M68 Collectors Item Both hardtop and convertible Original spoke tires Excellent condition Must sell 51200 certilied Telephone 7260370 1972 LINCOLN MARK 1V 80000 miles silver grey Very good condition Needs mutller tor salety certificate Asking $4000or otter 4361586 1968 LTD BROUGHAM door hardtoa AMFM stereo air conditioning Must sell 7269888 1977 AUSTIN MINI 10W 33000 miles ex cellent condition woman driven Asking $2000 Certified 4361586 72MAVERICK GRABBER good condi tion 73000 original miles V8 certitied $800 Call 7284222 alter pm 1977 FORD MAVERICK door automatic power steering winterized 16000 original miles certilied 53995 or best otter Telephone 4365326 1969 VAUXHALL 26000 miles S200 Uncertilied Telephone 7269856 1973 CAPRI 2000 rusty but mechanically sound Best otter takes Telephone 7371040 1977 CHEV MALIBU 37000 miles 350 barrel power steering power brakes air conditioning certilied Can be seen at 63 Ferris Lane Unit c7 alter pm 1969 4door PONTIAC cylinder stan dard new paint 47000 original miles S700 certilied $600 as is Telephone 7260117 T975 TOYOTA CARONA STATION WAGON good condition Asking $1900 Telephone 4589386 1977 TRANS AM for 536 in excellent condition Mist sell Telephone 7372746 1976 PLYMOUTH GRAN FURY four door good shape asking SL600 lirm Certified Telephont eatter pm 7287430 76 Plymouth Arrow Hatchback 1500 cyl speed AMFM tape deck radial tires radio finished in bright blue metallic Economy and style Priced right Llc LCZ 881 Only 52375 INTERNATIONAL AUTOMOBILES 100 Tillin Street Barrie 7269050 1972 VEGA 327410 Hp over $3000 in vested Must sell $1900 or best otter Certllied call 7283381 75 DART SPORT Two door hardtop cyl auto power steering power brakes radio new tires well serviced linished in bronze metallic vinyl parchment interior looks and drives like new Certllied plus war ranty lic JPA 245 only 51975 iNTER NATIONAL AUTOMOBILES 100 Tillin Street Barrie7269050 74 MUSTANGhGHTATf Two door coupe cyl automatic power steering and brakes buckets and consul radio Finished in med blue metallic matching luxury Interior Beautiful little second car Iic AJA 073 Certllied only $2150 INTERNATIONAL AUTOMOBILES 100 Tiffin street Bar rie7269050 1971 BUICK LASABRE 350 65000 miles as is 5600 Telephone 728 8354 1969 OLDSMOBILE DELTA 88 door hardtop as is $250 Telephone 4563211 1976 DATSUN Model 710 excellent con dition 52700 or best otter Telephone 7374455 betores pm 1972 SUBARU cyl body in good condi tion Asking 3795 Telephone 7284919 1971 DUSTER New paint tires Lady driven Economy cylinder Certllied 5950 or best alter Telephone 4245025 evenings all day weekends 1974 DELTA 88 ROYALE loaded new radials certilied Best otter Must sell Telephone 7371563 alter pm 1975 CADILLAC lor sale 57000 original miles excellent condition Telephone Miter pm 1978 CHEV VAN customized only 10000 kilometers lridge table and seats com pletely carpeted Telephone 7374398 alter pm 1974 CHEV door 350 power steering power brakes radio In good condition 5800 Telephone 7287023 1974 VOLKSWAGEN Super Beetle also Dune Buggy lrame and Rolls Royce lront and back tor Volkswagen Beetle Best ollers Telephone 4362332 alter pm 1975 TOYOTA OROLLA speed im maculate condition $2500 Certilied 7269321 I974 MONTE CARLO Landau 350 automatic power steering brakes and windows Swivel buckets AMFM recently painted will certily s2700 4872418 1976 FORD LTD Landau power steer ing brakes airconditioning V8 automatic door Phone 7261848 1973 BUICK CENTURY power Steering power brakes radio rear delroster good condition Make alter as is 7371257 247 Veterans Drive Side Road 1979 GMC STREET COUPE Pickup cylinder buckets AMFM track radials white spokes 2300 km Sacrilice Telephone 3258030 Orillia FOR LEASE OR SALE Industrial space and warehouse Telephone 7263400 Angeloll WAREHOUSE lease everything included 5475 mon thly Apply StewartWholesale 7283051 PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 1000 18000 sq ft lully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks drive in doors 14 lt18 lt clear part at large ex panding industrial mall 7267130 1500 SQ FT STORAGE space lar lease truck entrance 178 Tillin St Telephone 7263400 Mr Angeloll 9000 SQ FT Mt Industrial space lor lease Ground level steel building highway 400 exposure at Essa Rd inter change 18 leet clear drive indoor 550 available Contact Omar Morrow Road Barrie Ontario 705 7262681 RETAIL OR WORKSHOP space for rent Downtown area 8160 per month plus hydro Available Immediately Phone 726 2772 days or 7372349 evenings 73193995 WANTED Large or double garage prelerably near Eccles Street area tor minimum period at year Telephone 726 6246 26accommodatidhsV Ella HOUSE To SHARE lacing Lake Simcoe own room share other lacilities 11 miles south of Barrie Available im mediately Reply Box 246 Aurora 27cottages to rent LAKE SIMCOE Lakelront housekeep ing cottage bedrooms all electrically heated lireplace included TV also 12 ll boat lrom August 25 to September 487 3014 32cars for sale AUTO INSURANCE and home in surance Competitive rates Call John Nelson Insurance 7289571 9am 9pm i977 PLYMOUTH VOLARE VB automatic power steering power brakes rear window delogger new radials never winter driven Asking $4500 Certified 7370676M 7287133 19i747MGB excellent condition stereo Will certify $2700 lirm Telephone 721€599 WWW 1951 Ford low mileage runs well new brakes shocks complete tuneup needs some work in trunk Best alter over 51700 726 4057 1975 PARISIANNE PONTIAC for sale power steering power brakes luxury car in beautilul condition 82200 T508090 7713373 1978 THUNDERBIRD ith Air Con ditioning Luxury car in superb shape at very reasonable price Please call 728 6612 1974 PONTIAC passenger wagon lull power including factory air recently certilied New shocks and tront end Price includes new paint 52895 Telephone 436 5309 1978 LE BARON certilied Two door hardtop automatic power steering brakes windows track Rustprooled Best alter Telephone 7370825 alter 1965 CHEV VAN 350 Replacement panels brand new Holley Edelbrock rad accell headers exhaust cam Iilters timing chain Body needs linishing work 726 8533 mornings 1977 GRANADA four door GHIA air conditioned power steering power brakes stereo tape deck power win dows and door lock rust prooted Michelins 41000 miles certilied $4900 17374144 1976 CHRYSLER NEWPORT power Windows brakes and steering heated rear glass Ziebarted when new $2495 Certified Telephone 7374726 alter pm 1976 MONTE CARLO power steering power brakes air conditioning N7 barrell in very good condition $300 Certllied Telephone322l499 1974 DODGE VAN good running condi tion certiliable $1800 1972 BMW motor cycle 10000 miles good running condition certiliable $1800 HOOVER spin washer good condition 535 728 0131 33fcars wantedVtoibuy WW WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Han da Auto Sales 17 Gowan st 7266488 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED Tap prices paid Free immediate pickup any time4362900 COLE BROS Cars and trucks WANTED tor wrecking Fast pickup Phone 4356322 days 4245949 evenings JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 726 8711 WA TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors Limited 119 Bradlord Street Barrie 7288111 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks TOT wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 7268487 34trucks and trailers 1975 DODGE 600 truck cw 14 stake box with tarp 360 V8 speed speed rear 170 WB Good condition Telephone 7282474 Two 56 PASSENGER schOol buses 59 or 68 take your pick Valley Bus Lines and RentAll 16 Maple 7266666 1972 FORD SUPER VAN tullycustomiz ed inside and out CB FM cassette stereo custom front end Fully broadloomed bed etc 54000 value $3195 4365309 1975 DATSUN pickup real gas sa 2000 cc tour cylinder with speed manual transmission Exceptionally clean only 28000 miles 726 9060 um DODGE loo pickup with lined cdp Der 33000 kilometres like new Telephone alter pm14292357 1977 SCOUT II 4A1canditian aTI ruem 2m 1972 BRONCO 4x4 V8 standard locking hubs 44000 miles blade lair condi tion Needs brake iob Asking $2800 or alter 4361586 1971 TOYOTA CANDZRUISER tor saIE 4x4 in good condition Telephone Amy 487 3043 alter pmv 1972 DODGE zTON Pickup Best one or will sell lor parts Telephone 7373626 WWW 16mm menl tank with or without meter and pumping equipment 728 265797 1975 FORD ECONOLINE VAN cyl standard transmission new tires ex haust and radiator Certllied $2500 Telephone 728 5701 MUST SELL 1971 639 Van cylinder Very good condition Certllied $1100 or bestoller 7263208 evenings 1977 FORD VAN E100 power steering power brakes 351 radials Captains chairs carpet interior 27000 miles 54900 Telephone 726 9619 1976 FORD VAN for sale power steer ing power brakes low mileage Cer tified Telephone 7374233 between 10 am and6pm msFoRD Pickup 360 motor good corT dition 52400 Telephone 726 5839 alter pm 1971 WHITE FREIGHTLINER ex cellent condition landum dump new hoist good box new rubber on lront 16000 44000 Cettilied extras 7280532 alter6pm 36a uto accessories CAR PARTS tar sale 1972 Comet and 1968 Vauxhall 1967 Vauxhall 1967 and 1968 Mustang Telephone 7289353 WANTED Gas tank lpr 1967 or 1968 Camera Telephone 7269735 infmotorcycles 1972 350 KAWASAKI new top end new rear tire Low mileage and in good con dition Must sell Call alter 530 pm 728 4086 1977 SUZUKI TC 100 Enduro 900 miles like new condition 5575 or best otter 728 5182 bNeed help of the finest iob possible FRALICK ALUMINUM Will Spruce up your home with our new line of DAYMOND vinyl siding with 40 year guarantee or KAISER aluminum siding SOFFIT FASCIA TROUGH WINDOWS DOORS SHUTTERS FREE ESTIMATES 4361830 TThSTF DIAMOND VINYL ALUMINIUM siding soffit fascia shuttErs doors windows awnings eavestroughs 40 year guarantee 4365645 D26 ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized Sales and Service Free Home Demonstra tions 18 Alliance BIvdUni1197283392 APPLIANCE REPAIRS AUTOMATIC WASHERS dryers dish washers fraezers fridges ranges micro avens any make any day 7264381 CARPENTER experienced garages decks rec estimates Call 7268706 ALLJET CHIMNEY SWEEPS NO MESS NO FUSS REASONABLE 7267693 or 7263820 TThS CHIMNEY REPAIR Leithwood CHIMNEY SERVICE Repair Specialists POINTING LINING BUILDING CLEANING STROUD 4364590 TThSTF DRIVEWAYS PATIOS SIDEWALKS ETC ALSO All HANDYMAN AND REPAIR WORK CALL PODEWILS 7269559 renovations rooms etc Free TThSTF MANTIII PAVING PATIOS SIDEWALKS STEPS CURBS GARAGE FLOORS Workmanship Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES 7260081 DRESSES FIT it made by JOSIE AOUINO Specializing in pantsuits gowns and altera tions 42 Eugenia St Phone 7266000 FALL COLORS are becoming Dresses Pant Suits Alterations Prompt service Phone 7280801 BEAU DISCO music for all occasions wed dings banquets parties etc Telephone 4246648 RUBBISH and junk removed Attics garages basements cleaned Cash for used appliances lurniture 4362429 4365414 DUPLICATING THE REPRODUCTION CENTRE WHITE PRINTS MYLAR SEPIA oREPODRAFIING TECHNIQUE 705 7269708 Au27 EAVESTROUGHING SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING SPECIALISTS roofing and roofing repairs Sheet metal work Martin Verstrpten New Lowell LICENCED ELECTRICIAN looking for small iobs around homes Telephone 726S997 LICENCED ELECTRICIAN Repairs rewiring 24 hour service Free estimates Call 7373904 anytime HURONIA FENCING chain lInk and wooden privacy fence For free estimate call 7235609 WORK GUARANTEED FIBREGLASS REP pl FIBREGLASS REPAIRS boats snowmobiles anything fiberglass Free estimates low winter rates Workmanship guaranteed 4245802 FIREPLACES PETER HENSTRA 7372871 Custom built fireplaces patios home fronts in stone porches chimney repair Free estimates VIC WATSON fireplaces and masonry For free estimates phone 7281599 FIREWOOD 100 DRY MAPLE SEASONED YEARS 16 FACE CORD $30 FREE DELIVERY 4872113 FIREWOOD Mixed hardwood and birch Sunnidale Road between 9th and Will Vespra Phone 7289367 ROSS DINSMORE HEATING Furnace Sales Service Combination Wood Oil Furnaces Oil Forced Air Furnaces FURNACES CLEANED SERVICED 7286841 516 MING Picked and delivered daily 950 per basket Cal anytime4589610 FERTILIZING weed spraying mowing sod dirfi seeding etc Vic Triemslra 7282909 WEED SPRAYING fertilizing results guaranteed THE WEED MAN 7372721 STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and stone work chimney re air Fireplaces specially Free estimate 05 4245158 MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Marcel Patvin Guitar Studio 7261489 ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin ner and advanced Two months trial instru ment loaned for home practice Canadian Academy of Music 121 Baylield 7281799 PRCXESSIONAL GUITARIST giving lessons in classical popular and rock Call Gary 7269098 BARBIE SCHOOL OF BRASS Professional in struction trumpet trombone French horn Special attention to beginners Arthur Burgin 7261084 PIANO ACCORDIAN theory lessons Modern and conservatory exam prepara tion Debra Oliver 7370077 VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In terior exterior Work guaranteed Es tablished 30 years 7262225 7269m PAULS PAINTING Paper hanging Murals Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 7371295 DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING Interior exterior paper hanging custom work Satisloctian guaranteed 7266808 PAINTING PAPER han ing experienced Free estimates JA RICHARDSON 7268341 BARKEY PAINTING interior and exterior References available Free reasonable esti mates Telephone 7371W7 PAVING ODRIVEWAYS OCOMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL OCONCRETE WORK Satisfaction Guaranteed Free Estimates BARRIE 7370179 fiNIERIPA VING SUMMER FALL CLEANUP Lawn shrub care Trees trimmed and cut °Basement garages cleaned Trash iunk removed Small moving iabs PROMPT SERVICE 4873141 TF NO J08 TOO SMALL all repair work doié forfree estimate call John 728I996 IKJME IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION House raising faun dations renovations additions Phone 4362955 afterb pm NORTHERN CARPENTRY Specializing in in terior work Rec roams kitchens bath rooms panelling linish work 72b9002 CARPENTER FULLY EXPERIENCED with renovations cedar decks bathroom tiling rec rooms etc Telephone 7261271 TD ODriveways OParkIny Lots OTennIs ourls DCrtncrele Work FREE ES TIMA TES WRITTEN UA RA NTEE 7260081 Serving Simcoe ounly Since 796 TF SIMCOE INTERLOCKING PAVING We supply betel UNISTONE for OPATIOS DRIVEWAYS SIDEWALKS POOL DECK for tree eethetee eel 0R0 4373550 SI Just look over the ads below The ad vertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you ST PETERS PAVING GENERAL CONTRACTING LTD RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL purking lots 0tennis courts ISpItlIIt Oseuling ANY TYPE CONCRETE WORK FREE ESTIMATES 7261451 521 PICTURE FRAMING OATES B2 Dunlap St East Custom framing of all types We stock many sizes Phone72B3270 PLASTERING REPAIRS Also stucco Renova tions Washing walls and ceilings Call M50 BATHTUBS REGLAZED In The Home Without Removal ANY COLOR GUARANTEED Metal Office Patio Furniture Sinks Appliances ACE REEINISIIERS 728281 TThSAu25 SUPERIOR ROOFING SYSTEMS Specialists in REROOFING RECOVER Aluminum Siding Eavestraughing also done INQUIRE ABOUT OUR RestareARoof SYSTEM for under $100 For Free Estimate Call 7263896 Au27 SMALL ENGINE REPAIR Simcoe Small Engine and Marine Repairs to all makes Prompt Service ALL WORK GUARANTEED 7373395 TV RADIO REYNOLDS TV SERVICE Repairs to color black and while TV stereos etc All makes mdmodels4246IBI CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY and carpet installa tion Large line Of fabrics Warkmanship guaranteed Kris 7261408 RICKS WATER SERVICE SPECIALTY Swimming Pools Above ground In Ground Lawn Sad Watering Road Construction Farm Needs 7261059 A025 ALLENS WINDOW CLEANING Commercial and Residential Free estimates Telephone 7781914 37motorcycles I975 125 YAMAHA Enduro In 300365 dition Also 1975 Suzuki road bike with saddle bags Telephone 7289375 Ask lor Ray 1972 350 HONDA requires new wheel rims 5150 Telephone 7288791 YAMAHA 360 cc dirt pikeEspeed ex cellent condition never raced S650 38snowmo IN STOCK NOW I90s GEMINIS APOLLOS TXS Ii GALAXYS IN THE CRATE SPECIAL Aug Ii Sept Up to S300 value in clothing or accessories with such machine gt BARBIE POLARIS CENTRE 7261059 S7 MOTOSKI SNOWMOBILES See the 1980s now Pre season prices in ellect during August BARRIE MOTOCROSS CENTRE LTD 51 Ellen St Next to Tandy Leather 7264112 40articles for sale BARRIE TENT AWNING CO otters complete repair service an tarps tents trailer covers awnings etc Also zip pers medium or heavy weights Foam cut to size 5inch thickness 34 Baylield St next Clarks Home Fur nlshings downtown lENITH 20 PORTABLE COLOR 1W solid state only $598 Under $6 willy Starting October79 Order tonite get free 12 black and white One hour delivery KKAZY KELLYS new next door to Meatman Highway 90 Ferndole 7371102 TF RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT lor sale Meat cooler upright coke machine cash register meat slicer ice cream freezer catering equipment 936 2588 NEW AND USED building materials13 sale Lumber shingles lurnaces win dows Telephone 424 1627 FREEZERS Woods chest and upright lully war ranted delivery tree Trades accepted Special low pricing on this one line truck load for the year Financing available Caller visitSimcoe Co Op 259 lnnislil 726 6531 COMMERIAL AIRCONDITIONER 10 ton 3phase water caole with dual compressor $1500 Cd JIM 7372432 Aoartlcleslorrsalei 7W TITANIC TOSHIBA Incredible 50month warranty Electronic tuning now $849 Order tonite get free 12 portable Under $7 wkIy starting October79 KRAZY KELLYS now next door to Meatman Highway 90 Ferndale 7371182 TF HONEY pure natural 85 pound Whytes V2 mile north at Georgian Mall Telephone 7288522 SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER has new 1978 Pools regular price $219000 now at our off season special at $1355 00 Pools came with walkaround deck patio lencing pump motor and Iilter delivery arranged to your conve nience For best selection and inlorma tion call toll lreel 800 268 5970 RECONDITIONED TVs lully guaranteed Huge Selection and and Color 49 and up 28 Essa Rd 7372533 USED WOODEN PALLETS tor salerall sizes good condition reasonable prices Telephone 436 5077 1979 TOSHIBA MICROWAVE oven demonstrator regular 5879 one only $695 Topoltheline model complete with full 30 month warranty 7264177 USED PORTABLE ROASTER roasts chicken beet and pork without using your even $35 cash and carry Also used living room chairs an swivel rockers starting as low as $2999 Cash and carry BARRIE NEW and USED FUR NITURE 202 Dunlop St 7374774 CloSed Mondays HELP BARRIENEWand USED FUR NITURE is being bombarded by load after load of back ordered lurniture Mustclear everything No reasonableol ler relused No money down Free delivery in store linancing 202 Dunlap Streetw 7374774 Closed Mondays BRAND NEW 20 inch COLOR TVs lrorll Sanyo AGS Admiral starting as low as $5 week rent to own at BARRIE NEW and USED FURNITURE No money down In store linancing tree delivery 202 Dunlap Street 7374774 Closed Mondays GE MANUAL retrigerator white S75 Westinghouse Irost lree retrigerator harvest gold Ielt hand door $275 Viking 15 cu ft chest lreezer white 5135 stroller swivel wheel storm shield in cluded Iolds llat 30 Telephone 726 6667 alter4pm FIGHT CONSTANTLY rising prices by Irecling your own vegetables meat and bread 35 brand new lreezers have iust arrived tram McClary All sizes lull year extended warranty plan Starting as low as $239 99 no money down free delivery in store financing Barrie New and Used Furniture 202 Dunlap St 7374774 Ciosed Mondays BRIGHTEN UP YOUR Iivingroom with new pair at LAMPS BARRIE NEW and USED FURNITURE has iust received 30 pairs at lamps in all shapes styles and sites to match any decor Buy one at 559 99 and get one tree Cash and carry 202 Dunlap Street West 737 4774 Closed Mondays GARAGE SALE Sunday August 26 10 am Famlly movnng all lurniture must go For viewing belore call 726 5093 71 Bernick Drlye doarticles for sale LADIES WINTER coat size 14 black white lake lur trim collar down lront around bottom worn only 67 times New S150 Asking 575 7370451 ANTIQUE solid walnut desk 26 47 beautilul spooled legs asking 5225 Phone 7282027 Can be seen at 43 DownsviewDr Barrie Ont WEARHOUSE FLEA MARKET Sept I97 Clean out your attic garage basement and use our parking lot to sell your WhatEven FREE OF CHARGE It CKBB on location sAdvenised in all local papers and radio statlons It Live entertainment Free Baloons pop Donations for tables 11 required approx $31 will be donated to The Simcoe Rescue Squad Contact Michele for further information 7374412 99 No dealers please iust ordinary families who want to clean house before winter AND HAVE FUN DAYI TThAU23H 40articles for sale DELUXE COPPERTONE 53696 6775 Telephone alter 630pm 7370616 CRIB MATTRESS GM Baby car seat kitchen table and chairs Electrolux In dustrial vacuum cleaner 5150 or best of ler Storm windws 23 47 728 7863 WlfiiéR AND SPIN DRYER Slso Good condition Telephone 728 6346 STEREO SYSTEM dual 1215 turntable Noresco receiver way speaker system walnut cabinetry excellent con dition Complete 5300 726 4191 alter SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER OVERSTOCKED Must close out all 1979 models and sizes Huge savings on above ground and inground pools 01 steel and aluminium No monthly payments until 1980 Call toll Ireei 800 268 5970 GIBSON EB 300 bass guitar with hard shell case and 115 Yamaha amp both in excellentcondltion Asking S600 for both 728 9950 SONY STEREO Sematlonal AMFM receiver custom tumtable $343 Get free speakers Under $5 wkly stoning October79 KKAZY KELLYS now next door to Meatman One hour delivery Highway WFlmdaleJNIlm TF GARAGE SALE SI Jetlrey Street Saturday August 25m 26m am clothes 30 inc stove tents bikes hospital bed bar signs lights lamps souvenier spoon racks lots at toys odds andends ENTERPRISE 24 propane range while S75 DUO THERM propane heater with blower 50000 5100 Telephone 728 3283 MOVING MUST SELL solid teak dresser mirror two chests antique rocker small oval kitchen set double continental bed other small items 7263003 COFFEE and END TABLES kltchen table stoves all in good condition Telephone 737 4434 REFRIGERATOR 15 cubic toot Col dspol excellent candrtlon 5200 Also Hoover dialamatic upright vacuum cleaner power drive like new 598 Telephone 456 2981 TEACH 2300 head motor reel to reel tape deck Excellent specs used very little like new 6450 or best otter Telephone 737 1693 CARPETING Burnt orange out of bedroom 10 12 150 electric chord organ 5150 or best alter Telephone 728 7781 MOVING TO APARTMENT Small yard sale 206 Innislil St Saturday August 2511t02 GARAGE SALE Saturday and Sunday AugUSI 25 26 to to Simcoe Rd 27 South to Lakeshore Drive Ora Stallonlollow igns BOX TRAIL 5011 drawer drawer chest oak glass clawloot table accordion 12 bass PAOLA soprani small toaster oven with broiler and ratissefie large cabinet 424 5025 alter 5p all day week ends GARAGE SALE Saturday August 25m am Some antiques tires odds ends 216Toronto St an desk the examiner Thurday Auguet 23 1979 13 40articles for sale SENSATIONAL 20 OK 00 While and gete tree 12 RCAXlioo2for1 Oliy 400 wily starting October79 One Iteur delivery KRAZ KELLYS Next door to Meatlllell HIGHWAY 90 EEINOALE 461 DUNLOP 7371m LARGE GARAGE SALE Saturday Sunday August 25th 26th Good selection at dishes hardware sewing cabinet 711 tractor antique tools TV lower lawn canopy pliers hot water boiler skis and much more Rain or shine 164 Tarbush St Angus GARAGE SALE 2nd one Reduced Prices China crystal small household items skates toboggans high chair stroller 209 Sunset Cres Stroud am August 26th SHEARMAN Vmotorized potters Wheel 5150 Telephone43560287 TRUCK CAP white libreglass sliding side windows with screens S450 Call 726 8213 LAWN SALE Saturday and Sunday August 251h and 26th wicker glass china records lamps toys books bot ties glass door pine windows etc Cor ner Gray Lane and Cedar Trail all Cox mill Rd or Tollendal Rd Painswick MOVING SALE 10 Carlton Rd August 24th 26th 10 am to pm 728 8562 cheslerlield suites colored TV dining room set tupperware baby items dressers washer spin dryer blankets and much more CLARKS HOME FURNISHINGS Trade in Warehouse now located at the rear 01 the Discount Store 40 Baylield St Entry through 40 Baylield St or Clarks main store Used relrigerators stoves wringer washers automatic washers and dryers guaranteed for 30 days Bed outfits complete $1995 vinyl head boards lrom 55 love seats chesterlield sets chairs solid teak chests stereo combination cabinet lor tapes and records arborite top kitchen table round ice cream parlor tables and wire back chairs chests ol drawers recliners space saver solas 41boats andrmotors $8150 197918 ft PETERBOROUGH boat with 140hp Johnson SkiBar BuiItin tank Sleeper seats Balt well SPORT HAVEN MARINE BARRIE Shutty Bay Rd 7261001 GULL YACHT BASIN tellerfy GULL ROCK MARINA miles north at Barrie on Lake Simcoe between 5th 6th of Ora Book now for winter storage CERTIFIED MECHANIC ON DUTY Your authorized Mercury Outboard Mercruiser Dealer Brokerage Boats for Sale Bus 4872122 SALE PRICES ell Iebtleell Oetbeudl spitgm Auntu leet Service MI fer Aeheell shreds Maud Sport Haven Mwhe Shanty Bay Rd 7261001 BOAT REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES wood and fibreglass TOLLENDAL MARINA 7264950 BARRIE TF lB CANOES or Painted Stern Kevlar Fibreglass Royelax Canvas Aluminum Kayaks Complete slack of accessories Trades accepted HOLLAND BOATS LTD Orillla Ontario 705 3255141 530 197416 FT SILVERLINE 1974115 Mercury and Explorer trailer Converli ble top ski tripod paddles bumpers like new condition Telephone 322 1111 30 1977 CHRYSLER hp outboard used one season excellent cortdition light weight Telephone 728 9881 15 It FIBREGLASS 65 hp Mercury told down seats convertible too good condition new battery iackets paddles 51300 Excellent buy Telephone 726 3739 1911 SAILBOAT SANDPIPER berth With head bow pulpit running lights storm ilb Outboard motor 54700 Telephone726 5583 16 foot FIBERGLASS BOAT with can vertible top 60 hp Johnsonoutboard and trailer Telephone 728 2500 19 ft SAILBOAT with trailer Large cabin many extras Mahogany on oak built 65 very solid Must sell 53000 or best oller 1326 6951 42articles wanted CASH FOR OLD FURNITURE books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre1950ltems 7288234 LOGS WANTED Pine SprUce Hemlock etc with Iargediarneters Building the Logs Ltd 726 1966 evenings 728 5800 WILL BUI household or apartment con tents and any useful items Telephone 728 1311 CANADIAN SILVER C01 NS before 1967 American belore 1964 Na collection too large or small Canadian stamps old watches postcards iewellery 7261663 evenings 726 3162 USED REFRIGERATORS and slaves in good condition Trade them in at Bar rle TV and Appliances or will buy for cash visit 80 Dunlop St East or call 728 4297 44dogs and pets MAYS POODLE PARLOR Proles stonal clipping and grooming Chargex accepted Phone 726 0061 DAFFON KENNELS Specializing in Boarding lor Big Dogs Coulson On tario Telephone 7057835 5223 BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampooing and clipping at all breeds Sophia Street East 726 47141 POODLE grooming all breeds pick up and de LY°Y 1382 99510919 RE OPENED RIPADA KENNELS Boarding 15 Ferndale Drive Barrie Telephonenfl 1128 TROPICAL FISH Best selection in town Aquariums all sues at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edge hillAquaria143 Ardagh Road 726 0094 MALE SAMOYED months has all shots good with children Call 728 2663 its 30959 BASSETT PU PS registeredfChamplon sired 10 weeks old Tricolor In noculated and wormed Ready to go RON SANDELL 73 Birch St Coll 171997006 7051 445 2004 or 705 445 I910 THR EECH IIuAHuA puppIes weeks old male and female Can be registered Phone 72117640 RTMMI ANG prolessional sogarden supplies CHOICE TOP SOIL Evening and Satur day delivery Phone 726g or 7261117 ssconstruction machinery SMALL PILE DRIVER H25 Delmagan trucks ideal for light piling Telephone 1105 361 7395 56camp gequipment ONE YEAR OLD Bendix hardt camper sleeps double dinette burner stove way triage drapes and privacy curtains Fibreglass root with adiustable skylight shutter 10 gallon water tank propane bottles spare tire 650 13 tires power converter and much more Like brand new Asking 850 4872907 1972 CITATION TRAVEL TRAILER fully equipped tandem Price $3800 Telephone 728 0765 PROWLER 20 fully equipped sleeps six like new Reasonable Alter except Saturday KOA Trailer Park Highway 93 seven iles north at Barrie W607 SOFTTOR Tint TraiieF used condition 435 7645gtor 43577651 LARK HARDTOP CAMPER sleeps burner stove way triage power con verter excellent condition Asking 51935 tycoon4361371 s7livestock for sale TWO FRESH second call Holstein Heilers and two Springers Four calves lpr vealing 487 2642 or 487 2725 HORSE TRAILER Large selection Rentalsand sales HORSE CUTTERex cellent Shape Reasonably priced Telephone 726 1551 BEAUTIFUL CHESTNUT mare Broken English and Western Reason able to goodhome Call 7287139 REGISTERED QUARTER HORSE mare 22yearsold Very gentle Ex cellent contormation and breeding No vices Sound Telephone 436 5776 59poultry7chicks DEKALB READY to lay pullets Farm tresh eggs Laying cages or Sale Craig Hunter Poultry Farms4361811 60wleredseredAgrain CUSTOM COMBINING Drying and Trucking Available rm mus 4365515 HAY AND STRAW tor sale Foyslon Minesing telephone 726 75813 OAT STRAW lor sale pick in the lield Phone evenings 487 5442 67lruits vegetables CABBAGE OUDINKS FARM7B 16 cabbage for $200 RR No1 GilfordHwy1114th Line mile on west side 4167756277 My APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con cessionr370ro Closed Sundays 728 8489 68personals UPRIGHT VACUUM Ask for free hpme demonstration today ELECTROLUX 7283392 ThTF TELECARE Why light your problem alone Let friend help Call Telecare 726 7922 anytime MONECA psychic and card reading counselling Days and evenings Monday through Friday Phone 728 8868 BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION 56 Mary Street Open Monday and Tuesday 100 430 pm and Thursdayo 30 30 737 4222 726 9300 Ext 236 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 7286581M you drink thats your business ll you wanttoquitthatsours Callanytime HAIRDRESSINGetcdone in my home Perm Special Phone 7263528 for ap pointment RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie live minutes Windy HaughrFarm 726 0192 BOWLERS WANTED Ior leagues lorm ing now Men women singles couples teams can Kempview Bowl 728 9761 HAPPY BELATED 30m BIRTHDAY to Linda Fraser from the in laws and the git laws DANCE OF THE ORIENTS Belly dan cing classes begin again September I7th Phone Trisha 728 6531 alter 7010 and found ENGAGEMENT RING single diamond setting in white gold with shoulder diamonds Lost in American Hotel park ing lot Oller S200 reward tor return 726 4931 71hour wanted WANTED STUDENTS to deliver Ex aminer routes as substitutes during summer Flat rate per route Preler those with bicycles Call 726 6539 Mr white NEEDMONEY Fuller Brush Company provides llexible hours tield support top commission Cameron Bower 7269725 EARN EXTRA MONEY by showing the Jeandron catalogue with over 500 items at Canadas finest line at Christmas cards wraps novelties etc For tree catalogue and prompt service Jeandron Greeting Card Co Ltd 1253 KIng St Hamilton Ont L8M 107 HAPPINESS IS TRAVELLING AND MEETING PEOPLE Large Canadian firm has im mediate openings for trainees QUALIFICATIONS Ambitiaus Gaod personality Free to travel Na experience necessary For Interview call TRUDY NAWLEY Ittlle HOLIDAY INN BARRIE evenings only 79 pm Au23 AVOII SELL THE BEST KNOWN NAME IN BEAUTY Avons top quality products find eceptive customers everywhere At present have openings for sales representatives in BARRIE OANGUS ORO TWP lNNISFIL TWP FLOS TWP WASAGA BEACH TINY TWP hone today and find out how sy it is to get started Highest ommission Call 7289652 Avon you make me SMILE TF

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