sea the examiner Woairtgsday August 22 979 Pet food business boomin TORONTO tCP Pet food Is the third most popular item in the supermarket and busi ness is booming In terms of shelf space pet food comes just after pop and paper goods which makes it the largest food category of all said George Darlington category manager for Loblaws Ltd of Toronto Canadian Grocer magazine UNWANTED HAIR Gone Foreverl Multan 8Wt GOODMAN CLINIC 7263 32 1b says Canadian pet food sales rose to $228 million in 1978 up it per cent over the previous year and 61 per cent more than total sales for 1972 In fact dogs and cats appear to be eating better than hu mans Our sales show definite trend to luxury foods for dogs and cats Darlington said People arefeeding their ani mals better pet food and more of it than they used to Maybe its because the cost of food on the table has been rising so fast It may also have something to do With the industrys adver tising efforts which last year costS6million Manufacturers who have studied people and their pets and who put the red coloring in the dog food to please the owner dogs dont distinguish colors say the future of pet food looks great Large breed dogs are becom ing more popular which means more food consumption The in creasingly higher costs for hu man food means fewer table scraps and higher pet food sales Manufacturers also believe that as the human birthrate falls more Canadians will ac quire pets as baby substitutes and treat them accordingly WHISPERING PINES Vaner of Concrete ltmn ft Garden Ornaments Everything from small frogs etc to big cement tables and chairs Also an assortment of small large fountains bird baths jockeys lions and many more Hwy 93 mile before K0A Campground Craighurst 10 miles north of Dorrie Open days week Three quarters Of the pet food market is cornered by four large companies Standard Brands Ltd Of Montreal Ral ston Purina of Canada Ltd and General Foods Ltd both of To ronto and Quaker Oats Co of ganada Ltd Peterborough nt In dry pet food Ralston Pu rina is tops with Standard Brands producing the most can nedfood The ingredients meat by products such as ox lips cow cheeks udders heads feet and assorted offal as well as bone meal fishmeal cereal and sup plementary vitamins and min erals provide the best diet animal nutritionists can pro duce dog or cat raised on any of the wellknown pet foods prob ably eats better than its owner said Dr Glen Brown animal nutritionist at the University of Massachusetts and former nutritionist at the University of Guelph Ont If we were somehow able to feed the human population of the world according to animal feeding principles we could do it more cheaply and do it bet ter said Dr JL Atkinson nutritionist at the University of Guelph the red carpet treatme deserve DANA Mhilr Quantum Lax Mr Hum the night In Imur Quantum Assorted selection of ROLL END RUGS CUT LOOP SHAG PLUSHES SOLID COLORS OR PATTERNS AND ARTIFICIAL LAWN TURF FT WIDTII ONLY nan pLAZA OPEN MON TO FRIDAY 110 SATURDAYS $310 green only HWY 2753AYFIELD BARRIE 0N Aug 22nd to Sept lst Advertised Merchandise Policy marl Canada Limrred $499 $399 vacate 322 in Lanvin couture debuts Glamorous silhouettes in new lengths and proportions headline the Fall 80 Paris collection of Lanvin Couture At left is an elegant evening gown with batwing sleeves and cascading back ruffle ties at the waist with tessell ed cord At right is sleek hipbone jacket suit in an all wool black and cop per check with black velvet Chesterfield collar AP Photo Fabric Value Selection of Polyester Cotton new fall selection of woven fabrics for you Valuepriced so you can create whole new wardrobe for yourself and your backto schoolers Dont passup this fabulous op portunity to economize Assorted colors 115 159 cm widths OUR WOOLWORTH SALE PRICE Versatile Corduroy Fabric Save SI In thats 20 off our regular price For comfortable functional yet classic sportswear Also great for home decorating 85 Cotton 15 Polyester Fresh range of fall colors llScm width Canadian made Our Woolworth Reg Price 499 66 Woolworth Sde Price our managers personal choice TERRIFIC BUYS NO CHARGE UNDERGROUND PARKING FilALON THREAD 36 cotton 64s polyester or IOO polyester Choose from variety of colors Our Woolworth Reg Values up to 16 each 00 Attractive Plain Crepe Knits Sde 103 ml 20 off 100 Polyester slinky drapable and fashioned in this seasons popular crepey texture and colors Fully washable and drip dries Canadian made Assorted colors Our regular Woolworth price YOUR CHOICE Our Woolwarth Sde Price nylon assorted OUR SAL PIKE to 30 each Special Purchase On Woven Suiting 65 Polyester 35 Viscose Rayon Ideal for those slim skirts slacks and handsome blazers in vogue this fall super buy low low price This fabric is washable and available in large assortment of fall fashion colors lSOcm widths Our Woolworth Reg Price 399 OUR WOOLWORTH SALE PRICE 399 96 LIGHTNING ZIPPERS Special Selection nghlwetgh flexible zippers 100 polyester or 100° to 72 colors Woolwoth Reg Values up 12 PRICE 5676 BAYFIELD ST DOWNTOWN BARRIE Use These Cards in Woolworth Stores Across Canada SIIE In Ann anders Wife has right Dear Ann Landers Several years ago my brilliant lawyer husband decided to make his fortune by writing an auto biographical book about the legal profession He concluded midway through the project that no book sells without little sex So he decided to include some explicit chapters de scribing his conquests and escapades They occurred be fore he met me of course agreed to type the manuscript as favor When came to the chapters describing his orgies fell apart He couldnt understand why felt hurt and embarrassed NO amount of explaining did any good cried most of the time asl typed the remaining chapters When the manuscript was rejected by the publisher was delighted He was depressed hoped that would button up his project but was wrong Now he wants to rewrite the book spice it up little and try another publisher refused to go along with him on the rewrite He says am im mature and nonsupportive Am Give me your opinion It matters Walking Tightrope In Massachusetts Dear Walking If you dont want to help your husband in project you consider embarrassing and hurtful you have the right to refuse Dont allow him to put you on the defensive It sounds as if your judgment is lot better than his Dear Ann Landers Recently you published letter from girl who wanted to know if anyone could tell for sure whether or not she was virgin My question goes little further would like to know if anyone medical or non medical can tell if woman has had an abortion Also is it possible to bear child without complications if an abortion has been performed have heard different opinions on this matter but since your sources seem to be wellinformed am writing to you for the final word Must Know Soon In Dear SJ According to Dr Robert Lane president of the Chicago Gynecological Society sexual partner would not be able to tell if woman has had an abortion doctor might be able to detect it if the cervix had been lacerated Women who have had abortions can bear child without experiencing any complications Prices in effect Aug 22 to Aug 28 or While quan titieslast 296 Fashionable Panache Challis Save $1 In thats 25 off our regular price One of fall 79 newest fashion looks irridescent crossdyed solids in 50 Polyester 50 Rayon Perfect for blouses skirts and dresses Super range of colors too Our Woolworth Reg Price rn 399 99 WOOIWOrth Sde Price NYLON ZIPPER ASSORTMENI Choose from IE or 27 size Ideal for Llurts or dresses Assorted colors OUI SHCIAL PllC 4100 SHEFFIELD SCISSORS long Ideal for any fabrics Chrome plated Our Woolworth Reg Price 89 Our OUI SALI PIKE 300 OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 900 PM SATURDAY 600 PM