Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Aug 1979, p. 12

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12 the oxamlnor Monday August 20 1070 television uide MONDAY EVENING VIEWING 30 um HOLvaooo sauARES DEFINITION Guoata Garrett WA DOT DOOR 028 NEws 630 NeC NEws MARV TVLER MOORE snow cos NEws GIFT AN OBLIGATION ADC NEws NEVIS PARTY GAME TELL ME STORV 640 BARBAPAPA 045 LETS ALL SING mo OATING GAME FANTASV ISLAND CROSS WITS NARV TVLER MOORE SHow TIC TAC DOUGH wHATs NIv LINE LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE DONT ASK HE eoe NEWHART SHow PRICE Is RIGHT 730 $100000 NAME THAT TUNE NEWLYWED GAIAE FOR THE LOVE OF SPORT HOLvaooo SOUAREs HEADLINE HUNTERS NIAGIC SHADows 800 LITTLE HOUSE ONTHE PRAIR IEThoingoIlaIanIliylathrillod althoproapoclol Mary rogalnlng hor aight when one auddonly onnouncoa that ahe can dialinguiah light from opoat00rnlna THE 0TH CHILD filmed apoclal concoming lho childrens burn word In Halifax Treatment and recuperation of the Wyationta la ahown in vivid acenea AD NEWS BEARS Dr Emily Rop panl kiaaoa Coach Butlormokor by way of con gratulating him on the winning ways of tho achoola baaoball loam and hla Bears aee II as WIIItSiiOAVp NIGHT eASEEALL ISWORDOFJUSTICEwmmcIu THE TOMB 0F and hla girlfriend Marla are abducted by an TUTANKHAflUN apparel millionaire turned ayndicato Chieftain who atoala oncloaivo fashion doaiona to copy and moanproduce Jock Cola doalgna cuotornmado plan of his ovm to free his friends 90 W100 SPEAKINng CANADA AN 1100 000 NEWS on wars CTv NEws EDUCATION OF HIKE MCMANUS MOVIEC MEDI° NEw MUSIC SPECIAL Bi Ieee DOV 830 DR SEUSS THE CAT IN THE HAT An animated cartoon about two clilldlllt whose boredom atboinghouubound anaralny day la ahatlorod by viait lrorn tho magical mlachlovoua Cat andohlwlprnataa Repeat MONDAV NIGHT AT THE NOVIES Lovoa Dani Rido 101a Sim Clilf weak Sn eaa As Talk of poetwar reunion Imoata In idoatoBJ andhoplanaaproaont day otaloaido gathering 014017lhlamilloaa achorno ho continual to promote even though under the aurooa of bugging out in tho wake of inoao breakthrough Repeat MASH The 4077th evacuation to nearby cavota avoldUS artillery fire ona Chirp oaa lorgol poaea another hazard for Howlreye whohaaoproblom ColoneIPoltorle unawarool weal NOVIE TITLE £ANNOUNCED JANE EYRE MYSTERIES OF THE GREAT PYRAMIDS 930 WKRP IN CINCINNATI CountrywaatomainginggroatHoyletonguoet alara aa Jennifera childhood awootheart from Wall Virginia who ahowa up In Cincinnati to Inako her keep her onetime vow to marry him Wfikne IN CINCINNATI Ae public oorvlcoJohnnyFevarandVonuaFlytrapeubrnit to an alcoholrdrinklng experiment on the air Repeat 1000 NEWSMAGAZINE LOU GRANT mother obaeesed with tracking tho hitrun driver who killed hor son Irouaoa Roula fighting Inafincta loading to humanlntereatetorywlth anunexpecled payoll eat 80 mine ROLE CALL NEWS UPDATE NEws 1001 MERV GRIFFIN 1030 99 THIS LAND 1120 1125 NEws 1121 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOW 6qu hoot aid Bronner Guoat HVI Anton 00 mlna CBS LATE IIO IE TIE ROCKFORD FILES The Deadly Mazo An eccentric mental aclontiat hiroa Rockford to find hia wife but to actually atudying the aflecta of alien with Rockford an the aubioct Repeal ADAMS R13 1949 Stars Sponcor Tracy Katharina WIACVIE JUVENILEMusICAL Mr Bu icon to Town 1041 STRE TALK NIGHTMusIC 1145 SECRET ARNIv Cum in Ipiclan Keaeler and Brandl Iraco him to tho Cafe Candide 001111l50 MOVIE COMEDYROHANCE Lovoand Pain And tho Whole mn Thin 1912 MEDIC CENTER MERV GRIFFIN CONTINUES PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 1210 MOVIE WESTERNADVENTURE Langeat Hunt 1000 1230 DICK EMERV 100 as ALL THAT GLITTERS 130 NEWS MOVIE DOCUMENTARY Birth of Leggng 1011 EMERGENCV ONE 215 MOVIE R0NIANCE Va Gentle Rain 1000 historically speaking today in history Aug 20 1979 William Booth founder of the Salvation rnfy died 67 years ago tod in 1912 after lifet of Christian work among poor of Bri tain General oath and his helpers worked to bring Chris tianin into places which the regular churgies would not touch Despite opposition from August 20 1973 The Nottawasaga Valley Con servation Authority officially organized religions leaders the Army later met with suc cess and spread throughout the world 1858 The colony of British Columbia was established and the Hudsons Bay Company relinquished control of Van couver Island to local authorities 1914 The Germans entered barries story opened its new $60000 building located on 14acre site on Highway90 canadas story First Auto Trip Across Canada Was Made III 1912 In 52 Days Using the TransCanada Highway it is easy to drive from Newfoundland to Vancouver Island in two weeks Halifax to Victoria take nine days driving less than 500 miles per day September and October are the best months especially to enjoy the beautiful colors of harvesting on the Prairies and the changing leaves in Eastern Canada Another advantage of those months is cooler weather The first man to cross Canada by auto was Thomas Willey of England He dipped the wheels of his car in the Atlantic at Halifax on August 20 1912 and dunked them again in the Pacific at Victoria 52 days later It was remarkable exploit Willey had highriding car with spar equipment han ing on the to and sides It included axes and bloc andtackle lch proved to be most valuable of all The route was almost the same as the present Trans Canada Highway but Willey had to put his car on train to get from North Bay to Sudbury and travel by ship from Sault Ste Marie to Thunder Bay He also used the train from Thunder Bay to Winnipeg and drove his car along raIlway tracks to get from Cranbrook to Creston BC The roads were so bad that Willey was forced to drive In reverse great deal of the way This gave him better traction The roughest section was between Toronto anc North Bay which took two weeks He constantly had tr use jacks and blockandtackle to get through the swamps sometimes drawing the car from tree to tree Although Willey made the trip alone he was able to get people to help him along the way OTHER EVENTS ON AUGUST 20 1641 Malsonneuve arrived at Quebec on way to found Montreal 1691Henry Kelsey was first white man to see Sas katchewan 1882 Saskatoon was founded by John Lake temperance group 1883 Legislative Council of Northwest Territories held first session at Re gina 1908 University of Saskatchewan was founded at Sas katoon 1955 Governor General Vincent Massey opened World Scout Jamboree at NIagaraontheLake hdlly DY the Downing W1 Visitors with Archie and Marie Graham were Mr and Mrs Albert Isaac of Vancouver and Gordon and Vera Graham of Port reIlII WIth Mel and Rene Rodgers are Frank and Clone Stone onnlc and Indy of Sudbury Dianne Imwmng accom panied by Iwryl Whltc of Frost Street Barron returned home on Tuesday from holiday in Ed neighborly news Florida Speedy recovery is the com munitys wish for Dorothy Ken ny who is patient in Royal Victoria Hospital recuperating from surgery edgarclowes by Marion Wright 7286797 Mr and Mr Bill Patterson of Napanee spent weekend with Brussels during the First World War 1940 The exiled Russian Leon Trotsky was shot in Mex ico He died the following day 1953 The Soviet Union an nounced that it had tested hydrogen bomb 1968 Russian soldiers and others from Warsaw pact coun tries invaded Czechoslovakia About 150 people attended the ceremonies and heard guest speaker John Rhodes parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Natural Resources Three bear festivals in the Barrie area drew an estimated 1700 people to the Stroud and Guthrie arenas and the Barrie Armoury Bob Dufresne Barrie cam paign chairman for the Muscular Dystrophy Associaton estimated the amount collected on the weekend by firefighters at city plazas at $4000 while the Vespra firefighters took in about $2000 This was well above the previous years figure of $200 Swedish cities were being considered as possible links for Barries twinning committee Several individuals involved in mundialization twinning Barrie with community in another country with world peace as its aim met to discuss possible countries with which connection could be made Barrie Police Chief Edward Tschirhart was honored by the Ontario Motor League and 250 safety patrollers near Bolton for his contribution to safety patrolling in Ontario Lakeview Dairy won their se cond tournament of the year with 72 victory over Imperial Eastman in the Angus OKeefe Softball tournament The Dairymen scored four runs in the first inning on singles by Ernie and Jake Miller and Chuck McNicol and never looked back Dan Ormsby of Barrie was the winner of the demolition derby which was an added feature to the evenings regular stock car racing Barrie City Soccer Club clos ed in on Aurora in their quest for the Newmarket and District soccer league championship With 40 victory over Newmarket Mr and Mrs Keith Lees recently Wendy Brian and Barry Anderson Coldwater have been holidaying with their grand parents Mr and Mrs Keith Lees Dan Key Sr is patient in Royal Victoria Hospital We all wish that good health will be restored quickly Any girls between the ages of 1226 who would like to become 4H members please contact Mrs Keith Lees 72643846 or Mrs Marion Wright 72843797 before Aug 25 The project this fall will be Needlepoint The Doctor Says Virus infection could be cause By PAUL DONOHUE MD Dear Dr Donohue My rob lembegins withaslighta eon each side of my neck Just under the jaw line The next day my neck starts swelling and can feel the enlarged glands about the size of quarter My mouth gets dry lasts for about three weeks This has happened three times in the last six years was checked for mumps the lust time which came out negative might run temperature for day but am never ill enough to stay in bed am 59 Have you solution of some help for this Mrs ED There are many causes for salivary gland swelling other than mumps Your test was negative for that and mumps does not repeat Your mouth dryness is likely due to lack of saliva flow from the glands mentioned other infections Staph and other Virus infection can produce swelling or stone may block duct temporarily causing pain common of fender ls medicine particularly those with iodine Certain cough Inedlcines contain iodine fact often overlooked Some of the blood pressure medicines and heavy metal puisoning must be suspected Swelling awompaninl by fe ver could indicate lupus which would produce other symp toms such as skin in flammation swelling can be part of gemrzil arthritis picture or indicate lymph gland tumor Your letter tells too little but the possibilities mention should be investigated Dear Dr Dunohue am 43 years old and soon will have complete hysterectomy because of ibroids which have become troublesome Because had mastectomy six years ago will not be able to sup plement my system with hormones This troubles me as picture myself suddenly thrust into menopause with no hormones to help me through Mrs BJM First of all be sure you have medical terminology correct total hysterectomy for fibroids would not include removal of your ovaries and your menopause would not be affected by it Dear Dr Donahue Will you please explain what you and other doctors mean when they mention fiber Bw Fiber is the undigestillle por tion of plant food the part that travels through the digestive tract largely unchanged Much of it is cellulose which makes up the walls of cells in plants Its value lies in its ability to stimulate proper bowel lining activity peristalsis which also assists in efficient movement of food through the gut Dear Dr Donahue Can you write something about pitted nails What causes them and what is the treatment Also what type doctor treats them About six months agol noticed that mine on all fingers were pitted have used Tinactin Is this good NS Pitted nails usually are due to skin problem as psoriasis and may occur with alopecia areata the loss of hair in defined scalp areas Of course it is always possible your nails have been damaged by exposure to chemicals Tinactin brand of tolnaftate is an effective antifungus application It will not correct nonfungus problem If you have fungus infection the anti fungal medicine should im prove things in time der matologist can advise you BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Hog devises silly system 320 OK10987 108 0109 ¢Q632 SOUTH QAQJHZ A65 5432 Vulnerable Neither Dealer South West North East South 10 3NT Pass 49 Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead Oswald new book by Victor Mollo is called Mas ters and Monsters It fea tures group of players ranging from the Hldlous Hog an unpleasant expert to the Rueful Rabblt very nice very bad and very lucky player is that the Rabbit sitting South Is playing match as the Hogs partner The Hog has devised system in which the Rabbit opens one club with balanced hand and one diamond when he holds major suit The Hog can then play all dummies Oswald The Rabbits onediamond opening is cor rect in this silly system The Hogs three notrump an overbid The Rabbit is now confused and goes to four spades thinking that the Hog has forgotten his own system Alan Even with the Rab bit as declarer four spades is unbeatable He ruffs club leads diamond to dummy ruffs second club and so on cashing his red aces and kings scoring four club ruffs and making his last two high trumps by simply waiting was Utah reader asks what Hippogriffs are They are mythical fifth suit invented by Sidney Lenz as the basis of story The victim picks up dream notrump hand only to be beaten when his righthand Alan The explanation of opponent runs off 13 cards in the bidding of todays hand green suIt dain crossword ACROSS 39 Contemporary palnter Paper 40 Exon measures 43 Express Mistreat 46 Rim of ar pl 13 DebOnaIr 47 Sun Lat 14 Cat 50 Idolllke 15 SImIlar 52 Big lIzard compound 55 Papal envoy 16 surround 56 Crown 17 Dance step 57 Companies 18 African amma 58 Em Answer to PreVIous Puzzle 20 Blllowy DOWN expanse Jest 21 Slbyl 21 Astral 42 Apart from 24 Housts fifiiflaan bear 22 This Sp 43 Fine sorl 27 SImIIe mgesmen 23 Contalnlng Genus of 28 Phrase of un Farm ammal Ilne SOII maples derstandlng compass 24 Something re 45 Baseballe wds pom markable sll Berra 32 German Wmswd sun 25 KImono sash 47 SadlsI Smearlne fabric pl Marqurs de comp wd fuses 26 Watch 33 Camelhire Loam deposn acceSSOrIes 48 lndehnne per mammal Full 29 FIII sons 34 Southern ntomauon 30 Exhale 49 Flees constellation bureau abbr 31 Aplece 35 Upper story 11 parched 33 Grass ms 36 Sovret Union 12 Energy 37 Altos 5° abbrl agency abbr 38 Ampere 57 5WD 37 Old DomInIon 19 Depression In abbrl °9b°3l state abbr bills 41 Cream 54 Egypt abbr AShOGra Bernice BedoOsol Birthday August 21 1919 Lady Luck is likely to play prominent role in your under takings this coming year Be ready to move swiftly once she gives you the goahead signal LEO July 23Aug 22 Dont be hesitant to take on something today you werent too success ful with previously The odds have now switched to your favor VIRGO Aug 23Sepl 22 Its very Important today to let your Winthrop Frank and Ernest WELL THEN How COME HE BROUGHT Iwo EAcH 0F EyEmrIHING ELSE AND TWENTYSEVEN or is Short Ribs MAKE ME LAUGH or ITS THE IZACK T106 5A 01MB PAPER THEFIWITIQ 50 are WCANEEE IT PM Wizard of Id IS THIs THE 7373860 sou CANTGO WITH ME MACTAVIeH IM some TO TAKE 1m HOVIE STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St nobler instincts surface and to treat those you deal with com passionately Good things will ha pen as result LI RA Sept 23Oct 23 Theres ample justification for your hopefulness today but be realistic in business and finan cial matters Avoid Impulsive acts SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Im portant goals can be achieved today provided you do nothing erratic Use your common sense and youll be winner SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Things will work out to your liking today provided you oper ate at your highest standards Dont be influenced by an associate with devious inten lions ommuu Incl leg us n10 BUT IN THE WHUIEE IT 5M9 THE STEETS ARE LINED WITH 60L CAPRICORN Doc 22Jan 19 In your commercial dealings today stick to methods which have proven to be successful Avoid experimenting with the unknown AQUARIUS Jan 20Fob 19 Persons whose cooperation is vital to your needs can be easily won over today if you ask for their support nicely instead of demanding it PISCES Feb 20March 20 Conditions should begin brightening for you as of today where your work or career is concerned Focus on what you hope to achieve and do good job ARIES March 21Aprll 19 You should be rather lucky at just about anything you tackle no In so Ion n1 7w nNcuan HEY 6VLVESTEZ TH FRINTINON YEK fléNS 60 9MALL CANT an lmd hum In Your Wedding Invitations NORTH ERN Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service THE NEIGHBXRS ARE WATCHIN PE1 FEEL 94m EWH RDR MINER FLURRY today The one exception lies in an area where youre gam bling on something you know little about TAURUS April 20May 20 If there is domestic problem youd like resolved today Is the day Ior you to do it Dant wait on others to take the initiative GEMINI Nay 21Juno 20 Sec ond efforts should prove suc cessful for you today so dont be disappointed if you dont grab the brass ring on the first try Keep plugging and youll be winner CANCER June 21July 22 Y0ur material prospects are very encouraging at this timeso keep your eyes peeled for opportunity However steer clear Of wild speculations 11 THE OPENING OF LINCOLN5 ZGETTYSEUIZG AvaEES our THE MA9RrAAr THINe I5 you 9T0PPEI7 now Sn 011 at Humane 15

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