mewUAW Loperty for sSIe ShanOro Estates MLS 1806 Harold Davis 7287543 BobHenderson 7285112 Bob March 7288444 Jock MacLaren 7284950 Darcy Warner 7372153 Ian Caunce 4362072 now NASAOA AC BARRIE To TORONTO Hwy 4011 REAL ESTATE LTD Itpropertyfor sele 119 DUNLOP ST 7261938TORONTO 8844133 APPRAISING AND FINANCING OPEN UNTIL pm OPEN HOUSE SAT SUN 15 Shanty Ba Road 1000 yards east of Shanty ay BEAUTIFUL GEORGIAN HOME on freed estate lot in quiet country village only minutes to Barrie This bedroom custom home is now reduced to $116500 certainly excellent value Call Harold Davis 7261938 or 7287543 MLS 1785 SERVICE GARAGE 553000 painting repair shop 1369 sq ft block building on large lot on Sunnidale Rd Gas heated Steel beam construction New roof and more Please call7261938 No 1805 UNIQUELY DIFFERENT $119000 Beautiiul setting on acre lot among tall trees and other gorgeous homes bedrooms baths car garage Fireplace full suite dining room Please call Rita Scondrett 7261938 or 7284865 ORO 544900 bedroom aluminum siding bungalow Large kitchen full basement 100 150 ft lot Loads of privacy Close to Barrie or Orillia Call 7261938 MLS 1827 Rita Scandrett 7284865 Peter Switzer 4365759 Jane Young 7284717 7268957 ARE YOU PLANNING TO BUILD Mount Saint Louis oil7106 ANNOUNCES ITS SPECIAL SUMMER SALE 20 OFF LIST PRICES LIST PRICES $14900 to $24900 SPECIAL PRICES $11900 to $19900 until SEPTEMBER 30 Why not take leisurely 18 minute drive to our paved streets and see these beautiful large wooded and scenic year round residential and recreational homesites for yourself Get out of your car and walk around to enjoy nature at its best Drop in at the Farmhaus for lunch iust miles down the road opposite Mount St Louis Ski Resort Special considerations to Builders and others who will build FOR BROCHURE CONSULT YOUR REAL ESTATE AGENT OR WRITE T0 P0 BOX 646 BARRIE fur REAL ESTATE LIMITED Excellent for car service Au18 Mary Morrison 7289933 Ian Rouse 7265407 Norm McMillan Mount Louis El 610 retreat in the heart of Simcoe County Id BARRIE to ORILUA 14 mm to MIDLAND 14 mun lo WASAGA BEACH la TORONTO 75 min 18 mtn GRILUA 14 mm must 96 AU1618232530SI 3ft OWEN STREET BARRIE ONTARIO 7373000 TOLLENDAL WOODS AREA OF FINE HOMES BEDROOMS BATHS MAIN FLOOR DEN SEPARATE DINING ROOM 13 x13 LARGE CONVENIENT KITCHEN MAIN FLOOR FAMILY ROOM WITH STONE FIREPLACE DOUBLE GLASS FLORIDA ROOM 10 28 MAIN FLOOR LAUNDRY ROOM COMPLETELY LANDSCAPED LOT PATlO GAS BARBECUE WATERFALL EXCELLENT VIEW OF KEMPENFELT BAY PLEASURE TO SHOW Call LARRY THOMPSON Lorry Thompson 7285219 Hari Join 7269915 o7Â¥pusiness opportunities MISTER CORNED BEEF Franchise Iii Orlllia Licenceo dining room 71 seats plus approved patio area for 60 seats Lots of room for expansion Park ing for 70 cars location adiacent to McDonalds and across road from Ponderosa Protected gross sales 8210 000 Net $50000 Ideal family operation Asking $89 500 Long term lease Call MURRAY WARSH REALTY LTD 728 9636 Marlene knowles Listing 7312351 Au18 Doug Ronault 7280810 Casey Van Kossol 4362452 07business opportunities bUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Have 30 years experience and capital to invest In partnership for restaurant venture Active or sllent partner wanted Con Excellent high traffic tidenltality and reply asswed Box 832 The Examiner Barrie WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 01business opportunities EARN UP TO $15000 PER YEAR Rolso largo bait worms in your basomont plotoly vostmont Groon mcommercial7industrial References 7289682 90 Lmpnmmnwm HOLGATE Apt 102 Th 4110011 It Pmtlgsltidilstnslaiillllng FOR LEASE LETSFIGIITINFLATION 22 otou coiling holnhtsptlnklorod RENT REDUCED or bedroom 12 ocroofully sorvicodlnnd luxury townhouses Choose Efficientlow Intlnllty hootlno location near shopping centre mmnihd°°°°m°i° schools churches marina Brokors protectd PO Box 006 Barrio Phono 751 7373931 FOR LEASE in central Barrie 1300 sq ft in soon to be opened do it yourself can tre Already ing heating Call7261439 FOR SALE on LEASE 5060 square industrial Telephonel 435 4505 foot 2000 50 FT month Lighting and electrical outlets in cluded Suitable for manufacturing or warehousing Call 728 7674 PRIME DOWNTOWN location biiildirig established business 728 9069 or 726 9351 and COMMERCIAL SPACE Ground floor location available on Collier 51 across from Post Office Ideal for real estate or insurance office Also individual office with secretarial service Call ROSE 737 4277 09commercial POWER OF SALE Sacrifice 17 acres of tion 424 5327 odorless Proioct Mahawa Avonuo Mississauga Ontario L4X 1K5 Tolophono ll 4162764560 IllIIBlllISIlI Industrial Coniniorciol for solo or loose LILmortgages 129 DUNLOP ST EAST BARRIE ONT 7260931 Monitor Ontario Mortgago BroIIors Assoc RESIDENTIAL Itmobile homes trailers MOBILE HOME for sale bedroom 14x64 appliances included only years old excellentcondition Telephone Deadline for classiï¬ed day previous noon Saturday l6apts to rent or garago ComIl 59°C Small in required National Ltd 1703 tsrl= VERY Ont LAM 4Y5 A1523 IIAI in no Spacious 7263422 TF leased Electrical plumb air cond carpet cleaning building in Alliston Alliance Blvd $290 per Private 24 Ilour Phone Service for $9000 an acore This key property will be annexed in the proposed annexa between Township For full details Call Lou Kel ly Ltd 4365111 Barrie and lnnistil 12mortgages IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate 1st and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties Wed love to help you suites To consolidate debts low monthly payments Home improvements any wonh reason To pay all existing or maturing mortgage Construction funds free advice try us Wit have ready cash to purchase mongages the municipal 5aVIIIgS loan corporation COMPETITIVE RATES FLEXIBLE TERMS FAST COMMITMENTS COMMERCIAL VACATION PROPERTIES 7o COLLIER ST 3RD FLOOR Dan Halliday 7267200 Au4111825H 347 BAY ST TORONTO ONT 3633421 l6apartments for rent m0 PLACE APARTMITS 135 Wollington St ious 123 bodroom suitos Gonvonlont Cloon building To viow call 7263827 or 7267153 TF MODERN lUXURY LARGE bedroom apartments for lease Quiet adult building No pets and From $299 mthly No dogs References to pm 7262361 or 7287798 TF BARRIE ANNE GARDENS 259 Dunlop St available Utilities included convenient location 726S771 TF THE MAYFAIR Nicest apartments in Barrie Two bedrooms available with many features Bernick Dr 7372519 TF FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 7260988 weekdays MODERN TWO bedroom refrigerator stove heat and cable $255 monthly Call 7371130 after pm BEDROOM newly decorated Angus Utopia area $230 monthly plus hydro Telephone 7266271 ctmobile homestrailers designated Induslial land fronting on two main Rds and abutting CNR tracks Mobile unmet LN SALERENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer for Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glendette Shamrock NOTICE word ads 3pm 686 33077 CENTRAL ONTARIO FINEST 33333331 ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED LARGE BALCONIES OVERLOOKING BAY COLORED APPLIANCES STORAGE LOCKERS ENSUITE SAUNAS EXERCISE ROOM AND BILLIARD ROOM TENNIS COURT CLOSE TO SIMCOE PLAZA year lease available IDEAL FOR RETIRED PEOPLE KEN AL UFPILB HUUKSZ 163 pts tbwrnent AMES ROOM 7289866 lsnursing homes APPLICATIONS NOW bein for residents in need of rest home care 24 hours supervision Contact the JAY HARO Nursing Home Terms Up T015 Years Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave SPACIOUS and BEDROOM UBLIC BEACH YACHT CLUB 12 to pm weekdays 11 to 6pm weekends 7269580 37101000 accepted Coldwater 16a pts to rent TWO BEDROOM apartment second floor of apartment building available September appliances hydro heat cable Included decorated clean conve nient location quiet adults 7288332 ONE BEDROOM modern apartment for rent central location carpeted park Ing avallable September Telephone 7269815after6pm BACHELOR APARTMENT close to downtown $175 monthly Fridge stove utilities and parking included Phone 7262910 APARTMENTS TO RENT close to downtown all utilities included first and last required call between 68 pm 7374527 CENTRALLY LOCATED two apart ments one and two bedrooms fridge and stove parking for one car Call after 5pm 7372966 ONE BEDROOM apartment large liv ing room large kitchen adult building Clean quiet couple preferred Available September Fresth renovated 7265713 MISSISSAUGACOURT bedroom apartments for rent colored appliances sauna laundry facilities parking Close to shopping and bus route vailable November Telephone 7370003 ONE BEDROOM apartment fridge and stove Pay own hydro Plenty of parking No pets Married couple Phone after pm 7285135 Two BEDROOM fifth floor apartment broadloom throughout overlooking the bay east end utilities and parking In cluded $315 per month Phone 7285273 ONE AND two bedroom apts in triplex newly decorated new carpets ap pliances $180 and up plus utilities Call 3221991 9am tos r3 44 AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER Ist Downtown 17 Mary St room apart ment Adults only no pets please Apply Valley RentAll 16 Maple Ave 7266666 REDECORATED BACHELOR Apart ment available immediately private entrance parking heat hydro stove and fridge included $175 monthly Call 7284867 after pm or Saturdays l7houses to rent TAMARACK WOODS Littlo Boyvion DrIvo COUNTRY LIVING in BEDROOM TOWNHOMES WITH EARLY OCCUPANCY Gas firod forcod air boating Somo with ravine settings OTonnls Court Adiacont Molson Pork Ronts from $300 per month HEADWAY CORPORATION 7373992 ThFSTF NOW AVAILABLE NEW BEDROOM HOMES $325$340 monthly convonlont location Col DEL REALTY 7370500 TF BEDROOM detached houses Maple Grove Road Township of lnnlsfil option to purchase with rent to be credited against purchase price 7054362887 IT IS POSSIBLE Rent on new home can go towards your down payment For information call Mr Jarvis 7266805 24 Hour Service TWO BEDROOM homes Downtown $375 plus utilities Includes garage full backyard and appliances Available im mediater and September Ist Call Toronto 4164850697 or 4162490241 FOUR BEDROOM wellkept home in Allandale garage fridge stove 1V2 baths finished basement no pets Available September $425 monthly 7371403after7pm PAINSWICK bedroom detached home fireplace broadloomed double garage $375 monthly Available September Telephone 7287793 OPTION TO BUY Singles and semis from $325 Fridgestove First month re quired Virgo Realty73712II BEDROOM semidetached home in Allandale area Fully carpeted full basement sunken Iivingroom garage $325 monthly Call 3221991 am 5pm or 3222044 after Inquiries to RENT ME bedroom condominium finished rec room den 1V baths $300 monthly plus utilities Allandale area Phone 266064 BEDROOM house in Innisfll across from lake completely broadloomed electric heat stove and refrigerator $325 monthly plus hydro Telephone 4361374 23offices stores for ren RENTANOFFICE DOWNTOWN BY THE DAY WEEK OR MONTH OR YEAR OR TWO MAIN FLOOR EXECUTIVE OFFICE RENTALS Fully Staffed Equipped Furnished STORAGE SPACE Boseloin Arno 1260908 518 1200 SQ FT OFFICE SPACE 54F Maple St Available anytime 72817431111 7pm7286899ofter7pm MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites Immediate oc cupancy short or long term 7263400 Angeloff 1000 SQUARE FEET airconditioned office space for rent with parking spots available immediately Telephone 7267130 OFFICE SHOWROOM Space 2000 sq ft Brock at Lorena Good parking Sprinklered Stew Emms or Bud Thomas 7260661 NEW PROFESSIONAL OFFICE Pres tige area Ample parking 1100 sq ft Bell Farm Rd by Georgian College Duckworth Cloverleaf 7260231 SMALL OFFICE on Dunlop St approx lmately 300 sq ft Recently redecorated $150 month includes heat Call Simon Beekhuizen rep Lou Goedemondt Ltd 7284067 24space for rent FOR LEASE OR SALE Industrial space and warehouse Telephone 7263400 Angeloff WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM etc 108 Victoria Street 1590 square feet Gross lease everything included $475 mon thly Apply Stewart Wholesale 7283051 PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 1000 18000 sq it fully sprlnklered transport and light truck loading docks drive in doors 14 ft18 ft clear part of large ex panding industrial mall 7267130 l500 SQ FT STORAGE space for lease truck entrance I78 Tiffln St Telephone 7263400 Mr Angeloff STORAGE AVAILABLE 1700 sqan feet with easy access ample parking Available now Telephone 7282210 9000 SQ FT Ml Industrial space for lease Ground level steel building highway 400 exposure at Essa Rd inter change 18 feet clear driveIn door 550 available Contact Omar Morrow Road Barrie Ontario 705 7262681 RETAIL WAREHOUSE for lease 7200 square feet right on highway 11 near Orillla Was Farmer Jacks Furniture Warehouse Call 416 7424079 RETAIL 0R WORKSHOP space for rent Downtown area $160 per month plus hydro Available immediately Phone 7262772 days or 7372349 evenings 25garages WANTED Large or double garage preferably near Eccles Street area for minimum period of year Telephone 7266246 26accommodations to share HOUSE TO SHARE facing Lake Simcoe own room share other facilities 11 miles south of Barrie Available im mediately Reply Box 246 Aurora RECENTLY SEPARATED person wants people to share house Must be mature and able to cope with young children and dog $25weekly 7287498 27cottages to rent TWO BEDROOM Cottage lakefront on 93 Highway at Orr Lake Fridge and stove oil heat furnlshed $200 nth Phone 3221280 32cars for sale TGItAIIAMTS 200 Victoria Street Aliston 4357388 1979 FORD ZEPHYR dr sedan auto PS PB $5495 1979 FORD FAIRMONT dr sedan auto rs PB $5495 1979VOLARE dr auto PS PB $5295 1979 MONZA HATCHBACK cyl PS PB buckets Abovo oors boys loss tbon 15000 kill 1976 GRANADA 60uto P5 P8 dr sedan 30000 miles 1975 EL CAMINO CLASSIC PS PB 51 000 miles $3195 1976 TOYOTA LONG BOX cyl spd only PICKUP 28000 miles $3195 Au18 32cars for sale 1978 THUNDERBIRD with Air Con ditioning Luxury car in superb shape at very reasonable price Please call 7286612 1974 AMC MATADOR V8 auto dr htop P5 P5 radio certified Full price $1095 1974 PINTO speed radio cer titled Full price $1095 Phone 4749820 1970 GTO JUDGE four speed Keystone mags 411 positraction rear end Asking $750 Telephone 4364232 after pm STOCK CAR 69 camera will suit dia mond class Asking $1800 Also Chevelle frame and roll cage Asking $450 Call Orlllia 3258860 73 MERC COLONY PARK very good condition new tires brakes alr shocks rad $2450 or best offer Telephone 7280529 the examiner Sunday August 18 191013 32cars for sale FINE CARS 36auto accessories WRECKING 1969 FARGO ton pickup 225 engine complete $75 speed transmission $40 windshield hood and all other parts Also wrecking I969 CHEV BISCAYNE 250 engine 375 automatic transmission $50 and other parts7281685 37motorcycles 1972 350 KAWASAKI new top end new rear tire Low mileage and in good con dition Must sell Call after 30 pm 7284086 ï¬tiuxi or 185 000 miles Carrier excellent condition $500 Telephone 424 6341after6pm 750 HONDA excellent condition low mileage asking $1600 Telephone 728 4494 or 726 4586 if 1972 AUSTIN MINI new brakes and muffler system Body in good shape needs some mechanical work Asking 3250 Telephone 4363805 after pm 1977 BUICK SKYHAWK Hatchback five speed radial tires and stars on rims radio great gas milea Ex cellent condition Certified 72604 TRAN SAM 1978 PONTIAC Transom TA 66 litre engine speed transmission power brakes power steering power windows air conditioning roof tracktape ex cellent condition Call 72193111 after pm 1977 HONDA CIVIC standard transmi sion excellent condition inside and out Telephone after pm 7266346J AW 1969 MGB new top overhauled motor radials body good 66000 miles $1100 or offer Telephone 4382453 1974 SATELITE SEBRING SUNDANCE model completer original gold with half white vinyl top automatic power steering power brakes air AMFM very clean Certified $2500 or best offer 7284494 1973 DODGE POLARA two doo hardtop certified fully equipped for trailers $950 or best offer Telephone 4365183 1978 LE BARON certified Two door hardtop V8 automatic power steering brakes windows track Rustproofed Best offer Telephone 7370825 after 1974 GREMLTN standard in good runn Ing condition Road certified TeIEphone 7280656 evenings 1960 MERCURY COUGAR for sale good running order body good green with black interior $600 Must sell Telephone 7284477 1974 MINI 60000 miles requires front ball Ioints rear shocks and some body work Good car for mechanically mind ed person $225 as ls 7283605 1965 CHEV VAN 350 Replacement panels brand new Holley Edelbrock rad accell headers exhaust cam lifters timing chain Body eeds finishing work 7266533 mornings DUNE BUGGY Fun machine in 9666 running condition $550 Can be seen at 69 Chieftain Cres or phone 726 3109 77 28cottages for sale HUNTSVILLE AREA Viceroy shell cot tage on 100 ft waterfront Scenic treed one acre lot Year round access great fishinghunting $22000 Telephone 416 6917275 32cars for sale AUTO INSURANCE and home in surance Competitive rates Call John Nelson Insurance 7289571 am pm 1977 PLYMOUTH VOLARE V8 automatic power steering power brakes rear window defogger new radials never winter driven Asking $4500 Certified 7370676 or 7287133 1974 MGB excellent condition stereo Will certify $2700 flrm Telephone 728I856after4100pm 1978 OLDS ROYALE new condition door power windows cruise tilt wheel other extras Certified $5500 Before pm 7260000 after 7288494 1977 MINI AMFM Radio and Tape Cassette good condition certified $1950 Before pm 7260000 after 7288494 1973 TOYOTA COROLLA 1600 automatic mechanically sound but body rusted out For sale as parts Telephone 7260293 THREE BEDROOM Townhouse in Allandale Garage 1V2 baths use of 20 40 pool One year lease required Available September 151 7289577 or 7262611 NEW BUNGALOW for rent September 151 close to everything Well decorated Suitable as bedroom or 34 bedroom with stove and fridge to good tenants Phone 14162261335 house FOR RENT centrally lEcated first and last months rent Telephone 7284282140771 THREE BEDROOM House with garage convenient to downtown available September $285 monthly plus utilities Telephone 7284868 TWO OR THREE Bedroom house with fridge stove freezer near hospital $290 plus gas heat and hydro Available September lsor October Call 726 5149 MAIN FLOOR OF MODERN bungalow three bedrooms attached garage on large wooded 1015 minutes from Barrie all utilities included $365 monthly available September 15 Call 7374144 TWO BEDROOM BUNGALOW for rent located on paved road 1V2 miles from limits For further information phone 7287857 EXECUTIVE TOWNHOUSE three bedrooms two washrooms heated garage Adults only Grove and Lount St area Immediate possession References required 7281983 or 7285463 AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER $350 monthly three bedroom semi two ap pliances included lease preferred Letitia Heights 7265297 20rooms to let CLEAN BRIGHT modern furnished rooms Central kitchen Downtown loca tion Telephone 737 1000 LARGE ROOM suitable for two peopl Also single rooms and shared kitchen Telephone 726 6392 ROOTIS TO LET by day week montIT year with or without meals Savanna Lodge Cedar Harbour 4363005 FURNISHED BEDSITTING Room lInen supplied Linen and room cleaned weekly Downtown area Telephone 737 4682 2177room and board ROOM AND BOARD square meals day laundry done close to bus route 7286182 WANT ADS PHONE 72312414 TOIOOITIS 10 let Rooms available for October Heated swimming pool sauna Licensed LLBO Elegant dining room Rooms Private Semiprivate bedroom apartments for couples Permanent guests or daily rate INQUIRIESTO BOX 824 THE EXAMINER BARRIE 1973 DATSUN 610 Station Wagonin ex cellent shape with Michelin tires new tail pipe system recently painted $1695 Telephone 7262024 after pm 1973 PINTO 53000 miles automatic radio snows in running order $400 as is Telephone 4363439 between 69 pm 1968 DODGE DART six cylinder mote and transmission in good condition ask Ing $175 Telephone 4241365 after pm 1976 FORD RANCHERO new brakes all around new steel belted radials Ziebarted certified 39000 miles $3500 or best offer Possible trade 4240156 after pm 7951 MERCURY 755130 1953 MONARCH $2000 Must be seen Trade considered Telephone 4240156 after pm PRIVATE SALE 1976 Gran Torino four door 351 Cleveland engine power steering power brakes air conditioning 34000 miles certified Asking $3250 Call after four pm 7262213 ANTIQUE 1951 Ford low mileage runs well new brakes shocks complete tuneup needs some work in trunk Best offer over $1700 7264057 1977 DATSUN 200 SX one owner im maculate condition 20000 kilometres economical cylinder speed manual transmission AMFM radio and cas sette deck undercoated velour seats After pm call 7265404 or 7281862 1974 FORD LTD BROUGHAM V8 automatic new tires AM radio good condition WIII certify Telephone 7288568 1977 SCOUT II 1972 fandroverfuis bath Al condition Call 14168462174 4L 1976 GRAND PRIX too many extras to mention 43000 miles must be seen to be appreciated $4500 or best offer Call 7285897 at noon or after pm LL 1975 PARISIANNE PONTIAC for sale power steering power brakes luxury car in beautiful condition $2200 Telephone 7263373 1971 OLDS CUTLASS four door power steering power brakes 350 V8 radials body and interior excellent condition AI mechanically undercoated new paint new brakes Will certify Must be seen to be appreciated $1700 or best offer 7268498 1974 CORVETTE 50 excellent condii tion Certified $7300 or best offer Telephone 726962$ 74 1974 PONTIAC passenger wagon full power Including factory air recently certified New shocks and front end Price includes new paint $2895 Te°£°395m 2orooms to let LUXURY RETIREMENT INN OR CONVALESCINO Country surroundings hear all facilities 1975 PACER DL one owner cylinder manual speed power steering radio and cassette rear window defogger radials with snows trailer hitch Ex cellent running condition Will certify $12950r bestoffer726 5364eve 1977 FORD RANCHERO SQU engine 32000 miles body and engine in excellent condition all power custom Interior Will be sold certified Telephone 4241846 1977 GRANADA four door GHIA air conditioned power steering power brakes stereo tape deck power win dows and door lock rust proofed Michelins 41000 miles certified $4900 Call7374144 73 GREMLIN airconditibning rdbi racks new paint $975 or best offer 67 Cadillac Coupe de Ville No rust Must be 599 PARKEiiflflflé 3573 1971 DODGE DEMON slant six automatic radio power train in good dition Power steering Many new parts Vinyl roof $200 as is Telephone 7283419 Wiiï¬TT WTT PONTIAC door hardtop automatic PSIPB New brakes new paint Radials Certified Al condition $1350 May finance 728 9430 1973 DATSUN WAGON radio price $795 speed certified Telephone 7287267 good condition 1975 FORD LT door vinyl top 33000 miles $2750 Telephone 7266861 33cars wantedto buy WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Hon da Auto Sales 17 Gwen 517266488 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED prices paid Free immediate pickup any time4362900 COLE BROS Cars and trucks WANTED for wrecking Fast pickup Phone 4356322 days 4245949 evenings JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 7268711 TOPV PRTICEA for top cars Toke Motors Limited 119 Bradford Street Barrie 7288111 TRACY WANTS cars and trucksrfor wrecking and parts top prices paid Free piclgig Telephopezlfijigzv iiiiiiii 34 trucks and trailers 1975 DODGE 600 truck cw 14 stake box with tarp 360 V8 speed speed rear 170 WB Good condition Telephone 728 2474 1974 SCOUT FWD 304 V8 automatic power steering Real good condition Ex cellent motor and tires 5th sideroad Essa Twp North Phone 4241947 SEPTICTZNK PUMP Truck for sit123 trade for pigkup Telephone 72643706 1974 CHEV VAN V8 automatic power steering AM radio CB radio tape deck fully insulated custom carpeted and panelled Can be seen at Bartko and Hall BP Service 304 Blake St Barrie Wito7 PRSENGER school buses 69 or 68 take your pick Valley Bus Lines and Rent All 16 Maple 7266666 1978 CHEVY VAN 20 series kilometres automatic 350 $6300 Telephone 4364660 FORDSMITH 36 medium duty fifth wheel good condition $400 sel of saddle tanks 100 gallon capacity Also tenders and leaps $450 728 9269 low extras WtronosuFERVANiulchustomIz ed inside and out CB FM cassette stereo custom front end Fully broadloomed bed etc $4000 value $3195 4365309 7AGMC 6500 cab and chassis 366 5+2 tront 185 rear cab to axle wheel base 218 Certified $4500 4241963 egrtings 7a BRONCO wheel or 531 wheels low mileage Best Er SNOW VALLEY AUTOMOBILE one 726 7992 TAGALONG Float ApproximatelyTlt ton capacity Good condition Asking $850Cal0rillia 3258860 V7 1971 FORD as is Best offer Telephone 726 4273 1969 CHEVY VAN for sale 327 engine automatic Telephone 436 4574 1975 DATSUN pickup real gas saver 2000 cc four cylinder with speed manual transmission Exceptionally clean only 28000 miles 7269060 1978 DODGE 100 pickup with lined cap per 33000 kilometres like new Telephone after pm 14292357 1972 FORD F200 Window Van with steb Mechanically good needs little body work mom91147 1972 GMC VANDURA rebuilt 250 engine good body customizing includes cupboards bedtable shag carpet roof vent insulation panelling $2500 Good vehicle Certifiable 7269246 1970 FORD pick up truck Good rurT ning order as is $500 Telephone 436 2199 ribauto accessorie FORD 351 CLEVELAND ENGINE block assembly new guaranteed $500 Telephone 7370439 I974 kAwAEAkififscc trail bike 4900 miles one owner since new in show room condition $625 Telephone 726 7462 1975 YAMAHA YZ excellent condition rebuilt engine best offer 3221795 1975 SUZUKI RV 125 A1 condition 2600 miles five road gears and five trail Reason for selling bought bigger bike Asking $650 Telephone 7268498 1975 HONDA SSOF with Windiammer $1500firm CalIBiII7265179 W77 KAWASAKI 400 stroke cylinder with low mileage clean and A1 Must sell $900 Telephone 436 2617277 SIBsnowmobiles IN STOCK NOW 1930s OEMINIS APOLLOS TXS OALAXYS IN TNE CRATE SPECIAL Ang Sopt Up to $300 solve in clothing or accessories with oodi Inociiino BARRIE POLARIS CENTRE 7261059 57 1977 EVE ST 440 electric carbide run ners cover $1500 Also 1978 SKI DOO EVE REST 440 electric carbide runners cover $1800 Also WISCOT double trail er 5250 After pm 726 toarticles for sale CLARNS HOME FURNISHINGS TRADE1N WAREHOUSE Now located at the rear of The Discount Store 40 Bayfield St entry through 40 Boyfield St or Clarks Home Furnishings Main Store Good stock of used refrigerators stoves automatic washers and dryers guaranteed for 30 days bed outfits complete from $1995 vinyl head boards from $500 love seat Chesterfield sets choirs colonial sofa choir set colonial living room tables chests of drawers arborite top kitchen tables rollaway beds etc AuIB SWIMMING POOLS TO RENT Will lease and install for homeowners family size aluminum swimming pools with patio Choice of styles meeting all fenc ing regulations on one two or three year rental basis with option to own Try before you buy Call toll free 800 2685970 SWIMMING POOLS Leading distributor has above ground pools on sale complete with filter motor pump skimmer walk around patio and fenc ing regularly $2129 now $1333 while supply lasts Call collect 1519 6234351 SWIMMING POOLS to lease complete with large patio walk around fence filter ladder on or year basis from $60 per month with option to buy Call collect 15196234351 for futher details BARRIE TENT AWNING CO offers complete repair service on tarps tents trailer covers awnings etc Also zip pers medium or heavy weights Foam cut tosize 5inch thickness 34 Bayfield St next Clarks Home For nishings downtown RESTAURANT EQU ENT for sale Meat cooler upright coke machine cash register meat slicer ice cream freezer catering equipment 936 2588 NEW AND USED building malerialsior sale Lumber shingles furnaces win dowslelephone 424 1627 SONY STEREO Sensational AMFM rocolvor custom turntable 5343 Got free spoakors Under S5 wkly starting Octobor79 KRAZY KELLYS now next door to Moatmon Ono hour dolivory Highway QBandoIoJWIlfl TF FREEZERS Woods chest and upright fully war ranted delivery free Trades accepted Special low pricing on this one final truck load for the year Financing available Call or visit SimcoeCoOp 259 lnnistil726653l HONEY pure natural 85 pound Whytes mile north of Georgian Mall Telephone 728 8522 SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER has new 1978 Pools regular price $2190 00 now at our off season special of $135500 Pools come with walkaround deck patio fencing pump motor and filter delivery arranged to your conve nience For best selection and informa tion call toll freel 800 2685970 4on ms FOR SALE Approx Long in Square DELIVERED 7281952 A1122 RECONDITIONED TVs fully guaranteed Huge selection and and Color $49 and up 28 Essa Rd 737 2533 INDOOR SHOWROOM full sized pools on display Come in today or call 726 4606 for free 32 page booklet of inground and above ground pools Pioneer Pools Batmart Plaza MACHINIST SEVEN drawer took box and tools nics dial indicators etc $300 726 2164 leTCHEN SET dinette set JVérygooo condition babys crib and dresser Telephone 726 5297 GRANDFATHER CLOCKS 4oarticles for sale SENSATIONAL NEW STORE 20 OX1 oo ondgotofrosl2 ICAXLtoozforl 0181 400 oily starting October79 Ono koiir dolvory Nut door to Mootlnon NIGNWAT 90 minim 461 omitor 73711 1F SNOW TIRES size B7813 Turnpike Winter Express Polyelex Belted tubless Only used winters like new Phone Ann Cooke424 1876 TINrtIEAVY DJTY range In 960d working condition $60 or best offer Telephone 726 6989 1979 TTMOSITIDA MICROWAVE oven demonstrator regular $879 one only $695 Top oftheline model complete with full 30month warranty 726 4177 SOLID BRASS antique ships bell brass sundial medium size antique parlour shoe broom hp electric motor Telephone 436 1942 evenings ANTIQUE OAK DINING racm suite large extension table chairs buffet and china cabinet $800 Telephone stint lIuIIiitns WINTER COVERS for ninth pools ON SALE 7282268 uni TThSAu21 English hour strike circa 1828 Asking $3000 Modern hour Westmlnister chime solid walnut case Asking $2000 3917351271 PHILLIP MUSEUM 4st 9221 ft VANITY TOP with round sink in centres right hand splash matching crane toilet in light blue Telephone 7135 4pce MAPLE BEDROOM SUITE price $130 In good condition Telephone 728 5004 AV HOTPOINT STOVE and Fridge for sale less than one year old Almond color Best offer Telephone 7288425 after pm HEAVY DUTY WASHER and DRYER 13 cu ft frost free refrigerator Can be seen at 10 McDonald St evenings or weekends lENITII 20 PORTABLE COLOR lWc solid state only S598 Undor 56 willy Starting October79 Order tonlto got Iron 12 black ond whito Ono hour dolivory KRAZY KELLYS how next door to Moatman Highway 90 Fomdolo 7371182 TF USED OFFICE FURNITURE cash and carry only 60 30 steel heavy duty double pedestal desks and secretarial desks Steno chairs Three drawer letter size filing cabinets Janes Stationary Inc 114 Dunlop Street East Barrie 726 6602 BUFFET AND HUTCH in hand crafted pine dinette size priced to sell Childrens single school desks attached seats nice for home use $20 each Six used panelled wood dows $600 each 728 8263 GARAGE SALE Friday Saturday Sun day and Monday anytime Tera Nova Airport Road All household fur nishings pine table color television 26 inch remote control $250 Skldoo and sleith $100 and much more 466 5212 UNUSUAL FURNISHINGS acorn fireplace gas heater filing cabinet paintings roll away iron headboard skis winemaking equipment Coke but ton Sign tape recorder Muntz car tape 705 326 3980 COMMERIAL AIRCONDITIONER 10 ton 3phase water cooled with dualcompressar 51500 Col JIM 7372432 USED PORTABLE ROASTER roasts chicken beef and pork without using your oven $35 cash and carry Also used living room chairs an swivel rockers starting as low as$29 99 Cash and carry BARRIE NEW and USED FUR NITURE 202 Dunlap St 7374774 Closed Mondays HELP BARRIEHEWand USED FUR NITURE is being bombarded by load after load of back ordered furniture Mustclear everything No reasonable of fer refused No money down Free delivery in store financing 202 Dunlop StreetW 7374774 ICIoSedMondays BRAND NEW 20 inch COLOR TVs from Sanyo Admiral starting as low as $5 week rent to own at BARRIE NEW and USED FURNITURE No money down in store financing free delivery 202 Dunlop Street 7374774 Closed Mondays BRIGHTEN UP YOUR Iivingroom with new pair of LAMPS BARRIE NEW and USED FURNITURE has iust received 30 pairs of lamps in all shapes styles and sizes to match any decor Buy one at $59 99 and get one free Cash and carry 207 Dunlop Street West 737 4774 Closed Mondays TITANIC TOSHIBA lnaodiblo 50month warranty Elocfronlc tuning now 5849 Order tonlto got Iron 12 portable Under 57 wily starting OctoborI9 KRAZY KELLYS now noxt door to Moetman Highway 90 OFomdalo7371182 TF CONTINUOUS clean stove and three door side by side fridge harvest gold good condition Asking $600 for pair 728 2811 FOUR PIECE WALNUT Bedroom Suite in good condition Asking $175 or best offer Telephone 728 9800 I979 CRAFTED wooD STOVE pipes firebricks $350 Telephone 728 0867 GE MANUAL refrigerator white $75 Westinghouse frost free refrigerator harvest gold left hand door $275 Viking 15 cu ft chesl freezer white $135 stroller swivel wheel storm shield in cluded folds flat $30 Telephone 726 6667 after rn AIR CONDITIONER 10500 015 like new $275 or best offer Adding machine large size with tape $30 726 3629 32 BAND SAW Jointer and drill press for sale Telephone 322 2847 ALUMINIUM STORM DOOR 190 x3377 $10 Telephone 728 9830 FIGHT CONSTANTLY rising prices by freezing your own vegetables meat and bread 35 brand new freezers have iust arrived from McClary All sizes full year extended warranty plan Starting as low as $239 99 no money down free delivery in store financing Barrie New and Used Furniture 202 Dunlop St 737 4774 Closed Mondays 4lboats and motors BOAT REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES stood and fibreglass TOLLENDAL MARINA 7264950 BARRIE TF ODAY MARINER Sleeps four Full in ventory of sails including spinnaker Complete with marine toilet trailer Mercury and accessories Sail away price $4499 7370540 18 FT CABIN SAILBDArchntIeboard beamy wood glass bottom sound but Seagull $1200 Telephone 705 3263900 needs work Dacron sails motor Orlllia 8o