Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Aug 1979, p. 26

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LORI IllTN Of The Eutmlner With 40 per cent of first marriages ending in divorce and 60 per cent of second mar riages ending the same way Barrie needs groups for the formerly married says the coordinator of the Collier Christian Singles group Formed one year ago the Project l25 continues now has I26 rose bushes By NANCY FIGUEROA Of The Examiner The roses at the rose in Sunnidale Park have slowly died but they gave pleasure to Barrie residents this many summer The roses Project 125 were given to The City of Barrie in 1978 in honor of Barries 125 an niversary The gift was joint donation by the Kiwanis Club of and an anonymous Barrie citizen The total cost of the garden was more than $2500 The garden consists of three beds side by side each three feet by 42 feet and each containing 42 rose bushes says Norm Synott of the Barrie Horticultural Society There is total of 126 rose bushes including 14 different varieties What display of color crimson carmen cor al scarlet pink salmon gold yellow and pure white says Synott The horticultural society has assumed all maintenance re quired by the roses including pruning weeding spraying fertilizing and preparation for winter This fine enterprise in the beautification of Barrie for the pleasure of its citizens and visitors alike is team effort by our two oldest service clubs said Synott The Barrie Horticultural Society was founded in 1874 and the Kiwanis Club of Barrie received its charter in 1922 Picnic announced Barrie and District Associa tion for the Physically Disabled will meet on Saturday at Spr ingwater Park near Midhurst in picnic areas one and two EMBARRASSED BY UNWANIED HAIR Remove permanently Free Consultation with testing wDay Even Appoints Member of AEAEAO Conlidentio lYDIA HRENCHUK Electrologist 737267 Innisfree Valley College c0untry setting garden inspected private high school offering individualized teaching full academic program Grade semesterpri Credit horsemanship course varied full supervised extracurricular activities High School On Farm Stroud Ont 4361729 group has gown steadily and now has more than 60 members says Kit Lawrence She says the group the only Christianoriented group of its kind in the county helps people through difficult periods after the breakdown of marriage or the death of spouse An important part of the groups activities are semi weekly talkitovers design ed to help people deal with the lifestyle Group helps singles cope with hurt loneliness after marriage breakdown hurt and loneliness that in evitably follows the end of marriage she explains The name Collier Christian Singles could be deceiving because the group is designed for the previously married rather than singles Mrs Lawrence says Those whove never been married could not identify with the problems most of the members are experiencing she HitchKoncz Carnations and daisies decorated Central United Church in Barrie for the July 20 wedding of Rosalie Koncz and David Walter Hitch rs Oro Central Presbyterian Church was decorated with pink gladiolus and apple blossoms for the recent wed ding of Mary Jane Fletcher and James Edward Thanks to you it works for ALL OF US McLaughlinFletcher The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs George Koncz of Barrie and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Walter Hitch of Barrie alllll 4m McLaughlin The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Lloyd Flet cher of Oro Station and the groom is the son of Mr and says Anyone is welcome to join even without church affilia tion although members are ex pected to have church respect Mrs Lawrence says All executive members must belong to church The group could use more male members since the ratio of women to men is about four to one at the moment Blood supply law By CLAUDIA KRAUSE Of The Examiner Because many Ontario Rev Ashton of ficiated at the double ring ceremony The organist was Mrs Mona Morton The bride wore gown of white chiffon over satin with fullvcircle skirt laced in rib bons and pearls Juliet cap held her fulllength four tiered veil She carried bou ff quet of wory orchids and babys breath Matron of honor Linda Beauchamp of Barrie led bridesmaids Myrna Cunn ingham and Terry Villemaire both of Barrie Best man was Bruce Baldwin of Barrie and the ushers were Ken Law of Toronto and Allan Hitch the grooms brother if Outoftown guests attend ed the wedding from Peck Mich LAnse Mich Han cock Mich Chicago Ill 53 Menominu Mich London 0nt Belleville Sudbury St Catharines Newmarket and Toronto Following reception at the Royal Downs Golf and if Tennis Club he couple travelled to the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania for their honeymoon They now live in Barrie Mrs Gerrard McLaughlin of Fredericton NB Rev Ken Heron officiated at the ceremony Soloist Bruce Owen of Shanty Bay was accompanied by Janice Spring of Burlington the brides aunt Given in marriage by her father the bride wore white brocaded satin gown with train and finger length chiffon veil She car ried bouquet of pink roses stephanotis and babys breath Maid of honor Betty Cragg of Orillia bridesmaids Catherine Sutherland of Stroud Janice Fletcher and Nancy Flet cher both of Oro Station All three are sisters of the bride The flower girl was Tanya McLean of Barrie Best man was Jim Geldar of Toronto while the ushers were Robert Sutherland Stroud Paul McLaughlin St John NR and Gordon Lusk of Toronto The ring bearer was Matthew Moloney the brides cousin Outoftown guests attend ed from Toronto London Burlington Oakville Oshawa Fredericton and St John Following honeymoon to points east the couple are making their home in Hunt 5f sville per cent job placement Barries Golden Op portunities Employment Agen cy recorded job placement level of 808 per cent during Ju ly reports Harold Small co ordinator Of the agencys 668 registered applicants 533 have found jobs During July 27 applicants found jobs while 24 new ap plicants registered for work Twelve job orders were received during the month About 46 per cent of all ap plicants have fulltime jobs while about 54 per cent have parttime jobs Small says all applicants are asked to contact the agency at least once month while seek ing employment Society offers tours Barrie Horticultural Society will sponsor toms to the Cana dian National Exhibition on Sunday for Horticultural Day and Tuesday for Salute to To days Woman Day On Sunday the tour will in Ye United Way it OCTOBER 15 UNITED WAY MONTH BARRIE AND oismcr clude the Scottish Tattoo Show at 830 pm Sunday the group leaves in bus from the Wellington Hotel in Barrie at pm Complete cost is 815 Tuesday the bus leaves Well ington Hotel at 830 pm and returns at pm Cost is $5 for bus fare $250 admission for anyone 13 years or older but free for senior citizens of Demo wink Kemptville lift 0n Hwy 93 III before I0A Campground Crclglumt 10 mil north residents are on holidays dur ing the summer less give blood at time when more blood is needed to help traffic accident victims reports the Barrie branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society The Toronto area which in cludes Barrie is now in short supply so the pressure is on for greater participation at blood donor clinics Blood banks must be built up before the Labor Day weekend when most Ontario highways and hospitals will be busy with the last rush of holiday travellers The Barrie branch holds its next blood donor clinic on Aug 27 and 28 at Trinity Parish Hall 24 Collier St next to the post of fice Times on both days are to pm and to 830 pm Free babysitting service is available at the hall Anyone in good health from 18 to 65 years old and not restricted for medical reasons may donat blood Seventeenyearold teens may also give blood with writ ten permission of parent or guardian people Er places Special services Special services will be held on Sunday at Hillsdale Dalston and Crown Hill United Chur ches Hillsdale Memorial Sunday service begins at 11 am while the Dalston special family ser vice begins at am and in cludes show of the TLC clubs activities Crown Hills special family service will be held at pm The TLC club will meet at Hillsdale United Church Mon day through Wednesday from 930 to 1130 am For more in formation call 7289538 Veterans reunion Barrie area women who are veterans of World War II are in vited to the let annual reunion of Canadian Womens Army Corps Veterans in Toronto Sept 28 and 29 For more information write to CWAC Veterans Reunion Chairman Shirley Wood Heesakcr 201 Niagara St Toronto Ont MSV 1C9 Reunion planned Barrie Boomerang Camping Club plans reunion picnic for members and former members on Aug 26 at Springwater Park near Midhurst The group will meet at pm and lunch begins at pm Bring your own picnic lunch For more information call 7260817 01 7281474 Home beautification Barrie residents are invited to enter their own homes or others into the Barrie Hor ticultural Societys Home Beautification Contest Check the societys yearbook for directions and prizes or call 7282593 Joseph Palmer is this years contest chairman For singles only Collier Christian Singles previously married single per sons meet in the parlor at Col lier Street United Church in Barrie every second and fourth Sunday of the month Discussion Bible study and fellowship special events or speakers make up the sessions The special program for the summer features variety of outdooractivities For more information phone Kit Lawrence at 4361534 or Col lier Street United Church at 7261511 to CNE To reserve places for either tour call Florence Lockhart between 10 am and pm at 7283873 Margaret Laurence at 7266798 or May Maxwell at 7288248 ONE IN TEN INVOLVED About one Canadian worker in 10 owes at least part of his in come to tourism Variety of LAWN AND GARDEN URNAMENTS Everything ltom small frogs etc to big cement tables and chairs Small large lountams and baths jockeys hens N6 PINES the examiner Friday August 17 1979 engagements BondGriffith Mr and Mrs Glenn Bond and Mr and Mrs Nelson Griffith announce the engagement of their children Shelley and Nelson The wedding is to take place Aug l8 at Lelroy United Church ForbesHermann Mrs Mary Forbes announces the engagement of her daughter Gwendalaine Elizabeth Mary to Michael Henry Hermann son of Mr and Mrs Henry Hermann The wedding is to take place on Aug 25 at 730 pm at Central United Church in Barrie JonesBrown Mr and Mrs Stan Jones of Barrie announce the engagement of their daughter JoniLouise to Dale Steven Brown son of Mr and Mrs Steven Brown of Cornwall Ont The wedding is to take place Sept at pm at Trinity Anglican Church in Barrie MurphyWhite Robert Murphy of Phelpston announces the engagement of his daughter Bernadette Mary to Harold White of Barrie The wedding is to false place Sept in Phelpston Ann Lander Strictly business Dear Ann Landers have been beside myself with anxie ty since this stupid incident occurred two days ago work in small onegirl office and have been divorced for two years Last week we had an office party to celebrate five years in business My boss wife was present along with several other people This is what happened asked my boss as gag if could sit in his chair turn ed my head and patted him on what thought was his back Suddenly realized it was not his back was patting it was his behind could feel my face turn red and didnt know what to do 501 acted as if nothing happened know his wife saw it all because she was standing right beside him dont know if she realizes it was inadvertent or if she thinks we are fooling around They have what appears to be very good marriage have friendly relationship with my boss but its strictly business My question is this Should tell his wife how embarrass ed am or keep quiet Extremer Upset Dear Up Keep quiet He who excuses himself accuses himself Dear Ann Landers need someone who can be objective Icant Mostly feel guilty because wasnt better wife am also filled with rage was married to handsome man very outgoing and well liked was just the opposite let Dick know was doing him favor when accommodated him sexually because never got anything out of it did bedroom duty when he asked but as the years went by he asked less and less Three months ago after 28 years of marriage no children Dick died suddenly of heart attack learned last week that he had kept mistress The woman was an executive in large firm Im sure the affair was one of long standing The way found out about it was strange discovered key in my husbands wallet It had an address tag attached so went to see where it led When walked into love nest was shocked No one was at home sol looked around found receipts for gifts he had bought her and letters he had written when he was away on trips His pictures were all over the place didnt touch thing just left The woman has no idea was there Now am torn between wanting to tear her hair out for stealing what belonged to me and tearing out my own hair for being so blind Dicks mother is still living and dont want to ruin his reputation What should do No Identity Please Dear No 10 Do nothing Say nothing Its tall order but no good would come of exposing the past If you need to vent your anger or expiate your feelings of guilt talk to professional counsellor preferably per son who did not know Dick or you Dear Ann Ijust read that new method of birth control is being tried in Rome It is hypnosis According to one doctor who specializes in this technique he hypnotized 100 women and not single one of them got pregnant Please comment Big Dear Big would not depend on this technique unlessl loved children and wanted large family fimgfigmfiesl Surrounded with mystery If you want to get someones attention just say Marilyn ate everything she wanted and lost eight pounds in one week Ive seen it happen You could whisper it at wedding and the bride would turn around and say Do you retain water You could mention it in bank where robbery is in progress and the bandit would ask Did she have to give up booze Trust me those twelve little words could bring war to screeching halt have never seen nation so dietconscious have also never seen Marilyn She exists only in our minds visualize her stuffing pasta in her face having dessert for breakfast and setting the alarm to get up and eat throughout the night To date have collection of 180 diets which the Mythical Marilyn was supposed to have lost 1440 pounds on without feeling the least big hungry All are bizarre and surrounded with mystery No one has an explanation as to why these diets work but if you follow them to the letter you will lose pounds Theres the Tropicana diet where you are restricted to four fruits peaches cherries avocados and grapes You can eat as much of them as you want but only the pits Theres the Progressive Party Weight Loss diet where Marilyn starts out with an appetizer at one house the salad course at the next house and another home for the main course Then you pray your transmission goes before you can get to the house with dessert For the woman who has to cook every night for her family Marilyn lost weight on the eatwhatstickstothesidesof thep anskillet diet She lost on the Pasta IV diet She lost on the Hallelujah Junk Food diet and the Cheesecake Everyday during the months when oysters are in season At the supermarket the other day was talking to friend when another woman who could have been her own partner in bridge game interrupted our conversation and wanted to know on what aisle the bird seed was on We told her and she thanked us and said Incidentally my name is Marilyn Meaty dont care if she drops twenty pounds in week wont Pollys Pointers Brush screens to lift lint DEAR POLLY have no luck cleaning window screens so would like some ideas My big trouble is With lint and dog hair BETTY DEAR BETTY Try brushing the screens on both sides with stiff brush Take them down before trying to wash them and then use brush and suds Rinse with the garden hose and dry thoroughly before putting the screens back If the screening is not rustproof hurry the drying process along as quickly as possible POLLY DEAR POLLY We save all our wax milk cartons and stuff them with shredded newspaper leaving some strips hanging out the open end These make excellent starters for our fireplace or charcoal grill Another gas saver MRSSC DEAR POLLY Someone told me that baby bonnets could be washed in gentle soap solution and then stuffed With tissue paper to keep their shape while drying found this works perfectly DOROTHY DEAR POLLY Mrs wrote that she had trouble cleaning mirrors satisfactorily use half alcohol and half water in spray bottle and then shine With lintfree cloth They look good With very little effort This can also be used on kitchen appliances and on bathroom glass and chrome BJ DEAR POLLY Like Merrie was plagued With weeVils and tried everything to get rid of them Nothing worked until read that black pepper is the best thing for this put coarse black pepper under the shelf paper in the kitchen and also in the linen closet Since the weeVils even got in the clean linens It really works LIIAH DEAR READERS Leah is only one of several readers Who wrote to say they had good luck with black pepper POLLY

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