Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Aug 1979, p. 8

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the examiner Satureiay Angust 1979 Expos folFbehind rally to take Mets MUNIRIIAI lll 1111111 curried II IIII1I l1Illt or Montreal 1211pm on 11111 night but oril time 11111 tell vthether the ill h1e 1111111 the 111111 True the trout 11111111111 Expos rebounded lrom 7111 lirst 1111111113 deiieil 111 11111 IUIIII score 1111 Nollollnl IilLUl tumhull triumph 11111 New York 1el hut 1111M 111 the Ittri1 1411111 lonLI dter 11e piteher Steu toners retired 111 11111111111111 11111111 Rogers tell the game utter lIiree 1111111114 111111 1111L1 111 his right e111o 11 here he 11111 1111 season lIILJI 111 reuime hone ptll 11an 111111 he is 11111 wure oi the 11111111 111 the 111 1111 Its tuxt 111111 111dee1111111 no he 1111 dont think 11 fililllh 111111111 it 11111 1111111 1111111111 ilh 11111111I11111il treiil 1111111 like Iieul 11111 11111111111 1111 tliepzuri 11121l 111111 2115 111tter11I toi 1111111 1111111111111115JIIIIIIIAI 1111 Hum 111111111 to hurt some 11111111111111111 11111u111111111111l 111 1111 1111111 1111111114 11111 l11 11t 11111l1111 lltetlllld HI INF 1111 1e1t1111 11 eonneeted 211111 1111 xiuuer 11111 11 Itl 1111111111111 11111 173 11111111115 1111111111 lllh ezinnif he illtl 1111 um tired 111111 11 mused 111ltl 1l1e 1111111 11111 hlll It1 III 11111111x to it 1111l11 Ilil e11 teeened workout 111 the IIIKI 111111111 Iie 1el l1I11l1I l111x 11111111I1111 11111111 tripleln Iee I11lli 111111illtl dou 111m 11 Joel YHIIIILIIIUINI uid 11111p 1111111 11111 Slilgll I1 1lllll1tlililt t111lelt1t111 1111111 11111 11111 ezl York turler Kenn i11i1el took l11 111111 111 the gtItool 1111 duller 1111111 the IIpo 11111e111l11t11111111111 111111 IldlLIll llll 11111111 11111 11 11111111 111211 In 1od1111 11111 1111111111 I1 11d1e i1 1111 triple 111d 11111 Iele 1111111111111111 tedueell tlle Ieiirl 111 1111 1111l111 third 111111111Y 1111111111 111 111111 l111111 111111 111121111111 Warren 1111 raceway entries 1gtIIIIIllltlr ll 11171 11 lII 111I 11l 11111 1111 1111 Shh 111 111111111 111111 Mind11111113 VI 1111 IillIIIIiFI It 1111111 111M 1111411 1111 1pl1I11kl1111 11r111111111 111111111111 ll li11e 111111lil 121x11 Ktrlilt Ill1 1111 11111111 II111 I11ft lile 1111111111111 11 11 1111111 1111111i 111111 HIIIII1I 1111111 11111111111111111 11r1111 1114111111111 15111k1 1411111111111111 1111111 1111e Ill l1r1 1111111111Ie11111 II l11l1111 II 11111111111 1111l 111111 11111111111111I111111 loi1e IIurdIt111111e111S11 11III11113111111211I 111 1111 11151 511 lumen11 llllI11 hpuik 111111111111111 11 loiiuliud iiilv11111t I1 now 1111113 II 111I1 11111 l1iie 111 11 1111111111 11111111111 low 111111111 11111 1111 11 31111 l111lill 11 5111111 1ir1 ll Ii1i1e 111 111111111 K1 11111 1111111 1111111111 11111111111 e1111111111111 111111111 111111 1111111 l11111 1111 1lI1 1111 111111111111111 lt1I111 l111ile1711 I11111 irit 1ll11IIl 1111111111111 ll111115111 iilll 11 11111 1111 1I 11111111 ItlII hi ll11li11l 1111111gt 111 1lkei 111 hupr 111 11111 111111 1lli 11111 11111 IIII 111 11 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1111115 IMAM eupped 111111 1111 tour 11111 night 111111 Iouded uigle 111111111l 11111111111 111111 11111 Uprhltiu 111 the IlLlllIIl 111111 111 Ill11il11l 1111 In Il1l1 fastball IIIIII llll1ll IIL1I1IIIHI 11I traniIi4 II 1111111111111111 111 111111Lli111p11rl 111 I1 11 1itle11 11 11 11 llptirriil 11 1t tunplirs 111 Iolxorix ll 11 11 11111111 Hole 14 11 li1rr1e1er111int 13 11 111 11m 16 11 Fisher Mines 111 11 IhNllllx 11111111 lliptiriiids lnlxons 1111111 baseball Flltl lF1IlI East Irl Itl Baltimore 711 it 1111 Boston 111 11 11111 it 1111uk11 11 3x 111 York 111 11 11 11 Detroit 11 1111 11 eeliir1l 11 14 411 11 Toronto 12 71 1111 41 est 11I1111r1111 111 11 71111 111 37 11 1111 Iilltiiwilu 11 111 K1r11 llt 11 111 1111111n1 17 111 11 11 11tiii 11 12 it 111k11111l 11 711 21111 111 Friday Results IiiiuLto it loronto Te1 it 1111l111d 1111111111111 11 York II TIlIu1ukee 11511111 IIrir1111t1 t1ltor1111 Seattle 11II1111l 11 Kuii 11 111111111 11 $111111 Tenn 11 11111111111l lI111iu11 11 11111111111 K11lt1 111 11 Detroit 111llttiior1 iil e1 York Boston 11 li1iukee ul1l11riii1 11 11111111111 111kl111d 11 Seattle t1 1111 IIUI Fll Flint Im iIII 111n1r111 111 41 3111 1111ti1iruli 111 11 711 11 11111111111 11 411 1111 lIiiI11i1Iphi1 711 1111 11 St I1llII 1111 York 41 311 IE 111 Ml I111u11111 111 41 17 111111111111 so 7111 5111 Ir111e1eo 71 477 111 5111 111111111 111 111 4111 11 his IILII1 411 11 4211 Allzittld 471 114 41 IT IrirI1 IIIWIIII Montreal 111 Ne York lhimgo IIIII 81111 11111111 11 1111111111411 11111141111 1111111 IIlllllltl 11 1111I1deiphi1 11 1111eI1 11 5111 Fr1111i111 SIIIHIAH IiJIIIIIW St I1ltI 11 11111131 Il11111I1phi1 11 IlllIllIfllI York 11 Iiiiltliul $1111 Diego 11 1111111n1ti 8111 Fr1ri111o 11 11 II1IIII 11 II1111gt11111 top 10 AMERICAN 11111I1 LEAGUE II II II Im 351 62 1191 3139 1111 11 121 III 111111111111 11 Kemp Del scoreboard I1i eu bridge results giirtie IIIII 1lerituie 11111 led oil the inning till IilLI 1111111t lostt 1111111 1111111 111 1111 éttllllttll 111 L1llll 111 l11r Itl1ll1 1111l ee11111111 scored the 1111111111 run lieii 1111 11111111 1111d ttlllll $1111 li1huse11 11 111111141111 to Woodie 111111111 111 the 1111111111111111111115111111111111111 oi the IIpo epo11111 utter lIlld Iii itirl 511111 111111e1x1111 11111 reliexed 11Q11 Linn Hus Ie1111o Iil 11111 1111 11 Brett Kt 1111111j 1111 illonu Iiu 1l1111 111 RN Nos 3611 T4 122 Ill 131 Int 131 111 11 1311 111 44 111 11 Lt $111 711 1111 II 1114 11 111 Ilrt 2711 tl1 111 4177111 Ill Doubles iIrelI K1ir1 11 to 111111 111151011 111 Triples Itrrtl Kansas 11 Iolitor 111uiukee 111 Home runs Mire Moslnn Thoma III1IIII11 27 31111111 ton 11111111111r1 211 n11 11o oii 21 IIIIII IHIIIIII iu II1Iur 111 111mm 11 Illee 1111x1011 1111 lnleu tunes Lel 111111 111 troll 1l Yieril K1111 111 111 II ll 1111 lIltlllIlI1 York 11 oo11 311 Kern Temx 111 1111 it Sllthrmlfx II111 l11111111111 11111 lilrulr urk 1111 Il1l Ii II II II Irl 41111311 141 1113 Elr Ili Itli TI 111 Ill 1111 111 111 Bi IM 13 121 4411 114 HZ IJI 113 1111 Lil IJli 373 1111 1311 2711 In 113 I11 177 til 111 111 Winlield 511 Foster 1111 Ilerri1iirte tI Templeton Sit Ilnrner 11 11r111 1v Hose Ili1 liroek 511 811111111111 511 Grillex 111 I1111111e 111m Iliilrdelplir1 11 11111111r111 1111111111I 31 Iteil St loul 1itthe1 tli11111 11 Triples 111111111111111 Louis 11 1111e1111 IIIIIlIiLIl in 11111 St Louis 111 Home rum 1Irlphi1 111 $11 111111111 1011111111111 Ilrilzi 111111111 1511111 11111111 1113 North South 11111131311111111 1111 illuekinnn lleleiiStuuli 11111S11111ell 111111111Ier 11111e Illll F1tel nu1111131113111 Fr111kt11111r1111 i1r111etir1dn11 I1r1e11111dei irerie liiiiignl IIll FZ11111111111111 II IIIIIII Illll ll III IIIIIINICIIIISII Jul 11h rrlpiird Fund 1111111 herull II inner Iik1e111l11 tiirter IIeI1I11111IN1ek K11111 1111 11111111111111 IIII1 $111111e 11111111Sehurnehnrn Iziek Kiiln 11111I1rr1211111111 I1111111I11 111 11111111 I£III 0IlII11IIIl Nor1111111d111111111il11111 ie1l111111111111111Ir11k I1r1oi1eounu111111e1111111111 FIAHHIMI luroltiruydon Beth 1111111 IIIII Kennett fhuek1111le 111i1I 51111111 11111 ltudiietuk Iihlll ortliSoulh 1111111 II1rll 1111111 11 1111 Stuindium 1111 liiliiioiiih 11111211111 11 1111 John kuiper Il1t est 11I1I111111111l11u 1111111111 1111tl 1111111111 elIeSeluiell l1IlilIr1111l l11 I1e11ell111 11 CORRECTION In our Stock Up Sole flyer inserted in todays newspaper please note the boys shirts shown priced at 797 on page are not exactly as illustrated We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused our customers Munson honored in pregame tribute NEW YORK 1AP1 Federal transportation sulet investiim tors continued to seek reusoib today for the crush which killttl New York Yankees SIiII lliur mun Munsoii nezu the Akron Hinton airport iii11h1o 1eunhie his 1111111 mules shaken In the sudden de1ti1 oi the eIuIs £tIIIIII prepniwi 1o tlt11hilu111rzil 31011111 Yankees 11115 111111 1111 emu 111111111 nlittrllliltult tribute F11 1111 11114111 111 the 1111111111 111 the 11II111 111Itel 11111111 the 1111M popular 11111113 1111 the 1111111 1111111111111I pr1er oltered In lerenee111111111111 ooku Arch Itttxlloptll Ne York 1111 lillil Yankees litllt1 gt1111diti1motionless 11 their po 511111115 11111115 honed elteets 111111 tipplilIIM thundered throuin Yankee 511111111111 tollrmiutl urdiiiuI ookes prayer 111111 the gtIIILJIILI 111 America the Heiiulitul instead ol the triiditionul n11111111 anthem 11y Metropolitan11pei1 1111 Robert Merrill Both the iuikees 111111 1111111 7265333 LJ Canadian National Exhibition 1Avoid traffic and parking problems DIRECT DAILY SERVICE PACKAGE PRICE 05° includes return transportation and general admiSSIon ticket Limited number of dstand $631 DONT BE DISAPPOINTED RESERVE NOW Reservations close weeks prior to each per tormance For schedules and fares cull TRAVELWAYS 7264545 Departs from Con linen Inn 01in Your Own Auto Centre As Handy Andy Associate Dealer BE YOUR OWN BOSS TAKE YOUR OWN DECISIONS Invest in profitable Handy Andy Auto Centre selling automotive parts accessories hardware tools hou3e wares bicycles bicycle parts 81 accessories etc Join progressive Canadian retail franchise organi zation in business over 45 satisfied customers through 150 Handy Andy outlets Tremendous growth poeeibilltiee Continuous guidance end eeeietence Modern operation methode end eyeteme Ouelity merchandiee at competitive pricee Write us today Tell us about yourself Youll receive an immediate reply WW POOLS Phone reserved grandstand tickets available tor all performances Price includes return transportation general admission and reserved gran 1lllltl MlNhtix number retired more Iriner stood 11 the top steps 111 their respeetixe 1111 11111115 But 111I1II 111 the 111111 litlilitl moment oi SIIIIIH the tans ltsptiltrletl 111111 ItiilLl loud tritiute to Munxon them or 7251322 to the PACKAGE PRICE includes return transportation general admisswn and reserved gran dstand seal years serving millions 01 No Franchise Fees Centralized warehousing Advertieing end eelee promotion eupport Full trelning Store utup eeeietence Nady Andy Inc 200 Consumer Ind Site 200 oldie Ont M2 COMBAT GLASSES PRESCRIPTION ALLSPORT EYEGUARD FOR RACOUETBALL HOCKEY FOOTBALL SQUASH AND OTHER FRIENDLY GAMES net11 2358131 hc Vtitto IICSCIIDUOH Allboovt Eymgcarc th c1 Wat scv 111 211s or sparts €CtLp11€rit vodcan ewt BAYFIELD OPTICAL BAYFIELD MALL BARRIE ONT I705 7374464 RINDLESS SLICED JUBILEE CAMPFIRE OR EVERSWEET BREAKFAST BACON ILB PKG LIMIT LBS PER FAMILY CANADA MEDIUM SIZE EGGS IOZ LIMIT PER CUSTOMER SPECIAL CANADA UTILITY GRADE FROZEN EVISCERATED T0 10 LB AVERAGE LIMIT LBS PER FAMILY SPECIAL 24 10 FL OZ TINS COCA COLA LIMIT CASES PER FAMILY OUR REG PRICE 659 271 SAVING ALL PURPOSE GRIND MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 1602 BAG OUR REG PRICE 128 LB 40 SAVING ONTARIO GROWN CANADA NO GRADE POTATOES FROZEN CONCENTRATED DOMINION PINK OR WHITE LEMONADE 125 FL 02 CONT PER 10 LB CASE BAG VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING TUESDAY AUGUST 7th 1979 MONDAY AUGUST 6th and TUESDAY AUGUST 7111 ONLY

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