Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Aug 1979, p. 24

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24 the examiner WednesdaytAugust 979 televisibn guide WEDNESDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 canon NEWS ID INTROSPEC Journey to the Cantor of The Doctor says Shinglessfill Those who are dear to your other to go along with your Things look pretty good for you heart will feel your compas ideas Youcan profit from this in me romance department sionate and understanding CAPRICORNDec22Jan19 today chances are youll cBirthday ways today Much to your cred it you go out of your way to be kind Youre bit of romanticist today and thats good To create balance in life we all spend the day with one who means lot to you TAURUS April 20May 20 That wHos WATCHING me By PAUIIE RLBLE Mi 59m 955 the immutilli LianA Sept 23Oct 23 need to dwell in the sentimen artistic ability you ossess is HOLLYWOOD SQUARES KIDS am am can be weakened and the Virus This m5 1979 Friends will occupy part of your tat world from time to time pouring cut or today beaming 330 NEW5 Dear Dr Ruble lam female 3C agdlnr rF° Veal 109 may day andadd great deal toward AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb Youre especially sham at 13k POL 001 DOOR AJOR LEAGUE BA 25 23 year ago had Shingles As to ypur Qiher quesuon the expefnce more active 59 making ita pleasant oneleene Because you really care you ll ing old worn items and turning 628 SEBALL Kam city Rayl Toronto NEWS My doctor didnt know too herpes Virus is not transmitted SgpuhemaynifiS$°2fisg£m 32 lfa 90mmulcall°5 Wl iake lake me me be lq°ugu them into filings l3l beautif an ace te to al ose NEWS 630 1609 fire °°°f°f NEws 27 ngiuigguiiihtsneexsflte13$ $0031 sum as glasses €35335 inelease Y°Ul 56 ECORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 You Sgshscygtsitllecrfoss Needless to CGOEUTdnhlegrdzyi 33533532333 on vana arniya craa ppm nce NBC NEWS ol Floridaa life 1130 that causes chickenpox About Dear Dr ltuhlc What LEO July 23Aug 22 Others coug find possbe may say You be popuar memo to your ego mm wm RETURN ENGAGEMENT VIVRE COMME Du MONDE THE TONIGHT SH 0W 5°meillil9 YOU ad YO PlSCES Feb Hamil 20 make you ieei good today CBS NEWS SPECAL Eomou MM week after my shingles ap causes cryptitis and what can espeCIaily the opposrte sex heart set on gemng Much Will More dams man usual 39 You know youire ap red 85mm TOGETHER hz°mxim mm peared my young daughter bedoncforit find you most appealing today be due lo you own enons open you may you ed ABC News cas ATE MOVIE smut came downWIth chickenpox Cryptitis is inflammation alld Wl seek Oui your compa SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec choose to enter them People CANCER Jun 2140 22 NEWS 900 Miatrouu Murder And Mllliona Ann Birth Did she get It from me There 0f crypts tiny pockets under nyi YOU Charm and are 21 Your approaches 10 things are in generous mood and Theres nm 00 much you mind pastry em THE FUNNY SIDE OF LOVE 3331°37$13 3123 were Other cases Cthll 915 the membrane ill in Sh°wg ale Dolbcealive find Ollgfl will make your way easy doing today Youll take any CUCUMBER flock of low hallhour comodlaa ism some menu in Prindaaa Stara enpox in children She was Slfile the CNN They are no set 22 lul making it tune easy for ARIES March 21April 19 protect and lum it into laboi 700 llioa Ioeiim on bored houaowlla who iv salslvligariigcnllxlut2390lp around mighty uncomfortable if they of love DATING GAuE molaahandaomoalranoar Lova AndLaarn A150 is it possible to get get infected and they an sub cnoss wrrs 31133335301L32°Y$233 Sc REE°€AKMI9 3° shingles from trying on pair ject to constant irritation as Winthrop Any TYLER MOORE WivuOfDaVid Whacloraman ha to cop mGHTMUSIC of eyeglasses after someone with difficult bowel movement snow oaaglzwlAtxdozzmrtladbtnmanwnr 1145 With shingles has tried them The area may become swollen th TAC DOUGH mm 9°°n1whawn THE Two noumgs on One more question if you and frequently cause great DONNA FARGO rotary 1200 only get chickenpox once does itching The first step is careful BEVERL NEWLVWED GAME ANNUAL PEOPLE MOVIE MVSTERY Dis that mean you only get shingles hygiene Hydrocorfisone SUMMER ACADEMY GONG suow II GRAND OLD COUNTRY Cliota COMMAND Outlanding performers from all lacotl of tho PERFORMANCE Arab oil nolrun la largatad for kldnappino by pair ol shapely loggora Rapaat 60 to of Death 1972 MEDICAL CENTER cucxoo WALTZES Ita in Hawthomoa waddlng anniversary Eplaodo once It is possible that your Beyond this fact the chick suppositories and hot sitz baths help control the problem then it will enlarge again What 5UN5HINE MOVE HORRORDRAMA ahovrbuainou world domonalratathotalantu MERV GRIFFIN mm an 09 aughter got her chickenpox Surgery for this Is reserved 0L JOKY 009316 Hyde 1°03 AluminaBonnieFranklinfszMtiiraerbrn CONTNUES from your shingles Its the only for very stubborn cases HATCH GAME Riven 3322on cum and many same virus herpes zosteri Dear Dr Ruhlc have NEWLVWED GAME HARLEIS ANGELS 1210 involved person who has not dark vein on my lower lip that WEEK BASEBALL my Km lo Wm mm in CARTER COUNTRY yet had chickenpox can get it stands out It is about the size of GONG snow men one oltha conlulanla moviealruck 1215 from someone with shingles pea At times it gets smaller Naml Sena Glorla Kayo Oak Ridge no enpoxashingles connection is can be done about this bCEANs AUVE OUIZ KIDS SHOW 1330 not clear Shingles which is doubt that this is vein Ame SHADOWS 9130 MONTY PitTIIONS FLYING chiefly an adult problem may From your description it 308 NEWHART snow COUNTRY CIRCUS be reactivation of the old sounds like mucocele 3C 1000 240 chickenpox virus in later years fluidfilled 800 REAL PEOPLE Car dealers who perform in their own TV commerciala tomato rotorthan atrtppar who dlarobu tor God 07yearold Nevada oditora battle aoainat oonibllno and patrona of health food atoro VEGAS Dan go after rlno of man cling extortion and VIOIOIICO on lunapo plrta to force them into illicit acllvltin Ftpeat 60 111 LIVE AT THE FORUM NEWS UPDATE STOCKARD CHANNING IN JUST FRIENDS 00 TOMORROW Haiti Torn Snyder Guoat Jamu Spada author of The Spade in those who had chickenpox when young We dont know enough to say this for sure Another frequently asked mucous cyst affair They frequently occur in the lower lip In that area they seldom grow larger than pea sized They may also occur mootanniniiiiiinuiuiiibeiuima NEWS RMuny on mummiin question is whether or not inside the mouth They have rlhfigmeEIEK BASEBALL 1001 gnu THAT GUTTERS person can get shingles from thin transparent layer of skin fEATHERSTONES NEST MERV GmFFm 110 exposure to someone who has and are filled With fluid CW Fummmm 1030 OVIE TITLE it Most authorities doubt it which appears blue Often such assetn who pllll In an order toi RESSOURCES DE LEN UNANNOUNCED Chickenpox IS on the other cysts rupture drain and ml lll W0 FANCE ExcEpTIONNELLE 130 hand very contagious disappear on their own in few FROGRAM UNANNOUNCED 1100 NEWS Essentially both shingles months If it is bothersome for DID EIGHT is ENOUGH Abby llnda her relationship with hat non Tommy throa lonod when aha rolurna to teaching and llunlta In NEWS one NEWS 79 PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY and chickenpox are onetime affairs One infection provides you it can be removed by your doctor They are harmless The Ht BEAUTIFUL ABOUTA LITTLE Htesl Tiara than HIQP You HAVE 174 HiLLBiLLiEé Bernice BedeOsol CTV NEWS 150 immunity thereafter in Chln hi ges in siZt can related °° EDUCATION OF MIKE MOVIE ADVENTURE unusual Circumstances as in tofluid content WWW MOVIE MYSTERYDrama MCMANUS AdvonturosolCaptaln Fabian WI Chinatown 1014 i=3 MOVIE SCIENCE FICTION 1951 historically speaking today in history By THE CANADIAN PRESS August 1979 The foundation of Swit zerland was laid 688 years ago today in 1291 when the free community of the valley of Schwyz joined with those of Uri and Nidwaldcn for collective defence primarily against hostile German and French elements The Swiss con federation arosc out of this after Zurich the future capital joined few months later Switzerland nowis 22 federated cantons 1793 The French adopted the metric system 1798 The Battle of the Nile marooiied Napoleon in Egypt canadas story Early GovernorsGeneral Traveled Coast to Coast Sir John Macdonald did not cross Canada until 1886 after the CPR had been completed In fact he had never been west of Owen Sound Ontario However three Governors General had already visited the prairies and British Columbia In 1881 the Marquis of Lorne traveled to Portage la Prairie which was as far west as the railway had been built Even then there were gaps around Lake Superior From Portage he crossed the prairie in wagon train guided by Indian Chief Poundmaker from Battleford to Calgary Lorne wanted to see to actual conditions in which settlers on the prairies were living In 1882 Lorne and his wife Princess Louise traveled by an American railway to San Francisco and then went to Victoria by ship They spent three months in British Columbia during which the Governor General traveled through great deal of the interior Lore was poet but he was rugged He wrote the words for the hymn Unto the hills around do lift up my longing eyes Lord Dufferin visited British Columbia in 1871 trav eling via San Francisco The Marquis of Lansdowne was another Governor General who wanted to see as much of Canada as possible He insisted on using the allCanadian route leaving Ottawa on August 1885 few weeks after the Northwest Rebellion had ended 28 miles which he covered on horseback 1834 Slavery was declared abolished in all British posses sions 1931 The Canadian govern ment banned enlistment for the Spanish Civil War 1957 It was announced that Canadian and United States air defences would be operated un der integrated control barries story August 1970 Mayor Les Cooke had the sup port of several members of the council in his exploratory talks with Innisfil Township repre sentatives on solving the mutual problems of develop ment The mayor suggested three possible solutions amalga mation amalgamation of municipal services or annexa tion of parts of the township St Vincent Park echoed to the rhythm of spoons banging on pots dancing feet and children singing when the parks and recreation commission held the annual playground arts and crafts day competitions parchmant scroll that had been carried by foot along the Bruce Trail from Tobermory was brought to Barrie on its way to Queenston The scroll commemorating 10 years in the life of the Bruce Trail Association was being was being conducted in Barrie by the aycecs BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Daring bidding justified NORTH 087 voea Q43 OAQ972 EAST +54 vJ982 K7652 OKJ SOUTH OKQJ1096 10 AJ 10 1085 Vulnerable EastWest Dealer South West North East WEST 9A32 VAK754 098 0643 South Pass 24 40 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag The bidding was optimis tic South had reasonable opening bid West should be commended for not overcall ing two hearts because of his limited highcard points dull distribution and unfa vorable vulnerability North felt it was his duty to bid two clubs with 10 highcard points South jumped to three spades despite his minimum opening bid and game was reached Glacial epoch 57 Encourage wds wdsl After the king of hearts won the first trick West realized he had to switch because partner played low heart and he West did not want to establish dummys queen of hearts He switched to diamond at trick two Declarer won Easts king of diamonds with his ace and led the king of spades which was won by Wests ace West continued diamonds which South won South then drew two rounds of trump and finessed clubs the queen losing to the king East returned heart which was ruffed by South who then played his remain ing trump and damond winners When he led his last winner in threecard end ing North was down to the heart queen and the acenine of clubs West was forced to pitch club in front of the dummy in order to save his heart ace and declarer threw the now useless queen of hearts away Declarer led club at trick 12 and West played low Declarer knew that Wests remaining card was the ace of hearts and that finesse for the jack of clubs could not possibly succeed He therefore played the ace of clubs and made the con tract when the jack dropped NorthSouths aggressive bidding was vindicated by expert card play helped by the knowledge that West had shown the ace of hearts at trick one Short Ribs FEAR NOIZIZAPUNZEL ILL RUSH no YOUR WAITING ARMS UNIQUE EATlNG EXPERIENCE 506996 BEAULsz ANDsqcauuT DRACULA F0 rave HEINOUS CRIMES How COME vet NOT ANNOYIN ME WITH YER GQUEEZEBOXflO ILL AsK VA IN FEIZA You WILL BE PUT TO DEATH BYMEANEOF WCUDEN 9TAIltE DRIVEN THWUQH YOUR HEART Youz CONSTANT BELiTTLEMENT or MV Music HA6 RENDEFZED ME IN CAPA 8L5 OF 752 iT BEATS MONTH THE SUN ITS AMAZING HOW SEEMID HAVE MADE MUST ONE OF ME MISCALCULATION NOFRBIE FLIGHTS He was able to travel to point 18 miles east of carried by members of 11 clubs da Revelstoke by train and then rode 47 miles on horsieback along the trails 427 mile route Ily crossword to meet train that had been sent from Port Moo Each club had the scroll for one Acaoss 47 Obeys Answe prewous puzzle He spend two weeks visiting Victoria Nanaibmo and wcck 49 Peter Sp LONG New Westminster and then returned to Ottawa train campaign to persuade to iv 51 Errors 0n the way east the Revelstoke gap had been narrowed to motorists to use their seat belts Doe 53 Engraved is OTHER EVENTS ON AUGUST 1639 Jesuits estimated there were 20000 Hurons Val Brucker Barrie con servationist principal of Maple l2 Ghostly 58 Manor l3 More uncanny 59 Actor Connery slit HA5 PUNcHED 001 II no ll 1639 Marie de llncarnation founded Ursuline Convent Grove public school and my °° 6° Slallonaiv FOR Quebec former chairman of the Little 16L common DOWN mm 1834 Slavery was abolished in British Columbia Lake Park Development Com 18 Totals 1868 Sir John Macdonald wenht to Halifax to per mitten as well as member or pigotf HWY suade Josep Howe to join is government the Barrie planning board said time or ii 1883 CPR workers discovered nickel at Sudbury Ont agricultural societies in on 609 0205 merland THAT YEAH EDT EENCLENJ 1885 laggirifefilfij Imafiarillgclared guilty of treason and tario had Osltlgvctildtlgeir inlaid Egg Pafibrl 21 Second Dem HlMEOIiERVOU6 WELL8lTlllb H16 uroscan sou ea OIS iow 1914 Governor General the Duke of Connaught offered Sggdlggol pl mmrial school Eng H99 5TARTEO BITIW MAlLé lélIT TOO Canadian troops to Britain if war declared Two members of the Huroma 29 Thruway Female bird 23 Take fVe 43 cgamce 1928 Percy Williams won 200 metres at Olympic Striders Track and Field Club 31Worse Purple Ml 26 59 45 I5 human Rallies won AllOntario Champion 35 Adopt mp 28 Fuss 48 Modem 1930 British dirigible 11100 completed trip to Montreal ships 37 American JUdQES 30 Noel eplchke in 78 hours 51 minutesreturn trip took 58 Heather Campbell compet lllV°lll°l Equpmem 32 05 Wfe narrative hourso ing in the girls junior 400 38 m2 33 555 50 Kmd of gram 1932 CCF Party was formed meters set personal alltime 322 cap 15 summefgige names 52 Quantity of 1945 Field Marshal Lord Alexander became Governor best in winning the final with Ed Sunwan 34 Fixed charge coai General 1952 Social Credit led by WAC Bennett formed govern ment of British Columbia 1957 Owen Sound Ontario celebrated centenary 1962 Molorcade left St Johns Newfoundland for Victoria BC to mark completion of Trans Canada Highway 36 Oriental river 54 Contame boat 55 Greek letter 39 Thicket fence 56 Snare timc of 698 seconds Barbara Dinning took the juvenile girls javelin with toss of 112 feet eight inches She also placed third in the discus with heave of 113 feet four inches neighborly news 17 Fade away 46 Automotive so 19 You archaic cuety abbrl 20 Is not well III II III EH III ELSIES USBAND AT THE AVE YOUANYDEA OF THE SHEER ARD WORK AN DEDICATION THAT GOES wro MAKIN IM SICK OF WSHOVIN STEEL WORKS SH RLEYS USBAND lN THE FLIPPIN SHIWARD laws USBAND BRiCKLAYtN SICKDYER HEARPSICK 25 27 baxter Miss Patsy Turnhull Icft Moodcy and hirschg Donnr by Tuesday to takc tip hairdress son of Trenton callcd on Mr 31 32 33 34 ing in Brampton and Mrs Norris ochrnnc Sun Mrs Norris Coehrane 4246637 The Angus Legion entertain ed the senior citicns Monday afternoon progressive euchre was held after which Legion member piilgui tin organ All sat down to hot turkcv dinner with all the trim mings Seniors from the area who attended wcrc Bill Gnuloy Olive Menary Ella Mooney Hilda Henderson and Donaldn Cochranc Mr and Mrs Myles of lawn visited Mr and Mrs Jim Shtllt during the weekend Mr and Mrs Fred Green of Toronto Mrs Bert McLean Miss Ella McLean and Mr and Mix Norris Cochranc iltcnded the Presbyterian Church Strawlicrry Feslh iii in liccloii The monthly Dittllllll ot the Ladies Aid and Womens Mis sinnnr SOCict met at thc home of Mrs Dorothy Edgar Mrs Bertha tmlirtiiic ol Thornton rs Dorothy day afternoon About 19 members of the senior Clllltll club toured the West Bend plant in Barrie Thursday morning tINSlMITllIN illIIW At lilt beginning of the 1ch ccntur 20000 ptitlii of tea annually wcrc llllptllltd into England by lilt end of thc ccni 1111 it had reached Ztimiilitin ltill EIIIIEI III III II II 29 Durilup St 737 3860 NORTHERN STATIONERY Your wedding invitations Announcemen ts Headquarters We provide loanoul service

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