Going bac William Niehous the businessman held captive by guerrillas for three years hopes to return to work despite lawsuit filed against the company by his wife Wants teeth in bite law TORONTO CPI Ontario AttorneyGeneral Roy Mc Murtry wants some new teeth put into the provinces dogbite laws As the law stands now vir tually every dog is allowed one free bite before being consid er danger to the public Te law is based on ruling in 1700 by three English judges which said An action will not lie against man for mischief done by his dog unless he knew that he had done mischief be Park offers adventure in eating WASAGAMING Man CPI Naturalists at Riding Mountain National Park in western Manitoba are holding regular cookouts this summer but hotdogs and hamburgers arent on the menu Instead park visitors with adventurous tastebuds can sample pineapple weed tea boiled pond1in root or fare made from other wild plants which grow in the area Nancy Matkowski and Cheryl Penny naturalists at the park about 170 kilometres northwest of Winnipeg said the project was planned to show visitors variety of edible wild plants At recent cookout the food drew variety of responses Its pretty good said Chris Newton as he munched on salad of burdock pigweed lantain and young dandelion eaves like greens of every kind He described cattail root he was chewing as tasting like cross between mushroom and an onion REACTION IFFERED However after sipping pine appleweed tea 10yearold Jenny Chalmers had different reaction Yuck its gross she said with grimace Ms Matkowski and Ms Penny said some plants such as yellow pondlily roots re quire special preparation Wa ter used to boil the roots must be changed three times to re move their bitterness TRIM FOR OUTDOORS Prune hanging plants before they move outside This will double or even triple the thick ness of foliage fore or was of mischievous nature This fall McMurtry will present to the Ontario legisla ture bill that will make dog owners absolutely liable for the injuries caused by their ani mals unless the owners can prove the damages were pro voked by the victims The act will bring Ontario in line with Newfoundland Mani toba Alberta and British Co lumbia where dog owners are responsible for the actions of their animals The attorneygenerals minis try began preparing the act two years ago and an aide to Mc Murtry said the bill could be delayed even longer if the up coming session of the Legisla ture is busy one POULTRY PROTECTED Sydney Moscoe Toronto lawyer and coauthor of book on legal and health problems associated with pet ownership says that the bill should be passed immediately because the way the laws in Ontario are now chickens have more rights than children Provincial law says any per son may kill dog that is found killing or injuring live stock or poultry and the owner of the poultry or livestock is automatically entitled to dam ages against the owner of the attacking dog But because Ontarios law on dog bites to humans is based on case law decisions rendered by courts over the years and not on specific statutes human beings do not have the same legal protection as chickens goats and cows can understand the origins of the law in rural times but now that most people live in ur ban areas and most dogs live in cities and towns we have to bring the law up to date said Moscoe Hwy 89 just west of 27 COOK STOWN Open days week Fully licensed 705 458975i York Universitys Fall offerings in Barrie Fundamentals of Accounting Economics Organizational BehaviOur These courses are accepted tor credit by the following Association of Professional Placement encies and Consultants institute of Canadian ankers Insurance Institute of Canada National Association of Canadian Credit Unions Ontario Association of Certiï¬ed Engineering Technicians and Technoiogists Purchasin Management Association of Canada rust Companies Institute of Canada For complete details on these and upcoming nondegree caurses call the Centre for Continuing Education at 4166672524 éYORK UNLVERSITY ONT NO LOCAL SWEET CORN ONT NO LOCAL 233 TRILLIUM 100 VEG OIL SOFT MARGARINE ONT NO LOCAL HEINZ I4 02 IN SAUCE BEANS WITH PORK HEINZ STRAINED BABY FOOD BUY ONE GET ONE FREE mm sum our DEODORANT OZ SPRAY CAN BONELESS ROUND STEAK 198 SA VE $1 00 LB FRESH QUARTER CHICKEN BREASTS FRESH QUARTER CHICKEN LEGS 139 exam nor WodnoodayAugust1 1979 11 STORE HOURS MON 99 TUES 99 WED 99 THURS 9l0 FRI 910 SAT 98 pm SUN 107 pm modem located on Hwy No II between IonIo and We ONT NO LOCAL BEETS ONT NO LOCAL ABBAGE ONT NO LOCAL CUCUMBERS ONT NO LOCAL LEAF lETTUCE ONT NO LOCAL WAX ONT NO LOCAL LETTUCE US NO LARGE PLUMS HEINZ 32 OZ KEGO KETCHUP US NO LARGE NECTARINES KLEENEX BOUTIQUE OWELS I28 OZ JUG BLEACH OCEAN SPRAY I4 OZ CRANBERRY FRUITNHONEY FRUIT DRKINKS NOXZEMA OZ AEROSOL INSECT REPELLENT 99¢ TASTERS CHOICE COFFEE JAR CALGONITE 50 OZ DISHWASHER DETERGENT BONIMART I4 02 CASE OF 24 I0 FL OZ CANS NESTEA 24 OZ MIX ICE TEA SA VE 40 TOP BREED IO kg Doc poop BUY ONE 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