Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Sep 1979, p. 22

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22 the examiner Saturday Sept 29 1979 7282241 Wlll spruce up your home with our new line of DAYMOND vinyl siding with 40 year guarantee or KAISER aluminum siding SOFFIT FASCIA TROUGH WINDOWS DOORS SHUTTERS FREE ESTIMATES 4361830 TThSTF DIAMOND HNYL ALUMINIUM siding soffit fascia shutters doors windows awnings eovestroughs 40 year guarantee 4365645 026 ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized Sales and Service Free Home Demonstra tions IB Alliance Blvd UnIt 19 7283392 APPLIANCE REPAIRS AUTOMATIC WASHERS dryers dIslt washers freezers frid es ranges micro ovens any make any ay7371195 COLOR and TV stereo and mdjor ap pliance repair service all makes 4362429 959 gPENTER experienced Renovations garages decks rec rooms etc estimates Bill Johnston 7268708 Free CERAMIC FLOOR and Wall Tiles and custom carpentry Call Juergen 7373895 ALLJET CHIMNEY SWEEPS No MESS NO FUSS REASONABLE 7267693 or 7263820 CHIMNEY REPAIR SERVICE Repair Specialists POINTING LINING BUILDING CLEANING STROUD 4364590 DRIVEWAYS PATIOS SIDEWALKS ETC ALSO ALL HANDYMAN AND REPAIR WORK CALL PODEWILS 7269559 MANIERI PAVING PATIOS SIDEWALKS 9STEPS CURBS GARAGE FLOORS Workmanship Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES 7260081 gtrNeed help Just look over the ads below The ad vertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of thefinest iob possible CUSTOM BUILDING ISBRANDT BUILDER Quality custom building houses and additions For details phone 7283649 DRESSMARING DRESSES if made by JOSIE AOUINO Specializing in pantsuits gowns and altera tions 42 Eugenia St Phone 7266000 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING SPECIALISTS roofing and rooting repairs Sheet metal work MartIn Verstraten New Lowell 4241956 FIIEGLASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS REPAIRS boats snowmobiles anything fiberglass Free estimates Law winter rates Workmanship guaranteed 4245802 PETER HENSTRA 7372871 Custom built fireplaces patios home fronts in stone porches chimney repair Free estimates VIC WATSON fireplaces and masonry For free estimates phone 7201599 JAKE KLARE 7283919 Brick or Er fireplaces with or without chimney Free estimates 100 DRY HARD SEASONED 16 FACE CORD $35 FREE DELIVERY 4872113 FIREWOOD lar sale Seasoned hardwood $35 per lace card Delvered Phone 7262545 FIREWOOD MIxed hardwood 16 535 Old White birch 16 S40 cord Slabs 525 CordrSunnIdole Rd 7259367 SEASONED MAPLE wood for sole PIckUp or delivery Telephone 7281938 FIREWOOD Mixed hardwoods 48 lengths S80 per 4x4x8 cord 7286081 7269839 Delivery available WOOD SPLITTER for rent Call Barrie Rental 97 Bradlord St 7288585 Saturday fil pm GE RAL CONTRA SPECIALIZI ming docs Iencmg rec rooms additions etc 7371588 alter pm HAIRDRESSER IN YOUR HOME Hairdresser with 18 yrs experience For information and appoint rnents 4246I32 mm FALL CLEANUP Storm windows cleaned and installed °Lawn shrub care Trees trimmed and cut Basement garages cleaned Trash iunk removed Small moving iobs PROMPT SERVICE 4873141 TF CONCIENCIOUS WORKING MEN to do fall clean up unwanted iunk garages yards basemenlstottics 7373008 MME IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION House raising foun dalians renovations additions Phone 43221755 altar 6127 iiiiiiiiiii NORTHERN CARPENTRY Specializing in in terior work Rec rooms kitchens bath rianis panelling finish work 7269002 CARPENTER EULLymEfiERIENCED 7711 renovations cedar decks bathroom tiling rec rooms etc Telephone 7261271 PLUMBING completrboThrooms some carpentry drywall and yard work Call Charlie at 7287594 or 7264299 tlE IPROVEMENTS HOME REPAIRS PAINTING OCARPENTRY ROOE REPAIRS ETC 7269214 TThS018 LDSCAPING CCIHRANE SOD FARMS growers and sup plier to highest quality turf grass For fast delivery call 4241307 TOP SOIL Excellent Quality 48 Per Truck Load 71 Yards PHONE 3221998 Afters pm 027 N0 JOB T00 SMALL all repair WEI donE F37 free estimate call John 7281996 WEED SPRAYING fertilizing results guaranteed THE WEED MAN 7372721 STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and stone work chimney repair Fireplaces specialty Fe etimote 05 4245158 MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Marcel Potvin Guitar Studio 7261489 ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin ner and advanced Two months trial instru ment loaned for home practice Canadian Academy at Music I2I Baylield 72 799 PRWESSIONAL GUITARIST giving lessons in classical popular and rack Call Gary 7269098 in PIANO LESSONS experiencimeacherfil ages all stages Royal Conservatory or other methods 7267986 evenings PIANO LESSONS Popular or canservatOry music instructed by experienced teacher Call737I468 ROXIE BINNS classical and pTDcTrum gull teacher Call Angus 4240444jfter pm SYLVIA KENT ARCT 0RMT I70 Peel Piano theory including harmony history counterpoint analysis piano pedagog Ex perienced teacher beginners final diploma grade 7288362 SIMCOE DRUM STUDIOS Lessons by professional drummer Exp in studio recording TV etc All styles any age Ken King 7262903 BARRIE SCHOOL OF BRASS Pralessianal in struction trumpet trombone French horn Special attention to beginners Arthur Burgin 1084 VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In terior exterior Work guaranteed Es tablished 30 years 726 2225 7269002 PAULS PAINTING Paper hanging Murals Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 7371295 DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING Interior exterior paper hanging custom work Satisfaction guaranteed 7266808 PAINTING PAPER hanging experienced Free estimates JACK RICHARDSON 7328341 BARKEY PAINTING Interior and exterior References available Free reasonable esti mates Telephone 737 1087 PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlap St East Custom framing of all types We stock many sizes Phone 7283270 PAVING PAVING ODRIVEWAYS OCOMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL OCONCRETE WORK Satisfaction Guaranteed Free Estimates BARRIE 7370179 M4NIERI PA VING LTD Driveirays ParAing Lots OTeanis uurls 00ncrefc Work FREE ES TIMA TES WRITTEN 74 RA NTEE 7260081 Srrring Simone uunly Since 196 ST PETERS PAVING GENERAL CONTRACTING LTD RIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL Opdrking lots tennis courts osphult °seoling ANY TYPE CONCRETE WORK FREE ESTIMATES 7261451 02 BATHTU BS REGLAZED In The Home Without Removal Metal Office Patio Furniture Sinks Appliances ACE REFINISHERS 7282811 TThSS29 OILLS SHARPENING SERVICE hand or power saws lawn mower blades Re teething and setting done Albert St Hillsdole 8352313 TV RADIO REYNOLDS TV SERVICE Repairs to color black and white TV stereos etc All makes and models 4246181 AQUAMAN 7373438 Safe clean city water delivered in stainless steel tanker dys week SIMCOE COUNTY DRAYMAN TThS018 40articles for sale living room suites in osSOrtment of colors in 100 Herculons and 100 nylons Includes sofa straight chair swivel rocker and Ot toman Only $32999 No money down Free delivery in store financing Barrie New and Used Furniture 202 Dunlop St 7374774 Closed Mondays S29 BARN FOR SALE Must be dismantled Wood in good condition Telephone I705 4589431 HO MODEL RAILROAD 12 three train system over $1000 of equipment SSOODr bestolter 737 1449 ORGANTKIMBHATLLSWInger ioof Him entertainer used one year excellent condition$15000r7bestotfer 737 I449 SHUFFLE BOARD two coin operated with counters and lights one bank board 5650 one straight board $1100 padded bar with imitation fireplace $100 one pressback lions head rocker refinished $200 728 7184 DINING ROOM suite beige 5750 Also GOALIE HOCKEY equipment Tele phone 726 2990 SKYLAR contemporary three piece by ing suite $550 entertainment wall unit long 8400 GIBBARD solid mahogheny queen size bedroom suite $2100 PEPPLER end tables and hex egon coffee table smoked glass tops 3350 gas barbeque and tank $150 Even tags 737 1595 ROSS COWAN will sell privately Select Chine Silver Crystal Skates Ski boots snowshoes deer rifle books etc Telephone 705 728 2893 UTILITY OR SNOWMOBILE trailer tiltaction good condition 5125 Telephone 728 7767 GARAGE SALE Sunday September N9am 5p 63 K2 Ferris Lane VV HOCKEY skates Bauer MENS Supreme 965 Size Like new condItIon $110 firm Telephone 728 2972 etterSprm BEDROOM SUITE pc 8375 vibrating recliner chair S125 purebred sheep dog puppy months old S200 papered Telephone 737 3028 GIGANTIC SALE Furniture rugs lamps afghans dishes linens plants toys etc Everything must go No reasonable offer refused 117 Springduto Dr SufSept 29th 51Sept 30th Noon p111 Itoarticles for sale CHINA Summertime CRYSTAL Moonglo FLATWARE Presi dent slat and pepper worth $1000 but will take best offer Call 728 4783912 or 728 5686 after pm SAE AMP 100 watts per channel also AMFM BSR console Stereo 7370987 after6pm WOODWORKING MACHINERY Heavy duty iointer I2 heavy duty table saw 14 phase electric motors 35 10 and 15h 3222408 STOVE burner in good condition $100 aluminum canoe good shape $350 also slate pool table in good shape $100 Telephone 728 8111 or 726 6986 FUR COAT Muskrat racoon and leather size asking $375 Call 728 5925 ESTATE SALE Fur coat beautiful dark ranch custom mink 34 length as new Size 1416 less than price $1950 728 2118 VIKING FRIDGE 14 cubic feet large freezer on bottom two dressers with six drawers 726 5017 OIL FURNACE Chrysler Air Temp La Boy model 138000 per hour years young currenty in use avaIIBble weeks $400 200 gallon oil tank $75 726 7728 SWIMMING POOLS to lease complete with large patio walk around fence filter ladder on or year basis from $60 per month with option to buy Call collect 1519 623 4351 for futher details GARAGE SALE September 29th and 30th am Willow Park Motel Penetanguishene Rd Hwy 118 mile south No SOLAR BLANKETS WINTER coms for swimming pools ON SALEI 7282268 lARRIE TThSS29 RECONDITIONED TVS fully guar anteed Huge selection and and col or $49 and up 28 Essa Rd 7372533 PORTABLE DISHWASHER ovocado Westinghouse in good condition 5150 Telephone 726 7910 USED RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT LI quidation Sale Merchandises fryers grills micro Bunomatic booths hot dog ice cream machines much more Best offers Call Ralph 728 8381 AKAI 3500 Stereo cassette receiver system Kass CM 1010 way speaker system year old 5800 Dufferin St lower9a at 1pm WHIRLPOOL HEAVVDUIy Wasnérand Dryer for sale Call 728 5969 ANTIQUE POOL TABLE 12x6 VBest after 436 3539 USED BRUNSWICK pool table 8x4 $150 434 3539 BRAND NEW KITCHEN and dining room tables and chairs are in at Barrie New and Used Furniture Brand new live piece sets starting as low as Sll No money down Free delivery In store financing 202 Dunlap St 7374774 Closed Mondays S29 Aojarticles for sale BRAND NEW STEREO com ponent sets and consoles by Holiday Morse Electrode and Sanyo starting as low as SI9999 for track AMFM stereo turntable and Full factory speakers warranty No money down free delivery in store financing Barrie New and Used Furniture 202 Dunlap St 7374774 Closed Mon days 529 NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALE Saturday and Sunday 29th and 30th 12 noon till pm 68 Collette Cres Household items baby furniture dishwasher picnic tables toys rugs ladders and many more items too numerous to list Also 1970 Plymouth Barracuda in very good condition cylinder automatic 7V in BAR and FOOD CASH REGISTER S950 NCR cash register with tape lock $50 Hobart Mixer with at tachments 5150 Telephone 726 0208 USED PIzzAOvEN good Ior shack bar shelves $200 or best Offer 43673539 lENITH 20 PORTABLE COLOR 100 solid state only 5598 Under S6 wkly Starting October79 Order tonite getalree12black and white One hour delivery KRAZY KELLYS now next door to Meatman Highway 90 Ferndale 7371182 TF SNOWBLOWER hp Boiens 74 cm chains and electric start one year old like new S700 726 9609 FULLY RECONDITIONED piano ior Sale 728 7509 anytime OIL FURNACES for sale BT Us in excellent Telephone 728 5406 otter Dim GARAGE SALE Moving Antique guns good furniture camera 10 speed bike two skidoos books records train set etc etc Saturday and Sunday to mile east of Highway 400 on lnnistl Beach Road 436 2232 COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER 10 ton 3phase water cooled with dual compressor 51500 Col JIIII 7372432 110000 condition TF MATCHING CRIB and dresser change table and Jolly Jumper on stand all good condition Phone 726 9501 HARDWICK RANGE white excellent condition Asking300v Call 737 1588 TITANIC TOSHIBA hcredible 50month warranty Electronic timing now $549 Order tonite got tree 12 portable Under 87 wkty starting October79 KWY KELLYS now next door to Meatmon Highway 90 IFerndale 7371182 TF 40erticles for sale FIREWOOD Seasoned hardwood Pickup or delivery LAKESIDE TREE EXPERTS 7260015 or 7283465 M26 SNOWCRUISER Tracks plough and harrows for small tractor ratotiller parts vertical and horizontal motors and cycle large supply hand scuffler lawnmowers and Triumph 500 motor cycle 72114144 RIDING LAWNMOWER hp Briggs and Stratton engine with 25 cut $165 Sewing machine SINGER drop head treadle model S80 4589375 GARAGE SALE Saturday September 29 Sunday September 30th Log Cabin Store Concession 12 of Innlsfil east of 25th Fridge stove dryer 34 bed dressers chairs recore player dishes Call 436 5598 IIAMMOND ORGAN vs2oo for sale In excellent condition automatic rhythm 5850 Telephone 728 I940 19 CU FT FREEZER $160 electric stoves $35 each antique refrigerator 525 single continental bed 85 12 gallon aquarium fully equipped $10 bamboo bird cage $10 handmade Western bridles $10 each Jacuzzi iet pump 575 English saddle 360 7283267 BRAND NEW TVs all sizes both black and white and color by makers such as AGS Admiral and Sanyo starting as low as $500 week rent to own Free delivery Barrie New and Used Furniture 202 Dunlap St 7374774 Closed Mondays S29 COLOUR TELEVISION 16 inch with stand in working order 5155 Telephone 726 4396 BLACK POLYETHYLENE pldstic sheets 25 32 and 40 WIde for cover ing ensilage Now available Heated cattle DOWIS at excellent prices arriv 109 Shortly Dalston General Store WV 779 £617 STEREO TECHNIC SASSTEAMPM receiver DUAL 1226 turntable Realistic TR 882 track recorder and play back Best offer over $500 0r Sspfrately 728 4581 STOVE AND DRAPES 16 Telephone 737 3508 otter 30pm Selle OVERHEAD DOOR for 53 10 high 13 wide Asking $200 Telephone 9619 SONY STEREO Semational AMFM receiver custom turntable 8343 Get free speakers Under $5 wkly starting October79 now next door to KRAZY KELLYS Meatman One hour delivery Highway 908Femdule7371182 TF STOVE Oven range tour elements Good condition Fully operable 728 7856 alter pm weekdays after noon weelter1ds Very good price Must sell Illboats and motors 16 ft Fiberglass Boat 65 I1p Evinrude Motor sron 114er MARINE nut StuTry lay Rd 7241001 GULL YACHT BASIN Fol0991 sou sou NAIMA miles north of Barrie on Lake Simcoe between 5th 61h of Oro Book now for winter storage cmmm MECHANIC ON DUTY Your uuttlorind Mercury Outboard Mercruiser Dealer Brokerage Boats for Solo Iul 4372122 11 TRAILERS INDOOR STORAGE IS litutel south of Irle GENERAL MAINTENANCE 4240924 ThS 013 NATS BOAT REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES wood and fibreglass TOLLENDAL MARINA 7264950 BARRIE TF STORAGE FOR BOATS and campers few miles north of Barrie $40 for season Phone 7282102 18 ALUMINUM CANOE and hp Mer cury motor like new asking S600 Telphone 7370061511er6pm MIRAGE 24 Red HUIIPS saiEIncluding spinniker JOHNSON 99 7372673 after pm 1977 DDAY 25 fully equipped for cruis ing and racing sleeps galley and head Over $6000 of options Full price $17500 Telephone 7288111 Barrie SAILBOAT 18 sloop wood glass bot tom Beamy three dacron sails in perfect condition outboard hull sound cabin needs work Fantastic bargain S975 13263980 14 FOOT CHRYSLER BOAT motor and trailer 35 hp excellent condition speedometer WW compass electric bilge pump horn many more extras Must be seen 7260930 evenings TFT FIBERGLAS RUNABOUT with 40 hp Mercury outboard Telephone 7269282 after 12 noon BARN To RENTfsUnabIe forboat storage and campers 3222306 17 FT FIBERGLASS 75 hp Evinrude and trailer $1200 17 FT PETER BOROUGH moulded mahogany 50 hp Johnson and trailer $600 Telephone 7269211 or 14292720 16 SNIPE class boat dafcron sails asking $7507Tielephone 726820577 42articles wanted LOGS WANTED Pine Spruce Hemlock etc with large diameters Building the Logs Ltd726 I966 evenings 728 5800 CANADIAN SILVER COINS before 1967 American before 1964 No collection too large or small Canadian stamps old watches postcards iewellery 7261663 evenings 7263162 CANADIAN SILVER COINS before 1967 American before 1964 No collection too large or small Canadian stamps old watches post ards iewellery 726 3162 UNWANTED APPLIANCES Picked up free of charge Call alter pm 7265339 WANTED used records Wé buy sell and trade Adams Books 74 Dunlop Street East EIECTRICTIOTORS wantéd single phase hp hp 3222408 CASH FOR OLD FURNITURE books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 items 7288234 Tv TOWER 40 or nIineF 11711 To without rotor head not needed must be reasonable Phone 7284409 tiltdogs and pets 77W POODLE TRIMMING professional grooming all breeds pickup and de livery 7268798 Pet Studio TROPICAL FISH Best selection in town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edge hill Aquaria I43 Ardagh Road 7260094 MAYS POODLE PARLOR PrDtés sional clipping and grooming Chargex accepted 11010437260061 BASSET UPPY male months old tricolor champion sire and champ darn Innoculated and wormed Ready to go Colllngwaod 7054452004 or 705 445 I910 DAFFONV éNNéLS spéciaiizihé irI Boarding for Big Dogs Coulson 0n tarlp Telephone 7058355223 BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampooing and clipping of all breeds Sophia StreetEast7264141 REGISTERED TOY POODLES pup pies male and female Telephone 7051 756 2272 5H8r9¢5311liiw CHOICE TOP SOIL Evening and Satur day delivery Phone 72639gor 726 Ht Stagcamping equipment TRAILER STORAGE Outside 85 man thly inside S40 and up for season Webbs Campground 726 9823 I979 JAYCO 23 Mini Motor Home 400 Chev air cruise control steel belted radials 10000 miles many extras new condition $19900 Telephone 14292447 1977 EZYTWO truck camper three way fridge heater sleeps slx 12 voltpropaneelectric reasonable Telephone 424 5993 5751193510ckrdrssié HORSE TRAILER used large two horse needs work 436 5718 GRAY PONY GELDING for sale registered half ArabWelsh 11 years old 11 has been shown trained for games equitation hunter iumper Suitable for intermediate Sound loads quietlyr good keeper reasonable 7261947 HORSES boarded 15 minutes from Bar rie miles of beautiful conservation trails New barn intercom to house 24 hours heated tack room large box stalls daily turnout Instruction at all levels Reasonable 7261947 THREE YEAR bay gelding 15H quiet S700 horses boarded Telephone 487 3284 BEAUTIFUL BAY pony mare 1372 Hit years old Excellent nature real snow potential $500 firm Registered thoroughbred mere 152 HH years old very quiet Asking $2500 or reasonable offer 728 3267 ARABQUARTER five year old boy gelding 141 hands English and Western broke willing iumper good disposition asking $600 to good home 728 9989 after pm 5977p¥oultrychicksi DEKALB READY to lay pullets Farm fresh eggs Laying cages for sale Craig Hunter Poultry Farms7436 18171 TURKEYS AND GEESE mFor Thanksgiving Turkeys 251bs and over 55 cts per lo Geese 12 lbs and over S7 each All alive William vandenhurk 424 1718 CUSTOM KILLING Chickens and Turkeys Oven ready Telephone 3323 2for further information 60 egedSeTeVdfgrriafinifi CATTLE HAY for sale 525 bale Telephone 4361284 WANTED grairicoIrijyieifiary c511 0619 Hunter Poultry Farm Ltd 4361811 Stroud SIQErFfiEiifiiTrf KVERNELAND PLOW four furrow three at 16 spring trip automatic reset high clearance nearly new 424 6647 Wh Davis lvy EXAMTNER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 lofarmers market 71help wanted 7thelp wanted 7thelp wanted HONEY Fresh unpasteurized clover and buck wheat in own containers 85 lb 80 lb over 30 pounds tIl end of September Honey available in new containers year round EDWARD WOODS HILLSDALE 8352308 TTItSOlb $746611 vegetables APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con cession Oro Closed Sundays 7288489 bitpersonals SHAMPOOER POLISHER Ask for free home demonstration today ELECTROLUX 7283392 ALCOHOLIcSANONyMOUS778653111 you drink thats your business If you wanttoquitthatsourSLCallanytime RIDING INSTRUCTION Indogr arena Horses boarded Barrie five minutes Win Haugh Farm 726 0192 BOWLERS WANTED for leagUes form ing how Men women singles couples teams CallKernpview Bowl1728 9761 TELECARE Why light your problem alone Let friend help Call Telecare 726 7922 anytime AUTOS 10 Florida and all poinIs In Western Canada gas allowance Toron Io Driveaway Service 416 226 4616 BIRTHRIGHT Are you pregnant and distressed Birthpight really cares 166 aaylield Street Barrie 737 3550 cam mencing October 11979 BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION 56 Mary Street Open Monday and Tuesday 100 430 pm and Thursday 630 930 pm 7374222 726 9300 Ext 236 REFLEXOLOGY Relaxes tension Im proves circulation promotes natural functioning of the body For appoint ment with EUGENE SIENKIEWICZ Certified Reflexologist please phone 726 5661 anytime WINNERS OF LUCKY DRAW Oro Fair September 22 Baby beef John Sheardown RR Thronton $50 cash John Perncz RR Shanty Bay $25 cash Donna Tran Hodgson Manitoba SHAKLEE has come to town For sup plies andor information call Richard Sauerlender 436 5188 TRANSPORTATION to Orillia from Stroud area mornings and evenings for October only Approximately 730 am and pm Telephone 4362309 evenings or Dom 325 9587 days 71help wanted REGISTERED NURSE OR RNA Permanent parttime position available immediately in small nursing home for developmentally handicapped and shifts adolescents alternate children Rotating weekends For interview appointment contact DIRECTOR OF NURSING or ADMINISTRATOR mm to pm 4361461 KIDS IN SCII6ITL Sell AVON You set your own hours on flexible schedule Meet interesting people OPEN TERRITORIES Midhurst area Little Lake area Oro west of Hwy 11 Guthrie area Barrie Angus Wasoga Beach Flos Phone today and find out how easy it is to get started Highestcommission Call 7289652 FSTF LATHE OPERATOR Experienced toolroom lathe operator capable of working to close tolerances Top wages all benefits paid Apply to NORTH ONTARIO MOULD 36 Morrow Rd Barrie Ont 1374400 RONALDS PRINTING requires ELECTRICIANS Ontario licence required With 5yeors industrial experience Also requires MACHINISTS PENSION MEDICAL OHIP DENTAL PLAN Apply in person or telephone GREAVETTE 10481 TONGE ST RICHMOND HILL 4168849121 PHARMACIST FOR BARRIE AREA Excellent opportunity for full time position Short hours Top salary benefits in in dependent pharmacy Possibility of future ownership if interested PHONE MR ROSS 4245931 OR 7284837 ENUMERATORS For City Directory To cover streets in the city Clear writing and correct spelling essential Reply only if able to work 25 hours weekly Answer in own handwriting stating name address and telephone numberto BOX 864 THE EXAMINER BARRIE ONT SCHOOL BUS DRIV parttrme morning and afternoon runs Telephone Valley Bus Lines 16 Maple Avenue 7266666 FULLTIME CHEF PARTTIME COOKS HOMESTEAD RESTAURANT CFB BORDEN Apply at restaurant office or personnel office in building T1 or phone 4249332 02 PERSONNEL AND ORGANIZATION SPECIALIST prestigious organization with several locations in central Ontario requies professional to assist top management in fine turning the companys organizational structure The position requires professional with solid background in personnel and labour relations administration to Analyse various operations within the organization and recommend suitable changes Codify existing personnel policies and develop additional policies and procedures Develop and update lob description and performance up praisal forms for variety of positions This is contract position with duration of 18 months definite with the possibility Of permanent employment Located within 60 mile radius of Toronto Please send resume and supporting information along with salary requirements by October 15 to Box 866 The Examiner Barrie Ontario L4M 4Tb BURNS INTERNATIONAL SECURITY SERVICES LTD requires 10 FULLTIME SECURITY GUARDS Apply in person at MANPOWER OWEN ST Barrie Ont MAJOR AUTOMOTIVE PARTS MANUFACTURER REQUIRES An electricalelectronic person who is familiar with Industrial Electrical Power Systems Control Systems The candidate must demonstrate an ability to diagnose faults in AC control circuits programable controllers and solid state control systems Past experience with computer controlled equipment driven by DC motors is prerequisite Candidate will need to have backgr0und in heavy industry and have intensive hands on experience also licensed elec trician This is an Opportunity to grow with an expanding com ponyComprehensive Benefit program fully paid for by the company Opportunity for advancement Send your resume to CANADA EMPLOYMENT CENTRE 48 Owen Street Barrie Ont co Hayes Dona Please specify No123 LICENSED AUTO MECHANIC FOR BUSY FLAT RATE snor GM experience preferred Excellent company benefits Excellent working conditions Apply in person to DON BARIL GEORGIAN PONTIAC BUICK GMC LTD 145 Bradford St BARRIE Ontario EXPERIENCED SET UP PERSON required for lniection Moulding Starting rate 5632 per hour plus cost of living Apply in person to PERSONNEL DEPT 164 INNISFIL ST BARRIE ONT 01 MOLDEX lIMITED Accounting clerk required preferably with experience in input on digital disc system computer Excellent working conditions with good company benefits Please telephone 7260283 for an interview $29 YOUNG PROGRESSIVE COMPANY IN BARRIE REQUIRES DYNAMIC ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIST with MechanicalElectrical background for design and drafting duties Direct replies to Box 865 The Examiner Barrie0nt 529 Due to increased sales BAYFIELD FURNITURE MART LTD requires an EXPERIENCED FURNITURE SALESPERSON 44 hours per week No high pressure salespeople please Ce117267781 for an appointment SI92I2224262829 EARN EXTRA MONEY Show Our ex citing line of Christmas cards and gifts to friends neighbors relatives No ex perience needed Our bIg colorfully tl lustrated catalogue makes it easy and profitable Start now Write today for free Christmas catalogue and Informs lion MONARCH GREETING CARDS 217 Cannon Hamilton L8N 3K3 or phone 4161527 3891 TAXI DRIVERS for full time days and evenings Must have good driving record and neat appearance Apply in person only aMaple Avenue Barrie EXPERIENCED MECHANIC required by progressive IH farm oquuprnent dealership For appointment for inter view please call Charles RIchards and Sons during business hours 728 5530 ask for Dorothy CLASS Mechanic In service station good wages apply Painswick Motors Ltd 219 Yonge St Barrie 726 0163 URGENTLY NEEDED Reliable person to live in and care for four school age children in motherless home No heavy housework Main concern Is childrens care Call 435 4075 TEACHERS NEEDED school of danc ing in Collingwood Ballet tap iazz highland and belly danCIng 1445 7133 ROUTE SALESPERSON Salary bonus incentive plan LNITLIII package Nealappearanceand eniuy meeting peo ple must Call Mr Ross 7373363 business hours FRONT DESK CLERK night auditing shift work own transportahon Apply In person Nottawasaga Inn highway 89 Alliston WAITERWAITRESS requrred for col tee shop and diningroom Apply In per son to the Nottawasaua Inn highway 89 Alliston HAIRDRESSER REQUIRED for established salon in Barrie Experience necessary For more information call 7263733 any time CENTENNIAL AUTO Body requires or year experIenced body person Telephone 726 0481 LIVE IN SUPERINTENDENT for small apartment bUIlding Apply in par Son 110 Little Avenue SUIlP 203 Barrie weekdays noon to LOCAL TRANSPORTATION SALESPERSON with Grade 12 education Some business experience would be an asset In return we offer good salary and fully paid benefits Send Resume to Box 869 Barrie On tario PART TIME EMPLOYMENT TraInIng Tuesday nights and one weekend month Grey and SlmCOP Foresters Reserve Barrm Armoury For fur ther information telephone Barrio Ar moury 728 3761 Tuesday or Thursday evening RELIABLE BABYSITTER nights Weekly untIl 30 pm and Saturdays Preferably student in Crown Hill or Eastview area Telephone 726 8589 our ingdaytImo $35600 WEEKLY GUARANTEED work two hours daily at home Start immediately Free Contact Mr LANE Code 51 Winnipeg Man R2R 0Y9 NURSING HOME needs handy person for carpentry painting etc with tools 728 2065 examiner YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND WIN PRIZES TOO EXAMINER ROUTES COLLIER ALBERT ST AREA ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN THESE AREAS PEEL ST ARDAGH PATTERSON RD MULCASTER ST AREA Phone 7266539 SOPHIA WORSLEY OWEN ST AREA CUM8ERLAND ST TORONTO BRADFORD ST AREA DUNLOP SANFORD VICTORIA AREA QUEEN ST TFFIN ST TORONTO ST CLAPPERTON ST AREA BAYFIELD MARY STS 8URTON GOWAN AREA Yes would like more Information ab0Ul Route NAME AGE an Examiner Carrier ADDRESS PHONE PARENTS SIGNATURE Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Barrie L4M 4Tb

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