Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Sep 1979, p. 16

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Teethe examiner FrideySept 28 1979 television guide FRIDAY EVENING VIEWING The Doctor says 00 00 By PAUL OJDONOHUE MD GI trb Arnol and In NEWS dlfnaiiuisuimiir flimfyi Lino so NEWS fomaglggfiogngmififrmim HOLLYWOOD SQUARES ARCHIE BUNKERS 03° NEWS Is animal or synthetic thyroid CAROL BURNETT AND CTV NEWS FmENDS PLACE JOURNEYSIN ME medicme used Do doses of INCREDIBLEHULKAnacciuenI medicine start small and POIKA DOT DOOR my mm MOVIE COMEDYDRAMA ntochemrcnlwnrlero one at radua Increase IS there 6130 Di DavidBannerunnlrnnticrncelorenlntidot WIIOI II IAI NBC NEWS to save the lives of himeelf and friend 80 NEWS 1120 consxdelrgd ti Ina W0 IOI baggy MOORE SHOW SW90 WORLD HEAVVWEGHT 1125 medicine still be used iiy the ABC NEWS NEWS pituitary gland was at fault and News pionenipboulbetweenLerryHolmoeondElrnie 1127 causing the thyroid t0 malfunc RHODA Eversfromun Vegas Stirs NEWS tion Mfrs JEREMY WBC WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT 1130 we canrt avoid class in 645 AMPIONSHIPtSnra THETONIGHTSIIOWHoItzJohnny Th 01 READALONG IN SEARCH OF CarsonGueeteLolnFnlnnnDnvldStolnboru yrm ere RESCUE FROM GILLIGANs mine TherId hormone is sub 6155 AND C35 LATE MOVIE THE stance made by the thyroid IE WRITE 0N ISL STALKERPrimalScreamAnolIcmOl0m0° th Th 658 MOVIE COMEDY Th takesIeoilcoresampleIromtheArclicbutu gan nee News Party IttheweJhe celleinthe elghtmlllionyurold gland that keeps the body at the 700 CANDID CAMERA EIGHT IS ENOUGH PM MAGAZINE HAPPY DAYS TIC TAC DOUGH DIFFRENT STROKESHELL0LARRV Mi mondinvneeLerryAlderirvisilriimintlew root to audition tor TV talk show but when Arnold learns that Flulhilgt Alder would be miserable nweyfrom Oragonheeabotaoesthe Show 60 III STREET TALK KIDSWORLD ea FAMILY FEUD MAUDE 730 DANCE FEVER NEWLYWED GAME FLAPPERSMaystroqqleswrthihcnew moralilyoltlie 90irmd fearlnglheworet she gone on an aellrig hinge rather than learn the hnbouthersell it JOKERS WILD in TIGER CAT FOOTBALL 79 HIGHLIGHTS ID MAGIC SHADOWS BOB NEWHART SHOW MASH 800 DIFFRENT STROKESHELL0 LARRY min personalilyLarry Altlfsl NIltVrirk Ionudv IIOIIIOIBIODOSIIUSIII1livLllliJiSIiflsltlIN and historicall 830 96 FRONT PAGE CHALLENGE Hostmoderator is Fred Dams and the regular panelistsereGordonSInclairPierreBertonand Ely Kenned PERSONAL SPACES 900 II THE ROCKFORD FILES Marielle Henley guest stars as hardnoeed court appointed receiver assigned to collect 5350001udgementfromharriedprivateeyeJim Season Premiere 60 min 5313 TOMMv HUNTER SHOW THE DUKES 0F HAZZARD Boss Hogg imports his only nephew tohelp hlmbeg the Duke and trap Sheriff Rosco as an eccen 60 mins I13 wORLD or CONFLICT Terror lnternationel Part II 1000 EISCHIED While DOIIIIClflnl cell forhin ruiqnetlon ChieIEischied narrowly misses capturing the psychopathic slayer of young women but learns that the gunmen plane to culminatehiereiqnofterrorbyliringindiscrimin alely into crowded religious festival Guest Raymond Burr Conclusion 60 mins TRAPPER JOHN MD DALLAS The shock of the Swap baby boino kidnapped from the hospital bands the familytoqatherastheytryveriousmeanstofind Infant 60 mins DALLAS SEARCH FOR THE NILE 91 GLOBAL NEwS UPDATE as NEWS 1001 II THE LOVE BOAT speaking sample reproduce and become active ideal u55milesperhour Repeat BADLANDS 1974 Store Merlin speed so to speak Too much wfigvibsfilidnnonim Fear of the hormone thyrotoxicosis Evil 1968 makes the body exceed the spe PARTVGAME ed limit too little hypo TALKNG FILM thyroidism causes it to slow MACADOREY down below the minimum For the thyroid gland to RET RNOFTHESAINTTh grillingintygrimoeplonnoedrlmewho release thymld hormone It needs message delivered by he goes to help glrl on runway hone another hormone thyroid MOVIEwOMEDY stimulating hormone That is MgIlliaTCOMEovWESTERN made by the Pituitary gland an up Din uMg1o1o located at the base of the brain MERv RIF IN If that gland is deficient the end 1215 result as you imply is the MOVIE DRAMA 05 same not enough thyroid hor Ape 1913 foo mone produced THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL T0 30 Spec questims MOVIE DOCUMENTARY to Ihe therId homrone IS no 191 given for both conditions thyr01d gland failure or NEWS pituitary gland failure GONGSHOW because as weve seen in 200 MEDICAL CENTER MOVIE ADVENTURE Rope of Sandgnoese MOVIE DRAMA Tth Earth Is Mine 1959 either case the end result is the same not enough thyroid hor mone for the body The laboratorymade thyroid hormone is the most commonly used because it is handier for measuring proper dosage than is the animal gland kind Thyroid medicine is begun in small doses To give the full dose all at once would be like TODAY lllSItIlti Ily IIIIC li lltlISS Scpt 2x 197 Canada ziiinolililcd that it would go it alonc ll llttlSNilly on construction of tin St lzllcnc Stilll Bil till ago today in 1971 iittci Lillgt ol indccision on tho giant projcct thc Unitcd Slzltcs was snurrcd htlllllllllll Nlli lflli llarric was onc Ill only lllltt placcs In hitlillo litrc courscs iii first all out oltclcd for llic today in history into action and agreed tojoin in building of thc scaway which allows ships to sail into the very liczlrl of the continent The Amway was opcncd 20 years ago 931 St Wenccslas patron of tzcclioslovakia died 1781 Amcrican and French troops bcgan thc sicgc of Brit barries story blind lhc course sponsored by llic lnitcd Appcal uscd training aids such as replica of human hcarl donated by the canada story McDougall Blamed Joseph Howe For Encoura ng Riel to Rebel In 1869 when Canada ecided to buy Ruperts Land from the Hudsons Bay Company William McDougall was appointed to he the first Lieutenant Governor He was not to do the job because of the Red River uprising Louis Riel and thc Metis would not allow him to enter the territory and he had to return to Ottawa McDougall dcscrvcd better fate He was one of the earliest advocates for Canada to take over the HBC territory and hc also worde hard to bring about Confed eration In 180i he was one of the Clear Grits who joined the coalition govcrnmciit that saved the Canada of those days from disintegrating and made Confederation possible McDougall also took part in the Quebec and London conferences that drew up the British North America Act The Clear Grits were members of the Reform party whose slogan was All sand no dirt clear grit all the way through and wore led by George Brown publisher of the Toronto Globc McDougall was also ncwspaperman and founded the North American which was taken over by Brown and amalgamated with the Globc McDougall was aggressive outspoken and not po ular even with his own colleagues it is said that Sir Jo Macdonald appointed him to be Lieutenant Governor of the Northwest Territories on September 28 1869 in order to get him away from Ottawa Howcvcr McDougall was also keen to getaway because he left Ottawa thc same day although Canada was not supposed to takc over the territory until December McDougall blamed Joseph Howe for fomenting the Red River uprising even though he and Howe were members of the govcrnmcnt Howe visited Red River and talked to Riel beforc McDougall arrived at the border OTHER EVENTS 0N SEPTEMBER 28 1813 US and British naval forces fought short battle in York Bay Toronto 1857 Railway service opened between Galt and Guelph Ont 1892 Ncw Brunswick abolished Legislative Council 1942 RCAF attacked Japanese positions on Kiska island 1951 Canada announced intention to build St Lawrence Seaway without US cooperation if necessary 1960 Skyway Bridge was opened between Prescott Ont and Ogdcnsburg NY holly by Mrs Downing 735614 Irclic Brown has icillrllcd to Scotland atlcr lhicc icck visit kith Glacc lidch and Jean ilnicioli Mrs Tyson is holidaying out wcst Thc llioinpsiiii tanilly limc sold thclr housc iin tllc clcvcnlh tOllCtSSlOll and MW iiiovcd in to their tlt llonlc on Ftlllgt Lanc in llairlc lllc liiw hits are Ililll liid loycc llcld who are nimilig lll llllgt ucck liwci former llolly girl locc Downing FMTII IISSIIH lil tlll litll Faith llizliill l1lc llszltlitil 2sllilr church hauls Sii ii sclaiiii at 43 tlll SJ lhlllcll scrvtccs arc il ll in and pm Bihlc Stiltle cacti Wednesday at In Satuiav ovcr to boarded llic church blitz and travellcd to Base Bordon llclc illi on yoytvd txisilulll gilt in ii hountilul pot luck lcl the hoilic oi llill ltlillliioii liasclic Sharon and Gus Paris and boys wcrc presented with gills ii ipprcciation of the work llicy did iii the church when thiy tlt licrc On Thanksgiv ing Sunday theic will be pot luck suppcr at the church com iiilliiioii and thc Martin family will he prcsciil from Orillia to ininltcr in song IlTllIISIIIIII Littlcs Hill lil met at the ltltlLll Road home of Hazel tilinpllcll for the September inccliiig Roll all was Name Your Favorltc Wild Flower and ill donation cach has handed in place of money making proch chcral visitors wcrc picsclit its well as good attcn dancc of mcmhcis Standing coiiimillcc mcmbcrs each hd good short reports Anne lllillcina and Lucillc Emms ri Iiilzlcd that Ihc ill liint us go ii lcil painting has been iloiiatcil that can have ilrau on Tickets should be rcluriicd to Orma Leighton by lic ncxt lllt cling llllt Huitema and Olive Blakcly rcportcd that there crc 19 grade it graduates in illt lllcn who rcccivcd pens for giaiiunin lliic lilakcly Icpollcd thah llic bus trip to the Tommy meeting visit will be made to ish forcesat Yorktown 1895 Scientist Pasteur died Louis 1946 King George Ii of Greece was restored to the throne by plebiscite I958 Hurricane Ida killed 615in Japan Medical Corps School of Camp Borden The Barrie Fair opened at 200 pm with opening ceremonies hosted by Jim Ross CBC farm broadcaster The Fair offered the largest number of exhibits and the largest midway Fair officials expected attendance to top previous years and set new record Auxiliary Police of the Emergency Measures Organization were called upon to assist local police with traf fic problems At 315 pm visitors No 50000 and 50001 passed through the doors of the Travel and Publicity Reception Centre Mr and Mrs Schmidt of Franklinville New York were on their way to Bracebridge and were totally surprised by the onslaught of reporters politicians and officials Mayor Les Cooke welcomed the couple to Barrie and presented them with pin designating the day that Barrie was incorporated as Vulnerable EastWest Dealer South West North East South 2NT 3o 40 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead 10 By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Souths 19 highcard point two notrump got him to four spades Norths threeheart response was Jacoby trans fer which is played by Mr Kelsey and most British Safe ronge for medicine racing cold Engine The body needs time to adjust Class dismissed Dear Dr Donohue My son who is in his late 305 has had this thick white coating on his tongue for several years now It will peel off in large pieces leaving his tongue red and sore He will not see doctor What do you think this could be and what is the seriousness of it What should be done Mrs HFG White patches on the tongue that peel off usually means con ditions like candida fugal infec tion psoriasis or smokers tongue White patches that do not peel off so readily can signify more serious conditions such as leukoplakia That is determined by looking at tiny section of the patches under microscope This is speculation and pro bably meaningless in your sons case From your description it is obvious that he should be ex amined Whats he got against doctors Dear Dr Donohuc Please give me medical opinion on phobia have which has bothered me for long time If person has cold sore throat or what have you and licks an envelope flap will those germs be transmitted to the person opening the letter cant be the only person who ever wondered about it DVD The germs cannot survive more than minute or two out side their environment the body The postal department is long way from providing that kind of service Scratch one phobia BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Fine desperation defense ex erts His fourdiamond ca was mild slam try which South refused to accept You are West this time and open your singleton 10 of diamonds Declarer takes his ace and plays the kind of spades which you must duck You win the second spade and partner completes trump echo to show that he held three trumps What do you do now The winning play is to lead the jack of clubs This desperation effort to beat the contract is based on the ho that South opened shade two notrump with long club suit In that case your partner will have just one club and if he also holds the ace of hearts you have beaten this contract Declarer cant get to dummy to draw you last trumps and you get to ruff diamond and he gets to ruff club We have been asked several times to describe trump echo When defender wants to show partner that he holds three small trumps he follows highlow instead of lowhigh city They were also presented with literary in formation about Ontario and daIIV EVIDSELDVVCLI given brochures on the history OBarre ACROSS 48 Hostility Answer to PieVious Puzzle The Old Barrie road which was first built in 1843 was Bemuse scheduled for facelift The Fish 536 reconstruction project was Sandwich 53 Unheeding designed to pave the road to type labbrl 60 River In width of 22 feet with adequate TWO Frl Yorkshire gravel shoulders and some of Measure 61 Incorporated the comers straightened The Awmds abbr completion date of the project °°9 62 Emblem was set for 1964 assoclam 53 Christmas 15 Folkslnger Heavy rains forced cancella Guthne Who tion of several events at the 16 English 64 army expanse Barrie Fair including soap box streetcar 65 Effleme races and horse racing Most 17 Nothing 66 Milith events were reschedulgd gpungj blood The Clarkson Hotel roke the industrial Softball league final 22 fifth DOWN deadlock by defeating the Well 24 P53 Normandy ington Hotel 1310 at Queens 25 pedam invasion day Park The Wellington had five 29 Mam anew Air prefix errors allowing the Clarkson to 33 Belonging to South African gather 132 lead by the end of the Illlng be four and onehalf innings Eransverse Isnlgange 59 hammer 8° 37 British Hunter Show will leave at 530 nobleman Call It cums on December 14 Cost is $300 39 Capture New York each and must be paid to hold Meal 5131 WY seat Those in charge of receiv Gel R°aa ing the money are Liz Ham 44 Alphabe cumin mers Lucille Emms and Orma 45 Am 10 Rammed Tolstoy ll Fabllau Leighton Member were reminded to bring the gifts for the Mental Health Box to the October the IOOF Home to entertain the residents on October 29th Those res nsible for the pro gram an lunch for October are Ruth Irainor Ada Garfat Orma Leighton Anne Huitema Delegates to the Area Con vention Nov 15 and 16 are Gladys Fisher and Marjorie Little who will attend the first day Gladys Fisher is to look in to the possibility of having short course The program as in charge of Anne Huitema and Hazel Campbell conveners of Family and Consumer Affairs Anne commented on the motto The family that plays together stays together She introduced Edna Caldwell who had display of flowers and bouquet material and ar rangements made from weeds and corn husks she told how the different flowers could be inadc the method of drying II 43 49 Balls of fringe II 19 Hearty laugh 45 Agreement comp wd between 21 Noble gas nations 23 Succeeding 47 Malgarlnes 25 Surge 49 Pronoun 50 Firslvrate 26 Small carrying comp Wd bag 51 Animal 27 Questions 28 Conn of Iran SOCIer labbr 52 Bends under 30 Charge weldm 31 Layer 54 Variable star 32 Woe is me cews 35 Swerve 55 sefionldary so 00 38 Electric fish 56 Rwer 40 State Fr England 43 Obelisk 59 Hostile force II AstroGrap SCORPIO Oct 24May 22 Pride could be your biggest ene my today if you fail to ask advice or counsel from one you know has the answers youre seeking Dont hold back Seek advice SAGITARRIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Usually your charm and wit takes you long way toward cYour Birthday September 29 1979 Involved with wholl provide the answers PISCES Fob 20March 20 Chances are you willhave many projects going at the same time this coming year Try to separate and give priorities to the more promising ones or you may not give the necessary attention to any of them Bernice BedoOsol today Donl let outsiders talk you out of doing what is right Youre the one who will wind up being unhappy CANCER June 21July 22 Face your limitations today Instead of quarreling over who is right or wrong give the other guy chance to prove his contentions Chances are you will have many projects going at the same time this coming year Try to give priorities to the more promising ones or you may not give the necessary attention to any of them LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Dont even try to fight city hall today The quickest way to end any confrontations that might occur is to let things go in one ear and and youll learn something LEO July 23Aug 22 All talk and no action will not you exactly zero If you hope to have pro ductive day the only way to achieve it is by the sweat of your brow VIRGO Aug 3430 22 Sometimes you can go over board with analyzing things to the point where you lose out Today however you are wise to achieving your goals but not so today Only proven methods or experience will suffice CAPRICORN Doc 22Jan 19 Its not like you to attempt to use anything but practical methods to accomplish your purposes This is the wrong day to try any thing else AOUARIUS Jen 20Feb 19 You may not like it because you are usually the one who comes ARIES March 21April 19 Politely disregard all the friendly buttingin you are likely to encounter today when you attempt to tackle difficult task There are no shortcuts TAURUS April 20May 20 Before you become sell appointed teacher today make certain you knOw what youre talking about Your instructions out the other will be put to the test and exciting Ideas GEMINI May 21June 20 Your ffolfsiuffilgd any Winthrop Hi to all it Will be those you re first obligation is toryour lamin WE 5HALL BEAs ClTY LJFUNA HILLTHE EYES OFALL PEOPLEARE LIFON U5WlNllIROP5AID HMM HERES AQLIOTE FRZWI PLYMOUTHE PURITAN GOVERNOR JOHN WINTHmP DONT REMEMBER SAVING THAT BlCUSPlDMAN You éuYg COULP PUT THE OIL COMPWEs IN 95600 PLACE ©Iild nineon In N0 INN 0F TRUE WORTH PUTS PRICE ON EELF MlmlnII Short Ribs WELCOME TO HOWE REMEMBERGUV N02 IF THIG UNIFORM ISNT RETURNED BY FOUR OCLOCKTHEKEAN suesvls REAL Frank and Ernest WERE FRED AND EUNI¢E WARBURIONE ouR FRIENDS GALI Us EUNIGE AND 7f5 STARTED OUTPLAVIN WITH FIRE AN ENDED UP HAVIN To WORK OVERTIME To PAY FOR THE FUEL BILLS ID LIKE 70 KNOW WHEPE STAND YOURE PLAYIN WITH FIRE DEAR JUST LIKE ONCE DID ALL RIGHT ALL RIGHT SPARE ER THE DETAILS Your Wedding Invitations nnouncements Headquarters We provide loanout service NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860

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