Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Sep 1979, p. 12

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12 the examiner Negev Sept 17 1979 television guie MONDAY EVENING VIEWING II NEWS HOLLYWOOD SQUARES CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS POLKA DOT 000R 630 Nor NEWS MART TYLER MOORE SHOW Ews NEWS CAIIIE MY 645 ID READALONG 655 WRITE ON NEWS 700 CANDID CAMERA FANTASY iSLAND PM MAGAZINE HAPPY DAYS TIC TAC DOUGH WHATS MY LINE LIVE AT THE FORUM DONT ASK ME to FAMILY FUED FEEL LIKE DANCIN 730 $100000 NAME THAT TUNE NEWLYWED GAME FOR THE LOVE OF SPORT JOKERs WILD HEADLINE HUNTERS LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIR IE Lauralngatle puts her childhood behind her whenshemaataandialtsmlovewiththemanehe wants to marry but she has competition Irom lie Olaaon Season Premiere 60 mms MAGic SHADOWS son NEWHART SHOW 800 LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIR IE Laura Ingalls puts her childhood behind her whenahemeetsandiallsinloveWithlhemanshe wants to marry but she has competition item loaori Season Premiere 60 mins THE WHITE SHADOW THE WHITE SHADOW Jackson 658 firstloam rsgularJaIls praytoalocalgamblers aalymoney comaon and winds up the key au apect in an aspiring sportswritera expose of pointshavmg in high school basketball Sea Premiere 60 Mina 240ROBERT PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED REST KEPT SECRETS Double Secret The Double Cross committee or the British Secret Service during World War II was one of the Allias most etlectiva spy torcea Working out or Oxlord the laIaSir JOhnMaster manhadhiapeoplo readytomtercept incoming German agents and convert them into double nta CHARLIES ANGELS oUR CULTURAL FABRIC 830 iii THE REAL STORY 900 MONDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES Comrng Home l978 Stars Jane Ffideon VOight MASH MASH Aclurrlsytootsoldiertindsthe quicksstwaytothecrewsheartboosting mor ale at the warvwsary £077th Season Premiere MONDAY NIGHT FOOT BALL New York Giants vs Washington akina CTV MONDAY MOVIE TheDomino Principle Stars Gene Hackman Candice Ber I5 JANE EYRE 930 WKRP IN CINCINNATI Johnny Feveretormergirllriend Butlyarrivesrn Cincm hall with triendly smile warm hug and sur priae lawsuit tor Johnny Season Premiere 1000 NEWSMAGAzINE LOU GRANT When Lou is the only wtt noon to neighborhood murder he is mystrlied atthewaypolicehandlethecaseanddiscovars touchy area ol crime Season Premiere 60 BUFFY GLOBAL NEWS 1001 28 PRISONER 1030 THE WATSON REPORT The series is based on the premise that issues at lecting and concerning Canadians issues na tional and international can best be examined by confronting the people at the centre ol the action The program coneistantly otters the viewer intimate glimpses of decisionmakers explaining and datendin their stands 150 cac NEWS DE NEWS CTV NEWS THE REAL STORY 1120 NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS oCBSLATEMOVIEHARRYODouble Jaopardy wealthy busrnessman with syndicaIeconnectlonshasputacontractoutlor the life of the prime suspect in the murder at his daughter Repeal MCMILLAN AND WIFE Croaa And Double Cross Stars Rock Hudson an Saint James Repeat STREET TALK ID TALKING FILM 1145 THE Two RONNIES NEWS 1200 THE TONIGHT SHOW Guest host Martin Mull Guests Torn SmothersDr Wayne 1125 1127 1130 90mins if MOVIE COMEDY Good mighbor Sam 196 EDICAL CENTER MERV GRIFFIN NEWS 1210 AMALFI BENVENUTO 1215 MOVIE HORROR Thing That Couldnt Die 1958 1240 BMOVIEICOMEDY For Love Or Moneyéiaiasa TOMORROW Host Tom Snyder Guest Howard Jams architect at Calitornias osition la 60 mlns £5 GONG SHow 200 MOVIE DRAMA Saigon Some May Live iiln historically speaking September 17 1973 rezoning application by property owners of tract of land behind the Bayfield Mall was considered by the Barrie Flaming Board after it was learned that the company is still interested in negotiating Two weeks earlier the board dropped the zoning application like hot potato when it discovered that the developer did not want to comply with one of the terms of the deal The canaaa stogy Ontario Was Key To 1878 Election Sir John Macdonald was prime minister of the Dominion of Canada from 1867 until he died in 1891 with the exception of late 1873 to 1878 when he was defeated in general election following the CPR campaign funds scandal Macdonald was really fortunate as was WL Mack enzie King when he was defeated in 1930 Alexander Mackenzie Canadas first Liberal encountered four year of economic dep prime minister resslon and Mac donald sat back and watched him struggle as Mackenzie watched RB Bennett from 19301935 next election was on September 17 1878 and that was the end of Alexander Mackenzie and the Liberals until 1896 Macdonald was remained so until his death Prime Minister again and Although the election was decisive Macdonald had doubts until the votes were counted Ontario as in 1974 was the Ire but it turned in favor of Macdonald although he was de eated in his own constituency of Kin ston He was given the seat for Victoria 30 which repre sented for four ears althoug he didnt see Victoria until 188 The actua margin of victory was Conservatives 146 to Liberals 00 The 1878 general election was the first in which the secret ballot was used Macdonald was opposed to the secret ballot and said that men should not be ashamed to stand and be counted OTHER EVENTS ON SEPTEMBER 17 10M Quebec Council fixed prices 1195 Marquis of Vaudreuil became Governor of Canada 1192 First legislature of Upper Canada opened at Newark NiagaraontheLake 1814 US force was defeated at Fort Erie 1843 Suspension bridge over Chaudlere Falls Ottawa was ned 131 First ection was held in Northwest Territories barries story company wanted the land rezoned from residential to commercial and in return was prepared to make several conlt cessions to the city Old furniture including anti que headboards lamps rugs jewelery and plants were just some of the bargains offered for sale at the May Court Clubs Fourth Annual Odds and Sods sale The Sunnidale Communi ty Centre was the site for this annual event which raised funds to be donated to the needy iii an lonely Barrieowned mare Jean nie Ken Kay was driven by Jim Wood to victories in two straight heats to capture top prize money in featured harness races at Oros 1215i An nual Fall Fair The harness racing was one of the highlights of successful fair which drew almost 5000 spectators Caldwell president of Moldex Ltd criticized the ci tys regulations concerning set backs on industrial sites Mr Caldwell pointed out that he recently opened the plant on Bayview Drive considerable distance from the street although zoning bylaws call for minimum 25foot setback Mr Caldwell suggested that in industrial sites where there is considerable depth to the pro perty the setback re quirements should be increas ed The Simcoe County Board of Education approved tenders for additions and alterations to one Barrie school and for the con version of classrooms into library resource centres at two Barrie Schools The projects at Prince of Wales Collingwood Senior Public and King Edward school were hoped to begin im mediately oro station by Bessie Crawford 4873921 Mrs Ottallean Stewart and her mother Mrs Violet Dron nan of Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Douglas Pickering on the weekend Most people say news travels fast in Cm Station however this didnt get out and it was real surprise for Mr and Mrs ed Robinson on the occasion of their 40th anniversary Their two sons and daughterinlmys Bruce and Alice Don and Gail did the planning and over 100 guests gathered at the Oro Township Hall August 25th at pm to honor Ed and Pearl George MacNeill and Nick Pollock took Ed off for the day to Algonquin Park and Pearl visited Fat Pollock They had dinner with the Pollocks who in vited them to go to socallcd Ratepayers meeting at the hall which was filled with guests Happy Anniversary Sign was strung up across the front and flowers enhanced the hall Two of their grandchildren Sandra and Terry attended but Chad and Shay did not One of Eds sisters and her husband Mr and Mrs Frank Stephens from Harwood and Peals only sister Marjorie Horne Orillia attended along with guests from Barrie Midhurst and Orillia Lloyd Fletcher who was young guest at their wedding 40 years ago said few words to the happy couple and both Ed and Pearl replied thanking everyone for coming They received some lovely gifts The evening was spent dancing and midnight lovely buffet of salads cold cuts and beautifully dccoartcd cake was served Ed and Pearl just wish to say big thank you to all who helped and came They appreciate it lefroy bY Georgina Mitchell 4563232 Two happy grandmothers Mrs Maric Higgins of Bell Ewart and Mrs Mary Forbes of Big Cedar when daughter Josic Mary Ellen was born on September lst at Royal Vic toria Hospital in Barrie Weighing lb 02 she is the daughter of John and Jill Forbes of Lefroy playmate for sisterJulia The lst Lefroy Brownies and Guides will have registration on Tuesday September 18th from pm till pm at the South lnnisfil Community Cen tre There will also be new age group called the Pathfindch from age 12 to 15 For further information call Mrs Cora North 4563897 crossland bv MrsSam Allen 3221339 Knox Flos Presbyterian Church Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Clifford Grigg Wednesday September 5th Mrs Geo Hunter opened the meeting with Hymn and all repealing the Lords Prayer Motto Love is not Jealous Roll Call Biblical verse with word charity Topic by Mrs BellMeaning of Charity Minutes were read and four thank you treats sent to the ill Three hundred dollars given towards the loud speaker recently installed in the church Meeting closed with Hymn 298 Mrs Harry Train social half hour was spent over cup of tea and lunch served by Mrs Grigg Recent guests in the com munity were Mrs Neilson Toronto with her brotherinlaw and sister Mr and Mrs Chas McClelland Mr and Mrs VICE Ferguson Collingwood Thurs day and Mr and Mrs Ernie botton Kcnora Friday with their cousin Mrs Sam Allen The Doctor says Potassium lock causes weakness By PAUL DONOHLE Ml Dear Dr Donohue My daughter has problem in volving the adrenal gland called Conns disease She has been hospitalized for tests but the doctors cannot find what is causing the abnormal action of the gland Can you discuss this ailment RVF This is high blood pressure due to excessive production of substance called aldosteronc by the adrenal glands Aldoste rone is hormone that regu lates salt and water balance in the blood The result of over production is loss of potas sium and an excess retention of sodium This causes increased blood plasma volume and the resulting high blood pressure The potassium lack causes the characteristic muscle weakness and headaches One cause of the aldosterone overproduction can be tumor of the gland If that is the case surgery to remove it is done But there are certain factors that may produce the same symptoms Birth control pill or heavy diuretic pill water pill use may lead to the blood imba lance This kind of high blood pressure problem is sometimes found in persons who have fondness for licorice and who eat large amounts of it Lico rice contains substance sim ilar to aldostcronc In some cases drugs can be used to counteract the overpro duction of aldostcronc In the majority of patients the condi tion can be corrected once the causeis found Dear Dr Donohuc Three months ago had an xray for my stomach Wth the results came back noticed it said had fibroid tumor of the uterus My doctor never said word about it He explained all the other results but never got an answer about thc fibroid tumor What is fibroid tumor How Serious is it Im con cerned MS dont think you need worry about it Fibroid tumors are the most common growths of the female genital tract As the name implies they are growth of muscle and other tissue They are benign Such growths are frequently noted when xrays 0f the stomach are made They appear as little dense areas on the film and there may be some calcium present Your doctor probably noted this fibroid in previous regular pelvic examinations saw no need to mention it to you and doesnt feel it requires remoyal or treatment Fibroids arc watched because they can be come quite large 0n the other hand fibroids can occur in large numbers and be quite small Dear Dr Donohuc My son has fungus infection on his nails His doctor has been treat ing him for over year with tape He puts it on in thc eve ning Everywch he gets shot and treatment at the office It is slow process but it is im proving He drinks quite bit of beer Would this have anything to do with fungus growthq RJX Fungal infections of the nails are most difficult to treat and do take long time to clear up The nail grows slowly Medicine has to get to the healthy part of the nail the bed which lies rather dccp under the skin Then this new healthy portion must grow out to the tip before the fungus is cured cannot tell what kind of tape or injections you refer to so youd best ask his doctor about any restrictions Normally beer will not hurt unless the fungus dislikcs your sons brand BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and New Declarer does himself in $74 V109 AJ6 OJBTISZ SOUTH OAKQIOBZ VKJS 0854 0A Vulnerable Both Dealer South West North East 34 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead OK Oswald In duplicate every trick is very important With this in mind every expert will make occasional bids to make things difficult for the defense Souths threedia mond call is typical of this sort of action He intends to play in four spades and wants to stop diamond lead against that contract ACROSS 44 Emit coherent light Horselike 45 Health resort mammal 47 Tobacco Urine duct container 12 Get the lep 50 Trend upward on comp 53 Set fire to Wd 54 Evening party 13Carriaqe 55 Halted 14 Lots 56 Withdraw 15 ShOUIdEr Fr from 16 Smother BSSOClallOn 18 DOUble Curve 57 Intent 100k 19 In this place 20 Broke bread DOWN 22 Stage need 25 OklarQma A21 26 Greek letE 28 Com of gpeorehead Mexico 29 Billowy $3532 993 Re relied 30 New Chaim pair 32 Exigerit Empi0y 35 Gem over Money Dense lndra 36 Caule larcnr Epochs 37 Prepcs or spans 39 Famdy TO ergg llSF member ll Cereal grain 42 lnne sell 14 Saler ageocr 43 Powelul labbrl eXDIOSlIE l7 Rodem labbrl 21 Mn 23 Corpses Alan He cant get hurt by fooling his partner Spades outrank diamonds and if nrl ncr raises diamonds outh just goes back to spadcs Oswald This type bid is less effective today than it used to be Players have learncd to be suspicious when declarcr gives them too much information This West was doubling Thomas Left to his own dcviccs he would almost surely havc opened club This limc hc dccidcd that South was playing gamcs chcc hc opened the king of diamonds The dcfcnsc rattled off thrcc diamond tricks and dcclarcr was held to his contract At tablcs where the club was led dcclarcr had time to discard onc diamond on dummys fourth heart and made an ovcrtrick ASK II IXDCIIS You hold 9178 Dakota reader asks how we bid this hand We open one club and plan to bid spades at least once latcr daily crossword Answer to Previoils PuzIe DC belovec 24 BushrCiUMp 4i 43 Weeded r1 26 Byzihs 44 Actress 27 Dine at borne ChrSIa 12 M15 46 Unmxei 28 Deposlr 48 Hawairar 29 Em sion instruments Ne lpre 49 AI gm 32 Hana ar c3 lllSlumé 50 Na sh 33 Manipulate pref lam 3d Pager 38 lndellr ii Aumm Offlt The 527 39 Less happy 52 Brim II II III AStro Bernice BedoOsol cYour Birthday September 18 1979 Those you have done favors for in the past will do much this coming year to make your lot in life roster one One In particular will be extremely helpul VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Because you place the needs at others before your own today it will do much to enhance your image and Win their gratitude and respect Your unselfishness becomes vou Winthrop LIBRA Sspt 23Oct 23 Cur rents are stirring which will give you something big to be hopeful ab0ut Fortunate things could start to happen as at today SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Should you tlnd yourself in challenging situation today dont let circumstances intimi date you Lady Luck will be avail able il you have to call upon her SAGITTARIUS NOV 23Dec 22 Sometimes your insight regard ing the outcome of events is startling This is one of those days when your predictions COuld be right on target CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Your greatest benelits or advan tages are likely to be gained today from joint ventures or Situ ha uh uli 7H5 CURSE ore Short Ribs ID BETTER TEST MY ANTIUGLINESS PILLS ON LABORKTOIZY MlCE HOMES MAY Av ENVAéED FEW FIND Hlé WAY UP YOUR PANTLEo EXQIWI jail REM ESTATE lill THE QUALITY OF MERCY NOT SKANED RENTALS or ii regressedPW AA HANDBTANDQ ON YOUR ROYCE ations you manage tor others Focus on these areas AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 wise selection of partner could double your luck today in an involvement where team etlort is required Be very choosy PISCES Fob 20March 20 Per sons ln the position to give yOur career boost see you in very lavorable light today Continue to do good 10b They will be even lurther impressed ARIES March 21April 19 You will be luckier today in dealing With persons who you deem to be big shots rather than With those you test are small tries Go right to the top TAURUS April 20May 20 domestic Situalon that has con 15 MIDRm munwoo US PILO 70h NEAIncTM ratW 4° UP Far twat4 or cerned you appears as it It Will work out so that all will be pleased Hope for the best GEMINI May 21June 20 Suc cess will not be denied you today it you visualize what you hope to achieve positively Think Win Act accordingly CANCER June 21July 22 Something you are involved in can be expanded today to pro duce an even larger return than anticipated Look for ways to enhance what youve already begun LEO July 23Aug 22 Enterpris es requiring your personal touch Should work out as you hope today Instead of delegating handle the important elements y0ursell IIAEE LfKirlNllnE fler OF COURSEfllIERE ARE FEW BUGS TO BE 9AVE ME TH 5HAKE SPEAKS ROUTINE AN SURE WED LIKE To SEE MODEL HOME 1011 by Ni Inhy MEI In In Reg Fat 011 WHAT TIME D055 SHE 5E1 °Fl WORK WORKED OUT VET lot in Reg us maulVs YOUR DNNERS GETTIN COLD NOR ERN STAT ION ERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 PgAcrlcEprzAUlCE vows THINK NEyEQ PLAYED BEFORE cm MUCH ORACTICE noes wars Emmi NEED Your Wedding 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