10 the examiner Saturday Sept 15 1979 fluboats and motors 05050 197918 It PETERBOROUOH boat demonstrator with 140 hp Johnson SliiBar Builtin tank Sleeper seats Bait well SPORT HAVEN MARINE BARRIE Bay Rd 7261001 ITATS TRAILERS INDOOR STORAGE IS lhutes south of Benin GENERAL MAINTENANCE 4240924 11h 013 GULL YACHT BASIN lotcity Gun Ioa menu miles north of Barrie on Lake Simcoe between Sth 6th of Oro Book now for winter storage CERTIFIED MECHANIC ON DUTY Your autllorixed Mercury Outboard Ii Mercruiser Dealer Brokerage Boats for Sale Bus Al72I22 TF CANOES or Pointed Stern Kevlar Fibreglass Royalex Canvas Aluminum Kayaks Complete stock of accessories Trades accepted ROLLAND BOATS LTD Orillia Ontario 705 3255141 530 BOAT REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES wood and fibreglass TOLLENDAL MARINA 7264950 BARRIE TF 73 ft wnh tandem trailer Fully equipped sleeps 135 hp Evmrude motor $5000 Phone 726 6918 INSIDE WINTER boat storage space IllYIllLd book now Sandy Cove Marine RR Stroud 436 2357 I976 22 VENTURE SAILBOAT three sails outblard sleeps four head galley and much more Price reduced for end of Season 737 2858 I936 RICHARDSON 24 launch rebuilt engine automatic pump folding top good running order Hull sound easily restored 5750 728 0920 40 HP JOHNSON motor electric start exulItnl condition Telephone 7268877 alter Sp 70 SAILBOAT ODAY MARINER moorl many extras City marina mooring Call 737 0l67alter6 47articles wanted CASH FOR OLD FURNITURE books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pro 1950 Items 728 8234 LOGS WANTED Pine Spruce Hemlock etc With large diameters Burldingthe Loos Ltd 726 1966 evenings 728 5800 CANADIAN SILVER COINS before 1967 American before 196 No collection too large or small Canadian stamps old watches postcards jewellery 7261663 LVCITIITqS 726 3162 BUYING COINS and medals of all kinds Paying $4 50 for Canadian silver prior to 1967 Bring it to the Georgian Guild An flout Show Sept 20 22 Will come to your home Telephone 689 5303 CANADIAN SILVER COINS before 1967 American before 1964 No collection too large or small Canadian stamps old watches postcards jewellery 726 3162 WANTED FIREWOOD Would like to cut the wood from your bush myself Telephone 737 0119 MEDALS COINS military badges war souvenirs quality iewellery old pain tings books comic books small anti dues Wlll be at the Georgian Guild Anti que Show Armouries in Sept Will buy more or at your home Box 584 Orillia Ont 689 5303 COLLECTOR BUYS books prints silver and china Call 728 2935 any day from 10a tollp 44dogs and pets DAFFON KENNELS SpeCIalizing in Boarding for Big Dogs Coulson On tario Telephone 705 835 5223 BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampooing and clipping of all breeds Sophia StreelEast 7261141 POOOLE TRIMMING professional grooming all breeds pick up and de livery 726 8798 Pet Studio Luv 282414 FRALICK ALUMINUM Will spruce up your home with our new line of DAYMOND vinyl siding with 40 year guarantee or KAISER aluminum siding SOFFIT FASCIA TROUGH WINDOWS DOORS SHUTTERS EREE ESTIMATES 4361830 TThSTF DIAMOND VINYL ALUMINIUM siding soffit fascia shutters doors windows awnings eavestroughs 40 year guarantee 4365645 D26 ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized Sales and Service Free Home Demonstra tions 18 Alliance Blvd Unit 197283392 IANCE REPAIRS AUTOMATIC WASHERS dryers dish washers freexers lrid es ranges micro ovens any make any ay7371195 CARPENTER experienced Renovations garages decks rec rooms etc Free estimates Bill Johnston 726B708 Damn amen mm CERAMIC FLOOR and Wall Tiles and custom carpentry Coll Juergen 7373895 ALLJET CHIMNEY SWEEPS NO MESS NO FUSS REASONABLE 7267693 or 7263820 TThS CHIMNEY REPAIR Leithwood CHIMNEY SERVICE Repair Specialists POINTING LINING BUILDING CLEANING STROUD TThSTF DRIVEWAYS PATIOS SIDEWALKS ETC ALSO ALL HANDYMAN AND REPAIR WORK CALL PODEWILS 7269559 TThSTF Sbcamping equipment CLEARANCE SALE New 1979 Travel Trailers 19E Prowler 596000 120H Prowler 629500 21L Prowler 656000 27R Prowlers 845000 Mgt3Need help Just look over the ads below The ad vertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest iob possible MANIERI PAVING PATIOS SIDEWALKS STEPS CURBS GARAGE FLOORS Workmonship Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES 7260081 CUSTOM BUILDING ISBRANDT BUILDER Quality custom building houses and additions For details phone 7283649 BEAU DISCO music for all occasions wed dings banquets parties etc Telephone 4246648 DISPOSAL SALVAGE RUBBISH and junk removed Attics garages basements cleaned Cash for used appliances furniture 4362429 4365414 DRESSES FIT if made by JOSIE AOUINO Speciallxtng In pantsuits gowns and altera tions 42 Eugenio St Phone 7266000 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUOHING SPECIALISTS roofing and roofing repairs Sheet metal work Marlin Verstraten New Lowell 4241956 LICENCED ELECTRICIAN Repairs rewiring 24 hour service Free estimates Call 7373904 anytime EIBREGLASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS REPAIRS boats snowmobiles anything fiberglass Free estimates Low winter rates Workmanship guaranteed 4245802 PETER HENSTRA 7372871 Custom built fireplaces patios home fronts in stone porches chimney repair Free estimates VIC WATSON fireplaces and masonry For free estimates phone 7281599 JAKE KLARE 72B39l9 Brick or stone fireplaces with or without chimney Free estimates FIREWOOD 100 DRY HARD WOOD SEASONED YEARS 16 FACE CORD $35 FREE DELIVERY 4872113 FIREWOOD for sale Seasoned hardwood $35 per lace card Delivered Phone 7262548 FlREWOODMï¬edjtardwood 16 535 card White birch 16 S40 cord Slabs S25 cord Sunnidale Rd 7289367 SEASONED MAPLE wood for sale Pickup or delivery Telephone 7284938 GENERAL CONTRACTING SPECIALIZING in framing trimming decks fencing rec rooms additions etc 737I588 after pm HOME IMPROVEMENTS It CONSTRUCTION House raising foun dations renovations additions Phone 4062955 after pm NORTHERN CARPENTRY Specializing in in terior work Rec rooms kitchens bath rooms panelling finish work 7269002 CARPENTER FULLY EXPERIENCED Mitt renovations cedar decks bathroom tiling rec rooms etc Telephone 7261271 67elruits vegetables APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con cession Oro Closed Sundays 728 8489 tapersonals SALMON Fishing on Lake Cohoe Chinook Day or evening departures Charter Ontario Illinstructions FALL CLEANUP OStorm windows cleaned and installed Lawn shrub core OTrees trimmed and cut Basement garages cleaned 0Trash iunk removed Small maving jobs PROMPT SERVICE 4873141 NO JOB TOO SMALL all repair work done for free estimate call John 7281996 CmClENCIOUS WORKING MEN to do fall clean up unwanted junk garages yards basements attics 7373MB FERTILIZING weed Spraying mowing sod dlng seeding etc Vic Triemstra 7282909 WEED SPRAYING fertilizing results guaranteed THE WEED MAN 737272T STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and stone work chimney repair Fireplaces specialty Free estimate 705 4245158 GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Marcel Potvin Guitorï¬dio 726I489 ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin ner and advanced Two months trial instru ment loaned for home practice Canadian Academy of Music 121 Bayfiald 7281799 PRWESSIONAL GUITARIST giving lessons in classical popular and rock Call Gory 7269098 BARRIE SCHOOL OF BRASS Professional in struction trumpet trombone French horn Special attention to beginners Arthur Surgin 7261084 PIANO ACCORDIAN theory lessons Modern and conservatory exam prepara tion Debra Oliver 7370077 PIANO LESSONS experienced teacher All ages all stages Royal Conservatory or other methods 7267986 evenings PIANO LESSONS Popular or conservatory music instructed by experienced teacher Call 737 468 ROXIE BINNS classical and plectrum guï¬r teacher Call 4240444 alter pm CV PAVING DRIVEWAYS COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL mNCRETE WORK Satisfaction Guaranteed Free Estimates BARRIE 7370179 MANIERI PA VIN TD ODriteuays OParliIng Lots Tcmlis uurls 0imcrele Work FREE ES TIMA TES WRITTEN UA RA NTEE 7260081 Serving Sim one oun ty Sin 96 TF INCOMETAX counse Classes Begin Sept 17 mm BLOCK will teach you to prepare income tax re VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In torior exterior Work guaranteed Es tablished 30 years 7262225 7269002 PAULS PAINTING Paper hanging Murals Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 737I295 TF DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING interior exterior paper hanging custom work Satisfaction guaranteed 7266808 PAINTING PAPER hanging experienced Free estimates JACK RICHARDSON 7g834I BARKEY PAINTING Interior and exterior References available Free reasonable esti mates Telephana 7371087 ST PETERS PAVING GENERAL CONTRACTING LTD RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL pOlRIIIg lots 0tennis courts aspltalt Osealing ANY TYPE CONCRETE WORII FREE ESTIMATES 7261451 S21 PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 DunTop St East Custom framing of all types We stock many sizes Phone 7283270 BATHTUBS REGLAIED In The Home Without Removal ANY COLOR GUARANTEED Metal Office Patio Furniture Sinks Appliances ACE REEINISHERS 7282811 TThSS29 SMALL ENGINE REPAIR Simcoe Small Engine and Marine Repairs to all makes Prompt Service ALL WORK GUARANTEED 7373395 TV It RADIO REYNOLDS TV SERVICE Repairs to color black and white TV stereos etc All makes and models 4246181 ALLENS WINDOW CLEANING Commercial and Residential Free estimates Telephone 7281914 the miles HAIRDRESSER WITH experience re quired Timing and perfection in all phases of hair styling essential Mall hours good wages Apply in person at Ital Fashion Victor Hair Styling Georgian Mall Barrie VOLKSWAGEN MECHANIC Must be fully experienced with tools WWI 7lhelp wanted ihelp wanted Georgian College on exciting student oriented community college with maior campus locations in Barrie Orillio and Owen Sound invites applications for the following positions TEACHING MASTER CONSTRUCTION TRADES HELPER To teach 16week program in the Port Severn Honey Harbour area flattens JourneymanCarpenter or minimum of five years in the trodeincluding some supervisory experience TECHNICIAN CONSTRUCTION TRADES HELPER To assist the teaching master in 16week program in the Port SevernHoney Harbour area fictions Completed or still serving apprenticeship and several years experience as JourneymanCarpenter TEACHING MASTER INTRODUCTION TO NONTRADITIONAL OCCUPATIONS To prepare individuals for entry into occupations generally regarded as restricted to members of the opposite sex Dedications Degree in Psychology or Sociology experience in iob placement history of employer contact in the local area or combination of education experience and training Program IOweeks duration CHEF INSTRUCTOR To teach in the Cook Training Program from midOctober to mid April 24 weeks Hflcatlons Graduation from formal program in Food Theory and Preparation and Food Management with three years ex perience as Chef or Sous Chef in industry Teaching ex perience preferable Applications will be accepted until September 24 1979 Please send complete resume to Personnel Office Georgian College 401 Duckworth St Barrie Ontario L4M 3X9 MUNICIPAL DESIGNER Minimum of years experience in design and drafting of municipalcivil engineering type proiects Experience in mechanical design and piping layout beneficial Experience in detailing of reinforced concrete also beneficial Salary open Please reply in writing to REID AND ASSOCIATES LTD Consulting Engineers 143 Eerndale Dr Barrie Ont LAM 454 it rnnnnlnn CLASS MECHANIC TECHNICIANS Self starters needed Excellent employee benefits including purchase discounts dental plan profit sharing lockers showers and lunch room facilities If you have high integrity are skilled preferably in front end and want to be identified with progressive organization apply to GEORGE WADDELL Service Manager CANADIAN TIRE BARRIE AMBULANCE DISPATCHERS Full and Parttime QUALIFICATIONS Graduate of an Emergency Medical Care Attendants Course at Community College or nursing experience Apply in writing stating qualifications to GEORGIAN AMBULANCE DISPATCH 112 Bradford St Barrie Ont L4H 3B1 ACCOUNTING TRAINEE Fulltime position for selfmotivated person with future in accounting Experienced in Accounts Receivable with knowledge of general office procedures up to and including Trial Balance Good typing essential References please Reply in writing giving detailed resume and salary expected to Box BS4 Barrie Examiner TF 71help waRItedi Two positions available We require painters helper with minimum of SEEKING FASHION CAREER Showing Chandelle Fashions on home party plan you can earn fulltime in come working iust evenings week AUTO BODY ZIIIelp wanted STATIONARY ENGINEER Canadian Industries Ltd has on opening for stationary engineer at its explosives and chemical plant at Nobel Ontario Candidates should be holders of 3rd class stationary engineer papers for an oil fired high pressure plant and have experience with boiler room maintenance The plant is located in an attractive resort area within easy reach of larger cities All excellent benefit plan is included with employment Please apply in writing outlining your qualifications and experience to CANADIAN INDUSTRIES lTD EXPLOSIVES DIVISION NOBEL ONTARIO NO 160 Attention Personnel Dept INDUSTRIAL MILLWRIGHT Canadian Industries Ltd has an opening for an Industrial Millwright at its explosives plant at Nobel Ontario The plant is situated in resort area within easy access of larger cities Maior duties will include the repair installation trouble shooting and preventive maintenance of all mechanical equipment within the works Experience with conveyOrs pumps fans hydraulic and pneumatic systems and their related components would be required Person best suited for this position would have many years experience as millwright or maintenance mechanic in an industrial plant environment All interested applicants should send their resumes giving full details of ex perience qualifications and references to Canadian Industries Ltd Explosives Division Nobel Ontario MG 100 Attention Personnel Dept 515 Large ï¬nancial organhation requires SALES AND SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE for the Barrie area Storting income to $300 per week if qualified year training program Full benefits No overnight travel Opportunity for management in future Write brief resume to PERSONNEL MANAGER BOX 1023 BARRIE ONT TOWNSHIP OF ESSA Requires an Animal Control Officer The Township of Essa invites applications for the position of Animol Control Officer This is fulltimeposition Applications in writing together with personal resume stating previous ex perience other pertinent in formation and salary expected must be submitted to the un 7lhelp wanted wmraessmmrék required Apply in person to head waitress Bayshore Motor Hotel EXPERIENCED COOKS and short order cooks wanted for dining room in Barrie Full time Telephone Charles 7262910 mp Aurmequires or year experienced body person Telephone726o481 EARN EXTRA MONEY Show our ex citing line of Christmas cards and gifts to friends neigthrs relatives No ex perience needed Our big colorlully il Iustrated catalogue makes it easy and profitable Start now Write today for free Christmas catalogue and informa tion MONARCH GREETING CARDS 217 Cannon Hamilton LEN 3K3 or phone 416 5273091 TAXI DRIVERS for full time days and evenings Must have good driving record and neat appearance Apply In person only Maple Avenue Barrie MAUDE KOURYS Steak House rt quires short order cook11arn pm For appointment call no 6030 EXPERIENCED DINING ROOM waiterswaitresses required Apply at Lakeview Dining Room 185 Dunlop street East Barrie PARTS PERSON With automotive parts experience for counter work All normal benefits Salary related to experience PRATT MOTOR SUPPLY CO 39 High St 728 5911 Attention Barry McElrea OFFICE SUPPLIES SALESPERSON needed for Barrie and area to call on all businesses Car allowance supplied All replies strict confidence Write Box 851 The Examiner Barrie TWO EXPERIENCED parttiine waitresseswaiters Apply Robertas Pizza 147 Dunlap Street East Barrie MATURE PERSON with drivers licence to live in and look after elderly couple All conveniences Telephone 726 6716 EXPERIENCED PRODUCE OPERATOR required immediately salary commensurate with experience Apply in person to Terry Weir at Christies IGA 11 Essa Road Barrie HELP FOR DAIRY FARM Permanent position Excellent working conditions must be interested in registered Hols teins Prefer married person Good house Salary negotiatable to match ex perience and ability 705 322 2345 before am or alter pm Or apply Spr ingvalley Farms Ltd Ray Spring Elmvale0ntario EXPERIENCED PETROLEUM DELIVERY driver for maior petroleum distributor in the Barrie area Must have Class drivers licence and be familiar with Barrie and surrounding area Good starting salary and working conditins Write Box 358 Examiner Barrie 0n Promotion Opportunity If you want to get ahead and are willing tgwcrkcall 7367400 for interview aITesnslnasents HITCH HOUSE LIMITED Home Division We are looking for y0ung self starter to join our expanding sales staff The successful applicant must be able to work alone be aggressive and not be afraid of long hours or hard work This job offers long term stable employment and above average earnings with growth oriented company For appomlmenr please call Mr James Williams Vice PreSIdent 7289700 TOP COMMISSIONS Sell anywhere part timelull time sideline Calendars ad specialties printed labels tapes ball pens office supplies etc Our 27th year New catalogue available Alco Box 3772 Ottawa 75ftrade schools TRAIN NOW for your class tractor trailer licence For application and in Eryiewcall 416 251 2275 76employment wanted LADY WILL DO cleaning light housekeeping days week for two bedroom apartment west end plaza or on bus route Phone eveings 728 4656 117 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF GEORGINA LILLIAN SCHNARR also known as Jean Schnarr deceased All claims against the Estate of TROPICAL FISH Best selection in 131T Prowler 935000 from Bronte Book nowforthe years experience and body person Youwillalsobecome the owner ofanew dersigned no later than Georgina Lillian Schnarr also turns inaspeciall3weektui Gauranteed weekly wage Hayman ad mate erience and basic °W Aéaerr2 ZYLSffgeiegggpaggg 14 Lionel 390000 Salmon Hunt AUQ to Sept ion course AMllotngjrs sLtd 7666 Toronto Closed lying Pigse call T286612 for appoint margtriigfciiiiilis5tiiog ell grill AY 1979 303 08 $5372 31 mes 30 menl 11 JOY FRID mee ing peope ease ca Exfiézgsgszzi 23 722325 13 64374 or 6391 gaulgsxss cove cum MANBAgEIR tor fast food restaurant WELDER FITTER eouiredforallposi TURNER 8355556 ARTHUR ROTH County of Simcoe who died on LL icenced withyearstasttood runs weld by v4me 5° 99mg groomm Charge 17 J0 go 5395 00 TTh5526 Enrollment Open To all experience Salary protit sharing Also bllueprints ngd olllayyoutowgfi 32 ClerkTreasurer or am he 15 dijf 58p we P°77°°° mm ages WaileSSESWailers required Call depending on ability Job inOrIIlia SHORT ORDER COOK TownshipofEssa ember1979musbelledwm MINIATURE POODLE femaleblack NW 79 No revious aim or 705 325 6662 728 am Marlene Knowles Phone Aisco 1325162 between parttimeAppvln Person atThe Loft94 Bo 10 the undersigned on or before months old Asking $85 Phone 723 8850 127Joyco 1120000 SHAMPOO Pousfln MEFPE Peelflorim 4309 D°P 599wesL992lL the 5th day of October 1979 Mm 129 prowler 900 on expeen°e Recess mmum Angus Ontario oh li FREETOGOODHOME eigmkilens Askforfreo home Job Interwews avail LOMBO erw lc state wi six males two females Feur black and 32 Prowler 1100000 able for best syudems WDIIL lllrlL black one white 7372385 7260718 WANTED GOOD HOME for year old female part toy fox and chihuahua Itinyl Needs constant companionship New 1979 Hardtop Trailers 259500 220000 Joyce Jayflight Lionel L345 demonstration today ELECTROLUX 7283392 For details and class sched ules please phone HER Canada Ltd SIO12ISI719 be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and atfection not actwsable for small Hionell25 27030 DATED at Barrie Ontario this 6th do of Se tember Children 728 NW 2LIonel M500 7203021 PUREBRED IRISH SETTER pups SIX BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION 56 Weeks old two females one male complee equp 315° Mary Street Open Monday and Tuesday 55 ST Telephone 421 1737 after TOY POMERANIAN puppies for sale weeks old Male and teman black and orange sable Can be registered Phone 728 9316 DALMATION PUPPIES available Three malls lblack one liver spotted Seven weeks old Purebred Call Joy to Sp itt 726 6407 after 5728 8289 SOgardeit supplies CHOICE TOP SOIL Evening and Salur day delivery Phone 726 3918 or 7261117 S6Campin9 equipment AUCTION OVER MILLION DOLLARS UNRESERVED OVER 45 NEW USED MOTORHOMES AND TRAILERS WILL BE SOLD IN DETAILED IOTS IY PUBLIC AUCTION TOGETHER wRV PARTS INVENTORY TAURUS TERRY TRILLIUM TRIPLE LEOCRAFT BENDIX PROWLER HOLIDAY ETC DATE SAT SEPT 22 at fun AT PARKWAY TRAILERS AI used trailers listed at special reduced prices 0R0 MOBILE HOMES Hwy 115 Miles North of Barrie Shanty Bay 705 7261651 517 1977 MOTOR HOME 18 eight cylinder automatic sleeps six good gas mileage excellentcondition 436 5134 ROOMY MAVERICK hardtop camper trailer in excellent condition Sleeps tablewith bench seats ice box Coleman stove side camopy Canvas side walls have clear plastic Windows and screens Full height aluminum side entrance door Fully adjustable built in support legs This perfectly balanced trailer pulls easin behind small car $675 firm 705 436 3855 evenings s7livestock for sale SALE PRICED FOR SEPTEMBER Double registered purebred Arabian lil Iy Top bloodlines super confirmation 29 months Sells with breeding to chant pion stallion 1416 729 2892 HORSE BOARDING Highway 11 at Guthrie Telephone 487 2442 50 HEAD of cattle tor sale Purebred Herfords Call 728 9204 attel Sitlivestock wanted HOCKEY PLAYERS perienced and over 75 726 8877 or 721 0927 after 59poultrychicks must be ex Telephone 100 430p and Thursday 30 930 pm 737 4222 726 9300 Ext 236 ALCOHoLch ANONYMOUS 728 6581 if you drink thats your business It you wanltoquitthatsours Call anytime RIDING INSTRUCTION indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie five minutes Windy Haugh Farm 726 0192 BOWLERS WANTED for leagues form ing now Men women SITTQICS couples teams Call Kempview Bowl 728 9761 DANCE OF THE ORIENTS Belly dan Cing classes begin again September 17th Phone Trisha 728 6531 after TELECARE Why light your problem alone Let friend help Call Telecare 726 7922 anytime RIDE NEEDED from Blake Johnson Street area to Toronto Yorkdale Plaza Dufferin and Highway 401 area to arrive 30 starting Monday Call Norm afterop 737 3369 REFLEXOLOGY Relaxes tenSIon im proves circulation promotes natural functioning of the body For appoint merit with EUGENE SIENKIEWICZ Certified Reflexologist please phone 726 5661 BERMONT JOSEPH LEBLANC or anyone knowmg his present whereabouts please contact Box 855 of this paper on matter of urgent per sonal concern CLEAN QUlET lady age 48 Wishes male abstainer age 40 45 for companionship marriage if compatible Reply to Box 856 The Examiner Barrie SINCERE MALE senior citizen reqwres reliable female friend to look after nice home Own bedroom TV Lets discuss 517 Tilhelpiwantedr SELL THE BEST KNOWN NAME IN BEAUTY Avons top quality products find eceptive customers everywhere At present we have openings for sales representatives in BARRIE ANGUS ORO TWP ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN THESE AREAS YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND WIN PRIZES TOO EXAMINER ROUTES COLLIER 8i ALBERT ST AREA PEEL ST ARDAGH 8i PATTERSON RD DESIGNER Belgium Standard Industries is manufacturer of aluminum truck bodies trailers and rbage packer trucks We are eeking an experienced esignerengineer Preferred xperience would be in sheet etol fabrication Apply to EATOCK Engineering Manager BELGIUM STANDARD INDUSTRIES 35 University Ave PO Box 186 Waterloo Ont N2J 329 5198855220 7731 gen MESSRS CONDER SUGG BIGELOW MILLER KENNY 8i REED Barristers and Solicitors PO Box 646 Barrie Ontario LAM 4V1 Solicitors for the Executors 5152229 NOTICE Deadline for classified word ads pm day previous noon Saturday 7245365 help568m ROSS LLOYD MARTIN MULCASTER ST AREA ENTER 7634WOODBlNEAVEMARRHAM or ALB steam to la puiievs Farm C°°°° INNISFIL TWP PRISES LTD N0=Toronto416495II°I makerslicensing 31ENI°tid Psalmist orlos in Phone 7266539 AOPHIA WORSLEY OWEN sr AREA REALTOR TERMS ciisli or claim Chg Pleadseedgram gigggpbegeglnSs nag mmcg WASAGA BEACH CUMBERLAND ST Auctioneer EARL BROWNING S20 1974 FORD 250 truck with auxiliary gas tank plus ll tt Fleetwmg camper way fridge stove with oven furnace shower toilet Sleeps tour Ample storage area pressure system and extra holding tank lcondition 56000 705i 689 5497 NARDTOP CAMPER for sale with din FOR SALE 20 bushels of Yorkstar seed wheat Also tractor lire size IS 38 Telephone 728 8166 idfarm machinery CASE MODEL 400 gas tractor 50 hp condition Call alter 5p 7276112737 66farmers market HONEY HOOPE executive director Barrie will be speaking on the operation of the BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers of the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or TINY TWP Phone today and find out how sy it is to get started Highest ommission Call 7289652 Avon you make me SMILE TF DUNLOP QUEEN ST TORONTO BRADFORD ST AREA SANFORD VICTORIA AREA TIFFIN ST CLAPPERTON ST AREA BAYFIELD MARY STS TORONTO ST BURTON GOWAN AREA Yes would like more information about an Examiner Carrier SALESPERSON Expanding firm urgently needs aggressive salesperson for NEW HOME site in Barrie Homes are priced to sell quickly with good financing and professional presentation For further information call Bob at 9° °°°° 322 2i3i° fiT sobii d°°9° ROU9 7268000 ï¬Ã©HggchbUhSYgrooNvEELEDJZarcane Msopowd11ndolSthornbdr through either oi ure or lacy OF SCHOOL ME or reasonable Telephone 710 1233 Hony ciailuble in now common year In forwarding such rap tes 12 4437 977 HOLIDAY 76 Hliackcr better wd EDWARD WOODS howeverOlheWiseH TF AMINGA CAREER th loge forced c1t$ 92 HILLSDALE EXAMINER 01 710 PARENTS SIGNATURE PI St on 57000 IsursITrstgliiithrurst willful package 8354308 WANT ADS one Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Barrie L4M 416 also negotiable Call 728 Mo NOT later TThS016 515 than 100 please PHONE 7282414 LLI