Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Sep 1979, p. 15

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1098AYFIELD ST 7209201 Open am pm MondaySaturday Well Help You Make The Right Move OPEN HOUSE NEW BRICK HOME SUNDAY 100 400 PM Split entry brick choice of broadloom bedrooms super large lot asking $49900 take County Rd 22 to signs in Anton Mills Your host Bob Donford HANDYMAN TWO STOREY bedroom home with detached garage Close to school shopping Tread lot Try on offer Call Ian Hynd REDUCTION $55900 ThorntonModern sidespllt offers bedrooms main floor lamin room with walkout Vt acre lot double garage Call Sue Drennan INNISFIL BEAUTY Ideal for retired couple or starter im maculate inside and out parklike grounds $38500 Call George Vale for details CONVENIENTLY LOCATED TO DOWNTOWN Family home on large lot with garage and workshopv2 bathrooms bedroom Asking price only $39900 Please call Edith Binnendyk at 726 Rmul lrusl NE SIGN MI SE LLS Fust in homes RoyamustYour first name in real estate IIIproperty for sale PRIVATE SALE brick bungalow on quiet crescent in north end at Barrie three bedrooms large living room and kitchen bathroom with vanity Asking 545500 7283900 77 $85000 ULTRA MODERN 2000 sq lt bedrooms and den large living room lieldstone lireplace diningroom cedar celllngs windows Irom lloor to ceiling Teak kitchen combined with lamily room lieldstone lireplace patio doors 357 Bayfield St Burril 7288800 Toronto Line 8814171 Fast in service ROval Trusl Corporalon Canada Reallal 176apts to rent BARRIE ANNE GARDENS 259 Dunlap St Spacious suites available Utilities included convenient location 7265771 Cd DEL REALTY 7370500 TAMARACR WOODS Little onviel Drive COUNTRY LIVING in BEDROOM TOWNHOMES WITH EARLY OCCUPANCY Gas fired forced air heating Some with ravine settings Tennis Court Adiacent Molsan Park ORents from $300 per month HEADWAY CORPORATION 7373992 ThFSTF BEDROOM detached houses Maple FURNISHED BEDROOM central us at kitchen Phone 7373106 21room and board AVAILABLE NOW Male or female Single room central close to bus stop Students welcome Telephone 7263670 mfiOARD available lor elder ly people in private home Two vacan cies only Telephone77373070 23otlices stores lor rent RENTANOEEICE DOWNTOWN BY THE DAY WEEK OR MONTH OR YEAR OR TWO MAIN FLOOR EXECUTIVE OFFICE RENTALS Fully Staffed Equipped Furnished STORAGE SPACE Basement Area 7260988 518 1°71 PONTIAC CATALINA 350 good running order needs minor work S450 Also Rally Super Sport mens live speed 575 Telephone 7370814 1976 BUICK SKYLARK pawer steer ing power brakes automatic AMFM seven tires on rims undercoated 52995 lirm Cert=ied Telephone 726 7198 33cars wantedto buy WANTED Cars for wrecking Cars for scrap All scrap materials Best price paid Tonnage price scales available SHAKELLS Hwy No 11 Strand 4363677 MWFOl7 URGENTLY REQUIRED For Borries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH CLARRS HOME FURNISHINGS TRADETN WAREHOUSE Now located at the rear of the Discount Store 40 Bayfield SI entry through 40 Bayfield St or Clarks main Stare Used refrigerators stoves wringer washers automatic washers and dryers guaranteed for 30 days Bed outfits complete 51995 vinyl headboards from $500 love seats Chesterfield sets chairs solid teak chests willy Starting October79 Ordertonhe gotalree 12 blackondwhlte0rtehour w1tfl91=Y4r9 Klw Tgtfr¢yrnrl ssfierrlt¢¢ls lt It Illproperty lor sale 01property lor sale otnroperty for sale 01property for sale I7houses to rent zitrooms to let 77 77 IIIcars for sale the examiner Saturday Sept 15 197915 ww FURNISNED ROOM lor rent rE 1968 BUICK SKYLARK cgnverttbl in 77 77 erator andlnenssu leds22week exce lent condition est er AVAIu 19Centrally loclaled Telgdhone 7249359 Teleptlone13734t74yLeI747pm777 40arttcles for sale 40artlcles for sale fimfimwrrwm 1973 PINTO FORD RUNABOUT price NEW BEDROOM HOME FURNISHED BEDROOM and useol kit 5795 good condition certilied four 14 chen and living room Laundry lacilities speed 7287267 mm $325 monthly available Close to bus stop Centrally I97 pINTO fest agefryean 7m 07 on Convenient location Salad 7770 Pm 7286237 solid Under delvory RWY KELLYS now next door to Moatmon Highway Femdole 7371182 TE NONEv Fure Natural tie pound Whytes mile north ol Georgian Mall Telephone 723 357277 BARN FOR SALE Must be dismantled Wood in good condition Telephone 705 4589431 BEDROOM SUITE Solid cherry wood queen size poster bed with box spring and mattress triple dresser with large mirror chest night tables all in brand new condition Telephone alter pm 728 1078 SKIS AND BOOTS pair Skis Dynaslar No 20780 bindings Marker Rotamat poles Nordkapp 53 boats Nordica size 12 medium all in near new condition Ask ing 5200 complete Also pair skis Arlberg 78 with Silvretta bindings boots Arlberg size 10 Asking 575 complete Telephone alter pm 728 1078 VISUAL PRODUCTION PLANNING Display Board week period 50 lines II It Price new $600 asking 5200 Telephone alter pm 728 1078 PRESSURE WASH UNIT Mobile Make and St Paul USA model 813 110 volt hp with soap mix Demonstrator in brand new condition Price new $1200 asking 5600 Telephone alter pm 728 1078 STEREO CONCORD AMFM chan nel stereo receiver R400 with speakers Sony PSTI turntable Excellent con 3679 728920 TreargraOTlrggggtilTllcal 22333323 lee IF gratlfigoide Txghsclepnlfitbnndghclrggylgg GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL 59 c°mb°° °°be dition Telephone alter pm 7201073 Midhurslarea 7283919 77 against purchase price Inquiries to 320 lesg AZEIIBSIZZLCEmipéfiflffifi AUTOMOBILES for was and records or PORTABLE DEBARKER we s5000DowN tust listed so 000 cute 7251363337 7p1728w99 alter pym ORV All MOTORS borite 109 kitchen IObIe round Snf °I°53°1°32°g2 Mn two bedroom home with new broadloom IT IS POSSISLE RZnt on nEvV home fiafifiN OFFICE 5535 leg 176 BRADFORD ST 7284272 ice cream parlor tables and meg one eve urnished stove and lridge 143 Burton ing on can 90 owar syour own payment For SIM or large sunes immediam ocf Wlle back chairs chests ol EINTZMAN nd Avenue Al Beacock 4873090 represen Spacious L273 bedroom mes Inlormatlon call Mr JarVIs 7266805 24 cupancy 5m Iong germ 726300 PANO LIVING ROOM beamed caihedral ceilings walkout from dining room to large deck few of the features of this bedroom home Full basement with fireplace upgraded broadloom Asking $49900 Should be seen Call Ian Hynd DISTRESS SALE $43900 bedroom brick home full basement immaculate throughout nestled On two treed acres Must be sold immediately School bus at door Call Audrey Gallant BEST OF EVERYTHING $53900 Top broadloom beautiful deck yard bedrooms rec room with wet bar mature trees quiet ti7ng7 John Cole Limited Realtor 737 2101 MUST SELL Three bedroom bungalow with extra large kitchen lot 50 200 in Wasaga Beach 529000 All ollers considered 726 7989 047Io7ts lorsale Convenient Clean building To view call 7263327 or 7267153 04lots lor sale END OFSEASON SALE Private sale of prime cottage lots Wide selection on Eagle Lake Well freed 150 water frontage acre road access Excellent boating fishing and swimming Prices reduced for end of season Mortgage financing available Call 4168639634 or PRIVATE CHOICE LOT approximate ly 60x165 in Allandale Good view In LUXURIOUS TWO BEDROOM apart ment 5270 monthly includes hydro 73 Hour Service NEW LAKEFRONT HOME bedroom near Shanty Bay Lots 01 privacy No pets Available immediately Telephone 7265037 MINESING One bedroom stove lridge carpeted drapes Newly decorated September 1st June lst 1980 $225 monthly plus security deposit 7287175 after pm BARRIE FERRIS PARK 141 or 159 Daphne Cres Three bedroom houses 5350 each monthly Available October st TOWNHOUSE bedroom no ap pliances $292 monthly plus utilities First and last months rent 7289534 weekdays alter 6or all day Saturday Letitia Heightsarea Telephone 72673330 CUNDLES and BAYFIELD area clean Angeloll 1000 SQUARE FEET airconditioned ollice space lor rent with parking spots available immediately Telephone 726 7130 NEW PROFESSIONAL OFFICE Pres tige area Ample parking 1100 so It Bell Farm Rd by Georgian College Duckworth Cloverleal 7260231 24space lor rent FOR LEASE OR SALE industrial space and warehouse Telephone 726 3400 Angeloll WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM at 108 Victoria Street 1590 square leet Grass lease everything included 5475 men SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED Top prices paid Free immediate pickup any time4362900 COLE BROS Cars and trucks WANTED lor wrecking Fast pickup Phone 43563227days 4245949 evenings JUNK CARSWANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 7268711 TOP PRICE lor top cars Toke Motors Limited l19 Bradlord street Barrie 72931 We TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 7268487 WANTED Clean used cars Barrie HOn da Auto Sales 17 Gowan St 726 64887 WANTED GARAGE in Barrie area lor boat storage Telephone 7262995 alter or best oller Telephone7726 177287 1972 FORD SUPER VAN Fully customized inside and out CB FM drawers recliners saver sofas space 515 FREEZERS Woods chest and upright lully war ranted delivery tree Trades accepted Special low pricing on this one linaI truck load lor the year Financing available Call or visit Simcoe Co Op 259 lnnislil 72676531 HONEY pore natural 85d pound Whytes lz mile north at Georgian Mall Telephone 7288522 SWIMMING FOOLMANUFACTURER has new 1978 Pools regular price $219000 now at our all season special ol NEW STORE SALE excellent condition $635 Call726 7324 SONY STEREO Sematlonol AMFM receiver custom turntable $343 Get free speakers Under $5 Wkly stoning October79 KRAZY KELLYS now next door to Madtman One hour dellvery nghway WIFomdaloJIWlln TE STORM WINDOWS six large 61 37 tour windows 49 31 12 lights kept painted in excellent condition Telephone 487 5843 THREE FAMILY GARAGE SALE 210 fikweiLL thlyApply StewartWholesale7283051 Pine Drive Painswlck Saturday and write EZ 34truck5 and trailers 3135500 Pools come with walk around no Buns xNESLNG Wes 96 PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 1000 7A deck patio lencing pump motor and SundaYVam 69 Rugsgademlg WINTERIZED COTTAGE $18000 Cozy bedroom close to lake ne room ove trldge carpeted Inclsmouseholdllems drapes Newly decoramd September 18000 Sq lully sprlnklered transport 1972 FORD SUPER VANlully customlz ltlter delivery arranged to your convc Furniture undo Ilances includedcau Ian nd Suite 924390 Bay St and light truck loading docks drive in ed inside and out ca FM cassette nience For best selection and inlorma LUDWIG SEMI TRANSPARENT pp JuneI 1980 $200 monthly plus securtt on MS depositnaqns doors 14lt18 lt clear part ol large ex stereo custom tront end Fully tion call tolllreel 800 2685970 DRUMS Four tenor toms 13 two 15 WALKING DISTANCE T0 DOWNTOWN $41900 Spacious Ss THREE BEERdaflhusimrfih pandinginglitgflngygoflgg77777 broadloomed bed etc $4000 value kmofiggavggoomjyujlmeg 6055 and 16 single 18lloor tom24 bass bedroom home with modern decor large private lot can sue no baseman cemmfigsfiggmgafifi 1500 so FTSTORAGE spacetorlease 1243653ltML ondisplavComeintoday or ca726 4404 WWW rockersfine 35 Brennan broadlmmed my bus door VI truck entrance 17a Tillin St Telephone 1979 WHITE Western Star sleeper with lor tree 32 page booklet ol inground and Ymms one 99 FUUWIJ 599° why Nudes ea hgdgg L24 3109 Agoglgtgfi lob it qualified MC 290 1419509 It above ground pools Pioneer Pools gemaflcgfgfigargggUglngggfigggggs JUST LISTEDI 114 R055 STREET bedroom sidespIIII WINS for saIe 16apartmentslor renL Manageimmedmwlngyqbgg 7000 so FTdMI Industrial space lor gggghggerffirhggo wheelbase $42000 gayrflaftflazj WWW 771mg Canaans ww ease Groun level Steel building 77 WIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER prolesSIonally landscaped Immaculate condltlon central alr ACRE LOTS in new subdivision MODERN luxunv kQIILGErgcourgonBEefiggxedegcmg highway 400 exposm Essa Rd We lm FORD F100 lzton pickup v3 OVERSTOCKEDMustcloseoulall1979 35CEDIIT4R ZEEzCE ralls+520lorlot AIR asklng $54900 Drlve by then call Bob Danford lully serviced Permits to build homes garage nice Yard omober mo change 18leetcleardriveindoor550V automatic libreglass cap good me models and Sizes Huge Savings on above ltZIOND I0 5000 new condl 415 7365 or 705 45 93L VERY LARGE an my 56 88977538 728686 Barrie avallable Contact Omar Morrow chanically needs body work Best oller ground and inground pools ol Steel and 50 FREEZER Ubc 520000 DOWN 00 re farm b° bedr°°m h°usel ANTENWTLLS Second Eridanus bedroom apartments for lease fiiEEBEDEWmdes Road Ba7r7rie 07lttaril777l705I7262681 77 Ray scottTV728 80117 aluminium No monthly payments until EEUSIQPI Fame57 737 vendor Wlll hold mortgage at 10 interest Call Audrey Gallant well treed lots Underground services Quid adul buiIding No peIs garage 99 I0 mo High RETAIL WAREHOUSE tor lease 7200 1978 DODGE loo pickup with lined cap 1232 SEILOJI reel37070 24875797707 GARAGE SALE Frlday Saturday and protected building restriction5 319000 Ummes available bcmber phonyealzmr sq t1 righton Highway 11 near Orillia per 33000 kms will accept trade in SUM 930 am 5W ON SUNNIDALE ROAD WELL BUILT BRICK HOME on large lot ml is mlnules to game hospital References 7289682 90 5pm 752571 was Farmer Jacks Furniture TelephoneLLWEfleiéfifl Xuysenlla eiirllllilremgnlléué3 full basement and garage Owner wants to go west Asking flwnenyflflgw HOLGATE Apt 102 3750500 hBJSgfiJEIEEfAVEIIame VlaIEMPES C31 Ifé7797 77 GMC VAN Power steering and nuances chain miscellaneous $44900 Please call Edith Binnendyk dt7263679 or 7289201 ggf96g7fan 743 °5 TThSTF November till May 30 $325 monthly 2593f8995 brakes partly customized Asklno $5500 tools baby needs plants stereo also mg lresh sweetcorn 70cts dozen SCALE counter Toledo up to 24 lbs cellent condition ideal lor grocery bedrooms llntshed basement Slave Pm cassette stereo custom lront end Full EQhPOWPOOd bUl VeIY Close 70 Baffle owner Transferred Coll 3251CLI9gglggegla seam area Peleghosrlgefgéflgza 2535 and 35 relrigerator two bathson bus route No broadloomed bed em 7000 value ggzeflm 193 WWW Telephone Bob Donford pets $450 monthly Available September 37Cal5 for sale $3195 4365309 LAND LAND LAND ORO IO Acres on Hwy 11 mostly clear INNISFIL100 acres on 8th all bush NOTTAWASAGA 98 acres South of Creemore 4V2 ACRES Frontage 277 leet depth 750 feet Highway 12 between Fesserton and Waubaushene Price 514900 Telephone 7055382592 07business opportunities ONE BEDROOM apartment Includes stove and fridge $205 per month plus utilities One year lease required Call 7287025 alter pm 167a pts7o rent 77 15 7267734 SMALL HOUSE near Utopia availablE soon Phone 4241276 Willard Dobson Ioapts to 7rent HONDA TRADEIN I974 CHEV NOVA dr sedan cyl outo PS radio new WW tires 51840 1969 GMC ton asking $425 as is Good running condition Also BOX TRAILERS one 13 tires one 14 tires Phone 7286532 alter 500 1976 INTERNATIONAL F1800 $4214 ANCASTER DEPRESSION GLASS SHOW and sale Sunday Sept 16 10 am pm Marritt Hall Fair Grounds Hwy No 53 Ancaster Ont FREEZER 22 Cubic leel 5175 PIANO older upright model 5300 Telephone TANDEM 10x20 lres 392 gas engine 50 acres hlgh on hlll EARN UP To ml 72° MW Wt 33 ransmissiog 2d 526 mm 728 6861 alter ox ands ee oa er ompe cer I255 bus P9 $15000 PER All BARRIE HONDA AUTO SALES tilied 20000porigilnal miles one owner ll It mm mum e°9e 55 Raise large bait worms in yourE so Best client435 6322 days 424 5949 even xnoo 21 Ings Canltnance llcredttapproved lncrodl 050mm warranty Eectronlc Bob Donford 7263740 Ralph Williams 4283432 basement or garage Com 71554 Fv AF Fw who new om 1972 FORD ton plckup Ranger My wily an Ian Hynd 4562872 Sue Drennan 4873090 Plately Odorfess small automatlc 302 V8 power Steerlng and It P°°b9 UN WMY Betty Bowman 7233876 pat Harrington 4573140 wstment required Notional giakeéefigioa néeéwoapoainll itaggobggabest October79 One hour amino Ember79 KRAZJI ELLV George Vale 7269790 Lorna Verstraten 4241956 Green PlHell dl 1703 ANTIQU Ercgivr delivery own °°H° Mmmun My Audrey Gallant 4361179 ARE YOU PLANNING TO BUILD Mount Saint Louis ANNOUNCES ITS SPECIAL SUMMER SALE Mattawa Avenue Mississauga Ontario L4X 1K5 Telephone 4162764560 TSTF MR CORNED BEEF FRANCHISE available in Orillia Turn key operation adiacent to McDonaIds across the road Irom Ponderosa pro lected gross $230000 net 545000 LLBO licenced with 84 seats plus 60 seat ap proved patio area Owner has other in terests will sell lor 559500 $15000 cash minimum down payment or will lease lor 52000 per month 312 Memorial Ave Orillia Mr Knowles Barrie 7289636 or 3256662 Ofillia o9commercialindustrial SPACIOUS and BEDROOM 1951 Ford low mileage runs well new brakes Shocks complete tuneup needs some work in trunk Best oller over $1700 726 4057 1974 PONTIAC passenger wagon lull power including lactory air recently certilied New shocks and lront end Price includes new paint $2695 Telephone 436 5309 1971 v8 VEGA 350 228 engine turbo 350 transmission headers and highrise 750 Holley carburettor $2000 Telephone 835 2099 AUTO INSURANCE andflihiome in surance Competitive rates Call John Nelson lnsurance728 95719am 9pm I974 DODGE DART SWINGERA1run ning condition Telephone 728 1821 1973 CHEVY VEGA Hatchback au tomatic A1 condition 45000 miles Cer W9 F150 EXPLORERTpoweiEieerlng power brakes 350 automatic Call alter pm 7280659 1973 GMC CREW CAB power steering power brakes 350 motor standard transmission Will certily 424 5595 1977 CHEVY VAN custom from end rool visor Spoiler llares rear wheel kit root light Crager mag wheels captains chairs sports steering wheel interior insulated and lined Many more extras Excellent condition Asking 55500 7284421 1973 CHEVY VAN 20 series V8 automatic power brakes new rad brakes and paint panelled carpeted bed etc 51800 728 0920 1973 FORD tortpiCkup lor saleA17c70n dition Telephone 728 6217 or 7276 6037 1978 FORD F100 000 miles west coast mirrors tonneau cover radio L60x15 KRAZY RELLYS hit door to Mantra HIGHWAY 90 ll EERNDALE 461 DUNLOP 737ll SWIMMING POOLS Leading distributor has above ground pools on sale complete with lilter motor pump skimmer walk around patio and lenc ing regularly 52129 now 51333 while supply lasts Call collect 519 623 4351 COTTAGERS DESTROYER Pollution Fighter Demolishes waste deposits in outdoor toilets dislntegrates down to earth eventually Avoids unplea sant cleaning tasks It unobtainable Io ll Forndale 7371 182 TE DISHWASHER ADMIRAL avocado green heavy duty wood top lront loader years old Completely recondi llorled $135 MOF FAT 30 Stave while completely reconditioned years old 575 DISHWASHER Magic Chetwhite heavy duty wood top lronl loader years old completer reconditioned $100 726 6667 BEDROOM SUITE by Kaufman five pieces pecan wood linrsh new over $17200 asking 5600 Telephone 737 4274 GARAGE SALE Saturday September 15th and Sunday I6th 10 at 98 Christie Crescent Letitia Heights GARAGE SALE Saturday September 15 and Sunday September 16 am to pm 25 Agnes Street north ol Grove oll tilied $1000 or best oller 737I247 alter cally postpaid S3 00 can lrom Log Cabin er arts white rna cerlllled 96 oys bob baby Items per mmiv Me7 77 TelDephonpe 7262048 alter6 pgm Efgdlcsfiff 76 599 0° household articles Somethng lor 1975 NOVA power steering and brakes 19 Maw cfiindgg 323071 BER LADYS FULL LENGTH wool winter everyone 55 COLLIER ST BARRIE 7372101 20 OFF IST PRICES llST PRICES sl 9oo to $24900 SPECIAL PRICES $11900 to $19900 lllltil SEPTEMBER 30 Why not take leisurely 18 minute drive to our paved streets and see these beautiful large wooded and scenic year round residential and recreational homesites for yourself Get out of your car and walk around to enon nature at its best Drop in at the Farmhaus for lunch iust miles down the road opposite Mount St Louis Ski Resort Special considerations to Builders and others who will build new EOR BROCHURE CONTACT BILL SARERIS AT LOU GOEDEMONDT REAL ESTATE LIMITED 7372880 OR WRITE TO PO BOX 646 BARRIE Mount Saint Louis retreat in the heart of Simcoe County to WASAGA BEACH la TORONTO 75 mm Inc 5an 14 In IAIRIE Yo TORONTO sa13 152022727739 it CENTRAL BARRIE 13X sq ft in new building Doityourself oriented business preferred REASONABLE RENT Immediate Occupancy Please 1261439 ThFSTF IllllllllllSlll in mm on Industrial Commercial for sale or lease 7263422 TF ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED LARGE BALCONIES OVERLOOKING BAY COLORED APPLIANCES STORAGE LOCKERS ENSUITE SAUNAS EXERCISE ROOM AND GAMES ROOM BILLIARD ROOM OTENNIS COURT CLOSE TO SIMCOE PLAZA PUBLIC BEACH YACHT CLUB IDEAL FOR RETIRED PEOPLE RENTAL OFFICE HOURS 12 to pm weekdays 11 to pm weekends 7269580 37 JOHNSON STREET BARRIE Mu l7houses to rent IF YOU NEED MONEY Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties Wed love to help you To consolldale debts low monme payments Home Improvements any worth reason We have ready cash to purchase mongages MORTGAGE FUNDING I4mobile homestrailers I6apts to rent Horseshoe Valley area acre 01 land Recently remodelled $250 per month residential area Relerences and lirst and last months rent $310 hydro includ ed Immediate7occu Call 487 3819 ANGUS small hou ghway9o lull basement and attic garage heat and hydro supplied Telephone 728 8598 INNISFIL Cl bedroom house to rent $400 November winterized home bedrooms living room kitchen pc bath utility room garage $285 monthly lirstand last Phone 456 2428 alter5pm JeEDRoOM BACKSPLIT Id baths garage year lease Relerances 5350 TWO BEDROOM euNGACow near radio excellent condition 45000 miles will certily new paint $3000 or best at fer call beloreggm 726 97273 76 CORDOB loaded power seats steering brakes Windows air AM track stereo cruise control must be seen Open tor ollers Call 4245335 I971 MONTE CARLO power steering and brakes rear window delogger ex cellent condition $1600 certified 51500 as is Telephone Gary 7281988 alter pm HONDA TRADEIN 1976 AMC PACER dr 6ltyl auta P5 radio rear window dologger WW tires wheel discs trailer hitch 36978 miles lic LLY957 Excellent value at S2995 BARRIE HONDA AUTO SALES 17 Gavan Street 7266488 515 74 AUDI Fox New brakes alternator 1974 CHEVROLET CAPRICE CLASSIC CONVERTIBLE in exceptional condi seen and driven youll like it Certilied $4250 Will take older car Small boat motorcycle or snowmobile as part pay ment Phone 726 4646 or 7284272 I977 GRAND PRIX Excellent condition many options including airconditioning power windows AMFM Stereo Cer 57000 miles radio snow tires telephone 4876141 alt3r76pm PAR TS FROM wreckedl970 Datsun 510 Call evenings 7267326 I977 FORD GRANADA6cyI auto PS radio deluxe interior vinyl root ex clean inside and out one owner 44000 up uncertilied $200 or Lelephone 737 182877 37mot7orcycles best oller I972 350 KAWASAKI new top end new rear tire Low mileage and in good con dition Must sell Call alter 530 pm 7284086 MUST SELL 76 Honda 750 bored out to 836 Andews cam and headers ext many other extras Asking 52600 Telephone 7374993 1973 750 WATERCOOLED SUZUKI mint condition asking 51295 or will trade lor ton truck ol same value Phone7264520 I977 OTI25 YAMAHA good condition must sell 5500 or best otter 7282186 alterSpm 1972 HONDA CB 350 TOURING 9000 orig miles crash bars carrier backrest workshop manual and extra parts Excellent condition needs no work Musl sacrilice because at move $350 lirm 728 5613 or 424 1390 38snowmobiles coat with mink trim iust cleaned size 12 $65 new Hoover mini vac with lull warranty 550 new acoustic guitar with deluxe case 3270 Call 7281114 or 4245439 DOUBLE PEDESTAL Walnut drOp leal table apartment size bullet Telephone 7370869 ST vE 24 inch Mollatt while in good condition Also Bombardier Moped Telephone 7772674358 svr AMPEG Bass amplifier 300 watts $900 or best oller 737 4792 COMPLETE SET ol weights and barbells with bench like new $100 lirm Call alter 97pm 726 5898 WHITE MO TT STOVE good cOndi t7ion $150 Fisher stove ms 720 6948 BARRIE TENT AND AWNING CO 01 lers complete repair service on tarps tents trailer covers awnings etc Also zippers medium or heavy weights Foam Cut to Size inch thickness 34 Baylield St next to Clarks Home Furnishings downtown 385lit0wm0biles Accessories and Clothing on sale at proseason prices Buy early and save Free financing UnlIl Jan 80 SPORT HAVEN MARINE 38snowmobiles Elam 016 tltarticlest 5e player 275 watt speakers Telephone KITCHEN TABLE Iour chairs good condition 375 Homemade wooden tool box lor back at pickup Cheap $50 726 5721 HARDWICK gas range and INGLIS superb 15 cubic loot relrigeralor while matching set 12 years excellent condi tion SJOOeach Telephone 737 1588 PIANO older Heintzman upright 5350 ICEBOX 5100 Oak draw TABLE and six Chairs 1930 era S490 Chlllerobe $150 728 8762 SINGLE béd sls kitchenette set 515 gold drapes 525 or best oller Call alter pm 726 8795 FINAL SALE Sat and Sun No reasonable oller relused good clothIng in various Sizes Girls preteen 1012 boys 6x Ladies 1012 ieans coals ski suits dresses etc books skates bikes vanities new recliner only 575 I9 Cumberland St Allandale behind King Edward School GRAND GARAGE SALE 159 Gunn St September 22 23 10 am pm Grand and glorious bargains galore Old and new items wall hangings hand radiator mutller good radials clean l2m0rgages 12morgages Needs valve job bodywork Best alien 577 Wfi 7r 93 lrlerhsr Plgngsl ha THREE BEDROOM huuse tor rent Phoneeveningss355485 dlcra co eS co es new quilts 37FAMlLlE75 COMPLETE CAMERA OUTFIT Used plus utilities Responsible people only tion Metallic blue with white root steel ARCTIC CAT SNOWMOBIIES Mice CUm PRAKTCA Mull5° mm 13756989 belted radials white wall tires AMFM nod lfnlSSrflllltlner Egg case 35 15 xzv au eep oo ens mm auo WI ATTRACTIVE THREE BEDROOM lactory stereo and speakers power WIn 337334313 Immediate 1st and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans apmmem mm bungalow am and mm mm Mas Mus be 190mm angle lens 85 210mm auto zoom telephoto lens BRAUN llash uv tiller solt locus lilter tripod pistol grip and camera outlit bag Worth 5830 asking 5400 lirm Only serious need phone 726 7800 alter6p NTENS 10 SPEED one year old like new565 Telephone 728 7267 tilied 65000 highway miles Asking thl tlt Slut It Berle 7261001 To pay all existing or malunng mortgage fig °e s54007Atter67p7m 72850571 97 ll Construcuonlunlts llee atlwce lry 05 FOR TRENT EOER SEALEEMAinIaEIE 97 SUPER BEET °°d °°d° SOME HING NEW in Arts and Craltsl Broadloomed appli clued on burlap gill lor that grand child son or daughter All Disney characters and llower arrangements Call 726 6035 or see display at Trading Post on Mulcaster St Wednesday alter Guaranteed Investment Certificates monthly available October Call cellenlconditionlNOWcertified$3700 nbontrom I2 47 Slmon Beekhulzen representlng Lou fl2g 7figgfi Ar msrocu ow um GETZEN TRUMPET excellent condi gogrtfimongtgagistatf 937731740767 1970 BUICK SKYLARK GS 350 cubic lWlNTER COVERS tion5150 Telephone 723 4476 252 I29 DUNLOP ST nghGSI 347 57 ONE BEDROOM WWW housetor renlr a°5 °° 5besea5 mmsAnuos for snitnmitlg pools SNOWBLOWER hp in nearly View BARR Interes stove relrlgerator shower carpeted dual EXPBUSI 900 c°d°r 975 Cer TXSIGALAXYS condition 5450 lirm Telephone 726 7079 JOHN 5220 monthly plus hydro Telephone IIIIEELOWAIIEQQQSEQE 777 in CM sncul on n33 Paid 73393i Mg 5hr 71416 DISHWASHER RCA green years NEW BIUNGALOW available Close to HONDA RADEIN RI Tintsng old heaters with fans rugs liv TD Member OMOIIO Mortgage Brokers ASSOC everrlhlngr brig GGCW SUIable 35 Upto $300 villa in clothing or Ingroom and bedrooms curtains and REA pedroom or bedroom sTtolve hand 1974 was CUTLASS 572 dr hardtop It mum ch whim MUST SELL Realism stereo MOO drapes Bestoller 727 7037 70R VW W7M £26226 $335900 an ep one °° 15 PB dc bur P°l mu oums Em 716 05 value months old asking $575 FIREPLACE WOOD lor sale Call even im rear defogger radial ply tlru extra AMFM receivercassetle recorder and ir7tgs 3386 fig QUANTITY CEDAR poSls variouS FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom LEW ms °m ake an IM lc HUD57° 00° °Y 4245199SY995 sizes Telephone4872505 lrldge broadloomed all electrlc suut WMYAMAHAGPHO mexcellemcond apartments avalabe CWBL AW coupleS275monlhlyplushydroreliable 995 tion askn 51050 II II COTTAGE DESR°YER SELF CLEANING RANGE and all AGENTS FOR PANCOLCONSTRUCTIONLIMITEDALLISTON RUSSELL CHURCH onlv724otaaweekdavs IAIRIEIIONDAAUTOSALES es er Pollutlon Flghter Demoltshes waste MONTREAL TRUST RELOCATION SERVICES LEO PROCEE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED FOREST HILL ESTATES ANTEN MILLS PINEVIEW ESTATES OF MIDHURST BARRY COLE 7287631 ART MAW 7281346 Mobile Home ltd SALERENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer for MODERN TWO bedroom relrigerator stove heat and cable $255 monthly Call 737 1130 alter UPPER ROOM apartment in quiet home Ideal lor lamin 012 or Garage optional No dogs Allandale area Avail able Nov Phone 726 8687 parties only 456 2795 BARRIE FERRIS PARK 141 or 159 Daphne Cres Three bedroom houses $325 each monthly Available September 15m 726 9734 or 737 2296 or 416 533 1679 IBapts wanted to 7re7ltt77 17 Goaan Street 7266488 73 CHEV 350 automatic door power steering power brakes radio new rad and mutller radials certified Ask after pm 737 2275 40a7icles for sale RAILROAD TIES FOR SALE deposits in outdoor tallels disintegrates down to earth eventually Avoids unplea sant cleaning tasks It unobtainable locally postpaid $3 00 can Irom Log Cabin Products Box 771 Guelph On tario SWTMMINGROOL MANUFACTURER relrigerator lor sale Coppertone linish 30 range rotisserle included 17 cubic loot one door refrigerator lully automatic small lreezer compartment lor icecubes Both excellent condition For appelntmentand demonstration call 728 3634 ORAND NEW Tvs all Sizes both black has new 1978 Aluminum Pools regular and whie and colour by makers such as LARGE TWO BEDROOM apartment APARTMENT WANTED or rice $7190 now at our all season AL BEACOCKnO toll 4873090 RICK HAMILTON 7288698 Bendix and Glendale availableimmediately 5247 plus hydro bedrooms lor quiet middle aged lady m9 1224PpgrggglgvM Err Approx BLong special at 51355 Pools come with 93gzalrgxfygwr séigggfigr JOHN KUIPERS 7286724 DAN HENDERSON 7286065 Modmcr Homes gtbdbrtggktng Allandale area Telephone non Emolkeg haggarlgkergn or near gar lzzzeraucgrlziion 35202355934 in square walkaround deck patio lencing pump BARRIE AND USED FUR mmerv motor and filter Delivery arranged to EDWISMER 7261120 STEVE VANDRICK43644I3 HAn mm NITURE Dunlap Street West orthlanders Travel TrOllers OVERLOOKING THE LAKE two rte me EEILE your convenience For bestselectlon and JOHN COLE 7288017 RANDY FORBES 4a73550 bedrooma artmentstovelrid heat 3571745 72 FURY GRAND COUPE 1er hard Dawn information call toll lree 900 737 CeM°d Corsair Glendette Shamrock ONE BEDROOII am BRAND NE RE JACK WALL 7239850 ED BOWMAN 7267000 Ter To 15 Years Mam coupe no Children or pets ed rewind by Single lady Talephone mp power sleesreigog anthlreadQSC vllesletm 721952 522 sets and convsvoless Ev Halsidacymmnrig plus hydro Available November 7281581 car no rus cer II er WIMMINGpOOL MANUpACTUpEp MARIA EVANS 726I740 QUEENIE llTTLE 4361992 Highway ll Scull ElephonfizilféJ MM 237665375 iflBJEOQLL SWIMMING POOLS to lease complete OVERSTOCKEDMustcloseoutall1979 53973525as3321332£°si3°7u3 DICK RICHARDS 7285478 CHARLES TONNA 4563483 no Bum Ave 7253866 ONE BEDROOM apartment adults on LL W75 MUSTANG II economical low with large patio walk around fence models and wet Huge settings on tableandspeaymFulllwm 33 ELSIE WALL 7283850 MURRAY SIOVELL 43672306 staking cable Included Telephone FURNISHED BEDROOM use Swéndgrgafglstpmpggd 752323 lllter ladder on or year baSIS ab0ve ground and In ground pools ol No money down Iree delivery in BERNIE ROTH 7373664 Chen Central telephone 737 3106 Irom 560 per month with option to buy steel and aluminum No monthly pay storelinancing BARRIE NEWANDUS BERNE BLUM 87559 l6apartments for rent HEATED UNFURNISHED bedroom gagsFOR rig 3th C21£3LL°L°999£3L Call collect 1519 4234351 lor Iuther 1980 C8 ED FURNITURE 202 Dunlap St lower duplexlullbasement near stores privneges AIIandaIe area Own 74 MONTEGO Mxl 50U903m DOW FEELsi new 57W AA me 737 005 Mona ms nommrunou Churches hospital No pets business Inncgoirlpreferred Phone7374785 SWWx Watt5 VYMOWS laclory PM BARRIE TENT AWNING co ollers mun USED wmeER Wisp by 559 RENT REDUCED or bedroom couple prtellerrTedl Available October GRGE EAAN FURNiSFEELROOM IaopeCatgIgorédgaoanbzggiglent condl complete repair service on tarps tents excellem shap only $80 cash and any 5250mont eepnone 37 3386 e£gL777 viv trailer covers awnings etc Also zip Barre New and Used 707 lUxurY townhouses Choose TwOTETDROOIW apErTthhf available 335533 ggfllfigeiaymmn bus MERCURY MONARCH I977 on new medium or heavyhvfteligkm F0a3m4 glcllmomoun Dunlgp 7377 005 Agggsys one k9 mm des LL the lloor standard transmis ion CUI05i191l7l3l4l5m IC 955 10 ton use water coo l°C°° 5h°PP9 919 59 LARGE CLEAN ROOMS Near bus under boa as miles AT condi Baylield St next Clarks Home Fur BRAND NEW 705 9mm schools churches manna hea hydro cable TV lrldge and stove PHONE 7282414 From $299 mthly NO dogs References to pm 7262361 or 7287798 carpeted throughout Call 726 1676 SMALL TWO BEDROOM apartment $210 monthly parklng relrioerator stove and heat included Own hydro No pets Telephone 728 2574 slop central kitchen sludents welcom 9219399035737 IL 7796031 LARGE ROOMS suitable for people Also Single rooms and Shared kitchen Telephone 726 6392 tion Asking $3250 726 6961 I976 MATADOR two door coupe 258 six cylinder automatic power steering power brakes radio air conditioning Telephone 737 33369venlngs nishings downtown RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT lor sale Meat cooler upright coke machine cash register meat slicer ice cream Ircezer catering equipment 936 2588 with dual compressor SI 500 CHJIM 7372431 room tables and chairs are in at BAR RIE NEW AND USED FURNITURE Brand new live piece sets starting as low as $88 No money down Free delivery In store linancing 202 Dunlop St 737 4774 Closed Mondays

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