the examiner SeturdeySept 15 107913 television guide SATURDAY EVENING VIEWING 800 REACH FOR THE TOP news CBC news AMAzING WORLD OF kRESKIN SATURDAY REPORT POLKA DOT DOOR LAUREL AND HARDY 630 FACES OF SMALL PLACES CBS news THIS WEEK In ONTARIO news SPECTRUM WILD ANIMALS OF THE WORLD 2dspiaods series on the animal kingdom and its inhabitants that will reveal laceteofenimallitsrarsly sasnbefore ontelevi iders ORTS PROBE EVERY CHILD IS SPECIAL 700 NEE IIAW Guests SenstorRobert Byrd Hoyt Axton Con Hunley Riddle and Phelps 60 INCREDIBLE HULK NEXT STEP BEYOND PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED EYE ON BUFFALO UNDERSEA WORLD OF JAC OUES COUSTEAU Blind Prophets of fer Island TIGER CAT FOOTBALL HIGH LIGHTS 79 DONT JUST SIT THERE series of science programs produced by Yorkshire evision in England LAWRENCE WELK SHOW FOUR FOR ADVENTURE 730 SHA NA NA HERE AND NOW GEORGE HAMILTON IV DR WHO BRITISH POST OFFICE 800 CNIPO Operators 01a smell trucking firm employ unsavory methods to wreck trucking company run by friends of Jon and Ponch BO mine ALL IN THE FAMILY WORKING STIFFS comedyaboul two brothers who seek to climb tortunea ladder by beginning asjanitors inthe basement oftheir uncles office building Stars Jim Belushi Mi el Keaton THE OPENS Stanley Roper invntea former tenants Jack Janet and Chrissy to surprise party he is planning for his wife and while the two shapely girls are giving him secret afternoon disco lessons tO prepare for the event his neighbor Jeffrey Brookes III is ing on him Season Premiere CFL FOOTBALL Ottawa Rough ers vs Winnipeg Blue Bombers hrs CHIPS MOVIE Hamlet 1943 BAD NEWS BEARS SHULMAN FILE 030 FRONT PAGE HALLENGE BAD NEWS BEARS Coach Butter msksr and his Beers roll out the welcome met when Cincinnati Reds catching star Johnny Bench makes special gueststarring appear Re eat DETECTIVE SCHOOL WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF NEXT This show looks at heeringtest for babies thats based on the sounds from mothers womb failsafe way to find blood clots an electronic 38y disguised es an egg 00 SATURDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES The Eiger Sancticn 1975 Stars fltaatwood George Kennedy JOHN ALLAN CAMERON SATURDAY NIGHT MOVIE The Paradise Connection 1979 Stars Buddy Eb Maeruse THE Ldve BOAT Four vignettes Cerol And Dougs Story Stars Lisa Hartman Mark Harmon Pete And AIIcias Story Stars Eleanor Parker Rey Milland Julies Story Stars Tony Roberts Donny Most Buddy And Portias Story Stars Audra Lindley Lorne ene Season Premiere hrs GREAT DEBATE POINT BLANK Do We Have Equal Rightsforthe Handicap ed7 950 MIND YOUR LANGUAGE CITY LIGHTS Guest Jack Lemmon 1000 TOP OF THE HILL LIVE AT THE FORUM Tavares CELEBRITY COOKS THE EDITORS 1030 mCONVERSATIONSWITHELWY VOST BehindIDBSCORBS interviews with someolthisaeasonskeyactorsdirectorsand administratorsattheStrattord Shakespearean lival AMERICA 2NIGHT Comedian Arte Johnson istonights star guest Alsoleatured are Jay Longtoe andhisballetcompany aslhey worm their version of Buflalo WITNESS TO YESTERDAY 1100 In news CBC news CTV news MOVIE TwentyOne Days 1938 LOTTARIO FEEL LIKE DANCIN 105 NASHVILLE SWING MOVIE WESTERN Sons Of Katie Elder 1905 1115 news 1120 news 1130 SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE MOVIE DRAMA CH of the Lotus Eaters 1971 MOVIE WESTERN IA oath Of Gunfl hter 19159 SOUNDS GOO 1133 MOVIE TITLE UNANNOUNCED 1200 MOVIE DRAMAMUSICAL 71 Camelot 1967 mMOVIEHlSTORlCALDRAMA Battle of Britain 1969 lDCONVERSATIONSWITHELWY VOST Jim Parr chairman of the Ontario EducationalCommunications Authorityend Ran lde former chairman join Yost in the die INTERNATIONAL CINEMA 1210 MOVIE DRAMA Brother hood of Death 1976 100 ROCK CONCERT MOVIE DRAMA The Trap 1959 130 CHALLENGE 200 no news MOVIEDRAMA TheWar Lord 1965 230 in MOVIE DRAMA Chan dler 1971 325 MOVIE MUSICALCOMEDY Youll Flnd4Ogg 1940 BMOVlEWESTERNr Dayof the Bad Man rose SUNDAY AFTERNOON VIEWING 1200 MEET THE PRESS GREAT news FOR THE WORLD PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED MEETING PLACE MOVIE ADVENTURE alver of Mystery 1959 ALBUM lII ITALIAN PANORAMA CONTINUES TEMOIGNAGES DISRAEL 79 PORTUGUESE FILM SEMANA 1230 CHUCK Knox SHOW HERALD OF TRUTH NFL FOOTBALL Sen Francisco rs vs Loe Angeles Rams DE news 1245 II AGRICULTURE REPORT 100 MOVIEDRAMA MyCou Rahal 1953 SUMMER COUNTRY CANADA ITALIAN COOKING ADVENTURES IN RAINBOW COUNTRY LE MONDE DES PEINTRES NAIFS FOREST RANGERS MEMORIES OF GREECE 200 CFLFOOTBALLHamiItonTigerCate va Mantreel Alouettes hrs RAVINDER FLIM FLAM III BASEBALL EN SE RACONTANT LHIS TOIRE DICI TERRY WINTER SHow 230 DISNEYS WONDERFUL WORLD RED FISHER SHOW DR JOHN WESLEY WHITE ITALIAN MOVIE OF THE WEEK 300 WILD KINGDOM MOVIE CARTOON Man From Button Willow 1965 Les GRANDS CHEFS DORCHESTRE GREAT NEWS FOR THE WORLD 330 GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS THE BEACHCOMBERS new meets his match twelve year old tough kid named Pat OGorman Pat seams destined for thewrong aideotthelawbutNick andMoltywill hair best to halWim through his problems GOOD NE 400 NFL FOOTBALL 81111an Bills vs San Chargers CBC NEWS ID VILLAGES ET VISAGES ea GEORGE NFL FOOTBALL OaklandRaidersvs Seattle Seahawks 430 PROGRAMMING UNANNOUNCED as THE TWELFTH CAMPAIGN 1974 WILD KINGDOM ID LATELIER DES PISSENLITS £9 KIDSWORLD 500 THIS WEEK In BASEBALL SPORTS HOT SEAT III LAWRENCE WELK SHOW 19 COLARGOL WORLD OF SURVIVAL 515 OUM LE DAUPHIN 530 one news TODAYS WOMAN JOYCE DAVIDSON SHow AVENTURES DE BABAR 535 49 SATURNIN Les PETIT CANARD 550 Ii TIP ET TAP SUNDAY EVENING VIEWING 130 HYMN SING THE TROUBLE WITH TRACY 600 DISNEYS WONDERFUL WORLD news AMAZING WORLD OF KRESKIN WILD ANIMALS OF THE WORLD PASSEPARTOUT GLOBAL NEWSWEEK 630 HERE AND now news 11 new FACES LA PETITE LULU 700 DISNEVS WONDERFUL WORLD The Absent Minded Professor daffy science instructor discovers gasoline substitute Flubber then lties his auto to We shington to offer his discovery to the govern Conclusion60mina THE BEACHCOMBERS Relic meets his match twelve year old tough kid named Pat OGorman Pat seems destined for the wrong side otthelawbut Nick and Molly will heir best to hal him throu his problems OUT OF HE BLU Earthly angel Random takes the rap but keeps everyone ott balance by popping in and out of jail as he tries tohelp Christherealculpritdecidewhetherto confess to being an accessory in school la The WALTONS one comes home andthelamilyisexalted But herhomecomingis broken by an irate neighbours threat to kill acne in her family hrs 2120 ROBERT TROUSSEMITOUFLE IN CONCERT NIKKOLINA BOUCANIERS DEAU DOUCE 730 MORK AND MINDY WhenMindy givesMorkearthmedicinetorhiscolditcauses him to shrink sending him into an upsidedown planet called Mirth where humor has been ned ON AURA TOUT V0 SHULMAN FILE 800 THE ROAD TO CHINA Bob Hope the host of We first television variety specat to originate from the Peoples Republic of China oro station by Bessie Crawford 4873921 Fortyseven Jolly Marigold Elders went on the bus to the Exhibition on August 27th and took in the Blue Jays game when they won 70 They en joyed the outing immensely and the weather was ideal The Bake Sale and Bazaar held at the St Andrew Presbyterian Church Hall on August 29th brought in nice profit Orville Cameron Alberta and Don Beattie Stroud called on Mr and Mrs Thomas Fletcher recently Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Howard Crawford were Leanne and Lori Gelinas Sar nia for one week returning home with their parents who weekended with the Crawfords Guest stars Mikhail Baryshnikov Crystal GaylePeachesendHerbShieldssndYarnell rs MORK AND MINDY When MIndY givesMorkearthmedicineforhiscolditcauses Mork to shrink sending him to an upsidedown planet called Mirth where humor has been ban ed Season Premiere 60 mins ï¬MOVIEDRAMAPV Wholl V0 The Children TOUT VITESSE OUIz KIDS SHOW 830 GIFT To LAST c1 and the childrenvieit Shane and WIIIIe InTOIontO While they are there the Great Detective Inspector Alastair Cameron arrests Willie tor embezz lement Willieisloundguiltyandimprisonedand Clara persuades Sheila to return to Tamarack isode Repeat LAPIERRE ONE DAY AT TIME 900 STARLOST SOCIETE NATIONAL GEO GRAPHIC Le Descente DU Yukon Ouatre jeunes hammea empruntent la piste que les chercheurs dor du Klondike avaiant auivie 80 ans plus tot Cette expedition is conduira iusr au cercle claira ALIC 930 QUARTERLY REPORT The family is explored in this episode Enormous changes hevetaken plecein this oldestofallinslitutIons Over the last few decades and the impact of these changes on society as whole is great mine THE JEFFERSONS 1000 Ws Henry Champ investigates safety measures tor school buses Jim Reed reveals the gambling feverinAlbertaHelenHutchInson visits couple who are model for all han pped e0 Ie Repeat60mins LOJGRANT WhenLourstheOnlwat nesstoaneighborhood murderheismystilied etthewaypolicahandlsthecaseanddiécovers touchy area of crime Season Premiere 60 PARLONS CINEMA THE SWEENEY as CITY LIGHTS 1030 ALL IN THE FAMILY mmmm sick Edith so busy cooking for his St Patricks neighborly news also Tammy and Michael Lavin Midland who spent few days also few days with their grandparents and return ed home with their mother Also Kurt and Shari Ann Jef fery of Midland visited Paul Hanson is commencing his studies at McMaster University this week He has been accepted as student pastor at Selkirk Baptist Church in Southern Ontario beginning this duties as Pastor October 151 An induction service will probably be held in late Oc tober We wish Paul all the best Mrs Howard Crawford ac companin by her sister Mrs Alvin Drennan spent few days visiting their brotherin laws and sisters Mr and Mrs Dorland Potter and Mr and Mrs Levering Both have cottages on Go Home Lake Don Burton Michell lles and their uncle Bill Graham spent few days holiday with cousins Daypartythatshedoesntgetthechancatotell him that hard work is hazardous to her health ï¬peat CINEMA Tout Ie Monde Est Beauout Ie Monda Est Gentil 1100 800 NEWS CBC NEWS CTV news MONEY TALKS GARY BUCK 1115 news NATIONS BUSINESS 1120 BE NEWS 1130 BENNY HILL MARCUS WELBY MD flMOVIeWESTERNwIz The Good Guys And The Bad Guys FAMILY BROWN COUNTRY IN PRIVATE LIFE 1140 GMOVlECOMEDYPV Irma Douce 1963 QUESTION PERIOD 1150 MOVIE DRAMA cholae and Alexandra 1971 1200 SECOND CITY 49 LAPIERRE MOVIEDRAMA Strange Ye of Martha Ivers 1045 INTERNATIONAL CINEMA 1210 9MOVIEDRAMA Gath ering Of Eagles 1963 1230 FBI CONVERSATION WITH 130 WITH THIS RING SUNDAY SURPRISE 200 ABC NEWS 100 HUNTLEY STREET at their cottage in Dayton and cousins in North Bay Iefroy by Georgina Mitchell 4503232 Harold and Nora Reeves from Dorset England are visiting their daughter Ann and soninlaw Michael Richardson and grandchildren Christine and Leslie They just returned from visiting another daughter Mrs Michall Brink in Van couver BC where they toured around seeing all the beautiful parks They will help grandson Leslie celebrate his birthday on September 16th before retur ning to England Figure skating rgistration will be held OctObertllilpoth at South lnnisfil Community Cen tre Lessons startiprtober mm 4A or 7jflv 33 The Doctor Says Gland removal is necessary By PAUL DONOIILE Ml Dear Dr Donohuc Our daughter 38 has been told that she is suffering from acr omegaly and has been affected by it since age 10 probably But it is only in the last year or two that changes have been ob vious her need for la ger shoe size for example any tests were taken and she was told that they would have to re move her pituitary gland The alternative she was told is continued growth of the face and extremities blindness and other problems Cant partial surgery of the gland correct the growth prob lem without taking it all out Our medical dictionary de scribes the problem as in the anterior part of the gland Is there no medical alternative Tlll There is no alternative to removal Acromegaly is condition in which the pituitary gland makes too much growth hor mone Removal of the gland is necessary for cure You are correct It is the an terior front lobe of the gland where the growth hormone is made But you must realize that this gland is so very tiny that partial surgcry cannot be done After surgery your daughter will have to take medicine to replace what the pituitary gland makes The pituitary produces other hormones than the one for growth so they too must be replaced The surgery is not pleasant to contemplate but it is small price to pay for the con sequences of not having it done Blindness is possible and prob able if the gland remains Un fortunately we have no means of controlling the activity of the gland by drugs With the sur gery and replacement medicine patient can live normal life Dear Dr Donohuc heard once that scotch and water has high carbohydrate content yet my gram counter book says there are no carbohydrates in scotch and water Is there or isnt there htPL The book is correct Alcohol is not carbohydrate Alcohol comes from the fermentation of glucose wellknown carbohy drate But the glucose is con verted to alcohol in the fermen tation so there is none left to be digested by the body All that remains are the empty calories of the alcohol average 100 calories per ounceanda half jigger The calorie total rises with the proof of the drink Incidentally it is this lack of anything to digest that causes such easy inebriation when al cohol is consumed on an empty stomach It passes more or less directly into the bloodseram Dear Dr Donohuc Ive heard where it is actually true that chicken soup is cure for the common cold Do you believe in this lrs TVl Nothing wrong with trying it Many Jewish mothers have sworn by it for generations and there has actually been some serious medical discussion of it lately The cold as Ive men tioned is caused usually by virus and we have no known substance to attack the virus If chicken soup helps fine If it doesnt all youve lost are the ingredients and youve gained delicious treat BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Intriguing deceptive bid WEST 097643 V102 6A4 OK987532 0Q864 073 SOUTH 0A8 VKQJ94 OQIO 0111092 Vulnerable Both Dealer South West North East 0105 V86 20 5V Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag The bidding in the box is taken direct from the Sommerville book The two ade response was reason 1y correct 50 years ago Souths three hearts and Norths four hearts were also normal Then came the fire works South decided that he would be sure to make the heart slam provided he could stop diamond lead So be bid five diamonds North just bid five hearts He had run out of con structive bids when he jumped to two spades Confident that he had stopped diamond lead South went on to the slam in spite of Norths signoff and West dutifully opened his fourth best club whereupon South had no trouble making all 13 tricks That diamond bid by South was bit of deceptive bidding that was popular in the early days of contract and is still in use today although this partic ular fivediamond call should have acted like red rag to bull and produced diamond lead from West even if he did not hold the ace We will dis cuss various fancy attacking bids next week Ask It You hold 915B 64 1052 108 With no one vulnerable your righthand opponent Opens one heart California reader asks if we consider bidding two diamonds Yes but not seriously This is the sort of hand with which you dont want to stick your neck in the noose DOC0 gtgt° daily crossword ACROSS 44 Vow Answer to Previous Puzzle 46 Pairs Prod 47 Brown um um Guam 50 391 no ransom ou us ump 12 Indian coin Brit BEEEHUEEEEEE 13 Hawaiian 51 Peculiar island 52 Brushwar Banana Baum 14 Povenywar fi hter an an Guam Ella EDI BEE agency abbr 57 Corrida cheer 15 Mental 58 Proposition problems 59 Beverages 17 Collection of 60 Sawbuck animals 61 Remain 18 Ac10r Steiger 62 Evergreens 19 GO up 21 Dialect DOWN 24 Without purpose Vacancy 25 Angles Ones Fr 27 Polishing Every stone Synthetic 31 Unrefined fabric metal Not bad 32 King Western Mongkuts hemisphere or land ganization 34 Pennsylvania abbr port In front 35 One 01 Scuttle Columbus Seep ships 10 Vast period of 37 Encircled time 39 Eggs fl Sustenance 40 Fragrance 16 Dwellings 42 Apart 20 Plant part JL HIIIDIIII II III IIII HI IHIM HI III III EIIBEB BEIGE GER EBB BEE MI IIEIIIIID BEDEEEEE IE BEIGE GE IIIEE DEBIT 21 Objects of 41 Latin dance worships pl 22 Form of 43 Lack of architecture clothes 23 Greek 45 Reproach 90215555 °I insultingly pe ce 24 Old Testament aimless b°°k 49 Home of 26 Manipulate Adam 28 Eat away 29 Metal bolt 5° °f 30 365 days pt 53 Arrivaltime 33 Housewifes ti guess abbii tle abbr 54 Sheltered side 36 Anonymous 55 Legislative Oll 38 English actment dYnasty 56 Donkey AstroGra ¢Your Birthday Sept 16 1979 It would behoove you this com ing year to become involved with persons or groups who think in futuristic terms Through your collective efforts the goals you hope to achieve will be reached more easily VIRGO Aug zitSept ti may look as it you are giving free rein to your mind to creatively express itself today but in reality much Of your conception will be based upon solid knowledge LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Because you are quick to appre ciate todays values in relation to those of the past you might come up with dynamic idea that could prove extremely rewarding SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Itll be good old common sense that leads you today to seek out the company of persons or places Others may deem strange Your goal will be realized SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 An intuitive thought which leads you to success today will actually be founded upon facts you had learned and neatly stored away Your memory bank is working CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 You might have chance meet ing today with someone whose Andy Capp r1 011 nunm Ia he rm maaw smut Zoonies 6EN6EOFHUN0K own ms Born Loser NSL 7373860 THIS AINT NOTHIN PERSONALJZOSCO DIGESTION 15 OUR BU9INE5 QHOW ME UY WITH TINléTED NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St Frank and Ernest brain is ripe for the picking The knowledge gained could have beneficial longterm effects AQUARIUS Jen 20Feb 29 In situations calling for negotiating or bargaining do not underesti mate your position today Your opposition will recognize your 51an th Make Sure you do PISC Feb 20March 20 You may be in for pleasant surprise today when someone whose support you hoped to gain will suddenlv prove to be an ally ARIES March Z1April 19Sud den inspirations may have you diving into projects you hadnt planned on doing today You might even clear up something that has been bugging you TAURUS April 20May 20 You could find yourself accepting an invitation from someone you may not normally pal around with It will turn out to be very wise decision GEMINI May 21June 20 change of routine may be just the thing youre looking for today Dont be surprised if you choose to do something extremely practical CANCER June 21July 22 You may astonish yourself as well as those under your charge by your exciting solution to something YOU overcome boring problem LEO July 23Aug 22 Any changes you make around the house today will prove to be original and practical Turn your talents loose Please the Whole family THERE CONTRA OUT ON CU cThur Birthday September 17 1970 This coming year you are likst to experience improved financial conditions particularly if you put your imagination to work to open new channels for additional reve nues Ways Will be found VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 There Is nothing wrong with your hunches today in fact they could put you on to something good LIBRA Sept iceOct 21 FIends can be extremely helpful today but oli with advice Or counsel Dan borrow anthing or make any loans them without dL deliberatIon SCORPIO Oct24Nov 22 Per sonal ambitions and goals you deem important can be realized today if you keep your impulsive ness in check Walk in carefully measured Steps SAGITTARIUS Oct 24Nov 22 There is special friend who may require your moral support today Say only that which will prop up his ego say nothing that could cause him to think less of himself CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 In business dealings today avoid departures from methods you know work successfully Testing no Ira Die wIvan Aflullc Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service YOURE 0051 IN TIME Fat ESIIMO How WAS YER MEAL Fuoosy gt Bernice Bede Oeo AND ILL glow You summer WHO PEEFORMQ OVER VAT 0F 6HEEPDIP VOULISALOW sc T3U05E new techinques could prove to costly AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb10 Base your decisions today on relevant facts not suppositions or maybes Logic Should pre vail over wishful thinklng MICE Feb 20Merch 20 situation you wish to change thats affecting your work or career should not be attacked too hastily today Be sure no one will be hurt by your actions ARIES March 21April friendship can be reinforced today if you begin to look deeper into this other persons makeup It will be worth the effort to pumb his or her qualities further TAURUS April 20May 20 Ben eficial changing conditions which may not be evident are in the offing today Dont balk if your routine is disturbed GEMINI May 21June 20 What you say and how you treat peo ple are especially important today so be extra careful you dont sound Off and unload your irritability on another CANCER June 21July 20 Anothers kindness could put you in better financial position today Unfortunately you may treat We as easy come and blow it away LEO July 23Aug 22 You may have more undersianding for friends and acquaintances today than you do for your family Try to give them equal considera tion DATES SHES INT EREST IN ARE ONES WITH NO APRON STRINGS ATTACHED LAZY HUSSY THE ONLY Ziï¬ FORTUNATELY FOR THAT5 WHAT MAKES IT ALL WOIZTHWHlLE 9AT16FIED CU9TOM 5129