Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Sep 1979, p. 18

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13 the examingr Fridy Sept 14 979 television guide FRIDAY EVENING VIEWING EVENING 600 in 121 NEWS HOLLYWOOD SOUAREs DEFINITION POLKA DOT DOOR 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME MATH PATROL 645 GET IT TOGETHER 655 ID BARBAPAPA 658 NEWS 700 Cisco KID EIGHT is ENOUGH PM MAGAZINE HAPPY DAYS Tic TAc DOUGH STOCKARD CHANNING IN JUST FRIENDS Ill NEWLYWED GAME YOUTH UNDER THE INFLUENCE FAMILY FEUD 12 FEEL LIKE DANCIN 730 DANCE FEVER NEWLYWEO GAME Guest HuohMcLellan JOKERS WILD PATSY GALLANT Guests maid 1y Edwin Stair Repeal WHAT IS TRUTH MAGIC SHADOWS ea BOB NEWHART SHOWoi Hartley MusldewseameanslohelpeaselIeprisoners buck Into somely 0518M teaveihe prison DIFFRENT STROKES BOAT PEOPLE OPERA TION LIFELINE program In benelii of Operation Helmet and alliliuled groups across Canada formed to BSSISI In 12 locating Viet nnmeae Ielunens This benefit piogtam will be lelocastlive Headliningtheconcniiineaclicny Will be Ihe biggest name entertainers this country has to 01191 each peitoimei havmq donated the time and talents to the benefit lilo INCREDIBLE HULK Ari mu aggresswe football star relates to David Ban nei who recognizes traces olhis own amiction in the gridiron players behavior Repeal 60 28 FANTASY ISLAND OLYMPIC PROFILES 7mm 79 MOVIEADVENTUREHer cules Unchained 830 THE FACTS OF LIFE HELLO LARRY ID FAMOUS NOBEL PRIZE WIN NERS GemaIdHerzbeip 900 THE ROCKFORD FILES Rocxtord and hislurmeiproteae RLhIEEmck elman pullallagiganlicconliaericegamewhite recouping losses sutteied by Riches parents ll Ihe hands 01M unscrupulous busmessman 351 Star Dennis Du an Re eat2his THEDUKESOFHA ZARDaoano Luke hernicaliypuioutauein an amoiediruck and pet accused OISICBIngaMIIIIOn dollaistoi trouble Repeat 60 mins FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE The Bad Nelns Bears In Breaking Training1977 Stars William Devane Jimmy Baio The Young ba aebalIBears have tired Ihenmanager so they havelo come up with someone moreOrless udulltoescorlthemlothegame butlherecruil menl causes as many problems as it solves MOVIE DRAMA Rogue lei LEEDSUNITEDCIoselybasedonieaI events lhiSislhelaigeslsmgle diamalilmevw made by the BBC It is universal SIOfy of H111 fancybetrayalandtragedytakinqplaceduring ISINKOIOBmenI8I01yw073875101heVOTH ecnyolLeLdsm 1970 THE LOVE BOAT 1000 to BOAT PEOPLE OPERA TION LIFELINE CONTINUES DALLAS SueEllenisdetnrmmudlogel back at 101 committing her to saniiarium and when he showsheiapicluieolClittBarnoS withanowgirltriendItsmomihnnshccanlake fipeal 60 mios NEWS 1100 in 13 NEWS CBS NEWS CBC NEws CTV NEws EDUCATION OF MIKE MCMANUS MOVIE DRAMA Dream On the Run 1975 1120 NEWS 1125 NEWS 1127 NEWS 130 THE TONIGHT SHOWHDst Johnny Carson Guests Bob Hope Chartacute 90 It CBS LATE MOVIE we mam STALKER The DGVIIS Plattorm Kolchak believesthatasenatorialcnndidntehasoldhis souttothedewl Repeat CANNONBALL1978 Dana CanadIne Veronica Hamel MOVIE ADVENTURE he Double Man1967 STREET TALK ID NIGHTMUI1C4NsancySimmonds THE RETURN OF THE SAINT 1200 MOVIE ADVENTURESPECTACULAR FiftyFive Days at Peking III MOVIE DRAMA The ke 1979 MERV GRIFFIN Guests Shecky GreeneGov Brendonlrom New JerseyWaIt Wagner Sammy King Tiny Tim Freddie Sales 1210 VEGAS 1245 MOVIE SUSPENSE When Eight BgllosoToll 1971 THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL 110 SUSPENSETHR1LLER Dont Look Now MOVIE 130 NEWS 273 GONG SHOW 200 ll MEDICAL CENTER EB MOVIE COMEDYMYSTERY No Way to Treat Lady 1968 300 MOVIE COMEDV Ex 8radford1937 MARCUS WELBY MD 320 MOVIE DRAMA The Ugly American1oea 400 In BEWITCHED 440 MOVIE 0RAMA Born to be Bad 1934 historically speaking today in histog IUIHY IIISIUIIY ll lllli Vll PRICES Sept 11 III The llrilish lZnipirc and its colonies in America officially Iiloptcil thc lrcgorian calcndni 217 years ago today in 1712 llic calciiilai adoptctl hy Itiilgtllll 11115112 hail Silpplcssttl lll lays in tlic illl ciciil liiliaii calendar to bring the civil year in linc itli thc so laruan To keep thc relation ship the new calendar providctl that thc practice of adding day to Fcbruziiy be omitted from all centenary years excpt tliosc that arc multiples of loo 13213 In his second iiyagc to llic Ncw World Jacquis ar ticr cxploril tlic St Lawrcncc ltivci as far as the prescnt site of Qinhcc City 1812 Napolcon cntcrcd Moscow as conqueror llllll US President William McKinley died of wounds inflicted by an assassin 111110 Ihc ongolcsc army chief of staff Col Joseph Mo hutu scized control of the Congo 1971 Pope Paul VI barred womcii from cvcn the smallest formal role in the ministry of the Roman Catholic Church barries story Scptcnibcr 1th Illilil vcrcrowding at tlic Victoria School was the topic of dchatc at the Barrie lloard of Educa tioii meeting It was decided to enforce strictly the boundary lines which would make it ricccssary for all public school pupils below lr to 1117 tciid thc school callcd for in the canadas story Eleven Days Were Eliminated When Calendar Was Changed Would you like to write mystery story in which bright detective exposes an alibi and reveals mur derer Make the alibi to September and September cover the period between 14 1752 because there is no such period in the history of the British Common wealth This is became change was made from the Augustan to Gregorian calendars at that time and Wednesday September was followed by Thursday September 14 Many people believed that their lives had been shortened but that was also the case saving time was introduced years later when daylight The first change from Augustan to Gre orian calendar was made in 1582 by Pope Gregory II He ordered Thursday October to be followed by Friday October 15 and that changc became effective in Roman Catholic nations including France The Augustan calendar was based on year of 116525 days but the solar year is 36524 days making differ ance of one day in every 128 years The Gregorian calendar was more accurate Under the old calendar New car Day was celebrated on March 25 but was changed to January The early Romans had arranged calendar of 355 years of to months They days because they believed that odd numbers were more lucky than even numbers OTHER EVENTS 0N SEPTEMBER 1535 Cartier discovered Stadacona Quebec on second V0 age 1629 Kirie brothers sailed for England With Cham plain as prisoner 1759 General Montcalm died after battle of Plains of Abraham 1858 Palliscr expedition arrived at site of present day Calgary 1871 TorontoNipissing Railway opened 1880 reement for construction of CPR was Signed In ondon 1882 Steamer Asia sank in Lake flown with kiss of 148 lives 1926 Liberals defeated Conservatives following consti tutional crisis wileCanadians Harry Richman and Robert Merrill completed tworway st pauls by Mrs Pratt 4361667 Sheila Gibbons Markham spent few days with tier grandparents Mr and Mrs Eti Gibbons and Aunt Dorothy Julie Caldwell daughter of Eleanor and Ken Caldwell had the misfortune to fall and break her arm Congratulations to Mrs Russell Stiindcn who won bak ing and sewing prizes at the Barrie Fair Miss Heather and Wayne lin flight across Atlantic neighborly news ton enjoyed trip to the East Coast recently Mr and Mrs Jack Reynolds Kitchener spent the holiday weekend with Jacks Sister Mrs George Stundcr and niece Kathy Phillip Sheridan Britiin Col unibia Is visiting his sons Peter and Michael Painswick and their families Phil lived at St Pauls for many years beforcgoivig to The Paulettes ACW of St Pauls Anglican Church will begin the fall season with pot luck dinner at the SpOke Sandy Covc Acres September 211 at 680 in bylaws Teachers at the Vic torin school were rcarranged due to the hiin registration and accommodation was taxed to the utmost It was suggested that if the situation arose where pupils could not be ac commodated partitions be placed in rooms at King George School making two rooms and that an extra teacher be hired Miss Lucy Vandeihoorii won special scholarship in mathematics physics and chemistry and Henry Sims won the Edward Blake scholarship in physics in Chemistry The scholarships for the University of Toronto were the only two to be won by students in Simcoc County that year The no Worlds Fair had an entry list of nearly 2500 and this number was 200 above the previous record The brilliant playing of an 11ycarold cor nctist was the feature of the evening program along with Bernardts band Magistrate Bull declared the showing of cattle outstanding and the short horns would have done credit to much larger fair After several months the dif ficulties in connection with the reorganization of the West Riding of Sinicoe Agricultural Joint Stock Company which was necessary before further steps could be taken to replace the fair building destroyed by fire were overcome and the path was cleared to raise necessary funds to provide Bar rie with an uptodate arena for agricultural fair purposes skating hockey and other spor ting events Barrie champions of the North Simcoc Baseball League defeated Vermonts champions of the Western City Senior League Toronto in an exhibi lion bciictit match by score of 97 The proceeds from the game were to be used for the benefit of injured players but the cold day kept spectators away and proceeds were insuf fimcnt Beatrice Johnston 326681 The Womens Institute met on 1cdiiesdayevening Sept 12 at the home of Mrs Edward Johnson Thc motto was Remember when children brought the teacher apples in stead of driving him bananas The rOllcall was Name the minister who married you and where Program Public Relations Mrs Bruce Ander son Lunch lt Mrs Ray Shane and Mrs Edward Johnson The Doctor 50 Response varies after Tragedy By PAUL DONOHUE MD Dear Dr Donahue lwatched someone love very much die suffering death did every thing was supposed to do and made all the funeral arrange ments etc but even at the fu neral did not cry have cried all my life at the drop of hat What is wrong with me am normal person After the fu neral went to bed for over week cannot understand what happened PF People respond to tragedy or crisis in many ways Some weep Some find that even hu mor helps them over the period Others may swear or find other means of release Because you didnt cry even though you are an easy crier does not mean that you are abnormal or were not griefstricken The fact that youhad to take to your bed for week indicates how much you were crushed by the loss and how deeply you were affected by it Very likely your grief was long Silent kind that was ex pressed during the apparently lengthy illness of your loved one Dear Dr Donohue DO you think whirlpool baths are worthwhile for person with arthritis Do they help Mrs YD Yes They are part of most physical therapy programs They help reduce the joint pain and swelling and encourage the patient to keep his joints mobile Dear Dr Donohue am 67 years old have an annoying problem caruncle on the urethra have been told to leave it alone unless it begins to interfere with urination have discharge with it Could this be serious problem Should it be removed Would vinegar douche irritate it Mrs TS These growths are most common in women past menopause although they can occur at any age They are usually benign but one can be troublesome sometimes causing painful urination bleeding and discharge It is wise to have the growth examined to rule out possible malignancy although as said they are almost always benign The growth should be watched in any event caruncle that increases in size or ulcerates can be ominous Otherwise they are best left alone as long as they dont cause too much distress local nitrofurazone cream has been found helpful If you have urinary distress bladder seda tive compound can help Sur gery is avoided where possible Surgery in this area can cause stenosis narrowing of the urethra the urinary outlet tube For this reason many doc tors prefer to take waitand see approach before advising removal Dear Dr Donohue What are the causes of prolonged periods am 17 and have had periods since was 13 have never been regular usually skip just one month but have skipped up to three months Now Im having one that has lasted two weeks Its very light am overweight and seldom get any exercise only developed this problem recently Can you advise me AG You need to see gynecologist To give you list of possible causes for your problem would at best only confuse you and at worst make you delay doing what you should do that is be examined BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Bringing home bid tricks 9144 09¢ J9 Vulnerable Both Dealer North West North East Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead 96 The final threenotrump contract is very normal although the correct response in current bidding is just two diamonds Wests six of spades lead is also normal and Souths best play is to put his king on Easts queen South is looking at potential finesses against the king in both red suits The optimist takes both and if both are successful he winds up with the rest of the tricks The down to earth player operates on the principle of trying to win the rubber and only works on overtricks when the contract is assured He wants to get nine tricks before East can gain the lead He sees that he can afford to lose the diamond finesse so he enters duummy with the ace of clubs and takes the dia mond finesse West gets in with the king and leads heart South refuses that finesse and winds up with one spade one heart four diamonds three clubs game and rubber Ask III Exuigg You South hold 9148 Pxx Vxx OAKJX OAQxxx Canadian reader asks what opening bid we recom mend One diamond is the correct opening You can bid two ubs next This is one of the few times when the fourcard suit opening is correct daily crossword ACROSS 50 Mental componEnt Author pl Fleming 53 Cleverness Morning song 55 Greek colony Kernel 59 0f the skin 12 Cry of 62 Believer surprise Suffix 13 Social club 63 Source of abbr metals 14 Land measure 64 Roman 15 Urchin statesman 16 Church of 65 Powerful Saints explosive comp wd abbr 18 8e5ide naut 66 Fishing aids 20 Barnyard bird 67 Home of 21 Flurry Adam 22 Over poetic 68 PiggEiy 24 Spit 26 Londoner DOWN 30 Finnish steam bath Least bit 34 TIOJBII King of Israel mountain Knot 35 Layer Disease 37 Graduate Hawaiian abbr volcano 38 Opera bv Mauna Verdi The two 40 wire fastener together 42 200 animal Next 43 Start Fish 45 Mutes Goddess of 47 Swmdle late 49 Piece of com 10 DeCIpher II Answer to Previous Puzzle EBB Elli EEK EIIB Emu 11 Irish county 41 intimacy 17 Seths son 44 Hamlet 19 AstrOnauts 46 To and righld 48 mothers comp 23 Bridle part dauQmer 50 Image 25 Hammarskjold ugh 25 Italian 52 Pr greeting direction 27 Scandinavian 54 Amphibian god 56 Louse eggs 28 Cruel men 57 Doesnt axis 29 Posnive words cont ver 58 Counsellor 33 Drinks abbr 36 Celebration 60 Foo 39 Nuclear 61 American agency abbr Indian III II IIIIIIII IIIII II II II II IIIIII IIIII II III III III IIII III II IIIIIII II II II ASIIOGra Bernice Bede Osol Sept 15 1979 If you feel yourself disenchanted by conditions put your Clever ideas to work for you this coming year Your inventiveness and Ori ginality have larger role to play than you may suspect VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Oth ers will look to you to Show them where the action is today because you have way about you that expresses selfassur ance and knowledge BC BEAT AmND THE Bugs Bunny Short Ribs THE NEW COUNTEEFEIT TWENTY DOLLAR BILLS ARE COMIN or IHE PRESS Now 8055 OPlNlON 15 5UFEEHJJOLI5 73773860 SHON ME 901 WHO DDEGNT WOVEZ I9 WAITING FOR H16 DINNER NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St LIBRA Sept 2°Oct 23 You may keep it to yourself but therell be no uncertainties about what you want Or hOW you plan to go about getting it today Your Vision is clear SCORPIO Oct zitNov 22 This is good day to exchange Viewpoints Even though your opinions are strong they Show precision thinking and good organization SAGITTARIUS NOV 23Dec 21 You have the ability today to get to the bottom of things Probe into that which has had you puzzled CAPRICORN Doc 22Jnn 19 When it comes times for orders to be given people will sit up and listen to you You know how to BUéd THEY LOOK GOOD WM DUM 010m Nix in mi Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service PERFUME lfiARS state purposes or set directions diplomatically AQUARIUS Jon Who 19 ll may not always be true of you but today you possess technical efficiency and are able tO figure out complicated mechanisms or systems Put this Skill to use PISCES Fob 20March 20 You could be exceptionally popular today especially with members of the opposite sex Make Sure youre seen by that Special somebody ARIES March 21April 19 Your energies and thinking are in tune today allowmg this to become most productive time for you Tackle big job TAURUS April 20May 20 Associate with friends today WHATAN EXISTENCE CHASIN ROUND AFTER THAT LITTLE MSTER ciinnywx In in us Pm 01 Hm us an oi we by MA HERE YOU A126 WOVEK EAT on ITS REALLVA SHAME By THE TIME THE INK DRIES Now HOW 00 VA FEEL ABOUT TH 5lX CENT YA 9AVEI7 ON THAT OFF WE aALi Ir BEEF SuRPIzisE ITS CHICKEN WORTH ONLV INFpNfiON HALF THEIR AWFUL Youre receptive as well as communicative and your pals will welcome the camaraderie you offer GEMINI May 21Juno 20 If there is something youve been wanting put your bright ideas to work today They Show promise of making or saving you dollars CANCER Juno 21July 22 Speak up Dont take back seat when dealing With Others Youll know how to be aggressive with out being offensive LEO July 23Aug 22 You could take charge of situation indi rectly and show others how 10 get what they want Chances are youll be making some people very happy MY FATHERS lowtwwé évafl THEYLL BE AINT CURRENT BOSS VALUE

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