rssaies helpagents SALESPERSON Full or parttime Ex perienced neat and well dressed Male or female Late model car van or station wagon World wide manufacturing sales organization Many products for customer repeat business Noinvestment No deadbeats Earning range $12000 $31000 plus For return call please leave your name address and phone number at 7371368 571014 75trade schools TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING Top Professional instruction for your class COMPLETE classroom in struction and on the road test included TUITION is tax deductible Participation Tractor Training Centre Professional Training Today for safety tomorrow BOX 336 DRILLIA TELEPHONE3257820 $14 cmm OPPORTUNITY GEORGIAN COLLEGE REAL ESTATE COURSES new series of the three mandatory INTRODUCTION TO REAL ESTATE courses will be starting in Barrie at am Monday September 17 1979 For information call 705 7281951 77legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of MURRAY WlLFRED LEE late of the City of Regina in the Province of Saskatchewan who died on or about April 23rd 1979 are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before September 28 1979 after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice DATED this 29th day of August 1979 Frederick William Lee Executor by his solicitors WILSON BURNS MENZIES CARROLL PALMER BUMSTEAD 118CollierStreet BARRIE ONTARIO 5714 78tenders licence 7Hmplgyment wanted IRONING Picked tip and Delvered 0er Call anytime ASS961 MWF08 LADY WILL DO cleaning light housekeeping days week for two bedroom apartment west end plaza or on bus route Phone eveings 778 4656 WHICH DAY IS BEST Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recommend that you start your ad tomorr0w and cancel it when you get results After many years of ex perience with millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to advertise in The Examiner Classified Section Phone 7282414 7strade schools S78lO1114 78tenders The Board of Police Com missioners hereby call for sealed tenders for the purchase or lease of three fullsized police patrol cars For certain delivery 01 January 1980 list of minimum specifications and tender envelopes may be obtained by applying to the undersigned by pm 28 September 1979 Tenders must be delivered to the Police Office 65 Vespra Street by pm 05 October 1979 Earl Snider Chief of Police 514 78tenders CORPORATix OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WEST GWILLIMBURY REQUEST FOR QUOTATIONS QUOTATION No 791 10 GAUGE ARCH CULVERT PIPE Quotations are requested for the following IO gauge Arch Culvert Pipe 165 40 corrugated riveted 10 gauge steel culvert pipe Atotal of 18 feet of pipe one twelve foot section and one six foot section Two couplers QUOTATION No 792 SUPPLY DELIVERY OF WINTER SALT Quotations are requested for 200 ton of highway course salt to be supplied and delivered to Laws Pit Concession 11 Township of WestGwillimbury QUOTATION No 793 SCREENING OF WINTER SAND Quotations are requested for the screening of approximately 4000 cubic yards of sand 2500 cubic yards are to be stockpiled at the site Laws Pit Concession 11 Township of West Gwillimbury 1500 cubic yards are to be hauled 006 kilometres and mixed with salt then stockpiled for winter sand Approximately 600 cubic yards of last years winter sand is to be remixed with salt Work is to be completed by October 3lst 1979 Quotations will be received by the undersigned at the Township Municipal Offices Bradford Ontario until 1200 noon September 19th 1979 Lowest or any quotes not necessarily accepted Milt Bowles Road Superintendent Township of West Gwillimbury PO Box 69 Bradford Ontario LOG ICC 514 Ontario Government Tender INVITATION TO TENDER Sealed offers are being called by the District Manager Ministry of Natural Resources Midhurst Ontario for the sale of 20000 gallon Wooden Water Tank mounted on steel structure ap proximately 80feet in height This Water Tower is located at Springwater Provincial Park Midhurst Ontario Vespra Township 79auction sales THURSDAY EVENING SEPT 20th at 445 pm sharp for LES Included in the sale is building with hot water furnace located at the base of the tower Tender forms and specifications are available from Field Ser vices Ministry of Natural Resources Huronia District Office MONDAY SEPT 24 at 1230 pm for the Estate of JOSEPH Midhurst Ontario LOL 1X0 Tender forms must be returned to the above office by September 21 I979 noon HIGHEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED Ministry of Natural Ontario Resources James Auld Minister Dr Reynolds Deputy Minister 514 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR ANGUS ROSS BA Registered Music Teacher Instruction in Piano and Theory Also tutoring in French Latin and other school subjects 91 Ross St Barrie ROSE ROSE uttered Accountants Samuel RaseCA Trustee in Bankruptcy 49 Collier St Barrie 7284949 7285775 JESSIE BRTSON Teacher of Piano Singing Theory Pupils prepared for examinations of the Royal Conservatory of Music Toronto All grades and ARCT Studio 27 Bradford St 72847 POWELL JONES C0 Chartered Accountants 24 Dunlap St East Barrie Ontario Telephone 7287461 TOWING SALES Superior Muffler Brentwood Road Angus VAAW 79fauction sales Qualified Recognized Authority AUCTIONEERAPPRAISER FARM SALES FURNITURE ESTATES ANTIQUES REAL ESTATE SELING SUCCESSFUL SALES SINCE 1957 MONDAY SEPT 24 at 1230 noon for Terrabona Farms Ltd Midhurst Clearing auction sale of full line of high class farm machinery all like new and well cared for DIRECTIONS km north of Barrie on Hwy 27 to Daron Road form located iust east of Midhurst village Follow signs TRACTORS Same Buffalo wheel drive diesel tractor 118 hp 500 hrs Same Drago WD diesel tractor 98 hp 1100 hrs TILLAGE EQUIPMENT Huard furrow way plow w3 pt hitch Ford furrow way plow w3 pt hitch Allis Chalmers series 1200 cultivator 21 AC wheel disc w24 plates 21 wide Beat Cat Western sprocket land packer 12 PLANTING EQUIPMENT Allis Chalmers row corn planter Int 10 seed and tart drill 13 run pt hitch FORAGE GRAIN EQUIPMENT New Idea Unisystem unit 702 w110 HP V6 Chev engine Sheller unit wbin stretcher attach for high moisture corn row corn picker head No 735 forage harvester row corn cutter head forage pickup head AC forage blower 2225 bus Turnco gravity boxes on and 10 ton wagons Kosten forage boxes on and 10 ton wagons Kongskilde corn scuffler row 220 Badger silo unloaders 1416 Badger silo unloader centre silo located silage distributors grain auger 20 long feed elevators MFS 5030 bus storage bin corn drying unit waerovent propane burner bin sweeper 5000 bus grain storage bin MILKING EQUIPMENT 3500 lb zero bulk milk tank wchart selfcleaning attach Buchanan Hall 1850 lb bulk milk tank Complete pipe line and milking equip wvacuum pump and motor electrical attach milker washer wself control unit OTHER EQUIPMENT pt hitch scraper Geo White 150 gal sprayer wdisc applying Sutaon equip sprayer boom ton wagon wflat rack Krone ton manure spreader combination flat bed trailer 40 open type hay elevator Forney model 225 electric welder 10 chain harrow Feterl Mfg Co Ltd rotary screen corn and grain cleaner w4HP Briggs and Stratton gas motor Sale will start at 1230 noon no small items Lunch wagon will be at farm Owners or auctioneer will not be held liable for accident or iniury to persons on property during sale day TERMS Cash or cheque widentificatian day of sale Nothing to be removed until settled for Absolutely no reserves Archer Colwill auctioneer SCL No Tel 7268904 PIFHER AUCTION SERVICE LTD 7264841 KNOWN FOR SERVICE AND EXPERIENCE GARDEN CENTRE AUCTION SALE SATURDAY SEPT 15 at 10 am sharp for GEORGIAN GARDEN CENTRE 487 Ste Marie St Collingwood Ont Sale of all trees shrubs evergreens etc fertilizer lawn ornaments house plants etc MONDAY SEPT 17th at pm sharp at HURON HIGHLANDS Lot Can Collingwood Twp mile south of Nottawa on Hwy No 24 turn west on the Pretty River Valley Road go approx 21 miles and turn north Vs mile Sale of antiques modern house furnishings collector items electrical appliances registered Arabian saddle or show horse horse barn etc Partial list includes Living room suite coffee end tables chairs inc rocking chair TV trunks fireplace equipment chests dressers tables heaters antique light from Peter borough lift locks lawn furniture ping pong table rota tiller set of riser fiberglass steps tool shed dog house garden tools TV aerial picnic table benches antique pine dresser whiffle trees buggy wheels antique plow gas cans quantity of paint kitchen set good refrigerator HD stove single beds furniture plus many more articles too numerous to list Also registered Arabian year old chestnut saddle or show horse desert bred from excellent stock 150 bales of hay horse barn portable 10 14 wheelbarrow etc Also property will be offered for sale inc 15 acres scenic property large bedroom recently renovated brick home large club house adiacent to Prov Govt Conservation Area Property subiect to reasonable bid WEDNESDAY SEPT 19th at pm Collingwood Curling Club Hume St Collingwood MARTIN electrician and the Estate of NELSON WATTERS former tinsmith Sale of sheet metal plumbing electrical supplies tools etc at 10 Eighth St Collingwood Partial list includes pipe and bolt dies all sizes tool boxes and tools electrical cable conduit pipe sheet metal books crimpers anvil propane tanks and torches pipe wrenches benders and fittings skill saws sabre saws black pipe soldering irons and pot rack for halfton truck sheet metal kango guns caulking fluorescent lamp fixtures springs nuts and bolts antique hand tools furnace controls new fixtures plus many more items too numerous to list SATURDAY SEPT 22 at 10 am Farm Auction Sale for the Estates of JOE JUODISIUS AND FRED FORD at Lot 14 Con 10 Sunnidale Twp miles east of Stayner V1 mile south of Sunnidale Corners Sale of farm machinery hay house fur nishings inc antiques etc Partial list includes MH No 22 tractor New Holland balers Cultivators seed drill chain harrows grain augers hay rake grain dryer cream separator manure loader for back of tractor drag disc trailer New Idea No 400 rake ft MF mower wheelbarrow poles form wagOns Pt cultivator bale stooker 36ft elevator water tank lumber cattle oiler scales vise Hay 3500 bales of hay large quantity of house furnishings inc antiques electrical appliances freezer fridge 24 stove etc antique kitchen cupboard bedroom living room kitchen suites dressers chests rocking chairs wardrobe parlor tables office desk wood cook range space heater hall tree treadle sewing machine plus many more articles too numerous to list Terms cash BAMBROUGH beside the New Lowell Conservation area Turn south at the New Lowell post office and go approx one mile Sale of house furnishings antiques electrical appliances color TV hp riding lawnmower hp snowblower etc WEDNESDAY SEPT 26th at 10 am sharp for MERV JOHNSTON Ont Sale of cars trucks wrecker boat trailer garage and shop equipment scrap iron snowmobile parts school bus new car parts etc SATURDAY SEPT 29th at 10 am for MRS BEAR at the Lions Den 84 Hurontario St Collingwood House furnishings an tiques MH pony tractor etc SATURDAY OCT 6th at 1030 am at Hawton Guns Supplies Heathcote Ont Sale of guns antiques house furnishings etc HOLIDAY MONDAY OCT 8th 10 am Important antique auction for Cal Kennedy Mrs Emily Palmer at the Lions Den Collingwood Ont Baby grand piano fine antique china many collector items inc Royal Doulton figurines $14 AUCTION SALE of furniture appliances ALLEN HORNER household articles glass Auction TIMI 335 °qe unmeaswrcos COUNTY co ectors ems Inens for sum woucu Far H°5l°ld to be held snore sun 22 AMQUGS AWNINGls commencing at 130 run KR NO BRADFORD Locatec at 22 YONGE sr ONT NORTH in the Village of Stroud phon°4167753659 or on Hwy No 11 across from the 7054534589 Stroud Plaza p11 Terms cash Home sold WANT ADS Vernon Ayres Auctioneer RR Stroud 5143 LEW 79auction sales EVENING AUCTION SALE Monday September 17 At 530 pm at the ALLENE FARM COUNTRY AUCTION CENTRE RR Bradford south from Cookstown on Hwy 27 five miles to Newton Robinson east on Concession 10 to sale Watch for sale arrows on day of sale Sale for the executors of the estate of the late MRS ANNIE BROWN of Beeton with in clusions Sale of home fur nishings appliances antique old furniture and articles pieces of brass crystal china etc including platform rocker wash stands dressers good inclusion of occasional chairs dining room table electric lamps oil lamp brass and bentwood hall stands beds with the unknown treasures from the storerooms sale with items of interest for the homemaker and the antique enthusiast Terms Cash cheques accepted with 10 Nothing to be removed until settled for ALLEN HORNER auctioneer SC No8 7054584589 $814MP 5°PUPIIS 9911595 THE PLANNING BOARD of the TOWNSHIP of VESPRA will be holding an Information Centre for the DRAFT OFFICIAL PLAN Saturday September 15 930 am12 noon 130 pm at the Municipal Offices Midhurst Ontario 51214 examiner patterns Future Heirloom unmade Frolicking lambs kittens puppy add charming touch to coverlet EASY frlet crochet coverlet thats sure to become family heirloom Crochet squares sepa rately lor prllowtops pictures or panel Pattern 7577 direc trons charts coverlet 41x55 $150 for each pattern Add 35¢ each pattern for firstclass mail and handling Send to Alice Brooks Needlecraft Dept The Exemlner 109 Crockferd Ivd Scarborough 0mm MIR Ont residents add 11¢ sales tax Print plainly Pattern Number Your Name Address EXCITING New 1980 NEEDLE CRAFT CATALOG With over 170 desrgns in great variety of crafts free patterns msrde Send $100 131Add Block Quilts $150 130SwealcrsSizes 38565150 129Quiclr Easy Transfers $150 lZBPalchworli Quilts $150 127Alghans Dailies 5150 126Crafty Flowers $150 lZSPetal Quilts $150 IZAGifts Ornaments Sl50 123Stitcli Patch QuiltsSl50 122Stuft Puff Quilts $l50 12lPillow ShowOffs 5150 IZOCrochet Wardrobe $150 ll9Flower Crochet $150 118Crocliet with SquaresSl50 llGNifty Fifty Quilts S150 lISRipple Crochet $150 litComplete Afghans Sl50 lIZPrile Afghans $150 IllHairpin Crochet $150 107lnstant Sewing $150 105lnstanl Crochet $150 102Museum Quilts $150 101Quilt Collection $150 Announcements SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Cards of Thle $600 minimum 40 words additional words 11 cents per word Births 00 In Memoriam no verse 8600 Verse per count line extra 23 cents Carving Events 3343 per column inch 81births BEN Cicely and Adrian are proud to announce the birth of their baby sister Kamitla Tenise lbs 15 01 September 4th Proud parents are Deborah and Walter Ben Jr KERSTENS Julie is pleased to an nounce the birth of her sister Kimberly Ann born Tuesday September 11 1979 Weight lbs 33 01 at RVH Proud parents are Pat and Carry Proud grand parents are Mr and Mrs Schultz of Barrie and Mr and Mrs Kerstens of Stayner Many thanks to Dr Fred Smith and the 4th floor nurses BISdeaths JACKSON Davrd Thomas At Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Wednesday September 12th 1979 in his 24th year beloved son of Don and Nighean Jackson Brother of Lynda Mrs Robert Shaer of Edmonton Robert of Barrie Cameron of Edmonton Patricia and An drea of Barrie Memorial service Sun day September 16th at 30 at Cal tier St United Church Barrie As ex pressions of sympathy donation to the charity of your choice would be ap preciated TRZEBINSKI Ewa At the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Wednesday September 12 1979 Ewa Trzebinski in her 62nd year beloved wife of Marian Trzebinski af Barrie Dear mother of Richard of Stayner and George of England Dear grandmother of David Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home 157 Bradford Street Barrie Visitation from Thursday at Funeral mass at St Marys Church Barrie on Friday September 14 at If Interment St Marys Cemetery 87in memoriams BECKINGHAM Ann Margaret In lov ing memory of dear mother and grand mother Ann Margaret Beckingham who passed away September 14 1978 In tears we saw you sinking We watched you fad away Our Hearts were almost broken You fought so hard to stay But when we saw you sleeping So peacefully free from pain We could not wish you back To suffer that again So treasure her Lord in Your garden of rest For when on earth she was one of the best Always remembered and sadly miss ed by Diane and Gary Patricia and John Arvilla and Ted and grand childrenm 77 ELRICK Alexander Mitchell In lov ing memory of dear husband father and grandfather Sandy who passed away September 14 1978 One sad lonely year has passed Since our great sorrow tell The shock we received that evening No one can ever tell But what it meant to lose you No one will ever know Its lonely here without you We think of you each day Life is not the same to us Since you passed away There was no chance to say goodbye Though no one wanted that chance more than It broke our hearts to lose you But part of us went with you too You were always thoughtful of others And gave willing hand kind quiet ageless man Who loved to work on the land Sadly missed by wife Jean children Janet Tom and Bob and seven grand children fiecoming events OPEN HOUSE 60th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MABEL Ii JOHN BEMROSE SUNDAY SEPT 16 1979 pm at SNEBA SHRINE HALL 141 JOHN ST BARRIE No gifts please Come celebrate and reminisce On our sixty years of wedded bliss Au225814 MR MRS HENRY BOER of RR No STROUD wish to invite friends and relatives to TROUSSEAU TEA at their home SUNDAY SEPT 16th 1979 from to pm and to pm for their daughter Margaret OPEN HOUSE AND DANCE on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of ALBERT MARGARET KELL Saturday September 22 pm am at Cookstown Curling Rink Come have the evening together No gifts please S7814152I PRENATAL CLASSES for UNWED MOTHERS To register please phone SIMCOE COUNTY DISTRICT HEALTH UNIT 7269300 Ext 236 WFTF BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers of the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however otherwise TF iii rE Risu Y0 LIMIT QUANTITIES DOMIHO STORES LIMITED CORRECTION In the Sept 1379 issue of The Examiner the following corrections were omitted TBone Steaks Read $299 SHOULD READ $296 Top Choice Dog Food kg pkg Read $109 SHOULD READ $299 We apologize for any inconvenience the examiner Friday Sept 14 1979 17 rce for Canada Do By DENNIS IATIIIIIII OfThe Examiner Canada Day activities in Barrie Iurnid wt to be great success say nrganrwrs Abdul 400 persons turned oul for ceremonies sponsored by city councrl at Centennial Park Sunday evening Then as an even larger turnout at the linrrii fair ounds for the second annual Examiner gtBB Canada Day celebration The Citysponsored ewnt Couldnt hau lumed out any better said the Offlilnlltf of theeveni Ald MegO Donal 115th your No 156 Tunedy July 1970 the The evening of activities at the park started with the mailing of the mammoth birthday cake thr alderman said It was enough to serve anoul 350 persons mostly senior crlmns and children Ald ODorialsaid Mayor Ross Archer and various city aldornuh shared in culling of the cake she said The Barrie Central Collegiate Band per formed unlil 30 They were followed by IIHIADTIKS display lasling about 20 minutes thealdmnansaid 16 Per Copy lts matter of conviction Church defies lnr to operate bible By NANCY FIGUEROA OITM Examiner Heritage Baptist Church wrll operate their Summer Vacation Bible School even though Innisfil Township says they are not allowed to Rev LeRoy Pennell pastor of the church said Saturday he will run the school today until Friday asa matter of convrction We have to teach the Blhlt if wr want to said Pennell If they Ilhc townshipl want In Iake us to court for teaching the Bible then they can do so The Summer Vacation Brblr School In valves 60 students in Bible studies from 30 to 11 am In the church building Thr week long school which was to hate operated June to 29 was cancelled June 28 after Mr Pennell received letter from the townships solicitor Marshall Green Mr Pennell met in Taronlo Friday with Elwood Wemg president of the Assocmlion of Independent Lhnstian Schools for Canada and With about 15 pastors of various denominalians from across Ontario Wenig who flew in from Vancouver for the meeting and the pastors were per trcularly incensed by the townships letter said Mr Pennell They could hardly believe municipality In Canada would make derision that you cant teach the Bible in church said Mr Parnell The letter came only two weeks after Ihe Supreme ourI of Ontario ruled the church could not continue operating day school on the church property The day school Heritage Chrislran Academy operated srnce Sept ma was ruled in contravention of township wning bylaws Former deputy reeve Ill nun mum rwnnwnn The entire process by number of be Ald ODonalsstd Next year well said Aid ODonel About 311 P950 Ieir grounds to not CKBB 43 in game The other evenls drew about 1500 the Examiners adv Othcr eclivities Theres something for every member of the family entertainment ideas hints on better living and budgets new hobbies and pastimes all covered in the wide range of features appearing re examiner In the Make your evening reading worthwhile by subscribing to THE EXAMINER DAILY the examiner